Crook County Journal VOL. X PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 17, 1906. NO. 22 esr.scairar.iG irr.r irir -ir -jr. 3r icir'3Cir.3ii3( 3' C ji CI 13 $1 ft II E3 L J ea 3 P If 3 1 3 Si 3 a; j es 3 ma e. 31 At C. W. ELKINS Elegant Display of Dress Skirls and Shirt Waist Suits - - $5 to $15 Sateen Underskirts $1.50 to $3.50 Silk Petticoats $7 to $10 50 Styles of Shirt Waists Special Values in F. P. Corsets, Style 629 Ladies Oxfords $2 to $3.75 Tans, Patent Colt and Kid FOR HOME USE TRY A PAIR OF OUR Old Ladies Comfort Shoes iJ-'Sj'V'vV-- . -a MEN Have your own Blacksmith Tools It pays to get the Best. See our Outfits. Cost no more than Inferior Ones YOU WILL SEE THE SIGN C. W. ELKINS r..ii U J L J k J ES k' J r.a La El M L J C J r.i LJ r. -i U! r,. r..-y n Li r., UJ c n C" L j r.l L J E3 LJ CI LJ C3 LJ C3 LJ L J n LJ LJ LJ r.3 L J E LJ r.3 LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i L J r. i L j r.i Li r..i L J r.n LJ r.3 L j p a c j r.i L J CI LJ r.i L J r n LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r .1j L J C. i in sr. nr. ir ir, if ir ir.nnririr innrieanrirv L JL JL JL JL JL JLJLJLJL JLjLjLJL JLJL JLJLJL JL JL JL JL JL JL JLJLJLJLjL JL Jl . KsS KvS CstS Kv Sgv & feX &X &X Xv Sgy i SPf15 i Shciniko Warehouse Co. SAanAro, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding A N I) Commission Merchants Disalers in Hlackriinitli Coal, Flour, ?arli-cl Wire, Xailn, Cement, (jinie, Coal Oil, Planter, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Sucke and Twine, drain and Keed. Agents for Waco Warehouue Milling I'o's. "White Hiver" and "Dalle Patent" Flour. Highest price liid for Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Wool (!radini and Baling for KaHtern Shipnunits. Stock Yards with all the latest ami hest. faeilitie? for Ilandlintr Stock. 9arA- 2oir Soocis in Care of "S.W.Co." crook mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Presldont C. M. Elkins, Vlca President Fheo W. Wilson, Chler DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, c. M. Elkins, D. F. 8tewart, Fred W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking HuHinena Kxohaiie Bought and Sold Colleoti(jns will re ceive prompt attention ikET3f3T3TEr3rTa33i VERDICT OF NOT GUILTY George Miller Acquitted of Murder Charge MAY TERM ENDED Judge Bradshaw Listens to a Mast of Evidence in Several Civil Suits and Injunctions After being out "2H hours before trenching a decision, the jury which heard the testimony apiiust George Miller, charged witli the murder of Warren Curtis, returned a verdict to Judge Itradshaw in the Circuit court at four o'clock last Friday afternoon of not guilty. The case was given to the jury soon after 12 o'clock Thursday I afternoon and marked the close of the fourth trial of the defendant I since the killing was committed in j March IW2. The case was tried j twice in Harney county and once ! in Malheur and in each instance the Supreme court remanded it for u new trial. Verdicts of not guilty were also returned in two other criminal cases which took up two days of the session the last of the week. Win. Ilogg, charged with stock stealing, was found not guilty and dismissed and the jury returned a like verdict in favor of Henry Parry charged with stealing '20 head of sheep. The session of the court lasted the entire week. Judge Itradshuw hearing a dirth of testimony in several civil suits. Imposition was made of the following cases: J. P. Mclncry vs Alfred lluges, Geo. 11. Marsh and John Marsh. ! Cont'd. T. II. J.add vs T. J. Malloy Co. Dismissed without prejudice. Kdith Furgerson vs Sam'l Fcr gursou. Report tiled. R. L. Booth vs Chas Lamson and Claud Lamson. Dismissed. A. M. Drake ys Deschutes Irri gation it Power Co. Report to he tiled and passed on in vacation. Charles Eriekson vs Chas. Royd. Dismissed. II. F. Dietzel vs S, P. Conroy and Madras Milling Co. Cont'd. Frank Irvine vs Richard De ls1 1 Haven and Carrie Delfaven. De fault and decree, R. L. Sahin vs A. J. Hlack, Lo- HAVE GONE TO THE jLOCAL OPTION BROKEN NECK ' TOP, SAYS KITCHINGl ic IC,CII CAUSES DEATH Local Sheepman Believes Sheep Prices Have Touched Zenith IS THE ISSUE Crook County to Fight For and Against It Alliert Kitching, a Crook county sheepman, who was in the eitv a short time ago, is' now at Shanikoj J. W Rlake in that locality last BUSINESS CLUB ACTS March. Mi Ritchinu lots tieeii ! buying and selling sheep in thia Commercial League Believes City Is Capable of Handling Its Own Civic Problems Nine precincts in the county will vote either for or aainm the section of Oregon for the past ten years and is always well posted on prevailing market conditions. He says that owing to the fact that the middle west still owns thous ands of heads of feeders, which were purchased last fall, together with the grass sheep coming in from the southern states, it is his opinion that the sheep boom of u these nine district: few months ago is at a standstill. ! ami on the bulbil The supply being eipial to the de- t lie respective precinct mauds believes that the top notch I p(,ar the following line: has been reached for this season, j or against prohibition of the sale Mr. Kitching will spend the bal-1 ' intoxicating liquoin for bever aiice of the present month at 1 n M purposes for precinct only Shaniko receiving the Blake sheep, j of Crook county." Wm. Pugh Dies of Injuries-Dell Is Bound Over to the Grand Jury Wm. Hugh dltHl at 5 o'clock Tue dtty atteruoon ufter tieliiK confined to tils tied Hlnee Friday, and John F. Dell, who threw lilin In a drunken condition out of a hhIooii, w hs held to the Krand Jur.v to answer for Ida death hv Justice l,uckey ttefore w hom Dell was given a hearing .yesterday. Death reNiilted t r o ui a dtMloeatton of the neck. Dell wan held without IioihIh. Kvtdeuce given before the coroner's Jury by a half dozen witneHseH din closed the facts that I'iirIi won In toxicated and had become trouble some In t he Opera saloon wher the bartender had refiiMed to Hell hlui sale of intoxicating beverages at more liquor, t'ligh then diinauded I the J line election. Petition" from id Ve been tiled lo be used in will ap Vote for uiost of which are ranged in south ern Wasco county. Ready to Cross Bats. Redmond and Prineville base Ivill teams will cross bats on the local diamond next Sunday for the first time this season, The grounds dining the past week weie leveled and the heavy rains a few days ago have placed them in trim condition for the contest. The Tin- nine precincts in elKarsaud bceomliiK liiHlnteiit In his demands 1M1, It was Mated, grabbed t he drunken mail by the coat collar aud shoved litm out the front door where tie fell to the sidewalk. Fur ther evidence wiim Introduced hIiow iii that after I'unli had fallen Dell raised ttie former by his feet and whoved him farther towards the street where lie laid Neveral minutes I before help came and he was curried which a I to a room. I'tigli ivuiained conscious lipUor election will he held lire: Prineille, Redluond. Klltcher, I.aidlaw, Montgomery, McKay, Johnson Creek, Mill Creek aud Powell l'.Uttes.. Those who have x been instru mental in tiling petitions for the election in the various precincts are conlident that the result will be in their favor, while the unti prohil.itiuiists are equally sangu ine regarding the outcome. The mime wil be called at 2-M o'clock H,m,Kth prohibition move- (pretta Mack and Baldwin Sheep Vr jr'iljaml Co. Default and decree. A Mountain of Gold , could not bring as much happiness to Cont'd. JjCj: Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as : did one 25c box of Ku -kleaV Arnica 1 ; aive, lien it completely cured a run- k' Christine Thornthwaite vs Chas. W. Thomwaite. Decree granted. Lily Carcter vs Frank Can ter. Decree granted. Dorrance Pros, vs II. A. Melvin. Answer tiled; motion to strikeout part of answer. D. McMillan vs K. T. Batten, A. M. Drake and A. I., (loodwille. J. D. Honeyman et al ys Centra Oregon Banking V Trust Co. Dis. niii)! sore on her leg, which had tnr- lured her 22 long years. Greatest ante Wounds am ianisnii and mplcton iv Son lrug f septic healer of 1'iles, Woi : Sores. 25c at I. 1. A. Ian iTempletDii it Son Drug store. A. Sumner. J. F eigne ejtafijieaejiijeaejitasaeaeaeaejeaejtaeaeatawaeaejein: jjljcju jcjlcjujl. jcjl. jl, jl. jl jl. j ea ca 63 ea 63 ca H 11 ea C3 S3 H Si LJ 9 - J ea ea ea Si ea h ea ea ea cu ea n New Arrivals In Spring Goods At Claypool Bros. Too busy Marking Prices to go into details CALL IN AND LOOK AT THE GOODS r3E3eaeaK3r3C3eae3eaEac3r.3Eacai'3r.3E3E3i!;3r:3C3C3ca:"c3r.3C3r iracarsnnnriririr.i LJI.JCafcJkaL.Jk3CiClkJl.Jl.JLjLjL.JLJL3LJLJkJCakJLJLiLjLLjLJLJC. missed. J. P. Sumner vs A Decree granted. A. J. Fcrguexnn vs '1 son. Default. ('has. Boyd vs Betid Livestock A Produce Co. et al. F. (). Minor appointed receiver. Defendant to have HO days to answer. Mary J. Huston vs Henry Hus ton. Decree granted. V. A. Booth vs Ivl. Steurnagle. Default and judgment and order to sell attached property. Chas. Durham vs John O'Keliey et lix. Passed. May Schooling vs Jerry A. Decree granted. Sarah P. Olenr vs Albeit Noble et al. 1 lee ree gr i nled. I'osa Northup vs Maurice North up. Decree granted. State vs Henry Parry. Not I gtllity. Defendant discharged. j Jacob Qnibcrg y- Marv luiberg. I Decree granted. M. E. Kan. lie vs I!. E. Bandle. Decree. Alitone Traban vs Ida Tralian Decree. sion of 2o cents will inent in Crook county will no doubt be raised to the limit at the and an admis be chamed. Saturdav eveliiio- a dance will be given for the Bed-1 in election, aud the effort on mond visitors in Athletic hall. and was out of bed several tlmea during the four days preceding his death. Dell was arrested immedi ately after I'ligh. had died aud con liued lu i he city jail. Dr. Kit wards took the slaud yes terday nioruiuK after he and Dm. Helkllap aud ItoHcntiei-g had held all autopsy on the remains. The upper portion of fugli's Kplue luul beeu re moved and this was examined by the jury showing the dlHlocntlon which had occurred between the sKth and Hevetith cervical vertebrae. ICvldence was taken from other wit nesses who had seen Dell eject Pugh from the saloon. The coroner's Jury returned a ver dict Netting' forth tlie fact' that Pugh New Stock Inspector Appointed. Mayor Will Wurzweiler was ap pointed Slock Inspcetor for Crook county at the May term of the county court which began its! ses-ioii last week. Mr. Wurzweiler has appointed the following named persons deputy stock inspectors; J. P. Carlwright, James Rice, James Woods. K. 11. Sparks, Andrew Morrow, Hugh Lister, Roscoe Knox, J. S. Bogue, Alex Mcintosh, Thomas Sharp Jr., Hay Creek. Hay Creek. Asli wood. Sisters. Haystack Paulina, Post. Koslaml, Hardin. the retail Honor business will be fought with as much vim as is pos sible to command. Monday evening the liusiness League stepped down from com inel'eiul circles and Indirectly entered I In- arena of politics. It was the general opinion expressed aiming the members present at Athletic hall that tlie local commercial organism lion did not exceed the purposes for which it was originated in taking a slaud on the local option tight, inasmuch as the latter effi-cts both the taxes and the business Interests of t lie community. In view of this expression, the League has adopted I the following teller which will be I forwarded to the voters throughout the districts affected; j "Tlie proposed anienilineiit to t lie local opt Ion law has been attacked by the Anil Saloon League on the Montgomery grounds, that it Is not fair to the prohibitionists. Mrs. Devoe Will Speak Here. "We contend that It Is an unfair - law as It now stands, and we ask Mrs. Kuima Smith Devoe of ! you to read (he law carefully and sec Chicago, lecturer and organizer : f'"' yourself that there (s not a single National American Woman Suf- frage association, will address the j public upon the Equal Suffragi l.n.l ..... ... I.I.. .1 I. 1... .1. .1 l the partol the former to dose up , o( th(1 mH.k , h , oUohnF. Dell. amendment at tlie court housi next Saturday May lit, at 2 and S community p. in. and at the M. E. church Sun day May '2(1 at H p. m. The ad mission is free. Mrs, Devoe, who lias been speak ing at various cities and towns provision of any kind In the propos ed amendment that does not apply with e(iial force to both sides. "We ask you! Is It fair that ( he business lull-rests of one precinct ir should lie crippled or ruined by the votes from other preeincts-.' This can be done under the present law and Is threatened us now. "Again! Is it fair that the lax payers may be saddled with I he throughout the state comes very I expense of a prohibition election highly recommended. Key. Anna j "I"'" the representation of only ten Shaw' liresiilenl of I be :.,-,oem t ion ! I'r cent ol the voters of tile preelurt? in writing to the president of the local club says: '' I am greatly distressed because conditions have will prevent Mrs. n L.J r 3 L, J r.i L J ra lj L, J LJ n L. J r 1 1 LJ El LJ r u J w l. j i Schooling L J r. l t. j r a L J n w J r t LJ r..i L J r L. J r a LJ r.a l j r a L J rj L.J "Vole ( X ves I on I lie referead niu lor the a no-mi men I , aud von arc voting for what is Inn fair and just. "Vote ( X-Mg.iiusi prohibition i arisen which will prevent 'ts. ' ; 1 1 1 . 1 prevent an increase of taxation Colby from visiting your town as ,iud a prosl m I Ion of business, we had iutcndid, but this willi "AsUiug on to give i Ids yoiu-cn re make no difference in n ga id to I'll sidei-ation we beg to remain;" the lecture because Mr-. Devot whom we will send in her place i- tlie very best work and is one of the very best cu in-! amendment , t he lai ter providing for j paigncrs we have in t he Held. " I an Increase lo liii percent of tliej ..i. 1. lie reeeotion will be ten- v ol el's ill any given loealll.V S1IUllg Pugli had been a resldeut of the comity about 20 years and was W years of age. lie recently aold a ranch lie owned on Beaver Creek to (iscarCraln. lie had no relatives lu this part of the state so far us known. Public School Commencement. ArraugeinenlM have been complet ed by I'rincipal It. A. Ford and the teni hers of the public school for the 'omuieiieeinent exercises and enter tainment, tiolli of which will be given in Athletic hall next week. The Commencement exercises will be held Wednesday evening, May 23. t he entertainment to lie given Frtdav evening, May 25. An Invitation Is extended lo tlie public to attend the Commencement exercises to which no charge will be mnde. The pro grams for the two evenings: CO MM HCKMKXT. Oiiartet selection Messrs C. M. Klklim, J. N. Wil liamson, C. W. Llkins, llmican Macleod. Oration "(liir New Country" lirace Kdwards. I eelaniatlou "DiamoHil Cut Dia mond" Mamie Clark. Vocal solo "Little Doris" Lorene Wlnnek. Declamation "Klying Jim's Last Leap" Ktliel Moore. Vocal Duet "Beautiful Moonlight" Mamie Clark, Doulse Summers, illation "Chinese Exclusion" Agnes Klllolt. Declauiallon "A Trying Situation'' Wilford Belknap. Vocal solo "Mary of Argyll-" Duncan Macleod. trillion "Pat i iotism" j Hose (ilbson. j Class Address and Presentation of j Diploinas , K. Brink. , cbiKH Song 1 1 urrah for the Prlne ! v i lit- Public S.'li,,,,lu" i'I..j KNTKBTA IN.ME.NT. ! dcred Mrs. Devoe at the residence j of Mrs. II. P. Belknap Saturday I afternoon from 'L.'IO to (1 o'clock. Will Pay Their Loss in Full r The Itoy III I llslll'.l lice Co., of LI ver ; pool. Knglnnd. hud a Ions of about .ij,iNMi,(KHl iii tin- Sun pranciseo dis I aster which will lie paid ill full. ! They have assets of 7u.ihmi.ihm and 1 an annual income of n box I .",,iiihi.ihiii ' and could slaud several sucii dtsas- ters. Why insure in a weak coiupan.v vv lien H is jiisl as cheap lo have your iiisuiance w ln-ie you know your losses could In- paid .1. K. Stewart & l o. are their I'rineville Agents. ! "Citizen Blisluens l-agiie." i ,lsic i The Idler sell l with a view , ,f j K' "c.v Drill 1st and iad (iradew. ! se.-111-inu a sutticieul nun, t.ei-ol Vol es K A K' K: ' ," " ' s"1 ''Sl.Klt Don er III the State I ... Hi.. r..f... II,..; IIITII'S. ( AS I' OK ( II V KAI'TKKK. Prudence Mamie Clark Snobleioii Arthur Barnes p. lilions before a IocmI option vole i ! oin-s Vlhcrt Boiler an be fo re d on tie- distii. i. The Vocal solo Lorene W lnnek aiiiciidmeiit also prohibit tlie group lug of dislrlciH. making a local! option election iiecesstti v in each I precinct or sub division where it is j Assisted by :trd grade pupils Sailor lirill ih and ,"tli grades !' A I ; ( T. : 1 1 1 ; v v i : m v T win s. 1 vs r OK ( HA It VI TKIIS. desireabl ipiesl Ion. to vote upon I he IhpiorjU. W. Barton.... ICarn.-st Harrington : Tiiiu .1 ackson Pcivv Smll h i.Miss Samnnlha Brown Alia Dillon. I Miss Sopliiona Brown TiiTiJT-TJjTijTU liertle Pennington i ; ... - .. Step in and hear the lo - ' "" n',""n ' tiu'"" I iTl 1 1 ..I I i l I - : X- p. i iicteiii liii h i.iiieruie louug Ij Improved Edison Phonograph d j Adele DeComv.v Louise summers t J r U M IJ J B i Ml Lou Brighton Loiviu-Wlitn. k 1 and bold molded Records J riara Cole Wilia combs The WINM-K & CO. P. l'ri....c'ol.. A......! Miss .leniilngH I.otta Smith Miss Johnson Rose Helms Janitor VVllf, n-d Belkmio 'Detective Albert Noble