Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 19, 1906, Image 5

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    Local Mention
;. .Springer was in ilir city from
.aUionm during" t past week.
l,ee Wigle ha lierii speiidliuc
week ill tin- city from his h
ranch mi Crooked river.
lio to (jlover & Slarr's Cash Oiu-
eery for1 Li (if potatoes.
ami lanl.
Sheriff Sinlfli spent the tint ! the
ueok in Hay reck. He took down
l lii hallow :hi1 I. all-d lioc Willi
liiiu for tlial iiwiin-p.
vl'r plale and -( corner
shelves, Idp hoards, loot 1m .tirdf ir
Iron lied go I.. A. II. J.lppiunn
4 Co.
We. carry (nil liiii- of suisar.
litii'ini ham : conee H. teus. faiiiieu 140111 m. uu.i 1 an
: a ave .villi money. Try 11 bffore
! IjUTIdu'. Ulover & mutt.
Tin-. Jl.-V) "Jicr Kull.iH luUed pniul :
mid l.v A. H. Uppui '" ! Art lUrClntbr Ml tor I In- l l
1 good -a, Wm-lL. - . i 'r-l--. '' Ui
I ariaiini'iilfiitu In coniirvliou With the
K. Hoi-gnu, of 1 h liiiu ol' Uorguu j Ij.-ill -aim-H which the lenm from the
ji li.-viuf. uf Albany. 1 In rlii-cliy on latter city will piny her.
a liiisiness 1 1-i 1 . I . ..ii-.i
! A. I.. Mclulosh rcl limed the hrst
lr. Wall Newsoni was over from ( ,,f tin- week frolii 1'ortlaiid where he
l.Hl.UaW vlalting- hi parents a few j was called lijr The llln?-f uf his sister.
days thin Week, i Hi- left yesterday tor hi stock
p -yi g. -v- v V W
I'.rurelirny returned Momlay from.
Mllllf.'lrt Wllt'll' )' ll.'li lieeli spending
Several ilfijH Willi I lii politicians.
.Mt'X 111 11 II. will) IS 111 llll' KI'HHUl .
mercantile businetis at Sisters, wiihK
III town a few ilii vk during tin past j?
1 1 'v
.. 1.1. m .... 1 &
.Ml .IIIO. I.. .-illlji 1 mm ..tin. j!T . . j. j. A 3
Amanda Coins are I la recent happy " -
purchnscrs of U'utiUful pianos from 1 Our car of fani-.v seed potatoes, is
i i.' i here. All persons wishing In raist' a
If you are Buying Beef
by the Quarter
It will pay you to see the
Tlir.v liavt' IIii'Ih-sI aililrlii'ai'i'Ht
rrvltm at 1l- fii'ib liiiiii i l.uri h
iuexl Sunday as fnllowg: SunJay j
school M a. ui.: Subject for 11 a. ui. 1
The Kenonal.ilii!W of Kalth." '
! Chri-tlau Einl.'.ivi.r H;:i. SuliJvt i
for7::W: 'Tin Wiililiun al ('.-ilia."!
.Souifople niv linrii bllml. Smut; j
. i,.. i of. ..1 ij- I-- ' iy--J-rrxsttirrVtr ,
to uiiini n ni
, ll.i- u li. 1 fail to tl ... :.. .. .. 1 1.-. il, T
uuurair "i'"" ; ui irji III oil'. Hrm hit wt
ie- thi itoiHl WrMaiii'i offeiwl am ir
Olovtr & Starr -n-ush urmt-ry. W
. itlimu fnllllW. ( tit
1 in
I-. M. Hi-ilUell. aflrr vi-iillliil hi
i pan-uu ninl tl-t-i her- f.rt- a udy,
I left yeslerilay aHern...n ii'l Fort
llaml on his way i.j hii home In
i Crook comity. All. any lleiiihl.
1 ..1... .... c lu.ut 1.. .ii-ii.t miii 14
11 tun i.i m " " t mi
Di, u t fall to trv il
seed In any croji.
our pare Early Kose HiiU burbank
aeedllliJi jotatoi'. Time enoUifh to
plant anytime In May. lor 4
Our New No. 5 Oliver Gang Plow
1U . . m
w 51 Imoroved tduoD rnonograc
and Gold Molded Recordt
The W1NNEK & CO.
PrilieViile Aiteills
It's llit Iwst there is
and wealwn vs have il
U. 1. Adamsou & Co
C. A. ( lmmller, Kaslern
vprt'Kentative ol the Milder
a I you ran liny
No. 1 i-eilnr iloiiin full size sliH-k for
1.7fi at A. II. l.imnn & Co. Ask
1 1n- flealiTH for prices.
Ike Waril. who has Imi-ii ill with
itervoiiK prosl ration for I lie past
two witkw, in imii'li Improved and
will noon he out of doors naln.
Iiou't Ht'll.vonr i'tsmn and polatoes
mil il yon see (Jlover & Starr. They
are always In tin morkel and pay
tin liixht"! miirket priee.
Dr. mid Mrs. C. A. ('line and
daimhter. Mrs. M. S. Tlntler, aiv
..I.,. i- i'i-iiiii the former's r.'ineli at
('line 1'hIIs in spend tin wiek in (ho!
.11. v.
Omar Claypool, I'anpiar Xh-ltae
Mini II. A. KoNtor went down to the
lieseliiiti'M Sunday on a lisliins trip.
They i-oturneil with a strlni;' of over
iMIl Irolll wlili'li is the Jit cateh
lui-ue i-nni on a few aercs of roiinil,
should not fall to try ihem. Early
Hose and P.urlirnk Heedlluns.
(il.. vet & Starr.
Kor the lii-Kt sewiutf maehine madi'
So to A. II. Eippman & Co. bo no)
liny from ani-nts. I anarantet' my
priee to lie lower. I'ememher you
liny a I home, when liuylmr from me.
I lick Vandevert was in town Tues
day from the ranehal I'owelir.iittes.
The Vandeverls have Juki linlslied
Heeding :"!(l fieres of land I here to a
variety of smins.
Those who attended the rial)
dance at Athletic hall lust Saturday
evenlnji enjoyed the liesl orchestra
music which has heeu heard here
this season. It. K. Scott's clarinet
nccolupanlment was highly appre
ciated. The orchestra whik com
posed of the followinu-: Miss Keulah
Crooks, piano; A. II. Kennedy,
C J. Simpson, a t.rnlher of K. E.
Slniif-ou of this cllv, wu In frlue.
F'-itaiaOWBta vHli- this we.-k from Sewurd. Alaska.
Q E CREAM and uf whei-e he Is in the employ of the
0i -. fold Soda liAlanka Central Kailroad Compuny.
3f j The latter coiiipany owns lmt 4.
ICu il. there is Kf ' ...n . . . r i;.... .1... ...; .nt..i...
li " ; UiiuiieHt.i iiui. inn i in. i. .....UK Miii.i.i
i and wealwnys have il U i iu w,,.u t .M-aied ulvtMlt a heavy
ijj lonnavt'i.' In proporthm to its lenxth.
,J! The road Is now IjcIiik projeiieu
fBiSpa I ( ,,.. ,., ... I,'.. I il.i. n L-u i. rlct.
I.lllllll. I.IP.I.I .......
Oregon j KOld district w hich lx" nttractln-f
Si'Winx Iconslderulile attention. Mr. Simp-
Machine Company, is in the city son nun been at so warn tor ine past
from The UalleB In the Interests of j year wheiv. he said, he had xrowu
his company. He was accompanied j accustomed to days of live ami six
hy Will IVriy and V. II. Hlm-low. i hours length. He left yesterday on
; his return trip.
Corwiii I'arnelt. cashier of tin'!
Wasco hank, was in tin city Mmi- ! . .
... ' , , . , Fine Piano Purchased,
day from asco. He came here to,
1.,..- I.......u fin. I .miiniied his ll'ili The Crook CoimtV lllull School
on into Klamath and Lake counties j lias just purchased a handsome!
to look over the st. K-k there. pin no from Mr. 15. I'. Scott , who is !
j now iu town sellin Ellers line of
WiiH it II vile Is iilauuinir to leave i , , , ... ... I
iu a few weeks for the Nevada Kohl
hinh jirade insl ruinents.
When litted with the N. C. 12 bottoms this plow will scour in the stickiest ground. The
adjustable Irame combines a 12, 14 and 16 inch gang plow in one Irame and can be
lilted lor 2 or 3 base. This leature has many advantages, one ol which is that you
can always adjust your plow to the team instead ol being compelled to get team enough
lields to spend the summer. He In
tends to turn his vacalion Into a
prospivtinn; nip and will o from
here to Manhattan, the newest
I'iiiim in the soul h western part of
the siate
A new suction saw-dust feeder Is
I lielnii installed this week at the
I Shipp Ai I'erry planning mill. A 3fi
I Inch fan draws the saw dust anil
jfdinvlnss from Itenealh the planer
' and these are carrie.1 ny Hie HtroiiK.Jii
i draft throiiKh tin pipe to the fur- i H
1 nace where they lake the place of j j!
! other fuel in ueueratiny: sieam. As j
soon as possible Hie feed pipes will i J
1 1... ..i 1...I lit,.'el 1. I tlel' i 5
III- rlli'ii'i' " ' ", n -n
more of the loose materia
Teams Wanted.
To put in from TMMMMI to l.lluo.lMMl
find of loys. tiooil level ground.
I.ous to lie hauled from to of a
mile. Call r address. Hawkins
Uros.. l'rineville, hvifon.
1 1
Srl3Sl33n jl.A&AAAAAA
None Uettfl'
in the Land
I). I'. A DAMSON iv I'O.
MO'Neil Bakery
j1 In the Miller Building
vprineville-Shaniko Stage Line
I'resh I'.iead. l'les and Cakes
alway on hand.
Pastry of all kinds made to
Daily Between Prinevllle and Shanlko
Leaves Shaniko, (i p. m. Arrives at Prineville 0 a. in.
Leaves Prinevillo 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko I a. m.
which has I n made so far . his ! violin, Frank Henry, cornel, A.m.,.., I xren,..,, ,o ,,...... s 1 .--uin-- . f , .MM)!JI First Class
st,)M i Crooks, bass; It. I'. Scotf. clarlnel . i more of the loose material. . . Lijzfcrijp - - - -
From Forty-Fourth Annual Statement
achiasetts Motua! Life Insurance Company
Springfield, Massachusetts
DECEMBER 31, 1905. Tolal Receipts lor year, Premiums. Inleresl.
Rcjitals and etc. - -
's.irnli.i! rvlnmM-l In nalicv luililcrs iii Annual Dividend
Total payment lo policy holders lor 1905, including Annual Dividend.
r. . . i . i r i . i , tA or.n iAA 7 .. ....... .hw.iic und nlher lile insurance comuanies havina their charter Irom
Ueath Uauns, Matured endowments anu eic. - - ".""i "1MU,U"""' ",' ",, ;. .... ti in i , I l,
rommissi'ins. Salaries. Printino. Stationery. Advertising and other thai state are required to disburse annually, holdtng as reserve $1.10 ol assets lor each
Accounts - - - - ' '- - $1,292,997.44 dollar ol liability, and no more..' ARTHUR W fl OTHIFR
unuer me raniuui non-i uncuuic ui ...i .....
Ladies' Shoes
The above is a cut of one of ouf Mayer Shot oa
which we are making a special price of $2.85.
This Shoe is Equal in every respect toj most
shoes sold for $3.50. All sizes 2 1-2 to 7.
Send us your mail orders; if the shoe is not per
fectly satisfactory it may be returned.
J. E. Stewart & Co.
A wiMhllnjr of interest to I lie many
friends and aciuainl ances of the
liride and groom was solemnized
last Sunday afternoon when Miss
Winnie ('line, daiinliler of Ir. and
Mrs. C. A. ( line was united in mar-1
rlap' to Ralph .Ionian. The cere
money was performed hy County
.IuiIki W. A. I'.ellal the residents of
the liride's parents near the lower
liridne on I lie Deschutes and was
witnessed by a niimlier of liieiids
and relatives of I he couple.
The ceremony was read at :t
o'clock, Max Wurzweiler acllnw as
lnKl man and Miss Celia Nelms as
lirides maid. I'.olh I lie liride and
lirldesniald carried lioipiets of car
nations and roses.
! The you i ik couple relur I Sunday
evening to rrineville where I hey will
continue to reside. The liride, who
accomplished daughter of lr. and
Mrs. (.'. A. ('line, has lived In I'rine-
ville the el'e.ller DMCl of llcr life. l'C-
Iceivlnji her educalioii lure and al
i St Mary's Academy in The Dulles.
i Mr. .Ionian is in the employ of1
Wurzweiler Thomson and has i
j rived in I'riiii'ville several years..
I coining I o I his ril.v from Minneapo-;
lis when' lie formerly lived. The
yollllji couple were the recipients of
j it liirp' iiuiuUer of presents ainonn
which were the following: Silver
! pie set . M is, I'inller; oiaiige sel. Mr.
ami Mrs. Crank Walts: commode,
j C. T. Iliggins: tray clolli. Mrs. C S.
I Edwards: range. Wurzweiler A
j Thoiusoii; cake sland. Mrs. Thron
Isou: salad dish, Mr. and Mis.
I Culler: Morris chair. Max Wurz
weiler, Hay Kinney: picture. Oliver
Adams: luirnt work. Celia Nelms;
tea sel, Mrs Delknap: pie plates,
(ierlrudc Sharp, frank foster;
bread and l.uller plates. Maliel
O'Kelley; coffee s lis. A. .1. Kalpli;
Olive dish, Iv.-i I'.oolh; hook. S. Iv
West; cake slaml. Mrs. Nichols;
Indian pursi liegiua Smilh: sugar
shell, Mr. and Mrs. i. W. ('line;
sugar howl and creamer. Mr. ami
j.Mrs. Hideout: a ler set . .1 ohii How
ard.Alls'i t Drivcr:'cracker jar, Mrs.
! Wurzweiler. Arthur Wurzweiler.
Sf t7 T T4 tT ?4 T Ti T T T T T ?i ?4 T T
Some Things We Have to Show You
I T. I
l W
New Clothing
W'o have just rcc'i cd a fine lino of
liiglt rnidc Tailor-Made Clothing.
Kverv gariiicnt is lifitnl niadc ami
Hewed with silk thread . Come in and
nee tliein. They have that individti
alitv that disliiigiiishes the hand
tailored garment from the coniinon
t'aetorv made kind.
Gents, Dress Shoes
48 tlo.en pairs just received. All
of this Spring's styles in all sizes and
This is absolutely the most com
plete assortment of (ients' tine shoes
ever shown in the city.
Our stock of men's heavy shoes and
Ladies, Missos and Childrens shoes is
also complete, and our prices are right.
ir-. i
i v i
IBurbank Potatoes I
I We have just m-eived a car
j'jjl load of linrliauk Seedlings.
iTjl I'ari ies wisliing simI potatis's
I rv
I kvTI
I T.
IkT. I
I .T
Gents' Furnishings
We have just received direct from
the factory, dozen (Jeuts' Negligee
and (Jolf Shirts, all late patterns, in
cluding coat shirts.
The swellest line of Gents' Hoisery
ever shown in J'rineville.
Dress and Work Gloves
Kverything in Men's W'orkiti'.
Hrivifig Gloves.
Lailies Hress Gloves in dressed kid
and mocha.
Summer Underwear
For Men
An enormous line of men's sum
mer underwear, all weights and kinds
in prices ranging from $1.00 to $5.00
per suit.
Summer Underwear
For Women
A complete line Ladies' Summer
Tin. let-wear. iiicludiiiL' even'thliia in
muslin underwear.
Come in and look over our New bpnng
Goods. We shall be glad to show them m
to vnn whftthfir VOU buv or not U4
-"' J " .... - - j - I c
The General Furnishing Store
will do well .
ill Oil IIS.
a ai v & r