7 I Crook County Jotmraa VOLX PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 7, 1906. NO. 25 3' eai sj C3 uj led! n.5 la 63 tij cj C3 U1J i3 i w ifjiii it JC jLjv ji; Ji: jt: Jii Jt Jt Ji Ji. aw Jt. Ji. Jt jt.JuJUJi.JkJl.itJl.JtJi.Jl First Annual June White Goods Sale Beginning Friday, June 1, and Closing Saturday, June 16 For this sale we have arranged a wonderful array ol bargains in all lines of White Goods and many other lines, all ol which we will sell at prices GREATLY REDUCED All ol our White Dress Goods, White Underwear, White and Cream Silks, Shirtwaists, Dress Skirts, Veilings, Lawns. Nainsooks, Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Bedspreads. Lace Curtains, Ribbons, Bells, Corsets, Table Linen, Napkins, Handkerchiefs, Hoisery. Silverware, Towels, ' Men's Dress Shirts, Men's Underwear, Men's Dress Shoes, Hosiery, Men "s Ties, Handkerchiefs, Men's Fancy Vests, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Handbags, Purses, Flannels, Infants Wear. Men's Hats, Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Shirts. All Our Millinery at Cost Placing the most complete and elegant line ol Ladies with other Departments during this sale. Figure from the price ol any Hat you may pick out. Headwear in Line lor yourself one- third Bringing Prices Most Reasonable to a Figure Ridiculously Low Do Not Neglect to Select Your Hat at a Very Early Date nmiM A 1TC SPECIAL for this Sale Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Calicoes SPECIAL for this Sale Laces, Embroideries, Lawns, White Goods, Sheeting, Etc. A SALE AT THIS STORE MEANS LOW FIRICES C7W. ELKINS L. J El' UJ! u. J r.a u'J u j r 1 u'j r.a CJ ca UJ r.a t. j r,a uj Ca L. J ca UJ r.i uj ri ui Ka UJ uj! UJ r.a UJ r.a UJ r.a UJ ra UJ U J r,3 UJ ca UJ u J ca u J r.a UJ ca UJ Ca UJ ca Uj ca UJ Ca UJ Ca UJ Ca UJ ra uj R3 UJ r.a UJ ca u J ea UJ ca UJ ca u J r.a UJ ca U'J E3i UJ r.a UJ ca u J r.a UJ ca U'J ra uj! r.a UJ raj U'J OFFICE IS IN DOUBT Official Count Will De cide Sheriffs Race ELKINS' LEAD IS 10 Stroud Supporters Still Claim the Election-Brown, Bayley and King Carry County GREAT YEAR FOR A BUMPER CROP Heavy Rains Past Few Weeks As sure Big Harvests isaKianaRa5ar.ar3r!-iR3itarar.aKaRaBar..ar.arar;' tr jujtJuJiiJU jljujujujujujuju. dhaniko ucirehouse Co. p Shaniko, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding c; AND & j Commission Merchants Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Sacks and Twine, drain and Feed. Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Wool Grading and Baling for Eastern Shipments. Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for Handling Stock. 71ark 2our Soocis in Care of a: "S.w.Co." i wwi cimi mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President C. M. Elkins, Vice President Fued W. Wilson, Cashier DIRECTOR8: W. A. Booth, O. m. Elkins, O. F. Stewart, Freo W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention A Mountain of Gold. could not tiring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of ('aroline, Win., an did one 25c box of Butiklen's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tor tured her 22 long yearn. Greatest anti septic healer of Piles, Wounds and Sores. 2oc at D. I. Adamson and Templeton & Son Drug store. While the election - bf sheriff is conceded to Frank Elkins this morning, it will take the official count of ballots beginning the last of this week to decide the race be tween the democratic and republi can candidates, neither one of whom at present is sure of his hold on the county office. The returns this morning show ed only 10 votes difference in favor of the Madras candidate, but two democratic precincts in the east- j ern part of the county are still to be heard from and Stroud support ers claim an error against him of two votes in the Powell Buttes dis trict. With these corrections made and the final returns made known i at the official count it is possible j that the sheriff's office will con tinue 'to be occupied by a demo crat. The election of either one or the other is not claimed by over three votes, the hoodoo number which has elected sheriffs in thin county three times before. With the sheriff's office in doubt, the republicans elected only two other officials, treasurer and com missioner, and the county itself gave Chamberlain a majority of 150 and Gearin for senator ran only a few votes behind the govern or. State returns from eight pre cincts still to be heard from it is thought will increase Chamber lain's majority to 'J00 and Gearin will follow a close second. Warren Brown was elected on the democratic ticket to the office of clerk by a majority of 7.'5 (re turns incomplete) and King has a majority over M. II. Bell of prac tically 200. Bayley, the republi lan candidate for commissioner has 200 votes to the good over La follett and with several republican precincts to be heard from this ma jority will be largely increased." Prohibition lost in all but one precinct, Mill Creek, where the licnl optionists carried by one vote. The measure was defeated in Prine ville by a vote of 1(51 to 51, and in Kutcher by a vote of 119 to 82. Equal suffrage carried in the following precincts: Howard, Mill Creek, Powell Buttes, Black Butte, Haystack and Cross Keys. State Offices. Fur Governor: Geo. IC. Chamberlain til!) James Wit licuinlte 4t Majority for'liHiiiberlRln..l:f:i For I;. S. Senator: .1 1 inn than Bourne 4:i0 John M. (iearln 5.Vi Majority for !earin 12." County Offices. For Sheriff: Frank Elkins 710 Jaeoli Stroud "00 Unprecedented rain throughout Crook county during the past two weeks makes certain large crops for the present season, besides as suring bountiful supplies of range grass for the stock. Grass is grow ing where it has never grown be fore, say the stockmen, and con tinues to thrive and remain green From every section of the ooun ty farmers bring word of the heavy rains which have thorough ly soaked the ground and given the grain and other crops a start which no amount of hot weather can check. The farming districts, as a result, are rejoicing over the good fortune which has been show ered upon their communities. Old settlers say that this is the first time in years that so much rain has fallen at this time of the year. Late May and June rains are especially desirable in this sec tion of Eastern Oregon, but it is extremely seldom that so ntneh moisture falls as there has this year. For the past three weeks rain has fallen frequently and several heavy rains have occurred during that time. Especially in the Agency Plains and Haystack sections, where Crook county pro duces its wheat, are the prospects bright for a bumper crop this year. Rains there, as in other districts, have been general "ami heavy enough to thoroughly soak the ground. BASEBALL NEXT SUNDAY INJUNCTION IS FILED West Siders Object to Court House Move WILL BE DISSOLVED Complaint Sets Forth Many Things Not True and Misrepresents County's Finances MEDICS JOIN HANDS Prineville Cross and Redmond Will Bats A Hot Game Anticipated. Redmond will play its third game with the locals on the Prine ville diamond next Sunday after noon. It it stated here that Mar cus, a Whitman, Wash., college pitcher, will hold down the box for the irrigators. Marcus is a south paw, delivers the sphere with con siderable heat, and is one of the best pitchers who was in the cir cuit of college teams last season and the year before. Wieder will do the backstop stunt. With the addition to the Redmond team of! a south arm, the game bet ween the two will no doubt he closely con tested with an even break for hon ors in the final inning. Saturday evening a dance will be given in Athletic hall for the entertainment of the visiting club. INDICTED FOR HORSESTEALING. Without waiting to get together the facts in the matter, or even to post themselves on the most in significant phases of Crook coun ty's financial condition, a number of tax pavers in western Crook county last week filed a complaint with Judge Pradshaw at The Dalles against the county court granting the wishes prayed for by petitioners to build a iww court house, and a temporary injunc tion in consequence w:i issued. This, however, ow ing to t ie absurd statements wnicn are contained in the complaint, together with the misrepresentation of facts, will be dissolved inside of the" next two Weeks. In the meantime the coun ty court is arranging for another call for bidH. Those, offered the court last Saturday by different contractors in Portland and Salem were rejected as being excessive, and the plans will be altered, without changing the general scheme of the building, wo that the cost will not. exceed $42,000. The complaint, which is for the most part a statement of things unknown, alleges "that the plaint iff cannot state exactly the amount of money in the treasury of the county, nor the amount of the ex isting indebtedness, nor the cost of construction of the proposed court house," but the plaintiff feels pret ty reasonably sure about some other things and alleges further "that the cost of construction will greatly exceed the amount of money in the treasury over and above the present indebtedness in a sum greatly in excess of $5000; that said county has a good, sub stantial, commodious, and conven ient court house well adapted and sufficient for the transaction of all the business of the county." There are other allegations con- Physicians of Crook County Form Medical Society Physicians and surgeons of Crook county met in Prineville last Saturday afternoon and or ganized theCiook County Medical Society which is a permanent or ganization for the mutual improve ment of the wielders of the knives. The association adopted a con stitution and bylaws and elected the following officers: Dr. J. II. Rosenberg, president; Dr. U. C. Coe, vice-president; Dr. Chas. S. Edwards, secretary and treasurer. The board of censors consists of Dr. G. S. Newsom, Dr. E. O. Hyde and Dr. II P. Belknap, and the committee on public health and legislation is composed of Dr. Chas. S. Edwards, Dr. H. P. Belknap and Dr. E. O. Hyde. The society will meet quarterly in the future on the first Monday in August, November, February and November at which times papers on various subjects pertain ing to the medical fraternity will be read anil discussed, one of the predominating ideas of the associ ation being to keep pace with the improvements and new discoveries in medicine and surgery. The So ciety adopted a fee bill Saturday making a uniform rate for profess ional visits throughout the county. Hay Creek Road Will Be Built. Two Well-Known Lake County Stockmen Must Stand Trial. r,arararacar.aracarar.arar,acacar.acar.aracarar.acacacarar:''ira "WES HAVE 10 Majority for Flklns For Clerk: Warren Brown tilts William Johnson Ki" A brand new line of Ginghams, Calicos, Percales, Long Cloths, White and Figured Organdies, White Goods, Notions and Ladies' Furnishings. Made in Oregon Underwear Dress and Work Shirts, Gloves, Suspenders and Boots and Shoes for men. Groceries, Hardware, Fishing Tackle, Burg Wagons Majority for Brown.. For Treasurer: W. F. KIiik M. H. Bell 7:t ,.W4 ...VNI CLAYPOOL BROS. Prineville, Oregon r,a r.a ra t j cn Ca CJ Ca LJ 1-3 tLJ CI LJ r.a L J C3 r.n LJ r.a i.j c.i LJ CI ra r.i L J ri L. j r.t CJ r.i ri : pleted until Js4 1 the numerous ' i , .... , . . . , t'Jienuum petitions making trie worK more arduous than usual. Majority for Kln 1!4 For Commissioner: K. H. Bayley iu:, T. II. hafollett 4.11 Majority for Bayley l'.M For prohibition 205, against hibitlon 374. pro- The official count of the ballots cast in Crook county last Monday will begin at the court Itouse to morrow morning. It is exiected that the count will not be corn- some time Saturday, initiative and refer- Considerable interest is mani fested in Crook county over the indictment of William Vinyard and W. Z. Moss, two prominent citizens of Lake county for horse stealing. It has been ascertained that there is a well organized band of horse and cattle thieves operating in Crook, Lalte and Jlarney coun ties, in Oregon, and Mod or; county, in California, who have been steal ing stock on a large scale during the last year. It is known that these thieves have parties station ed in California and Nevada to re ceive and dispose of the stock stol en from the Oregon ranges. This thieving has so incensed the stockowners of Crook; Lake and Harney counties that protec tive organizations are being form ed to guard the interests of the stock industry. Summary meas ures will be adopted to break up this gang of thieves and land them in the penitentiary. The Hay Creek canyon road around the Mc pherson hill, sur veys for which were made a year ago, will be built this season. The county court has called for bids on the const ruction of the highway and these will be opened when the court meets July 2, and the con tract let. 'The road as surveyed has a total length approximating four miles, starting at tin' G. MePherson ranch and continuing around the base of the grade to the Dan Pierce proper ly. 'The road is one which has been needed for many years and the final completion and use of it will be of great benefit to those who travel over that portion of the public highway. Much time is al ways lost, especially by the freight ers, in making the ascent of Me Pherson hill which is especially treacherous during the winter months. 'The county court has also con tracted for the construction of bridges across Crooked river, at Forest, Wigle's and Post and a bridge will also be completed tnim..! in the eomi.lftint. but tliev ' w i now oreeit near Madras. ' ' J have little or no bearing in the tatter, with the possible exception of one of the last which sets forth that a new court house will "cast unjust and unreasonable burdens of taxation upon the plasntiff and all other tax payers in said county." Attorney Elliott, who is hand ling the case for the county court, stated yesterday that the allega tions were so contrary to the facts that there would ho no difficulty in dissolving the injunction. In the latter proceedings the facts re garding both the petition and financial condition of the county will be set forth, supported by what affidavits are necessarv show ing that there is available in the county treasury over $(57,000, niar- ly three-fourths of which is ap plicable to the building of a new court house; that, the county has no indebtedness; that the erection of a new building will not increase the levy of taxation; that there is a sulticienl sum on hand for con structing the new building and that the county will not be thrown into debt in violation of any stat ute. 'The petition will also be ex hibited showing that the petition ers pay over hulf the taxes paid in the county. Charles S. I'.eusoii, of Bend, is named iu the complaint the plaintiff. The complaint was serv ed on the indue and commission ers several hours niter they had finished their business last Satur day and after they had rejected all of the bids submitted. Two New Forest Reserves. Senator Fulton was notified that the Forest Service contemplates recommending the creation of two new forest reserves in Southern Oregon, at an early day to be known as the Fremont and Goose Lake reserves. They will embrace land withdrawn several years ago under the name of the Warner Mountain withdrawal. The ag gregate area, according to present plans, will be nearly 3,000,000 acres, about two-thirds of the area being in the rremont reserve. 'This reserve will lie in the north ern part of Klamath and Lake Counties and the southwest corner of Crook County. 'The (loose Lake reserve will embrace the southeast portion of Klamath and the south west part of Lake Counties, Plans showing the outline of the proposed reserves have been sub mitted to. Mr. Fulton, with a re ipiest that he make any suggestions which be may deem proper. The Senator will consult residents of Klamath, Like and Crook Coun ties and promptly lay their views la-tore trie department. It good reasons are produced, showing why any land included within the pr posed reserves should not be re served it is probable that such land will be eliminated. 'The irregularity of the outline of these two reserves, following in many instances quarter section lines, indicates the care that has been exercised to include only Mich land as is believed to In adapted to forestry purposes,. I