J Local Mention L. K. IiukI:h, ( tins Crrrk. -iit tltf last nf tlir WVf k In the cll.V. K. )'. Knox wit ii lnHimMK vUlu.r tltftimt ( llir ffk I'ruiu lil- stork lUtli'll tit Pwt. Koi- liu i'uuilli-.-i, fi l.u ; h. Hui ami trulls. Wf li.-m-l lit-iu. ilovir A .Si rr. Ail Ii 11 r I'loiliiir Is In tin- i'auliiui roiiiilry OiU wrvk looklni; si ft or III Iniuiy in-f Iiu-iIiii'Sh. tin lo liluvt-r JL Starr" t'imli liro-i-ci-y fur liiif Hit.-itM'i. Ii.'n-oii. lift in iiml lunl. T. I". liurliaiian w.ih ov-r front Wri. xl.v limine tlu'Wii-k mi a l.iisines Hip. I'r.ink I il;is i-niiii- nvi-r fritiii lu-il-liiiuiil Sitiulay In a Hi-mi I In- I. all li'.-l Hlr. . Mrs. .I.e. Suiiiiu-r nf Sliiiiilkn. has Ih-cii KM-nilin tin- wn-k in Ilit- city islllnji wil ii fi lt'iiiln ami ri-lalivi-M. Oiiuir 4 Ijiv i ii i ! anil l'aiiiiar Mi--Iti-ii went out tu tin' CIii-Ihi m.-iK l.akt illMlrict llu-lam of Hie wti-k. Min. .1. I', (.'iivli- was in tin- t-ily from Ki'iliiioiul iIii-Iiiki u( l In- wt-t-k visilinu fur a fi-w ilay. Iiilt-rnaliiuial, tin- ln-st Ktm-k fooil on tin market can In- liai nf .1. I'.. Sli-warl Ac t'o. I. S. I.im.ia irtiirui-tl Kriilay from a in 1 1 1 1 Ii k vlxll In I'ortlnml. lie I'll I In IiIk rani-li al llaiiiitiin I'.ul Irs Mtimlay. Kamier; If ymi want tu lit' reliev nl of that jar ami noine w liirli inakt- j rlilliiK' on a farm wnnon so ilisaniii'. itlile, liny a set ol XXX holster MpriiiK'H of J. H. Stewart & Co. Some people art' liorn liliml. Some ao liliml from ilii'l'i'i-i'iit causes; Inn nun1 art' ho liliml ax tlit'.v who fail to xt-e Hit- nootl liai'sainM ol'l'i'i'ril al (ilovi-i-iSc Starr's t-asli iiroeery. We li-ail. ol hers follow. s trawl x'l-r.v rfstaurant of sugars. XKW LINK OK Ladies Sailors AT C. W. ELKINS J Earl knight was :iiu..ni tin- heii luonil lnltoirf wIiim-iiiuv iiwr Satur day to atti-Dil tin- Uall -vi mi- last Sunday. Iloli't sell Vuiir ru-s and M.latoes nut il yuii see tJlovvr A Starr. 'fliey aiv always In the funrket and pay tht? highest iliarkt-t prii-e. "Sunday" tiili-ken illutier and sliurtt-ake a I tin- O'Ni-il ''-'i it-ills. We t-arry a full line t.-offi-e'tt, li-as. i-aiini-tl moods, and ran save you iiituie.v. Try us In-fore liuyliiji, tilover & Starr. I,. I'.. AlliiiKliaui returned ilie last of the week from the Matoles ilis-Irii-t where he hx-aled a parly of live on I iinlier riniius. lloyini want strawlierries to put up this season".' lo not wait too Ion-;, lint k'v' "I1 your order in time tu K'Ot the liest. I' rices will he rlnlit. lilnver & Starr. If .vim are In need of either fancy or common erockery see .1. K. Stew- nrt 'o.: they have a t iplele si oek. M. R. ltiuns siH'iit several daysilur the past week at l'ost roiindiuy; up some of his mnisi1 horses whieh he will lake to the valley and sell dur ing I he siinnner. -Why'' I-' ret and worry alnmt your Sun day dinner when you ran net a chick en 'ilinupr nml stra wherry shorten kc for :n rents at theO'.Neil restaurant. Klmer Heath, one of I he liieniliers of the linn of Heath & Sunn, real estate dealers of (irass Valley, was iulheeil.v Sat unlay on his way to the head waters of the Deschutes t u to enjoy a lishin trip. tjeorjjc llolilis. who receiveil the contract from I he l. I. & I', com pany for clearin-Iikiii acres of html on tin- Johnston ranch sonic time aji'o. has been in the city the past week taking care of his brother. I.ee Hubbs, who has been ill with fever. Mr. Ilobbs says he has cleared and plowed over lino acres of his coiiiracl and expects to have I lie work lluish etl by the first of September. Do you have that tired feellngi that dull head-aclie or pains in the back, when you K't't up in the niorn inj, do you have a bad taste in your month? If you have any or all of these symptoms it Is a sure sinn you need a lisliiiiK trip and if you ko tislilmr vou will probably need some fishing tackle and Hideout & Foster's Is the place to K't't it- High School CumineiKoiutut. The annual t-oiijiiit-iMi-iiir-ut exer cises of the l.'ronl. i luily H'iuIi School were held ill As-ciulily hall last Friday evvuliivr wlier the laritr audience VN lilt ll u rceted I he pi osii aiu htjwetl Its appreciation of the uuiu Ijers Willi enthusiast it- applause. Kach of the live jr.-iiluali-s In clear ami well uiotiulutetl tones delivered orations and the program was pleas Itisl.v intcrspercetl witli vocal and lust ruuientai solos and duels and choruses by tin students. Tie- pro gram of iiralloiis was as follows: rrojtress of Women." Irene harues; "KoothlHs." Nora kizer: "Shake speare's Heroines." Ada reniiinutoir. Japan since the War." Oliver Adams: "Ilevelopiuent of American Fiction," I'nrl Hyde. The musical side of the program which consisted of vocal solos by Mrs. ("has. f-ylle. Miss Celia Nelins. Miss Verna linwartl. Oliver Attains and I'.antlolph Kt-lchiiui: a vocal duel by Misses (Vole Smith and llt'll lah Crooks and a piano solo by Miss Ktl mi Kstes was treated with mark ed at teutiun and 1 1 re w forth rcieal etl applause. Willi t he conclusion of the numbers on the program, SnT inleliileul Dinwitldie, after a few brief it-marks rein live l o school work ami the betrinniin;- of new careers, prcseuii-il the iliploiuas. NOTICE. Having received the nomiuatiou for the ollice of County Treasurer on the Republican ticket at I lie recent primaries I wish to thank my friends for l heir support and will now slate that if elected my policy will be to divide the Comity funds that may be in mv clmra-e. W. V. KiNti. I'eople are liejiimiin' to realize thai I he proper place to buy shoes is at. I. K. Slewart Co. Heller val ues for less mi nicy. i "Married Men" Why deprive your wife uf three hours pleasure and rot on Sunday nnn n by havlni: her -( ilinnec ready When u call ucl ll cliieki-ll dlltuel an. I ! ra bei r shol li ake for :."i ceii is til K'N't-il's i-i-siauraiil".' To the Voters of Crook County. As I have liecu in iliiiua led by the lieiiiiH-ratie parly f-ir I he ollice of County t reasurer of Crook County, I desire to presenl my name I'm-your consiileratioli al I he general elect ion to be held oil .1 II lie -I ! Ii . anil il el.ile.l I will personally ien'orui the duties ' of the oltice mi the salary allowed by 'law. and no more, lain iu favor of ! a square deal. M. II. l'-Kl.t.. CITATION. In tin- iiiatter uf tin- Ksiau- nf Jus t eM W iinni.i ,ii. Decvii-eil. 'fu Marv Itell and alt ln'ir unknown nf in thk n amk uk i'hksi'atk uk hi: kdiin, Jusepli Whilliil.l. Hi-1-.a-e.liiKKKllNH: You are litrt-li i-itni anil reqitireil In appear in ihe ( iiiuily I -mrt til Ilit- Mule of UlrSnn. for the Cuiinlv of I rook, atllif 1 1 niirl rtitnu lliereol. al I'rini'villt' in tut I County ol Cronk tin M-unlay the 2llil ilay of July linti, at n n'l ltit k. in tin- I.Hi'iio.iii nl thai iliiv, then anil 1 here In shew cause, hi' any t-xil why an tn-dcr slmulil nnl lie inaili- hy the Cninilv t'nuil lor t runk jCoiinty, Oreiiiui aiiilinriziui; ami iltreel 'injjS.M. Maylielil. ii'btiitiitriitor ol nlmve naineil e-tale. 1" -ell the real e-tate lie t luiHii; lo said iMate. which anl real 1 esian- is tleseriheil as follows: l.ots one ami two in Section nineteen in Township Ttventv South, of llangi- Klt-vcii Kast ami i Ilie Ka'st halt nf the Northeast quarter of ! Section Twenty-four in township Twenty i South, of Uanm- ten Kasl of Wiliainette I Meriilian, in Crook County. Oregon, j . Witness, the lion. W. A. Bki.i., .Iinlue ! nf the Cniinty Court nf the Stale nf Oiv- i itnii, fur t lie Cniinty of Ci k w ith tin- seal i of mi id Court attixeil. this tlh ilay of May A. P. I'.mti. j Atikst: .t. J. Smith. I'lt-rk, 1 Ity May ltelle Uee.l, liiuty Clerk. CIA ESI iOSaSi!l!!l!ill!fS! Having recently purchased a large stock of Cupid Brand Hulled Corn At a Cut Price we will of fer it to Consumers for CASH only at $2.75 per case of 24 cans or 12 1-2 cents per can Regular Retail Price was 25 cents per can They are larjje size cans holding twice as much as the regular sie can of corn and at this sale cost no more. Cupid Hrand Hulled Corn is prepared pre cisely similar to Old Fashioned Lye Hominy and is Delicious, Wholesome, Nourishing and Sweet as a Nut TRY SOME I SPE 1 1 ! 1 Spring Styles in Millinery i Newest style Sailors and latest designs Irom the best houses II we have nothing in stock to suit you, we will make lo your Order, Ribbon by the bolt lor fancy work. Flowers lor Trimming. McCal's Patterns, 10 and 15 Cents f T. F. McCALLISTER & CO. It 4 J .. .j..M..M''4' I Bil!lSiajji5jSj!MSas fcr WW mAk ifflk xfV )At iftii S?fc aftn j O'Neil Bakery J; 2 In the Miller Building f I j l-'ri'sh Kri'iul, I'ii'K n ml VV.kt'K u ' " iilwfiy mi Iiiiml. ' ! B I'ustrv uf all kiiiiln miiili' tu r i onli'V. ' Ji 4 PR1NEVILLE, - OREGON riVrjg. V V" V V" V W V "V "A 1 Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko SCHKDULK l.Biivt'8 Sliiiiitko, (i p. in. Arrive at Prineville (i a. ni, lit'Hvi'H rrinevilli' 1 j). in. ArrivcH t. Slumiko J . m. First Class Accommodations r The Massachusetts Mut :iiai Lire Springfield, Massachusetts Operating under the Famous Non-Forfeiture Laws of the state of Massachusetts Divides its Earnings Annually Among its Policy Holders. ARTHUR W. CLOTHIER SUMMER SHIR TS 95 cits. We have placed on sale this week 300 Golf and Negilee Shirts, ranging in price from $1.00 to $1.50 at the low price of 95 cts. A big variety of patterns and all good values at the regular price. Our stock of Gentfemen's wear all through the line is complete. Give us a call, we can please you. J. E. Stewart & Co. 1 The WINM'K CO. hi . w tj rrincvillc Ap-nts for w I Edison Phonographs II -AM) I Gold Molded Records mm m mm mm, mmt at mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m. M. m. ' a K4 K4 Z4 K4 T4 K K4 K4 14 K4 K T HZi Z4 V V 14 : ll 11 U A I I PAPER HI Tlii'ic mi' ninnv new pit I - ill li-nw t lii-j -i':ir ri' run H hIiow vim m s'l-i-nl viirli'lv T! uf t lii'in. All Ki'.ulrH n ml H pi-il-CK. Ask I'll SI'!1 Hill' Willi n piling. j M 0. y. jftamson dt Company THE BEST ICE CREAM OI7 SODA T jfrfa tusan ' s ft ffl A I'lIKSII I .(IT UK Jjj I.OW'NKV'.S TANDY in I'Mikni-.i "pi Price Irom 6c to $1.50 ll Mail nrili-rs Killi-il 1'rmiiptly I 0. P. Jt 'dam son d Co. u Singer Sewing Machine Co. f Will Inki- "hi nim-liiiii's 'if fli iiii'XrliMim'i-fiiriii-H iiiii-k ft 'V Will Sfll vim iii;irliiiii-s on monthly m.v ini-nts j j?: f- All k I in Ik uf ivpjiir work f: ill mi- I iy mi r iii-nt wliu Im iiIsu tin- iinl In irizi-il J l ulli'i-lui- fur all iiiuiii-VK I- iliii' t In' ruliii;ili.v. if T I'urfiirl lii-r iiifui'inat iun i i ii ii i r uf v : 'if WILL PERCY, Agent Al Poindexlcr Hotel 5 Fine Seed Potatoes Pure Early Rose .03 1-2 i Burbank Seedlines .03 ijl Good Eating Potatoes .02 1 Selected ' .03 IT V will ri-ll you lii-tti r - (j ffl t;iti's for tin- iri'i-, tlian you m i.,,. ,.t .... ..ii..,- it-,.. ;.. w 71 i im i.n -'i .in "im i t j i in in 1 E'rin.-v'll 1 GLOVER & STARR V h SOMIi SIMiClAL VAMIl-S WI- AIU" (U'TKXI NT. THIS W1WK IN LU J-I-- -' ' m't I SB A OES h mf l lifidics line tan kid hIiucs regular price ;..r)l) fur $'2.o0 " ' $;j.(Kt lor $'2.15 Ladies line tan velours calf oxtunls " $-'l.")0 I'm' $'2.'2o Ladies tine tan vici kid oxfonla ' .'.M) for $1,00 A nice stvlish oxford in first quality Mack vici kid $1. 70 Those are all first, class new o;ools and tlie above prices 'Teat bargains at il Cleaner Free With Ladies White Canvas Shoes We have a nice line of Ladies and Misses White Canvas Oxfonls and for a short time only, we will y;ive to each person buying a pair of our Ladies White ( 'anvas Shoes of any style or price a -J.": box of Blanco I'MtKK. Some Facts for Your Consideration We have just received a lare shipment of Ladies Fine shoes direct from the factorv and we claim to be in a position to ijive you better values and a nicer and later line to select from than any of our competitors. The reason we can do this is that we buy from a factory in the Hast that makes Ladies tine Shoes exclusively Doesn't it stand to reason that we will get bettor- values and later styles in that wav than we would if we bought from a factory that makes everything from a plow shoe to an infant's moccasin I f you will come in and let us show you our line of Ladies Shoo we will convince vou of the truth of our argument. RIDEOUT & FOSTER The General Furnishing Store r. ----LOT sa , : T K4 ail SC Z T4 T4 lC T I?: K4 K4 K4 K4 K4 K4 T4 7,fi