CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY itiiir a quay, rbiiiktti. Katr4 at poitofflee at PrlltTlllt. Orroo. o n .1 . I mttirr SUBSCRIPTION RATES -Invariably In Advnnc One 'ur Wx Month Three Month 80 oU Single Coie 75 ot 5 cm Advertising- Rata: Display .ivertiin ll.iM, 74 nu nd 50 om accunlinit to Utu ami pace Local Readi ll.OO per Inch. Biuinwi local cvntt l '!'. Oanl of Thank tl.V Revolution! o( Condolence am", "Lwl", etc. al and "latrtjr" Notion 1 cent a word. Mit- Honda Chypool loft today for a visit lo Portland, Frank Spinning is going back lo Miwouri to livp. Published Every Thursday at the Journal Building, Frinevill, Oregon THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1906 There are 156,4(t persona of school age, i. e., between the ages of 4 and 20 years, living in the state of Orecon. according to the teporta of county school superin tendents. This is only an increase of i percent for 1906 over 1905. Twelve counties show a decrease and 21 an increase. Crook county stands well up to the front of those counties that have not fallen be hind in school population. The increase for this county is nearly 13 per cent. We receive $3865.80 of the 9265,992 20 to be divided among the counties of the slate from the school fund. This is on the basis of 91.70 per capita. The government is increasing its army of rangers in the Cascade mountains in the hope of keeping down the fires that each summer ravage the timber reserve. If campers would be a little more careful many thousands of dollars would be saved directly and many more indirectly to the country at large. Most of our forest fires start from smouldering camp fires, notwithstanding the fact that no ticee are posted everywhere warn ing campers to be careful and ex tinguish them before leaving. Sum mons. In the ftivuit four! of the Stat of Oregon Tor t rook l oimtv, K. L. Hootri, lMaintifT, . v. Sarah X. Lameon. ami W. l-umwui, lier hufhatnl, Drfotiilants j To Sarah S. Lamsou ami H. WYl-ammm Drd-mlanls. IN T11K NAMK UK TUK !TATK OF ORKliOS. I You are hrr-ly mUirei to ajHW ami j answer the complaint Mod airamut you in itheatmre entiiliM anil within six Vwli from the date of the first mihlioation of ! this Mimiiionsi. hull date of tirst nuhltca- ; tion i the M hilar of August. ami if j vou fail so to answer for want thereof the I plaintifl will apply to said t'ourt for the ' ri'iii'f iieiiniiilei in saiii complaint. to-ll I That the saiil iWli-iulntita aiul each of tin-in he reiiuinsl to allfirv ana rl forth ...... , I their pretemleit interest or estate in ami to A ulspaiCIl iroill laconia lO Uie , P,....,. T..1.,.,.... i West hall of the Northwest iiuarter of Sh-- r.vo ....s. - uons,,,,! the Kast hall cftl.e Northeast tides of incortwration were filed 1 uuaiter of section 7, T. is s. K. 1.1 K of the . ; . Willamette .Morviinn in rook ountv August 5 OV J. K.-. DonnellV and i Oregon. Ami that theaame hea-crtaimil : i.. j.. ,i. e u ! and lieterinimil hy the decree of this Extension Railwav Co. to build Railroad to Prineville. t I'un, nun inai ine pmiiiiiu iihvv a utinr A I'l litis v ours inai ne is ine owner in irr 1 xininle anil in iwutwlon of the altoee ito railnad from a point on the left ! soribri real property and that the ili tVnd . i .i n i i i ants hare no interest or estate therein. nana, in me uMuiimm rivtT, near Either l.yal or ciuitahle. ami for such the mouth of the Deschutes river, ! ''S,1 " ix ,"wt in through the valley of that river to This summons is published in pursuance . ' to theonler of Hon. V. A. Hell. County a point near Madras, thence to judg of crook (untv, Oregon, which or- Bend, Or., with a branch line to Prineville, Or. The capitalization is 91,250,000. Considerable specu lation exists as to the parties he hind the move. Donnelly is a well known hotel man here, and Rrdstroni is a prominent contractor. der Wars date the Sthduv of AtK'Utt. l!Hl. M. R. Klliott, t'. t'. Linden ,V MiH'ain .V Vinton, Attorneys for I'laintirT. S-l-5w Attempted Jail Break. It now transpires since the exe cutors of the late Russel Sage have been delving into the dead finan cier's strong box, that the estate will reach in round numbers $150, 000,000. And yet the lawyers may have some good fat pickings from it for years to come on ac count of the carelessness of hand ling dates. Mole hills are magni fied into mountains when seen through golden spectacles in the hands of astute lawyers. The condition of Russia is not a pleasant picture to look upon these times. Anarchy and outrage is everywhere. In Warsaw the prin cipal shops were plundered, goods dragged into the streets, fought over and carried away. The law abiding people could not stem the tide- of lawlessness. The police were powerless and all who tried to interfere were shot down or clubbed to death. Typhoid is epidemic in San Francisco and is directly traceable to unsanitary kitchens. It is not a water epidemic but caused by swarms of house flies. These flies come in contact with filth in the kitchens and then carry it to the lood that is consumed in soup kitchens, restaurants, cafes, etc Redmond Fair Notes. We are going to have the best kite-shaped track in Central Ore' gon for our races. It is the "Made- in -Oregon" kind not shipped in from "back East." We will have brand new build ings, running water and camping facilities for those who desire. We especially invite exhibits of goods other than those provided lor in tne premium list and we will offer all facilities possible for their proper exhibition. Our lists are quile full in live stock, farm products and (now, ladies, sit up and take notice) culinery, textile, fine arts and dairy departments Individual prizes run as high as 925. Premium lists will be sent out as soon as published to those who request them. See address below. Make entries early. Books open September 1. If there is any dif ference in accommodations it will be in favor of the earlier entries. We expect Prineville to do her best to send over a winning tug-of-war team. Prizes announced later. Remember we eat lots of sand and grit up here and it makes us pull hard. We have some good two and four horse teams for pulling, too, but still we are ready to be shown something better. Watch the papers for further particulars and if you don't see what you want write to E. C. Park, Secretary. Notict of Salt of RmI Estate. Notice is hereby given; that in pur suance of an order of the t'onntv Court of Crook county, Oregon, made on the 2nd day of July, HHHi, In Ihe matter of the estate of Joeeph W hit heM, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to continuation bv the said t otinty Court, on Saturday, the Sth dav of September . , . .1 i;"W, av iwo u rim a ill inr anrriimiii ai Adams, one of the prwonere at tlw olirlhouw door in iTinvilW, Or- the county jail, made a break fori iron, till the right, title, interest -mid feiit -v r . nn . I l . -i . n i mr ft ... . ... ""'"'6' ' i the time of hie death and all the right seems that it is the nractice of the title and interest in the said estate may ' V. n m.i ii i r.wl in mt.litiitn ti tlidf il tli county officials in charge of the 1 ,, ',lh i,i,Hi.i t n, ti,.. .,f hi. prisoners to let them eat outside of ; death, in and to all that certain lot, ..... t. . i piece or pan-el of land Iving and being the tail during the hot weather. ., ,t, , v ., ... (.w,fc i .w. Adams took advantage of this t and bounded and described as follows privilege but did not succeed in I getting away. He ran from the jail to a clump of willows back of Mr. Yanderpool's place in the south part of town, where Deputy Sheriff Combs took him in charge and marched him back to jail. There is no doubt in the minds of the officials but that the attempt of Adams was a part of a scheme to liberate the whole gang. It was thought that when the officer in charge saw a prisoner making his escape he would immediately give chase and thus give the others a chance to skidoo. But it didn't turn out that way. Deputy Combs did not lose his head. He marched the other prisoners back to their cells and then followed up the fugitive. In the meantime a man on horseback and several citi zens took up the chase. Adams was made to crawl out from his hiding place and surrender. If you want the county news take The Journal. Board of Equalization Notice. On Monday, August 27, 1900, the Board of Equalization will attend at the office of the County Clerk, at Prineville, Or., and publicly examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors in val lation. de scription, or qualities of lands, lots or other property; and it shall be the duty of persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed. The board of Equal isation shall continue their sittings from day to day until the examination and cor rection shall lie completed, and if such ex amination and correction lie not complet ed within the week in which it is required to meet, it shall be the duty of the County Court at its next term thereafter to com plete such examination and correction in the same manner and with like etlect as the Bord of Equalization is required to do. J. D. I aFollettk, 8-9-3t Assessor. to-wit: Lots tine and Two in section Xinetien iu Township Twenty South of Range Eleven Kast and the Fast half of the Northeast quarter of Section Tpentv-four in Township Twenty South, ot Range Ten Kast of Willamette Mer- ndian. Terms and conditions of sale, Cash Dated August 9, V.m. M. S. MAVriKi.n, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph hittield. Deceased. IWautilulljr located in Portland. ChY-gnn. otieri unsurpassed facilities (or the cul lure and education of young women. Special opportunities tn Music. Art. Languages and Liter ature Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab oratories. Her ba nam and Mineral Cabinet. Tha largest and oldest Ladies' Seminar in tha Pacific Northwest, it en jots a national reputation (or ii parting the best physical, mental and moral train ing and developing true womanhood. Equips socially and educationally (or the most eialted station. Confers Academic and Collegiate Decrees by Mate Authority Interference with convictions ol noo -Catholics rs scrupulously avoided. Academy is ideally I r-a ted amid inspiring scenic advan tages. Social opportunities such as are available in no other ctty on the Coast. Buildings large and commodious, well lighted, heated and ventilated dormitories and private rooms supplied with all modern conveniences. The institution la liberal and progressive without sacrificing the character and trad. lions ( age and achievement. Terms nimlest. Satisfactory relerences required. Write for announcement hookU-t Board and tuition $1' per year. Address S sir r Superior. St. Mary's Academy PORTLAND. OREGON, U.S.A- Pacific University FOREST GROVE. OREGON. A HIGH-GRADE COLLEGE WITH Superior Equipment. Beautifully located twenty-six miles from Portland. Full regular colieire courses Academy gives strong: preparatory and Hiirn School courses. Conservatory of Music, and i-chool of Art, with superior instructors. Business branches taught Gymnasium and Kield Athletics under a Physical Director. Well-equipped Laboratories. Library of 13.(x Volumes. Healthful social life: religious influences All student enterprises active. THE SCHOOL THAT STANDS FOR THE BEST in EDUCATION WRITE FOR CATALOGUE m SOMETHING NEW Eilers Piano House RENTAL CONTRACT PLAN Choice New Pianos at Wholesale $5 Down and $5 a Month Since we are to reopen our new retail store early next fall, we feel that we do not want to drop out of the retail business in the meantime. In order that our large wholesale warehouse at corner Thir teenth and iorthrup streets (which property we own) does not become filled up with Pianos and Organs, and in order to keep things moving, we are offering the choice of any of .these fine new Pianos at actual Wholesale and less than wholesale. In addition you can buy any of these beautiful Pianos on a new rental payment contract, paying $5 down and 5 a month. Think of it, your choice of fine new pianos at the bare wholesale cost and at the small payments of $5 per month. Write today for catalogues, etc. EILERS PIANO HOUSE "The House of Hitflimt Quality," !t53-.'55 Washington St PORTLAND, OH. 8-9-2t Notice lo Creditor. N'ulic is hcrvliv sivcti to nil wmim having cUmm m;iiin-i I lie rUU' nl Win. ArmMroiirf. tlivcrtMsl, to invent I hem with llic ncct'iwitrv vouchor, to the utiili-r- Utmil, the iliiniiitrmor of iil r!;m, nt InsottWin l'riin' illc, Cniron wtilnn u months from Iho ilsle of ihU noitcv. l'.ilisl this 21 h it.iy of J hup, l'1' M. K. Ki i iott. Administrator oft lie etlt of Win. t Armstrong. iIii'ism-,!, NKfFiMl SttlMt. Notice U hereby isivn to all icroiis' rii . llmllitsiT 1 Nellv a hveeiiuix of tli K-liite of J. S. Klly, IooomiI, liai IiIpiI Iter tlnal account a nueh htecotrit with the ion in v t'lerk of Crook i-onntv. Oregon, mot the court ha,- set Mond.'iv, (he !tnt itny of iihniwr, .'.Mi, at ten o oloek in the foreulxui an the time for hearing saiil r'inal lienor!, anil all iei-soiui having ohjii'lionn to aul remrt aw herehv re. miirxM io ireM'lll ine Mine ai Mini nine. Pnloil this "Jrill ilav of June, !!, tiHAl K I., K KI.I.Y, Kivulri of the Klaie of W-Tt J. S. Kellv, iliii a-ed. CITATION In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the Oouiuv of Crook. In the matter ot the r.Male or ( ,.,,, ... CO. A Mils ' itallon ToHU.-ia Amh mid all heirs unknown of C. t. AmUi, IHveased OKKKIINO: IN TUK NAMK OK TIIK STATU OK OKKtiON, You are herehv citinl and reouirtnl to aiv- tear in the County t 'ourt of the Slate of, for the County of Cnmk, nt the Court rKm thereof, ai I'riueville in the County of Crook on Monday the St I ilnv of September, KkUt, ai 2 o'chn k, ill the nfler- iuhiii ol that ilnv, then an, I mere 10 now caue, if any there tie, why anorlerihouUI ni4 l made hy the I ouiity ourt lor CnHik County, Oregon, aiithoriaing ami ilinvting SV. A. Itooili. aiiiuini'-tralor ol sulil eitate, to wit the real properly la" longing to sitiil estate, which naid real estate is ilescrilwd ai follows: The North- et uuarter ol Section Kleven III I own- shin iwelve South, of Kange Sixteen Kat of Willamette Mernlian in Oregon, at pub lic sale for the MiriHwe ol paving the claims against the estate aiul the i-o.-ls and exnonses ol adininistratmn. W tness. the Hon. W.A.HM.1.. juilge of the County Court of the Slate ol Oregon lor the County of Crook with the seal ol .said Court athxed, this 'JWIulay of July. A. U. !!. Atricr: Wkhs IlaowN, Clerk. 7-as-np Notice for Puhlicution. Oepartmcnt of the Interior. Ijind Ottice ul The lalles, On-goii. July .to, l!MI Notice is hereby given that John W, Snyder of I'rinevillc, Oregon, has tiled lat tice of his intention to make linal commu tation proof in support ol his claim. .111: Homestead Kntrv No. H;!ili made MirS i. Itktt for the W", N K', and NV, : Swlion K. Township It S , IJange l.'i K., W. M.,audthat said pnsif will hv made W fore the County Clerk, ul I'rinevillc, gon, on S'pteiiiwr M h Ue niuneii the following to prove his roll linuoUA residence uoii, and cultivation of, the laud, vii : William K. Mason, Andrew S. r'ields, Joseph K. 't'avlor. of I'rineville, Oregon, Kdwanl M. Live, of Uimonta, Oregon. MiciiaklT. Noi.xsi, a-1'.p.l Uegtster. Notice for Publication. Department of tlie Interior. UihI OfBce at The Dulles. Oregon. July a I. ItXi. Notice U hereby given thut Charles K. Wilcox, "f Ijononta, Oregon, has hied no tice of his intention to make linal commu tation proof in support of his claim, via: Homestead Kntry No. I3ts;t mm e January 12, I'.HH, for N W of the Stflj Section IS, Township IS S Range U E.. W. .M., and that said proof will be made Is-fore D. I. Kea, I'liiled Slates Coniniissioner, at bin ottice, ill Madras, Oregon, on August S, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, via: Thomas Mcihce, Levi Knorr, Frank Miller, S. D. Tierce, allot I.amonta, Ore gun. MIC1IAK1. T. NOI.AN, 7-2S-re Register. I Pb BBF HHF W iF W F W Agents for Butterick Patterns and The Delineator Q $ SPECIAL 30 DAYS' SALE 0wj ltii; Price Reductions in all lines of Ladies' and Children's Sum- $J fjS mer (loods. Watch our bij; show windows for the Best Cash Values ever offered in Crook County. jj Qj& A Wash Skirts 11 .1: 1 f ' 1. 1 ...1 1- i. ... r Vw ' roiii-t iiou 01 v r.iMi aim aim vuioit v ovt T LVj Wash Skirts, all rotuul lt'iiillis: jusl thr lliiii( s for your Summrr Ouliny. u 1 votir t hoiit lor . I-"' - y,u,r di"if lor IaiI your cIiiiut lor n $ .85 1.25 2.50 Special in Gloves 83 Iilit'it' Silk Knit liluvcs in vsliilc, Mark ittl yf th.imiitilinr coloni si.t-s 6 lo 8, all Iwo tlasp pah-nl laslt'iiiTH. Ki' $1.50 vulucx. rl Special for Thi Sale $1.00 m Lailifs' wkilf kitl "luvrs, all sirs. Kryular $1.50 values. Sut ial lor lliix s.ile $1.00 Ladies HeKiilar $:i.iS() values Special Sale Price $2.00 Ladies Regular $2.50 values Special Sale Price $1.65 Children's Kculnr $2.25 values Special Sale Price $1.45 SPECIAL IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S 93 tam nvrrDnc I Til n KJl WIVJLO M m i m i KPRINEVILLE'S BIG STORES . . ... Vi WUKZWLILLK & 1 HUMoUiN, Prineville Oregon Hosiery for Ladies ... . Summer Dress and Children asn oooas Goods Ulit-s lace lislt- Iiom. in wlnlf. MwrrimlCra.i in while. F-nry Silk VmisM Oryamlitx black ami Ian. all sirs: mjular rrram. Ian. l.rown and 9m n h, Ufyp a!iM)rt(cn C()or! 3fc values. Special 25c Statics. Special This Sale 20c CliiUreni lace l.sle l.os, in : ClwnBr.Me Silk. PonUre. Mo. while, black ami Ian. all sizes ol,on Cv,f,!i. H 0"l shailes hair. Ponness ami Fanry Collun Regular 25r ami 3Sf valu.-s ami plenty ol limit. HeUular 20c FoulurJa. ALL RKDUCKD Special per pair 20c values. Special This Sale 15c FORTIUS SALE Timlier Ijiii'l, Art of June 3, 17S. Notice for Publication. 1,'nittil 8tU' l.nml Otliri'. The l)aii-, Oretton, Juljr 21, I'.MI. Notire ia liercliy Riven tlmt in compli ance with the pruvutioiiH of the aot oi i'dii-isrc-M of June 3, XH'H, entitleil "An art for tin- Male of timlirr lands in the Stuti' of California, Ou'koii, Nevadu, anil Wu.iliiiiK ton Territory," aa extemleil to all the l'ul lie htatea by iu t ol A'iKuit 4. ixtri, the lollnwiii); periona have tileil in tiiix of lire their Hwnrn etaU-nmi tii, to-w il: Kilwanl Kwirii Nara, of Prineville, county of CriKjlc, utate ofilreon, hwitii stiiteuient No. ?.), tiled June l!dl. for the pun hase ol the HW'-i NW'J, N l4 hW ami sVV ',; BWJi, Section 4, Tp, j K., II. 19 K V..I. lieorcc F. Curtis, of Portland, county of Jl iiltnomah, xtate oiUrei!on, xwnru Hlute. inent No. ajH2, tiled July 10, l!Mi, for the purchase of the HK'4, Section ti, Tp. 1J 8., K. 19 K.. W. M. Kachiellus K. Jones, of Prineville, coun ty of Crook, mate of Oregon, sworn stiitn uient No. Zm tiled July 10, 1!MI. for the purchase of the XK4 NWaml LoU 3 t and ft. Section II. Tn. 14 8.. It. til K.. W. M. That they will iitl'er proofs to dhow that t le lanns solium are more vaiuanie lor inr timiieJ or stone thereon than for auricul- tural puriHixeH, and to establish their i. ... . :. i.. i.. i...f CIUII1IH w BU1U lauoa iieiiiie ine i.cipit'r and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on October 12, VMi. They name the following witness.: Kdward E. Sears, Kachiellua K. Jones, liy ron Cady, H. A. Foster and Perry Poin deter, of Prineville, Oregon; Vernon K. Cady and Waller K. Caily, of Kverett, Washington. Any and all persona claiming adversely any of the aliove-descrihed lurids are re quested to file their claims in this otlice on or before the said 2nd day of October, llJOU. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. 7-2-pd Register. Timber Land, Act of June 1H78. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, July 21, Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act tf Con gress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the ale ol timlier lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory, at extended lo all the I'ni lic Land States by act of August 4, Wtl, the following-named persons have on July 14, 1906, tiled in this ollice their sworn statement, to-wit: William J. Harlow, of Coeur'd Alene, county of Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn statement No. 2!Hi5, for the purchase of the WW hKJi and KW'4, (section 1, Tp. 14 ., it. 1H K , W. M. John H. jarrett, of Coeur'd Alene, coun ty of Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn state ment No 2994 for the purchase ol the Lots 3 and 4 and H'A HY, Section 5, Tp. 14 S., K. 19 K., W. .VI. Thomas P. McAuley, of Tacoma, county of Pierce, stute of Wa-Iiington, sworn statement No. 2993, for the purchase of the Lots I and 2 and b NK, Section 6, Tp. 14 H It. 19 E., . M. That they will oiler proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish their claims to said limn before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Oc tober 3, 1906. They name the following witnesses: Thomas P. McAuley, of Tacoma, Wash ington; John II. Jarrett and William J. Harlow, of Coeur'd Alene, Idaho; liyron Cady and A. C. Knighten, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the aliove-describcd lands are re quested to tile their claims in this ollice on or before the said 3rd day of October. 1906, MfCHAKLT. NOLAN, 7-28-pd Register. A IT 1.1. LINK OK Machines and Records ALWAYS ON II AND. Subscribe for The JOURNAL C L U It H I N (1 H A T 11 S The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal $1.50 year no ear 1 he Crook County Journal Both Papers $1.59 year $3.00 year TUK VV'IXXKK CO. Prineville - Oregon 31 3 :CtC:-; &)H i33K Singer Sewing Machine Co. Will tllkl' dill IIIIU'llllll'K liH'XrliiillKi'fiiriiow oiiom 5 m Will Hell .vnti inni'liiiii'H 'if mi I in ill t lily uiy ini'iilK 1 a All IvIikIm nf ri'imlr work ilnii liy our itKoiit who W m Ih iiIho (lie mil liorlzi'il 2 colliH'tor for all iiiiiiicvm S ilito flu-fiiiiipfiiiy. 9 Forfiii'tlii-r liiforiiiatioii $j luiiiiri of I WILL PERCY, Agent A At the llenkle residence, one block west of the Postollire, Prineville, Or L cD cciceciCif;!icci;ii;e IS: -mi - : i LIS We pay on lime (li Kils, curicnl rales on aving accounts, ri'teivc dcposiU tutijccl to I-:k, anil do a general bank ing business.. You cm have llie advantages of a strong bank al yi'Ur very dooi by using ihc niaik Sc rid us your rli'o.i!s. Acknnwlrtlg n: rJ will Ix- fr,l you by return mail. Savings account received from one do! Open an account with us and note liciw rapidly il will yrow. ). HA'-K WATSON. WI R. I.. IJtHIIAM. Vki IVuJ.m V. 1 1 I U.H. S-oilair S. r. CAICItlSGS, Am. SmHy V 7". T tVAOH.&T. PCHTLAND.CJPE, Cluhhing Rates lor lite Weekly Grenonian al the Same Rale as Ahove The 0. K. Meat Market a I kuuu LSKUo., rropnetors fDeealers in Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Butter Eggs and Country Produce !$j The following Is a list of our Prices on Meats Ioin Steak lioiiiul Steak - -Slioulilor Steak I'litin KuiihI Boi f Prime Hib HoiiMt V.!ll RoilHt Loin Million Chopo 11 1. i it Mutton C'Iioih Vtial ChopH Pork Loin I'ork Suunage - Hamburger Bologno 1'Jjl'lH MT iouni Kk tH WT JKIUIlll UK ts wt iouml Hcl jx'r pountl lOtta J)IT jiouiul 12jctf per iouih1 '2i: per jiound l(k:U JMT i()Ut)ll l'iJctH per iound 12:tH per poii ml lOcto per pound lOcU p;r pound IOoIh pr pound When you are buying anything in this line give ut a call We Guarantee to Treat you Right Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention Closing Out Sale OF LADIES' FURNISHINGS, Etc. Having decided to discontinue from carrying Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line of these goods will therefore be sold at ACTUAL COST Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as it means a big saving of money to you. We have in stock useful articles of wearing apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices and you will buy. THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Propric tor m letiliJiSiSil OilfiQiBiDiDilDgQiBiD