Vofessiona Cards. Want Ads cJm - t - . deception SM II II .V t LLKK, I'i;..ii;ih..i: Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUXTKV OR1H-RS SOLICITl-l) Post Oilice Hi.x 92 IMPORTED PEIOERON STALLION 7. itf- NViit- under head will ! t elinrifisi at the rate of UM: t'tsr er ord , it insertion. Nothing le than 5" eenl. irn to n Phir d Jfllarnvy-ml-jCa !Prineuitt. 1 IB WTHE Oreyon. " WAXTKD Lian "I f-'nuu. Kx. client real estate security. Address The Joiiii.nl. 2i. 22,SSs jfttorney-at-Cam IPrinouiiU, -Oreoon, K()K K KNT Laiich on tin- .Aiatotea. i 7v. No. 56041 Foaled May 11, 1900; Bred by M. Vallie, Department of Oren, France; Imported April 12, 1905; Property of LAMONTA PERCHERON HORSE CO. For particular!!. aiUrwn" K. K. fury, J . J". CJwJi Jf. !P, 33,1 knap California. iiii'A ic if. mny IPtyMitrian I 'JL.' Si MAIN STKKKT PIUXKVILI.K, OKKtioN 1 . l'K SALK : (iooil work In r-cs, lmy j .' horses, saddle horse ami fn-li itttl'-li j-.' cown. Chile Hill's ranch, I'owell ! liuttes. i Sfteiknap dc Cd wards ZPnysicieins ana Suryeons. J J ".J r '&.' ii J J sj BBBBBS0 Will Make the Season of 1906 as follows: Al ( has. Loft's ranch, one and one-half miles west of Lamonta; at Henry Montgomery's near Grizzly P. 0. and at Prineville SEASON BEGINS APRIL FIRST DESCRIPTION Turcot, i a very Lrj;e, Heavy Horse, Jet Hlack, with tine form and superior action; and comes from a lung list of Mack J'ercherons: Weight 2000 pounds more or less according to condition. JL 111 w.l J Insurance $20 Hue when mare is known to he with foal; $25 due when I f foal sucks; also payable if mare is disposed of, or permanently removed from the tXt county: Single service $1 () due at time of service. Mares from a distance will Lfj be well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume 'responsibility in case of JSM accident. Sv fN. Milligan, Cha. Lott JERRY ACHEY, President ff Director: Henry Montgomery !V5 J Oscar Cox, Samuel Pierce J. S. McMEEN, Sec. and Treas. Wm. Sann, Walter Messinger NJ L.P.H. Co. 3 LAMONTA, OREGON g ADDRESS: fry, Sh,,. IKHKi ATKU I. ANUS Wc Uvr f..r ' Hale irriuuli'il lan-l in tlm IVsilnitii' Vl:ey nn 1 ilic i lniuKia Suntlii'in Irrigation Cnin.ai.y V 1 t I a' lis price fill. 70 to fr.'.T.'i per acre. See Mkkiimtii linos, ( line Falls, H:r., Iiefore Imyini;. J n'mtuHU. Ortyon, . i ZPiyttcian and nSuryeen Cutis Mnsmvrmt promptty day 0r ttfyA Off'., ta .Bi.,.- U'OU SALE. 'I'illlliel- 1 SPhytician nt Jury eon C.4I.UI ANSWtKKn FKOMPTLY DAT OK NlUHT Office Onk Dook North of adajmos'm Hki oStokk. Kk;dkm k Opfonitk Mkiiioiunt Chl-kcii r u. J r r lins ilieiili'il till t j riririnrinrir.inrinncijr f JkJWJL. JL. JU Ji. JbJk JL. JL. JL. JC Jf I L J r 1 k J r i L J r L J mil .-mil Mill . mi iimeil in- i SPrinoHi, riyon fsr TP i "Br, in i jod rrmt Notice to Creditors. in Our Job Printing Department is the best equipped and every piece of printing is guaranteed pa C'J C3 tiJ ta CJ ra ca ra M For Prices on Them t j MtJnnr"ir"innrnnrinri nnr innnnr-inr-tnnn liflC'JtUL JL JC'JL: JL JL. JL JL JL JL J L JL JL JL JL JL JL LJL JL JL JLUL J ir3C3C3nnnrir,innnri nnr.-innnr yr -rr y -inr- LJLJLJL'JL JL :JL JLJLJL JL JLJ L JLJLJl JLJLJL JLJLJL JL 1L.JI.J r i L J r i . J r.-i L J r i L J r i L J n L j r i L J n L J r 1 L j r t L j Ij XJ JVC IB IE 1R, When in need of Lumber, Shigles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors or Glasses see SHIPP & PERRY THE HAMILTON STABLES ItcnJ Livery & Transfer Company F-KINF.yil.l.F., OKK;o Stock Inmnlcil ly the day, week or niotith al Ivfiisonalilo rales. IJeitienilier us when in Prineville. K.vn:s Kkasonahi.k. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent l&r Run in Connection with the lienit Livery Stnhles 1 if I 1 . -''! ailminisiralor of the 'eHUite of S. I! i - that gets Mayt..n.,liTi-;iMe,i, to the cmlitors of anil ; to all other persons having claims u?aiiist J DU S 1 ne 8 S the sunt ilfceaseil to pre-ent them with the necessary vouchers to the uielersinnccl at, the County ! Ilu "m,'v i;ili..lt in I'rineville, I ireumi, within s,i nomtlis I'min the ilatc ol this notice. Dateil this 17th ilay of mi lxvmmT 4 . I'- I. Si.ivt.in, The JOURNAL I sirKii''' "" Kmv ,,f s-K- ! Contest Notice. Hciiirt incnl of the I nterior, I . S. I.:tn,t ciiticc, I'lie llii.les, Dreon, April 12, l!H;. V sullicient iti'-l ntHilavit liavini; been tik'il in this oilice hy Kniest S. Tcr rill, coiitcMl.-mt, ik)ainat hoincsleiel entry Nu. l:i.in, inn. le March !;, for X NK',,, K'j N"';. Sections, fp. 1 1, s'. liange 1 1. 1.;. W. M.,hy t'harles l.iiwwill. I'ontestee, in which it is allcL'eil that said Clini'les l.awwill lias wholly ahainloned sai.l tract: that, he has never rcsiieil iiihhi or oeen n-en upon sai.l tract: that he has not cuittvatccl the -aine; t hat said alleKi'il ahsence was imt line, t.) hi employment in the army, nayy or marine eoi ps of the I'nite.l siiales in time oi War. Maul parties are herehy noiiiiwl to appear, respon.1 ami oiler evidence touching said ulleatinn at III o'clock a. in. on May III, 1 H Mi. helore .1. .1. Smith, County t'ferk, at his oilice in I'l-inevillc, OrcKon, (and that linal hear ing will hu held al In o'clock a. in. on June t, llioii, hefore) the lietfi-ter and Ueceiver at ihe I'nitcd States Land oilice in The Italics, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper allidavit, tiled .March .'). I!i, set foilh facts w hich show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cun not he made, it is herehy ordered and directed that Hindi notice he given hy dm and proper publication. Anxk M. I.w.i, Receiver. WANTED Clovotc Hides Highest market price )iaitl. Call or write HI lltl-ll-lll HKINKVII.I.K . 1. J Ul Uall ,) K K () O N wirwww v- V WW i Star Barber Shop HYDE A M KAK, I'itoi-'s. i i i i -i A. n. .adk. i&l rfV .A. A A Ac AJk Jlv 4 ' Our liaircuttim is up-fo-Jale. Our shaving is comlortable. Our shop is new and clean. Henderson Building riJIXKVll.LK, - tiKKUON Site. n iiccoiint tirmity the mi nei hcII tile North l..ist iii,i i ler id .see tion 1':!, Ti -1 Siniih. oi K.nme ! F.HHt W. M. in CiiiiiK County Ore Kim, ci)itiirlsinu lmi nctes of no'"l tlnilitT laiiilaml I lie niill-silc know n hk Frinu'le Fitllrs. on the Descliiiten Uiver. Aililrcss nil inouiricM to M. K. HltlXK. I'rineville. ( IrcKiui. FOR SAI.K drain and stok farm; I'yO acres dec.le.1 land. Sim acres in) cultivation ; giNi.l Incite, liarn, oreliard anil improvements; well fenced, plenty j running wale r, l'.. miles from good! wlnwil, " iniles from station on 1 'alien- j I'ufur railroad ; daily rural mail ; con ltroln enclosed Hinge for JlKMI sheep: al I jresent pastmre." 4iM cal lie. .No. I lamli- ! itiif grounds on I'escliiites river. Vn i xcellent ranch to hold ami feed million inr the l'ortland market. Wheat anil barley; yields SO to-itl bus. per acre. 1'rice, fl'tl per acre. For particulars address .'112 Uenton stre d.The I lalles, ( lie. Teams Wanted. To. put i" from 7"mi.mmi to l.UOO.lMMl feet of loiis. (iood level ground. Limn Jo he h.uiled from to of n utile. Cull on or iiililrpwn, I l;i v Uins llrosi.. I'rineville, Oregon. r t C J r i L J ri L J m t j r i t J n LJ LJ L.J Sonera ffilacksmithing HOHSKSHOKING Neat i. y and W'UF.N IT IS 'KI) W'OKK, KTC, I'UOMI'TI.Y DoNK Do.nk Ry : : ; Siobcrt 7fooro Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed I'ltl.VKVII.I.K, OltKliON. rwficur ;ir.iMi:ir'ir.3rvir:injr,'ir.'tr5rir.'inrstiE3B.iE3E; k. JL.;it JL. Jt JLJLJL Jl. JL JL. JL JL jf L. JL.JC ju Jw JC Ji." J JL J JJC. hrl M I O'Veil brothers 3rineuHle' s "Wholesale j&tjuor Jfouse S2 Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Star Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years Torture. of SB3Bai!W,inrir,'ir.wir.irirn rinnnnnrvirviririril GjLJLJL'JL'JWJI.jLJLJLJLJLJLj LJLJIJLJL JL JLJLJLJk JL JLJLJ it a rl L.I HI LJ r.t LJ r t LJ LJ r.i LJ LJ LJ : r.M fc J i r 1 ! LJ n ! L J ! r.-ii L J ! n LJ r .3 LJ IRRIGATION p 4 Fitii liJiiiks-Miiixe ( l.iHnliiii- Kn- 17 ini-H pump water, spray. sv jl wi hmI, urinij. ".etieinl x.n'fc. 2 j) In irw-poxvcr up. I'.coiunnicnl. tjj i me drop of KaKoliiio. xvifh nine IiiucH inure air makes t he power. Kx pel imc stops when engine inchmcd duxx'l). Write fur ChImIiikuo ami I'rlct-x Fairbanks, Morse, & Co. PORTLAND, OREGON For more than twenty yearn Mr. .1. 1!. MaHsey, ol Xi'2'2 Clinton St., .MinneufKt lin, Minn., was tortured hy sciatica. The pain ami suffering xvhich he en dured during! thiM time n lieyond com piehenion. Nothing ax'e him any pernianent relief until lie ustd Cham- that liniment relieved the pain and aaiiade uleep and rent poHsihlu, ami Icns t'li.aii one bottle has tffected a perma uejjt euro. If troubled with NCiatica or irhcumntimu xxhv not trv a 25-eetit Li 1 1. . -1 . i . . i . i i ...if ih f miaul' in i am i.iuiu ami fee 101 iimum-ji m lioxv jiuicklv it iidiex-es the pain. For ji'Kaleihy I). I'. AihiuiHon. ca 1 11 Deaths from Appendicitis. i decreiice in the same ratio that, the line J ol ' l)r. KiiiK' H Nexv Life Fills increawes. i Tliev wave you from danger and hrinjs ! ipiick and painlesH roleuae from const!-i pillion and the ills urowiiitf out of it. j Strength and viitor alxvavs follow their i use. t iiiaranieed by li. P. Adainsou j and Tenipletoii iV Sou I'liinist. ."ic. I Try tlioni, How to Ward 0 Old Age. The- moyt Hiux'esHlul way of warding off theapproacn of old ape is to main tain a iforou" di-jeslioii. This can he done I eating only food suited to your age ano! oveupatinn. and when any din oriler of tljcstoinaidi appflai'M take a lo.e ol ( liainffcrlain's Stomiich and Liver Tablet tc correct it. If von have a Stock hnrrit hu fh ,i. nr i xfak stomach or aril trouhlod with in- and good attention given the same. Your Patronage Solicited AT OLD DILLION STAND PRINEVILLE, - - - OREGON ERNEST COOLEY Peed and Boarding Stable ffjiPstion, von will hurl these lumets. to be; just what you need. For sale by I. I". Ailiimwin. THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop.. cS ca il el P ca n J'or Caciies and Sentlemen 7eas and ffiakciy jCunch Notice Fur Publication . ' I'cpiii'tnicnt of the Interior, ' Land I'lliee at The I'alles, Oreijon. ' May '.oth, lmti. ot ice is hereby kivcii that the follow-ing-nained settler has tiled notice of his inteiition to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Couuty Clerk, at I'rineville, (lremn, on .lime tilth, l! m Hi, vii: William M.Moss, of I'rineville, (.iiemm, on II E No. S7U1, for the SKx Stt't. !ih' Ki" N W 'i and SWl, N F 1 , , See. 27. T. nS.. It 17 K.. XV. .xl . ( lie names the folloxxiiiL' witnesses in. prove bis continuous residence upon audi cultivation ol said land, vii: J Andrew Anderson. Kniete Anderson, K II. Harris, (i. p. MilHorn all of Prineville, ! Ibt'Kon. Michael T. Xolau S Register. Notice For l'ublication. Depurtiiient of the Interior, band ( Klice at' Toe Dalles, Oregon. April 30, 19oti. Notice is hereby fdxeu that the following-named settler has tiled notice of hid intention to make linal proof in support of his claim, nnd flint said proof will be made before the Cotititv Clerk, at I'rine ville, Drcpon, on .luue 8th, Wwi, viz: NnrriH Morgan, ol Crook. Oregon, on 11, K. No.tr.'7ii. for the tSKW NWV4,SJ NK',4' and XK'-4 SKv41 Section Hi, Tii. IS K., It. -il K.. W. M. He names the following xxiuiesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Edward K. Hollis, 1.. V.Tiee, T. C. Lo K'. and Marry liarnes, all ot Crook, (ire Kon. Michakl T. Noi.xs, Register. Board by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Tickets, $4.00 j l. J xrinnrinn kJUJkJLJl.JI.Jk JLJkJkJLJ 3r.acar..ir.5r:.ir.ir..trinr r t r r. Jk JLlJU The Biggest, Most Complete AND The Cheapest Line of SfT" 0 In the County Can Be Seen and Bought at the Store of ft! m ft fa I A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. fti 0SSSS(S (vxxx5(i520 Desert Land, Final l'roof -Notice For l'ublication F. S. Land Oilier, l.akeviexx , Ulenoll, Mar. ''4, li. Noiiee is hereby liivcn that Mauley J. l.enions of I'milin'a, t'rook County Oreiron has lileo notice of intention io make proof on hi liesert-laud claim No. im for the Si4 NV4 N, SV4 N'4 SK4 S't4 SKi4 SK4 SV, See. J4 Tp. Jl s. ft. K. V. M. and NVi, s i4 Sec. 19 Tp, -.1 S li. -'.'t K., W. .M. before .1. .I.simih elerk of I 'rook County Ure;oii at his office at I'rineville Oregon, on Saturday, the "tilh day of May, lie mimes the tolloxMin: witne-i's to piove the complete irrigation and recla mation ot said laud : Joseph Street. Thomas Kalfour. Charles billard and .lame liiichrist all of Paulina Oregon. .1 N . W .mson, ltm,'ister. Blue .Mountain Forest Keserxc. t Western Divisi.jnl APPLICATIONS I'OK tlKAZLMi PlUxM IT'S, Notice is hereby uiven thin nil niipliciitiuiis fur penults to UTiize c:i t tie. horses, nnd shi-c with in t lie Western Di lnion t. '.in,. MllUlltllills Ful-est l!.iw,.it.. .1. -'l .1.11 Hl . the seiisun uf I'.HMi, must iM'siilmiiitoij to A. s. Ireland. Forest Itatwr in 1 Charge. I'rineville, ttiv.. on or U-f,kru! nun iiux ui .xiay. t'.Hiii. Full infuriusw tion in regard to the KTiiziiiK ti-s ti Im- chiiriioil. and blank (urms t.t 1M used in makiiii" aidicaiiuii, xvi.;!S tM tlirnislK-il ii tt rviiUeM ad lii ss,-sli tu thcaliuxe nauieil uiliivr. Ovkkton W. Pltti'i:. Ass, sin te Fur-ester. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby then hv the iiii.UrsiVii- vd adininistralnr of the estate uf Simm Smead, deceaseil, to the creditors ot and t all other persons- having claim aaiust the said deceased to present them ith the neces-ary vouchers at the oilice ul Mi. K. Klliott m I'rineville, Oregon, wiluin-six uioiuns trom tlie date ot this Dated this 17th day of .Mav, li!. .1. II. KtllT,. ; A.lniinist ratoi- ot tl.M K.i'ii., .,f 'mt.? Sinoad, rieceased. Deputy Stock I inspectors. Notice is hereby jrivcu Unit I have ap- jMiinted the tollnwiiur nuined persom deputy stock lnspei tors. ! .1. V. Cartwri'ht, Hay Creek 1 James Rice, Hay Creek James Woods, Aslixvood i K. 1L Sparks. Sisters Andrmv .Morrow, Haystack HurIi Lister. I'uulinu lloscoe Knox. Cost J. S. liogue, ItoslainJ Alex Mcintosh, Hardin Thomas Sharp, Jr. Monttcunvery WlI.J. WCI7.WEII.KK, Stock Inspector I 'rook County. Summer Sheep Range. The V. V. A- (J. M. Wagon Roiul Company will isu grass lease on large tracts for summer runne in the Horse Heaven coun try (Towtisliiis 14-1.i)-l()) utul otluir portions of tin, uruut in Crook county. Fur fitJl partiru. lars ;tpplv to C." K. S. VtK)l), Agent, Portland, Oregon. Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda Family Trade Solicited. rvl The Opera Saloon BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors Choicest In The Glaze Hull A First (.lass House in Kverv Respect Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars wot u:e. NOTICE OF WATER APPROPRIATION. Notice of Fiail SdMlenent. Notice is hereby Riven that the under- -iirueil. the executor of the estate uCMni'-t o-..l ..lile ll,u.,.,u.,.l 1... ..,.,.1....! ;i.. 1 I hisiiual aoi-uuuiiii!! ol1 his Hilnontir?ioii t unilcr the liruvisluu ot saiil estate ami the court has niuiied the 1 Culiu'resr niiliruxeil .Inn Notice uf jipproprlntiun ul xvatur by the I'nltoii States as filtnl In th' ultice of the Slate Knj-neer t Snleni, t)reroii, on April Hi, IWMi. S:30 a. ni. "In pnrnnance of the authority transferred upon me lctole-r ti, l!Xlo. by the Swretary of the Interior, f the Act of 17. 1H0L', t:iC Stat. HX"! known ;tstlie Ktvlaniatlun t, anil In accordance with the lawn if the Stato of Oivs'uii. I hereby nuti- wrson in- f i, :, i n... .-.i... teiest.i.1 ill sai.l estate may . r ami tile ,!,' , " "V" lm his objections to said Anal .icouiilinK-f L,,,,,,h1 st,'!' ,ul(17 linteil this 17Ui davot'Mav, litbis ; plus anil unniipfopriatei xvatetN ui A. J. XiHii.t, I the iH'Hclmtes Itiver anil rribntariefi Kxivui.or of the K-tate of Margaret. for ilex-i'luinient of IHixver lieloxy the : i mouth of Jml day ol July, l;Hi at tlie t'ouuay Court room in I'rineville, Oregon as the tiiue and ,l.,..u r..p i...,.,,., ......i : .,.n. n.t (ii.ti.ii Mill IfUllI HiUliUlliLll. i At which time and nluee any verson in- f I St a Noble, Jecam d. Notice For Publication.. Wnrin Spliix Hiver, situ- -t ateil in T. x S.. H. U L. W. M ; that Ut i the intention uf the I'nii.il Mtlll.l t.t lluit tllll lllkAl'..!' fi.t not,..,- l.Jd.SVheUoi, J' -ater ,u, be nn.l .amis l.orUeV April So ltHi. Ins on anil tn t he vicinity of the C o Notice is hereby aiveu thai the' loUnxv- luniliia Kixer. ami for other pnrposeH iiis-uanust settler has tiled notice uf lii.s in-j .as atlthorizeil by saitl Act of Cun-1 tentioii to make tinal jirool in siipK)rr. of I .-cress, ami nitiest that such waters i his claim, and tliwt said proof will ho made . "). xvithilraxvn from appropriation lieiorc the (-ounty t'lerk. at I'nnevUlr. ' v!kl.,..,t for purpONes f iri ination, as I reKon, on June Mh. vir Ldnanl . !, . . ,, . . ,,ftiK st.ir K. ilollis. ofCnmlc. Oiegon. on H. K. No. J.,.' ,. '!ns ' TT47. tor the s NK4. Tp. Is S.. . j t'- "".K,v,'' l" ju K.. s . M.and 11. K. No.2;m Ukeview: Henny. SuH'rvismK Kimiiuvr, I . S. Serifw, for the Lota 2 am) 3, Sactii.u 4. Tp. ! Jiivlamatloli Service, thereto iluly I IKS., K. J) K W. M. ! ituthorixeil by the Secretary of the! lie names the follow ilic witnesses to' Interlur. poiye his coiiiinuous r--a!r.e upon and atml at I'ul Uauil. Oregon, this culloauou ofj-md land, vii: i ,, . ,,f Apr mK1 Norns Monota. J. I. HouMoii. r . C i,..,. . ii...... l....Ka... of Crook. Orep. Frank A. Al-1 Vs ,UM' 1 ,.'A1."".- 'JNV. Km, of ilxer Lake, tir.-i, supervising Ktitr r I . S. Rivlatna-: Mli H.xKL V. Noi is, Koaiater. 1 Hun Service." Placksmithing That Pleases The Kind Von J. (ict at - H. W1GLHS (SucK'-essor to) CORNETT & ELKIiVS A Stock of Farm Machinery alwnvs on hand Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, ttaoon, Lard and Country Produce Kept otr hand at the City Meat market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Oregon fjMi jfeencierson 6 tPollarct Country Orders Solicited 'Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel C3 CI T-TI KJ K3 CJ ca c J r.i CJ 13 S J 6 Is C j il ii en II C.3 IC3 HJ