It '1 i r - (. County rook PR1NEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 3, 1906. NO. 20 VOL. X Journal. c C3 S3 53 it it j &J! IT 3. Ik J m hi J i. J Bin k c Ji r j k" H f V Semi-Annual Statement No Worry, No Trouble and No Dissapointment with a BORN RANGE Best Values on Earth. Sizes In Stock All Use Lisk's Anti Rust Tin Ware and Bullet Proof Granite Ware BEST MADE Pumps, Pipe, Poultry Netting, Garden Hose, Tents, Wagon Sheets, All Kinds of Good Hardware and Implements Mitchell Wagons and Hacks We Make a Specialy of Groceries for Home and Camp Use. Try Some of our Elegant Dried and Canned Fruits C. W.ELKINS jl 23 Pi liJ C j r.,1 Ik J LJ r.t Hi r.S Li r.3 kJ k j Lt J L. J LJ n LJ IK a LJ en LJ r..i k'j kJ LJ L' J LJ L'jl ft 3 LJ iLj ft a LJ L J ft LJ t?j LJ L Jl C!1 LJ ri k'J LJ LJ L J LJ LJ L'J 53 LJ Of the Treasurer of Crook Countv, Oregon, for the six month ending March Slat, 1900, of Moneys received and paid out, from whom received and from what pourco, and on what account paid out. 01 to 3 3 o c c 3 D 2 "5 5. ft 05 w -i Oi T. -I w : C ; J ' a. til -I l-C O". o 5P -I .i . " '' .-v SiX Ki AA ; 023iSEfe I Shaniko Warehouse Co. l . 's -1 J5 ot I- O 4 -1 - Cji to 0C x or. 00 00 o cr. General Storage, Forwarding A N D Commission Merchants Dealerr in BlackBmith Coal. Flour, Barhwl Wire. Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Piaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed. Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Go's. "White River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Haling for Eastern Shipments. Wool Grading ami Stock Yards with all the latest and hest facilities for Handling Stock. h mm un OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President C. M. Elkins, Vice President Freo W. Wilson, Caihter DIRECTOR8: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkins, D. F. 8Tf WAHT.REO W. WILSON. Transacts a General Banking JiunineHH Exchange Brm-ht and Sold CoUections will re ceive prompt atten-tion CO X I n 00 w o li Ol CC -l 00 -' . w ts : '" : 'A ' : 0 I -1 -1 1 11 01 0 5' ' -1 00 . 'X o -10; g 2 t'O I to ! : X to 0 O J jOi i i- tc c c Qi J57ffvf- 57 oofl'j ? fir "S.W.C0."' Si! 2 I A mountain ot uoia. .; could not Itring an much liappiuees to ! j did one 25c box of Bticklen'H Arnica j Ralve, wlien it completely cured a run- mug Hre on her leg, which had tor- X Mured her 22 Ions years. Greatent anti- l&l : .... i.ri. ,1' 1 1 Nflic nraier 01 1 lien, nuunnn mm Soich. 25: at D. I". Adaninon and TemplHton & Son Drug store. P New Arrivals In Spring Goods A Claypool Bros. Too Busy Marking Prices to go into details CALL IN AND LOOK AT THE GOODS . JC JL JL JL JL' JL JL JL JL J LJ r.r LJ ' r.,i LJ Ea LJ r. 3 LJ C.n LJ r." LJ L J x 4- I ti Ii to -x" tc 1 : 03 w O 03 c; 411. J 4 4. 4. OC " w ?: ?: S- X eZ s: 79 m H 1 ? ? 41 ft o y - ? a. 1 -1 0 3 : a. a. 3 5 asr. L OC tc IC c. 4. o 03 45 -4 8S -XI 00 -1 Co Cr Cit Oi kt tC I- tc l-i 4V CO Ol 0 03 01 -J Ji Si H O 5' O O 'I t 00 - tc 00 tc CA 8 3 S , C3 in Ot On s Cli 8 45 OS 5 i 03 50 tc o On I S 2? 01 03 tC li 9 0: tC 1 On tc O' -45 ! 11 tC 03 w CL a. o 9! : A en On -45 tc 05 00 05 -I Oi OC 01 Oi f 01 10 tc el i a 00 on tc 00 00 CO 00 -I IC 01 00 a. o OC 8 S 8 x to tc OS IC 03 t- - I in tc -1 03 o tc Oi oc 55 00 o cr C or. .5P P.. to IK 03 5P tc 01 to to o 10 s 8 10 Oi IC IC 10 5 c Oi 01 "5T- 4. Oi a. a x v. 3 a. 5; Semi-Annual statement Of the County Clerk of Crook Cuunty, Stat of Oregon, dhowing tlm auiount sud number of 'rlaitus allowed by the County Court of said County, for what allowed, amount of warrant drawn, th amount of warrants outstanding sud unpaid from the 1st day of Oet.. lHlfi, to the 31t day of March, both in clusive. Amount of Outstanding Warrant Unpaid On What Account No. A int. Allowed Couuty Court ti 12(1.75 Couimioaioners Court B 82.20 Circuit Court 124 1H04.9.S Justices' t!oui1 27 185.70 Sheriff's onietJ 0 1:W7.3U Judkie'n office M :io0.00 Clerk's office 3 900.00 Recorder's olflce ' 2 106.80 Treasurer's office 3 200.00 Coroner's office 1 5.00 School Supt's office 6 887.10 Assessor's otlice 2 384.00 Tax Rebate 1 10.60 Court housi ex pennes 13 472.14 Jail 17 757 41 Care of poor X 1375.19 Care of insane 1 6.00 Roads and Bridge 97 3752.23 Hchool expenses H 1528.58 Stationery and postage 12 198.72 KxpresN, Freight and Telephone 8 54.09 Printing 44W.89 Records 3 91.90 Election supplier 3 171.59 Copying tax roll 1 75.00 Total claims allowed 392 114872.10 STATK OFORKGON, ) County of Crook, ( Warrants on the3lst day of March, 1900 $1094.98 al amountof unpaid Conn- ly WanauM 1C4.$ 1, J. J. Smith, County Clerk of the Couuty of Crook, State of Oregon, do hereliy certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed IiviIih County Court of said County for the nix months ending on the 31st day of 'March, 1900. on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants out standing and unpaid as-the tum appear upon the records of toy ottice and In my official custody. WitiiCHH mv hand and tlifseal'iif the County Court of saM Countv, this 25th dav of April, A. U. 190(1. si m. ' J. J. SMITH, County Clerk, By Mat Bklxi Klxd, Iep. 99 m rs 1 Semi-Annual Summary Statement Of the financial condition of the County of ('rook, in the State of Oittgou, ou the 8lt dav of March, A. 0. 1900. Liabilities To warrants drawn ou the County TreuNtirer, and outstanding and unpaid $1024.93 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon Total Ijahii.itikh $1024.93 Resources , lly funds in the hands of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants $50985.5ri By funds in hands of County Sheriff applicable to the payment of county warrants 294.11 y estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment of county warrants 16707.80 Total Kksoukkkb $07047.47 GIVE ORDERS FOR BUILDING Oregon Trunk Line Making Ready to Commence Work L J r.l k j r.- L'J n lj n L J r,t L J rj L J r.i L'J Si I. O. C. iray, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor .,.. statMOKi.t of the amounts received, paid out. and remaining on hand, in the fV..,ntv Treasury of said Countv. for the six mouths ending on the 31st day of March, A. l. 19nj. Witness my hand this 24th day of April 190i. O. C. iR A V, County Treasurer. Semi-Annual Statement Of the amount of Moneys and Warrants received for taxes, and Money paid to the Countv Treasurer bv the Sheriff of Crok County, Oregon, for the six months ending the 3ls( day of March, lOOti. Collections. 190.') taxes Collections 1904 taxes Collections 1903 taxee Collections 1902 taxes Pees collected $:lto'..50 Sli 13.99 303.30 1.-.71 15.80 Orders for the tnaterialB and the immediate: erection of a tool houne and a bunk at Sherar's bridge, ou the Denchutes rier, have been placed by W. F. Nelson, of the Oregon Trunk Line, anil the announcement in made that grad ing will commence at once at that point on the right-of-way. It ban already been announced that grad ing would begin at the mouth of the Deschutes by the 10th of May, and from the preparationH being made lit ShernrV bridge, it may he HKBUmed that several grading crews will be put to work almig the pro poned line, in order to hasten the work. '1'he order for materials was sent to Vanduyn ami Attains, mer- j chants at 1 ygh valley, with Hi nt ructions to secure th tterials and to have the buildings erected at once. Orders for the lumber were placed with W. K. Woodcock, the Tygh valley sawmill man. Thin is the information given out here hist Saturday by II. V. Wood cock, of the Tygh valley flouring milln, who spent several days ben' in the interest of his mill. Shcrar's bridge is 34 miles front the mouth of the Deschutes river. From Ihe fact that construction work will commence at the mouth of the river and at Sherar's bridge jmultaneoiisly it is beginning to ook very much as though the present activity along the Wen- chutes was not one of the many bluffs or counter-bluffs which have kept Central Oregon on the "anx ious seat" during the pant few years. Uigbt-of-way through half a doen ranches lying along the Ies- should be actually occupied by the railroad within two years, other wire the right-of-way to revert to the grantor. The willingness of the company ta incorporate these stipulations in their right of-way contracts cannot be construed otherwise than as an earnest of their intention to build the rail road into Central Oregon at once. Mr. tiordon, while here, was quite emphatic in Ids assurances that the Oregon Trunk Line means business. He stated that work would begin on the construction of the line not later than the second week of May. and would be push ed nteadily through to completion. The promoters of the Deschutes railroad have financed their pro ject, and with ample funds avail able, they promise that there shall be no delays in the construction of the lint! up the river. Owing to the heavy character of the work, it will requite fully two years to com plete this line as far an Madras, jeven if the work is permitted to proceed without, interruption. Madras Pioneer. Will Irrigate 2000 Acres of Land Tot a i, Cou.KTinss Disbursements .V,144.30 Jiutcs, from the mouth of Trout The White Hock Irrigation A I'owcr Co. will not install a pump ing plant, as contemplated, but will at once begin the construction of a ditch somewhat smaller than was at first anticipated. Tlie original plans of the com pany were to build a ditch that would carry water sullicicnt, to ir rigate some !t000 acres, but as about one-third of this can be bet ter irrigated bv means of a nnmn- - r- "II jing plant situated at Cline Falls, the power and land being owned by the name parlies, it has been de cided to install more machinery there. This will reduce the land to be reclaimed by ditch to 2000 acres. The board of directors have been ordered to secure right of way and receive bids on the ditch iu parcels, thus allow ing a part, of the tock holders to build by contract, small parts of the ditch. Construction work will lie begun as soon as possible, and when com pleted, tne company will have a ditch, as nearly as could be esti mated at their meeting held in ('line Falls on last Monday, ap proximately 12 miles in length, i. ... ,.,i.uuu,l i..u including three and one-half miln "'""'"""I v !f flnmt. which' will b four feet $:48l.lK 294.11 Siil 44.30 Total Payments and County Treasurer Balance on hanrt Total IisBi asrMK;Ts STATK OFORKGON, I County of Crook, t i ...... K.,.ith sbrfff of t'nsik Cuuutv. Oregon, do hereby certify that the forei'oini! is a true and correct statement of ihe collections and disburse ments of this" office from October 2nd, 1905 to March 81st, , 190S. C. SAM SMITH, Sheriff. by J. H. Haner, Deputy. week by F. gon Trunk ... .1 ..... ! ' w v. .... , mi ine v re- ,i , ( irtrrl.m ' l deep. iine, ana in several i i ne entire work will cost lo,- instancen a timelimit was set with-1 000, will consume from two to four in which the right-of-wav must lie 1 1 months in construction and will . , . ., , carry about 1500 to 2000 miners occupied by the railroad in order .' . , ., H ... 1 J -it inches of water. Ihe Hume will to make the deed to right-of-way hmlt tnroU(?h a verv r0ugn can. effective. In one instance it was ,m and will be constructed of sur- tipuhtWd that the right-of-way faced lumtier. I 1 I ! r i. I 1? kJkJkJi.JkJkJk.Uk JkM LJLJLJLJLi