L 1 Local Mention N. A. riiikriloii ill Aki'Im'.v 1'1'iIiin, emue tu lor (lit fourth. Fur wnll iiiht ko In , II, inn it 4 Co.'s hikI nvn iiintii' V. hr, Unll Newmimn of ItiMliiKiuil, t'MUM 'ir In rrliii'VlIU' to ri-li'tiruli. Tin lnt, Huh I rut miming um1 'll'ltH- HTWlllg iiinrliltiK In fiiiiml Hi A. II. I.li'iiiuii A Co.'s lo to tJlovi r Hliirr's Omli llro riT.v lor Dili iiinlMn, lim'un, hum mill lard, CM. Iti'liiinii(l, i'lili i-iiuliui-r il lln P. I. A 1' I'ii., ol Keiliiiiniil, liitp. nl celeliruti In 1'rlin' villi-. Ilvury Wlmloiii uiul luinll.v uinl Jerry burlier ami wile ul Culver. Wit hi'rt to lake III the Knurl li nl July fiwtlvlllin. Mr. l.Hllltllotl ul III IMIullHIT ToK ill the D.I. A I. Co. ol ltiliiioml, took In the big i I hi ire t I 'rim-v Ul on t lit evening ol July 4iti. M AVER SHOES' 4 4 THE VERY BEST i r cxruADT jf. rn 4 &AAAAAAAAAAAt George H, Mtlli-r, JimtM ol the IViice-elert, ol l.itumuu wm In town Hiiturdiiy, riling liln lioml fur aim! iititklu nrrtwigemrnt to tnkt up t lit- il titles of till nillci' tlm lutol July. Itev. Ix-vl Johnsim ol fendlitoii, will premh Ml the I'nubyteilmi ehurch ni-it 8n.hbntli evening mi H oYlmk. There w ill Im no HioriiliiK wrvfcf. ltm tiitiiHii A Allen have liitii(lt Hie lluiollioii t ul ill uinl (in liuy nxlng lug Ami i-leiiuliig up. TluV Hrv now Im-I lr prepnivil Hum ever lo take cur nl l Mr triple. s F. II. (lonily liim nl. l iintli-f ul In trillion w ith tin Mtntt F.nglui-er lor M.IKW Miners' toelol the waters ol the IVwhiites Klver m-nr Cllne Fulls, with whirlito Irrigate tlm land of AfHt-y I'lnlu In Crook enmity, Mr. W.J IUi, it prntiiliii'iit mid winllliy dilm-il ol North YaMiiin, Wii-Ii , U In Prlnevllli. M was uiiiliioueil to tin lieiUlde of Col. Nye. a relative. Mr. Keed I mayor ol North YiiUuia and representin liln tllwtrk t In the Wimhlng state senate. Thin In Holiitf to Im ii itnnt coun try," until Mr. Heed to n Journal re rtwuUtlve, "with Irrlisatlon, trans portation nml your productive mill nothing ,l Wn,'u 1 lrt went Into tlm VitWtina country I coulil nl on laud almost anywhere. It Is now worth from f 1 to Sjooo mi urn. You w ill see rrmurkiilile development her In tin licit tin year. SUMMER J. E. Mr. MiHiii'r it ml daughter ol Nnli'iii, Or., nri' vIhUIiik Mm. Arthur Minium All kliiiln ol (rulli. ihiiiI.v, rlitnm rii. fur tlm Fourth m J. K. mh-w-iirtV MIm Jin kin Itrm k nml MIhu HiiIIiit ol I'.i'IhI, fiiuiii ovrr to Prlnr villi to ifiiil tlin Fuiirth, I'. John Mil til ii Im t want to Im.v n uuiiil Jrrw.v row, liln iiihl riiM U I.jiiiiuiiiii, Dr. Iti'iiil tin Willi t ii)h. WALL PAPER 'I'luri' iiiv ninny iii'vv put -Iitii I liltt ywiir. Wu etiii hIiow ,viiu a irtvat viird-iy ol I Iii-iii. All nrmli' nml prli'i'M., Ank to mi our will papt-r. 53, 2P. jlJmmtmm & Ctrnttmrnw I.. Ciiuiii'll ol Tim llaltin, lit III I'rlui'vllli' luukliitf iifd r IiIh proMrty hiti ti-Kln lu Crook county. Mr. 1-wIh, iiianaKi-r ol tlm U. I. A I'. Co. nt Iti'iliiiunil, ami datiKliU-rii, were I'rlimvlllu vlxlturn on this Fourth. Itoi ii, to tlm wlti ol Jkuii'm II art wrluhi, of Crowt Kc.vh, at I'ortliwul, OnKou, mi Wmliii'nilii v, J mm Ltl, lfKKJ, it tin poiiml iIuiikIiIit. MailriM I'liuiii-r. - J, V.. Kti-wurt A Co. an- wllliijf Min' Muinumr Kultn at very low prliin. If you iHi-il it milt now la the Hum to Imi.v. Mra. LouIhu J. Iiouthlt ha la4u atljuiliji'il hiMHim li.v Dm. Imlkuap ami Ivilwanln aiul wan coiniiilttuil to tlm imyluni hy tlm County court. YVVilimMility MrKiluimn Irwin nml Wlimlow, two laity lit tilidiintit nt tlm tiayluin, arrlvwl In i'rluvvlllu to taki t harifi' nl thi-lr ialli-iit. Tlmy 1.(1 tor Hhanlko toilay tiy prlvatt-conviyuiii-t. Clin. CmiiiiiIh-II, tlm I'rliifvllli dtau ilrlvi-r arrlvwl at llrlilui Cni k JiiHt an tlu Hilvuiii ln IiIk'i wAtiT wiim couiIiik tlown and ntti'iupUnl to enma ilinplli tin i-iitri'iitlin of Mian Eirtiiiil. Hpirlit. a paawlwr who wmitiil to K"t out of Hii'bIiip. For thin art hi cmim very near paylnif lor wlthhlM life, ita well an that of liln paMw-iiKfr, He n iK lii d tlm uorth tmiik ol Ha crirk w hen Imdlwover el that the water liml iiili-kly rut a deep channel next tlm hank In the Hiiml.r Moll ami that hit team could not itvt out. tue ol hl hornet hy iierxlxtcnt Btrimnllnit got out mi the mi iik . w hich wiia the iiM ium ol Mltw SiHi-ht ineNpliiK from tin water. Site lei-il I In- liorm tlm tall and axKlnfeil herm-lf to anfety. H.v thla Hum tin water had rlwn rapidly and WHMCtiinluK Willi aueh forct that tlm Hit. horwn and driver wen quickly carried down mrviiin hy the muddy current, Tlm Htairi driver wan car ried down ntn am nhoiit quarter ol a mile betiire Im HiiccttMleil In reacli Initaalety. The horitea wertjdrowu ed. the rlif iuaihed to plivin ami the mall aack wilt olwcrved tloatlnn away In the nwlft muddy current, hut could not Ik readied. AT Reduced.' Prices We are making a decided reduction in all of our lines of Light Weight Summer Suits. If you intend to buy a suit we would be pleased to show you through our line; also if you need shoes, shirts or anything else in Gent's Furnishings we have it in styles that are right and at a modest price. Stewart & Co. Jo to T. F. MH'alllnter A Co. for HtoVfi 1'oIImIiIiik (iloven, Iii tlm ttlMiiic of the pawtor tlm aervlceM at tlm MethodlHl church net Nunday tnortilntf will Im conducted hy W, K. Kldenour. Nom-rvleti In tlm evenlnif. MAItltlF.D At tlm Metliodlat par miiiaicit thin inoruliiK at 9 o'clock, Kdward T. Ilamerud Mlwi Myrth J, W'lllhiiim. Mr. llainer to tlm fanner tuu ployed at Warm Hprlnitit Agency while tlm lirlilu In a U-iu her In Hm Ni-hool at tlm Aip-mry. W. I. Joliimon hi nt.lt.louiil Hm County court to have liln nU children aent to tlm Uoya A Olrla' Aid Ku- Udy ofOn-ifon. Tlm mother of the thll creii died Juiw 2ti, 1!H)B. Tlm father olli'Kin he la not ulilo to educate, clothu and raliw mild milium. Arrested for Inecst. U. H. Cowlcit, who lives at tlm Dwchuleu Fctrv, Imi Imen brought back from Uufur, Or., where he arri-nW iJ on a warrcnt charg iiiK him will) lucent with hie 1(5-yer-olJ daughtir. When the ar rnt wan made hin daughter wm with him. It wan thought ow)ea wan trying to get hi daughter out (d the country. He wan placet! under $500 bonds to appear next Monday at Madras (or examina tion. ' 12 HORSES FOUND Ail Show the Effect of Lack of Feed and Water. Sheriff Elkin and party when in the Ureen Mountain where ur prirM'd at the number of hore that were found in different pari of the mountain. Some were hobbled, some were flaked out and some were found in two cunningly contrived corral found in dif ferent part of the mountains. Thetie curraU had winge built of log and brunt) from a quarter to a half mile in lenirtb. All of the hornee found showed the effects of lack of feed and a scarcity of water. One hore wan in very bad nliape. He wan nuffcring from a bad coie .whcie the brand had I me n cut out, I he wound wan about nine inches one way by four the other. This animal was brought to town and will be made ue of a evidence later on. WANTKD a gwd Jersey Cow. Pmane state price. Address C. John Sund- quisi, Lamottta, Ore. 7-6-31 SUITS Kundret-Combs Wedding. Married Bunday evening, J uly 1, at the home of Mr. and Mm. C. M. Elking, Mr. H. , Kun dret, a well known printer and newnpaper tnan of Portland, Or , and Willamette Valley, to Mina Victoria Comlia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jainea P. Comba, pioneers of Oregon (1853) and renidentn of Prineville eince 18.0. Hev. J. Anthony Mitchell, pastor of the Presbyterian church, olliciatmg. The wedding march was played by Mrs. lr. Ldwardn and the bridal bouquet was carried by Edith King, a niece of the bride. Master Millard Elkins, a nephew of the bride, carried the ring. After the ceremony a delectable lunch waa served .by Mesdames Ollie Elking. Howard, C. M. Elk- ins and W, F King. There was a piano selection by Mins Stewart, followed by a vocal solo by Mins Verna Howard. The parlor were beautifully decorated and tne pres ents were handsome and numer ous. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Elkins, Mrs. Jane Coral, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. King, Mrs. Elnora C. King, Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Edwards, 0. W, Elkins, Mrs. Ollie Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elkins, l)t- and Mrs. II. P Belknp, Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Rosenberg, Judge and Mrs. M. E. Brink, Mr. and. Mrs. Earl McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs.' J. J. W. Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W . Wilson; Mesdames MarUla Wigle, Jennie I). Pickett, Hugh Lister, and the Mioses Hazel Howard, Verna Howard. Una Stewart. Eunice Townsend. Edith King, Edna Hamilton, Margaret Ooodin, Violet Lifter, Vivian B. Hinkle, Mr. John Coml, Masters W illard C. Elkti's James C. King, Van D. Brink, IVAAAAAAAAAAA I ELEGANT WHITE j 4 I in on Haracnlc ' Ul l ll-i I rut ujuij j 4 At C. W. ELKINS I The Gatewood Mines. Howard, Or., June 30, 1906. Editor Journal Your letter of recent date duly received in which you requested me to give you some data about our undertaking in tliiH vicinitv. Mv dear mr, our mining nlant i Mill in the hands of the constructor. However since you have been kind enough to take notice of our operations ill endeaver to give you what ever information I can at the pres ent writing. To commence with, our plant is run oy water power ini (r wheel). Our mill U built for ten stamps and with our cyanide plant which will both be completed and in -operation by July 1st will give us a capacity of thirty tons of ore daily as we will run night and dav both the mine and the mill. We have thirty-three claims belonging to the property, three thousand feet of tunnel work and nine miles of ditches for power or irrigation purposes if we wish to use it in that way. We get our water supply from the Ochoco and two reservoirs. We are located twenty-eight miles east of Prineville near the head waters f the Ochoco river, surrounded by a heavily wooded mountainous country, in fact a more scenic locality aoee noi ex ist on the Pacific Coast. Any information we are able to furnish you in the future we will gladly do so. We have not yet ordered the ad ditional machinery you have refer ence to in your letter but expect to make a trip East to purchase the same some time in August and will write you when I do so. Yours Respectfully, Bruce Gatewood, pill THE BE8T 10E OREAM OR SODA hi in A FRESH LOT OF I.OWNEY'8 OANDY In Packages Prlc from 6c to 11.60 Mail orders Filled Promptly 0, $, jfca mson d Co. I). T. Votow, a plasterer from Bnker City, in In Prineville. He Is at work on the new hotel building. Col. Nye la Improving slowly. He Is now able to sit up a little. Foster & H origan have v. list of bargains to offer this week. Every. thing Is guarantied to be tlrst clasa. Do not fail to read the miuhino shop ad on fourth page. Mr. E. G. Hodson is now prepared to do work in his line. Patronize home industry and leave your money at home. i m 1 1 J O Neil Bakery J I In tba Miller Buildinf Fn-sh Bread, Flea and Caken t roxtry of all kind iuate to W orlr. f i PRINEVILLE, - OREGON HAVE YOU TRIED THE La Credentia r:..r a for 2Sr Jy It In the equal ol any 12ic cigar W Kor Sale liy 1 R1DE0UT & FOSTER in i To Kent. Four-room cottage, free witer, lair Iwrn, and chicken houw; lot for cow; aleo two stoves, tables, chairs, bed steads, clothes pre, bedlounpe, etc. For terms write or telephone C. M. Lis ter, Prineville, Or. 6-2l-lmp S A Genuine A PKanr. for You to Save Monev and at the Same Time Get the Best and Most What BV i Beginning Monday, July 2, and until Saturday night, Reduction of 10 per cent on every article WW M I This is a fair and square sale. Our goods are all marked in plain figures, and at the lowest cash price. We have no book price and for that reason 10 per ctnt off at our store, means lower prices than 25 per cent oil at other stores. 7? i I : 7. HI Our Reason For Doing This Our store is already over crowded, and our fall goods will begin to arrive very soon, and we take this way of making room and at the same time making friends. WA. I 'A sX Some of Men's Suits, the most ATI shown in Crook and Stetson Hats Shoes including a fine WJk I WJL I Take Advantage of this Sale and Make a Year's Interest on Your Money RIDEOUT & FOSTER 9 ITJ - ' CM fl74ll74l74l74l74l74l74iy4 THE BFST MOWER MADE FULL LINE OF REPAIRS I M 'I' I Special Millinery Sale ; i FOR TIIK-FOUKTII OK JULY A beautiful assortment of Trimmed and TJn trimmed Sailors from $1 to $3.75. Special gale ou Ribbons of all kiudsl Wreaths and Flowers at T. F. McCALUSTER & CO. 1 ,i.4,n. ,.a...a.is. us.. 'M' i.i Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between. Prineville and Shaniko ' . C -i ';- Zl ' a J :' SCHEDULE . v , Leaves Bhaniko, 6 p. m.-'. Arrives at Prineville 6 a. mi s ! ' Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. 1 1 , - t First Class Accommodations Sale on Our Entire Stock J Up-To-Date Goods on the Market We Are Going What This Means Our Lines Included in This Sale : complete and up-to-date stock of Gents' Furnishings ever County, Banner Brand Waists and Skirts, Kingsbury, Burlington w s, Ladies' Underwear, Men's Underwear," Gloves, all kinds of ltd) line of Gents' and Ladies Oxfords Dishes, Fishing Tackle, Etc , Etc. . The General Furnishing Store ' - '" Ira I 'I' M "t I i"Hi't'Hiniii s H IS great reduction.,. i.i,iiii.iniiiniitniiminiiMimlinii,ni4. -III to Do 14 "July 7, we in our Store. will give HI m A I IXal 1-11 and Canvas Shoes 14 1 -ii 1 Ivll f