Locol Mention Ocorgti H. Miller unit wif of !, fiionta, wrre in town tint other day. Kur wiill uiht Kto A. II. I.l limn A Co. 'a Mini nve iihhii'.v. Ji Cumh Mid wife of Canton City, were visitor to 1'ririevilln last M'k. lln to (Hover A rHarr' Cimli lro rery for llii potatoa-a, Imroii, limn Mini lard. 8nford & Hilt, Madrn wit rhnnts, wem in I'riiwvillt" on bind inn Monday. Ike Mills ami wi( i( hupler, were in l'rincville on huim-M the last of the week. Mr. It. 0. Smith, delegate to tli Urand Ih1;h( I)-ir of Hon or, lut returned from I'ortUmJ. , Sheep ire wiling for good price in Lake county. Last wwk year ling liroti)ilit I I and two-year-old I32.V The homo of Jfff K vii tin wn de stroyed by fire Wednediy evening of lat week. Nothing was MVrd. There wa no inMiranr. Mini Ada Taylor of Hye (ira, who ha been Itcndiitg tti um nier school it Prineville, had to go home on account of iekcie. Tii Kev. Mr. Mitchell go to hi homestead ihir t-n in i leu slmvp Bend to spend h. vacation. Hi addre for month will be ltend, Mr. Cake of I'ortUrid, wa a passenger on Wednesday morn ing' tge from Shaniko. She w on her way for a vUitat Hend. W. J. Heed of North Yakima, wan recalled to Prineville on ac count of the death of Col Nye. Mr. Heed will settle up the affair of the rataUi. Mr. C. W. Klkin write home from Seven-mile hill that no her rie are to he found at that place. The parly he in with ia going to camp below Sod. it. (latewood, manager of the Gad-wood Mining Company, pann ed through Prineville hut week on hit way to Anteloi to secure limit hoUting machinery for hi mine at Howard. John II. Jackson and Mia Caro line I). KnoMermun, Imth of Red mond, were married at the home of Fred CUypool July 21at. The Hev. Mr. Mitchell performed the ceremony. Joseph McMurtery and wife of Roachdale, Ind , arrived in Prine' ville hint Saturday on a visit to their daughter, Mr. C. A. Glover. Mr. and Mr. McMurtery will viait relative here until October. 1. r. Mclalliater ft Co., are offering reduced prices on all line of Spring and Summer Millinery in order to close thwe Ine out to make room for the Fall style Notice their ad in thi paper. J ELK (1 ANT W II I T K f I Linen Parasols i $2.50 tAt C. W. ELKINS ft www wv v VNJ J. I-. MiCtilloch haa money to loan on real extute. Col. Smith of the Columbia itilhern, cum Iioim 'on Tuesday. Mr, Tbrouxon a id family have gone to the Mat llowi-r mine for a short time. Mr. P.rink and son and Mr. Michel and two on have gone to Upper Hod a. Mr Ollie Klkin- and Mm tioodin are nrenarinK for an out- Inn al Uper Hod. The lie I, I1liltil riimiliiK ami lieiiH-H wh'Iiik inni'lilue In found Ht A. II l.liiiiiiinn A Co.' Only 20,0)0 Hund of wool re main unsold al the Shaniko ware house at the present time. It ia reported that Dr. Kosen- berg loat one of hi horses on the way to the camping grounda. W. A. Itooth and M. C. Cornet have returned from a visit to the )ixie Meadow mine in (Jrant coun ty- J. K. Ktwnrt A Co. are wIIIiik Men's Mummer Hults nt very low price. If you neeil ii milt now la the time to tn y. Prineville i Un'oming quite a center for hay. it la selling for 10 a ion baled. Several load were taken to Bend this week. Omer C'yru of Culver, w in town the other dav. He say that the hot weather haa been pretty lard on the growing -ro. Some f it i drying up. iii hi THI BEST 101 OR1AM OH SODA IT , . fit VV. Frank Petett, jeweler and op lician, lias opened busmen in Prineville. He ia located in Adam son' drug store. A complete and up-to-date stock of jewelry and watches is expected to arrive in a few days. Mr. H. P. Belknap returned Tuesday from Portland, where she ha been attending the Grand Lodge, Degree of Honor. She also attended the Chautauqua meeting at Gladstone Park while away. K. S. Price, the expressman, was badly shaken up by a runaway Saturday evening. Hi team wut standing at the planing mill when the 6 o'clock whistle blew and be came unmanageable. In hi ef forts to stop the runaway Mr Price was knocked insensible and was run over by the wagon and otherwise kicked and bruised His back and hand are very sore, While his injuries are painful they are not considered dangerous. Arthur Wright the chief clerk at the Columbia Southern Hotel, mounted the big stage coach that carries the mail and with four rib bon between his fingers ''hit the trail" for Prineville Wednesday night. This was "Fat's" first at tempt at stage driving, but he told the passengers to keep their seats and he would land them there on time, and Sumner says that he did without missing many rocks. Shaniko Republican. T. H. Lafollettand am.ly and . ... priDevi- lMt Mondav Mr. Adamaon and children leave I for an outing in the mountains, today for the mountain. Mr. Thomas F. Ryan, past grand worthy matron. 0. E. 8., .... .... . i gave lurtti to tripieu uie ovner day. Verily, Oregon ha a won derful climate. The spirit of improvement seem lo I abroad in Prineville. Roller, McClun A Roller have just finish- d paintind house for Sam New- om, Aleck Zevely, Walt Snoderly, John Hitter, W. R. McFarland and other. Thi i a good healthy sign and (hows that civic pride haa not been killed by the hot weather. Keep up the good work and Prineville will soon become noU'd as a city of beautiful home. IvIAYERSHOES THE VERY BEST J A KRKKII UT OP U)W.VKY'H CANDY In I'wkaK rlc from Sc o tl.SO Mail iirtlvra KIIIihI l'ruml)y 0. SP. jiJmmfm ii Co. J. E. STEWART & CO. IA A A. AAA A A Mrs, Fj'tr In ofterliiH; her entire NtiM'k of Hprltiir ninl Suiiimcr Milli nery at Kri-atl.v reilucvd price. Till la done In order to make room fur the f ill tM'k. (let price on liillll nery from her la-fore tnivlnn. 7-I-tf The fire department was called out Friday to quench a small blaze on the roof of a building belonging to the Hamilton ettate. It wa occupied at the time by Mr. Wil son. The fire wa caused bv a de fective flue. S. E. Hodges, wifo and daughter Gertrude, and son Otto, Orange Hodges and wife, J. M. Street and family, and Mia. S. M. Bailey, left Wednefday for a three or four weeks' outing at Matole. William Rainey, aged 47, wa found dead in the rear of the Hub aloon at The Dalle last week. He had been drinking froely. He was from Wisconsin and it was re ported that ho had property in Crook county and elsewhere. He is not known in Prineville. Dr. William H. Camming, a veterinary surgeon, from ater- ville, Wash , passed through Prine ville Monday on hi way to some land he has under the D. I. ft P, Co., ditch. The doctor says that crops are looking good in his coun try and if nothing unforseen hap pen thia will be a banner yield Mrs. N. E. Logan, the mother of Mrs. Frank Elkin-, leaves today for St. Martin's Springs, where she will take treatment for an altack of rheumatism. Mrs. Boone and Mrs. Pollard will also visit the springs Mienn iMKins will take the party from here to Shaniko by private conveyance and from thence to the springs by rail. The Merchants Intestmont and Trust Co. of Portland, Ore., whose advertisement appears elsewhere in this paper, have issued a very attractive Utile booklet for free dis tribution containing information about the scope and purpose of their institution. One point borne upon strongly is the advisability of persons having; estates or invest ments to look after, of placing their affairs in the hands of the company. The Merchants Invest ment & Trust Co. argues that the proper care of estates demands a talent of high order, and that in dividuals of suflicient business skill for handling estates unusual ly have affairs of their own which prevent them from engaging in such a service for any other per son. The Merchants Investment & Trust Co. in soliciting business, calls attention to the fact that a trust company never sleeps, never dies and never absconds. The company declares its willingness to accept accounts of all kinds and states they are as ready to receive five dollars worth of business as they are five thousand. Their booklet will be mailed to you free if you write and ask for it. J W. rrank retett, opticIan Has opried for buiinPM in the windows of Adstnnon's Drug Store. Bring in your Watch, Jewelry and Spectacle work. . . State llegintered Optician. 1 All Work Guaranteed -Trial SoHoltedJ Mrs. dottrel 1 of Milwaukie, Or., i visiting her daughter, Mr. Hori gan of Prineville. Talk about the resourcefulness of western men, they are not in it compared with western women. Mis. Will King and a party of r '"I I McCORMICK J J. H. 1 laner, abstracter, convey ancer and real estate man, is go ng to take up hi residence in Prineville. He will open an office a soon as suitable quarters can tie secured In the meantime Mr. lluner can be found in the county school superintendent's office at the court house and any business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Commencing Saturday, July 2ft, ltMt, I will prcaent f 20 In gold to the ciiMtomer mukliijt the blghettt cann pur-chime In any line of our grocer ies; 1 10 In cold to the Mecond highest; and " In gold to the third highest. The only limit will I not over two Hack of sugar to any one customer. Merchant not allowed to enter the couteat. Till will be a square deal and a great reduction In price. I must clone out my jiart of the bual- IH. f C. A. (il.OVEH, J'-Hl-tf Orocerynian. That "Kid" BaJ Team. taking the McKenxie route. In crossing toe lava oea a wagon wheel broke. Twenty miles from nowhere with a wheel worse than useles. Uid ue women set up a howl? Not much. They set up their tent. Mrs. King took out a horse and rode back twenty mile to Sisters, where she hired a man to bring her to Prineville. She rode all night and got here Wed nesday. Telephoned to Portland for another wheel and expects to return with it to camp tomorrow. Beat that, ye lords of creation. The Antelope Herald of July 6th ha just reached our table and under the head of "Baseball Notes" we find the following comment on our Fourth of July baseball tourna ment: That was a first-class showing that the Antelope Kid base-ball team made at Prineville this week, where they were defeated two came and won one game. As stated last week, our boys went to Prineville, where it wa& advertised that teams from Prineville, Mad ras, Bend, Redmond and Antelope were to take part in a four days' tournament of base ball and where each team was to meet each of the other teams; bnt through some (mis) understanding it was a tournament of all the combined teams of Crook county against Antelope. However, our boys made a showing against these odds which would do credit to any ball team, and while we were defeated in the percentage column, only taking second money, it was very evident to all persons who saw the games that Antelope had the best team on the grounds and could de feat any one team that was repre sented there. The first game was between Antelope and Prineville and resulted in a victory for Ante lope by the score of 9 to 8. Dugan Hooper and "DuBty" Rhodes were the Antelope battery. The second game was between Antelope and Crook county and resulted in a victory for Crook county by a score of 11 to 5. The third game waB between Antelope and Crook coun ty, and resulted in a scratch vic tory for Crook county by a score of 8 to 7. The games are over and the boys have returned and are loud in praise of their treatment at Prine' ville and are proud of the showing they made in the games, and are hopeful of again meeting Crook county ball tnssers in individual teams or in a combined team. Dixie Meadows Gold Mine. The Dixie Meadows Gold Min ing Company held its annual stock holders meeting Ibursday. The officers and board of directors for the ensuing year were elected. The work of the past year was re viewed and plans for the future discussed. The stock held in Prineville was represented by W. A. Booth and Q. M. Cornet. C. A. John of Baker was also present representing the interest of his clients. The following officer were elect ed: R. C. Reese, president; G. M. Cornett, vice-president; A. M. F. Kirchheiner, secretary; V. C. Bel knap, treasurer. The following are the board of directors: R. C. Reese, V. C. Bel knap, G. M. Cornett, T. M. Bal dwin and Geo. Knight. R. C. Reese was appointed super intendent. It wa understood, however that Col. Smith of Prine ville would be put in charge of the mine. He is a thorough business man and the Prineville inteieet suggest him as be has been very succeecful in contract work and has had much experience in rail road work. Work will be resumed within two weeks and the prospects are brighter now than they have been for some time. A great deal of money . has been spent and the mine has now reached the stage where it can be made a good pro ducer. I hat tbe Uixie Meadows is a great mine there can be no ques tion. Its value can be determined with a foot rule and a little assay work. In its 4000 feet of tunnel work the ore can be measured and its value which is the in sight can lie determined. There arc four levels with a vertical depth in the lower one of 400 feet. An eighty foot shaft has been sunk in the lower level. The ore in this is of the same character as above except that its values seem to be mere as ing. W hen work is resumed it will probably be in the shaft. As to the installation of the machin ery no definite action was taken but it is the belief that steps will be taken for the purchase of a stamp mill. Prairie City Miner THE BEST MOWER MADE FULL. LINE OF REPAIRS W. F. King' F. McRae and C. C. McNeeler made a trip out to the Laidlaw section during tbe week. ncRae went out to look after bis home stead atid ucNeeley went along to hunt and fish. I A AAAA A AAAAA lO'Neil Bakery Ia Um MUW Building Fresh Bread, Ties and Cake alway on band. Pastry of all kinds made to 4 order. PRINEVILLE, - OREGON J ' '" f t ' i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iM"iiii-u- i n ! Clearance Sale IN order to make room for the fall stock our Spring and Summer Millinery Will be Closed Out at Reduced Prices. Call in and see us before buying and save money To Rtnt Four-room cottage, free water, fair ham. snd chicken house: lot (or cow: also two stove, tables, chair, bed steads, clothe press. Dedlouoge, etc For term writ or telephone C. M. Li a, Prineville, Or. ft-21-lmp tea iv WALL PAPER There are many new pat terns this year. We can show you a great variety ot them. All grades alllj prices. Ask to see our wall paper. Madras Items. Madras, Or., July 22, 1906. Editor Journal: We got back from our trip to the valley on the 19th. When we reached the Wu lamette valley it was wet and mud' dy and when we left it was hot dryjand dusty. The morning of the 12th of July, the day we start ed home, the thermometer register ed 101 at 9 o'clock a. m. There were lots of berry blossoms in the mountains as we crossed but for some cause there were no berries to speak of on our return. It was our intention to lay in a supply of blackberries at Seven-mile moun tain but - when we got there we could not find enough to eat. Dave Barnett, Fred McDowell and Mr. Loveland are going to the mountains to recuperate. They are all under the weather. I was told that Charles Whitsett and others are to start for Shaniko this week to bring out their new 25-horse power steam threshing machine. Elmer Uillam. T. F. McCALLISTER & CO. Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Dally Between Prineville and Shaniko SCHEDULE Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive at Prineville 6 a. m. Leave Prineville 1 p. m. Arrive at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations 4 A AAA A A A A A A A AiAA A A A AAAAAAjj Send Your Watches or Jewelry for Repairs TO WINNER All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable SUMMER SUITS AT Reduced Pri ces We are making a decided reduction in all of our lines of Light Weight Summer Suits. If you intend to buy a suit we would be pleased to show you through our line; aho if you need shoes, shirts or anything else in Gent's Furnishings we have it in styles that are right and at a modest price. J. E. Stewart & Co.