FOSTER I HORIGRN Are headquarters for the best of everything in their line. They quote the following priees on meats: Loin Steak Hound Steak . . Shoulder Steak Prime Rib Koast Flain Roast Itoil IVef Pork Chops Loin Mutton Chops Shoulder Mutton Chop Leg Mutton Veal Cutlet Veal Roast Veal Stew Sausage Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or in chunk. We have priees that are RIGHT We also make a specialty of our own make of Hams, Bacon and Iard. Guaranteed to be striclty first class in both Qualitv and Flavor FOSTER I if TiTJ3VCBEIR, ri k J n GILBERT'S Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas and Confectionery Candies nre fresh daily from the Prineville factory, the only one In the county. Quality mul flavor unsurpitsseil. SuiH-riority lum alwnys lut-n the test of UilliertV. The snine fiu'tory is turniuir out the bent grade of let? Crenm made from pure eream. Your patronagre once neettreti will never Ik- lost. Present Location with Rideout & Foster LJ r.i t J ri LJ r.i cn CU r,l WJ ri LJ ri t j n LJ r.i Vhe fie c option SMITH k CLEEK, Troprictoks Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED k Post Ollice MAIN STREET THE HAMILTON STABLES BUCHANAN & ALLEN, Proprietors PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent innri ri 17 J r.i LJ ri L"J d LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ n LJ r i LJ n lj ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ r. i L'J Prineville Machine Shop E. G. HODSON, Proprietor I am prepared to do all kinds of Machine work (except casting) such as boring Engine cylinders, dressing valves and valve seats, lifting shafting lor any kind ol machine, also plow and edge tool grinding, saw gumming and filing. Having installed new and up-to-date machinery for the above work, I can, in most cases, save you money over sending to Portland for repairs, say nothing about time saved which is cer tainly quite an item. At any rate give me a trial and then you will be in a position to judge for yourself. A supply of material kept on hand at all times. Shop 100 feet East of Prineville Flouring PRINEVILLE, OREGON Job AT 'ouraa II VI c x-r pound 10rt per pound .3 pounds tor S.Vt lGvt per pound " and Sot per jound 6 and Seta per pound 12 Jot per pound 12 Jots per pound KVts per pound 10vt per pound 12 Jet per pound 10 to 12Jcts per pound lr pound lOU per pound the HORIGAN Shingle, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, ti lasses, Etc. Ete., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEV1LLE, OREGON ) rs LJ r i LJ t.y LJ r i L J r LJ ri LJ jla r i L J r..i LJ r .t LJ I .1 LJ r..i LJ Box 92 PRINEVILLE, OREGON LJ r.i L J ri LJ ri L J ri LJ ri L J r 3 L J r.i L J ri LJ ri LJ ri L J ri L J ri L J ri L J ri LJ r.i LJ r.i Mills ,j rinnr iririrTirinririi ljljljljljljljlul jljljljlj THE Printing Office FACTS ABOUT ALFALFA ( From tirxt pnv.) through the crevice in the rock in the roof of the tunnel water cam out drop by drop; through the aim crevice came also root of plants; these were found to be at- f:ilfa roots, which came down from an old field of the plant over the tunnel through a depth of soil and rock of 120 feet." 1 his unusual penetrating power is of I he greatest agricultural in) portance. The alfalfa thereby not onlv obtains its food from far lie- low the root range' of ordinary crops, thus leaving the surface store for shallower feeders, but when these deep-boring roots die and decay they leave not only their own fertilizing properties nut innumerable openings tor air and moisture and humus from the surface to penetrate. This, at first thought, might not appear of much importance, hut in a well set al falfa field five vears old, five feet below the surface there would be trom iu to iiu roots to each square foot, averaging an eight of an inch in diameter, reaching directly from the surface. With this fact known, the value of alfalfa as doth a sub- soiler and fertilizer is more easily appreciated. Cattlemen Make Big Shipment. There was shipH'l from thin city says the Pendleton Tribune, over the W. A C. K., 340 head of cattle all consigned to Frye, Bruhn k Co., of Seattle. The price brought for the steers averaged .'1.50, while the cows brought to their owners 2.25 on foot. The average weight of the steers was 1200 pounds net ting each about $40. The cattle are all grass fed. This is the biggest and best ship ment of cattle that has been ship jed out of the Camas Prairie fur several years, but according to the cattlemen of the region it will In eclipsed before the summer is over as there are now over 2000 head which are being prepared for ship ment during the summer and fall. On account of the poor price for beef at this time last year the stockmen did not ship more than they had to, but as there ha.s been a rise in the price for beef on hoof this year, a good many of the cat tlemen took advantage of it and sold. War on the Range. A Boise dispatch says that J. B. Lafferty, forest ranger in charge of the Weiser forest reserve, brings news from the Salmon Kiver country which indicates that more bloodshed may occur in that lo cality in connection with the range war. There are a lot of hard char acters in that section who are look ed upon as stock rustlers. These desperadoes have made war on set tlers taking up land, and several murders have been done, the last being that of Tennyson Wright last year. Mr. Lafferty states that all the farmers in the vicinity of what is called White Bird hill have been warned by notices tacked on the doors of their cabins that they must leave by July 25 on pain of death. Library Apportionment. The following is the County Library Apportionment and direct ors should make selections as soon as practicable. Selections must be made and sent below before August 10 or the Commission will make selections: 1 $25.91). 20 $1.20 42 $UK) 2 2 70 21 1 20 4.'J 2 20 3 2 20 22 10 m 44 a !H) 4 1 10 2 00 45 4 :il) 5 2 10 24 1 W) 4 M) fi 2 00 25 2 00 4H 1 20 7- :t 20 2 4 40 49 2 40 8- 2 20 27 2 20 50 2 90 9- 4 00 2H 2 :i0 51 1 70 10- 4 00 32 8 80 52 4 70 11- 4 0 3:i 2 00 53 H 20 12- 13 90 34 90 54 IJ 30 13- H 60 35 1 00 55 2 B0 14- 3 SO 30 3 70 58 1 20 15- 2 40 37 1 80 16. 4W 3n 120 17- 3 20 39 170 IS- 3 50 40 2 70 19- 4 00 41 80 C. U. Dinwiddle, County Superintendent. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the undersign ed administratrix of the estate of Lemuel G. Boone, deceased, to the creditors and all others having claims against the estate of Lemuel G. Boone, deceased, to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 12th day of July, 1906. ELLA BOONE, Adniiiistratrix of the Estate of Lemuel (i. Boone, Deceased. Want Ads rar Nu'.iooi llii hi'ml IH ! linrvi Ht tho ritumf Out t'snt r rt prr inxrrlioit. Nothing l' thn Snmi. WANTKI Lmn of l-NHXi. Kx.tllmt Jmiriml. bVR SALK : l'.KH) . rv rm-li. purtly on crvk ttottum nl partly in lluo M.vunlHiu Fonwt UKt'rve. Sniulilo (or h, horwi) or raltl. lVrnmmnl wuitor aixl niiuimor rrtn. riiilyf Val. rt-iS-lmp. KlR SALK: Two Sati.mal KomKirail- m, om well Horiiii! molmn hiuI slip orar!i an.l plowc. l airfl impvpil modcla. All i-w. Kor nali al a baivain. t'auli or approv.! iwiirilv. K. .. It. Slianiko. AiUlrvim ti. K. Kkiuhwi, Klo, W'anb. iw.'S-lmp. VOW. SALK. UO m-roaof ifnod laiul, IU(l -rt of fiil inoiulow, IUI m-nn of nlfnlfu, linlaiiiv kmI ptun IhihI: nil nniK r ;-w(iv fomv ml will In- Hold for f" an tun1. All tools thrown In. 'JO lu-iul of liora. Itroki'ii. TIKI hwul otcatllf, moat of them atiak rat tli'. aonn ativra. vi'urlamla aut 2-yenr-olila. all for fl'tt.OOO. Part oaali. Imlamv on i-aay ti'rniH. Kor further nforinatloii ln- oulrv st L V. Itallo.v, Paulina, t,)tvKn. i-U-tf LOST. One white mare, 6 years old, law brow n spot on riuht eve, shod behind, brand wine cup, gentle, weiirh about One 1 vear old orre' colt follow iiurv, itt'ldingj small star in forhead rope mark on left fetlock ; very gentle. IVKKASel! I'lHoa., tt-7-4t I'lme Kail?, Oregon. Eatray Notic. There came to my place alxmt eight months ago one bla k mare alout 9 or 10 years old, weight alnrnt lOO pound, with a blotched brand resembling M on left hip. Owner can have same by paying al' charges'. Also one gray how about 10 year old branded thus on left hip; weight about 1000 pounds. It came to my place six month! ago. Owner can have same by paying all charges. I.ih Nifiieiji, "ti-7-4t I lay I'reek, Or. Death From Lockjaw never follows an injury dresisl with Buckleu'a Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood (siisouiiig. ('has. Oswald, merchant, of Kensdilaersville, X. Y., writes: "II cnretl Seth llurch. of this phuv, of the uulie-it sore on his neck I ever saw." Cure Cuts. Wounds, liurns ailil Sores. 25c at I. I'. Adam-ou & l.'o., and Tem pleton vt Son's drugstore. Found Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William, On tario, Canada, who has suffered quite a numler of years from dvsiiepsia and ttreat pains in the stomach, was advised bv her druggist to take Chamlierlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and savs, "1 tin. I that ther have done me a great deal of gissl, I have never had unv suffering since 1 began using thein.'' If trouble 1 with dysepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? Kor sale by D. P. Adamson &. Co. The Very Beat Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. liorroughs an old and well known resident of Isluffton, In. I., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy us the very Ih-sI remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remeuy in my family for several years. 1 am never without it." This remedy in nl most sure to dp neeueo ne ore it sum- uier is over, oiiyiiiii uuy it now auu.fih; .SW',, ol Section .No. V3, m Town be prepareiJ for su:'h an emergency? i ship No. Vi S., Kange No. Iti K., W. M., For sale by D. P. Adamson & Co. . ami will utter proof to show that the Ian.. I sought is more va'uuhle fur its timber or . stone than lor agricultural purposes, and IT DRAW'S HARD On wnnian's vitalitv to do . , . k niler how which Sta is uulitted, and we wonilc Wilue of the W'ftim.n 5 5 of our land live -f.Ve? thmueh a siiui. . season of pleasit.-e or dissipation. Tltey will any with tears in their eyes, when they mention the sub ject at all, "U is a nurd pull,' that with pain, weak ness and weariness they am "almost dragged out."! fliiiny, in this eon- i nil fn. resort, tn nleili!i ii! and " liiviiffirants" the nfier eifccts n1 which are very injurious. Dr. It. V. Pierre, f.irt.v vesrs iitro fnnnrf that women were being mistreated No- 18, made March 26, PK3, for NJ throiirrh ieuorancn or can:lei-siiess and KW N W)4, Section , Townstup H, determined to devote his life and energies ! H., Jiange 14, K. W. M by Charles Luw Ui their relief. will, Contested, in which it is alleged that Ihirhiij J'litntl the ctiune of their suf- "aid Charjes 1-awwill has wholly ahaiidoii feiint?. he nrjrt H'liiyM fr the innuin of ; d said tract; that he has never resided ii rilk f. and found In Suture' MnrnUtry on or been seen upon said tract ; that he me eanu, cerium roots which had re markable and valuable medicinal virtues for tile cure of those ailments. U-ing chemically pure glycerine, of pros-r str-nzth instead of alcohol, ho prepared x tracts of these, and the, result so satisfactory that th combina tion liecame his " Favorite Prescription." The roots used are: Lady's Slipper root, Illack Coho-h root. Unicorn root, Jiluo Cohosh root and (iolden Seal root. The world knows it as Dit. I'ikik.'e's Favor itk I'kksckiitiox, which lias the won derful and unpiiralleled record of a half miliion of cures In tho last forty years. Write to Dr Pierce, Iliidalo, N. Y., for aivlce, given without charge. "I am itlad to lo able to lestlfv as to the merits of lr. 1'lerce's Favorite Prescrlntlon for the many Ills that women eufTcr with," writes Miss Gertrude Mitchell (President Voting Ladh-s' Christian Kudcavor :.s-leiy), 43 Columbia Street, F... Detroit, Mii-h. "After many years of sijirei-inir and D im. I u.oa your medicine, and in a short time lieiran to feel stronger, In-eame n.ore i--uiilar ai..l didn't have the bcHrimr-fiown n.-iitis wnicli ,rf o'.l'T,'. Hh"1.' ""'T cease to be very irrateful that It was broi.;:,.t to my notice. I In ve no pains, and eel much (Monger seiier.-tlly." lr. Pierej's Fv-I!ets cleanse tho clogtred vstem from acci-Miilatod bnpun'te There ire more IWcCft I i Pat ter nld In this Unftcsl Stfttm than ot any other make ot nauerne. 1 ill is on acco.jtit ol llirir style, accuracy and fimplicity. 1" Viill'e ?ll nacilne'TheQuren of FWon) bl BtfitMilisirJiT, ih;m a.iy ulhrr Ladies' MaK 'nte. One ye:-r' H.i!,--rri1.ii..ri (12 nunioe') co,l, 50 cents. Latest rumiftT, ."i cents. I- vciy subacribergeta a Mctall ir-at-ter.i Free. Sjiiowcribe tonay. l,nilr Agents Wanted. Handaome preraiiimi or librr.,1 . ,h c mission. Haltern Catalogue?, "f 6.0 oe. a-;.- -0 and Catalogue (,hwu.(( aco pirniium) ukuI ire. AdOraaa TH McCAU. CO., New York. 9 Professional Cards, SSelknap 6c fidivards O0r Jbr IW 4Wm KMoaM ' 5?os nitty 4 mm KfrM Smmm. Orf mm. iPAjfti'ttmm mnd Smrfm Cakut Awniam I'aoai-tLT Ptr oa Nkimt OrrinONS Ikaia Snata or AWKwii't )IH) Srosa Kusrl OrruaiTK MrrHooiar I'Hi'acH Star Barber Shop !IY1K & Mi UAK, I'koi 's. Our hairrtilting is up-lo-lale. Our shaving is comfortable. Our shop is new anJ clean. Hendornon Build inn ritlSKVll.l.K, OUKHON IRRIGATION f-'nlrbunka-Morwo (iiiMollne Kn Klnes ptitup water, spray, sitvv vool, Krlnd, genernl work. 2 hor-power up. Keoiioinlciil. one drop of Kiisidlue, with nine tiniea more 11 1 r miikcn the power. KxiieiiHo stnp when engine Is cloned down. Write for Catalogue mul Prices) i i M Fairbanks, Morse, L Co. PORTLAND, OREGON bl3r3rEriErETl Tinds-r lnd, Art June 3, IsTH. Notica for Publication. t'liitrd State Land Otlliv, The I'ulipi, Ori giiii, June 1, pl. Notice is livreby given that in cnupll ance with the proviiioiis of Hie act ot I on Kress nf June :i, .i7H, eutilled "An act fur the sale of timlier lands in the Suites of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnil Wa'hluir tou Territory," as ntcndro to all tha I'nl lic Land States by ai t of August 4, 1KC DAVID K. TKMI'LKTt N, ot Prinevilli-, eiunty of Crixk, State of On-Kou, has this day tiled in this oltlce his sworn statement No. for the ptir- i ..i ..r.i... uiir. vie, HW, and t establish his claim to sai.i luli.l U fore j the County Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, un th stu llHy "f Septenilwr, P.MI. J1(J nalll a witnesses: Kdward M. Mc ford, Hichard M. Powell, William II. A rn.dil. Hubert XI. Teinplelon. lliul Princ ville, Uregou. Any and alt person cluiniing adviT cly h.' above-dcwrilied lands are ri'uested to tile their claini'-a in this uttiee on or before said St day of SeptcinlS'r, lttsl. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, 7-5-fH Ktgisler. Contest Notice. Di pnrt meiit of the Interior, Cnitcil States Land tlll'ice, The Dalies, Oregon, June It). i A sufheient contest allhlavil having j been t rill. tiled in this olllee by Ernest H. Ter- contestant, aguiuat homestead entry has not cultivated the same, that said al leged absence was not due to his employ ment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Said parties are hereby untitled to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 11, llsiti, before the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, at his ollice in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hearing will I hehi at 10 o'clock a. in. on August Is, lis art, be fore the Register ami Receiver at the United States Land Ollice in The Dalles, Oregon. '1 he said contestant having, in a proper allidavit. tiled June if), HMi, -et forth facts which snow that after due diligence per sonal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. H-21-np Miciiaki, T. Nolan, Register. Road Bids Wanted. The county court of Crook county, 1 r -ti i-i w. i i , Or., will receive bids up to 10 o'clock j a. m. July 6, l'JOfl, for the coiistruction of a wagon road in Hay Creek Canyon, leading from in front of C. Mcl'liorson's house to the Dan Pierce old place, so as I to avoid (intcs and Crisp hills. Contrac ! tor will specify and set pegs along route j where ho proposes to build road, and : specify width and maximum grade, and iall other conditions of the road ho will ' propose to buiid. The contractor to fur nish his own specifications of such road with bid. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract and furnish a bond within -'10 days after being awarded the contract. liy order of t he court. J . J . S m ith , 6-7 County Clerk. Teams Wanted. To put In from 7.r,0,000 to 1,000,(100 feet of Ioks. Uood level xrountl. Lohh to be hauled from to of it mile. Cull on or luldn-HH, IDivvklns J IiTOH., l'rlUCVlIlt!, OfetCOIl. r t v I r l j r i i j ri t j r i t j r i v J r i u j r i k J r- i. j Sonera ftacrsmttitnff Ilolt-KMIOHVI, WihiO W'oliK, )'l''., N K A T I. V AM I'liOMI II. Y lOM WllKN IT IS ll.'NK H : : ftobcrt ?oorc r i i j k j r 1 i i ri i j i"j u Satisfaction Will I'ntNKVU I K, l j rifrvwirt'int ir inr ir if ir v ir w nr ir vie r irir i LJldkik'JkJkjk JL JLJk JkJLJLjfL JLJkJLJL JkJl Jk Jkk JL JLikJ BB1 O'Tfcl Fine Wlnos, Liquors and Cigars, nlo S3ar Solo Agents for Hop Gold Doer find tho Famous Napa Soda 2Tam.ll3r Trade Solicited Wines ami l.iqtitirs fiar Country Orders Solicited First Door South of i The Opera Saloon BEDELL MOSES, Proprietors Choicest lacksmithing Is The Kind You tie! j. A Stock of Fartu .M;o.liin-rv m-irvi'viri' L JuJi.Ji.Ji.J.JuJu r i Li r i U'J r t u ri LJ n LJ n LJ ri U'J n LJ r.i L'J ri L'J ri LJ r i L'J THF 1 Oalll Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop.. Jor C actios and Sontlcmon 7?fcais ana SSaccn jCunch Board by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Tickets, $4.00 ri L'J r.i L J r i i. j r tr LJLJtJLJLjLJLjl JLJkJLJL FOR Furniture, Sttivcs, Haricot, Curjutta, Uus Liiioltiiiin, Matting, Lure, Curtains, Win dow Shades ami Pok'S, Wall I'npt'r LincruHU, Doors, Windows, Transoms Faints, Oils, Glass, J lard wart', Cooking Utensils, Wash Machines, Churns, Kte., go to 1 A. H. LIPPMAN & Jf and save from 10 to 20 cents on E 14 nr iririf ni-irinnriririrl ri Itc (iuarantcctl t i;)i.on. brothers Supplies d Pollard l inot Cigars hi Stock the Poiiuloxter Hotel III The Clae Hall A First Class House in Mvery Respect Brands of Liquors, Wlnos and Cigars That Pleases nt ii. vi;u:s (SlKMtesm.r In) COH.YKTT V KI.KIaS alwnvs on li.uiil O Ijeir; JliLJi.1. JLJLJLJLJL JLJL JLJLJLJLJLJ -ft CO. I very Dollar lit k J r - i. j i i l 4 1 i J I 1 k J i k J I - k J r i k j r 1 k J r t k j r 1 k J i i k j i i k j r "i k j r i k j r t L J