CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY STEFFAA BAILEY, Publishers t d t e red I the io 1 . lb i- e I I- r I i at v I I I . O r i- n , i- h 11 ! - I m l I i- r SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably in Advance One Year !.& Six Mi.iitlm ' ts Threat Month .MictH Single Co,ie " els Advertising Rates: -)lil iHv.-rtNitiK H .i, ' lite. Ixfcsl Kifsili-m II.IAI i-t-r hu h. Builm Iih-hU Reioliittnna ol roniliilt'nr- fl-fri. "la nt", "lisl", i-i.-. I'lihliatiavl Kvery Tliuinlay al tin; Join THURSDAY, Clean up will soon he the order i of the day. , 1 The nutrition of "wt-t" or "dry' iH one to corrit' heforn thf voters of ! , l ,.e i . ... i Mrvrrai m wn" cimiiii y ii i-ci iii-ii im : Jime 4th. An a mutter of (not, the q Mention of wonienV stiff riig' should lie left to the women themselves to vote on. If they want to vote, why hless them, let them vole. Let the homely ones vote twice. Jonathan Bourne, ifter ii I j :i r"i t defeat has won out for the nomi nation of I'nited States S-nalor on the Repllhliean ticket. The secret of Hourne's success i.s due to the extensive advertising done in the country districts, and shows very plainly . that ndvertisinji done properly pays. Additional Locals li. SprhiKt-r was hi fnun Ills r.-ini-li at Culver Weiliii'tfilny. A. H. I'urke.y, of Minims was Ik ItlliK In town (Ills week. I. W. Knox, of I'ust iih l nuisiicl Ink' IiiisIiichh In (own Tiicki la v . .1. II. Kelly was In from hU i-.-nn h at I'ost the llrst of the week. Dr. II. P. ltellviiap left Miiinla.v fur I'ortlanil. IH'pnt.v Sheriff Jim Smllli niade a trip out to the llorrance sn w mill on I he Thlhiih) hist week I o replevin n suw held li.v lorrnnce Hi-ok, 1 1 it proHrty of A. M. Drake, of Head. FOIt HAI-K: An extchMioii diiiin t utile, two i-tH-kliiK chairs, cup lionrd, Ih"iI, klli-lien treasure. 1 1 1 (iiiliv of II. W. Mooni al ('. V. KlklllH store. 4 The place to huv your I lest Roasts, Steaks, Etc. i Js at the tO. K. Meat Market Kev. .1. T. Moore will preach ncxl Sunday a t I he l 'lay pool school house at 11 ii. in., and at Ihel'niou church In I'rlnevlllc nl N p. in. The snliject for the evening servlci- will lie. "The liospi'l hefore Pentecost.!' Mrs. ('. ('. Matin.; returned Tues. day front San Priiiiclsco, where she had lieen the past winter. Mrs. MalliiK was In that cil.v duriait' Its rtH-ent illsaster, Iml fortunalely was stayliiR In the snliiirlis where very little ilainane was done. Mrs, .loll n Cyrus ami sun, Mrs. Anna Adams, Mr. and Mrs. .las. K. Puller and Mrs, .1. M. Sharp left Saturday for Portland, where they were huuiiiiouciI to appear before the Federal t!raud Jury. U. II. Wardwell was In tow n to day on hla return home from Port land when he hud been looking after timber business. Mr. Wardwell re port that the outlook for the tim ler market in tills section to be Rood, and thai lie made airiuine ments while in Porttaiiit to com. mence buvlnii and lliat he would be pleased (o correspond Willi anyone w ho had timber for sale. Circuit court wll convene In its regular scsmIoii next Monday. A lilimW'r of cases m-e on the ilm-ket. aiuoiiit' them thai of tieore S. Mill, er, who lias a ehuunv ofxentic from Harney county. This case is at travtluK' considi'i-alile interest, and about at) witnesses front Harney County have Unn subpoenaed to lie here and give tlielrevldenee. Ilesides lids a nunila'r of part lea lnieiMsted will come over from Iturns to hear Hie (Hal. To the Votsr of Crook County. A a I have lieen uoiuinni.-d ty the IVmoeratle party for the ollice of Pouuty treHaauivr of Crook County, 1 deal re to piinent my name for , our conalileration at the general elivtioii to le held on June 4th. and if elected 1 w 111 (icrsonally (let-form the iluties of the ottlce on the salary allowed by law, and no inoiv. I am In favor of a square deal. M. It. i To Tht Voters of Crook County. Having Ikhmi nominated for the of. tii-t of County Clerk by the republi can volera of this county, 1 herehy tender my aiiu-ere thanks for the bonor conferred, and If ehvted In Jmie uest, will endeavor to merit the eoufidenee reposed In me by l lie MMple. by strict attention to th lerforiuaiice of my duties, lies peel fully. M m. JoIIson. Strayaai. Two work matw, lay and baid facts) brown ltltH) and 1 1 pimnds, both shod bay with ntuootu and brown with w'li corked thoe. Brands oil rijiht shoulder and left stifle. Brown has wire out on right front fml. Rowan! for informa tion. K. C. r.aK. Keilinund, Ore. -lilh mill 'ill i-.-llls H.-rnr.liiit; In tiitn. a nil i-i-iilK .iT Urn-. I'sril "I Tlmnloi II. im. i, nml "Kiry" Nmii ' I ii-nl Kuril. I jiJ iml I! u i Id i iil,' , I'rinevil MAY 3, 1906 O r i x o n ! NOTICE, ll.ivllie, received I lie lit llllillll I il III . fur Hie ollice of County Treasurer nil the Itcpitlilieiin ticket lit I In' recent i ...!,,,.,.;.. i ,,-i.n. i., ii i ,., , t,;..,,.i j 1 '' ..... .1 ix i.i.. " ,f- ( ) ( . ( (- h 1 1 1 ii i r 1 nml will now hiiilc (lull if clccleil my policy w ill lie to ili viile 1 he ( (iiiuly i'iiiuIk I li,i t ui.-iy lu lu in v i liai'ue. V. I-'. Kino. Shipments of Crook County Cattle. I'liriliK Hie past Hi-ilsi hi L',1 17 heinl of alfalfa and .Vdl head of urass hay fed licrf have liccii Mhippcil from ( rook roiinly via way of Nlmniko. 'Phis Ih a i-oiinIiIcI'iiIiIc of an InereiiHe over I he shipments i if I he same cIiimh of slock of last season, and marks a new era ill I lie si ink IuisIiickn of I his coiinly. A iml her very Imporlaiil mal ter In I he stock liiislness of Ihc rmmly is the importation I'.. Cram, II. I,. I'riday and I '. S. McCorkle. of rroiit creek, of I Icroimliluvil Iicmiii cut He. These culllcare said to lie line lieef as well as nood niilch cows. 'I'hey Ijj ii ... ,t,i 1. 1. 1., ..,.).... I.I....I.. 1...II.I M ., , , iii, iii tiiiin, IC 1IIIIHI, nialure quickly ami jtooil raniiers. The follow 111); is a list of lliose who have shipped hay fed 'beef ilurinn I he pasl season: II. I,. I'riday & Co.. :'7.-i head; IS. Cram U.Ml; W. V. Drown ,v enzie, I7.": II. Crnia, llrj; .1. Cram, lll'J; K. S. Dolilis, 7:i; 1'.. T. Sln.viou, 17."i: Sum mit I'f.-iirle. ."i.MI; Stroud Uros., l.'ill; ll.Cadle. l-'oster vV- 1 1 oriya n. Ian; T. liivnnen, Hi; s. s. Slearns, 7iii:M. Dunham, 7,"i: !iom., S: W. I'ost, :l."i: I-:. (I. Holier, Kill; II. 1 1, ml li lt , till. Civic Improvement League. A I a u I inn' of i he different or- Ranizatlotis of our city held In the I'tilou church, A prill's, the Civic liu proveinent I.eafiUi' saw the lihl of day, Mrs. Ada Milllnan acted as chair man of this meet ins and on motion Mrs. Anna W'iniiek was plm-cd as secretary for the afternoon. The secretary called the roll with several orders respoinliuu, uud all were in hearty co opeivi t iun with t Ids meas ure. Klection of ollicers for thisrand inovemenl was in order. Airs. W'ilil.i Dclkuap was elected president , Mrs. Julia I ..vile secretary. Mis. Anna W luuek I reasu rer, Suclu a lenuue uiusl have a const it ut ion and the president appoinled Pruf. Stnine-e and Mrs. Ada Milllumi iis a cutninit. lee tu look afler that. Many timely sumiestiuus were of. fereil iii the Hue of itnprio ements, anions them was the movement for a public fountain, improvement of Ihecity purk.lieautifyinv, I he st reel s, and a general day of lioiiseclea iiin fur the entire city, nil of which will come up later under I lie dinvtiouuf theleiiK-ue. Mayor Win y. eiler w as unable to be ptvsent. but a repre sentative voiced Hint the Mayor's heart was In the work. There will be a meeting held in the I nion church, Friday, May I, and all Interested in this movement are urued u be present . Anna 1, Wismk. Secretary pro-tetn. Outlaw Smith is Shot Dead - it ii conraire unsurpassed, Harry Draper, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Morden, of Multnomah Couti ly, Detivtive Vaimlui. of Portland, and Sheriff Culver, of Marion County, Wednesday mornliit; followed t tic tiloodliuunds into the brush where Frank Smith lay concealed, audi tired a bullet through the brain of! the murilerer of Citticcr llanlun.! Sheriff Shaver and Captain O. D. j Henderson. Without tii-iim a shot or even drawing Ids revolver. Smith I met his death. Crunched lielitinl a I totfin n patch of brusita half mile! south of New- Fra, he had countless ! opportunities to take the lives of i pursurcrs who passed ninny; the' rail i nad track about :lilfee nwav. 1 yet for tvasons which will never be I known-he lay quietly in his hidinc-i place, and met death like a dec. 1 Smith was killed a few minutes: after 11 o'chvk Wednesday forenoon, at the end of a ten-davs' (am-r of crime equalled in Oiv.irou only by ' thedivds of Harry Tracy and David ; Merrill. His record includes the rob-' Ihtv of t lie post utlice at Troiitdale. ! April i.'. ins escnite from the Pott-' land City Jail April I'.i by sw -ius'lnu ; hand over hand alonn an el vtrU-j wii' la feet from the ground, bis! roblvrv of a jewelry storeaind shoot- ! inu 'of PolUeman liauloii ntDretfon. City in the early hours of April 1'4, the robticry of a f ore at Cantiy on the i,"ith. the sttootinu of Miertff shaver, of Clackamas Countv. and Captain t, D. Hendi'isuii, at Wood bum. on the l7th. and a successful : effort at concealment for four days, , eudim; witli his apH'.'iraace at Can tiy early on the morning of May 1. land his death at New Kra a few hours later. ' If you are Buying Beef by the Quarter It will pay you to see the O. K. MARKET They have the lest ,i n.t , lu-ii st lAAAAAAAAAAAAj Trams Wautc.l T. f.i-l i put ill fi ' 7."ll.lMMI l.i I. I I. Vei UI.MIIKl. I j lnjic Iinuli il fr.iiii in , nf ii mill'. .-ill mi in- mlilres. MhwUh' J'.ios.. I'rinevillc. ( t i-i-ii i i . A. II. I.ii.iniwin A I n. Iiiivrecolvcal 1 1 ni MOW (Mill- In (lei iH1h lit a --. I llCSl clcu-.-llit , Vi ; The W1NNKK IT : !l l'ri ii-vi I lu Aiicnts for r.i;.. Pi, .. l, .. rn. - o 1 iii AMi It, olded Records I Gold Mi Fine Seed Potatoes a: Pure Early Rose .03 1-2 Burbank Seedlings .03 M ; i Good Eating Potatoes .02 Selected " " " .03 We will sell you lietler po- jjl t;itoc- for the price, than you J' con luiy of any other llrm in ffl I'rinev'ille. ' -:- -:- -:- h I Hi ill GLOVER & STARR a new him Miii'iii ni i iiii-i-s;ii try . VV.. r I., .li.livi.i- .Jrinwvilt: Vr- tpr. IRRIGATION I'"a Irli.-i n ks..l orse (i.-isoliue Kn- uies puiiip water, spray, saw Wooil I, ueiieral work. '2 ijf i K liorse puw er one drop i if-; lip. I.coiio Ill, isoliue. wn ii nine Tli tunes nmre air makes the power. K.vpcnse stops when engine is closed do w u. W i ile fur Catalogue ami Prices (j Fairbunks, Morse, I to h PORTLAND, OREGON iiriSn JT ..." ! h :i;);::?;:;i;;;iS-;::;:;.s:it; i b Singer Sewing Machine Co. Will take old machines in excha nye fi if tie w ones Will sell you uiachines on in ( n I lily payments All kinds of repair work done by our indent who is also Hie niil hurized eollirlor for all moneys due t hi' ci mi i.-i ti.v . Pol-further information Uf : Si ; 5' i Jf ' S, of WILL PERCY, Agent At Puimlcxter H.ilel iC-ilS!;:C8fjlSt;iaJ-:;s -on .rrn "tl 11?; hi ! W 1 Step in ami hear the Improved Edison Phonograph and Gold Molded Records The WINXl-K .V CO. I'rilieviile Aoents T f r-iaa spring Myies J Newest style Sailors ami latest desiqus liom. ihc hest houses f. II vp have ttotliiny in stock to suit you. wo will make to your J Order. Ribbon by tbe bolt lor fancy Work. Flowers lor t Tritnminii. McCall's Patterns, 10 and 15 Cents f T. F. McCALLISTER & CO.,nnnririi'irirr,,tnrtri.vni"trt L'Jl JCJI JL JkJW Jl.J't.Jt.JVJk JkJtJl. jLJU JWJi. JLJkJ r i L J r i i. j r -a c j r i Li r i t j r i W J r i U r i l. j r -a Il j r -a LJ r -a c j r "a GILBERT'S Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas Confectionery l timlies are fi-esli ,hiilv 'i-,nii the t'liaev ilie I'.n tury. the onlyniic in the county, im.ilily and tl.-tvor iiustiriiassed. Superiority lias al it. s ln-en t he test of tiiiliet t 's. Tlie same factory is turninu out t lie lu st urtide of lee ( rcaui made from pure cream. Your pal rommf i mee scciit-tl will never lie lost. Present Location with Rideout & Foster LJ LjLJi.jLJl.JVJL JLJLJi.JVJLJLJ,'LjLJL JLJLJL JwjLJLJL.'LjLJLji iiAAAAAAAAAAAAA'AAAA&A AAA A A? New Millinery Corner 2nd and Main Street fVVVVVVVVV V V "L." V ERNEST COOLEY Feed and Boarding Stable Stivk tswidetl by the ixy, wek ot month nd good ltetttion gtveo the same. Your Patronage Solicited AT OLD D1LLI0N STAND U SOON PKINKYIU.K. - - - OREGON Cards. " . rn ff I v CZiott, Jfttornty -al-jCa Oregon. Oft W. tt,v7s jlt,rncy-at-jCau J n'neutta, Orggoi " I -,. ',,,;-;,, Belknap d Gd wards Aysici'ani and Surytons. 2oor Sast o Storm srtgon. (7 Jf. Rosenberg Ayscan and Ourteon Ctttft ansutvrcd prontpty day or ntgh titro tftorj stmt A of ZjmfiMaftt" ' tPrtnovMe, Oregon 0. JVydo ZPhtsician ant Surgeon CAI.L.H ANsWKKKI' I'HtiMI'TI.Y I'AY OR Nll.IlT litre Stork. IvKH'Km k oitosi i k M ki itohisi t'ni Kt il Oregon if -jf v1 v w v w "w :v- w r Star Barber Shop j. HYDE .V Mi KAK, l hop's. 4 .. . 'I Our hitiri ultinq is up-to- date,. Our shaving is comfortable. Our shop is new anil clean. Hondi?rfou Building riiiNKVii.i.i-:, - oiti-'.iioN Contest Notice. Depart mi'iil uf I he I iiteriur, l.illiii Ollice I'lic Dulles. ' ri'K.ili. Maich 2t i. !!:. A sutticient eoiilct ulliilavit liavina been lili'il in this ollice by tieurtii1 A. Wat-nn. conic stunt, ai;aui-t heiiicslcail cnii'v Nn. U:is--'. made April in. I'.nf. for S'i,sV i, ,ci.-. a, SI'.'.M'.1,. Sec. I. M'. ,M-.':,. ,Scc. !l, N'W1 ,N W1,, Seel inn in. Township t;t, S., Kiinsiu Ki. K. H'. M hy. lcandcr W. Kaiiisev, Conli-Uc in which it is iillep'il ilial' said Alcvanilcr W. Kaniscy Im- wholly iiliainloin-il said t rart . I In lias cliaiificd his rcsitciH-c thcri lroin for moi-t! than six months since making said cnlry ; that ho hiis not -vttlcil upon anil cullivati'tl Siiid t i-.-ict iis i-i'iiiircd hy law: I that said iillciri"! aliM-ncc w :i- nor due to SP rofessionai 'M lis cnniloviuciit in tin' annv, navy or uiiuim rps at" t in' litilcd Stales in time ot War. siii J parties are hereby uoliliei! to appear, respond and offer i-vidi-nce toncli- - ing said allegation :il l'i n clock ii. m. on , :iv l.i. unit . rn tn re .1, a. Maun, i ouniv Mav l.i, lii'ii. miore.i, .1 . ,-iiiuu. .-mo,., Clerk at hi- utlice in I'finevide. On iron. anil llial liual heatiinr will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. nit M av 1!, hefnre the Kciti-ter and Uccoiua- at the i'nileii Slates 1.,'llld Ollice ill I'he Dalles Oregon The -aid eontestiiut haviti;;. in a prupcr iitti. lav il, tiled March i. set forth facts which show thai after due diligence in'i' service this nut ice cannot he made il is lici-ehy ordered ami directed that -iich notice lie jii von lv dm-ami ln-oper pnhlica tion. M il 1 1 A KI. 1'. NOt.N, a 1)1 I'.ottistcr. w a t hi nunnery j 4 4 4 r .-a l J LJ and t -a V 4 . j c.i L. J r - LJ r..i LJ r. 1 L. J n LJ ljUS- r I desire to announce that I have just received" a fine line of HATS lor Ladies Misses ami Children. 1 hese goods ate strictly litst class and up-to-t laic 111 CMTV respect. Prices are REASONABLE MRS. ESTES I. W. SPEAR Jeeci Siade a net JVt?ff Camp JFCauae Will-AT HAY 25 Cts. Ill-A I) U.( an ! to.ii ti'.ule seili-lleii, .Hill' win re oil an ! V, ,v teiiie.s Ian i-i'T.iii.rta -V at Uie c-i l McFarlamt Staiui. Prtn.H-iit. Or SPRING STYLESi S Now fit invite the interest and inspection of all ;VsV in t!u in'w ifvltN fair Hit? Snrino mihJ tJ m We Sell and Guarantee "SINCERITY CLOTHES" Because They are sincerely tailored They are made of honest materials In a big, sanitary, modern factory; by skilled, well-paid workmen They are correct and stylish - They fit perfectly They wear and hold their shape 'til threadbare -They are not "DOCTORED" into shape'by Hot Flat-Iron "dope" ai hi m m w m And Because A very large percentage of all clothin'lS doctored up by the Hot Flat-iron to cover defects in tailoring. Such treatment does cover, but doesn't rem ove; for the first damp day on which these "doctored" gar ments are worn brings out these faults and causes them to lose shape and character. Partial faults that may occur in the making of SINCERITY CLOTHES are permanently removed by Hand Needlework ONLY. You can buy "Sincerity Clothes" with the assurance that you are get ting Stvle-Perfect Fit-and that tliev will WEAR, and retain their shape, until worn threadbare; brcaiixe they are tailored sincerely are Sole Agents IPRINEVILLE'S big WURZWEILER S1 1 Brillant I , 'liOl'KKTY OF The Haystack three miles west of l.amonta on Prineville-Culver road except Fridays and Saturdays, when he will he at the .S. S. Brown place. SEASON BEGINS THE FIRST OF APRIL Description: Brillant is- i very large, heavy honed, heavy cheated horse, remarkably hearty ami rued. well qualified to transiuit draft character to his foal, (.'olo'v Hlack, with white markings. N 'eight '2000 pounds more or less according to conditions. Fees: single service $10 due at time of service. Season $20 due at end of season Insurance $25 due when foal sucks. Also payable if mare, is disposed of, or moved from the county. Mares front a distance will be well cared for at cost of feed only, but-will not assume responsibility in case of accident, relieving, that farmers should not rely on the grain market alone, the ahovd company was organized to facilate the breeding of improved stock. Horses of the above type will enable them to profitably market their surplus produce at home. (1. Springer. President; .las. T. Robinson, Secretary. T. ,1. Leach, Treasurer. J. H: .1. L. Directors ADDRESS: H. UCT ;i 1 I B ill B I Li' 1 kll I tin in i i h re ? m ill , fS m i OWL CASH STORE iifil tjCl ' r-" i&MelL'liiE: Your It lias always heen our - patron, the U'-t merchandise idea still in view we have Sil in ot "Sincerity Clothing" For Men feU ami we fee that our judgment will he justified hy the approval of the men who appreciate 1iioh class work manship as well as perfect lit, and correct style, with our Positive Guarantee of Satisfaction. -:- Great Easter Undermuslin Showing vM of Nioht downs,- Petticoats, drawers, Chimese. and Corset Covers, all hioh class eoods and the prices 'are rijjht Embroidered Linen Waist Patterns $1.50 to J Ii-o.tit if ii 1 l.aees are here for your inspection. An elegant assort m e n t o f Cluny, Oriental and Val enciennes Laces with Jn bertion to match. Allover Laces. I'lauen, Appli'iiuc' and Swiss Kmbioideries In? Butterick Patterns Our prices are the same to all 10 and 15 cents Thf$ Here & THOMSON, THE IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION ae Aiibr (1880) (20260) l.ivestoek Breeders Association indom, W. K. Helfrich, G. 11. Wiudom, and S. S. Brown L. B. Association A GREAT REDUCTION on OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Winter Underwear .Has been made as vve intend to sell them out; etnnplete in tu der tt) have room for our Spring Stock, (iet our prices before buyino elsewhere A CHOICi; MM- Ol Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco CALL IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STORE Inspection ft 8 who are interested Sunimer wear PI policy to provide for our procurable, ami with this arranged for the exclusive . M "1 $2.25 each .it i i . , , i i , . cnuuit-ns w lute l.'resst liiiliy Coats. Summer 1 0 Bonnets, etc, ip a great variety of styles in all sizes and prices nirencv for the famous and The Delinator 3H store IS Prineville Oregon ffl IE emee will he kept at the Leach uhice Osborn JLJ T JLjAV, V1ijUW11 imham & Adams rineville, Oregon