Professional c"rt"- Want Ads it. Uhe Reception SMITH A CLKKK, Pkophiktoiw Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY OUDF.KS SOMCITKl) t 4 I fT" No' lee under tlit bend UI I" chmi:d ill the rale of NK t'sir Mr urd '. per iiiseillon. vetliing lew man a" vvm. i. rf. ' ( I'.HHM. Ksioltent i rvl estate Journal. mvuiitv. Address The w-mi - by aa h m j i m am & v c a, i : i 1 si M M M 1 1 I. U L-y uu u u i p.-3 1 IS 1 Grand Celebration PRINEVILLE, OREGON Orf Belknap dc Cdwards Tumi Wanted. T tut In from 750.tsK to I.IHHI.IHHI feet ol !, tlo.e.1 level ground. Iahi to U limited from V to or mile. Cull on or mlilrvsa, Hawkins I iron., I'rlnevllle, Orvron. o jir rw &w Commencing on July 4th of 1 and Ending JULY on The Celebration will include a 4 Days Base Hall Tournament, for which purees aggregating $450.00 have been raised, which will be hung as follows: $250 Fisrt Money; $150 Second and $50 Third The Schedule of games to be played will be arranged according to the number of 1 . 1.: M,ii t .-t $ rromna will t AMI. teams enterine. Tne teams winning me uigiu-M r i-.ow. ..... v.- titled to 1st, 2nd and 3rd money respectively, in aauuiou w iui n ,-,..u-.o..,..u. will be hung for teams not winning any 01 aoove purses. Miinn are v n Antpr shmild notifv the committee on or before June . imug mioii 1 1 v . . . . - - . purse for all. by writing to Manager Prineville Base Ball Club, Prineville, Oregon. Horse Races, Foot Races, Trap Shoot and various other sports are on the program. Good purses have been hung tor these events and those desiring to enter can do so by writing to the committee in charge who will also furnish any information desired. Committee: T. M. Baldwin, J. H. Rosenberg, Duncan Macleod Grand Street Parade P July 4th, with floats from the business houses in the kyi of the parade are working to make this the best in tl Orfn. - Cmft MtiwnV pnmptijr fjr mfh Death From Lockjaw never follow, an injury dressed with ItiuVlen'a Amli-it Salve. It antiseptic sin) heallinr nroiicrtie prevent lilissl poisoning, ('line. Oswald, merchant, ot kenmeluersv U. N. .. rlttJ "II i-ursl Stli Hnr, li. of tlili Iimh, of tlit tiglU'it rv on hi mvk I vr w." I'r ('ul., lliirim aii.l Sor, ifv at 1. I'. A.Iiiiiimmi A Co., ail TViii' l.'ton A Son'a .Irncxtort. Ktry Notlct. Thfif ulniyisl to my 1imh ok Vr ItrhiHHr on orrvl mart' ill itrii in fa.f. hran.liHl Wit on li'ft utillf. VII on loft ahouMor. Tim owlirr own hv twine 1V Mviiitf i)rji' ami tl tx ! ni oi thi ailvortiKxiiicnt. I ti-7-4t i". K. Wrhimt. 4; S 1'o.tOflU ltox Vi MAIN STUKKT PKINKVIl.LK, OKKGON n . 1 tJ 0. ZPAytieimn mud Suryfm CAM Amuui 1'mmrti.T lA o Miuwt Orri.'R Oki North or AiuaaoM'i IRIH1 Stohb. KllKN.'a oiriTa Mkthxkiht CHvar Orfm LOST. On whit nian, yen ol.l, Urir hrown niHt on riittit vt. uhoil U'liinJ hrantt win cuii, uonllo, woiah nlniut , Ml. On 2 voar olil aorr.'' colt followliiii in a rt, Kvliling; amall altir in forhcaii, ro mark on loft fotlork ; vry g!ntlt, IKimmami k llHoa., tt-7.41 I'lin Kalla, Orvon. Star Barber Shop Vi r i Li r 1 U k j n k j ni k j k J n k j n k j r-i k J r,.t k J ri k i ri k j Seneral ffilacksmithing lloiuiiwiioKiNa, WiKin Work, rre., Nkatly and Pkompuy Ink Whkn it m Don it Rv : ! : Siobert 7oore Satisfaction Will lie (Juaranteed Pkinkvillr, Ohkihin, k JWJk, Jki'JA. JkJJbUkiiJkSalk: JCbikiJWf city. The committee in charge the history of the county. Many novel and amusing features will be had. One of the leading features will be that ot pioneers of the county who will march in the parade. GRAND BA1 On the Evenings of June 30th and July the 4th MUSIC WILL BE FURNISHED DURING THE CELEHKATION by The Prineville Military Band COME AND CELEBRATE WITH US i I ft 1 Shingles, Mouldings, Window, DoorB, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP&PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Props. E9 e.3 u n ea ca - ea E3 r.3 ta ca P Ca . eg E3 B3 ta eg G3 ta KJ ta E3 K3 BaBBOBoaHariBBarinarrtrinr cimnnrinrwK'ir'innnn LJL-ltJlCiikiJkiJkJI. Jk: JA. JkJI-JL JL J k J k j n k j ki ri LJ k j k j Li LJ LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r 1 LJ LJ r.i LJ JW jCadies and Sentlemen TTjeals and ffiarery jCunch Boartl by Ilia week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Ticket, $4-00 I 9. f FOR Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Carpets, Rugs Linoleum, Matting, Lace, Curtains, Win dow Shades and Poles, Wall Taper Lincrusta, Doors, Windows, Transoms Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Cooking Utensils, Wash Machines, Churns, Etc., go to a it y Ynnnfi i it o rtf w I A. tl. LltTMAN & LU. and save from 10 to 20 cents on Every Dollar Notice t Creditors. Notice IB luTfliy uiven ly tin- unilcpiiL'n- nl iKlniiiii'.trutur of the estate of r. K Slavton, lecea!H'l, to the creditor of and to all other m-duiii having clainiK aifaiiiKt the Haia tlereusea to present them with the nccesxary ToiieherH to the iimlerxiKneil nt the oflue ot M. II. hlhott in rrineville Oreaoii, within kii moiith.s from the ilute of this notice. Dated thin 17th itay of May. liUXi. K. T. Hlaytom. A'liuimHtrator of the KntaU: of H. K Clayton, Deceuxeil. Notice to Creditors. Notice i herehy eiven hy the unilernii'ii ed adiiiinixtraUir of the estate of hiimii Smead, deceatHil, to the creditor of and to all other er80iiii having clainis uainxt the said deceased to present them with the tieceaxary vouchem at the othce oi .M. It. Klliott in rrineville, Oreismi. within ix montliH from the date of thin notice. Dated this 17th ilay of May, J. II. Kki.i.t. Administrator of the Kutatc of Simni Hnieail, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the KntaU; of Peter De lore, DefM awd : Notice in iierehy given hy the executur of Maid entate. to all lwrnoim linviiiLf claimH ai;aiii!t iid dici'detit to present them to the uii'lrrsincd at the otticeof M. It. Klliott in Prineville, Oregon within ix months from the date hereof. Dated May .'11, l'.M'.. Hkrvarh Kxecutor of the Kstate of Peter Delore Deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice in herehv iriven. hy the under signed adininiHtrator with the will annex ed of the KHtute of Mary Delore. deceaweil to all persons having claims against the said deceased, to present them with the pioper vouchers ti the undersigned at the olIiceot'M. K. Klliott in Prineville, Ore gon, within six months from the date o I this notice. Dated May 31, KM!. AlIOIiSTlIK Dkmirk, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Mary Delore. deceased. HYPE A- Mt RAE, Vkoi Our haircutling is up-to-dale. Our shaving is romlortablr. Our shop is new and clean. Henderson Build inn PUIXKVILI.K. OKKtJON Deadly Serpent Bite ar an common in Indln ns in aloiimcli and livwr dinrUr with ua. tar latter however llnru U r rtmsljr: EltH'tric Itittern; the ervat realorittiw imilit'ine, ot which S. A. Hmwn.ol IUmi mtwville, S. C, wy: "Thev reftowl my wife to rwrhx-t health, lur ynr ul u(Trinit with ilvoMlwi and arhronip atlv torpid liver.'' Klwtria Hitter cure clu'lla and lever, malaria, hilWiimnexn, lame tiack, kidney trouhhw ami hladdei diaonlera. Sold on Kiiarantee hy l, I'. AdaDienii vt Co., ami Teutploton A Hon. IRRIGATION KnlrlinnkH-Morw (ShmoIIiio Kn-Klut-H pntnp water, nrn,v. hw wimmI. ktIiiiI. cnTl w ork, i horw-ivt'r up. Koonomlcill. olio drop ol KiiHollm. with nine tiim-H niort' nlr tiinkce the powvr. Kxih'iiw KtopH whim ciikIih' Ik clowd down. rito lor CnttUotim itutl PrUiK Fairbanks, Morse, I Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Eat ray Notice. There came to imr place Uat f..n a l Here vault. v o jm U : three-vear ol,l nnl nteer, hrantlist ;ii on lieach hip. and marked two t ropa and a i two aulita. Owner can have aame hy 15 calling at our ranch on the lewhuti l i .... ........ fit l--t li r j tatr.y Motice, 15 ' There came to my place about einht ii . . i l -i ... 7 months airo one iia-K niare ammieor Vandkvkht Itaoa. n . . . li I .1 . iih.1.1 ...... ...i U I 10 yearn om, weium aoom ivr iniuimn, i with a hlotrhed hrand rewmblinit S M Irr onh-lthln. Owner can have aame hy (2 ; paving al' charges. Aliw one gray home almnt 10 year rplrrlrTUarM . old branded thua J' on left hipi weight atHut ltXX) potiudn. It came to my place is month tio. Owner can have name hy paving all charge. Lvm 'u imi, (V-7-4t Hay Creek, tr. 0'Tfeil brothers Flno Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also 3Jar Supplies Sole Agents for Hop Oold Deer and the Famous Napa Soda mi Trad.o ' Solicited. Summer Sheep Range. Yhc W. V. & C. M. Wagon Rout! Coniimny will wuti grttcB lease on large tracts lor nummer range in the Hotno Heaven coun trv (Townrliips 14-15-16) anil other iKrtioii! of the grant in Crook countv. For full arts antilv to C E. WOOD, Agent, Portland, Oregon Notice to Creditori. Notice U herehy given to all pemoiin having claim against the ette of Win. tl. AriiKtrong, ileceaeil, to pntwnt them with the neceiuMiry vuuuhert, to the undcr umiied. the adiiimiKtralor of naid etate, at i.iirli.-n i hii oflice in Prineville, Oregon within ill pitriii u iii.iiithii from the date of thin notice. Haled tlii &th day of June. UM1. M. R. Klliott, Administrator of the e.itnle of Win. 0. ArinxtroiiK. dei'taxed. An Alarming Situatioa freiinentlv re8ultM from negleel of clog- j Natic ef Fiaal Stttltawat. ! Notice U hereby iriven to all pcrohcoi .... tliut lim. i. I.. Kellv u Kxix-utiii iMiwels and torpid liver, until conntipa of the Kstut of J. 8. Kelly, deoeaned, hai tion liecome chronic. Thia condition ; Hied her linal account mich Kxecutril in unknown to tlione who uwi lr. King 1 with the t ounty 1 ler ol t rook county, New Life 1'ilU; the Ut and gentlest reKtilutors of Stouuieh and llowela. (iuarantt-ed hv I.-1'. Adaiiison A Co., and Tenih'tou A Son druggist, l'rice ! Oregon, and the court ha net Monday, the I 3rd diiy of Heptember. ItMl, at ten o'clock I In the forenoon a the time for hearing id Kinnl Report, and all pcraon having Notice f Fiaal ScttUawat. Notice is herehy given that the under iened, the executor of the estate of Mar garet Xolde, Deceased, 1ms made and hied his final aceountiiiK of Iiih administration of Kitid e-tate and the court hax niitned the 2nd day ol July, at the t ounty i;ourl room in Prineville, Oregon as the time ami place for hearing said final accounting. At Whlcll lime ami place any -rnon 111 tercsted in said estate may appear and lile his ohjiTtionH to Hiiid final accounting. Dated this 17th day of May, MM. A. J. nom.K, Kxecutor of the Kstute of Margaret Noble, i)eceund. ohiei'tioiiH to ttaid mured to nrewnt Dakil this 'J7th du; reiHirt are hereliy re. the Mine at said time tuy of June, r.FM. liitAI'K I.. K KLI.Y. Kxeeutrix of the KnLate of J. H. Kelly, deceaned. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given Hint I have ap pointed the lollowing named person! deputy stot-k l iiHpeclors. J. V. Cartwright, CITATION. Kstute of JOHKPH In the mutter of the W iiiti'I Kl.o, Di ceased, To Murv Itell and all heirs unknown of Joseph Whillield. Deceawd OKKKTINO: IN T1IK NAMKOh 1IIKB1AJK Ur OKKOON, Yon are hereby cited anil required to appear in the County Court of the Htute of Oregon. lor me tyouiiLv ui i.took, ai ine (;ourt room tnereoi, at Jnnief Kice James Wood. K. II. Hparks, Andrew Morrow, Hugh I.iHter, RiN:oe Knox, J. 8. Boiue, Alex Mcintosh, Thomas Hharp, Jr, Hay Creek nay ;ree Anhwootl Mister Haystack Paulina Post Konlunil Hardin Montgomery WILL WUK7.WKILKK, Htouk Inspector Crook County Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mr. 8. I.indsav. of Fort William, On tario. Canada, who has sufforeil quiUi s niiinlwr of years from dyM)psia and irreat Mains in the stomach, was advised bv her druuuiHt to take C'lmmlierlsin's Prineville in the I Stomach gnl Liver Tablets. Hhe did so County ot Crook on Monday the 2nd day Bn( gayM "I rlnl that they have done of July !!, ut 10 o'clock in the foremmn J me a wat u(,Ri ( gosl. 1 have never hail any suffering since I Ix-giin using them." If troubled with dyssii)sia oi indigestion why not take those Tablets fet well and stay well? For sale by D, '. AdumHon A . ol that dav. then mid there to show couse if any exist why an order should not be made by the County Court for Crook County, Oregon authorising and direct ing H. M. May field, administrator of above named estate, to sell the real estate be longing to said estate which said real estate described us follows: lots one and two in hection nineteen in Township Twenty Houth. of Range Klevcn Kast and I the Kust half of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty-Four in Township Twenty Houth. of Range ten Kast of Willamette .Meridian, ill Crook County, Oregon. Witness, the lion. w. A. HULL, Judge, m COI)ieHtaiit, Following the Flag. When our soldiers wont to Cuba and the 1'hilippin'iH, health was the most im)ortant consideration. Willis T, Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. 8. A., of K ii nil Route 1, Concord, N II.. says: "I was two years in Cuba anil two years in the Philippines, am being subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Piscoveiy for Consumption, which kept me in perfect health. And now, in New Hampshire, we find it the Isiet medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles aid all lung diseases. Guaranteed by D. P. Adamson A Co., and Templeton A Son., druggist. Price 50c. and f 1 .00. Trial bottle free. of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Crook with the seal of said Court affixed, this 4th day of May A. D. 1!K. Attkht: J. J. Smith. Clerk, Hy May llelle Reed, Duputy Clerk. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Ollice at The Dulles, Oregon. May 2tl, 1!KM. Notice is hereby given that Clarence 1). Calhreatb, of Prineville, Oregon, has filed notice oi his intention to make final com minution proof in support of his claim, vijs: Homestead Kntry No. 12234 made March 11, 11)03, for the SKJ Section 6. Township 14 H, Range 19 E., W. M., and thut said proof will Is3 made before the County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Julv 11th, PlOil. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of the laud, viz: J.O. Powell, S. D. McCal lister, William 1). Arncdd, Henry Iturson, all of Prine ville, Oregon. MiciiAKL T. Nolan, Register. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Lund Office, The Dulles. Oregon. June 10. 1!. A stifllcfeiit contest allidavit having been filed in this ollice by Krnest H. Ter- aguinst homestead entry No. 1235H, made March 20, HUM, for NJ NE5, K'A N WJ4, Section e, Township 14 H.. Rame 14. K. W. M.. bv Charles l.aW' will. Conteslce, in wuicn ll is auegeo iiiui by Charles said Charles Dowwill bus wholly abandon ed suld tract; that he has never resided iic on or been seen upon said tract: mat ne bus not. cultivated the same, thut said id leged absence was not due to his employ ment in the army, navy or murine corps of the United States In time oi war. hum parties are hereby notihwl to appear, re spond and otter evidence touching said al legation ttl 10 O ClOCK a. III. on AUKum JL, liM. before the County Clerk of Crook Countv. Oreifon. at his office in Prineville (liwiin and that final hearing will lie held at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 1H, MUM, ls fore the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in The Dulles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in I affidavit, tiled June 10. 1IXM. set lortl which show that after due diligence per sonal serviec of this notice can not Is) made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 0-21-5t Micuakl T. Nolak, Register. i proper th facts The Opera Saloon BEDELL A MOSES, Proprietors In The Glaze Hall A First Class House in Kvcry Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars piacksmithing That Pleases Th Kind You Get nt J. II. WIGLIi'S (Huooessor to) COKNETT & ELKINS A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hanii Meat, Vegetables, Produces A Complete and Choice Line of Iteef, Veal, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on Mutton, Fork, hand at the City Meat Market FOSTER & HORRIOAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Oregon Jfcenderson & Zrollard Bar Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock Country Orders Solicited First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel V-