Want Ads 9 THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION Q TURGOT No. 56041 Foaled May 11, 1900; Bred by M. Vallie, Department of "Oren, France; Imported April 12, 1905; Property of THE LAMONTA PERCHERON HORSE CO. Will Make the Season of 1 906 as Follows: At Chas. Lott s ranch, one and one-half miles west of Lamonta; at Henry Montgomery's near Grizzly P. 0. and at Prineville cq W m SEASON BEGINS APRIL FIRST DESCRIPTION Turgot, is a very Large, Heavy Horse, Jet, Hlack, with tine form and superior lilack JVrcherons: Weight 2000 pounds action; and comes from a long list of more or less according to condition. CP FEES Insurance $20 Due when mare is known to be with foal; $2n due when foal sucks; also payable if mare is disposed of, or permanently removed from the county: Single service $1 0 due at time of service. Mares from a distance will be well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume responsibility in case o Summons I II I In- ill ll 11 ( ..Li ; ,, I I;,. M:,, f, I. 'i r.M.i. i '. unity. SdMli I', i.l. mi. I'l.in.ull. N.il.lc. Im-."!:.' N.i!.!i- :m.l l.li-, hi wilt. M:inl.ii Trei i.l William T rrirhrt. tier ni-liut!.!. Ali.iri'u Nil, If an. I Vu- ina N.tt.l.- In, wile. ij,ir;fl- Murki an, I Marks. Ins wife. I.ewm . Allnrt Joins, I. in v Kirk- p.ilrirk ami Kb kputrkk. Iirr lm-li::iiil. K.iwanl .lonei ami .I;,!!!-, Iii wile, Artliur uie an. I Join's, minor Mrs i.l Marv J. .lone, ilweiiseil. -uxie ( lark'aiicl -Clark. lier I IiU'Ihux! an, I Andre Xoiile ax ad- niiiiili:itor ul the otate of Saiuli Xoiile, ilr-ea-l. and all oilier inter. te.l, IMVwIant!.: IW Xo. ! nii.U-r tlii In-aJ will r Hultfel :il tile rate tf OxK Ci:r p.-r word -r insertion. Nothing less tlian j rent-. , WANTKD Uian of iH). Kxiellent n-al cMtate security. 'Address The .loiirnal. c option K SMITH X- CI.KKK, I'lc.-tin i..! Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and ( V gars j accident. Directors: ADDRESS: N. Milligan, Chas. Lott Henry Montgomery Oscar Cox, Samuel Pierce Wm. Sann, Walter Messinger tf m LP.RPa LAMONTA, OREGON QJ JERRY ACHEY, President J. S. McMEEN, Sec. and Treas. lu A lurt NoMe, Oeorge Xohie am! I Ktta Vdi.ii.. Ii wile. Martini Treiiliel ami I William Treichel, lier husband. Andrew I Noble ami Viirina Xoiile, his wile, (ieortro Marks ami- -Marks, his wile, Lewis Junes, Alln-rt .Jones, Lucy Kirktmtrick ami Kirkpatrick, her liudianil, l.dw.inl Jones anil Jones, his wife, Arthur Jonrs an. I Jones, minor heirs of Mary J. Jones, i, leased, Lizzie Clark ami " 'lark, her husband, ami Andrew Xoiile as Aclmint.strHlor of the estate of Sarah : Xohle, deceased, the ahove named Jieleii ! Jams. Bini to all others interested: IX THE X A X K OK THK STATKOK OKhtiON: You ami each of KOI; KKXT I'anrh on tin Matoles. I'or particulara. address E. I'. Caiy, Isli, California. f22 KOK SALK About JOU pounds of w heat elio at $ 1.7.") cr 100. At the old I i I . i i n Feed Yards. Any iiaii fity. Knms Mux. tf ' KOK SAI.K The noted coach horse sire Cardinal liiehlieu. Color, blick; weight KHS0. ( all ami see. hfcrse or address i. SI'lUNCKi:. -bl'.M Cl M Eii, Oni (;os. 'COUNTRY OHM-US SOLlCITl-l) MAIN' ST I! KKT l'lUNKvu.i.i:, oiti:i;(N von are - - hereby reiniired to appear and answer the i complaint liled ugainst you in the above if OK hALK . .mf.mff.f. fjSi V O. K. MEAT MARKET KecpH the Bent of Lard, Cheese and Honey 4 4 4 kJtt. jtkL.dk. jKk.JU jrfW. wfh irfk dh. Jim. M Bacon and Hams Trv some of our own miiko of O. K. Meat Market Country Orders nut mei'looked LUMBER When in need of Lumber, Shigles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors or Glasses see SHIPP & PERRY For Prices on Them n ri tj r i l j r.'i u n L J n i j r t lu j r i Li Contest Notice. Department of the Interior r.H. Land (Unr.eThe Dalles Oregon, March L'2, 1!WI. A sutlleient eonlest, nniilavii l,..i,. I hei-n liled in this ollice hy Albert Moore, iMintestant, apiinsi honiesteiid entry No.' llltwS, nnide April 10, 11X12 for K'i, SKi; SV'!, WV'-i SEi, Section 11, Tp! 12 S., Ua,1(;e 14 K. V. M. by James '. r.at,'eu, ( miiestee, m which it is nlkrcil that Bai.l James W.- Kaen has wholly ahaiiiluiied said tract; thin he has chanKi(l his residence therefrom for more than six months lasl past; that sUid tract is not settled upon and cultivated bv said partv a required by law; that suiil alleged ali Hence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United Htates in tiirfe of war, said purties are hereby untitled to appear, respond anil oll'.-r evidence touching said allegations at in o'clock a. m. on Mav 12,. l!i before .1. .1. Smith, County Clerk at. his olliee in l'nncville, Oregon, land that linal hear int; will be held at in o'clock a. m. on Mav tit, before) the llt-Kister ami Receiver at the I'nited States Land (Mllce in The Dulles, Oregon. The said Contestant having, in a jiroper affidavit, filed March 22, I!H1, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and pro per publication. Mirn u:i. T. Noi.an, UcgiBter. entitled suit within ten days from the date ot the service ol tiiiH summons upon you, if served in this t.'ountv, or if aerved in any other county in tliis State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, or if served without this State bv nublication. j then on or before the first day of the nest regular Term ol me t ircuit t ourt ol tne State of Oregon for Crook County, to-wit: the 7th day of May, lixm, and if vou fail so to answer, for want tnereof the Plaintiff will take a decree of said court against you for the relief prayed for in the Com plaint, tu-wit: for a decree of said Circuit Court ordering, adjudging and decreeing the Plaintiff lo be the owner in fee simple of Lots Five ami Six in lilock six of the Third Addition to the town of Prineville, Crook County, State of Oregon, according to the plat and survey thereof now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Crook County State of Oregon, that thecloud upon the plaintill's title to said premises by reason of the facts alleged in the complaint be forever re moved, and that the defendants and each anil every one of them be forever barred from claiming any right, title, interest or equity in or tn said premise or any part thereof, and that the defendant Andrew Xoble as Administrator of the estate of Sarah X'oble, Deceased, be authorized, empowered and directed to make to the plaintill an Administrators deed to said premises, and for such other and further relief as may seem meet to the court and,' just in the premises. This Summons. ;s published in t.he( ''" viook uuiuy .lournai ior six tun wcckh by order of the Hon. W. A. Hell, Judge of: the County Court of Crook County, Ore gon, and County Judge of said County, made on the 21st day of March, lilOl). Date of Hrst publication March 22nd, l!Ki. 1 M. E. Drink, Attorney for Plaintiff. Sonic good farms in cluding uonie good hay ranches. Also some desirable city proertv. Inquire of or write, .1. V. Morris, Prineville, Oregon. tf IURIGATK1) LANDS We have for sale irrigated land in the Deschutes Valley under t tie Columbia Southern Irrigation Company's ditch at list price fl().70 to $12.7" per. acre. See Merkdith Urok, ('line Kails, Ore., In-fore buying. KOK SALIC. Timber Lund mid Mill Site. Oti account f continued in firmity the owner linn decided to well the North K;mt qunrtfr of Sec tion 2:1, Tp L'l South, (if limine ! East V. M. in Crook County Ore gon, compi'ining; D0 mcivh f kuoiI timber laud anil 1 he inill-Hile known an 1'rinnle Kails, on the Denclititi'H Kiyer. AiMivhm all inijnirk'M to M. K. P.itiNK, l'rinevillc, Oregon. L J U r t i. j L J r ! k j LJ r t t J r;i w 4 n r i LJ r L J rv kj ri L. J r i 1 THE HAMILTON STABLES Hcnd Livery Si Transfer Company I'RINF.VTI.I.K, ORISON Stock lioanlcd by the day, week or month at Reasonable rutex. lieincnilier us when in Prineville. Uatks Rkamonabi.k. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent fC" Run in ConiH'Ction with the Hend livery Stables mnr.ir.inriVjinnfsiKir.tBi tJL, JtTjt Jlk JL. JL JU Jk JL. JL JL J 53 nririrnriisiriiriFiirinnn L JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL J L J K3 I THE O'NRII . mm wmmm mmm mm V MHMMHi en c J C.I C J C J n L J Bfl CI LI tl C J r.i t j ci El Li El L J t JL JLJLJL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL J LJ LJ r..i L J r t LJ r,; L J n LJ r.n L J r.i L J ri LJ LJ r.i Li r.i Li rt LJ r..i L J LJ n L J LJL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JLJL JLJ Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Props. - - . ' m "" ' iii Jor eCaciics and Sentemen 9eas and SftaAen jCunch Board by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Ticket, $4.00 A Lucky Postmistress. iH Mi-k. Alexander, of Cnrev, Me., who has found lr. King's New "bile Pills to he the best remedy ahe ever triod for keeping the Stonmcli, Liver and liowels in perfect order. You'll agree w ith her if you try tliene painleHH purifiers that infuse new life, (iuamnteed by P. j'.. AdaiiMon and Templelon A Son drug (fint. Price 25c. The Biggest, Most Complete A N i D The Cheapest Line of UT In the County Can Be Seen and Bought at the Store of MA Contest Notice. Depiii'liiient of the Interior, 1'. S, l.nnil Olliee, The Dalles, Oregon, March 12, IMOti. A Mittioient cunteM nlHihivit having been tiled in thin ottice by Krnest H. Tcr rill, coiitestiint, agiiinst lionicsteml entry No. 123o, ninde March 25, for KU NKy;, KH' NW',, Section , Tp. 14, K. Ruiikh 14. IS. V. M.,liy Charles l.Hwwill, t'ontestee, ill which it is ullcedl that said Chat-leu I.awwill has wholly abandoned said tract; that he has never resided upon or heen seen upon said tract; that, he has not cultivated thesame; that i)aid alleged absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Muni parties are hereby notilieil to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said alienation at. 10 o'clock u. in. on May I, llMi, before J. J. iSnntli, the County Clerk, at his otlicc in Prineville, Oregon', (and that final hear ing will be held ut to o'clock a. m. on May !, 1HH. before) the Itegister ami Receiver nt the United States Lund Otlice in The Dulles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper attldavit, liled March S, Kmti, set forth facta which show that alter due diligence personal service of this notice can not lie made, it- is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given hy due mid proper publication. MlciiAKi. T. Nolan, Register. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Otlice at The Dalles, Oregon. April 2nd, lS)ti. Notice is hereby given that the i'ollowing uained settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before Don P. Rea, C IS. Commissioner, at his otlice in Madras. Oregon, on May 4th lttUi. vi: Charles K. Wilcox, of Lamonta, Oregon, on H. K. No. ISKt. tor the NW'.4 NWV,. Section 15, Tp. IS S. R, 14 K. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lund, viz: ! 8. D. Pierce, Lee Knorr, Frank Miller and Thoinas Melihee, all of Lamonta, j Oregon. Mu'haki. 1 . Nolan, Register. Desert Land, Final Proof - Notice For Publication C. S. Land Olliiv, Lukeview, Oregon. Mar. 24, l;. Notice is hereby given that Manlcv J. Lemons ol Paulina, 1 rook County Oregon ot intention to make nr.nu landclailn No. 4tvt. for the sh sv sk; sv Summons the State of In the Circuit court of Oregon for Crook county. 'Josie Ahlson Plaintill' above named ; SALK Grain and stock farm; lou acres deeded land, SUu acres m cnltivation ; pood bouse, barn, orchard and improvements : well fenced, plenty running water, l'-o miles from good school, 7 miles from station on Daltes T'ufur railroad ; daily rural mail ; con trols enclosed range for SKKKI sheep; at present pastures 400 cattle. No. 1 lamb ing grounds on Deschutes river. n excellent ranch to hold and feed mutton for the Portland market. Wheat and barley; yields SO to 4(1 bus. per acre. Price, IfLfl per acre. For particulars address 312 Kenton street, The Halles.Ore. ! I.O.ST Small gold watch between Juniper canyon and Prineville. Had broken crystal. reward. Return to Alex Hiuton, Prineville. For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can t'ith a these U. K. Allison lefendaiit To R. 14. Allison tin Defendant : IN THK NAME OF THK ST AT 14 OF ' OliKOON, Vou are hereby required and ' commanded to appear in 'the above en- ! titled court and answer the complaint now on tile in the otlice of the Clerk for this county, and of the above named court on or before the first day of the next regu lar term of the said court, to wit on or ! before the 7th, day of Mav, l!il, and you1 will take notice that if you so fail to i appear and answer that the above named ; Plaintiff will take a Decree for the relief a prayed lor in her Complaint, that is for! the dissolution of the ootids of niatrimonv ; ....... irtintcn lull .tun uie. iiani- v. , i- .: i .. , j i . tl 1 linnn t in irronniU of deuerfi,,,, ,1 i meuiuine can u-onicc 1000 out nonsupport, and for the costs and dis- ( Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver l,li7;:m'o;!s- . ,,. i ts T",,,,,ta wni hc,i yon to y,mr case hy publication in the Crook County j food. It is not the quantity of food Journal weekly newspaper, published ?taken that gives strength and vigor to in the City of Prineville, ( rook county. , , , ,. , Oregon, and of generul circulation for the i th system, but the amount digested full period of six full weks by order of and assimilated. If troubled rue lion. . a. neu, .lunge ot the County! , , , ., Court of the state of Oregon for Crook digestion, don't tail to give county, this 21st day of March UKKi. Tablets a trial. Thousandf have been AttorfiViM&. Uwfitto ' ,l,Rir n,y cost a quarter. For sale by D. J. """" 1 Adumson. Summons j In the Circuit court of the State of Orc-i gon for Crook county. A. K. Rath Plaintiff VS ; William .1. Hath Defendant I'm William J. Hath the above named I Defendant ; ' IN T 11 14 NAM 14 OF THK STATU. OK j URKOON, You are hereby required and J commanded to appear in' the above en-i titled court and answer the complaint now i on tile in the otlice of the Clerk for this county, and of the above named court on or before the first day of the next regular term of the said court, to-wit on or before the 7th day of May, l!K. and you will take notice that if you so fail to appear and answer that the above named I Plaintiff will tuke aDecreeHor the relief as ! prayed for in her Complaint, that is for ' the dissolution ot the bonds ol matrimony now existing between vou and the Plain tilt', upon the grounds of desertion and nonsupport, and for the costs and dis bursements of t his suit. Services of Summons is made in this case by publication in the Crook Countv Journal, a weekly newipaper, published iii j tln hoiihoii the City of Prineville, Crook county! -Oregon, and of general circulation for the to h- ' WANTED Coyote Hides Highest market price jmid. Call or write PRINEVILLE O R E G O N R. L. Jordan Blue -Mountain (Western Forest Reserve, Division) APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING "PKUMITS, Notice Ik hereby j;-iviii that all npplii'iitionsi for permits to graze cattle, hornes, and sheep with in the Western Division of the Blue Mountains Forest Reserve (luring of llklli, iiiuHt besubtnitteil Ireland, Forest Rnnger in of six f ull weeks bv order of Chn rue. PHiieville. ( )re . on i ir liofor-e. . W. A. Hell. Judge of the Countv i ,.,. ',.. . . ...... Curt .,r n.sih. ,.i n,.,, ...... A. lion uay oi .xav, i.ioii. r uu iiiiornia- county this ''ist day of March Wtiri. I tion in regard to t be grazing fees to x !;.Y'A'iR .r I be charged, and blank forms to be full the period Hon. Petition for Liquor License. ' To the Honorable Countv Court Air the j County of Crook, State of Oregon. ; The undersigned residents and legal I voters of Black Hutte precinct. Crook j County, Oregon, respectfully petition your j Honorable Body to grant a license to K. M. Zuuiwalt and D. L. Miller, partnership, j to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors ami fermented cider in quantities less than one gallon in black Hutte precinct. Crook County, Oregon, for a period of six months from and after the 3rd day of Mav, LiOti: H. ti. Keen, J . H. rainier, t.. ( . Olover. used in making application, will b furnished upon request addressed tc the above named oflicer. Overton- W. Pkick, AssiK'iatc For ester. McVay, Dweased. their objwtions to tik'OROK McVat, estate of William I A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. a i.t iiious tn i ant fl I has lileo notice X I on his deserl-hu WISWW N W 1 . N O SK'. SK',, SV, Sw. 24 Tp. 21 S. R. '-"2 K. ! sin i(f W. M. and NW'ij SW14 See. l Tp. 21 S. ! foi fJ j R. K W. M. in fer.- J. J. Smith clerk ol'j vil g I Cnuik Countv (iregon at his ottice at le Prineville Ore Kon. on Saturday, the 2(jth dav of May, lsWu. lie names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land : Joseph Street, Thomas Balfour. Charles Lillurd and James Oilchrist all of Piiiuiki Oregon. J, N.Wtsom, Registor. Notice of Pinal Settlement. j Notice is hereby given that George I MeVay, administrator of the estate of mmm .ncvay, itewased lias rendered and tiled his final accounting of his ad ministration of said estate and the Court i bag appointed Monday, l ie 7th day of i .1 .. 1 O. tfj ... II, nTAl..... r. II L . 1 tA- I l tll.n ' ... , , . .i J , f. . iv v -iw 1. 111 inr iui r iiuimi III I y J.'V 1 V v. .1' uuu-' the County Court room 111 Prineville. I .'r Z r li Z vi i' j. I Oregon as the time and place for hearing :"V . rw!u;m jiro'.,:1' iLia,r!: 1 Kryrear, C. Person. W. P. ' Kryrean j fl $ZZtiT Marion Stilwel!, Ralph. Folston. J. S, Lin- A i, ft S "' , . mil, iM'll roisieu, w. o . rmmiiiK, i -A.. Foley, Rov Johnson, Henry Clover, Ola Larson, Lint Stiverr. Frank Hodyfelt, Charles K. Oliver, . A. anbuskirk, John Minder, C. L. Hranton, O. D. Alling huni, R. C. Foster, Fnsl Wiese, W. H. Doak. M.M. l'luuuas. W. J. Wood, Lee Stihvell, Clyde Wilson, C. L. Johnson, K. L. lohnsoii. Win. D. Todd. James Fuller, Ueorge McCallister, N. J. I.amliert, Walter Hin ricks. A. U. Allingham, 1. H. Fryrear J. 11. Kirtner, Thomas Neal, James D. Taylor, C. L. Hist. M. L. Oliver. Roliert U. Kriig, John Krvrear, Jacob Ouiherg, Chas. Noland, W. Al Wilt. Notice is hereby given that the under signed will present the foregoing petition or a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors and hanl cider in quantities les than one gallon in Black liutte pre cinct, Crook County, Oregon to the Honor- . jl ji. a Sonera ffilacksmitu'ng IIouskshokim;, Wood W'okk, ktc, Neatly and I'homitiv Ioni. When it is Done I!y : : : Robert ?oorc Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Pltl.NEVII.I.E, Oi.'EOO.N. "'Hnnr'ur'irir'inr irirtrir-inr'irjri jLJULjULiLi'L JJLJL JU JL JC Jk JL JC Jt Jl. JC J m i O'Tfei't brothers tPrinevilie' s TlJhofesaio J&quor Jfouso Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also ffiar Supplies Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda cxm.Il3r Trade Solicited. The Opera Saloon I BEDELL & MOSES, In The Glaze Hall A First Class House in Every Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars Placksmithing That Pleasei Is I be Kind Vou (Jet J. II. WIGLFAS (SucceBsor to) CORiVKTT & ELKIIVS A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hit ml Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete ami Choice Line of Reef, Veal, bacon, Lard ami Country Produce Kept on Mutton hit ml at Pork, the City Meat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Oregon Human Blood Harks. i able Countv Court for Crook Countv, Oro-1 nmi Bronchitis, and is the gon, on uu1 --nu uuv oi .nay. it, ai me j cuw for Wgfc St.au-. " lMt.'tl this -JOtli ,luv of Ma roll. K. M. ZI MWALT 1'. b. MILI.KK. A tale ot horror wit told bv niarks of human blood in the home of .1 . V. Wil- j limns, a well known merchant of lluo, j K'., He writes: "Twenty years ao ha t severe hemorrhages of the Itins, ' and was near death when I tvn tak ing Dr. King's New Discovery. It com- J pletely cured ine and I have remained : well ever since." It cures Henior-1 rhajfeg, Chronic Coughs, Settled Colds ! only known cure for Weak Lungs. Kvery Ixittle guaranteed by I). 1". Adamson A t'o. and Teuipleton S Son Drungist. ."iOc and l.ik). Trial lxittlp tree. Jfcenderson f tPollard Country Orders 3 oi totted Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the lindexter Hotel CJ ri a j L J r. 1 V. J r.3 CJ E. L J CJ Cl f.3 -t. M U' j K1 il J r.i LJ l J r.j LJ ICS 1