1 of J'vt at all. IT DRAWS HARD Ob ft vuBiau'H vitality to do wnrk fat LiCb the is miiiliri. ami wonder ho some oi u,e i.i,n ii our laud I w ' ft? IhroitKb a sinlr W- m of pleasu.- TV"" Tf or dissipation. i w it 1 with tears in tln ir eves. hi-n they niiniioii tin- siiu- 1 that: ilh pain, weak- 1 noss ana weariness they are d r a it ir (1 MllllV ill tttla mm. 1 ft f r.ti resort to alcoholic stimulants ami ' inniroriiiit.- the aftw elloels ol winch tin-u-rv injurious. Ir. R. V. Pierre, forty years, ago found t hilt women were buinir ini-tri-ati-d tliroui.li ignorance or carelessness and il-M niiinoil to devote Ms life anil mericics to their relief. Ij-iriwj I'nithil , cmi of their sui fcriii. hi- lir.it Hnwiht fur the mntii i,J '(:'. and found in .Yodor'x fn, ,v, (,,,-,--the earth, certain roots wlii.-ti had re markable nd valuable medicinal virtues for the cure of these ailments ' I'-itig cheinii-allv pure Klvccrine, of proper Mtr-nut Ji instead of iilcnhol. hi; prepared extracts of these, and tin- result was so satisfactory that the cmiiliina tion liei-anie his "Favorite Prescription." 'J'lic roots used are: Lady's Slipper root, llhi.-k Coho-h root. I'liieorti root. lilue Cohosh root anrHoildeii Seal root. '1 he world knows il as Pikkck's 1'avok ITf: Phkkckii-tidn. bieh has 1 1, .- won derful and unparalleled r rd of a half- inuuoii oi cures in mo iat fortv enr8. Write to Pi- Pierce. Itullalo', K. V., for advice, given without churce. "I am triad to l. ai.i.. id testify as to the merit-, of Dr. Pierce Favorite. I'trvript'on for the many ills that women sutli-r Kii'.,': riles Miss Gertrude Mitchell (President Youn Ladles' christian Kuilimo, :-.-ietv), 4.1 jI unilia Mi-eei. K., Detroit. Mi.-h "!., i many .year of sulii-rimr and i in. I t,...s jour nusllclne. an.j in a short linn ! inn, ,,, feel strnrircr. l-inm,. mere nmAm .1 didn't have the In-ariinr-iiown i-hi - ,,hi. ii had lieen my lot for x.) lot,,.', shall ncvi i rew to lie very rntefu tlial il w:is l.nn.j-,,1 to my notice. 1 have no pains, and feci nun It troner trciiet aliy." Vr. Plcrw's. IVI'cts cleanse t l:n Hnstrod vsttmi from acci.vitibitod lntpni'je ' - PROCLAMATION. r. s. i.. pimm-nt ' lei IMhee. H'tltKKAS. IheSn-re-l.-ii-y id S(ic! d the Stule of Oivirnti. lias untitled ' me in writing Unit jiiii'Minnf in the lirovlelniiH of mi ,ict entitled "Aii' Act nntkiim i-ff.vtie tin- initiative' ami refeivniltllil lit'iiViMioiiM .f Sis-.! No tinli 1 i.f Vrli. I.. I V ..I il... I'. .....I.,. V 1' t tloti of the SUite of Oivuuii. i Inl i 'fainre 1 1. K. . M ., ,y t'harle tvliliitiiijrelis-l inns I iiecell loler, ami "nic-iee, inlu.h it t,s alleged that said ifoviiliiiii M-iiMltii-H for violations of . ' '"I1"'" l awwiil lius whuiiy uhan.ioiivd Dfovisit.n of this act.-' ani-rove,! j 1 ''!" .'"J'". V' '!- ... i v. i-ni-i ii ie.t : 1 1 1 il ( lie lias not cultivated the saute: that said aliened not due to his eiiiplovuieut I he I iitefinr, I I h ia.l--. itn-jioii ! Mareh I-'. I'M.. A -nllieielit e..,t.-t athdavit liavinj; 1 een hied in this i. Hu e l.y Kl lie-I S. ,.r. ill, - -tl I "tlllil. ae.lln-1 .,IM,...;,,1 .litre i f. made Man h St. 1Ho;i. for K1', j r.', section In II -s Summons reliriiar.v J4, VM), (iraiiyc duly file the )-e-c, State 1 111 lilH otlice oil i absence was in tne arniv. navv or tiiarun. .u-i ..r ii,a I tilted States in time of war. hjid parties are hereby notilied to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at lb o'clock a. in. on May I, Is tore .1. J. Smith, the County Clerk, at bis oilii . In I In- 'in-tm ii.iiit ol tM- s.,.,1,. , .'on, I ir i r. i ountv. Sarah P. lil.-ioi, PlanililV. s Albert Nolii,.. licii-i- S,,, I,. :1, Ktla ..l.,.., w,.,. Jiarilm I rei- nei aiei x o la,,, I n u-ii.l i,..r ind. Andrew Noble ami V.s- ible. bis w ife. licortfe .Marks uaiss, ins wile. I.ems rt Junes, Lucy Kirk- - -- Kirkpsiritk. K-lwanl Jones ami Law Bill. ' hub nna N and June.-. Alls, iiatriiji ami her !in-!,ai,.l. ton, land that linal hear-1 inten-H-d. J:mes. his wile. Arthur .looes at.o - . bines, minor heirs i t Mary .1. Jones, deceased. l.iz:e i lark and ( iark, her huslniid ami Andrew Noble us ad- , mini. iainr ol nu- estate ot .surah I V.. I.!.. .1.... ... . ie-i l-asei . :iiui a lit icrs lie aseil, and DelcmlHiits. almost i hclii-narv :il. l'.KHi. an initintivi wui. Ill-1 1 1 li ill eont a iiiinr 1.K4H Kiiriinrunitf iroiei-y attaclicil to a copy of Hiiiil ineuHiiiv. ccrtifii-il in ai'i-oi'iliuii'f with law, ili-iiiaiiilinu lliat a di-oiiw(1 I - i i i , I I "Ill-Vine. Idee, fol 111. Khali la- sill, mil tdl to Hie May S, Urn;, be lore i the UeK1ste,- and 1,1 A.l'rt Noble i iconic ,,,,. ;,, li'Kal votiTH of the State of Oi'i-koii "'i-ivi-rat tlie Lniied Statis Land oilice Klta.Vublc, his wile, Martha Treichel and for tluir ;iiiji-i,h or reject ion at "'. ..' '"' l:llll'- "reon. illiam Treichel, her husband. Andrew the Kfltcral election to he held in ! J J"' i-ontestant having in a proper '"bl" and X'arina Ndl.lt, his titn, lieorKe Haiti Mtate on the 4th .lav ,,l June I ?.!. ft" Hi J1"'' !"! .Marks his wile, Lewis " nun .11.11 11 f II 11 ,1 1 I lei'lll'i. ' "i . . 1 L J ,11 1 its. l.m' V IV I T k IIM I r 1 1 L rvii i- ol this notice can not he i Kirkiiatrick. her liu'shaml. Kdwiml ordered ami directed I -''Jiies anil Junes, his w ile, Arthur (riven l.y due and . s .tones, minor heirs ol Mary la-iiiK tin- lii'xt Mi unlay in jiinc. Ilniti. i i , -NOW. THKI.IM'OKI-:, I, (,,..,. i;. Imaiie. it iiaiiilN'riaiii, iiivcinot- of the State 1 that such Want Ads Nutu-r. under this head will be chained at the rateof llvtc Cr.T per word ier insertion. Nothinj; less than .inrrni- WANT Kit Loan of 'miti. Kxvt-llent real estate wtsctiriiv. Address The Journal. I WANTKI A i;o(sl collet-tor ami sales nmnfortlie Sik!i,,r Sewing Machine Co. Write tlie Singer Sewiii Mai-liiiif Co., The Dallen, (lie. nrX J. I'OK SAI.K 12 inch (iaiKi plow f,(r sale or trade i'aksiirain. Inquire I. I',. I'ljimlexter Socialist County Convention. Tlie SiH-iiiliHt County Convention fur Crunk county, Ktntc nf Oregon, Ih horchy callcil to meet n the Cir cuit Court room nl I'riiieville, (Ire Koti, on WeilncHilay, April i'dli, at 10 It. 111. fur I lie purpura lnj' i-HiKlidateM for all the otticeiii to lie lilieil at tlie next n'H trl clwtldii, ami for Hie traiiriaction ot hucIi other liiiKiiii-isN hh may conic before Hfiid foitveutioii. Tim oon vcutlon will conMlHt. of one ilclcnate at lnrp;e from fiicli pitrinct ami one 1(lltloi)Hl (IcIeKiito for every cljrlit (S voti'H or majority riaclion tlieiv of ciiHt fur the Socialist, camliilatt- for Supreme Juil(-c. All ineinbeiH in K'fD(l Klaiiiliii",' of ht ('rook County StM-liillHt Local arc ailmilleil as pelfiit.eH. No iiroxies will lie enlcr- tainptl. Tht. Central Commit tee re (onnneiKleil tlutt the riimarii'K lie lit'lil In the several precincU at the voting piitct! I herein on Saturilay, April 14, llKlll, at 1 p. in. DelegaleH liavi been aiporl ioneil anioiiK (lie Mcvcral voting iirecinclH uh followK: AhIiwimmI ii, llemlH, ltlack ltut lt4, Uctir Creek I, ISeaver I, I'.rciw 1. (roM Ke.VM 1, Ctniip Creek 1, Hardin 1, Howard 1, lluy Creek 2. II ayHtack !t, I rt'la ml 1, Johnson Creek L', Knt clnr 2, Montis-oiiiffy l', McKay '.', Mill Creek 1, Maury 1, Newnoin Creek-1, f'rlnevllle 4, Summit 1, Willow Creek I, Powell ItultcH 1, Laruonta 1, Kwlmond 1, Kaldlaw I, DtlnitcH 1, Warnt SprliiKH 1. Done li.v order of the SoclaliMl County (Viitral Commit to March 5, 11KMJ. J. II. Hicniiam, Clialrnian M. F. Wii.hoit, SiH'i-etarv. of Orenon, in olH'iliciicc to the pro viKioiiH of Mil iil act he ri'inlH'forc lirnt luelltloiicil, tin hereli.v inake and ii-Mir tliin I'roclamatio'u to the peo ple of t lie State of Oretrou, atinounc Inu: that tlie Maid Oregon State irautce lias lileil unM initiative a-ti-tlon with the rei-uiKite minilier of HienatiircK thereto at taclied ileiuainl lllic that there shall lie siilimit ted to till! Iea I voters of the Smte of I )iv S'on for their approval or rejection at the regular election to he held on the 4th tiny of June, !KM1, said day lieinn the lirst Monday in saiil month, a Dill to propose l.v initia tive petition a Dill entitled "A Dill to I propose liy init in I i ve pet i I ion a law to provide additional revenue for state purposes; to levy a license on the uross earniiis of Sleeping car companies. liefriKcrator car com panies and Oil conipaiiies: dellninii a Slis-pluu' car company, a Uefrine rat or car company mid an Oil coin, pnny within the meaniiiu' of this act: didiniiiK' the manner of ascer- tainiiiK In' a unt, of such (iruss ri-ccipls; providiiiK' a penalty for vioiatitiK' the rovlsioiis of this act," the tenor and el'l'ect of which in brief is: First: To reipiire every Sleepiii" car company, Kefriyera I or car i-om- of nominal- I"UI.V ""'I company to pnv in mntv A,n I"'" provided lor llV bill- 11 lil.Ol.sll, ,.i i i - . ...s,, . , no. iri t III tl I M- ( I'll I II 111 upon the uross eaniiiiris of sucli companies, aiiiiually, In the treas- tirer ot I he state. Stvoml: To particularly detliie each of said companieH ' included within the terms of said net . Third: To provide the manner of ascertainltiK' the amount of such Ut'oss receipts liy reipiiriiifi' the pro per olllcers or such companies, as piu'liciilarly mentioned in sid Dill, to traiiHinit lo the state treasurer on or liefon; Hit- 1st (lav of March of each year a slate K under oath of the f-i'oss receipts of such coni paiiies from business transacted wll bin t lie slates diii'inu the preced ing year endiiiK' December :H, and KiviiiK' in such stiileinenl informa lion as to he name of the linn, conipany, business or corporation; the nature of the business Iraiis acled by it; the local ion of ils prin cipal oilice and under what laws it Is organized, and whom, il' anv one, ii n-picr-eius, .ion in certain cases lieieb- notice hi- proper publication. M n u i ki. T. Non, lleistcr. Contest .Notice. Department of the Interior I', (i. Land Office The Dalles Oregon, March 22. V sullicient contest allidavit havinir been tiled in Ibis orlice by Albert Moore contestant, against homestead entry No' lob.W. made Ainl 10. 1!i2 lor S',, sv NK'., SV.,. N Wi, SL- Sec.ion'll. Tp! P-' s.. Canee U K. W. ,M. bv Jame- '. I'.uceit. ( nntcstee, in which it is all, that said .Limes W. Kac,.,i has wholly abandoned said tract: that he has changed .. -, , , ,,-,,.,, ior more than six months last past; thin said tract is not settled upon mill cultivated by said party as required by law; that suii'i allefri-il alv .- ... s ., us.,. uur u, ,M einpioymeiit ui he army, navy or marine corps of the L nitcd Slates in time of war, said parlies lire hereby notilied to appear, rebuild and i.tl-r evidence loiichii,K sai, allcsrations at Id o clock a. m. on May 12. lout; iM-forc I .1. Siuitli, County Clerk ui hjs oiti,e in I rineyille, Oregon, (and that tinal hear iin; will be held at I" o'clock a. m. on May i-i, ""' oeiore) tne i;i;Kister and Ueceiver at tic I inted States La ml Oilice in The Dalles, Orciron. The said Conte-tnnt liavinjj, in a proper alfidiivit, tiled March linHi, set I'orlh lacts which show that alter due diligence icr-.)iial service of this notice Can not be inndc, it ts hereby ordered and directed a iioin e ncKivcn liy .me an per publication. Mil iiai;i. T. Noun, IbiDter. KOIt KKXT Kunch For particuliira. mli !- I i. California. pro- .1. Jones, deceased l.ixzie Clark- noil Clark, her. husband, and Andrew Noble as ! Administrator of the estate of Sarah Noble, deceased, the above named Delete i dants, and to all others interested: i IN THK NAN K OF T H K STATKOk! ORKUON: Yon and each of you are i herehv required to appear and answer tin-1 complaint tiled against you in the aisivc i entitled suit within ten dava from the I date id the service ol tuis summons upon i . you, it served in this County or if served I in any other comity in tills State, then I FOK NALK: iMiuiii twenty days trom the date of the service ol this summons upon you, or if ! served without this Slate bv publication. ! then on or before the lirst da'v of the neit 1 nriiiar term ot the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon lor Crook County, to-wit: the ilh day of May, Pint;, and if vou fail so to answer, lor want thereof the Plaintiff Will take U decree ol sr.i.l court !.u,n...l you lor the relief prayed for in the Com plaint, to-wit: for a decree of said Circuit l0l"i'.',"-n1'-''"'K' "'Ji't'lK'tij! and decreeiiiK ..... i .union to i.c tne nw iici-in lee simple 1 ti '"! ,'i'' Hv '" ltl,,l k "'' the! l liird Addition to the town of Prineville, ( . rook ( onnty, State ol OreKon, according I to tlie plat and survey thereof now on (lie j and of record in the office of the County! ilerk olCrook County State of Oregon, that the cloud upon the tdaintill's title to! premises by reason ol the facts ! on ress the !:. Matoles. II. Carv, '4 4, coptio-n SMITH A Cl.KKK, ri.-oi KiKioi.s Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUM RV ORDI'HS sSOLlCM Ll) MAIN STI5KKT I'osl IllJict- !,,x !IJ I'ltlNKVII.I.i:, OIlKdoN 44., 4; 4, 4. 4, 4, 4' 4. 4 ' FOH SAI.K About .itKMl pounds of wheat chop at $1.7.", per UK). At the old Pillion Kee.1 Yards. Any (piun-,itv- - Fnnis & Hii'.i.. tf fitrins in-ruin-lies. Some u-ood cludinj; some good hay Also Pome desirtble city proiierty. tniiiire 'if or write, .1. K. Morris, riineville, Oregon. tf FoR SAI.K: A fine rancli of Dili acres, enclosed with three wire, fence. About bOac.ies in cultivation, near railroad survey. Will raise tine grain, hav and vegetables, without said .iiso nice miHiiiPHs and property in I'riiieville. All able prices. K n i n i re (ii.ovi'.K's (irocerv Store. irrigation. resident at reason nt ('. A. 1 4 0 tli. Petition for Liquor License. lo the Honorable County Court lor . i.uiiij oi i took, .-slate ol Oregon. The undersigned residents and legal voters of lilack J'.utte precinct, Crook County, Oregon, respectfully petition your Honorable l.ody to grant a license to K M. Zuniwalt. and 1). I.. Miller, partnership! to sell spirituous, malt and vinous li.piors ', .' '", ' ." 'I'umiities less than one gallon in lilack liutte precinct. Crook County, Oregon, for a period of six months from mid after the 3rd day of May 1 it h : II. II. iced. .1. II. Palmer I. C il ii. i, Alien, ,i. . Allen, o, y sain stuwcll, h . M. liooili. Lister .loan niyior. . II. ( .1. O. Wil ' 1 1 lizicl . i ico, av nr. l . C ..........1 -c i f-ryivar, C. Per.,,,,,, V. .'. ,,.vl.,.ul. Marion Stilwell, lialpli Kolston, .1 s; Lin ton, lien pulsion, D. W. Farthing, V. A. J'oley, Uliy .lollllNOll. Ileill-V lllo.ar III., j La i-siui, Lint stiverr, Krimk llod'yfelt ( hui-lcs K. (, live,-, '. Vanhus'kirki ; John Minder, ('. I.. Uranton, O. 1 1. Allin... I hum, li. C. Koster. I'red Wicsc W 11 I Doak, M, M. Thomas. W. I ,v.',.i i ... Wood, lirvan. :Vl'Us. V. .Orabiini Jasper Johnson, . .;. -...r,s , ,,, ,,. complaint lie torever re moved, and that the defendants and each and every one of them be torever barred Imtn claiming any right, title, interest or equity in or to said pieniises nr any part thereof, and that the defendant Andrew .oo,e as .KiminiMralor of the estate of Sarah Noble, Deceased, be authorized, empowered ami directed to make to the plaintifl an Administrators deed to said premises, and for such other and further rebel as may seem meet to the court and just, in the premises. This .Summons is published in the .rook : County Journal for six full weeks by order of the Hon. V. A. Bell, Judge of the County Court of Crook, County, Ore gon and County Judge of said County,' made on the 21st day of March, liUKi. Dale ot lirst publication March i?L'nd, lfKnl j M. I'.. Pttl.N'K, Attorney for Plaintiff k. ilsJ I J T .1 kj r r ,n I j r i i. j n Is J r i t j I" 1 is' J r i I. J i ts-i r t Is J t jijt jl j. jc .r sr. ir Ti- tir -tr. tiz iZ. 1 Sonera .ffitaccsmithi?ig TIohskshoking, Wood Woitk", KTC, Nkati. y and J'lioMpriA' Monk W ii kn it is Donk liy : : : Robert 7oorc Satisfaction' Will lie Guaranteed PhiNKVIl.i.K, - Oki:;on. !iry.trtnr,n("irjnr.v..iEisj r I- --u Jli J - Jl. Ji. J Jt JtJSZJQiB J Summons In the Circuit court of the State gon for Crook county: Aiiloine Triihan, Plaintiff, if Oie- vs. defile provided I l.y the 1,111 w,se ivnres It -. I V ,' ' '"':." """h. V: -'"Imsoti, H i ,i . i , . ' oooiiies, iiie ii.tuic, a i Ii ress am Is The Moon Inhabited. Science, lias, proven that the moon lias n atmonplieii which makes life in some form posnible on that satellite; but not for human beings, who have a hard enough time on thin earth of oui-h; PspBcinlly theme who don't know thai Klectric Hitters cure lloadnchi!, Hilious iibhh, Malaria, Chills mid Kever, Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, DizzinesH, Torpid l.iver. Kidney complaintH, (ienoral Unbility and Keinale weiiknesHeH. I'n equalled as a general tonic and appetizer for weak persona and especially for the ased. It induces sound sleep. Kully guarantor! by 1. P. Adamson & Co. mid Templi-ton A (son IhuggiHt. l'rice only 50c. Notice to Cow Owners and Others Owning Animals Prohibited to Run at Large. The ordinance prohiliilinu, the run ntliir at larnt- within the Clly of I'llneville, Ort-Kon, of nil ciittle, horses, Hheep, goats, swine, chickens, ducks and get-w, paused by Hie Couucll March litli liHMi, will lie en forced from ud after April H, liiou, and all Hitch atiiinals am, poultry ioiiiki tu larn-1! after said date will l Impounded iiccorditiK to law. J. H. Okooks, Marshal. a5 2 luace oi rcsiiienceoi the proprietor, chief olllcer or niaiiauliiK' ng,.ni of the business or conipany in ii. stnto of Oregon; a detailed slatemenl of I lie real estate owned by (he Mrm ,,r company in the SI ale" of Oregon, where sil naled and Hi,, value' lliere- or as assessed for luxation. Kourth: To provide for the pay ment of ten per centum additional to sa ui license fees In case of a fail ure to make the slateinent or to pay the license required to lie made or paid by the terms of said act, and to provide the method or collection thereof. I'Tfth: To provide th.tt jf llllv olllcer of any company ,,r cot pora lion or oilier person mentioned in said bill shall fail, refuse or uej'lcct to make and lile the annual slate litent therein required to be make for thirty days after the 1st day of March in each year, on convuiion thereof he shall be punished bv a tine ot nut less than .$.",(10.00 nor more than $ 1,000.00, r by imprison, mout in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six inoulhs, or by both line and im prisonment in the discretion of the court, and inakini:' It the dntv ,,f tne ittstrict attorney of the nr.. , un judicial district to ' commence and prosecute for violations ,,f said bill in any court of i ipetent jurisdic tion an action al law to et, force said penalty. Done at the Capitol at Salem, this -Mil day of l-'ebruary, A. I)., p.ioo. ISiRiied) (ii:o. K. Chamiikki ( (Simied! V. 1. Di nhak, x (Seal) Si-eretary of State. tun petition linsoll, in. I), foi Id. Jaiii,. i Ocorge .Mc.Callister, N. .1. Lambert. Walter j HtnrickH. A. li. Allingliam, J). II. Krvreiu- .1.11. Kirtuer, Thonuis N'eal, .lames I) j Taylor c. Hist, . L.Oliver, llobert l! i v,'K' i u) ,?-vl,':'"r- J'"'"'' '-"'b-rg, t-lias. Noland, W, A. Wilt. . .Mince is iiereby given Unit tli j signed will present the foregoing I nu a license tu sell spirituous, mall ..i.. u.s nipiors ami nar.i enter in uiuintities less than one gallon in lilack Htm,, pre cinct, Crook County, Oregon to the Honor able County Court for Crook County Oris, gon, on the 2nd day of Mav, Itmti, at the County Court room in said County ami nunc. Oated this Sil h dav of March, IIHKi. 1'. M. Zr.MWAl.T lb L. Mll.I.Ki;. Ida 1 rahan, Defendant To Ida Trahan, tin. above nunicd daiit ; In the name of the state ou are hereby reutiircd to miiMn-r ..nr r am ill's i-i,.i,i.. .,i 111...1 againsl you in the above entitled court on ; or before the ,tli. dav of May,- A 0 Ifioti I 'li'lli ,'rHl 7; ', "J'I'f""'' Hie I'laintili'i will taken JVnree tortile relief demanded I in the ( ,.,,, Utint tiled in t lie said above I ...hum s ,u. tuat is tor the dissolution . or nouns 01 of Oregon ; ! iippcar and ofj J'OK SALK. Timber Land and Mill Site. On account of conlit 1 jn. lirmity the owner luus decided to sell the .North ICast quarter of Sec tion ;:!, Tp South, of lt,iii.e !l ICast W. M. in Crook County Oiv-K-oii, coiiiprisino. Kid acres of o,,od timber land and t he mill-site known as 1'rinu'le Falls, on the Deschutes River. Address all inquiries to M. IC. liuiNK, I'riiieville, Oregon. I'OIi SALK (-.rain and stock farm; loi'O acres deeded hind, HOI) acres in cultivation ;good bouse., barn, orchard j ami improvements; well fenced, plenty running water, I1., miles from good school, 7 miles from station on Ihillos Ihifur railroad ; daily rural iiinil ; con trols enclosed range for itMKi sheep: at present pastures 400 cuttle. No. I Innib ing grounds on Deschutes river. n excellent ranch to hold mid feed mutton for the Portland market. Wheat and barley ; yields HO to 40 bus. pur acre. Price, $20 per acre, for particulars address 111.' llenton street, The Dulles, ( Ire. 0'9el brothers PrineuiteS Wioesaie Xiquor Jfouss Fino Wines, Liquors and Cigars, alio I I evSW Suppties Solo Agents for Hop Gold Boor and the Famous Napa Soda Trade Solicited. 1 - imsmn.j. AV.,trV,.kk.J Kin cry Tralinii use us-iiis oi tins suit and for such nth ltd as in eipiity may seem watch between Prineville. Had reward. Return ..V1N, ivernor. Notic to Propurty nd Tetunts. Notice is Iiereby niven to all pro I . ow nu ami pel sons occupy. inn preiulses HbuttiiiK' and adjoining Htreetn and alleys within the City of I rlneville, Oregon, to clean up and remove all manure, rubbish, Utter and obstructions in the Mtreets and alleys adjoining their premises with in 15 days from the date of thin notice. AIho to HbaU all unsanitary eesfi poolH and closets without fur- iner notice, liy order of the ouncil. J. 11. t'ltOOKS Notice of Fiual Settlement. Notice is hereby nivcn that (leoi-.-,. Mcny, administrator of the csinte of Williatn McVay, deceased has rendered and bled bis litml accountiiiK of bis ad ministration ol said estate and the Court has appointed .Monday, the Tth day of May, um at 10 o'clock in il. ,'. , . the County Court room in Prineville Oregon as the time and place for hearing sid linal accounting. At whu i, tie ,,,,,1 filace all persons interested in said estate miry appear mid nle their objections to said accoutitiim. Okiiruk Mi-V iy i f.umiiitsirator ot the estate nf McVuy, Deceased. Petition For Liquor License. TO TUB HON'oliAHLKCOUX IV t'ol'KT I'OU I'KOOK COC.N' I'V, OliKdoN We, the umlersiirncd, leKal voters of Ashwonil precinct, Crook County, Oregon respecthilly petition your liouoriible body to L-raiit unto the tirm ol n...,,.,., a. .'.. a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous iiiUors and hard rider in .iiantities less than one kuIIoii in said Aswood precinct County Hud Stale aforesaid, lor a term of six in, mtlis from I after tlie 2'id day of .May l!Ki: , W. P. Walker, R. K. Ilcrryimin, C. K. Sandy C S. McCorkle, T.' ,1. Wynuiii, Urani Ilraskett, John (ii-alcr. Pert James I'l-aiik Doak, K. A. Randolph, lieu. 1). Car dew. .1. (I. Clark, Thonuis Lewis, M. I). McDonald, ,1, c. Hoiith, K. li. dons,.,. 1. bolken. T. S. Anderson, II. il. Clark, iobert Hamilton, Oliver McCulluiii, 0 M 1 omdcNicr, Kred McCollem. (di-n Crater' A. . (inner. I'atriek I.Viliv I p ti....,:. ..' Ali'M-r McLennan, John I). .McLeiimm s' s. black, .1. II. O'Kelley, Lee Wood, John islmrt, tlw.rue Crockeii. .. c. !rK John ( reoK'iin, I), s. lhnnilion, M,o Wood. Notice is herehv iriven thai ,i,u i. Koing petition will be presented to the ; llonornble County Court lor Crook County I Oregon, on the 2nd dav of Mav, liUKi at Id , o clock in the forenoon, at 'the County ,., ' ''"cMiie, Oregon, ut which time and place the petitionee will apply to the Court lor a license as prayed lor iii said , 'lit, on. '"H IIKNTON ,V URATKK. inatriinnny now eTiatiinr hi,. tween you and the P'lnintilf, and for the care and custodv of H... hit II. il ml f, ... il., i i. ' , - -, 1 l'" - oir. nini oi and further md just and riudit i nis Minimons is ordered to be served upon you by publication thereof in the ciook ( ouiity Journal for six consecutive weeks by order of the Hon. W. A Hell, ouiuy court ot the State of I -eW' - "K..I b"t tins (ill,, day of March, A. I). KUKi ' ! ' nainiieriain's Stomach and JV Cko. W. liiK.NKs; (TabletH will help yon to digest -"""io.i ioi , laintui. (food.. It taken J.OST Small gold lumper vanyon am' broken crystal. $") to Alex Ilinton, I'lineville. For a Weak Digestion. The Opera Saloon BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors State of ! .,,! named the systein, but the OK MOON, cotninandc City a 5 2 Marshal. Desert Laud, Final Proof Notice For Fublicution LT. 8. Land Otlir, Lakeyiew, Oregon, Mar. 21 pmti Nouc-e is hereby KiVeu that Maub.y j Uuioiu of Paulina, Crook County Ori'-noii has tiled notice of intention to make proof on his Uesert-laiidclaini No. !tJ4 for the Ri SK KW'Sec. -M I Tp SI S. 'ft. 22 K W. M. and NW SWW bee. 19 Tp. 21 & R. 23 K.. W. M. Iwfore J. J.Smitb eh.ri, .. i rou wouuiv ori'rjon at bis Prineyille Orejron, on Satunlav day of May, Me Uames the IoIIowiiik witnesses Notioe For Publication. Land Oilice at The Dalles, Oregon. , . March 1st, lima' .Notice is hereby pnen that the lollcwini; named settler has tiled notice of his in tentiou to make tinal proof it, support ol Ins chum, mid that said proot will be made before the Comity clerk at Prine ville. Oreinm. on A,,ril so, ov,.. Joen I. Houst, n. of t'nmL- or........ .... H. (, No. 114(11. for tin. 'U' VCi V, K i-J ft,. , m t Ut' naim'x thr follow illir U'i, n..ss., 1.. lUTlVe IlisconlillUolls resi.l..i...M , ' , cultivation of said land, vi,- tf ' i Amnions. Kisher I.OKan. 1'nul Held'and" h. ( . KatiKht, all of Crook, ( regon. MictiAKi, T. Not n, h,el;ist,.r I Notioe For Publication. Land Oilice at The Dalles. Oiei.on v ,. . . , .March 1st, llKHi. . .Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-naincd settler has til,., notice id his niiention to make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proot will be tlliule bet, ii-e tii.. i-.....,t., ..I...... ... Willi,,,,. I -.,,. . . i, . ... """') ' 'n Ol V TOO K ; Vincviuc, OreKon, on April , i H,, viz.- Abram P. Dawson, of Liunonta ! V".'K,'L'.' 'J i11' K' No' lr the Lots ? ! .. :,' V. ' i,1 -N -SW , Section ; l'. i.i ll. l,, I,. . .. i Ui- names the I'ollowini; witnesses to i piovc his continuous residence upon and ....... ,.,,,.1, ,,i s;,ll( num. Oscar Cox, William Sa J,.rrv Achev an.l Jaines s. McMeen all of liamotita. Ort'Kon. M It'll A KL T. NOLAN, Krister. Summons In tlie (.'iivuit court ol' the Otvfon for Crook county. Josie Allison IMaintitf' vs K. K. Allison Kel'cmlant To 11. I). Allison the tibov Detendant : 1 1 1 1 K N A M i 1 1-' Till,' s-r .i -i-,.- , . ,.- Vou are hereby reiiuired'and to iiinil.,... ;.. ii... .. i -ii nouve en- ....... i n ami answer the complaint o.w on hie in the oilice of the Clerk for this county, ami ol the ul,ve ,,! ,.urt on or belore the lirst day of the next reeu- ar ten,, of the s court, to wit on or bc orelheTib. ibi.yof.Mav, Intnl. am, vou ill lake notice that ii you so fail' to .., .e, ami a nswer mat the above named 1 hiintiM will take a Decree for the relief as prayed lor ii, her Complaint, that is for the dissolution ol the bonds of niatriinonV now existing U-twoen you and the Plniii- ou, upon tne grounds of desertion audi neilstipport, and for the costs and dis-1 nursemetits ot this suit. ' Service of Suiumoiis is made ;,, thiu -'asc by publication in the i',-,,.,i- .-' . C TWWYVVVH i.?1!!',""1,'-!1 w'!,.l-v: "'.si"!'-- published ' n the City ol Prineville, Crools county. I v'ltgou.aiHi ot general circulation tor T n .. lull period of six full weeks bv ,,r,i & laHf I 111 RHft llailK W. A. liell.Juile of ti ,- ,.!: '"v.vr.a Vllivj IIU1IIO oi wrcgon tor tTook ,-er vom it! not the nuftiitit.v of fo.,,1 that i;ives strenirth anil vi.m,- to amount digested assimilated. If troubled with i weak digestion, don't fail to give these ( Tablets n trial. Thousand! -have been j benefitted by their -ise. They only .cost a ipiarter. lor sale ley D. P. Aiiiimsou. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. ne dirty-bay horse Di bunds high, S years old, branded A and reversed .1 on left shoulder. One bay horse, rather old, branded C on left shoulder. A reward of iflil will be paid to Under reporting the where a limits of both or first named animal to KoytiRAY, Prineville, Ore. In The Glaze Hall. A First ClaSsS House in Every Kesncct Choicest Brands of Liaunrs AinA M ancl Cigars Try ?onie of our own make of tile Hon Court of the county, this State '1st day ot .March l'loii. Oko. W. BARMiS, Attorney for Plaintiff. I regular to-wit on otlice at the 2tltli Notice For Fublicution. Iicpartmeiit of the Interior, Land Oftice at The Palles Oreaon i.,-;i .1...1 .s'u. V .,; , . .,..o -ii. i. iissi. Notice For Publication. Land Oftice at The Dalles Oregon, ..... March 1st, l!. .Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention in make linal proof in support ol his claim, and that said proot will lw niMde belure the County Clerk at l'rine-i .., ,,' '"''Kon, on April nth, vii: illiain K. French, ol Prineville, Oregon 1 ",.H- K- -N" s-'1). t'ortbe W.J N S'i , N WW s,v.; and SK'. SKt4, Se.-tiou a? ; Tp. 18 S. R. i K., W. i. He names tlie billowing witnesses to prove his: continuous residenee in.oii i ! : cultivation ol suid Ihii.i ... , -luiiii i. l.aKollette, K, 1 !.... 1 L' .11.... . ,.,.? "i1" i"m'rr',' K,ivV" ',"lt '"lollo'wi'ng.' I ovpli II. liurson, and j.'o. Powell al! of" tiaimsi Mttler has tiled notice of his intern' ''"'leville, Oregon. MlCHAKI. l Nol vv. Kegister. ,.V,i. , . "tu l'!'00' 111 support of his "m I'i'.'ol m U' made K'fore 1),,,, P. Kca, f. s'. Commissioner, a Z- ? ''',"! M-'r-;',". Oregon, on May u 1 vt: I liarles 1'. Wilcox, of LiunontH nw"1, ." ?; N;."' i:t,sa- '"r ui" sw?; V Section l.s. 'p. la S. K, H c w M fie mimes the i.rii.. ; .... .. :.. 11 It Ill'SsiW 1.1 Summons In the Circuit court of the State of (n-e-i gon for ( 'rook county. I A. K. Rath Plaintiff ; vs j William J. Hath Defetidant ' to illuitii J. Rath the above naiued ! Detendant; I IN THK X AM K OF TDK STATK OF i OKMIOX, You are herehv required and I commanded to appear in' the above en titled court and answer the complaint now ' .... ...c m me ,i,iu t, vl ule i ierk tor this county, and of the above naimsi court on or neiore ine lirst uay ot the next term ol the said or neioreine , ui uav ot .May. iyOb' and you will take notice that if yoii so fail tiC appear and answer that the' aliove named 1 Plaintitt will take a DeeroeM'or the relief as prayed for in hefComplaint, that is for i the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony-' now existing between vou and the Plain-' tiff, upon the grounds of desertion and nonsupport, and foi the costs n.l ,t; t bursemeiits of this suit. - : services ot Summons is m.i.i.. ;,, I case by publication in the Crook County i Journal, a weekly newipaper, published iii j the City of Prineville. Crook county Oregon, and of general circulation tor the full period of six full weeks by order of the Hon. W. A. Hell. Ju.tire of tlie County ' court ot the State ot Oregou for Crook couniy mis .-mi ,iav ol Man h lan; (IKO. W. HB.VKS. O. K. Meat Market Country Orders not overlooked Rlacksmithing That Pleases Is I lie Mud Von ;ct at- ("Successor lo) COK.VKTT A Stock of Knrin M.ii'lnnei v jilw.tvs on 1, MEN WANTED! Tlie Deschutes Irrigation ot Power ComjiMiiy at Redmoml wants rock men, teamsters anil slip holders. Wages 1,2.25 per lav; hoard H.aO per week. Meat, Vegetables, Produce WAN Covote T E Hides D Highest market price laiil. fall or write. li. L. Jordan VRINKVU.l.K O R K 11 11 N A Complete. and Choice I, in,- of JVef,' Veal Haeon, Lard and Country Proiluee Kept on Mutton, I',-lif luind at tlie City IVieat iVIarket FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand I'riiieville, Oregon Human Blood Matks. A Lucky Postmistress. is .Mrs. Ale prove the complete irriKutioii ami rn-U- i JXitn'f'!,!,uUS ,r''.ui',' "1 ml matioii of said and ; 1 '.V" !' 01 """ lil, vu : . V,;, rivnv, l.,H. Ktmrr, matioii of Baiii IniiU JoMph Street. Ttionias Ualtour. Charles Lilloux and Jamea (olehrist all of Puuiin Oregon. J. N. Watson, Kegister. 't Ireolt. Prank Miller it l.itntiitita, Mn iiaki. T. N OLAS, Ki-Kisu-I, Notice of Piual Settlement. X otic? is hereby iriven that the umler. ; sine,l hits tiled Ids Final Aecouni as j Aduiinistrutor ot ilu- Ktate of 1. 1.. xiin.ieiMii' Cue.. M.i ...I... r-rZ-. "W. with the County h.isfo.,,,,1 i,r u . v""'V:.-: :j-.,r. i 1 '.v"."' ". wte ot uon. !,,,, , ( " i his 10 . ami tne i ountv ourt ot Crook ( ountv. Jt tlie Hem remedy she ever tried for I Orepon, has set Monday, the 2nd Uav of keeiutuf the Stonmcli, l.iverand llottels ! April. l'.M' as the liine'f.-r hearing said ' ui pei its t unier. on 11 uv;rt-e with her I rlMttl Ai'count iiini any and ail it vou try these ,,niiil..ssi ...;n...... ,,,...! that may he made thereto. inliise new hfe. liuuranteed l,v I P - 1!"'sl :llis ''' "f Pel-ruary, lHWt. Adamson ami T,.,,,,,l..i.. , i'. ' ! .... Marion 1'avloii, l.it PricM v '""if 1 Ailiiiiuistiatorol the Kst.ue of I. I., i eiii-'cu. ilecea-ed. 'jections . Ms ear-' A tale of horror wa- told i,y marks of ,' human ltln.i.1 in the home of J. Y. 'il- nierchaiit ot H:,c K--., He writes: "Twenty years ago I : had severe hemorrhages of the Iiins. ; mid wis near death when I Uymi tak- Ir. King's New IMseovery. it con,. ! pietely cured me uii.l 1 have remained ! -well ever since." It cures Hemor-! rlias, Chronic Coughs. Settled Colds! sitid Itroni hitis. and is the onh- known : euro ior Weak l.uns. Kverv Jmttle KUaranlee,! hy K V. Adamson ,v Co. a 'femjileton Sou nrncist. " ."aV- and flAW. Trial hot tie free. r jfcencto7so7i d ZPollci7ct Country Orders Soticitcci Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the Foindexter Hotel 4. . --f CI (J r.j Is J n 1- a F.1 at j K.I C J