FOSTER & HOMGRN Are headquarters for the host of everything in their line. They quote the following prices on meat?: Loin Steak Round St?k Shoulder Steak Prime Rib Roast Plain Roast Roil Rwf TorkChoi Loin Mutton Chops Shoulder Mutton Chop Ig Mutton Veal Cutlets Veal Roast Veal Stew Sausage Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or in the chunk. We have prices that are RIGHT We also make a specialty of our own make Bacon and Lard. Guaranteed to be striclty in both Qualitv and Flavor FOSTER & LUMBER GILBERT'S Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas and Confectionery Candies are fresh daily from thf Prineville fiu'torv, the only one In the county. Quality and flavor mi surpass'- SiijH'riority has always lieen" the test of Gilt)ert'H. The same factory iti tin ning out the best grade of lee Cream made front purv cream. Your patronage ouee secured will never lie lout. Present Location with Rideout & Foster rn L'J r.i ra L'J ra ra C'J ra L J ra ca ra ra C'J ra L3 e Reception SMITH & CLEEK, Proprietors Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED Post Office MAIN STREET . . W i' aMtA .-".4 THE HAMILTON STABLES BUCHANAN & ALLEN, Prorrietors PR1NF.VILLK, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have I Fine Livery Rigs For Rent raEarararannr-trar-irsarT L JLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJI.JI.J LJLJLJLJk.JLJLJLJLJLJI.JLJI.Ji. J ra ra LJ ra LJ ra L J ra LJ ra LJ ra CJ ra CJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ Prineville Machine Shop E. G. HODSON, Proprietor I am prepared" to do all kinds of Machine work (except casting) such as boring Engine cylinders, dressing valves and valve seats, fitting shafting for any kind of machine, also plow and edge tool grinding, saw gumming and filing. Having installed new and up-to-date machinery for the above work, I can, in most cases, save you money over sending to Portland for repairs, say nothing about time saved which is cer tainly quite an item. At any rate give me a trial and then you will be in a position to judge for yourself. A supply of material kept on hand at all times. ra L" J ra c J ra g Shop 100 feet East of LJ ra L'J PRINEVILLE, r,arararararnnrar"nr"nra LJLJL'JLJLULLILJLJLJLJLJLJL J AT oumaJ Job r" 'svuml lOcts per wnA 3 pound for 2,Vt. KVt jvr iwuiml 7 and Sots jn-r i-ounJ 6 and 8t-U ir jwind 12Jctir pound 12Jots ht pound ...HVts Jht pound UYts p r jvund 12 Jets per pound 10 to 12 Jots per pound Sots per pound ICots per pound of Hams, first class H0R1GAN 1 ShinglesuMouldii)g, Windows, IiHrs, tilasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRIXEVILLE, OREGON ri LJ ra L J r a i. j r a l j r a LJ ra LJ r,a L J ra LJ r a t. j ri LJ r a LJ 7 V ?. TV, Box 92 PRIXEVILLE, 0REGOX r r .W t t I ra LJ ra L J ra LJ ra L J ra L J r.a L J r.a LJ ra L J r.a L J r.a LJ r a LJ r a L J r.a LJ ri L J ra L J r.a LJ ra LJ Prineville Flouring Mills OREGON THE Printing Office Notice to Creditors. Nl- ii ht'ivl'V itivrn lv th" uinlcrsivii ! iluiimtmivr f Ilia" vtto ! . K Marlon. .Iivt-avj, i.mIh' irvuuona nl'mid lo nil otlirr M-Nm Iihmiisi rUnni tti.ttitit the Mid uivatwal U rr'iu tlinii with His? j nnvwarv Viiiuliors l tin- uiulcr-imtl At llivoltuv ot M. K. K ! I lot i ill rmu'Vtllv, Orvfcroi". Hhiii his. months from llitititla of thi nonet'. 1'aml tlii ITili il.iy uf I May. r.H. K. T. Mjiytms .liimuiraior f tliv Kiic of S. K. 1 Maytoii, IVoi'iuhM. Notice to Creditor. Notio i livDMiy pivrn by t!i uiiilaarxiirit sM aiinuiiisirator ot'ih Mtat of Suiuu ma-ail, Uwtn.'V.i, lo tlu cnslitona of ami to all oilier iviiuhk litmus; ciauiis acain! Ills? Mill iitvt'AjM',1 to irv.t'iit IhiMii svttli tli mvswirv vouchors at Ilia." otlu of XI. ft. KUiotl in 1'riin vilU', Onytsn, within mx montli from tho Ui of this iioiio. Uhio1 llii- 17th ilnv of Mav, lsMS. J. 11. AtlinittUirator of the Kutt of S'imiu Snieaii. iHvoawl. Notice to Creditors, Inth Matter of the Kftatf uf IVtvr 1V lor. lVva-assil Sotioa" is !'! jtiven ly Ilia oxwiuor of Mtitl otnta.'. to all iMna.ns having claims n-mnst Mii.i l.vMeiil to ;tv;-iil them to the uiuierxivneit at th j ortW of M. K. Klliottin I'rineville, Orem, ! :..;.. . .... A i... i... i. .f tannin n laioimi iitmii ine usir iirniu, lisM May SI. lull. Charik 1!s.hnmii. Kvuior oftMKnuue of IVter lvlorae, lVvinjaot. Notice to Creditors. Sol ice in tieri'by ifivrn, I'V the mi.ler stKiiwt alminiMrator with the will aiuiex- ed of the Kstate ol Xlarv IVIons Uveael. to a.l ihtkoii- having claim;. anint the Silid inx-enfoi. to present them with the pioHT vottchen to the uinlerHi;!i-ii at the ortice of XI. K. Klliottin l'rincville. tre- on. within m month from the ilnte of this notice. laleil Xlay SI, l!. All.I'MI'S PKI.ORK, Itltniiiistrator with the w ill annexed of the estate of Xlary IMore, ilii'ea.-i. Notice to Creditor. Xirtittp U hereby (riven to all penui'tn liavuitf cluinw Ksiili"! the estate of Wm. 0. Armstrong, Ui'veaeti , to tre?teni tht-m with the necessary voucher, to the umler- sliitM. tlie administrator ol stiiu estate, at his other in Prineville, Orvpon within six mounts iruiu ine tiuie oi mis iioihh. Uatti this ith day ol'June. l!loi. M. U. Kli iott. Aiiministmtor of the estaie of Win. t' ArmstmiiK. )!. Notic ti Fiul Srttlrwat. Xoti"e is hereby iriven to all nrrvontirwr erne . that li race 1,. Kellv aa Kuvuiiii of the K-I.ilo of J. S. Kellv. l-esei. ha tiled her final account as such 'Cxecutrix with the County t'lerk of t'nxil; county iireon. anii the court ha set Momlav. th 3rd dav of Seitemrier, at ten o'clock in the forenoon as the time for bearing said Final Report, and all erxna Imvint; otije-tion to .aul report arc hereby re juire.1 to present the same at said time. Puutl this 'itli iiav ol June. I '.Mi. tik.Vt'K I.. Khl.l.Y, Kxtvutrix of the Kstate of tWM-7t J. St. Kelly, decva-ed. Notk ti Fiul Srttleant.- Notice i.i hereby itiren tliat the under, sinned, the executor of the estate of Mar garet Xoble, Utveasetl, has nnule and lilej his Una) accounting of his atliiiiuistration oi said estate and tlie court has named the Jnd day of July, l'.MI ut the County Court room in Prineville, Oregon as the time ami place for hearing said final accounting. At w hich time and place any person m- leresteii in saiil estate may np)ear ami file his olijimions to said Anal account iupj. Uateil this 17th day of May, "A. J. N'omli, ' Executor of the K"tate of Margaret Xoble, Deceased. Following the Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the I'liilippinii, health was the most important coneiduration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant IT. !. A., of liural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: "I was two years in Cuba and two year? in the Philippines, and beinjr subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Disooveiy for Consumption, which kept nie in perfect health. Ami no, in New Hampshire,-we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles aid all lung dieaws Guaranteed by I. 1. Adamson Sc Co., and Tenipleton A Son., druggist. I'ric 50c. and fl.00. Trial bottle fr.-e. An Alarming Situation frequently results f r un neglect of clog towels and torpid liver, until constipa tion liecotnes chronic. This condition is unknown to thosa who use Dr. King's New kile fills; tne liest and gentlest regulators of Stomach ami llowels (juaranteel by IK P. Adamson A Co., and Tenipleton 'A Son druggist. Price 35c. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land I llllce at The Dalles, Oregon. May m, Notice is hereby given that Clarence D. Calhreath, of Prineville, Oreiron, has tiled notice oi his intention to make final com mutation proof in .-import of his claim. viz: Homestead Kntry No 12?; made March 11, ltn3. for the SKW Sei-tit n H, Township 14 8. UaiiL'e Ki K.. W. M.. and that said proof will be made liefore the f.ounty Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on .lnlv lUh. im:f,. names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and c-utiivuiioii oi uie laiMi, viz: J.O. Powell. 8. 1). McC'alli.-iter. William V. Arnold, Henry Ji arson, all of Prine ville, Oregon. Michakl T. Nolan, Register. Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For tiie latter however there is a sure remedy Electric Bitters; the great restorative medicine, oi which h. A. Urown, of IJen uettsville, S. C, says: "Thev restored my wife to perfect health, after years of sintering with dyspepsia and a chronic ally torpid liver." Electric Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame oacK, kidney troubles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by J). P. Adamson A Co., and Tenipleton A Son. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby (riven that I have ap pointed the following named persons liepuly stock Inspectors. J. P. Ciirtwright, Hay Creek james nice, J lay Creek James Woods, Ash wood K. JI. Kparks, Histers Andrew Morrow, Haystack Hugh Lister, Paulina Koscoe K nox, Post J. S. P.ogne, Kosland Alex Mcintosh, , Hardin Thomas Sharp, Jr. Montgomery Will Wuhzwkuku, Stock Inspector Crook County. Estray Notice. There came to our place last fall one three-vear old red steer, branded 37 on each flip, and marked two crops ami two splits. Owner can have same by calling at our ranch on the Deschutes and paying costs on same. B-7-4t VjVNDKVKKT BltOH. iWant Ads Notices under this head will he charged HI the ral of Os Csr per word per insertion. Nothing less than no wills. WANTKIV-Umn of 1-VtXi. Ktdlent rtvil estate ser-urily, A.Mrvw Th Journal. tXK SA1.K: l'HKt acre ranch, purlly on mvk ttottom and partly in Hln Mountain Kvrxst Kiwrvf, Sintablo for hvp, horm' or cattle. I'eriiianenl winter and suiunier range.. Tlentv ot wmer. Ad lre-sti. K. Kki.uhhi. Kelso. Wash. lH'S-lmp. KtU SAl.K: Two Natinnal KohI tir l era, one well boring mitchino and slip eriprs and plows. Latest i'nproveil models. All new. For sU at a bargain. Cash or approval iwnritv. F. O. It Shaniko. Addivss i. K. Kri.ummi, Kelso, Wash. iV-L'S-lmp. FOU SAl.K. la.M m resof ro.l land, t'10 sonw of trooil luemlow, Ittl ncn ot n If ii If it, linlntict kooiI piiMlure Imul; all muler n 8-wlrv hw mill will l Mold for f mi norv. All tools tlmnvii In. '.I' henil ot Iioimi liroktMl, 700 lieml of cut! U, liKwt of them utiH-k rut tie. Home Mtivr, y'rlmid nd '.' yeiir-ohlM, nil for 'Jtt.OOO. I'nrt fitMli, Imliiiut' on ensy leniis. For further tiforumt Ion In HUlrv of V. Ihille.v, I'liiillnit, tnKon. I-U'-tf LOST. Due w hile mare, years old, larg brown spot im right eye, slnsl leliind, braiul wine cup, gfiiiU. weigh ttlsmt 1LV). tne 2 vear old sirret colt f-dlowing mare, gelding; small star in (or head, rope, mark on loft fetlock; very gentle, IKikkanck Kkoh., (W"-tt Cline Falls, tregtn. Estny Notice. Then rime to my place alsuit eight mouths ago one bla k mare aUuit t) or 10 years old. weight about I01 pounds, with a blotched brand resembling S M on left hip. Ow ner call have name bv I paying al' charges. Also one gray horse almut 10 years old branded thus l( on left hip; weight about 1000 pounds. It came to uiy place ! six months ago. Owner can have same; by paying all charges. Lvx Nh-moui, j o-- nay t. ns'a, tr. Death From Lockjaw never follows an injury drcsvd with litickleu's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing pro-rties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, of liensss laersville, N. V., writes: "It cured Seth ilnrch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck 1 ever saw." Cures CutM. Wounds, Hums and Sores. "V al D. P. .Vltim-on A Co., and Teni pleton A Son's drugstore. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William, On tario, Canada, who has suffered quite number of years from dyspsia and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Chiiuilierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and says, "I find that thev have done me a great deal of good, t have never had anv suffering since 1 licgait using them.'' If trouble 1 with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? For sale by D. P. Adamson A Co. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. P'orroughs an old and well known resident of Itluffton, Iud.,s:iys: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea I'emedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. 1 make this statement after having used the remedy in my family for several years. I aju never without it." This remedy is al most sure to be needed la-fore the sum mer is over. Why not buy it now audi be prepared for such an emergency?) For sale by D. P. Adamson A Co. j IT DRAWS HARD ! On woman- vitality to do work for widen the is unfitted, and we. wonder how I Some of the women 1 1 of our laod live ! '? thmiiKh a single : tsa-season of ur uissipuuon. They will ; with tiars In their eyes, when they mention the sub- cct at all. "ft U a 'uml pull. that with pain, weak ness and weariness they are "almost dragged out." Many, in this 4.011 alcoholic stimulants tlin nfLer elTiN-Ls of ilitlon. resort to and " inviL'or.ints. w 111. -ii are very injurious. Dr. It. V. Pierce, forty years, wro found that women were being mistreated through ignorance or cnressiiess and deti riMincil to devote his life and energies to their relief. li'ii'huj Jauttrl tlie cnvKf. nf their suf fering, he in j t. nmmht fur tin: unmix of relief, and found In Suture' btJamilirru the earth, certain roots which had re markable, and valuable medicinal virtues for : lie cure of these, ailments. I.'ing chemically pure glycerine, of projier str"iigth Instead of alcohol, ho ex tracts of these, and the result was so satisfactory that tlie combina tion became his ' Favorite Prescription." The roots used are: Lady's Slipper rsit, Mack Coho-h root, Lnlcorn rit, liluo Cohosh root mid Golden Seal root. The world knows it as Im, Pikiu'k'h Favok itk i'KKHCRiiTio.v, which hiiH the won derful and unparalleled record of a hulf milHou of cures in the last forty years. Write to Dr Pierce, HiifTitlo, N. V., for advice, given without charge. "f am elad to ho able to testify as to the merits of lir. Pierce's Favorite Prescript Ion for the many Ills that women surfer wllk," writes Miss to ri rude Mlieliell (President Yoiinif Ladles' Christian Endeavor H.s-ieiy), 4.1 Columbia Htreei, F... Iietroli, Mlcf,. "Afur many yesi-s of sulterlnir anil pain, I your medicine, anil n a shui t tlims Ib kii to feel sli-onifer. hecamo more reimlnr Omn t have the U arlnB-ilown pious which bail been my lot for so Ionic. Shall nevi r cease to lie very crateful that It was hrot;r't to my notice. live no pallia, and feel riiucli Ktronifer itencrnlly." Dr. I'leree's Pf-I'ets cleanse the elopgMl vstem from acciontilated Impun'le ' S:4 Thara are more UlcCftll PllUemll inthUnlml SlRtp tlian of any ether m-'c ot patlernff. '1 b)l U on account cl their style, accuracy and simplicity. IPcf 'nll's MBcrxInsfTha Queen of Fn.hlon) has mw Mj,, th;in nfiy (,ther I.aVi' Maxima. One yrr's .ul,cn' ( 13 nurnbcr.l rusl. j)0 cell Is, I.aie.t numlj.r, 5 cents. Kv.ry itiljscriber gets a McCall fat tern Free. .Silj.cril,e today. Lady Airenln Wanted. Handsome premiums or lib.r il c;sh f ..niirus.uui. I'atlem CitaloKiie ! l ooo fle. si: -'rii Prelunm Calalo-rue (ahfiwiug IfO pictiiiuins) unit free. Address JHH MctAl.L CO., New York. mtr J'l I fl J .' . -7 N 1 1 m f.kMW. taw Professional Cards, (JJJ Cutt, 9. & ss Belknap cf Cdwards 001 JXe D4aMj Sn'mtmllt, Orrfn. ZPAyncimm mitt Smrfm JTAmm. JtAIMw B4 mm W-.. Sn-mm. CUJ Answmku Psomi-tlt IUY oa Niuht UlWl OKI NOKTII ft AtUMMIM' fisisi S-n. Kwikkmck OrrualTI MrmumaT 111 CM frtmwmvU. 0rfm IVVVVVVVVVVVV1 Star Barber Shop HYDK A Mt-UAE, !WV. Our hairrulting is up-to-date. Our shaving is comlortallf. Our shop is new and clean. Hondernon Building PHINKVII.I.K, - OKKilON kAAAAAAAAAAAAl IRRIGATION Kiilrbinks-MorM tinsnllne En- P kIiii'm uimi witter, Mprn.v, muw 3 wood, grtml, p-nernl work. 'J 5 horw-power tip. ICeotii iiiilcnl. (j one drop of giisulliii', with nine j! tlmt-M more nlr makes the 5 power. Exhiim MtopM when h engine Is closed down, l! Write for Cntnlojjiie mid l'rlcen n rdirDanKS. norsc. u 10. H PORTLAND. OREGON HI fi Timls-r Ijmd, Act June 3, 1S7S. Notice for Publication. ('tilted Stales IjiiiiI ( Mllce, The liallps, Oregon, June 1, mm. Notice Is hereby given that lit compli ance w ith the provi-ions of the act ol I 'on. greasuf June.!, Is'rt, enlilliHl "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the Mates of California, Uregnii, Nevada, 11111I Washing ton Territory," as extemhit to all thv Pul lic Lund States by act of August 4, ls:r'. DAVID K. TKMPLKft N, of Prineville, county of Crook, Stafj- of uregou, lias tuts uay lileil in this olllce his sworn stntemi'iit No. 'rj7, for the pur chase of the SW'M N W., WJ ,HWl. and SKH ofSwtion No. a. In Town ship No. l.'t LaiiKB No. lu K., W. M., ami will ull'er proof to show that the html sought is more valuablif for its timlier or stone than for agricultural piinsim s, and to establish his claim to said land Is fore the County Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, 011 the nth day of September, p.Ml. lie names as witnesses: Kdward M. Mi-. Cord, Richard l. Powell. William D. Arnold, Kols-rt M. Tenipleton, all ol Prine ville, Oregon. Any and all persons cluiminir adversely 'he alHivtlescrilwd lands are riipiested to hie their c laimcs in this otfiee on or Is'fore suid St day of September, MICIIAF.LT. NOLAN, 7-6-tH Kegister. (jiiiitcHt Notice. Deiartment of the Interior, United States Ijind Ollice, The Dalles, Oregon. June Iti, l!l. A stillicleiit contest atlidavit havinu been tiled in this olllce by Krnest H. Ter- rill, contestant, against homestead entry No. 1VH, made March 2ft, for NJ NKU, liji 1V, Section S, Township U, HaiiKe M, fc. W. ,M., hy ( liarles Caw will, Couteslee, in which it is alleged that said Cbar.cs Lawwill has wholly abandon ed said tract; that he has never resided 11 li on or iBjeu seen upon saiu tract; that lie has not cultivated the same, that said al leired absence was not due to his employ ment in the army, navy or marine corps of ttie United Mates In time of war. Paid parties are hereby; notified to appear, ri spond ami offer evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 11, 1S, Is-fore the County Clerk of ('rook County, Oregon, at his otllce in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hearing will le held at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 18, 1IHK1, lie- tore the Kegister and Receiver at the United Stales Land Ollice in The Dalles, Oregon. Tlie said contestant having, in a proper allidavit, tiled June 111, IIUKI, set forth facts which show that after due diligence per sonal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. (Wl-St Miciiaii. T., Register. Road Bids Wanted. The county court of Crook county, Or., will receive bids up' to 10 o'clock a. m. July r), l'.MMI, for the construction of a wagon road in Hay Creek Canyon, leading from in front of C. Mcpherson's house to tlie Dan Vierco old place, bo us to avoid Gates and Crisp bills. Contrac tor will Bpecify and set pegs along route where lie proposes to build road, iti 1 1 1 specify width and maximum grade, und all oilier conditions of the road he will propose to build. Tho contractor to fur nish bis own specifications of such road with bid. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract ami furnish a bond within 30 days after being awarded the contract. Hy order of the court. J. J. Smith, 6-7 County Clerk. Teams Wanted. To put in from 750,000 to 1,000,000 feet of Ions. Hood level ground. IjdliH to be hauled from to of a mile, ('nil on or address, lIiiwkiiiH liroH., I'rliievllle, Oregon. r i r i L J r i t. J r - t. J r i L J r t L 4 r , L J r k 4 r i w j r i i. J r k. J r t. j r i l J n k J r i t. J r i k j Scncrat SftaccsmtViniff IIoiinkmiiokinu, 'imii Work, ktc., Nkatly AM) I'hompti.v Donk Wiun it ih )iink Hy : : : ftobcrt 7oorc Satisfaction Will I'minkviiik, r ri w iieu Flno Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Sole Agents for Hop Oold Deer and tho Famous Napa Soda Family Tiado Solicited. Jfencierson & tPoltard Wines and Liquors Country Orders Sollciled First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel The Opera Saloon BEDELL MOSES, Proprietors In The (ilazc Hall A First Class House . in l-verv Hespcct Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines I ri lacksmithing Ik The Kind You (.cl ut - J. H. WKlMi'S (Himtn'ssiir to) COKXISTT & ELKIXS A StiM'k of Farm Miicliinery rimririrr.irnririrnrin kJLJLJLJLJL.JI.JLJl.Jl.JL.JLJ r, i l j n k. j r t k j k j LJ r,t L'J r,i L'J ri LJ n LJ LJ LJ r.i k J l j LJ r.t LJ n THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop.. J'or vCaciics and Scntlcmen ffljcals and ffiacen J&tnch Board by the week, $5.00; with L J r.irimriinmnrtrtrnnr't LJL JLJL JLJL JLJk JLJL JLJL J S FOR Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Carpets, Rugs Linoleum, Matting, Laee, Curtains, Win dow Shades and Poles, Wall Paper Lincrusta, Doors, Windows, Transoms Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Cooking Utensils, Wash Machines, Churns, Etc., go to I A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. 1 and save from 10 to 20 cents on Kvery Dollar V k J r i k ji r 1 k J r, t k 4 r i k i r i LJ r f i k j k J r i k j 11 r k jj r k J r i LJ ri k j lie Guaranteed OllKiiON. k j r. i ujroriers Supplies Finest (Mgars 11 In Stock VaV That Pleases ulways on luunl rinrinrinrvinnnnriri L JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JLJL JL JL JL J room, $6.00. Meal Tickets, $4.00 rTrnrrnrnrinrnrnrinmrnrnrnnn L JLJL JLJL JLJL JLJL JLJL JLJL JUJ a. Jkv I LJ r.a LJ rn L'J rn LJ rn L'J rn LJ rn LJ rn L'J rn L j rn k u r n LJ r.n LJ nn LJ rn k"j rn LJ rm L'J i