CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK STEFFA4BAILEY, Publishers Kmert'd t the v uc t o rti v hi I' r t it v i 1 1 o . (irfitn, n High Grade Pianos and Organs.' It. K. .Suit, r-M.H-i III iny; Lilers : COUNTY Piano Hoiie, ihe lurji.-.-t a ltd ' projires-iv house of tin- kiml in the Northwest, has reecnllv ar rived in Princvi!le ami for a short ! II 'I - C ! H 1 ; lit II I 1 1 . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably In Advance time only W i I offer to 1 It" people One Ytutr .'. fl.."m six Motitli 75 cts j of Crook county rare bargains in Three Montiia. .. MUn Single 'o.iw 5 els j grH, j,ian0j alu organs. Mr. Scott comes well recoin- Ad vert Islnn Ratas: Iislr Iv.-rtiitine II . . 7' i irtim iii vnt in runlmi; to lime ml j uptce. Iak-I l.00 pi-r Im h. Hitiiii. l nl- 5 ci'iiei ht iin.-. Car.l of 1 Imnkx 1.. ' llieilileil. lias st complete line of 4-4 Rmulittiniu of Condoleme 11.50. "Wnt"f 'lxl". nr. ml iiikI "Ktry" Notice I win '"r,l-j ,1;lkcs of the best pianos the collll-' 'try proiluecs, ami will Hell at j I'orl land's lowest prices, either for cash or on easy installments, lie j does his ow n tleliveriiif; of instru ! ineiits and lias a very complete outfit for lout; hauls into interior ; points. Published Kvery Tlturfiiiy at tlie Jotnnal It it i 1 il i n g , V r i n e v i 1 1 e , Ore go u THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1906 Mi & fM fiSPRING STYLESi Ready for Your Inspection fts Wc invite the interest and inspection of all who are interested m in neve itlt fn- 1 li 'ki,-5 n u 'i ml iininHi' Ui:i" in i w iiv rnj iv.t hm tai'i tvi wiiiiiijivi ? m Now EXTRA Ahout next Siitunlay some of j them will wish they hadn't done it. ; Friday always was an unlucky j day anyway, . The direct primary has had at leant one beneficial effect in Crook j Second earthquake at o'clock county. The constant coining and I Wednesday afternoon felt over going; of the candidates hustling j entire state, totally destroying the for the nomination. has packed cities of Berkeley, San l)ieo, and the roads down to a rock hot torn ! Santa Rosa. Dead now estimated tin from The Dalle Chronicle I finish. The promised constitutional amendment for the popular elec tion of senators, advanced by Morris of Nebrarka last, week in his coinmitte report, will, if steps are taken towards that end, he the signal for a mighty array of op position on the part of the rail roads, truHiH and Standard Oil representatives who form t n e majority in the halls of "our highest national legislative corpse. For the people to again have control of the chief law making body, as they did about 100 years ago when politics wax in its infancy and virtuous, would be an in delicate stroke against our gentile corruptionists. Morris's idea meets with happy accord among the American people who, in the majority of instances, would like to he the real owners of themselves and public institutions, a con dition negative at the present time. WILLIS S. DUNIWAY ! Candidate for State Printer; At Republican Primary, April 20, 1906 j "I liereliv lileilire to I lie ticiilile of! . j ""e "i pianos compile (),,.,, , ,., j..,v..,t iv. I mi ion of tliej sllcll Well-klloWII ami reliable clioniiou cost of I lie olliee. if elected, j Thur.d.y: Apr. 19, 2:30 p. m. I Bulle-' k(li ( ,)(. uv( C1)i,.k(,ri tiitil I ilecliire iijhiii ih.v that I : Schumann, Uster. Clarendon etc., H"a" w"'k h"r "' l"'n"'te old ... , dlniKcH of lite oltiee nor eilK'lKe ill and prices anil terms are the verv , . , , ,i ' 1 - new sclii'ines to loot the ircasurx 't,w,'H'- Willis S. IliiniWH.v. It will pay anyone wishing toj "Willis S. Dunlwn.v is n man of invent it i'ii n instrument to call on i-Hterliii Integrity and t liii-.iiih or write I , S.-.n' , I,,.: v ,. ' k no wlede of I he .rilll ill I Mtsii.ess." hotel, I'rineville, and investigiUe what he is able to tlo in the way of quality, prices ami terms. at .'J5(X). l'rojierty loss in San Francisco estimated at. 2')0.(HX), (XX). Not a single bu-iness house remains in the Kay City. Fire has spread into the resident dis trict. City is doomed. Fire is completing the destruc tion in the three cities visited by disaster ves tenia v. ; Porrliiud I,;ilxir Press. Summer Sheep Range. GOOD PLACE FOR FUND. No better disposition of the funds accumulating from the issuance of hunter's licenses than is suggested in the following letter which upieare(l in Monday's Ore goman. The argument advanced for the surplus funds being used by the counties in which they origi nate is a strong one from any side from which it may be viewed: In the past three months I have traveled over a considerable por tion of the Willamette Valley and have talked to a great many fur mers and sportsmen, both in Port land and other Valley towns in re gard to our game laws. All are agreed that the game la ws should he amended, that the $1 gun license should ,-reniaiu in the County Treasurer's olliee and be the property of euch County Court lor bounties on coyotes, cougars wildcats, skunks, owds, crows kingfishers and hawks. It is also agreed that a law be passed re quiring the County Courts of the Willamette Valley counties to pay a reasonable bounty on all these destructive animals and birds. In other words, this would allow the counties of the Willamette Valley to make up and pay the balance on bounties that the gun license lacked in paying. If we had such a law, hundreds of farm ers who do not do so would tak out gun licenses, as they wouli get the fl back as protection to their sheep, goats, chickens, geese. ducks and pigs. 1 he spoilsmen would he benefited by protecting the game in their receiving lift cents bounty -on a kingfisher. In one year 1. believe the farmer boys and hunters would kill everv kingfisher in the Williamettc Valley. It is a well-known fact that these birds destroy more trout in one year than all the naning wiiii hook and line. I bo coyotes, bobcats and cougars de stroy annually hundreds ot deer, pheasant and grouse, besides thousands of dollars' worth of domestic animals and birds. It goes without saying that the crow destroys thousands of China phea sants and native pheasants annu ally by eating the eggs and young birds when hatched. This is' well known by all farmers familiar with the habits of crows. It ii conceded that the Willam ette Valley annually produces over I10(),(XJ0 worth of mohair, and I his- could in five years be multi plied by five, if it were not for the coyote and wildcat. This will apply as well to sheep, except that the goats are kept more in the timlx'r and brush thah sheep are. Now these are only a small per centage of the facts along these lines, and we farmers and sports men want notice taken of these serious facts by our Representa tives and Senators. In fact, it should be made an' issue in this campaign. One of the wealthiest farmers in Yamhill County re cently said that he would lie in favor of paying $1(X) bounty on j each coyote and that it would be economy, and he did not have a rheep or goat. Of course it would not be necessary for such a bounty as that, hut it ought to be large enough to pay to keep dogs that ma' a' sta :;n.-i - Kvery available vehicle is being j ,V,(y ,,, t),, , ( Th- Fint pressed into service m f nsco to j .it;,,nl ,, in - i .. I convey residents out of the city. A. H. Llppimiu & Co. have received ! The W. V. it C. M. Wagon tl new shipment uf I iiiveiHttl muxes, i 0ad Company will issue grass We are now able to deliver these, , ' I'leuMiit kooiIk at once. lease on large tracts for summer range Hi the Horse Heaven conn try (Townships 14-1 5-18) and other portions of the grant in Crook county. For full particu i i . liirs ;;T'.V l" I Dl'SiMV Mai I.KOD, Sfntf nfOmmi, nt tin- . ril (i, WOO. KrsoillTrs: IioatiH himI 'lisciHinii. s l!is.o;',.0i I K on 1 1 ;if U, HtTureil hihI unsrriM'i'.l. ti i) I'. S. ISoikIh tn Hii ure firciiliitinn lt?,.MH).00 I'ri'iiimiii "ii ('. S. linn. Is l'ioiitls, SfCiuiti.'H. i-tc 1,7MI."'J Itiillltill',' bouse furniture luul hxtuiw s.ti-JD.ll , i line frniii N ;itiii nl liiuikx lii"t. j U I.Vs.-i-vi- AMits 12.447.S7 tJ' 1iic fioni Stutf Hunks ami Bankers 1 1 Xt line from appimed i'iscrvH unfits. Ih.Sl'iuh i 1i Intei'intl KcvtMino stamen . jj Mild-, nn.l ..H... Hi i, P Ntites of ntlu'i- National banks . . . r'rurtinnal paix'i' onnvnev, nii-kles ttnd rents ,S.!V I.AWITI. MoNKV I!H1VK IN I'.ANK, VI.: Specie . IS, Tin lieijal-teliilrr imtes ... .KI lil.'JJil l. J". rertilifules I'uriiiilil ileinsiteil lipileinetiiiii tnnil with I . S Local Agent, Prineville, ( )regon 7l.4ti I. "it I The WINNER CO. Prineville Agents for Edison Phonographs AND Gold Molded Records bbf3ETtrTli'rrr-TiT'TlrT Ttvas'r (Ti '1'i.tal . uf cii enlat inn ) , . I.iilbililie ti2."i.lHI (Contest Notice. Di piutinctit of die I nleeior, banil Oltiee The llalles, Oregon. .Muieh 2ti, l!Hi. Miittieieiit ciiiitest alliilavit hiiviin; lieon j liln.l ill this olliee by llournc A. Watson, : Is 97s contestant, aninst hoinesleail entrv No. I 1 m. iim.18 April !. liHir... for s'i,sW J See. 'A. SK'iSKU, St. I. X K1, K'4 , "id Oiki Wl j ,';- !'. N'W'jNWt;,, Seel ion 1", 'I'ownship llMHHIIKii S., Hnni;e 1(1, K. W. M hy Ale.vandei' ! W . Ititnisey, Conlestee, in which it is 10,27s "I I alleged that said Alexander W. llumsey sThki" ''tis wholly iiliandotied said tract , tltut lie ViT.74 ''.is tdiHiieei1 his residence liierelVoni ior ; more than six months since making said .. entry ; that he lias not settled upon and 'i cultivated said tract as required by law; i,.k '."-'!) 747.(il mat stud alleged t.iisence was not mte to Demand certificates f demwit. . . . li.7!ll.(il ",s ''iiiploymenl in the army, nav 01 (' .pilid stud; paid in Sm plus fund ... . t'ndivideil priilits. less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes otifstinulinu . One to other National Hanks, . .. Hue to Statu Hanks and bankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits suhiect to Total STAT K OK OIIK.ION, j marine corns of the t'nited States in time W's Irs ! 'd' war, saici parties are heri'hy notilied to '' ' : appeiir, respond and oiler evidence tonch ' ing said allegation at o'clock a. in. on Cinnitv of Crook I " I Mav t.i. IKIti, before .I . .1. Smith, t'ounty I 'I' t itii..,.-,v i ' i r n i ! Clerk at ht- oltiee in I'vineville, Oregon. I, i. .M, oAl.nwts, ( as i". r ot t ie ahoe-i , , , . .. , . . ... . , i . . ,7 i i,,.. i i i i o . i i and t int hna hear tig wil he held al 10 nanieil hunk, ilo solein v swear that the ahove , . ,. m... .i e.i, i,..i-... i,., lulge ami helk-t. I. M. ,.l.l IN, , ani, omi.(, .r,(, 0l.eKn- nil . i I The said contestant having, in a proper IIO ,,v Tlo,'' ulT U ""' l,nH, affidavit, li.od March . lim, set forth lltn nay ol Aptil, l.M) i , ,, , ., . ., , ... , ,illiL-eiice . I.J. S.MI1 II, ( oimly Clerk. service this notice cannot he made it is lierehv ordered and directed that such CoUHKi'T Attest: Wll.I. Wl'HZW'Kll.Kt!! Caiev W. Foster -Z. M'. Brown I Mrectors notice he given bv dueuild proper publica tion. MICH A HI, T. NOLAN, I al!l Register. BEAUTIFY THE CITY Step Are Being Taken to Make Many Improvements If the plans which are now being made foil the purpose of adding beauty to the yards and vacant lots throughout the city are carried tint this spring, as those who have taken the matter in hand announce that they will be, Prineville will soon be a city of llowers and attractive yards. (The movement which wits started by the members of the Ladies' Annex some weeks ago, when it committee was appointed at one of the meetings of that organization, to plant Mowers and shrubbery and otherwise improve the appearance of the club grounds, has proved infectious and now (he churches and residents generally will take up the work. It is the plan to sew grass seed, plant rose bushes, flowers and shrubbery on all the available vacant ground around both churches and the dwellings of those who have ex pressed a willingness to add beauty to the city, and the min isters have advanced the idea of making use of some of the vacant lots by turning into potato patches. The general improvement of the club grounds will begin in a few days' and the work will be in charge of a coininitte consisting of Mrs. C, S. Kdwards, Mrs. M. K. Brink, Mrs. Fred Wilson, Misses Fay and Pertha Baldwin and Miss Hazel Howard. Congressman Williamson has given to the Annex an assorted variety of flower seeds and these will be used extensively. By early summer it is expected that from an artistic and ornamental view point the club grounds will be model in every respect and such that they will prove a stimulus for further work along the same lines among the residents of the city. rev Jinnett, of the Methodist church, and Rev. Mitchell, of the Presbyterian congregation, have both become entuscd with the idea of beautifying the city and will advance it to the members of their churches. The church yards themselves will probably be the next in line to receive improve ment under the impulse of garden hoes and flower seeds. Credit for the beautifying1 ' : movement which is meeting !RNEST COOLEY J. W. HANLEY constantly increasing favor is due! to the mcmiicrs of the Ladies': Annex, they being the tirst to i i. i. . i i ... i .i i 1'ioiiv u,e matter ant. uienoniy, UUUIUIIllj JIOUIC i Horses. Boarded by tho Day, Week among themselves, r rum thel or Mouth club organization, however, the slogan of prettier yards and more ii . i i .i , .lowers nas been taken up by AT OLD DILLION STAND ' First Class Livery others and it is hoped will .spread: ULU LILLIU1 31 AINU , Ria for RenJ. to general acceptance bv every i PRINEVILLK, - - - OREGON Ner Oohooo bridge I'tinnille, Oregon i property owner Lying within t he city's limits. We Sell and Guarantee ''SINCERITY CLOTHES" Because They are sincerely tailored They are made of honest materials In a big, tanitary, modern factory; hy Hkilleu, well-paid workmen They are correct and stylish - They fit perfectly They wear and hold their shape 'til threadbare -They are not "DOCTORED" into shape by Hot Flat-Iron "dope" And Because A very large percentage of all clothing IS doctored up by the Hot Flat-Iron to cover defects in tailoring. Such treatment does cover, but doesn't rem ove; for the first damp day on which these "doctored" gar ments are worn brings out these faults and causes them to lose shape and character. Partial faults that may occur in the making of SINCERITY CLOTHES are permanently removed by Hand Needlework ONLY. You can buy "Sincerity Clothes" with the assurance that you are get ting Style-Perfect Fit-and that they will WEAR, and retain their shape, until worn threadbare; brenvxe they are tailored sincerely ' We are Sole Agents Here It has always been our policy to provide for our patrons the best merchandise procurable, and with this idea still in view we have arranged for the e.clusiv sale .if -:- -;- -:- -:- -:- "Sincerity Clothing" For Men anil we feel that our judgment will be justified by the approval of the men who appreciate high class work manship as well us perfect lit , a nd correct sty Ie, v it It our Positive Guarantee of Satisfaction. -:- -:- Great Easter Undermuslin Showing of Night downs, I'etticoats, Hrawers, Chiniese and Corset Covers, all high class goods and the prices are right Embroidered Linen Waist Patterns $1.50 to $2.25 each Beautiful Laces are here for your inspection. An elegant assort ni e n t o f Chiny, Oriental and Val enciennes Laces with In sertion to match. Allover Luces, l'lauen. Applique' and Swiss . Embroideries Chihlrens' While Hresses Baby Coats, Slimmer Hal Bonnets, etc, in a great variety of styles in all sizes and prices We have secured the agency for the famous Butterick Patterns and The Delinator Our prices are the same to all 10 and 15 cent S PRINEVILLE BIG STORE K WURZWEILER & THOMSON, Prineville Oregon ffl raiMiiilOMM IrfJ m Ice irvtrinrir irnnnr innr.Tnr-ir.-tnr "n JL JU JCJtJL' JL JLJ i:L Jl. JL Ji; JL JL JL JkJ JL JL Jk Jk Jv. J GILBERT'S Cream, Ice Cream Sodas and n Confectionery r.i L. J r 1 L. J n L Jk r 1 r.i L. J n U J r i L J r i k j r i L.J n i. j r i k. j r i L. J n u J r i LJ n r i LJ r i L J r i L J Candies are fresh daily front the Prineville factory, the only one in the county. Quality mid Ibivor imsni'inssed. Superiority litis it I ways been iheiesi of (filbert's. The snnie fnci.iry is timiing; out the heHt grade of lee 'renin nunle from pine ereain. Your' i!tti'oii;me onee secured will never be lust. Present Location with Rideout & Foster 6,. tk . rfh A j((W. WV. A A. Jfi, Jt A. J, rv IV. jft. JV A jffc .A AAAAi New Millinery Corner 2nd and Main Street I desire to announce that 1 have just received a line line of HATS lor Ladies Misses and Children. These goods are strictly lirst class and up-to-date in every respect. Prices are REASONABLE MRS. ESTES THE IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION rillant de Aubremee (1880) (20260) PUOl'KRTY OF The Haystack Livestock lireedcrs Association will be kept at the Leach place, three miles west of Lanionta oij I'rineville-Ctilver road except Fridays and Saturdays, when he will he nt the S. S. Brown place. SEASON BEGINS THE FIRST OF APRIL Description: Hrillant is a very large, heavy boned, heavy chested lmrse, remarkably hearty and rugged, well qualified to transmit draft character to his foal. Color Black, with white markings. Weight '2000 pounds more or less according to conditions. , ' Fees: (Single service $10 due at time ot service. Season $20 due at end of season Insurance $25 due when foal sucks. Also payable if mare is disposed of, or moved from the county. Mares from a distance will be well cared for at. -ost of feed only, but will not assume responsibility in case of accident. Believing, that farmers should not rely on' the grain market alone, the above company was organized to facilate the breeding of improved stock. Horses of the above type will enable them to profitably market their surplus produce at home. (t. Springer, President; Jas. T. Robinson, Secretary; T. .1. Leach Treasurer Dim-tors: " hif W " 0hn. .1. L. W lndoni, and S. S. Brown x ADDRESS: O I D A 'a.' M. L. d. Association CULVER, OREGON V" VU' WW "V V- V WW IT- "W V V If "V tf V V V 'V "tf K 11 111 REDUCTION SALE' 1 1 1 Wm0tv- Ii W Hi J : Si : r.i pi v j LtfTl L J Ufd k. j . LtfVi r I iiri - wj a Peed and ! Boarding Stable ; j Stock boarded by the day, week or month ; Livery, Feed and Sale Stable : and good attention given the same. Patronage Solicited AT OLD DILLION STAND Your Horses to Hay 50 cents per span : nnnr innr innr mnn ; L Jk. JL. JW Jk. ikJWJkJk Jk Jk JW J k Jk JW Jk Jk Jk Jk. r i Roy ('hit wood, of Willow Oreek, n spent the last of the week in the r i city looking after business matters, r.i k j B. F. Scott, of F.ilert Piano H House of Portland, arrived inthefl Ti TJ 3VE IB IE IR, When in need of Lumber, Shigles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors or Glasses see his headquarters here for the city last week and will establish f in- terior part of the state. Mr. Scott ; will run theoe pents down and kill ! xwt to remain in this vicinity 1 A GREAT REDUCTION on OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Winter Underwear lias been made as we intend to sell them out eoinplete in order to have room for our Spring Stock.!Get our priees before buying elsewhere A CHOICE LINE OF Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco CALL IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STORE s H 1 Lp .p R Y "1 OWL CASH STORE V I 9 I VII W III Dunham & Adams Prineville, Oregon I i (lr Ulll'lirill thw- lilfllilOiliaiii