BBBBBe 'Want Ads 8 THE IMPORTED PERGHERON STALLION j& ?. Cliott, Uhe Reception SMITH C'LKKK, Pkoi-kiktoi: - gmT Xo'ii-ex tlii brail will l" ciiargt-U at tin- rate of Onk I.'unt -r wortt j pr inwrtion. NotliiiiK Iras tlian 0" rents. J( ftornty-ml-jCmm iPrimemUte, Oregon. , - s ml. rr- No. 56041 Foaled May 11, 1900; Bred by M. Vallie, Department pt of Oren, France; Imported April 12. 1905; Property of fJLf WTHE LAMONTA PERGHERON HORSE CO. W Will Make the Season of 1906 as follows: At Chas. Lott's ranch, one and one-half miles west of Lamonta; at Henry Montgomery's near Grizzly P. 0. and at Prineville SEASON BEGINS APRIL FIRST DESCRIPTION Turgot, is a very Large, Heavy Horse, Jet Black, with fine form and superior action; and comes from a long list of Black Percherons: Weight 2000 pounds more or less according to condition. FEES Insurance $20 Due when mare is known to be with foal; $25 due when foal sucks; also payable if mare is disposed of, or permanently removed from the county: Single service $10 due at time of service. Mares from a distance will be well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume responsibility in case of accident. N. Milligan, Chas. Lett Henry Montgomery Oscar Cox, Samuel Pierce Wm. Sann, Walter Messinger JERRY ACHEY, President J. S. McMEEN, Sec. and Treas. ADDRESS: L. P. H. Co. LAMONTA, OREGON g jfltmrnoy-mr-jCmmv tPrinotHo, Oregon, Cao. S. Cjw Jf. ff. 321 kma? I Comfy SPjkf,,,,, I ffielknap 6c Cd wards SPAjfsiei'anM ana Surf tons, &4mr 2Xmr - mf tsn's Oregon. t Jf. SPosen&ery ZPnysieian ant Surgeon Coie mnemoreo prompty day or nynf Off' fmwm m'mmrm ammtm mf ZTmmtmmm ' Smmm. ttosrn'mmmm mmr-Mmr Sit mm 9m,tt Strmmtt. iPrineoille, Oregon. WA.VTKI) Loan of fjnou. Kxiellent real t-Htate aeeurity. AiMreiw Tlie Journal. KOK SAI.E: Go! work liorwo, Imgy liorsi-c. Mullle homes ami frceli milch irown. Civile HillV ranch, Powell huttB. Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines ' MAIN STRKKT I and Cigars COUXTRV ORDERS SOLICITED Post Oltiiv Box I)'.' Hi- The Kind that gets busine ss Job Printing Our Job Printing Department is the best equipped in the County and every piece of printing is guaranteed The JOURNAL BBnanar.iirsirjTiri.irnBri'iffanfin-n nanannRnariaRaHamn:in''innn!i CJliilliilfcUU JLJW JU JU' JU j yju JUJLJLJLIJU JL JUJCJIi JUULj J na So ES ca r, oa CO ma ca tu BU ea j c.i ca ea LUMBER When In need of Lumber, Shigles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors or Glasses see SHIPP & PERRY For Prices on Them 133 L.U GO nm GUI na L'J on CD CCJ 93 HUtl Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Olllee at The Dalles, Oregon. May loth, licJ0. Notice in hereby Riven that the following-named settler has died notice of his intention to make tinul proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on June lUth, l!XXi, vii: William M. Moss, of Prineville, Oregon, on H. K. No. 8701, for the tK SWW, Sec. 22, K'i N W'4 and SWV JiKj-i. Sec. 27, T. 17 8., It. 17K..W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residen'e upon and cultivation oi said land, via: Andrew Anderson, Kmete Anderson, K. 11. ilurris, (i. I). Milliorn all of Prineville, Oregon. Miohnel T. Nolan, Hegistcr.,-ino!?W!3r.cirar.nRfi THE HAMILTON STABLES Bend Livery & Transfer Company PRINKVII.I.K, om:;o. Stock boanltnl by tlw day, week or month at Kt'iisonabie ratcn. Ifomcmbpr ih when in I'rineville. Batks Kk.nsonahi.k. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent gja Run in Connection with the lteivt Livery Stables I I ft: (2 niBiJinan!innn.'iBirin!inar53B,,ina BJiri'iBir5'iiiirniB?iBao?in3rrr3Bia 3 3 THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Props. mt uu D3 ea 2$ Oil oa rsa ca 193 .ea ISO icq tea r.a en t itsa Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April SO, l!KMi. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler ban tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be mude before the County Clerk, at Prine ville, Oregon, on June 8th, 1!XK, vi: Norris Morgan, ot Crook, Oregon, on II. K. No. 9276, for the XW;, HJ NK and NK'i SKy. Section 26, Tp. IK S., It. 20 K., V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lund, vi. : Kdward K. Hollis, I,. V. Tice, T. C. Lo gan, and Harry Karnes, all ol Crook, Ore K. M ichaki. T., Kegistcr. 9 ra Jor jCadies and Sentle?nen Tfjeals and SftaAen jCunch Board by the week, 5.00j with room, 16.00. Meat Ticket. $4.00' The Biggest. Most Complete fa The Cheapest Line of SfcW In the County Can Be Seen and Bought at the Store of I Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Ottice at The Dalles, Oregon, April SO, I9ut. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, at Prineville, ( regon, on June 8th, 1900, via: Kdward K. Hollis, of ('rook, Oregon, on H. K. No. 7747, for the Hi Ki, Sec. 38. Tp. 1st 8., It. 20 K W. M. and H. K. No. 2i90 Lnkeview Series, for the Iits 2 ami 3, Section 4, Tp. I! S., K. 20 K.. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Norria Morgan, J. T. Houston. F. C. I.ogan, of Crm)k, Oregon, Frank A. Ab bott, of .silver Lake, Oregon. Michaki, T. Nolan, Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the undersign ed administrator of the estate of S. R. Slayton, deceased, to the creditors of and to all other persons having claims against the said deceased to present them with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned at the ottice of M. li. Klliott in Prineville, Oregon, within sin months from the date of this notice. Dated this 17th day of May, 1!M. E. T. Hlaytos, Administrator of the Kstate of S. R. Slayton, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the undersign ed administrator of the estate of Simm Smead, deceased, to the creditors of and to all other person having claims against the said deceased to present them with the necessary vouchers at the otlice of M. It. Klliott In Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 17th day of May, ltMS .1. H. Administrator of the niead. Deceased. Kkllt. Kstate of Simm A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter De lore, Dei-eased.- Xotice is nereby given by the eiecutor of said estate, to all persons hiiving claims against said decedent to present ihein to the undersigned at the office of M. K. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated May SI, liMi. CnAai.i Kkrsaiu., Executor of the Estate of Peter Delore, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. Xotice is hereby given, by the under signed administrator ith the will annex ed of the Estate of Mary Delore. deceased, to all peraons having claims against the said deceased, to present them with the pioper vouchers to the undersigned at the orhceofM. K. Klliott in Prineville, Ore- Sn, within sis montha from the date of lis notice. Dated May 31, lti AuorsTt s Dklobjs, Administrator with the wilt annexed of the estate of Mary IMore, deceased. Physician anaf Smrgton Calls Answkbed Promptly Day ok Nioht Oftici Onk Door North or Adauson's Drug Stork. Kkhidenck Oppositk Mkthopist Church FOR SA1.K (jraiii and stiM-k farm; 1520 acres deeiKnl land, H00 acres in cultivation ; good Iioiisk, barn, orchard and improvement ; well fenced, plenty running water, I1.,, miles from good school, 7 miles from station on Dulles-: Dufur railroad ; daily rural mail ; con trols enclosed range for 'ilHHl sheep; at j present pastures 400 rattle.' No. 1 lamb-j ing grounils on Iieschntes river. n excellent ranch to hold and feed unit ton for the Portland market. Wheat ami barley; yields SO to 40 bus. per acre. ' Price, $20 er acre. For particulars i address ! 312 Kenton street, The Dalles. ( re. Teams Wanted. I To put In from 7o0.000 to 1.000,000 feet of log, (iooil level ground, i Lou'H to Iw hnult'd froiii to of a i mile, ('all on or aililivsw, HawkiiiK Bros., Prineville, Oregon. 1'ftl.N KVILLK, OKKtiO.V l jcjwjl jw jljw jujitjcjcjl; Ji;jf t; jLJiiJCJtiJC Ji:jtjcjjca j r.a B3 ZPriniuiii; rtgon I Star Barber Shop J HYDE & McRAE, Pkop's Our haircutting is up-lo-uate. Our shaving is comfortable. Our shop is new and clean. i i i 4 4 A A AAA A A AAA Henderson Building: PUIXEVIIJ.K, - OREUON Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture. For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. IMaHsey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minneapo lis, Minn., was tortured by n-iatica. The pain and suffering which lie en dured during this time is beyond com prehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he nstd Cham berlain's Pain Halm. One application of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has tffectod a perma nent cure. If troubled with sciatica or fheumatism why not. try a 25-cent ' bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain. For sale bv J. 1 . Adamson. IRRIGATION KtUi'lMiiks-Moi'Ne (ioHidiiic En Rines ijuiihi water, uprn.v. Maw wood, Ki'lml, Kt'iieral work. 2 lioi-M'- lower uji. Economical, one drop of fraHoliue, with nine tiiiien more air makes the power. KxpetiHe stops: when engine 1h closed down. Write for Catalogue and Prices fairbanks, Morse, I Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Estray Notice. There strayed to my place on I'pper Oehoco one sorrel mure with stripe in face, branded Wli on left stifle, VII on left shoulder. The owner can have same by paving charges and the ex pense of this advertisement. -7-4t ('. K. W'kiuht. Deaths from Appendicitis. decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from consti- g at ion and the ills growing out of it. trength and vigor always follow their use. Guaranteed by I). P. Adamson and Tenipleton & Son Druggist. 2"c. Try them, Summer Sheep Range. LOST. One white mare, (i years old, large brown snot on riirht eve. shod behind. Hie U. V. ix U. M. Wugon; brand wine cup, gentle, weigh about Road Company will issue grass : n-,o. lease on liirpe tracts for summer ranee in the Horse Heaven coun I try (lownslups 14-15-16) and other portions of the grant in ('rook county. For full particu lars apply to One 2 year old sorre! colt following mare, gelding; small star in forhead, I rope mark on left fetlock ; very gentle, j Pokkance Bros., r!-7-4t ('line Falls, Oregon. 0. K. S. WOOD, Agent, Portland, Oregon. i Estray Notice. There came to our place last full one three-year old red steer, branded 37 on each hip, and marked two crops and The most successful way of warding; two splits. Owner can have same bv offtbeapproacnof old age ii to main-, m t iaw:h on the Deschutes lain ti Viimivtliu ti uritfit inn llna pan n .lone by eating only food' suited to your j aml PayinK oa sme- How to Ward Off Old Age. age and occupation, and when any dis order of the stomach appears take a doje of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct, it. If yon have a weak stomach or are troubled with in digestion, you will find these Tablets to be just what you need. For sale by 1, I'. Adam Hin. 4t Vaxdkvert Bros. Notice f Final Settlement. Estray Notice. There came to my place about eight months ago one black mare about 9 or 10 years old, weight about 10'X) pounds, with a blotched brand resembling S M on left hip. Owner can have same by paying al' charges. Also one gray horse about 10 years old branded thus on left hip; weight Notice is hereby given that the under signedthe executor of the estate of Mar garet Noble, Deceased, has made and filed his final accounting of his administration of said estate and the court lias named the about 1000 pounds. It came to my place 2nd day of July, 1H06 at the County Court; ...,,. h. am, Owner can have snnm room in Prineville, Oregon as the time and ! 811 ,nontn a- uwnM cftn "ave Bftme place for hearing said final accounting. ; by paying all charges. Lvs Nichols, At which time ami plaoe anv person terested in suid estate may appear and tile his objections to said tin ill accounting. Dated this 17th day of May, 1900. A. J. Nobi.k, Executor of the Kstate of Margaret Noble, Deceased. 6-7-4t Hay Creek, Or. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given that I have ap pointed the following named persons deputy stock Inspectors. J. I". Cartwright , Jauu-s Rice, James Woods, J. 8. lioKue. Alex Mcintosh, Thomas Sharp, Jr. CITATION. intlin i.mtti.r of the v.stiite of l.wvi.u ! K. H. Sparks Whitkillu, Decease.1, I Andrew Morrow, To Marv Rell mid all heirs unknown of Hugh Lister. Joseph Whitfield. Deceased ORKK I IN'ti: Roscoe Knox IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby cited mid reuuired to appear in the County Court of the State of' Oregon, for the County of Crook, at the j Court room thereof, at Prineville in the j County ot Crook on Monday the 2nd day i of July 1806, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ! ot tnat day, then ana there to snow cause if any exist why an order should not be made by the County Court for Crook County, Oregon authorising and direct ing S. M. Maytield, administrator of above named estate, to sell the real estate be longing to said estate which said real estate is described as follows: Lots one Hay Creek Hay Creek Ashwood Sisters Haystack Paulina Post Rosland Hardin Montgomery Will Wuhzwkilkr. Stock Inspector Crook County. NOTICE OF WATER APPROPRIATION. Notice of appropriation of water by the United States as tiled in the ottice of the State Engineer at Salem, Oregon, on April 16, lDOti, 8:.!0 a. m. "In purtUrtm:e of the authority transferred upon me Oetolier ti, 1905, by the Secretary of the Interior, and two in Section nineteen in Township ' under the provision of the Act of 1 wenty South, of Range Kleveu East and ! Congress approved June 17, 1!H)2, (32 V1 hlf of the Northeast quarter of, stat. is) known as the Ueclanmtlon section t wenty-hour in lownship l wenty ; Act UI1(1 in accordance with the laws South ot Range ten East ot illamette . -.' Sf f . 0mrn 1 beivbv not! Meridian, in Crook tuntv. Oregon. OI nie SI"T1 V. Oregon, 1 neil D) notl- Witness, the Hon. W. A. Bell, Judge I '? .VOM that it is the lutentlon of the oi ine county court ot tnc state ot ure- k. J L J r i Li r l j r,i L J n t j L'J n-i LJ t j LJ n L'J ri Ci C3 L'J L'J Li L J LJL United States to utilixe all the sur- j plus and unappropriated waters of ! the Deschutes Kiveraud tributariee j for development of power tielow the ' mouth of Warm Spingn River, situ iated InT.SS., II. UK. W. M ; i It is the intention' of the Uulted States to use said power for pump ; Injr water to the arid lands border j lug on and In the vicinity of the Co i luinbla Kiver, and for other purpose's as authorized by said Act of Cou- gon, for the County of Crook with the seal ot saut t ourt attixeil, tins 4tli day ot May A. D. l!0ti. Attkst: ,F. J. Smith. Clerk, lly May Helle Reed, Duputy Clerk. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. May 2ti, 1906. Notice is hereby Kiven that Clarence I). Calhreath, of Prineville. Oregon, has filed 1 gress, and request that such waters notice oi his intention to make final com-j be withdrawn from appropriation' inmaiioii pruoi hi support oi "" '. except for purposes of Irrigation, as vn: Homestead Entry No. 12234 madei ri.iwi ... Ti..v iH.vil .'hi ,tatu March 11, 19o3, for the SE'.. Seiticn 6. j W " f ' V' f',!,?'?' Township 14 S. Range 16 E., '. M., ami ' J , ' 8 not,,w b l)HV';i ',' that said proof will be made before the I Henny, Suiervising hiigineer, I . .. County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on ! Keelamation Service, thereto duly July ltth, liMi. lauthorlxed ty the Secretary of the lie names the following witnesses to interior. i prove hia continuous residence upon, and i)Ht,Hi at Tort la lid, Oregon, this' cultivation of the land, vis: 1 Vtrh ilm-of irll l'lo; J. O. Powell. S. D. McCallister. William t S'"1' " "J ;M'rl '- j D. Arnold, Henrv Burson, all of Prine- ! , 1 VA1.IU J," HKNNT, ville, Oregon. " ! Supervising Eng r I . S. Rec.lama-i Micuakl T. Nolan, Register, j ttoli Service." 1 Sonerai ffilacksmithing Horseshoeing, Wood Work, etc., Neatly and Promptly Donk When it is Done By : : : Robert 7Ifoore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Prineville, Oregon. T?1,carw,RwsasiB,cw30'iB'io3riais3s3oaoaoii8a JL JLJt JLJLJL JL JL JL JLJC jft JtJt Jt JCJCJCJtf jo jLiJiijcJaj 3 O'Tfeil brothers tPrineville' s Wholesale jCitfuor JVouse Fina Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Supplies i Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda jg IFmil Trade Solicited. 88 The Opera Saloon BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors In The Glaze Hall A First Class House . ; in Every Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines; and Cigars piacksmithinp; That Pleases Ik The Kind You (iet at J. H. WIGLE'S (Successor to) ; CORAIE1T & ELK IKS" A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the City IVleat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Oregon? jfeencierson 6 Pollard Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars U In Stock Country Orders Solicited First Door South of the Foindexter Hotel i