V SBBEBE0 Professional Cards. Want Ads V V V V w i i " i. Vi ; . i; . v. ? t ,". - :U Hi' r is ' ? 5 ,1 j IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION rn i Kthe TURGO T Jritforney-at-U-aw ZPrincvtilm, ft. No. 56041 Foaled May 11, 1900; Bred by M. Vallie, Department of Oren, France; Imported April 12, 1905; Property of LAMONTA PERCHERON HORSE CO. Will Make the Season of 1906 as Follows: Al thas. Lott's ranch, one and one-half miles west of Lamonta; at Henry Montgomery's near Grizzly P. 0. and at Prineville 93 VAcAnaj SEASON BEGINS APRIL FIRST DESCRIPTION Turgot, is a very Lare, Heavy Horse, Jet Black, with title form and superior action; and conies from a long list of Black Pert-herons: Weight '2000 pounds more or less according to condition. FEES Insurance $20 Due when mare is known to be with foal; $25 due when foal sucks; also payable if mare is disposed of, or permanently removed from the county: Single service $1 0 due at time of service. Mares from a distance will be well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume responsibility in case of accident. ft. Ciiott, Oregon. jft for t ' a y - n t am Notify under thi lie;'! will be riling"! t the rate of oxk i'kmt r mini : per insertion. Nothing le than an eehH. ' V.VTi;i Ijian of Juno. Kxielhnl real estate security. Address The Journal. PrinoviHo, Claa. iT. Hdwa'ds t County Ayst'cian I Ortgon. UK NT Kanch on the Matoles. ' For part ifiilsirs. address K. K. t'ary, Jf. IP. Belknap California, f---' Uhc deception -M I I II A CI.KKK, I'i:.., ,!!! !.. Domestic and Imported Liquors. Wines and dinars country ordhrs solicited 5c Cdwards Directors: 'N. Milligan, Clias. Lott Henry Montgomery Oscar Cox, Samuel Pierce Wm, Sann, Walter Messinger ADDRESS: M L. P. H. Co. m LAMONTA, OREGON g JERRY ACHEY, President J. S. McMEEN, Sec. and Treas. Physicians and Surgeons. Otftco &.ri 2or ost of Zr-to Store iPrineoilie, Oregon. JV. ftosenberg ZPtigstctan and Surgeon Cais answered promptly ofay or ntyht Ofieo two floors soutA of tn.jttoton 's 2roo Stono. Xosittmitoo ooi-nor I'nl; SAI.K: UimmI woik Iht-j-h. lui'y lnirs-H, saiMW' horsi'H ami fn-li niilfli rows. Clvcti- lliU't rani'li, I ' w -ll Ittittef . I ii:rk;ati:d i.wns-wv have for; Kale irrinatcil html in the 1 csclmli's ; Valiey nn ler 1 1 1- Vhmihia Southern Irrigation 'oniijtiiyV iliteli at lisi See ; I ire., j MAIN sti;i;i;t I'ost Olliee Ih.X '.)! ri:i.Ni:vu.i.K, oiskcon . , it a; i (iriee $10.70 to Mkkkdhii I'.ko hefore hiivine. $l-.7." per aere. , ( line halls, st on 9oin Stroots. SPrineoilte, Oregon. Physician and Surgeon CAlXf ANSWLRKI PlfttMITLY DAY OR NlOHT OFKICK (NK !(MHt N'OHTH OK A DAMSON'S HKDi STORK. KKS1DKNCK OPPOKITK Mkthoiust CHI'RCH Oregon Job Printing Notice to Creditors. The Kind i Notice i hcrehy given hy the iiiiilernifrii j cil mliiiiiiisl.rator of the 'estate of S. I!, that ge t8 Slayton, ileeeawil, to the ereililnrs of and to all other per.sons having elaitns against DU 8 i n e SS , the said deceased to present them with the I,,.,-, i.. il. ,,. !,.;,, ... i ,., Our Job Printing Department is the best equipped in the County J :;;-tZi and every piece of printing is guaranteed f"' t''i not in. itmt-H this liiii Uiy uf . .li .i , i ."'ii. v,, i . ri, i i nn, i:. The JOURNAL May, lltoti Administrator of Nlavtou, I'ceeascd. K. 1. Si.tvn the Instate of waBaoaBnnauncnisanmrj-irniS'.i oacaujt, ju jt jl jl jtjju jw1 ju jt j Is Xj timber ea no Btl IB it i narianarjarir.iriar.irarnrianar.a I UJU JLJ Jl. Ji. JL Jl Jlt. JC J j L J C.1 I. J r.n L J r i i. j n c j r.5 L J r "i Li r.a k j When in need of Lumber, Shlgles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors or Glasses see SHIPP & PERRY For Prices on Them MonooriaBanacar.arari'irsr.iri rtrtrTtrtnrtriinnwr irwra bttOatjat JLULl JL.'lJi. JtLiW JLJI.JI. J LJL JkjLJt. JLJLJUUL'Jl. JLjLULJ THE HAIV1ILTON STABLES Itend l.ivery & Transfer Coinptiny PRINF VII. 1. 1.. OKI'tiON Stock Itoardetl liy tlie tltiy, week or mntitlt til IteHsotialile rates. Heineniliet' its wliett it I'riiicville. Ratkh Iv kasonabi.k. W. Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Run in Connection with the Bend Livery StaMen 5 ONEtt. SoBnonisanaranaBaranararara g a it a a t a wj i: j u j t j l j y j t j c j h j I THE Restaurant and Lunch Room y SMELZER & ELEFFSON Props. ii Jor vCactics and Sentlcmen TJjcals and Zftakery J&inch n , B3 - ! ' : a Board by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Ticket., $4.00 i IftajBaouiBaiiaiticuiiacatutiJt j uauauaLacaLak.'ai:at3JhiUkMK:iL'i r. i r, a r, i ri r i n r. -i ri r, i r. a n r, a r . i t jc jl jl. ju'jl. jwai: jujl Jt-.jk jlu r.a m k'j r.a u ri k j ra u J r.T LJ r.a kJ ri LJ r i t j ri k J r.a L'j r.a LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a k j r a LJ .arar.ar nriana Conl est Notice. Dcpurtnient of the I nterinr, I'. S. hand Olliee, The Da.les, Oregon. April 12, IlKiti. A xtihieic.nl. contest allidavit having liecn filed in 1 1 1 i olliee I y Kmcst S. Tcr rill. contestant, against lioincxtead entry No. l-sm. inaile' Mareli 25, Km:!, for N 1 ... NIC',, V. 1 .. NV',. Section H, 'J'p. 11, S. ItiuiHe H. K. V. M hv Chaiies hawwill, tJonte.stce, in which it is alleged that 'said I'haiiCH hawwill lian wholly almndoned said tract ; that he has never resided upon or been seen upon said tract: that he has not cultivated thexame; that said aliened absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of t he United .States in time of war. .Said parties urc hereby notilied to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at HI o'clock a. in. on May III, li K K, bclore .1. .1. Smith, Oounty Clerk, at his olliee in I'riiicville, Oregon, (and that linal hear ing will be held at In o'clock a. in on .lime i, 1;XM, hetorc) the l!cri-ter ami Keeeiver at the United Slates Land Olliee in The Ualles, Orencin. The said contestant having, in a proper allidavit, tiled March S, l!Ki, set I'oitli facts w hich show that alter due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is herebv ordered and directed that such notice he jriven hy due and proper publication. Annk M. I, ami, Keeeiver. Deaths from Appendicitis. decrease in the same ratio that the use ol'lif. king's New Life I'ills increases. They save you from danger ami hriiitf quick imd painless release from const i paliou ami the ills growing out of it. Strength and vigot always follow their use. (inariinleed hy l. I'. Aditiiison ami Tenipleton Son Oruggist. 2w. Try them, WAN Coyote T E Hides D Highest timrket price ;tiil. Cull or write K. L. Jordan PKINKVIIil.E () K K i O N r qp -yr o eye lyr mf m fjt wff l Star Barber Shop IIYDK A-, Mi l!AE, Phoi-'s. Our haircuttint) is up-lo-dale. Our sliavint) is comlortaltle. Our shop is new and clean. Henderson Build inn I'lilN'KVII.I.K, - OK Kl ION I'Olt SALK. Tinilier l.iiiul ninl Mill j Site. On fleec unit of cont iniieil in-j lirntit.v t he owner litis ihciilecl to stdl the North Knst qil;i i ter of Sec tion I'll. 'J'p l!l South, of Kniiye !l Knst W. M. In Crook ( utility Ore gon, cotnpriHinn Hid acres of ;ooil tinilier huiil ittul I he mill-site known tin I'rinuie I'nlls, on the Deschutes Kiver. Aihlress nil inquiries to M. K. rltlK, I'riiicville, ( tieyotl. I'OR SAI.K tirain ai.d sto-k farin; l.'iL'O acres deeiled land, SUtl acres in cultivation ; good house, harn, orchard and improvements; well fenced, plenty running water, I1... miles from good school, 7 miles from station on Dalles Dufnr railroad ; daily rural mail; con trols enclosed range for 'JtKltl sheep; at present pastures -4U0 cattle. No, I lamh ing ground.-; on Deschutes river. n excellent ranch to hold and iced million for the rorthtnd market. Wheat and hurley; yields Sll to 40 1ms. per acre. Trice, If 20 per acre. Lor particulars address lll'i I'.enton st reel, The Dalles, Ore. Seneral ZSlaccsmithmg IIoHSKSHOKINt A K A T I. Y WllKN IT IS Wood WoitK, KTt'., AND I'llOMI'TI.Y Po.NK Donk 5v : : : iiobert 77oore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed I'lMNKVII.I.K, OUECION. ta CM C3 K J e.j i! a ea L'J ea CJ e.i iiJ a LJ C-a L'J ra uj ca L J ca L J ca L J r.a 123 ea t j lirar.ar ar,ar.ar.ar ararararacaca if L JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JLJLJL JLJL' J Teams Wanted. To put in ffotn 7."(U"o lo 1 .OOil.ooo feet of lop, tiooil level H'roiiml. l.oy,s to lie Inmleil from to of it mile. Cull on or julilress, llnwkinH I'.ros.. I'rineville, OrcKon. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years Torture. of it jrflk jrfk A. iSm.. .mUf M- jiSSw. x$k. .wllV. it. jafk xlfk. M IRRIGATION Liiirlinnks-Morse (insoline Kn ;;'ineH pump Witter, sprny, saw wooil, Ki'inil, neneral work. 2 horse-power up. lOconoiniciil, one drop of ".asoline, with nine times more air makes the power. Kxpense stops when cnnine is closed down. Write for Catiiloite and Prices Fairbanks, Morse, & Co. PORTLAND, OREGON For more than twenty years Mr. J. U. Massey, of H,'W2 Clinton St., Minneapo lis, Minn., was tortured hy sciatica. Tins pain and suffering which he en dured during this time is beyond com- w.ti,;.,., ..o, I,;,,, ukv permanent relief until he ustd Cham- K" beri iiin's Lain Ilalm. One application of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has i ffected a perma nent cure. If troubled with sciatica if J or rheumatism w hy not try a ir-cent I: bottle of l'aiu Balm ami see for vourself f Miow quickly it relieves the pain. Lor jule bv D. I'. Adanison. 0'Tfeil brothers IPrineitille' s llfiolesale jCiquor Jfousa Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Supplies Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and m the Famous Napa Soda Family Trade Solicited Notice For I'uhlicution. Pepitrtiuent ot'thc Interior, Lund Olliee at The Dalles, Oregon. May loth, ItitHi. Notice is hcreliy given ttiat the follow-ing-iiained settler has tiled notice of his intention to make hnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he niade helore the County Clerk, at I'rineville, Oregon, on June loth, hum, vi: William M. Moss, of I'rineville, Oregon, uu It. K. No. S701, for the SK', SV'-4, See. K 1 .. NV, and SV; N Sec. 'J7, I'. 17 S., C 17 K..H'. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said landj vim Andrew Anderson, Kmcte Anderson, K. 11. Harris, O. II. Milliorn all of I'rineville, Oregon. Michael T. Nolan, Register. ERNEST COOLEY Feed and Boarding Stable Stock boarded by the day, week or month and good attention given the same. Your Patronage Solicited AT OLD D1LLION STAND PRINEVILLE, - - - OREGON How to Ward Off Old Age. The most successful way of warding off the approacn of old age is to main tain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food suited to your age and occupation, and when any dis order of the stomach appears take a do.ie of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If yon have a weak stomach or are troubled with in digestion, you will tinil these Tablets to be just what yon need. I'or sale by D. 1 AilaiiiMin. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice Tor Publication. Notice is hereby given that. I have ap pointed the lollowing named persons deputy stock Inspectors. .1. 1 'artwriirht . Uav ('reek Department of the lute ' James Kice, llnv Creek Land Olliee at Tue Dalles, Oregon. i James Woods, Asliwood April .'10, KlOti. H. sparks. sisters Notice is hereby given that the follow- j Andrew Morrow, Haystack ing-nained settler has tiled notice of his I uh Lister, Paulina intention to make final proof in support Koseoe Kilos. Lost of his claim, and that said proof will be j, s.. Ilogue, Rosland made hefore the County Clerk, at I'rine-i ..y,.x Mcintosh, Hardin ville. Oregon, on June Mil, UKJti, viz: j 'n,()ni:is Sharp, Jr. Montgomery Norris Morgan, ot Crook, Oregon, on II.! Wii.i. Wt'KZW kilkk, K. No.ltJ7t, for the NVl4,S NB'.4 , Stock Inspector Crook County, and N E 1 ; SK;4 Section 2K, Tp. 1H S.. 'I. j LHH..W.M. I lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Mlid land, viz: Edward K. llollis, I.. V. l ice, T. C. Lo gan, and Harry Barnes, all ot Crook, Ore gon. MiciiAKi. T. Not. an, Register. Summer Sheep Range. W. V. A- C. Company will M. Wagon issue grass The Biggest, Most Complete AND The Cheapest Line of W" In the County Can Be Seen and Bought at the Store of Notice to la-editors. Notice i hereliy given by the undersign ed administrator of the estate of Simni Sinead, deceased, to the creditors of and to all other persons having claims against the said deceased to present thent witli the necessary vouchers at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 17th dav of Mav, HHti. .1. H. KKU.V, Administrator of the Estate of Simni Smead, Deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. Desert l.anJ, Final Proof- Notice For I'uhlicution lT. S. Land Otlicv, Lakeview, Oregon. Mar. 21, l:li. Notice is herhy given that Mauley J. Lemons of Paulina. Crook Ooiintv Oregon has tilen notice ot intention to make proot i Notice is herebv given that the uuder- on his desert-land claim No. M, for the I siened, the executor of theestate of Mar SV NV4 N'i SW N SEi SW', ! uarel Noble, Deceased, has inane and lilej Si: i , SK , SW '4 Sec. '.'( I'p. :'l S. I;. .' K. his linal aeeounlim; of his adiiiinistration W. M. ami N W, SW'4 Sec. Ill Tp. 'Jl S. ! ot said estate and tiie court has named the li. .'.'! K., W. ,M. hefore .1. .1. Smith eierk of ; -Jn.t day ot July. l!l at the County Court t'rook County Oregon at his office at 1 room in I'rineville, Oregon as the lime and Prineville Oregon, on Saturday, the -tiihi place for hearing said final accounting, day of May, l!l. j At which lime and place any person in- ile names the lollowing witnesses to : terested in said estate may appear unit tile prove the complete irrigation and recta-i his ohiections lo saul una! accounting mation of said land : Joseph Street. Thomas llalfour, Charles l.lllard and Jamen liilehrist all of Paulina Oregon. J N.W.vrsoN, Register. Hlu Al Mountain Forest Keser e. I Western Division1 PLICATIONS l-OU CltAZLNi! l'KKNti rS. Notice is hereby liivoli i Notice is hereby given tl I thill nil itppliclll ions (or )HTini(s to ' ing-named settler lias filed u grtl.c cilttlc. Iiorses. tind slus.p with-jtcntioii I., make hnal pro..; I A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. t in support ut i.. o, v .,i.,,.,, 1;, ;. ;..,, ,.r . i,., i i,. . Ins claim, ami inai am iirooi w u: ne iiimir i .1.,'. i- . o ... i. i hefore the Countv Clerk, at Prineville, Mountains l-otvst Lescne .luring n n June Mb. UMi. vi: Edward thesenson ol P.HKi, must la'slllillllltcl K Hiis, Crook, Oregon, on II. E. No. to A, S. Ireland. Forest Kaimvr in ' 7747, I(,r the Si SK',, sv. :W. I'p. t S., K. Cluirsii-. Prineville, Oii., on or IhM'oiv ! Jo E.. W. M.iui.l 11. E. No. 2 i Lakeview liMIl day of May. P.lOd. Full Infornni-1 Series, fori lie Lots.' and 3, Section 4, Tp. tion in ivaanl to t he fit axing: fees tOi'5' s K. 20 E.W. M. he charged, ami blank forms to liei ;,a'"'s l.!l, t'.llowing witnesses to used iinnakine' application, will lie I l"',,ve lus ''"'; once upon and , 11 .11 1 1 cultivation of said laud, vn: furnished upon mpicst Hihln-sseil to Wns Mor;ail j. r; Houston. K. C. the above natneil otlicer. l.ogan. of Cr..k. Oregon, Frank A. Ah- OVKH foN . I'tin K, Associate For- lK.tt, of silver Lake. Oreiton. ester. Muiiol T. Suns, Ueginter. I Tin ; Itoail I lease on large tracts for summer I range in the Horse Heaven conn , try (Townships 14-15-16) and mother portions of the grunt in jl'rook county. For full partiou i lnrs applv to j C K. S. WOOD, Agent, ' Portland, Oregon. I . . NOTICE OF WATER APPROPRIATION. Notice of appropriation of water by the Fniteil States tin filed In the olliee of the Stute Kngineer at Salem, OiVKon. on April lti. l'.HMi. .SiHOa.tn. "In nitrsiiaiice of the nut horit v j transferred upon ine October i. l!HI.". i by the Secretary of the Interior, under the provision of the Act of . Congress approved June IT, l!Mr'. (:; , Stat. ;i"cs known as the Ihvlaiualion i Act , jiiul In accoi dance with the laws : of the Slate of Oregon. I hereby noli I fy you that It is the Intention of the ! Flitted States to utilize all the sur j plus and unappropriated waters of ; the Deschutes Hiverund tributaries for development of power below the ! mouth of Warm Sptnuu Kiver. situ : ated in T. S.. K. 14 K. W. M.: that it is the ilHelitioll of the Clii.nl Mt.ir.wti. iwos.'il.l iiiiuit fur liiiimi Department of the Dueriur. , to the arid latiils l.ortler- l.and Otlice at 1 lie Da'les, oreg.11, . " . , f , 1,,. - , April'. KMi, "' , that the follow-' lumliia lover, and lor other purposes notice ol his in-: as aut lloflzeil hy said Act ol I oll- gress. and nipiest that such waters lie withdrawn from appropriation except for purposes of irrigation, as provided in the laws of this state. This notice is Riven by Dnvhl C. lleiiny. Suiervisinii Kmdneer, F. S. Koclatnation Service, thereto duly autliorl.el by the Stvretary of the Interior. Dated at Portland. Oregron. this pith day of April. lKl. (Siguedi Davih C. Hkxnv. StuH'rvisliiir Knsr'r F. S. Keelama tion STvice." The Opera Saloon BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors In The Glaze Hall A First Class House in Every Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars fflacksmithing That Pleases Is The Kind You (Jet at j. 11. wiGurs (Successor to) CORN KIT KLKIXS i A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand. Meat, Vegetables; Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Kacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on Mutton, Pork, hand at the Dated this Uth day of May, 1mm. A. .1. NoHI.K, Kicuor of the VNIatc of Margaret Noble, Deceased. Notice For Publication. City Meat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Oreiton jfcenderson &' tPollard Country Orders 'Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stoek First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel