jgpOiSi!!! 1 Professional Cards. Jit to rn oy-at-a to in' Lroram Want Ads c evti on A .N'o'ice-i uniler thU brad will lie ciiarirwl at llie rate nf On Ckmt per wonl : per insertion. Nothing lew than 50 cent. r SMITH & CLEEK, Pro'priktoks Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED 1 ' w WANTED Loan of $2000. Exiellent real estate security. Addres The Journal. m I J 117 1 V J I m r1 U LDUU I Grand Celebratioe PRINEVILLE, OREGON Commencing on July 1 and Ending on 4th of. JULY The Celebration wil include a 4 Days Base Ball Tournament, for which purses aggregating $450.00 have been raised, which will be hung as follows: $250 Fisrt Money; $150 Second and $50 Third The Schedule of games to be played will be arranged according to the number of teams entering. The teams winning the highest percentage of games will be en titled to 1st, 2nd and 3rd money respectively. In addition to this a consolation purse will be hung for teams not winning any of above purses. Entries are open for all. Teams desiring to enter should notify the committee on or before June 30 by writing to Manager Prineville Base Ball Club, Prineville, Oregon. Horse Races, Foot Races, Trap Shoot and various other sports are on the program. Good purses have been hung for these events and those desiring to enter can do so by writing to the committee in charge who will also furnish any information desired. Committee: T. M. Baldwin, J. H. Rosenberg, Duncan Macleod Grand Street Parade July 4th, with floats from the business houses in the city. The committee in charge of the parade are working to make this the best in the history of the county. Many novel and amusing features will be had. One of the leading features will be that of pioneers of the county who will march in the parade. 0 GRAND BA On the Evenings of June 30th and July the 4th " " 1 '" I. III I I II. ! I. ! , MUSIC WILL UE FURNISHED BUUING THE CELEItKATION by The Prineville Military Band COME AND CELEBRATE WITH US LUMBER Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Bnrrjrnrariiifiiriiri.iririnniriinci niniriiriiriiniriinirrw'iirirji EJLJLJLJLIJLOJLJL JL JL JLJLJUJ LJU JL JL JL JLJLj JLjJLJU JL.ULJ n i"j e a t j ri t j t j li Restaurant and Lunch Room r jj SMELZER & ELEFFSON Props. ri -- - - : THE O'NEIL u u L J ri tj r.i try r.i CJ Jor jCadies and Sentlemett 77eas and Siarery Cunch Board by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal TickeU. $4.00 ri ri Li LJ r.i LJ r,1 LJ ri LJ T,X L.J r.a LJ r.i LJ n CJ TK LJ r,ii LJ r,a LJ ri L J r.i LJ rn LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ;irF,B3rrrr!,rr!"'rr-,'ri nnnirinririririnininim fcULULUUULULJLJLULLiLULULyLJ UaLJLJLJLiJL.JLUL-yL!J I The Biijfrest. Most Complete 1Q A N D g The Cheapest j Line of 57 In the County (?) Can Be Seen and f A H IIPPMAM p. rn $ ai. Run i if liii x vu. a ML 'I - key fl IPrintutllt, Ormgon, 1 Cnaa. cf. Cdwcfdt Jf. !P. S3olknap County Ayse'an) el knap dc Gd wards ZPly-ticiaris and tSurytoit. 00Jm &irtr 2or t mf HZmmmft 2i--f iSor SPrintvillt, Ortyon. Notice to Creditors. Notice ia hereby tliven by the undersign ed ailininiHtiator of the estate of S. li. iSlayton, deceased, to the ci'editors of and to all other persons having claims against the said deceased to present them with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned at the ottioe of M. It. Klliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 17th day of May, l!HXi. K. T. Slayton, Administrator of the Estate of 8. It. Slayton, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the undersign ed administrator of the estate of Simm Siuead, deceased, to the creditors of anil to all other persons having claims against the said deceased to present them with the necessary vouchers at the ollico ofM.H. Klliott in rrincville, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated this 17th day of May, UKW. J. II. Kki.ly,' Administrator of the Estate of iniiu Amend, deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter De lore, Diwased: Notice is Hereby given by the executor of said estate, to all persons having claims against said deceaent to present them to the undersigned at the ottlce of M. It. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the elate hereof. Dated May 31, l!HHi. Chari.ks Hkknard, EvWuo'r of the Estate of Peter Delore, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed administrator with the will annex eu of the Estate of Mary Delore, deceased, to all persons having claims against the said deceased, to present them with the puvper vouchers to the undersigned at the ottioe of M. It. Elliott in Prineville, Ore gon, within sil months from the date of this notice. Dated May 31, AiorsTi s Dklosk, Administrator with the w ill annexed of theeyOite of Mary lelore. dceeascd. ZPhyitcian and Surgeon Cais antutrJ promptiy ttay or ntyAt Offmm ttvo door souA of 7mtpttom ' &ruf Sfono. PastWottoo oomof it mmtt VVom Stromtm. iPrinovi'tlt, Ortyon. Following the Flag. AVhwi our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippinwe, health was the most imporMuit consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Oomntissary Serjeant U. S. A., of Kural Koute 1, Concord, N. H., says: "1 was two years in Cuba antl two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took Pr. King's New Piscoveiy for Consumption, which kept me in perfect health. And now, in New Hampshire, we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles aid all lung diseases, (iimranteed by P. 1 Adamson ot Co., and Templeton i& Son., druggist. Price 50e. and fl.OO. Trial bottle free. WANTED : Gentleman or lady with good reference, to travel by rail or with a rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072.00 per year and expemes ; salar- paid weekly and expenses advanced Address, with stamp, Job. A. Alexanokr, Prineville, Ore. I Teams Wanted. To put in from 750,000 to 1,000,000 lift ol loirs. ii tl level irround. Iosth to lie hauh'tl from to of a mile. Call on or H(hlrenn, Hawkins Bros., Prineville, Oregon. C. - My SPAysi'ci'an and Suryoon call8 an8wkrkd pkomptly day or night Office One Door North of Adamkon'8 Drug Stork. Kksidenck Opposite Methodist Church ZPrinout'lle, Orayon Star Barber Shop HYDE & McRAE, Phop's. Our haircutting is up-to-date. Our shaving is comfortable. Our shop is new and clean. i t i 4 Ik JV AoBt JV A A A. AAA Henderson Building: PRINEVILLE, - OREGON Death From Lockjaw tiever follows an injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent b'.ood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, of Kensselaersville, N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw Cures Cuts. Wounds, Hums and So'es. 25c at D. P. Adamson & Co., and Tem pleton & Son's drugstore. Estray Notice. There strayed to my place on Upper Ochoco one sorrel mare with stripe in face, branded WB on left stifle, VH on left shoulder. The owner can have same by paying charges and the ex pense of this advertisement. 6-7-4t C. E. Wkight. irrigation! FairlmnkH-Mot'Ke Gasoline Kn jriiicH pump water, spray, saw wood, grind, general work. 2 horse-power up. Economical, one drop of gasoline, with nine times more air makes the power. Expense stops when engine is closed down. Write for Catalogue and Prices Fairbanks, Morse, & Co PORTLAND, OREGON iTJtTlrlrIr3r LOST. One white mare, 6 years old, large brown spot on right eve, shod behind brand wine cup, gentle, weigh alout 1150. One 2 year old sorre! colt following mare, gelding; small star in torheail rope mark on left fetlock; very gentle, DOKItANCK liltDS., 6-7-4t Cline Kails, Oregon Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are Btomach and liver disorders with us. For the latter however there is a sure remedy Electric Bitters; the great restorative medicine, ot winch s. A. lirown.ot Ben nettsville, S. C, says: "Thev restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronic ally torpid liver." Electric Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness lame back, kidney troubles and bladder ! disorders. Sold on guarantee by u I Adamson & Co., and Templeton & Son ; Estray Notice. ' There came to our place last fall one three-vear old red steer, branded 37 on each hip, and marked two crops and two splits. Owner can have same by i calling at our ranch on the Deschutes and paying costs on same. 6-7-4t Vandevert Bros. Summer Sheep Range. The W. V. & C. M. Wagon Road Company will issue grass lease on large tracts for summer range in the Horse Heaven coun try (Townships 14-15-16) and other portions ' of the grant in Crook county. For full particu lars apply to C. E. S. WOOD, Agent, Portland, Oregon. Estray Notice. There came to my place about eigli months ago one black mare about 9 or 10 years old. weight about 10'X) pounds with a blotched brand resembling S M on left hip. Owner can have same by paying al1 charges. Also one gray horse about 10 years old branded thus JJ on left hip; weight about 1000 pounds. It came to my place six months ago. Owner can have same by paying all charges. Lyn Nichols -7-4t Hay Creek, Or An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of clog bowels and torpid liver, until constipa tion becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Pr. King's New Life Pills; the best and gentlest regulators of Stomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by P. P. Adamson it Co., and Templeton & Son druggist. Price 25c. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, the executor of the estate of Mar garet Noble, Deceased, has made and filed his final accounting of his administration of said estate and the court has named the 2nd day of July, IDOti at the County Court room in Prineville, Oregon as the time and place for hearing said final accounting. At which time and place any person in terested in said estate may appear and file his objections to said final accounting. Dated this 17th day of May, liWti. A. J. NnHLK, Executor of the Estate of Margaret Nohlo, Deceased. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble Mr. M. F. Borroughs. an old and well known resident of tsluttton, Ind., Bays "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very beet remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remed in my family for several years. I am never without it." This remedy is al most Biire to be needed before the sun mer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by P. P. Adamson & Co. MAIN STREET Post Office Box 92 PRINEVILLE, OREGON runnnnnninnirinnninnnnr'irTnr'irwT'jn LJ t. J LJ LJ n LJ r.T LJ LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ LJ r.i LJ r,i LJ r.i LJ r,.i LJ CITATION. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph W n i t r t K 1, i , Deceased , To Mary Hell and all heirs unknown of Joseph Vfhitlield. Deceased GREET! Xli: IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Mtate of Oregon, for the County of Crook, at the Court room thereof, at Prineville in the Countv ol Crook on Monday the ind day of July HXKI, at 10 o'clock in" the forenoon ot that day, then and there to show cause if any exist w hy mi order should not be made by the County Court for Crook County. Oregon authorising and direct ing S.M. Ma'ytield. administrator ot above named estate, to sell the real estate be longing to said estate which said real estate is described as follows: hots one and two in Section nineteen in Township Twenty South, of Range Eleven East and the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty-Four in Township Twenty South, of Range ten East of illaniette Meridian, in Crook County. Oregon. Witness, the Hon. W. A. Bki.i., Judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Crook with the seal of said Court affixed, this 4th day of May A. D. UKHi. Attkst: J. J. Smith. Clerk, Ity May Uelle Reed, Duputy Clerk. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given that I have ap pointed the following named persons deputy stock Inspectors. J. P. ( artwright, Hay Creek James Riee, Hay Creek James Woods, Ashwood E. H. Sparks, Sisters Andrew Morrow, Haystack Hugh Lister, Paulina Roscoe Knox, Post J. S. Ilogue, Rosland Alex Mcintosh, Hardin Thomas Sharp, Jr. Montgomery Will Wurzwkilkr, Stock Inspector Crook County. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William, On tario, Canada, who has suffered quite a numt)er of years from dyspepsia and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and says, "I find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suffering since 1 began using them." If troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? For sale by D. UP. Adamson & Co. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. May -li, 116. Notice is hereby given that Clarence D. Calbreath, of Prineille, Oregon, has tiled notice oi bis intention to make final com mutation proof in support of his claim, vu : Homestead Entry No. PJ-J34 made March 11, l'JuS. for the SE'; Section 6, Township 14 S, Ranee lti E.. W. M., and that said proof will lie made before the Countv Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Julv llth, liWtS. ifo names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, vii: J.O. Powell, S. D. McCallister, William 1. Arnold, Henry Burson, all of Prine ville, Oregon. MichaklT. Nolan, Register. NOTICE OF WATER APPROPRIATION. Notice of appropriation of water by the United States as riled in the office of the State Knirineer at Salem, Orvgon, on April Hi, l'JOti, 8:30 a. m. "In pursuance of the authority transferred upon me October H, 1905, by the Secretary of the luterlor, under the provision of the Act of Congress approved June 17, 1902, (32 Stat. 3SS) known as the Reclamation Act, nnd in necordnnee with the laws of the State of Oregon, I hereby noti fy you that it is the intention of the United States to utilize all the sur plus and unappropriated waters of the lesehute8 Kiver and tributaries for development of power lielow the mouth of Warm Spinjrs Kiver, situ ated iu T. S S 11. 14 E. W. M.; that It Is the intention of the United States to use said power for pump ing water to the arid lands border ing; on anil in the vicinity of the Co lumbia Kiver, and for other purposes a authorized by said Act of Con press, and request that such waters t withdrawn from appropriation except for purposes of irrigation, as provided In the laws of this state. This notice is given by David C. llenny, Supervising; Engineer, U. S. Koelatnatlon Service, thereto duly authorized by the Secretary of the Interior. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 13th day of April, 190ti. . (Signed! David C Hknny, Supervising Eug'r U. S. Keclama tiou Service." Sonera ffilaccsmithing Horseshoeing, Wood Work, etc., Neatly and Promptly Done When it is Done By : : : ftoberi Wfoore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Prineville, Oregon. r.1 LJ LJ r.i LJ res LJ ra LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ Till L" J r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r,i LJ r.ii LJ rn LJ LJ riiririririiririririiririniirriiriiEiriririrriiriiriiriiri LJLJLJLJLJLJLJL JL JLJLJLjf L JL JLJLJLJLJL JLJLJLJL'JLIJLJ 8 1.A Prineville' a Wholesale UZiquor Jfouse Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also iSWr Supplies m Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda gts m gjj strrxirsr Trade Solicited. lYl I The Opera Salo 'n on i BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors 111 The Glaze Hall A First Class House in Every Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines q and Cigars www piacksmithing That Pleases A Is The Kind You Get at" J. II. WIGLES (Successor to) CORNETT & ELK INS A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the City VI eat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Oregon I jfcenderson & tPollard Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars CIT In Stock Country Orders Solicited First Door iSoutlnof - the Poindexter Hotel MP is