Local Mention Mayor A. lioodw lllle m mrr from Bend Saturday. fU-v, 4iojv of Luldla w, was In I lie ctty tin first f ihr wn-k. Major IS. 1". Nichols wait over from Lftldlnw the liwt of the Week. Oru 1'olndeiter In In the city from Keud. A buli.v hoy Wat horn to Mr. ituil Mr. Kay V. Coustalde Monday, May io to tjlovt-r Simt'n Cash (Jro rery for tine potat oes, bacon, limn aud ki ill. Dr. W. It. SiiooW, of Mailing, was lu the city i-eVeial ds 1 1 1 1 i i ii I he week. Throu Thri.iusoii ret urncd I he Inst of I In- Week from a I rii In I In- Mny fl wer mine r Howard. ' Ocorge liny Mpctil scvt-rnl day this wek lu (lie city. He returned to hl rnnch nt Foul Tuesday. Ovid Hi ley wan In the city from IiIh ranch lieJow Rend .Monday on a bus iness trip. Mrn. 1'. I!. Ponk mid rlilldren 1-ft till week for O'Neil. Mr. Poak has taken charge of lite lioiel 1lii-n-. Ohns. Bedell returned the last of tin) week from a business trip to 1'ortlniid. Last Friday wiim a r.-tl letter day at the County Clerk'M otliee. F.ighty slt dollars In fees were taken In. Mri. Maud I.ussier of Kt dinond, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. Med Yn iiderpool of I'rinevllK-. Poti't sell your eggs nnd potatoes until you ttee (Hover & Starr. They are nl iVHVH In the market and pay Hie highest mnrket prlee. We handle n full line of groceries cheap art the dampest. Wnsro high patent flour, nnd cun make you very -ioW prices on sugar ly the suck. ilover & Starr. John MrTnggurt spent thelnsfof tht! week in the elty attending to - business nirtt tci-K. He. returned to Madras Saturday where he iw in the men-tint lie business. Krv. W. ('. Sale, of the llcppncr j Mm. II. A. Belknap, oliiw liuiiti-j Baptist Church, arrived in Cilnevllle ' has lieen near I .on Angeles. Call-1 Monday To attend the Middlellrcgon I foruta. for the past several yeurs. U j Baptist Association, j visiting in t he city. I lie :-.uest of Dr. ,, ., . , ,, , . and Mm. H. 1". Belknap. Mae Cornell ami t.itnllvl.it .Mou-! day morning for Miss I points! Fafiinar M Cae sn-iit Sunday out where they Will Sm-iiiI several weeks ! on his rnneh near Sisters. Mr. Mi-. lsillig. Km Ml id the district t here had lieen .... ., .ii, i i Idreuched Wltli lieuvy rains und I hi" Why iih- old rancid shipitci in . ,. , ,, , . . . growing crops were all in excellent ZcVelv's llice, fresh Civniuerv tilltter Mt 75 t-eii 1 4 n roll, ntt Hover & Starr's. Patronize hoiiie industries. .1. VV. Mi.-Culhxh, fathi-r of .1. .. M.-t.'ulloch. Is In the citv from hi- liollle til .1 1 ixelihine culintv and Will ' iT snend soine time here visiting and hi looking after business interests. Ho von w ant si rn w herries l o put h up I his season'.' H not wail too lulu;, bill give up your older in lime tom-t theliest I'llies will Ih rl-ht. (ilover & Starr. condition. 111 1IAVK Y(KJ I T1IIKI TIIK La Credentia Havana Ciur 3 for 25c ll is I he eipi.il of any U'ji- . i-ar For Sale hv RIDEOUT & FOSTER 2f2Ef3Er3a2fartarTT ii ll Base Ball BASE BALL Prineville vs Redmond Prineville Diamond Sunday, June 10th GAME CALLED AT 2:30 Admision 25 cents sura m DANCE Saturday Evening .1. H. Ii rday school. Cornel t w as in the cily yes ( n mi his ranch at Summit . He left today for Slu-ihl his duUKhtcr Miss Cornet t -i alti'inliiis will return with lit tit. Bev. Mitchell has returned from Bend and will endue! eery teen in the l'rcsl.yi.-i ian church next Sun day. It N i pcclel I lint one of the many excellent s-pcnkeis from tin Baptist ass.H-ialion will preach. As always all are cordially invited to at tend. the lore part Mr. Burnett l. V. I'.arnett spent of the week in the city. said Culver residents had reason to feel jubilant over the recent heavy rnius which have assured lari;c crops : for tills season. ! As will In- si-ea elsewhere in these j columns. Ill:- County Court is adver t istnn for I ilds for t lie const rue t ion of ! i waoii road in Hay Creek canyon, I i.-adiny; from in front of C. Mcl'her uiin's hoitse lo tin- Han Pierre old ! Iiililce. Th ' purpose istonvoid the i l.yn .Nichols t-nnie up from Hayiu,flvv ir-a,i(-s of (iates and Crisp I Creek Tuesday with the election re-1 hills. ! turns from that precinct. He n- ports every tiling looking line over Sh-epinen have suffered losses from his way. Funnels are jubilant over ' the storm says the Heppner (iazette. the bri.nlit croii prospects. jThelonvc cold ruin comitix as It did so soon alter slienrliiK cnuseii sneep Will Vnudevert nnd sister. Miss Mnuil.nuil I'rinceand Vester Slants were in the city the last of the week on their way to their hoinesaf Bend. They were retiirnliin- from Salem where they have been attenditm' t he Willamette University. IKa7aii paper! i There are many new pat terns this your. We can show you a jtreal variety of them. All grades and prices. Ask to see our wall pnper. 0. 3. damson dc Company to chill and heavy losses have been t reported from several bands. At this writing the reports hnve not been continued nnd hope isentertalli ed that the losses are not as great as has been reported Miss Maud Dohbs .ret iirned Friday from llwaco. Washington, where she has been teaching in the public schools of that place. Miss Dohbs will spend about three weeks In the i-itv visltimr with relatives and Nick Smith was over from Bend ! Tuesday on a business trip. ! .1. Frank Stioinl, of Bernl is in tin- cily tiettiiiii tlx' election n . turns. ! Mrs. May Mlll.-r. a daughter of iieoige Barnes of this city, died of i heart trouble at Brow nville last ! Tuesday. Mrs. Miller was Hie wife jof the Ki-v. Charles Miller, ami was :il years of age. The remains w 111 be ! liroiight here fur burial. Kev. C. 1'. Bailey, w ife anil daugh ters. Maude and Nellie, of Fossil, are I in the city to attend tlie annual con vention of the Middle Oregon Bap tist association. l!ev. Bailey will leave here the lirst of Hie week for I.akeview where he will conduct services. Work is expected tube completed on the store departments of I he new l'rlneville Hotel about the lirst of next month. B. C (iilbert and 1. Michel, who have leaseil the depart ments, expect to move in theirstoeks of goods in time for the Fourth. C. A. Kiddle broke several bones in his right hand at Madras last Sun day while playing baseball. He was catching behind the bat when the batter swung at a ball, the bat strik ing the liavk of Mr. Kiddle's hand, frnct ill-inn- several of tlie bones. Mr. I": nils, returning to llwaco the lat- Kiddle was formerly in tlie employ Of excellence which characterize the McCORMICK LINE OF MOWERS are symetrical and staunch main frame, simple and powerful senrs, perfect and frictionless bushings, direct stroke n't man, and long steel wearing plates for the knife. The McCormick line of mowers embraces the Vertical Lift, New 4, New4h'g 4, and Little Vertical. These machines are illustrated and described in detail in the McCormick book for 1U04, "It Takes the Palm," which will lie supplied free upon request. SSlfirffliMif! Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line 111 Lu i.tii-t- nf l ol v to ri-Miime her nlace lias teacher of the first und second AJlJiSiSm i gnides nt the next term of school. of the Journal and months has had chargi ras I'ioneer. for several of the Mad- I rfk. yhx rfk. rfk JV Jc A rfl. iAc A A irf ' j O'Neil Bakery ! 3 in the Muier Bu.id.ng Dally Between Prineville and Shaniko 3 l-'resh Bread, l'ies ami Cakes t ! . 3alvay on hand. ' l., ,,l ,,11 l.l,l,U 1,1,1.1.. i. 9 J order ' l.eiives Slmnikii, ti p. in. PRINEVILLE, - OREGON S j jt V iv" V "BF V V SF V V If V "J i -SC1IKDULK Arrives at Prineville 6 a. in. Leaves I'lineville 1 p. in. Arrives nt. Slmniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations The Massachiuisetts Motoa ii Springfield, Massachusetts Operating under the Famous Non-Forfeiture Laws of the state of Massachusetts Divides its Earnings Annually Among its Policy Holders. f ARTHUR W. CLOTHIER SUM! ER SHIRTS 95 cfcs. We have placed on sale this week 300 Golf and Negilee Shirts, ranging in price from $1.00 to $1.50 at the low price of 95 cts. A big variety of patterns and all good values at the regular price. Our stock of Gentlemen's wear all through the line is complete. Give us a call, we can please you. J. E. Stewart & Co. Ill i 1 1 The McLaughlin-Kidder Wedding A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday evening at the Metho dist church when Mr. Karl Mclaugh lin ami Miss Maude Kidder were united In tlie holy lionds of wedlock. The Kev. Mr. .linnet t performed the ceremony. Alioul N o'clock the Invited guests began to arriveand at the appointed lime the liridal parly began Its march to the altar. Before t he cere mony took place Miss Celia Nelms sang " I'romise Me." Then fol lowed the wedding inarch played by Miss Benin h Crook. A company of little boys and girls formed and w ith gaily decorated poles made arches through which the bridal procession passed and formed in trout of the clergyman. Two lit He llower girls preceded the bride and bridegroom and then followed two little' boys bearing the pillows upon which the young couple were I o kneel during tlie prayer. Miss Bertha Homey was bridesmaid, and Mr. Frank Fos ter acted as best mini. The ushers were Messrs. Max W'ui.weiler and Warren Crooks. The bride wore a dress of white silk with heavy (lowing liridal veil looped at. the top with orange blos soms. She carried an arm boiupiet of roses. The church was decorated with roses and ferns and presented a very handsome. The voting couple start lu their married life most auspiciously. mXm t&t tm ltf Xm tS ffl ftT "A? SOME SPECIAL VALUES WE A Mi ()FFHMNi TINS WEEK IN U LADIES room is county i-oadmast substantial rancher, while j lias been a very successful Is. The r a ml is a I he bride teacher in our public schi Long Search for Witness. After searching through Oregon and Nevada for many nioiiilis and covering a distance of several thous and miles, a I'liileil states Mai-hal, w ho has been trying to locate I.. V. Bailey, linally found the latter at his ranch near l'.-iulina last week. Mr. Bailey was stilipoeiicd to appear as a witness is a water suit case which is to Is- tried at Carson Cil v. j New, and he was in the cily yester ' day on his way to Cortland from j which city he will go to the trial, i 'The marshal, who located his w it ness, for inaiiy months had been spending his time in a close search fi ir t he 're ii ik county sti s-kiaa n. and some days ago ran across a sale of land which Sir. Bailey made in Fox valley, (irant county. From t hence he traced his witness to I'aitlitia and served the papers. The suit in which Mr. Bailey will appear is one originating some JO ! years ago while he w as foreman on a ranch near! arson t ity where, it Is alleged, lie const i ttcted ditches for draining swamp lands which are now in litigation. Mr. Bailey dis claims any knowledge of theallege gatiolis. lint nevert hel.iss will be compelled to travel to Cortland, thence to Cm-son City, and remain there until the trial is ended. 'A : 2 s ti ll- 3 SHOES , , vr' 5 a 9. litidios tin tint kill shoes regular price .iji.'J.rill Lailies tine tan velours calf oxfords Ladies tine tan vici kid oxfords A nice" Htvliah oxford in lirst (tualifv Tlirse arc all first das iuw goods iim the ahove jirii'es (lack vici "Teat lor lor for for ki.l $2.50 1 n $1.00 $1.70 it ll.-l t'o-.-llll.t Cleaner Free With Ladies White Canvas Shoes VV v have a nice line ol dailies and Misses VV hiie anvas ( )xfords and for a short time only, we will give to each person buying a pair of our Ladies White Canvas Shoes price huving if anv st vie or a 2.-M! hox of r.lanco VRKV. Some Facts for Your Consideration We have just received a large shipment of Ladies Fine shoes direct from the factory and we claim to lie in a position to give you hetter values and a nicer and later line to select from than any of our competitors. The reason we can do this is that we buy from a factory in the Last that makes Ladies tine Shoes exclusively Doesn't it stand to reason that we will get better values and later styles in that way than we would if we Ixuight from a factory that makes everything from a plow shoe to an infant's .hioccasin. If von will come in and let us show von our line of Ladies Shoes we will convince voti of the tr ft ruth of our argument. jfll RIDEOUT & FOSTERfe The General Furnishing Store ?4 ? ift ? ?4 iffk & i& i?4 & i?4 t?t imi i?4 wT l7l Tj