Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 14, 1906, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal
THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1906.
Nulmcription $1.50 er Year
The inconsistency of the argu
ments against the building of a
new court houe, harped iiHn bo
strongly by the Bend Bulletion, is
brought out no place in the coun
ty in stronger relief than in Bend
itself where the incorporated com
panies, whose master minds are
furnishing the meat for the Bulle
tin to chew on, are themselves at
tempting to dodge county taxes
and at the same time impress up
on the new "settlers" minds that
the latter will be the ones who will
pay the additional cost of a new
court house. The latter argument
has already been dispelled by a
statement of the true condition of
the county's finances. There are
funds enough on hand to pay the
entire cost of a new building with
out incurring any debt, or raising
the tax levy next year, but there
is still one feature connected with
the matter which the Bulletin has
studiously refused to dilate upon.
The settlers in the vicinity of
Bend have been told that if a new
court house is built they will be
the ones who will pay the bill;
that taxes in Bend and the county
are already excessive and a new
court house means that much ad
ditional. It is not to be wondered that the
pill is taken down sugar coating
and all. The rulers of Bend's city
government saddled the people out
there with a 13 mill city tax, then
on top of that a 10 mill school tax.
These two together are two mills
higher than the county tax of 21
mills, which Bend pays in ad
dition to its levy made by the
master minds of its city's govern
ment. Fourty-four mills tax in
other words. No wonder the argu
ment of "excessive" and ''addition
al" appeals .strongly to those
whose ignorance of conditions is
used as dough upon which to im
press falsified statements.
But Bend is blessed with having
several incorporated companies
which manfully shoulder their
share of the taxes which they have
saddled upon their community.
These companies and individuals
are squared toed on the line to
help out the new settlers and make
the taxes as light as possible on
these new settlers in whose ears
they are now pouring their sympa
thy. Note: On file in the county
court are affidavits from these
companies swearing off the greater
part of their assessments. Nota
bly there are the Pilot Butte De
velopment Company, the Central
Oregon Banking & Trust Com
pany, the Bend Mercantile Com
pany and the mayor himself of
Bend. A 44 mill tax looks a lit
tle big. The new settlers need
some assistance in their struggles
to build homes. These campanies
being stomach full of generosity
and good citizenship, help them
out by filing affidavits of wrongful
assessments. The records are
public and the proceedings of the
court in the matter were published
in last week's Journal.
The people of Crook county are
to be congratulated on the splen
did showing made bv County As
sessor J. 1). Lafollett. While the
county assessment rolls are not
complete they are far enough along
to give one a pretty good idea of
just how the county stands fiinan
cially. The assessable wealth of
the county is placed at approxi
mately $(5,000,000. Just about
double what it was last year. This
in part is largely due to the in
creased areas in timber land that
have been pattented, to the in
crease of livestock holdings and to
the enhanced value of agricultural
lands. This increase in valuation
will materially reduce the tax levy
for the count which has been very
low in comparison with other
counties of the state. This low
rate of assessment too, should
prove a strong factor in inducing
settlers to come and make their
homes with us. Not only is our
tax rate low, hut add to this the
finest kind of agricultural lands
and a climate unsurpassed
and you have a combination hard
to beat.
Prineville extends to its neigh
boring towns a most cordial invi
tation to come and have a good
time on the Fourth. Visitors to
the ball game from Bend and Red
mond Sunday expressed the opin
ion that both towns would close
tip and attend the celebration at
this place. That is right brethren,
and we hope ever)' town in the
county will do likewise. W'e are
prepared to take care of you.
Prineville is leaving nothing un
done to make the coming Fourth
of Jul)- celebration one of the most
memorable in its history. The ex
ecutive committee the head of the
celebration together with the busi
ness men and private citizens are
all working with this one aim in
view. It is bound to be a hummer.
The List of Land Segregations
Sent Back for Correction.
The list of land segrepations
made by the Squaw Creek Irriga
tion Company a year ago near
Sisters where the company select
ed some 11,000 acres under the
provisions of the Carey act, ha?
been returned bv the Interior De
partment to the ollicials of the
company for correction and re
vision. Work was completed this week
in making corrections and the lists
will again be forwarded. The ap
plication, while it has been accept
ed, was held up pending the elimi
nation by the company of several
quarter sections of land in the
segregation which contain a scat
tering growth of timber. These
latter, in the new list which has
been compiled, have been left out
and several quarter sections of
desert land substituted.
State Engineer John II. Lewis
went over to the segregation this
week with Z. M. Brown to examine
the tract and make a report to the
ollicials of the state land board.
The new list of lands will be
submitted to the land ollicials
inside of a few days and it is ex
pected that early action will be
taken when the matter is again
brought before the Interior De
partment nt Washington.
Tt JViiainson s
Price from Be to $1.60
Mail order Killed rrimqitly
i ' f t ! II III it L II m VVf 1 1 1
County Court Proceedings.
Application of I'', t". Itowlee for
saloon license at Kedinoud. Pe
tition, proof of post Ink' niui publica
tion: hniiil and receipt for fL'OO tiled.
License ordered Issued for 5 months
from .1 line 1.
The following; hills were allowed
at the Mnv term of court.
Ii V Tlce, rond work $ 10 00
V K King; nidse IS'.' 50
K P 1 1 union supervisor's fees.... 'St ."(
V A Hell jiiduVs salary 100 00
V .1 O'Connor 47 relsl ni l ion lUn 4 70
.! J .Sinii li express 1 1 1
Slianiki) warehouse freight 1 .'Hi
.1 .1 Sm 1 1 li express 5 i"
Slianiko warehouse, freight :i l!0
" 1 :i.l
V Sam Smith, sheriff's salary.. .41(1 (Hi
(' it Dinwiddle, school supt
s a lary (ill 07
() (1 (iray, treasurer's salary..,. ll(i 07
.1 J Smith, clerk's salary MOO 00
Lvn Mcholrt, Judg'c election I! 00
V K Onclilen, " " :t 00
.1 I, Allen, " " It 00
M Wheeler, " " .'1 00
.1 W Lewis, " " II 00
II Montgomery " " It 00
(lay Sen I'm. " " :l 00
v li liavii, " " :t oo
II .1 Kdwards, " " :t (in
V 11 Cadle. " " :l 00
V .1 Johnson, " " :l no
(' II Cra in, " " :t (Hi
A ell. " " :t 00
.1 () Powell, " " It (HI
.1 S Wat kins, " " :t (Ml
M I) Powell, " " I! (HI
V McCoi kle, " " :t (HI
J II Thomas, " " :t 00
J II Wiiidoni, " " ;l (Ml
O (i Collvcr, ' ;l ihi
(To be colli limed.)
For Sale Cheap.
v mngle buggy and harness for sale
cheap, l'oth in tirnt-clusH condition.
Inquire at this ollice. ti-U-tf
Road Bids Wanted.
The county cour! of Crook county,
Or., will receive bids up to 10 o'clock
a. in. July (, liKHi, (or the const ruction
of a wagon mad in Hay Creek Canyon,
leading from in front of C. Md'herson's
house to the lan Pierce old place, so as
to avoid (iutea and Crisp bilks. Contrac
tor will specify and set pegs along route
where he proposes to build road, ami
specil'v width and maximum grade, and
all other conditions of the road he will
propose to build. The contractor to fur
nish his own sHviticationa of such road
with bid.
The court -reserves the right to reject
any ami all bids. The successful bidder
will be requited to enter into a contract
and furnish a bond w ithin 'M days after
being awarded the contract. Hy order
of the court. J. J. Smith,
6-7 County Clerk.
Another New Railroad.
mercial center of the Willow Creek
basin, in the south part of Crook
county. The new road will open
up a great region known as the
Agency plains, Little Agency, the
Haystack country, Lamonta, and
all the region tributary to the Des
chutes from its mouth to its junc
tion with the Crooked river.
Promotion of the road has, it is
said, Uen carried on with con
summate skill and wonderful dis
patch, in view of the various dilli-
culties that attend any indepen
dent railroad project in Oregon.
The company was incorporated a
few months ago, with Seattle men
as officers and directors. It was
given little further attention, and
in a few days was practically for
gotten. Work was commenced
quietly by the promoters, and the
surveys were followed immediately
by right of way work. Today it is
said the company has secured near
ly the entire right to begin con
struction. The engineers have se
cured a water level grade without
any serious engineering problems
or heavy tunnel work. It is said
the company expects its main ob
stacles to arise from opposition by
a rival railroad. It is preparing
foi trouble, and is expecting to en
counter the same blockading tac
tics that have been going on along
the north bank of the Columbia,
and which were encountered last
year by men who undertook to
build a railroad in Wallowa coun
ty tributary to the (). It. & N. com
pany's line.
V. F. Nelson, president of the
Oregon Trunk Line, is now
in Portland. lie has been
continuously engaged in pre
liminary work on the route of the
road since last fall and has made
a record for rapid an. I effective
action. Questioned aboi;! ( be com
pany's plans, he said he was not
ready to make tiny del.-, led :in
nounei ment, and that 00 days
later he would have something to
say that would be of general pub
lic interest. Pressed for a state
ment, he said:
"I will say thir much now: Be
tween this date and June 26 dirt
will begin to Hy on the grade of
the Orgeon Trunk Line. We have
our preliminary work along to a
point where we will be ready to
commence actual construction
within four weeks. The road w.ll
be built as rapidly as possible. It
will be 100 miles long from the
mouth of the IX'schutes river to
Madras. We do not expect to stop
at Madras. We now have prac
tically all of our rights of way pur
chased and deeds to the ground.
In the few exceptions we have be
gun condemnation proceedings.
As a rule the people along the
route have been reasonably fair.
There have been a few cases of
holdup on rights of way. We have
no complaint to make.
"Central Oregon is a country of
great resources. The lands, when
under irrigation, will be immense
ly fruitful. There are great de
jKisits of nitrates and other com
mercial products. I predict that
within the next few years there
will be three transcontinental rail
roads built through central Ore
gon." Regarding the financial or rail
road connections back of the Ore
gon Trunk Line, Mr. Nelson refus
ed to talk. He was one of the
principal builders and is now a
part owner of the Great Southern,
a road constructed last year under
his supervision from The Dalles to
Dufer. It is believed that there is
a Hill relationship to these Oregon
railroad projects and that ultimate
ly they will become a part of the
Hill lilies now building down the
north bank of the Columbia. The
officers of the Oregon Trunk Line
arc President, W. F. Nelson,
railroad contractor; vice-president,
It. A. Ballinger, cx mayor of Seat
tle and now a practicing attorney
in that city; secretary, L. I. Greg
ory of the Title Trust company,
Seattle, treasurer, J. F. Lane,
cashier of the Scandinavian Na
tional bank, Seattle. These men,
with Malcolm Moody of The Dalles
and Robert It. Fox, form the di
n ctorv.
Pacific University
A High-grade college with
Superior equipment.
Beautifully located twenty-six miles
from Portland.
Full regular college courses.
Academy gives strong preparatory and
High School courses.
Conservatory of Music and School of
Art, with superior instructors.
Business branches taught.
Gymnasium and Field Athletics under
a Physical Director.
Well-equipped Laboratories.
Library of 13,000 Volumes.
Healthful social life; religious influences.
All student enterprises active.
Pj Now Ready for Your Inspection Pjs
G We invite the interest and inspection of all who are interested
fivt in thf nsw stvlpe for thp Vnrina ?iinl nmnipr 05lol
- - - mmm-mr mm w J . ' 111 m M11U LUllllllVl , v m m
We Sell and Guarantee
They are sincerely tailored
They are made of honest materials
In a big, sanitary, modern factory;
by skilled, well-paid workmen
They are correct and stylish
They fit perfectly
They wear and hold their shape 'til
-They are not DOCTORED" into
shape by Hot Fiat-Iron "dope"
And Because
A very large percentage of all
clothing IS doctored up by the Hot
Fiat-Iron to cover defects in tailoring.
Such treatment does cover, but
doesn't remove; for the first damp
day on which these "doctored" gar
ments are worn brings out these
faults and causes them to lose shape
and character.
Partial faults that may occur in the
are permanently removed by Hand
Needlework ONLY.
You can buy "Sincerity Clothes"
with the assurance that you are get
ting Style-Perfect Fit-and that
they will WEAR, and retain their
shape, until worn threadbare;
because they are tailored sincerely
We are Sole Agents Here
It has always been our policy to provide for our
patrons the best merchandise procurable, and with this
idea still in view we have arranged for the exclusive rt
Bale of -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- Wi
"Sincerity Clothing" For Men W
and we feel that our judgment will be justified by the
approval ot tiie men who appreciate high ciass work
manship as well as perfect fit, and correct style, with
our Positive Guarantee of Satisfaction. -:- -:-
ftl 1 Li V IJLLiLi O JJJLVJL U 1 VylVU ffi
tjj WURZWEILER & THOMSON, Prineville Oregon $fl
Embroidered Linen Waist Patterns
$1.50 to $2.25 each
Great Undermuslin Showing $3
of Night Gowns; Petticoats, Drawers, Chimese and fffij
Corset Covers, all high class goods and the prices are right
Beautiful Laces are here
for your inspection. An
elega nt assortment of
Cluny, Oriental and Val
enciennes Laces with In
sertion to match. Allover
Laces,' Plauen, Appliquet
and Swiss Embroideries
Childrens' White Presses
Baby Coats, .Summer Hats
Bonnets, etc, in a great
variety of styles in all
sizes and prices
We have secured the agency for the famous
Butterick Patterns and The Delinator
Our prices are the same to all 10 and 15 cents
Machines and Records
Spring Styles in Millinery
Newest style Sailors and latest designs lrom the best houses
H we have nothing in slock to suit you, we will make to your
Order, Rihlmn by the bolt lor fancy work. Flowers lor
McCal's Patterns, IQnd 15 Cents
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas and
Cniiilies are fresh dnily from the Prineville factory, the only one
in the county. Quality and llii vor unsurpassed, 'superiority lias
always lieen tiie lest of (iilliei't's. The same factory is turning;
out tiie best u'i'ii'le of Ice Cream made from pure ereiiin. Your
putroiiUK'e once stvuivd will never lie lost.
Present Location with Rideout & Foster
i. J
New Millinery
Corner 2nd and
Main Street
I desire to announce that I have just
received a fine line ol HATS lor Ladies
Misses and Children. These goods are
strictly lirst class and up-to-date in every
respect. Prices are REASONABLE
W'hthin the next four weeks dirt
will Hy on the grade of another
new railroad in Oregon, says the
Portland Journal. Surveys and
final location have been completed
for the Oregon Trunk line, 110
miles, from the mouth of the Des
chutes river to Madias, the coin-
Hcnd Livery & Transfer Company
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. liemember us when in
Prineville. Katks Ukaso.nabi.k. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
f lV Run in Connection with the I'end Liverv Stables
Qiihorr-iho fnv Thn TOIIDMAI U.a
v M ftOV 1 I VI a llj J V W HMnLi
a Year
.' O. V. v- - '
Prineville - Oregon
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
j AVill take old machines
j in exchange for new ones
Will sell you machines
j on monthly payments
m All kinds of repair work
done by our agfnt who
5? is also the authorized
$ collector for all moneys
$ due the company.
For further Information
x inquire of
At Poindexter Hotel
The 0. K. Meat Market
STROUD BROS., Proprietors
Deealers in Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Butter
Eggs and Country Produce
The following is a list of our Prices on Meats
Loin Steak - - l'icts per pound
Round Steak - - lOcts per pound
Shoulder Steak - lOcts per pound
Plain Roast Beef - 8cts per pound
Prime Rib Roast - lOcts per pound
Veal Roast - - 12cts per pound
Loin Mutton Chops 12icts per pound
Plain Mutton Chops lOcts per pound
Veal Chops - 124cts per pound
Pork Loin - - 12$cts per pound
Pork Sausage - lOcts per pound
Hamburger - - lOcts per pound
Bologne - - lOcts per pound
When you are buying anything in this line give us a call
We Guarantee to Treat you Right
Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention
Clothing, Hats, Shoes and
Winter Underwear
Has been made as we intend to sell them out
complete in order to have room for our Spring
Stock. Get our prices before buying elsewhere
Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco
Dunham & Adams
Prineville, Oregon