Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 28, 1906, Image 3

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    Local Mention
Mm. IV try I til v In In vhdtliiK reditu
ve nt The Millie.
Fourth of July kimuIm hi Itldcoiit &
George Itnlifi nl I'liiillnii, mum In
town Tlleadny,
Kuril Thiimiliiy, Juno '.'I, to tin
wife of It. W. Hubert it liny.
Horn Friday, June Ti, to t wlf
ofUny Imfullftt, urIi'I, '
For wnll iunr no in A. II. U
iiinn A Co.' ninl mi vp mi mi-v.
Iojonni nr wiintcd liy the OrUity
lftk lu in Ut Co. Mood wnuiit.
Tin' UrUxl.v I .like I .imiiImt Co., of
l.itinoiita t advert ImIhk f i r Iokihtm.
A. 1 Wlule waa In (rum liU ranch
on Camp rtvck the first of the week.
Luther CliiyiiiMil ninl family of
Paulina, ttv vhdtlnir In tin Hy thlw
week.J '
TIid Imk, llnlilint ruiiiilnif nml
i'lii'iiMt m-wlnn machine In fuiinil lit
A. II. I.litnniiti A Cii.'n
Ralph I'urllll (iiinnixI through
rrliii-vllln Tuesday driving ITJOO hIi.i-
to tli summer range.
Jaini Keeunii, of tlii It nn of Mor
row A Keeunu, sheepmen of Willow
Creek, wiin In town this we-k.
Ho to (Hover A Ninrr'N Cash Gro
cery for fin iMttntoea, luicon, linm
hiiiI lard.
Mnt. Fred Clay pool In visiting with
(', li. KrltkNon nml wife lit their
ranch on Ib'iir creek, '
J. 7-eek of I'ortlitml, arrived In
I'rlnevllle Hunday and will Mitd the
niiumcr v ImI t lute relative.
L, M. Hodge Mini family Ml TtieN
dny for their homtwtend on Crooked
river, where they will icud tin uni-nii-r.
f am a xi?r cunrc 5
i- u l Ltir rill I IK VVS M
If oil dud a- Nllvcrluc watch return
It tollilmilllceortoF.nrl McLaughlin.
All klniU of fruitM, rnuiJ.r, clgiim
i'k, for tin- Fourth itt J. 1'.. Htew-
art's. 1
Hi t. II. A. Own, who hit charge
of the rolporterer wagon f 'lie
llnptlut ilinrvh, passed through
I'rlnevllle Mutuality.
Don't sell your eggs mid potatoes
until yuu ie Glover A Htarr. They
are always In tin' market ninl niy
tin blithest market print.
Aiitunu Fratrbt from lint Mitchell
country plowed tliroiiKh I'rlnevllle
Moiulny with a bund of 2000 heep.
Hi him on hi way to California.
Iioyuu want utrawlicrrlcM to put
up this nciimoii? lo not wait too
long, but give up your oritur In 1 1 un
to get tint heat. I'rk-e will be rlicht.
O lover A Mtnrr.
Tlii-i art iiiany ni-w pnt
ti'rim thin year. We ran
nIiuw you a great variety
of tin-1 n. All Kraile ami
prion. AnK to we our wall
7). 2. Jfdmm0 A Cmmjmmg
J. II, (Iruy wiu In from liU Itouuey
view atiM-lt rnneli the d rut of the week
at temllliu to IniMllieNN unit tern.
J. II llaner waa over trout Ited.
un Hid Monday looking niter liU
tiiiNlnitui IntereatN and vImIIIiik with
lila fnmlly. . .. .
, Mm, Maudit HUInw weut to Civn.
well ttKlay and from thent will leave
Hundiiy for 1'rliievllle to aeni! the
auiniui'r. Ruirene Clnard.
3. K, Htewart & Co. nrt at-llltiK
Meu'a Btinnner ult at very low
price. If yuu lMel a milt now la the
time ti huy. ' '.M
Mr. ft'ftiiloii of the Ht-anlon A
ItrookN I.uuiImt Co., of Minneapolis
Minn., one of the liiwt luinU-r
ronipiinlin In the world la In town.
Will Perry, aent for the Hinder
Hewliin Mnehlue Co., hott week
moved hie family from The Dallin
mid are inaklntt their home at pred
entin UiIh city.
(lo U T. V. Met 'all later k Co. for
Hlove I'ollitblliK (Hovea.
Mra. 1. Mkhel and Mm. M. It.
Kill. tt the Indlea of the
ivgreo of Honor Tueaday evenlii by
treatlntr them to lee rream and eooa
atC. I. Wluiii k'a.
Anyone havlnft riMtma that they
(l.lre to rentdiirlnit the Fourth of
July week leave the iiuinlx-r of rooum
and addreaa with C. M. Htroud at
I'oludexU'r Hotel.
We handle a full line of Kroeerlea
chaap aa the cheaMat. Waaco hlKh
patent flour, and can make you very
low price on uar by the aaok.
(Mover A Hlarr.
Why uae old rani-Id ahlpped In
Crttamery hutter, wlien you can buy
Xevely'a nice fnah ("reamer hutU-r
at 75 eenU a roll, at (Hover A Ktarr'e.
I'atronlie home Industrie.
H. Taylor Hill and wife arrived In
I'rlnevllle Inat we-k. Mr. and Mm.
Hill are here on a Itualneaa trip and
cxcct to remain until after the
Fourth of July.
t'nlU'd K ta tea Coiiiuilaaloner, F. A.
Unwell waa In town thla wwk look
liiir after hualueM connin'tiM with hia
ottlee. Mr. Howell haa not decided
iu yet whether he will o(Nn up an
otllce In town or not.
Ilev. J. T. Moore la on the nick Hat
and wlahea to any that he will he un
able to preach next Hunday at Mill
(Veek or at I'rlnevllle aa haa been
Frank Foater and (line, Lytle left
Monday lu company with L. K.
Alltiijrhnm for the KUtcm country
where they ifo to l.Hik over aome
yellow pine tlnilier clalma. They
took nlonir kuiin and flahliiK tackle,
and will Miid a few daya hunting
and tlahliiK.
La Credentia i
M..... ri..r .1 I. 9IU it
9 It la the eotml of any 12V fllfar nt
O l-i,r Hill.. I.v IS
Hnymoiid Cnlavan and wife and
Mra. Cahivan'a alater of lib Valley,
Calif., are here vlaltllig with relatlvca.
They will leave net wei.k for Wat-r-vllln.
Waah., where they will make
their future home.
J. M. 1 1 ay ea of Hllverlake, Or., la
In I'rlnevllle on liiialnee. Mr. Hnyea every tblii( looka koimI lu hla
country. Croa will lie wa daya or
two week late but they will be IiIk
Ike Ward paaaed throuKh Prlne-
vtlle Tueadajr morn In if with a band
of Him eheep. He waa bound for the
u miner rane In the mountalna and
will go In aouth of the McKenzle
biidice. j
Htate Knglnecr Iewla came over
from Itedmond Friday wliere lie haa
laten flnlahliiK up hla tour of luapec
tlon of the vaiioua IrrlKatlon enter
pHaea In thla reiclon. Mr. Iewla left
for Khanlko Katurdny.
Kervlcea at the Methiallat church
next Hunday aafollowii: The puator
will preach In the morulntr. In the
evening1, the prealdliiK elder, Rev.
Walter Kklpworth will conduct the
quarterly meeting- aervlwa. You
will find a hearty welcome.
The new foreat guard that have
juat ncelvel their appointment to
the wentern dlvlwlon of the ISlue
Mountain foreat reeerve are: W. O.
Leach, I'rlnevllle; W. A. Freeman,
Paulina; J. L. Winter, Klley, Or.,
and Carl W. Von Welker, Duma, Or.
We acknowledge the receipt of a
complimentary ticked to the Oregon
State Fair to be held at Kalem Hep-teniU-r
10 to 15. The fair thla aeaaon
promlaea to lie unuaunlly attractive
and will no doubt la) more aucceaaful
than ever.
Volume 1, Numla-r 1, of The Dallea
Optlmlat, published by Ilennett A
Davenport, reached our table Friday.
It la a blight alx-column alx-page
weekly carrying a heavy line of very
neatly dhtplayed advertlaementa.
The paHT reflecta great credit on
The Ilullea, on Meaam Bennett A
Davenport and on the bualneaa men
of the community In which It la located.
W. F.
rrr"1Prineville-Shaiiiko Stage Line
2 J iicii DaKery j
: In tha MilUr BiuUiaa C
SFreah Bread. I'lea and Cake k
alway on hand. W
Paatry of all klnda made to W
Q order.
Daily Between Prlrtevllle and Shaniko
Leaves Hbanikn, 6 p. m. Arrive at Prineville 6 a. m. '
Leaves Prinerille 1 p. m. Arrive at Shaniko 1 a, n. j
First Class Accommodations i
Massachusetts Mimtaal
Springfield. Massachusetts
Operating under the Famous Non-Forfeiture Laws of the state of Massachusetts
Divides its Earnings Annually Among its Policy Holders.
:r suits
Reduced' Prices
We are making a decided reduction in all of our
lines of Light Weight T Summer Suits. If you
intend to buy a suit we would be pleased to show
you through our line; also if you need shoes, shirts
or anything else in Gent's Furnishings we have it
in styles that are right and at a modest price.
J. E. Stewart & Co.
Rev. Ijevl Jolumon of Pendleton,
will preach In the Preeliyterian
hurch next Sunday July lHt, both
morning and evening. All are
cordially Invited to attend.
Do not fall to attend the oenlng
dance of the celebratlou on Saturday
veiling, and get acquainted. The
licet of uiuhIc has been eecured for
he dance and arrangement to make :
thle an enjoyable affair have been :
B. Gatewotxl, malinger of The!
Uatewood Mining & Trading Co., of I
Howard, Or., won In Prlneville, ;
Friday, to meet his brother, Rowl
ing Gatewood of Oswego, Kan.,
who him come out here to eee how i
he likes It. Ita dollars to doughnuts j
he will never go back to the Sun
flower state.
Married Mr. Charles Otta Christi
an! to Miss Belle KannellH, June 24,
at the home of the bride's parrents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Rannells, offline
Fnlls, Or. Only the near relatives of
the contracting narties were present
The Rev. J. T. Moore officiated.. Mr.
and Mra. Chrlntlanl will make their
future home at Mr. Christiani's ranch.
H. Spinning of Wilbur, Wash,, who j
has licen looking over Crook county j
during the pat few weeks for In-1
vestments, found something to his
liking In the Towell Bntte country.
Mr. Spinning has traveled thousands
of miles within a few years looking
over Washington, Oregon and neigh
boring states for laud Investments
and saw nothing that looked as
good to him as the prospects of
CrtMik county. In the not far distant
future we hope to have Mr. Spinning
aa a uelghbor. He is made of the
kiud of stuff that Crook county
4 At C. W. ELK I NS
85 A Genuine Sale on Our Entire Stock S
Linen Parasols
FOR SALE : 1900 acre ranch, partly
on creek bottom and' "partly in Blue
Mountain Forest Reeerve. Suitable for
sheep, horses or cattle. Permanent
winter and summer range. Plenty of
water. Address Q. E. Kklukki, Kelso,
Wash. 6-28-lmp.
FOR SALE: Two National Road Grad
ers, one well boring machine and slip
scrapers and plows. Latest improved
models. All new. For sale at a
bargain. Cash or approved security.
F. O. B. Shaniko. Address G. E.
Kbllooo, Kelso, Wash., 6-28-lmp.
A Chance for You to Save Money and at the Same Time Get the Best and
Most Up-To-Date Goods on the Market ' J J
What We Are Going to Do"
Beginning Monday, July 2, and until Saturday night, July 7, wewiH" give a
Reduction of 10 per cent on every article in our Store.
What This Means
This is a fair and square sale. Our goods are all marked in plain figures, and at
the lowest cash price. We have no book price and for that reason 10 per cent
off at our store, means lower prices than 25 per cent off at other stores. ,
Our Reason For Doing This
Our store is already over crowded, and our fall goods will begin to arrive very
soon, and we take this way of making room and at the same time making friends.
Some of Our Lines Included in This Sale
Men's Suits, the most complete and up-to-date stock of Gents' Furnishings ever
shown in Crook County, Banner Brand Waists and Skirts, Kingsbury, Burlington
and Stetson Hats, Ladies' Underwear, Men's Underwear, Gloves, all kinds of
Shoes including a fine line of Gents' and Ladies Oxfords and Canvas Shoes
Dishes, Fishing Tackle, Etc , Etc.
Take Advantage of this Sale and Make a Year's Interest on Your Money
The General Furnishing Store I
S A aR. Ra A A iX t&t
trsi a