Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 19, 1906, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal
- STLFFA & BAILEY. Publisher
PlUl.ltiHIl) K V K V T H V K H l A Y
SuWcriptiaa $1.50 Par Vr Ik Attiel
Wineville, Oregon, April 19, 1906.
M. II. Biggs lias returned from si
liriet visit in Portland.
W. C. Conglcton, of Paulina,
was down troin his stock ranch
last Saturday.
L. S. Logan and daughter, Miss
Wanda, left the first of the week
for Portland.
A twelve pound girl wan horn to
the wife of Eletcher J. Lively hist
Saturday morning.
Frank Elkins, republican can
didate for the nomination for
(sheriff, spent the lust of the week
in the city.
Alhert Kitching is in the city
from Portland. He will begin
shipping sheep about the first of
next month.
J. H. Haner. republican candi
date for the nomination for eounty
clerk returned Monday from a
trip in the western part of the
Kiir Hue candles, tobaeeos, clears
and fruits, we linve them. Clover &
A. kih' W'il-oii. :i Porll:tiid
, attorney, was in the ilv (In- fust
. . t . . .. i. i . . . ii i .
t oi iue weeK n w:iv 10 in'im hi, . .
Si Hodge tor Sheriff,
' look after the prniM-rlv interests .of .
ii. i I o I he 1 1 ' M 1 1 1 1 li ; i M nlers of rook
j A. M. Drake which be represents.; Iv. , ,,,.,. ,iie nomination to
j The Journal is in receipt of a' "iee ... Sheriff of (rook county
h i i , n . I I j 1 1 n I miiI, mil herewith mv name fo
Ismail mail sack full of garden I ...
I 17 ' coll!' .-.itlMlili.ii I ii it) nt tin iiHtimi'v
.... I . .i . i .... . . i i
sccis irom in
Candidates Column JONATHAN BOURNE, Jr.
i full of garden I
i ...... ... ..ti
department oi i(.,,r,il(11 A.j j,, ,,,. , IHk .,,
Agriculture which have In ch sent vour hands a direful eonsiderat ion
to this ollice for fret? distribution I of my iinlifli-nt ion anil If in your!
opinion I tun enpahle and wortliv i
resptvtfully solieit your hii ppi rt .
S. K. IIoi.gks, I'rinevllle.
by Senator !earin. The latter
requests in return for the favor
that the seeds be given as gen-
.. l -i:..4-:l....: . . .1... ..
en. uiniiiouiiini unions ,nc i.imi- W. W. Brow. fr Sheriff.
: -i . : i i i . . . i. :
...g c.sse as possioie, mui iu mi" , To t he Itepnbli. n n voters of ( rook
end I he Journal asks that those j enmity: I hereliy tuniouiice my can
desiring the sample packages call tllilac.v for the id nuiti.-i t hi to tin
at. thin office where the seeds will ti.-c of Sheriff of Crook county at
the April primaries anil respectfully
solicit your support.
V. YV. lino w.n. Cross Keys
Keeps the Itest of
Lard, Cheese and Honey J
Walter Foster, who has been
spending the past winter with his
mother at Long Beach, Cal., is in
the city on a visit with his rela
tives here.
G. N. Clifton spent the greater
part of the week it northern Crook
county in the interests of his
campaign for the nomination for
county treasurer.
Dr. C. A. Scott and Prof. A. C.
Abshire returned Sunday evening
from Silver Lake where they have
been spending the past two weeks
on a business visit.
A few years ago Baker county
was deeper in debt than Grant
county. Now the former in clear
of indebtedness and Grant county
has a total debt of over ll'Jfi,-
1). (j. Rogers and family, who
have been visiting with relatives at
. the Blevins ranch on the Ocjioco
the past three weeks, returned to
the city Monday on their way to
their home at Culver. k
K. T. Slay ton last week delivered
125 head of feeders at Slianiko
for the Union Meat Company of
Portland. The cattle were alfalfa
fed beeves and in prime condition,
the meat company paying $1.25
for the bunch.
Miss Myrtle Bantu was united
in marriage to Henry Parrish at
Hay Creek Thursday evening,
April 12. The Rev. V. P. Jinnct,
pastor of the Methodist church of
this city performed the ceremony
in the presence of a number of in
vited relatives and guests.
Win. Combs and wife returned
the last of the week from Hav
Creek. At the latter place they
saw the new imported Shire horses
which J. G. Edwards bought
while in England a short time ago
and had shipped to his Crook
county ranch. The stock is some
of the finest which could be hail in
England. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards
have spent the past six months
visiting there and in Wales ami on
the continent.
L. K. Allingham was in the city
several days during the week fro.n
his rauch on the Matoles. Mr.
Allingham returned only & short
time ago from The Dalles where he
says there is considerable talk re
garding the survey being made by
the 0. R. A N. up the canyon of
the Deschutes. It is understood
the latter route will be run up the
water grade of the canyon for a
considerable distance before an
attempt in made to bring the line
onto the table land above.
Examinations for forest rangers
will be held at Prineville, Port
land and Roseburg on May 11.
Supervisor A. S. Ireland of this
city has received information con
cerning Ihe examinations which it
will be necessary for all those de
siring a position in the forestry,
service to take. Ten men w ill be
apiHiinted to the service in the
Blue Mountain Reserve and two in
Maury, Crook county residents
standing a good chance to till the
new offices which have been
created. The age limit is 40 and
21 the minimum. 1
be given them. Each large pack- i
age contains five smaller ones in I
which are lettuce, radish, musk
melon, parsley and okra seeds.
Henry Smith, who was recently
awarded a grading contract on the
North Bank road, writes nis father,
Sheriff Smith, that the contract in
cludes the removal of some 70,
000 yards of rock. The contract
bid was 80 cents per yard and the
total amount which will he paid
by the railroad company will
approximate $56,000.00. Henry
Smith's partner in Ihe contract
was injured recently in a powder
explosion while engaged in some
tunnel work and is now confined
in a hospital. As a result of his
injuries the principal part of the
supervision of the grading work
will fall to Mr. Smith.
It is expected that arrangements
will he completed before long for
The Dalles Invineihles baseball
team to play a series of several
games in Prineville probably some
time next month. The Dalles j
club has written to those in charge
here and is anxious to arrange the
games. The latter team will also
put on a minstrel for two nights
while here to defray the expenses
of the twelve players who come
with the team. The minstrel,
which the club1 is now giving in
The Dalles and surrounding points,
is receiving some very flattering
notices and is said to be one of the
best amateur productions on the
.W. II. Birdsong left Tuesday
for the Deschutes" Reclamation
company's camp near Long Butte
where work on the canal line was
resumed this week. The company
expects to finish the main canal
line in various places and con
structing laterals. A short flume
will also be built and the flume
which feeds the canal from the
river will be overhauled. It is
belieed that with the extra work
which has been laid out brought
to completion the main canal will
carry nearly double its present
vohimn of water. Application will
be made this year for patent to the
lands under the ditches and it is
understood that Special Inspector
Mayberry, who is now in the city,
will visit the company's tract and
make his report to the Washing
ton authorities relative to the
work which has been done.
B. F. JohatM for Sheriff.
To the Kepiihlican Voters of ('rook
County: 1 hereby announce myself
camliiliite for nomination to the
otlice of Sheriff of Crook County
subject to the decision of the Kcpuli
llciin voters at the primary election
in April at, mm.
B. F. Johnson, Prlnevlllt1
Jacob Stroud for Sheriff.
To Ihe iH'inocrntie voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce m vself a
candidate for the nomination to the
office of Sheriff of Crook county
Oregon, mibject to the decision of
the Democratic voter of the coimtv
at the primary election to be heli
April 20, l'.MHS.
.Iacoh Stroud, Laiuonta.
Frank Elkint for Sheriff.
hereby announce myself as
candidate for nomination to the
ollice of Sheriff of Crook county
subject to the decision of the Ite
publican voters at the primaries
April 20, l'JOli,
I'ha.nk Ki.kixh, Madras.
Immense Power from Deschutes.
Contracts have been let for
building what will be one of the
largest power development plants
in the state, on the Deschutes
River, at a point near Shear
bridge, about .'50 miles south from
The Dalles. This project, which is
under direction of the Interior
Development Company, contem
plates the development of 50,000
horsepower for the generotion of
electricity, and it will cost in the
neighborhood of $2(X),000.
A. Welch, of Portland, is presi
dent of the Interior Development
Company, which was incorporated
recently, and E. P. McCornack, of
Salem, is secretary. Mr. Welch
has just returned from the site of
the proposed power plant, accord
ing to the Telegram, and says that
the contract for all work has been
awaaded to Van Dyne A: Brown, of
the Tygh Valley Company, and a
force of men has already begun
building bunkhouses and tool
sheds, preparatory to starting the
construction of the dam across the
Deschutes. When all is in readi
ness, all the available labor in that
section will be put to work on the
big dam.
Mr. Welch would say nothing
concerning the plans of his com
pany as to the distribution of the
power to he generated, saying they
were indefinite as yet, but it is
understood it will be utilized for
electric railway and lighting pro
jects in contemplation in the sec
tion tributary to the stream and
within 50 miles of the power plant.
Sam Collini for Sheriff.
To the Kc publican voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce myself a
candidate for nomination to the
ollice of Sheriff of Crook county sub
Ject to t he decision of the Republican
"voters at the primary election on
April 211, 1!M)(i.
Sam Com, ins, I'rinevllle
J. M. Street Candidate for Sheriff. .
To the Democratic voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce myself a
candidate for the nomination to the
ollice of Shcril! of this couutv on the
Democratic ticket and respectfully
HHk the support of the party voters
at the coining; primary election to be
held April 20.
.1. M. Nthkkt, Prineville
W. T. E. Wilson Candidate for Sheriff.
To the Republican voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce myself a
candidate for nomination to the
ollice of sheriff of Crook County sub
j.H't to the decision of the Republi.
can voters at the primary election
on April 20, l!KHi.
VY. T. K. Wilson, Sisters.
J. H. Haner for County Clerk.
I o Ihe Republican voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce my can
uniacy ior me republican nomina
tion for the ollice of county clerl
under the direct primary law, sub
ject to the decision of the voters.
.1. If. I Ian Kit, Prineville.
Wm. Johnson for County Clerk.
The undcvHiK'Ucd, respectfully pn
senls his name to the republican
voters of Crook county Oregon, as a
candidate to (lie ollice of County
(Icrkat. the primary election April
20, l'.NMi, ,
Wm. Johnson,
M. H. Bell for County Treaiurer.
To the Democratic voters of Crook
county: I hereby announcejuysi'lf a
candidate for the democrat ic nomi
nation for county treasurer before
the direct primary election on April
-t. M. 11. 11km, Prineville.
G. N. Clifton for County Treaiurer.
To ihe Republican voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce myself a
candidate for the nomination to the
ollice of County Treasurer on the
Republican ticket and ask the
support of tilt- party voters at the
primary election April 20.
H. X. Ci.ikton.
W. F. King for County Treasurer.
1 hereby announce to the Repub
lican voters of Crook county my
ftindidiic.Y for the nomination to the
ollice of County Treasurer ami
respectfully solicit their support at
the primaries to be held on April 20,
W. l Kino, Prineville.
T. H. Lafollette for County Coauuuioaer.
I hereby announce to the Demo
cratic voters of Crook count my
candidacy to the ufltx of County
Commissioner on the . Democratic
ticket subject to the decision at the
Primaries April 20.
T. II. Lakou.ktt, Prineville.
Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable
A happy home is the most valuable
possession that is within the reach of
mankind, but yon cannot enjoy its
comforts if yon are suffering from rheu
matism. You throw aside business
cares when vou enter vour home and
you can 1k relieved from those rheu
matic, pains also by applying Cliam
iH'rlain's Pain Halm. One application
will Rive you relief and its continued
use for a short time will bring about a
permanent cure. For sale by D. Y
-'. V,
-J . V
if ".'
Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines
Republican Candidate for United States Senator
Jonathan Ronnie, Jr., candidate before the Republican primarlci for the
nomination of, United States Senator In congress, for the lon)" term, coiu-incncinft-
March 4, liH)7, was born In New Bedford, .Mass., February 2M, 1S35,
was a member of the class of 1877 at Harvard University; came to Portland
May Hi, 1S7S; was a Republican member of the Oregon Legislature In the
session of lss.1, and the extra session of INSft; was one of Ort'Kon's delegates
to the Republican National Convention of lfiSS, and Oivft'on's nieml)er of
the Republican National Committee from 1SSH to 1S92, ami a (lele?nte to
the Republican National Convention of 1S92. and was elected ns a Mitchell
Republican to the Oregon legislature in IStHi.
Mr. Ronnie has been more prominently Identified with the development
of the mineral resources of Oregon than any other man in the stale, having
expended in the last 20 years over $1,000,000 of his ow n money in the Requi
sition and development of Oregon mines.
While Mr. Bourne has had his residence and main otlice in l'ortland since
1H7S, he lias hail another otlice at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried on
the business of his father's estate since 18X!I, which makes him familiar with
many of the large interests ami leading" men in the East. These qualifi
cations, in luinjuuctiim vith his energy, originality, executive ability and
experience in business ami political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for
ma king an able and influential senator for the state of Oregon.
Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the people
over t heir government as far as possible, lfe was one of the leading spirits
In the Dilative ami Referendum movement from ISlHi until It was approved
by Ihe voters at the June election ill l!H2. In 1!W4 he was n member of the
executive committee of the Direct Primary Nomination League, anil holds
the same position witli the People's I'ower League at this time. In all
these movements he has been one of the few to guarantee the necessary
expenses of preparing and proposing their measures to the people.
He says that the choice of United States Senator should lie by direct vote
of the people, and that the legislature should be compelled to elect the man
I he people select. To accomplish this result, hols clmmploning statement
No. I of the primary elections law as the only method by which public
opinion may be crystallized and made effective upon the legislature.
In his petition lor nomination he says:
"II I am nominated and elected, I will, during my lerm ol ollice, lavor
"Republican Politics.
"Amending National Constitution lor Peoples Election ol United Slates
"Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
"National Control ol Corporations in Interstate Commerce.
"Rigid Exclusion ol Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages Make Good
"Legal Limitation Hours lor Salety on Railroads.
Parcels Post, Including Rural Delivery.
'.'Pure Food Laws.
"Liberal Appropriations lor Panama Canal, Coast Delenses, River and
Harbor' Improvements, including Columbia and Willamette Rivers,
Coos, Yaquina and other Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Government
Canal at Oregon City.
"Fair Share ol Irrigation Fund lor Oregon.
"Loyal Support lor Successful Candidates.
"Rigid Enlorcemcnt Statement One.
"Roosevelt lor Second Elective Term.
"I desire that the lollowing statement be printed alter my name on the
nominating ballot:
Expense Stops When Engine
is Closed Down.
2 to 6 Horse-Power Engine
and any style Pump in Stock
Write for Catalogue and Prices
1st and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon
The Biggest,
Most Complete
The Cheapest
Line of S-"
In the County
Can Be Seen and
Bought at the Store of
BjcaiiaBatjii jc at: Jiac jc jest xasjaa2Mjaiei&aeaeii3u
Spring Styles in Millinery
Newest style Sailors and latest designs from the best houses
II we have nothing in stock to suit you, we will make to your
Order, Ribbon by the bolt lor lancy work. Flowers lor
McCali s Patterns, 10 and IS Cents
C. A. Johns for Governor.
IHwNlr: Oregon U n large state
ami 1 fear that time will not permit
lue to visit .vour eounty. M ill uo so
if possible.
Have maile a hard tight for this
nomination, ami should KnsternOre-
K'on in which I have lived for eigh
teen years, sh" me loyal support, I
will lie nominated. - This is her
political opportunity, and 1 trust
that you will see your way elenr to
assist me.
State l?auk Kxamliier.
Hive Primary Iiw fair trial.
lllsh sense of otllcial honor. I
I.iliernl support to and high I
standard of education. i
Kich and poor will revel ve alike
courteous treatment.
With Koosevelt on railroad legis
lation and labor quest ion.
Otlice of Land Avnt must lie
above suspicion and without
t'raiu-hises should pay reasonable
ta. hx press and similar eauipan
j ies should pay tax on itross earning
in wtftte. . V. A. Johns.
Trespass Notice.
the Deschutes Irrigation A
Power .Company, duly organized
under the lows of the State of Ore
gon, hereby gives notice that thev
have exclusive control of all seg
regated lands under the Carey act
in Crook county under the Pilot
Butte and Central Oregon canals,
operating under contract with the
State of Oregon, and hereby
notifies all persons that on and
after this date it is positively for;
bidden to allow horses, cattle,
sheen or hogs .to cross any of the
segregated lands of this company;
j to range thereon or allow anv
is a
Restaurant and Lunch Room
J'or jCadies and Sentlemen
TIfeals and 33akerg Jlunch
Bord by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Ticket, $4.00
i151E2i5Pf!P-1Pirir!lPf1,r,rK'" BfM?aBar.arar.araf;aMaBi!a
A I F mm A t m m m mm a . - . . I f.
Bend Livery & Transfer Company
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Run in Connection with the Bend Liry Stables
Oj o Oft V
SAanAo, Oragon
j stock to jHilute the waters of any
canals or laterals of this company
under penalty of the law. .
Redmond, Or., March 27, ltfOti.
. Deschutes Irrigation A Power
" Company.
D. I. A P. Setti ers' Assn.,
' . C. F. Jackson, Secy.
General Storage, Forwarding
A X 1)
Commission Merchants
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire,
Xails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur,
Wool and Grain, Sacka and Twine, Grain and Feed.
Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White
River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour, Highest price
paid for Hides and Pelts.
Special Attention is paid to Wool Grading and
Raling for Eastern Shipments.
Stock Yards with all the latest
for Handling Stock.
and Iwst facilities
Soods in Care
i. 4