Crook County ouiraa VOLX PR1NEV1LLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 19, 1906. NO. 18 i R3 IE.3 ?3 ca 3! r.3 n ca C3: LJ CI Li lVj ca J F.a t j ca L' j ca; C J ca C3 ca M ca -a 23 fa 1 ca J :C3' ca; ca ca ca E3 m ca i3 a 1 II 3 1 ca Cj 63 Cj ea ca 63 S3 G3 ti H a E3 m ii H i.j C3 63 3 S.J en ca t j r.rr ir ii-i- ir -.r ir if - ic ii- if ir if ir r '.f -nr ir sir Ir -,r If isar "inr IF I No Worry, No Trouble and No Dissapointment with a BORN RANGE Best Values on Earth. All Sizes In Stock Use Lisk's Anti Rust Tin Ware and Bullet Proof Granite Ware BEST MADE Pumps, Pipe, Poultry Netting, Garden Hose, Tents, Wagon Sheets, All Kinds of Good Hardware and Implements Mitchell Wagons and Hacks We Make a Specialy of Groceries for Home and Camp Use. Try Some of our Elegant Dried and Canned Fruits B Mure.' - c. w ELKINS ea l r. l - r. r. L J n r,i r. i n L i r t L J n u r.i l. j ca ra r.a L j c J r a L" J! r.a r.a. r.a ca ca Li ca L J r.a L.J r a cu ra L J ca LJ ra i. j ra La r.a ca ca r.a ca ca c j ca lea ca a1 ca ra ca t:a ca L A cai w j r.a: FATES KNOWN TOMORROW1 Even Guess Concerning l Nominations the voters hy th time the last vote in counted which det ides the question. Both Mr. King and Mr. Clifton have made thorough j j canvas of the county, and the: supporters of each candidate iluioi i the vietuiy, J. H. Huncr und Win. Johnson iire two other Kenublicuns who ! are Wttwtm little time in auuking STRUGGLE STILL ON Ith eu,H,,v.w k, uw" ;uouuiy in ine enon 10 gain ute J " iioniiiiHtinii for elerk. Mr. llaner's Battle for Supremacy Will Not End; long nervict- its deputy sheriff, the EARTHQUAKE SHAKES SAN FRANCISCO LEAVING OVER 2000 DEAD-PROPERTY LOSS WILL RUN INTO MILLIONS I Until the Ballots Have All ' Been Counted I l'rolmhly for the lirst time in the politieal history of Crook county, j local politicians are oonnidertthly !at sea reardins; the outcome of i the primary election which will lie held tomorrow. Particularly ifl this (rue concerniiifj; the Kepuhli can candidates for nomination whose numbers greatly exceed i those of the Democratic forces, and ! ...t ..v... -.. . n no air miHM 111 nun iiviiii. niiu flank movement to gain the covet ed prizes. Positive statements then at this time' are only good, wide acquaintance, which he has gained therehy, coupled with hi qualifications for the ollice, are believed to give him a little the tost of the race, although Mr. Johnson has a steady following through the ranks of the older settlers in the couhtv. MORE FINE STOCK B. S. & L Co. Laying Foundation for International Reputation The Baldwin Sheep it Land Company, which is the most ex tensive Block ranch and the pro ducer of the finest grades of sheep rill the PhI'iHc. commI w l.i vine I ha had or indifferent guesses as to the ! . ' ' . , i foundation to become one of the greatest stock ranches in the world. L Jl Jk'jl. J1U Jt 4u LlJivi.:-l.l. Jl .jCJn.jL.JiL lu. Jt. Ji Jw JK Ji. Ji. jy-jt. j JL. JL'JCJj Shaniko Warehouse Co. Shaniko, Oregon ' General Storage, Forwarding A N D Commission Merchants Dealers in Hhicksmitli (!oal. Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and (train, Sacks and Twine, (irain and Feed. Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Wool Grading and Baling for Eastern Shipments. Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for Handling Stock. TTfark 2our Soods in Care of "S. IV. Co." wwi www mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President C. M. Elkino, Vice Praddent Fmeo W. Wilson, Cashier DIRE0T0R8: W. A. BOOTH, C. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewart, Freo W. Wilson. Transacts a General Hankiny BusiiiieM Vj x c h a n s e Bought and Sold Oolleotions ' will re (ieive prompt atten tion - outcome 1 he dinnite lniormatiou and solution of the herassing problem, which is hanging seveial in suspense, will come tomorrow 1 after the. polls are closed and the i I votes counted. I Republicans are centering their conversation and interest around the nominations for sheriff, clerk, commissioner and t r e a surer. These are about all that could lie talked about anywny because the balance of the ollices on the Republican tieKet are lacking candidates for the nomination. At the eleventh hour before the voting begins, it is generally con ceded that the struggle for supre macy for the sheriff's nomination on the Republican ticket lies between Frank Elkins of Madras and S. li. Hodges of this city. The former's main strength in bulwarked in his native precinct and surrounding country where there is the largest Republican vote of any district in the county. The Elkins The reputation of the ranch has been added to the past week by the delivery of eight Shire horses which Mr. Edwards purchased in England while there on a visit the first of the year. The latter stock is the finest breed that could be obtained in England where the horses now on the Crook county ranch have taken many first prizes. Sheriff Smith, who returned from Hay Creek the first of the week, says that the public gen erally does not realize how rapidly ! t lie Baldwin t ompany Is taking first place among the world's pro ducers of breeded- stock. Not alone is it gaining preeminence for its horses and and cattle, but the sheep from the ranch are being shipped into practically every sheep market in the world. Only a few days ago the company shipped a carload of thorough breds to South Africa, and for some time past sheep from the ranch have been shipped to vari- Sky Scrapers Collapse Like Putty, Crushing Out Hundreds of Lives in the Debris-Flames Sweep Through 50 Blocks of Buildings Portland, Ore., Wednesday, 12 in. Details are reaching this city by wire from San Francisco via New York City of the earthquake shocks which visited the Bay City between five and six o'clock this morningi leaving in their wake an enormous loss of life and property losses run ning into the millions. The catastrophe eclipses any previous disaster in the history of the United States, and stands on a par with some of the most terrible in the world's history. Several shocks' this morning caused the Call building and Palace hotel to collapse, the. latter burying hundreds of sleeping people beneath its walls as it fell to the ground under the terrific seismic disturbance. Several more shocks brought down dozens of other buildings and fires started in a score of places. Inside of a few minutes the entire district between Montgomery street and the water front, six blocks deep, was a furnace of flames. The upheavel of the earth has broken the water mains in the district now burning and the fire companies are helpless to block the rapid progress of the flames which are sweeping in every direction. Back from Montgomery street the authorities and fire companies have an army of men employed dynamiting business blocks and all the build ings whose destruction may stay the progress of the flames. Communication has been entirely broken with outside points. News is reaching Portland from New York City where it is being received by cable. and forwarded across the continent. 8 Keports estimate the death roll not less than 1000 and it is likely that this figure will be largely increased. Wednesday, ,'l p. m. Latest reports received from San Francisco give the death loss at this hour in excess of 2000. Every measure known to the ingenuity of man has failed to inter rupt the continual progress of the fiarnes which have leapt from one building to another. Fifty blocks in the business district are burning with a fierceness of the sun's heat. The bursting of the water main has denuded the water supply and there is none with which to combat allies. The property loss is running into the millions as the huge building und smaller ones melt beneath the terrific heat. following throughout OU(i usirana, a vo.muy the lower country, however, isiwnl('" naf always been looked hampered considerably, it is said ! MV' "" t' "ithers in the by the candidacy of W. W. Brown i ,,f hl' wm(;" ' Induces, of Cross Keys who. according ,() i Three or four varieties of thorough- Dispatches received Wednesday noon and afternoon by The Journal from Portland of the terrible disaster which has visited San Francisco, have caused no little uneasiness among the residents of this city and vicinity, many of whom have brothers, sisters, children, relatives or friends living in the (.loomed city. Full details of the horrible catastrophe are impossible to get except at intervals as more dispatches are received in Portland, and it is im possible for the papers in the latter place to state definitely regarding the cleath loss. The first advices received by The Journal yesterday noon gave the casualties at 1000 with the probability of this number being increased. A later wire received at 8 o'clock confirmed the pre vious report, the death list having increased to 2000, and even this number is not likely to prove final. U I. .. . Ill; eUL'll omr-i r III . .. , pji chances oi Jir tl ,i :..: Hi, i Ml V iKMiuitaiiwii . i Jf The hitter's support IS ir i i ii .. IT ironi a neici pi iirm.iii y ing from the eastern extremity of ; Will Aid in Civic Improvement. the buttes to the old channel of the ! market on I ' "sul one immense plowed held, broken :.. .. t i,.- 'in.:.. .,,..... I ii .i ii ii iw iv ill ii n:i oiiiut-ri. i 1 1 in uiuncTu jovea nv tne company on . . , . ,, hoihh wenks . held nt th . ...... , ,, ..... ! area s winu added to ran dlv and : H",ue w ' Krt ttK nela ttl lM ii,.i :,,,,:,.,,! ine ousue s cons (u-iiiiiv greater ... , , , Hodges winning inside of a short time all the , Union church Tuesday afternoon. ., f,,v.,ral.l 1 than that accredited it at home. , are tavoraiile. , , ,.i ,:i ..i.i ., . ... i -in 1,1 j :.... i 1 I f. f . , i IrOllUilUir IVIUI llllill'll" Ill tl'l ill III. I III. Ulll OISillllmi011 WUo UIHBOI V 5U i I wo vea rs ,:io .. r e.owaios i n come " l,i;.i: i.,. . .,!....;.. 'I'K urti u t n in in; j 'i vi iv, i ii p,. (ii the figures submitted bv the politi-i1,r,-,is '' ar' ''" Rt ! " . I i.i .... ii i. u..,i:.. 4i : ! ciaos the most interested, will ' ",0 ".v -..lit ih vote half and half. If to nearly every shee . t,.f wo succeed in underminin. ! 1,,1,t' aml the reputation en strength, then the The first meeting of the Equal i Suffrage club since its organization I! til 'in... 1 1 K 1.1- ....iwinunU i,.,;,, l( : i o. linn niowi hip .rpj.Mi. iii.- 'iiM jji Jon him throughout the lower part hji of the county will be offset, it is ill .i i . i "i i . .i n:. fsaiil, liv me iiouges voie in i ruie I ... 1 1 ..I 1 1. I...., ..! II Villi into llll'Jiilill'Miu vurii in f.ii.i Sr3ErHfiEETarHErErl rv...,i. u,,,.;,,,, ,u .mini' inn ill vi ...ii-, i' i" i ii.f, i'' will come1 lwo .v,'ins ''lr- ''"U wards . i ! coiniieteil with other cattle buyers ciear. , ;,. ...(u ;., K ..ui lc .1 I Mi ni-t. m ii p 1 1 '-' " i li 1 o i I ii "i i-1. mu in - Canada for the purchase of. 1 ; years nas oeen me inosi rapio oi , some of the finest grades of short any in Crook county. horns in that country and came hack with the property he wanted j to Crook county. Now with the ! A.:.tnt im.mtAi' fnm Hr Devil's Island Torture Is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that aftlcted me 10 yeare. Then I ws advised to apply Bucklen's Arnica Sa've, and less than a box permanently cured me, writes L. S. Napier of Ragles, Ky. Heals all wounds, Burns ami Sores like magic. 25c at D. P. Adam son &('o and Templeton & Son druggist. addition of the horses which he j ,.,,, tunas iurc liiseu in r.ngiano, u is Ir . . . . , irolll the H,.niv Ire him id RoSMlllirir. " ... who was with A, S. Ireland of this winninir votes to come I nnl ,.Mlt..n..,l tV,..t l'..L- nn.inl,. western oart of the county where ! "wl M" ""-" on service in the southern division of New Arrivals In Spring Goods At Claypool Bros. Too Busy Marking Prices to go into details CALL IN AND LOOK AT THE GOODS e c tr. r r. ir. r .t r t r. .1 r 1 r t r. r. t r i r i r r LJ r,i L J n LJ r.i l J r.3 H Li m u j L J LJ r 5 I LJ r Li rs r.i Li r i u r Li r.i L J r..t L.J rt Li rn Li ri L i i herds. Cultinatd Much New Land. i .... t.. ...l. l :i i the Republican vote numbers """""J " . hundred d where t.h,. h" recogniml as one of the , oiy for seven years ,n the forestry h.i.i,, followi.o, i -.m!,1 to 1. I greatest if not the greatest largely in excess of others in tbe'i,h,'r of Atlantic, those on Ithe far side of tv acific long race. i i Doubt, which was (!Xl,Ivglledjf'h,"'hav,nKc,,,neM'CroMk,sounty some weeks :.o relative to the replenish nnd rejuvenate their nomination of conimiisioner on the Republican ticket, has been removed during the past few days, the tide of favor turning towards R. H. Bayley of Laidlaw soon j Much new land will be turned after his isit throughout this por- j for cultivation this season in the tion of the county where it is Powell Buttes district. Practi- admitted generallv that poll a solid vote. Mr. Fisher's strength in bis home precinct is not looked 8t slightingly, but it is not believed that he can overcome the heavy load which t In candidate will gain by a he willlcallv everv new settler in that section, and the number is not small, is plowing under new land and all of this will be producing tins year. C. C. Brix,. who was Laidlaw j one of the first to settle in the clean ' Powell Buttes region a couple of sweep of votes from m-1 to west j years ago, said this week' it was south of Crooked river, besides i almost impossible at this time to those north of that "line which, it is j estimate the number of acres of asserted, will show n kindly dis- new land which would be develop nosition towards him tomorrow ! ed there this spring and summer. 1 afternoon. i Three years ago there were only Loeal interest manifc.-N itself, j a couple of houses between I'rine too, about the nomination forjvilleand the old river bed and treasurer, a matter which two j fem es and cither signs of habita good Republic:, ns will thp'sh out ; tion were cqu.i llv as scarce. The to their own eatii faction and that ' entire district at present, extend- the Cascade Reserve, has been transferred to Crook county as ! assistant supervisor of the Blue; Mountain Reserve. He and A. S. ! i Ireland, stipereisor of the new re serve, will both have their head quarters here to look after the business prctaining to their ollices. A. S. Ireland said yesterday that since it became known among the stock interests that the Blue Mountain Reserve had been per manently created both himself and the assistant superilisor were kept busy with the rapid accumulation of inquiries for information, graz ing permits and other business. Stockman generally are at a and a motion carried to reorganise. The meeting was enthusiastic throughout and plans were inaugu rated for an active campaign. In order to raise funds for the purpose of carrying on the work, ice cre ini and cake will be Seived in the old hank building Friday afternoon and evening, primary election day. The club also took steps on t he civic improvement question and the secretary was instructed to write the secretary of each organi zation in the city, including the schools and churches, lodges, clubs and societies, the mayor and city council, requesting them to ap point n committee of one to meet and confer with the executive board of the Equal Sutirage club. At a joint meeting of these apjioin tees a special day will lie designat ed for civic improvement general cleaning up of the city, the plant ing of trees and flowers and other work. The various committeemen wil meet at the Union church Saturday afternoon, April 2. The following officers were elect- loss concerning the boundaries of j ed: Mrs. Ada B. Millican, presi the reserve which has no regular ', dent; Mrs. Sarah Newsom, vice outline nnd follows neit her range : president ; Mrs. Leitie M i 1 1 e r , nor township line, nut zigzags- in ; aecoixl vice-president; Mrs. Kfla ami out of canyons, across quarter Hell, secretary; Mrs. Doak. sections anil has so many 1 wists I treasurer. Toe executive board and angles that definite infonna-1 consists of the president and secre tion concerning the tracts included are dillieult to get except from the otlicers in charge lu re. tary and Mrs. C. 1. Winnek, Mrs. H. P. Belknap and Mrs. Libbie, Combs.