Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 19, 1906, Image 6

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On n -toman's vitullty u do work foe
WtlUlk SLr Is uuliUrtl. ami wontler h.,w
Solur of W.illn-li
ul our isuti
' Jr" through si'i,"'
. SCBSflll tT lICttU.
j or
7 if u If'lll WIU
v ith l4r In tin ir
. w li n i liny
liKiiltoii the Mil)
jivt at all. "it i l
i. ....-. t I. - ,
U T)L' 'vA nest, and weariness 1
i fHLT l,"".v "uliiio-l i
a r a g 8 n u u i .
Many, in thin ron- i
ilitloii. rirt to alcoholic niiiiul.tnts ;
ami " invigm jiils." the after e flee I ol !
whit-h ar very injurious, j
I'r. 1. V. I'icrcc. fnrt v years, turn fount)
that women were being imstreatt'd
1 1 i : u-) i ignorance ir curclessm-n and
ili'ii rmiiiiil to devote h it life and energies
In their relief.
. 'f'T'iM oioid the tiitiMf of their suf-feiip-r.
he m rt ntihl far tlte iho'ii" o
rtlii'. ami found in .Voior' oiroinn
t hi- earth, certain root which had re
markable ami valualili" incilii'inal tiruu-s
ftr ihe nil- ul tliese ailment.
I -i.ig chemically iure g! cerine, of
pricier strmgth instead of alcohol, lie
prepared extracts nf these, and tlie result
Has so satisfactory that the ceiuhiiia
tinii liwanie his "Favorite I'reseriiiiion."
'J'lie roots used ar: Lady's Slippi r root.
Wrick ( oho-h root. I nicorn root, lilue
t oiiosli root and liolden Seal root. The
woriil knows it as Int. I'ikri k'k I-'avuh-in
. I'liKstKieTltiX, which ha- the won
derful and unparalleled record i.l a half
millioii of cures in the hist forty eara.
Write to l)r I'ierce, liiilfalo, K. V., (or
advice, given without charge.
"I am triad to he able to testify lothe
merits of In-. Pierre's Favorite I're-erri.l -i 'it
for i be many Ml- Hint women suit' r villi,'
writ Miss derintile Min hell iPrt .nlt-nt
Yonllir I.HllieV ( 'Inistifln I'.llilistm ei.'l y,
43 ('ohimliia Street. K.. Deiroli. Mi'-h. "Alor
linOiy years of .uflVi-ing r nil tuini. I t .
your nteiiiehie. nml in u shell time h. ir;oi lo
feel stronger. Ileeilliie more ll ti.l; I X. 1
dliln't have tlie lieurinir-tlowii ,;,n uim,i
had twit my lot for i .m. sniol n . i
reus? to Im verv tfrati fill it w ;is iao'..l
to my not tee. i to. e no uains, ano tVel m.i- ii
ironaer jrener:itly."
Dr. I'leree's I'ol'i fs rh aii-e tlt etof (fid
vstom from in-i-i. t ihi I'nii'ir.'h
Socialist County Convention.
The Soelalixt Cotmly I 'i invention
for 'rMik county, xlale of Oreiruii,
Im hereliy en I led to liii-et Jit the I'lr
enit Court rooin a( rrlnevllle, Ore
Uon, on Vediiediiy, April '.Villi, nt
10 a. in. for I he purpow of iiotiiiiiiil
Inn eamliilateH for all I he enmity
oHIeoK to lie filled ul the next p'll
eral eli-ethm, and for (he I ra iiMitel Ion
Of Hllcll Oilier llllHillt'HH OH iiiti.v eoliie
liefore hii il coiiveiithiu. The con
ventloii will emiHlHt, of one delefiiile
al Ini'ime from eneh preelnel anil one
iiddilloiial delejinte for every einht
(H) votex or majority frnelioii there
of runt for the Sim'IuIIhI eniidldate for
Supivme .IlldKe. All ltiellllierK in
rimkI Htnnlliij of t he Crook County
SoelallHt Local are admitted ih
pelen'ateH. No proxieK will lie enler
lalned. The Central Coiuinillee re.
eoiunieiided I hat I he I'riina l ien lie
held III the Meveral preelnel H a I 1 he
voting place therein on Sn I nrdiiy,
April 14, IIMMi, at 1 p. in.
HelcKHtex have been apportioned
ninolijj; t he Kovernl votlitu' preeinetH
an fiillowK-.
Anhwood:!, lSend Itlaek Untie 4,
Hear Crwk 1, Uenvcr 1. lirei-ne 1,
CroMH 1, Camp Creek 1, Hardin
' 1, Howard 1, Hay Creek i". Haystack
.'I, livlniid , .1 1 iImimi hi Creek 1', Knt
cher 2. MonlKoniery -, McKay 2,
Mill Creek I, Maury
Creek 1, lYiuovllle 4,
Willow Cn-ek I, I'owe
I m iin nt t a 1, ICedtiiond 1,
lenclliiteM 1. . Wuriii Sprin'
I. Newman
Summit 1,
II llllltCM 1.
I.aidlaw I,
h 1.
Done by order of the Sociallnt
('oiinty t'entral Coniiiiilte March .",
l!HJ(i. ,1. K. liKMlAM, 4 li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1
H. F. V"U.Hoit, SiH-retnry.
Is The Moon Inhabited.
Science lian prnvon that tin' nionu hue
an atinoapheie, which niakeM life in
mime form posnilih' on that sutellite;
but not for human beings, who have a
hard enough time on this earth of onrn;
ospecially thoae who don't know I hat
Kleetric, Ki',tern cure Headache, HHions
iiCHH, Malaria, Chillf and Fever, Jaun
dice, DyHpepsia, Ii,zim i-k, Torpid
l.iver, Kidney complaintH, (ieuerul
Hebility mid Female weaknesHcB. lTn
equalled as a general tonic and appeti,cr
lot eak perHonp and especially lor the
utied. It imluces Hound sleep. Fully
guaranteed by 1). 1'. AdiiniHon A Co. and
Templeton A Son IMugniHt. I'riee only
5(k'., j
Notice to Cow Owners nd Others Owning j
Animals Prohibited to Run at Large. '
The ordinance prolillilliiifc' lite rtin
nlntt' Ht larp- within the City of
l'rineville, OreK'oii, of nil cattle,
lnivm-a, ulieep, noalH, HWlne, chlckeiiH,
diickit and kcchc, pawHcd by the
Council Maivh lith 11MMI, will la-en-foi-cetl
from and alter April ti, l'.HKi,
and all Hitch nuimalK and poullr,
found at lurj;e after said date will be
iinpoimded necordiiiK Inlaw.
.1. H. I'hookk, Mai'Nhal. n5
Notice to Property ud Tenants.
Notice Ih hereby v,iveu to all pro
perty owners and persons occupy.
Inn premises aliultlnn and adjoining
streets and alleys within the City of
l'rineville, Oregon, to clean up and
remove all manure, rubbish, litter
and obstruct ions in the streets and
alleys adjoining their premises with.
In 15 days from the date of this
notice. Also to abate all unsanitary
cess pools and closets without fur
ther notice. Hy order of the City
Council. a o 2
J. H. Cuooks, .Marshal.
Desert Lund, Final Proof Notice
For Publication
I'. S. Land Office.
Lakeview , Oregon, Mar. '21, hua,.
Noli U hereby given that Mauley J.
Lemoni of Paulina, Crook County Oregon
has tiled notice ol intention tu make proof
ui his desert-land claim No WU, for the
SWi4 NW'4 N'H SWV4 N'S -sF.t SW,
SK'4' SKt4 SW". See. 24 Tp. al S. U. K.
W.'M. and N ( Stt'U Sec. ltt Tp. 21 S.
R. 'J V... W. M. liefore J. J. Smith clerk ol'
Crook County Oregon at his ollice at
Prineville Oregon, on Saturday, the 2iith
day of May, laOH.
Hp immt-s the iollowiln.- witllt-hncs to
-jmive tlie complete irrigation ami recla-i
ination of said laud:
Joseph Street, Thomas ltalfotir, Charles
Lilloux and .lauies (iilchrist all of Paulina j
Oregon. J. N. Watsok, Register.
v S I-
fry. ,fc'.'iW-
V II KKKAS, ll,r snvlnn .f Slut
d the Slat. ,jf tuvui.n, lin nnlilied
llu- ill wrltilitf flint ii r. 1 1: It t In tin
p.i isiolis ul ;ui ml fiitith'tl "All
Ai.'l InnklliK eflitlite I he inil iutlvr
Mini it'fi'i-vmluiii piKVisliiins nf Set-,
tinll 1 ol Arllele I V nf Ihe fi illwtll II
lioti nf III- Stole ( !) n, mill
n'uil-'iliii flttt i.itin t heiftitiilt'i', ;iinl
i'iv'nliiiK it-iinitie- Im- vh iiitiK id
in'iiviitiuiix nf ihlx aei,-' .-ippi'iiv'!!
I Vlinntry J4. IWK5. 1 In- Oreaun Slut'
'irnniri- duly ,lileil in liin nlthf mi
Kflirimrv ltd. lmai. on iniiinlne
M-titinti (Milling Hii-riiiitiirv
itiis rl. ul Ioj IiihI t.i n i-iiy if Hiihl
iiii'iiniiii', t-t-rt ilittj in iicfiinlaiii-f wllli
low. cleiii.'iinliiili tlint ii iriini-'l
law, the 1 1 1 !. Iflinr nail t-fh-fl id
wliit-li Im lii-ivlimftw uirteiilni'ly wt
f i it'll). Khali Ih- hii I i i i i I lo I to 1 1 it-li-lfiil
voti-IH of the Slitleiif OreKiill
i fur their iii;n ovul or teji-etion nt
itlle (ietieliil eleeliolt to be held ill
IxHiil slitte on the 4th tiny of .lime.
Ileitis the lii'-t M. iiiil,i v In .lime, I'.Ktti.
.. TIIKKKIOliK, I, Hen. K.
' !l hniiiU'rlaili. I invernor of Hie State
of (iri-jroli, in olMMlletiee lo the irn
vinioiiH of Knid net liereiiilirfore lirnt
iiii'iitloiieil, do hereliy make and
iis-tlie thiH I'l'iH'Iniuattoii to the M-n-de
of I lie State of Onvoii. aiiiiolilie
ItiK that tlie mtld Oivkoii Stale
lirnnne haw filed Kald Initiative eti
tioii with the rviiulHite iitimliei' of
MiunatlireM tliei-eto atttu-lted ilein
'Hill I
Inj;' that (here xhall Im- Kiilmiil led to
I he leiral oterx of 1 he Stale of I It'e-
tfon for their aiipi ovnl or rejecl ton
at the ITUIllar i h-ction to la- held on
the 4th itny of .lime. l'.KMi, Kaid day
lM-iiiy the lirnt .Monday in Hiiid
month, a bill to propone by initia
tive petil ion a bill entitled "A bill to
propone by initiative petition a law
lo provide additional revenue for
stale purpoHeH; to levy a lifeline on
the h'1-ohh enrniiiKH of Slefpiii);' car
foiupanli'H, Hefrln'crittor cur com
p.inicn and Oil cotupiiliieH; detiuiilK
a Sli-eplitK far company, a Kofriue
ia tor car company and an ( il com
pany within the meaning' of till
act; (Ichnluu' the manner ol iiitcer-i
taliiitiK the amount of hiicIi h'I'ohh 1
rt'ceiptn; providing' a penalty for i
vbdatinn' I In- proviHioiiK of I liis i
act," the tenor and effect of which I
in brief In: i
I'ii-Hl: To retiire every Sleeping'
car conipnny, HefriKeriit or car coni
pauy and oil company lo pay .in
nddil ion to taxen now provided for
by law, a liceiiKe of thn-e per centum
upon the k'I'ohh eiiriiinH of such
coiupanlcH, annually, to the It-eitH.
iiri-r of t he islate.
Second: To pnrticlllacly delilie
each of Haid fompanieM included
wit bin I lie tei'iiiH of Haiti act.
Third: To provide the manner of
aMfei'tainluv, the amount of Mich
irrtiNH receipts by ivquiriiiH' the pro
per otllcers of such cotnpaiiieH, as
particularly mentioned in said bill,
to transmit to the state treasurer on
or la-fore lite 1st day of March of
each year a statement under oath
of tlie ktohm receipts of such com
panies from business truiisacted
t it bin I he sta tes dtti inu die preceil
iiili' year endiiiK' December '(1st, and
liiviti in such slatenienl iiil'orina
tioii as lo the i i.-i n it- of I lie linn,
company, business or corpora I Ion;
Hie iui t lire of tlie business trans
acted hy it; t he ItM'ii t ion of ils prin
cipal olllce nml under whnl laws it is
oi'uaniwd, and whom. If any one, It
represents, ami In certain cases
provided by I he bill whose wares It
handles; I lie name, address and
place of resilience of (he proprietor,
chief olllccr or manntiinn au'ent of
1 he business or company in t he St ate
of Oivn'on; a detailed hI it lenient', of
the real entitle owned by the linn or
company in the Male of Orenon,
w here nil uateil and Hie value there
of an asnessed for luxation.
F.ntirlh: To provide lor the pay
ment nf ten per centum additional
I o said license fees ill cane of a lail-
tire to innke the Htntemeiit or to iim.v
tlie lleetlHc reiiulreil In tie lliilile or
in It 1 by I he let'iiiH of wnid net, mid to
provide the met hod of eolleei lon
Filth: To
otlieer of any
lion or (it lit
Kuhl bill hluill
to nut kt- nnd
men I therein
provide thai if any
compiiny or cni'poi'ii
pei'HOD inentioiied In
fall, reftiHi1 or neglect
file the niintiiil wl.-tte-feiiuired
to be make
for thirty
March In
dit.vM ufter I he 1st du.v of
ncli yeur, on conviction
thereof he sluill be punished by u
tine of not lenn than oOO.IMl nor
more t han 1.000.IKI, or by imprison
ment in the county jail not less than
thirty duyw nor more than six
iiiohlhs, or by both line nml im
prisoiiiiienl In the discretion of the
court, nnd makiiift it the duty of
the tliut rit-1 attorney of the proper
Judicial district to commence mid
prostvttte for violations of said bill
in any court of competent jurisdic
tion an action at law to enforce
said penalty.
Done at 1 he Capitol at Salem, t his
iMh day of lVbrunty, A. 1)., P.MIti.
(Sinned) (ii:o. 1'. Cham iikki.ain.
(Sinned) V. 1. Di nhau,
(Seal) Secretary of State.
Notine of Pinal Settlement.
Ntitiee is lieifhv given that lieorge
McVay, adniinisn'ntor of the estate of
William McVay, deceased has rendered
and tiled his liiial accounting ol' his ad
ministration of said estate ami the Court
has appointed Monday, the 7th day of
i Ma y, imib nt 10 o clock in the loreiioon at
j the County Court room in Prineville,
Ortgon as the time ami place for hearing
sunt liiial itccountiuK. At which time and
l place all persons interested in said
tuny appear and lile their objections to
I said accounting. (.korok McV.w.
Administrator of the estate of William
.McVay, Deceased.
Notice For Publication.
Land Ollice at l'ic Dalles, Oregon.
March 1-t, imm.
V., !,... I, .rl. ,1.., ...
. ,.i :. . - '.""- '. "."."'."n
nauiet settler tuts tiletl notice
his ill-'
leutKin to iiutKe tuial proof m support d
his claim, and that -aid prool will be
made before the County Cierk a. Prine
ville, Oregon, on Ajir'il Slh, lmm, via:
John 'f. Ilotist n, td Crook, Oregon, on
II. K. No. 11101, for the NW, N Ki .', K'
NVVi,,v SV, N Wi,, Se.ti.ui S, Tp. 18 S.
R,'.ll K. W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and ;
cultivation id' said
riilt;,'.ti.,,, ,,' ...;.l l l i I
Aininons. l islier Logan, Paul Held and
Vv C. Fanght, all of ( rook. ( ivgon.
M a n ki. T. Notts, Register.
i.iii, i; r. A. '
Notice For
I lepiirtnu'iit
f the liiicrinr.
( illii
Illitf a I
l'he l:lllc, Or.siin.
April '.'ml, lSKKi.
Nulicc is heri'hy ivn thai ihefollowiiiK
luiinnl wttler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make linal prool in support of his
claim, and that said proof will Ih- made
hc-fore Don 1. Uea. L". S. Coimnissioiicr, at
his . flicc in Mmtras. Oreuon, on May 4th
WW. vii: Ciiarlct V. Wilcox, f,.nlH, ;
Oregon, ,n H. K. No. IHlS't. tor ihe W',
XW'Vj. Section 15. Tp. l,f S. K, 1 1 K. W. M.
lie naiiies (In.- follow in; w itnesses to
prove his continuous residence ujmn nt ;
cultivation of saiil land, via: '
S.D. I'ieree. l.ce Knorr, Frank Mill.-r;
ami Tlmu'.ts Mi-HIiw, all of l.unionia,
- Micuaki. T. Noi.tN, Register, j
C.iiiiicnI Notice.
I lep'Jl llliellt ot thf Interior.
t' . . I Mtn e. llu; jj.i.le-, lir-Kon.
Mar. li IJ. p.j.
A -tltlieieul e"HU",f allldalf hnVUlf
ts -n filed in tlii. otiicr hy Krne.-t S. Ter
rill. eoiitestalil. aL'alti'-t hoiuestead elllry
No. nia-le Mareh 6. l:m;i. for K1
NK'.,. Kl S, -tciiim .-. X.. 11. S.
Kance 1 1. K. . Al., hv Charles l.awwi!!,
1 oiuestee, in which it IS uilctfed tliut said
( harli-K I. a will Ims wholly aOundoiied
sai, I tract ; thul he has never rr-n'ed upon
or oeen -eeli upon said trai t: that he has
not euittvateii th--utiie; that said alle-re-l
ahsence was not due K his employment
in tlie army, navy or marine corps ol the
t'nited MaieM in lime ol' war. Said a-!ii-b
artf hereby notilieil to appear, res)Hnd and
oiler evidence toui'liiiiK said alienation at
lo o'clock a. m. on May I. Hani, laflore J.
J. Smith, the Countv Clerk, at his nlnce
j in l'rineville. On-Kuii, (and thai final in-ar-j
i 1 1 n will Is1 held al In o'clock a. in. on
May s, m;, hefore) the titvister and
j lieeeiver at tlie l iiited Slater IjiiiiI Ottiee
i in The italics, Oregon.
'I'lo- said contestant hat in;, in a proper
jallidavit, tiled Jlarch ., hMi, set forth
! fuels which -how that alter due diligence
personal service ol this nonce can not lie
; made, it is hereby orderwl ami directed
'that nuch not ice fie (riven hy due and
proper publication.
.Mil HtK. T. Nnl.t.v, liOKtsllT.
Contcst Notice.
Department of the Interior
I . S. band Ottiee The Dalles Oregon,
March XI. P.MJ.
V sutilcient conlest arHdavit haviuir
'"'" 'i''d in Ihi-ollic- by Albert Moore,
, , mi, ,-t.ii, i,iviii.-t iioiiiT.i-ieno riiviy yt,
1IX15-. made A pnl 10. l:nr.' for Sli, SW'j,
r.'i sw I,. Mlj sr.': Section 11, I
4 l. 4 ?l'l 1111 11, 1 .
s., lianvri
, Kaueii. Cnnte
14 K. W. M. by James W.
tie, in ivhicli it is alb-fed
thai said .lame- W. K:u;cii has wholly
abandoned -aid tract; that hi' ha- chunked
Ilia rcsidenci- therefrom tor moie ttian six
inoiitbs hisi past; that said tract is not
etllcd upon and cultivated hy said party
as re. u I red by law; that said aliened ab
sence was not due to his employment in
the army, navy or marine corps of the
United States in time of war, said parties
are hereby noliticil to appear, it-sp nid and
oH'-r evidence touchiiiK said alienations at
in o'clock a. in. on May 12, turn; before J.
J. Smith, County Clerk at his oitiee in
l'rineville, Oreion. (and that hind hear
ing will be held at 111 o'clock a. m. on May
IH, !!MI before! the Uej-ister and Receiver
'at the t'nited Stales band Inline in Tlie
Dalles, Oretron.
The -aid Coiite-iuut lutviuK. in a proper
altidavit, tiled Manh , Idoti, set forth
facts which -how that alter due diligence
personal service of this notice can not be
matlc, it ia hereby ordered and directed
thiit notice he given by due and pro
per piiblicntioc.
M leiiAKi. J'., Kej;iBler.
Petition for Liquor License.
To the Honorable County Court for the
County of Crook, State of Oregon.
The undersigned residents and legal
voters of black liutte precinct, Crook
County, Oregon, respectfully petition your
Honorable body to grant a license to F.
M. uinwalt ami D. f,. Miller, partnership,
to sell spirituous, mult and vinous liquors
and fermented cider in quantities less than
one gallon in black liutte precinct. Crook
County, Oregon, for a period of six months
from and after tlie 3rd day of May, 11106:
H. B. Reed, J. K. Palmer, b. (',. (Mover,
11. K, Allen, J. W. Allen, li. W. Wood,
Sam Slilwell, F. M. booth, bister liryau,
John Taylor W. II. Cyrus, W. K. (Iridium.
j.l. (I. Wilson, Jasper Johnson, II. K.
(lasier. Ueo. laylor, . K. Claypool, T. .1.
Fry rear, (', K. Person, V. F. Fry rear,
Marion St il well , Ralph Folston, J.S. bin
ton, lien Folston, 1 1. W. Farthing, V. A.
Foley, Roy Johnson, ilcnry IJIover. Ola
! Larson, bint Stiverr, Frank llodvl'cll,
'Charles R. Oliver, W. A. Vnnbus'kirk,
John Minder, ('. I.. I'.raulon, O. D. Ailing.
I ham, R. C. Foster, Fretl Wieae. W. H.
jUoak.M.M. I'honias. W. J. Wood, bee
1 Slilwell, Clyde Wilson, C. I. , Johnson, U.
i b. hdnihon. Win. D. Todd, .billies Fuller,
: (icorge VcCallister. N.J. Lambert. Walter
Hinricks, A. U. Alliiighiun, D. H. Fryrear,
i.l. II. Ivirtner, Thomas Neal, .1 nines I),
; Taylor, C. I., lii-t, M. L.Oliver, Robert H.
, K-fiig, JidiTi Fryrear, Jacob Oiiiberg, ('has.
! Noland, W. A. Wilt.
I Nonce is hereby given that the under-
signeii will present Hie loregomg petition
lor a liceii-c to -ell spirituous, malt ami
vinous liquors and hind cider in quantities
less than one gallon in lllack lluite pre
cinct. Crook County, Oregon to tlie Honor-
anie ( ouiity i ourt lor I rook (lounty, Ore
,r,ii I ,.. 'Ii,. . ..I' M .- llu.- ... .1...
on tlie 'ml
icmin iv ronn rooin in i .,,i
I blted tliis 'illth
)f March, luoii.
II. L. M I I.I.KK.
Petition For Liquor License.
TO TH K HON 0 II A 15 LK COU N TV t'( ip KT
We, the undersigned, legal voters of
A-hwood precinct, ( rook County, Oregon,
respectfully pelitiou your honorable Utaiy
tojirant unto the linn of Hen ton it (irate'r
a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liiiiors and hard cider in quantities less
than one gallon m said Aswood precinct,
County and Slate aforesaid, for a term of
-ix inonlhs t'rnin mid alter the '-'!!il day ol
May bum:
Vf . 1). Walker, I!. F. Bermnnn, C. K.
Sandy, ('. S. Mel ovkle, T.' .1. Wvinan,
(irniit Ihaskett, John ( rater, Bert James,
Flunk Doak, K. A. Kandolph, Hen. IX Cai
dew. .1. (i. (dark, Thomas Lewis, ,M. I).
McDonald, . I, ('. South, K. D. (lonser. H.
II. Itolken, T. S. Ander-on, li. ii. Clark,
Hubert Hamilton. Oliver McCalluin, O. M.
I'oimleMer, Fred Mcl'idlem. lilcii Urater,
A. W. (irater, -Patrick Kciby,.!. . llayliss,
Ale-er .McLennan, Jolin D. McLennan, S.
S. black. ,1. 11. o'kelley, Lee Wootl, John
Wishart (ieorgo Croi ken, .1. C, iirogan
John ('rcegan, D. S. Hamilton, Mdo Wood.
Notice ia hereby given that the fore
going petition will lie pre-ented to the
Honorable County Court for Crook County
Oregon, on the Jnd day of May, at ill
o'clock in the forenoon, at the County
Court room in Prineville, Oregon, at which
lime and place the petitioneers will apply
to the ( ourt for a license as prayed for iii
mid , , -lit Inn.
Notice For Publication.
Land office at
t he Dalles, Oregon.
March 1st, 1110(1.
Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-naincd
settler ha- lileil notice l his
intention to make final proof in support of
ins claim, ami mat saui prool will lie
made bcfoiv the County Clerk of Crook
County at Prineville, Oregon, on April 9,
1!M1, vii; Abrain P. Dawson, of Lamonta,
Oregtm, on li. K. No. 7'JlRi, lor the Lots,"
, SKfe'NWy andNF', SW),, Section
i, Tp. 13 S. R. i; K. W. M.
lb names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and
cultivation of said land. i:
Oscar fox, William Sunn, Jerry Achey,
i,. s i,.iM.
-laiiu-s .ieieen an oi i.amonui.
MICH A KL T. NOLAN, Register.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at The Dalles Oivgon,
March 1st, num.
Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-uained
settler has riled notice of his
intention to make final proof in surmort
.. i.i. ..l..i. .....I tl... ..u..i - ...!il .
" ol- i mii, i, im. cnio inuo Will lie
matte oeiore me t ountv y;ierK at Prine
villr, Oregon, on
William F. Frein h
April mh,
vii :
ol IVincvi
I', (irenron.
on H. H. No S5ii), lor the WJ SW',, NW'i
SWi,, See, ,y and SK, NKV,. Svelitm 32,
Tp. ta s. i;. in k., w. Si.
lie names the tollowing witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and
cultivation ot said laud, in:
lolin 1. l.aKollette, K. A. Pot- l.aFollctte,
Joseph II. Hurson.nnd .I.O. Potvell all of
IVuieville, ( ircji-oii.
M it'll vki.T., Kcyister.
- - i
A Luckv Po.stmifitr.4 i
,, , . ,, ,, . sweareiigen. deeeaseti. with the Countv ! pletely cured me and I have remained
s Mrs. Alexander, oi t arey . Me .. w ho j clerk of CMok Countv, State of Oregon. I well ever niuce " It cures Henmr
hastound Dr. King s New t.ile IMls to I and the Countv Court of Crook County, , V, . . " ,f
lie the liet reietlv she ever tried for 'Oregon, has set Momiay, the 2nd day of rhages, I hrontc, toughs, Settled t olds
keeping thi' Stomach, I. iter and tiowels April, I'.Mi as the time for hearing "said kiid Brom hitis, and is the only know n
in poiieoi oincr. you'll agree with her ;
ii ton try inese painless puriuers mat
inliise Hew lito. l.uaiauteeit bv D. l
.OII 111 Mill 11,1 I .,1,1 I, Ul. , S.,ki
gist. Price 2,V. ;
" ...... , uiuk'
lo the I ircull I ourl ,l lb- Male
Kn. l--r r..k oiuitv.
.-ar.ih I, i ilenn. Piainiill,
All-it Niible. tieorjje Noblt- ami
Ktt.i, bis wile, Muriba Im
i h I and W illiam Trriviiel, tier
liu-hi-iut. Atiiln n Noble and Vu
rina N'obl, , Ins wile. imtv- Marks
and- Marks, his wile, I. r is
J"i-, All.rt Joins, l.ucy Kirk-
iHiri'k ami Kirkpatrkk.
her J,o -i-oinl, I'M ward Jones and
- Jones, his wite. Arthur
Jones and Jones, minor
heirs ol Mary J. Joins, deceased,
I.lzle i hirkand Clark, her
IiusIkiiiiI and Anilrew Noble as ad
ministrator ul the estate of Sarah
Noble, defeased, ami all others
inter -ted, IH-lendaiil.-.
'ft Aider! Noble, lieorye .Vobltt
Ktm Noble, his wife. .Martha Trcichcl
vt litiain ireicnei, Her liilsiian.l. Andrew
Noble and Yarina Noble, hi- wife, (icorge
Marks and Markb, his wife, Lewi.
Jones, Alla-rt Joue-, Liny Kirkjiatru'k
and -Kirkpairii k, Iter husbaint, tdward
Jones ami Jones, his wife, Arthur
Jones and Jones, minor heirs ol Mary
.1. Jones, deceased, Lixaie (.lark and -Clark,
her husband, ami Andrew Noble as
Administrator f the estate of Sarah
Noble, decea-cd, the above named Defen
Jants, and to all others interested:
OKKGON: You and each of you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint liled againsi you in the ulajve
entitled suit within ten days from the.
date of the service of tiiis summons uxn
you, if served in this County, or if served ,
in any other countv in this Slate, then
w ithin twenty days from the date of the !
service of this summons upon vou, or if
served without this State by publication, '
then on or More the first day of the next :
regular term of the Circuit Court of the;
State of Oregon for Crook County, to-wit:
the 7th day of May, l!x, and if you fail o
to answer, for want tnereof the Plaintiff j
will take a decree ol said court against!
you for the relief praved for in the Com -
plaint, to-wit: for a decree of said Circuit
oui t oruering, aiiiuuging anil uecreeing
the Plaintiff to be the ownerin fee simple!
of Lot-Five and Six in Block six of the I
Third Atldition to the town of Prineville, i
Crook Comity, State of Oregon, according
to the plat and survey thereof now on tile
and ol record in tlie office of the County j
Clerk of Crook Countv State of Oregon, i
that thecloud upon the pluintill's title to
said premises by reason of the facts
allugeil in the complaint be forever re
moved, and that the defendants and each
and every one of them be forever barred
from claiming any right, title, interest or
equity in or to -aid premises or any part
thereof, and that the defendant Andrew;
Noble as Administrator of the estute of j
Sarnh Noble. Deceased, he authorized. '
empowered ami directed to make to the
plaintiff an Administrators deed to said
premises, ami for such other ami further
relief ms may seem meet to the court and
just in the premises.
This Summons is published in the
Crook County Journal for six lull weeks
by order of the Hon. W. A. Bell, Judge of
the County Court of Crook County, Ore
gon, und County Judge of said Comity,
niatiti on me zist day ot .March, r.Wti. I
Date of first publication March 22nd, tfXKj. j
M. E. ISkink, !
Attorney for Plaintiff, i
Summons ;
In the Circuit court ol'the Slate of Ore-i
gon for Crook county : !
Anloiue Tralitui, I'laintiti',
vs. I
Ida Traiuui, Defendant I
To Ida 'I'ralutn, the above named defm-'
ihiut; i
In llu' name of the -tale of Oregon:'
You are hereby required to appear and i
answer the Plaintiffs complaint tiled j
against you in the above entitled court on I
or liefore the 7th. day of May, A. 1). Itmti. !
and it vou -o fail to anpeur' the Plaintin i
will take a Decree for the relief demanded I
in the Complaint tiled in I he said above i
nained suit that is lor the dissolution of I
tin; kinds of matrimony now existing he-j
Iween you and the Plaintiff and for the
care and custody of the minor child.
Finery Traiuui, ami tor (hecosts ami dis-;
burse lunula of this suit and for such other i
and further relief as in equity may seem j
ju.-i nun rigni.
This Summons is ordered to be served
upon you by miblicaiion thereof in the
Crook County Journal for six consecutive
weeks by order of tlie Hon. W. A. Hell, j
Judge el the County court of the Slate of!
Oregon for ('rook county, made and en-1
tered at Prineville, Crook county, Oregon ,'
this lith, day of March, A. I). Y.M. j
tiKo. W. Hir.nks; I
Attorney for PlaintitV. I
In the Circuit court of the Stale of
Oregon for Crook county,
.losic Allison I'laintiti'
R. K. Allison Dt-feiidant
To R. H. Allison the almve named
OREGON, You are hereby required ami
cniniiuuiiletl to appear in the above en
titled court and answer the complaint
now on lile in the office of the Clerk for
this county, and ot the above nained court
on or belore the tirst day of the next regu
lar term of the said "court, to wit on or
liefore the Tilt, day of Mav, m, ami you
w ill take notice' t hat if you so fail to
appear and answer that the above named
Plaint ill' will take a Decree for the relief as
prayed lor ill her Complaint, that is for
the dissolution of ihe bonds of matrimony
now existing between you ami the Plain
tiff, upon tlie grounds of desertion and
noiistipport, ami for the costs ami dis
bursemeiils of this suit.
Service of Summons is made in this
case by publication in the Crook County
Journal, a weekly newspaper, published
In the City of Prineville, Crook eountv,
Oregon, ami of general circulation for the
full period of six full weeks bv order of
the Hon. W. A. llell, Judge of the Countv
Court of the State of Oregon for Crook
county, this Jlst .lay of March UHKj.
Coco. V. Barnks,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit court of (he Stale of (Ire
frou for Crook county.
A. E. Rath I'laintiU'
William ,f. Ruth Defemlnnt
To William J. Ruth the above iiaiueti
lX'fi'ndant ;
ORKflOX, You are hereby required and
commanded to appear in the above en
titled court and answer the complaint now
on tile in the office of the Clerk for this
county, and of the above named court on
or before the first day of the next regular
term of the said court, to-wit on
or before the 7th day of May, 1H0U, and
you will take notice that if yo'u so fail to
aimcur and answer tlist. the ulov i,nii,u,i
riiiiiititl'will takealiecree'i'or the relief as '
now existing between vou nml the l'lui,,.
uioouihliwii ,i. ii,ii.ip i iiiuiriuiony
titf, upon the grounds of desertion and
nonsupport, and for the costs and dis
bursements of this suit.
Services of Summons is made iu tins
case by publication in the Crook "County
Journal, a weekly neivipaper, published in
the City of l'rineville. Crook county
Oregon, and of general circulation for the
full period of six full weeks bv order of
the H on. . A. Itell. Judge ol'the Countv
Court of the State ol Oregon for ("rook
countv this ilst day of March 19i.
liito. W. K nes.
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Notice of Pinal Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under-
signed han tiled his Final Account as
A,tmiiiistrir,,r of tha t,'ui ,,!' I I
- a a
I that mav be made thereto.
i Dated this 17th ilav nt Pt,riir- liloii
. i ' vi v::.:"
. , - . .
eugen, ileceaeti. " ' ;
ti I nil nt hu r.ttia.,r I ,-i
Want Ads under thi- ieal will l-e
chained at the rate of osit Cent fx-r wunl ;
per insertion. Notlnnif less than ! cents.
WAN TKlJ Loan of 3Xx). Extellent
real euiate msctirity. AddreHJ The
FOR RKST kam-li on the Matolen.
For partii'ulars. ftiMreMn K. K. Cry,
lxli, California. jo;
WANTK1) A good cnlhvior and sk--man
for the Siiger sewing Machine
Co. Write the singer Sewing
Machine I '., The Dalles, Ore. ni22
FOR SALE A Unit 30UU ismnds of
wheat chop at $1.75 per UK). At the
old DiLioii Feed Yards. Any quan
tity. Knnis A Hii, i.. tl
FOK SALF. The noted iuacli horse sire
Cardinal Richlieu. Color, black;
w'eiulit Irion. Call and see boree or
address (i. SPIMNGKR.
4-19-4 Ct'i.vEK, Oiikhon.
FOR SALK: Some gtaid farms in
cluding some good hay ranches.
AIho Pome desirable city property.
Inquire of or write, J. F. Morris,
l'rineville, Oregon. tf
, " "
LANDS We have for
sale irrigated land in the Deschutes
Valley under the Columbia Southern
Irrigation ('oinpany's ditch at list
price $10.70 to $12.7o er acre.- See
Mkrvmhth P.ros, ("line r'allti, Ore.,
before buying.
FOK SALK. Timber Land and Mill
Mle. on account of contiiiiit-d tn-
llnnlty the owner has decided to
sell the North Kant (pmrtcr of Sec
tion 2:1, Tp 21 South, of KaiiRC 9
Knxt W. M.'in Crook Countv Ore
gon, comprisino- KMI acres of rood
timber land and the mill-site known
as I'riiiole I'a lis, on the Deschutes
Itiver. Address all inquiries to
M. E. UitiNk, l'rineville, Oregon.
FOK KALF Grain and stock farm;
1520 acres deeded land, .800 acres in
cultivation ; good house, barn, orchard
and improvements; well fenced, plenty
running water, 1 L, miles- from good
school, 7 inilea from station on Dulles
Dufur railroad ; daily rural mail ; con
trols enclosed range (or 2000 sheep; at
present past urea 400 cattle. No. 1 lamb
ing grounds on Deschutes river. n
excellent ranch to hold ami feed mutton
for the Portland market. Wheat and
barley; yields HO to 40 bus. per acre.
Price, $20 per acre. For particulars
312 Benton street, The Dulles, Ore.
LOST Small gold watch between
Juniper canyon and Prineville. Had
broken crystal. $5 reward. Return
to Alex Hinton, Prineville.
For a Weak Digestion.
No medicine can replace food but
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, will help yon to digeet your
food. It is not the quantity of food
taken that gives utrength and vigor to
the system, but the amount digested
and assimilated. If troubled with a
weak digestion, don't fail to give these
Tablets a trial. Thousandt have been
benefitted by their use. They only
cost a quarter. For sale by 1). P.
trv "wv "ww v wwr xsf rnnj
r Trv some of our own make of
Bacon and Hams I
J O. K. Meat Market j
k Country Orders not overlooked
Coyote Hides
Highest market price
paid. Call or write .
R. L. Jordan
I Blue Mountain Forest Reserve.
I (.WeHtern Division)
PKRM ITS, Notice Ih hereby jrlven
that all applications for permits to
grnite cnttle. horsts. and sheep with
in the Western Division of the Hlue
Mountains Forest Reserve during
the season of 11HKS. must hesuhtnitteil
to A. S. Iivlnnil, Forest Rans'er in
Charge, Prineville, Ore., on or liefor?
l!th day of May, liXKi. Full informa-
I" i"()l(ird to the grazing foes to
IlMk forms to he
used in inn ki tin application, will lie.
furnished upon request addressed to
the above named otlieer.
Ovkkton W. I'uit'K. Associate For
ester. Human Blood Marks.
A tale oi horror ai told by marks of
human blood in the home of J. W. Wil
liams, a well known merchant of liac.
Ky., He writes: "Twenty years ai(o I
ha I severe hemorrhages of the lungs,
and was near death w hen I licgan tak
ing Dr. King's New Discovery. It coui-
,or Weftk L EwfT
Lungs. Everv bottle
guaranteed by D. I. Adamson A Co. ami
I Templeton A Son Druirgist. .Vie and
$1.0 Triallamle tree.
Vh c fie c ept ( on
SMITH A: t'LKF.K, I'noikiKfoHs
Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines
and Cigars
Poet Office Box 92
i. A
Sonera ffilacksniithmg
i. j
r i
L 4
L a
t- j
r i
X K A T I. Y ASH PiroMi'Ti.Y IoNK
Wiikn it ih lhi.Ni: Hy : : :
Robert 9foorc
Satisfaction Will
O'Tfeii brothers
Siineoiie's W holt sals jCiquor Jfouto
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, alo
Siar Supplies
Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and.
the Famous Napa Soda
H TracLc Solicitsd.
The Opera Saloon
BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors
In The Glaze Hall
A First Class House
in Every Respect
Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines
and Cigars
Is The Kind Vou Get nt -
(Wue.ceHtnir to)
A Stoek of Kami Miu-liinerv
Meat, Vegetables, Produce
A Complete ami Choice Line of Hecf, Veal, Mutton, Pork
Uaoon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the
City VI eat Market
At The Old Stand
jfcenderson & fPollarci
Wines and (J finest Cigars
Liquors mJCZ i stock
Couniry Orders Solicited
First Door South of the I'oindexter Hotel
Ts .4-
' s
L. J
c J
lie Guaranteed
.ji. jtJtii.ji.ji.jfi.jCjujiZjujLjL 3 if 5l jc Jtf jfi JtLi
f T f
That Pleases
always on liaud
Prineville, Oregon