Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 12, 1906, Image 4

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    Crook County JournalPETITIONS ARE FILED Candidates Column JONATHAN BOURNE, Jr.
Candidate' Names Will AH Ap-,
STEFFA & BAILEY. Publisher
P C B L I 8 H K D K V K R Y T H I' K H l A Y
SiiWcrferiM S 1.80 Far Yw la A4aaca
pear on Primary Ballots
PrinerUls, Oregon, April 12, 1906.
J. X. Williamson
the week in Cortland.
is spending I
M. It. Biggs went down. ( Port
land last Saturday on a business
J. Frank Stroud was over from
Bend on a buHinuss trip the last of
the week.
J. H. Hancr returned Sunday
vening from a business trip to
G. W. Xohle was down from his
Htock ranch at Paulina during the
last of the week.
Mayor A. L. Goodwillie, of Bend,
was a passenger on Saturday'
dtage for Portland.
Henry Carlin wan down from
hi ranch on Crooked river during
the early part of the week.
For tine candles,, tolmcros, cluar
and fruits, we ha ve t hem. Olovcr &
Keeps the Bent of
Lard, Cheese and Honey
Minn May Reed, deputy county
county clerk, returned Sunday
from a visit with her parents at
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knighton
were down from (heir ranch pn
the Ochoco the last of the week
Miss Birdie Morris returned
Sunday evening from Salem where
he has been attending the Wil
lamette University.
A. 8. Collins, republican candi
date for the nomination for sheriff,
Rpent the latter part of last week
in the Madras country.
Alex Mclntoshwas in the city
the last of the week from Pau
lina. He left for Portland Satur
day on a business trip.
Miss Hazel Howard and Miss
Addie Vanderpool went to Red
mond Saturday on a visit with the
latter's sister, Mrs. Kugene Lueier.
J. N. Hunter, of Bend, who
went down to The Dalles last
week to appear as a witness in
some timber land final proofs, was
in town Friday on his way home.
J 'Wight Roberts was in town
from Culver Saturday. Residents
there feel elated over the prospects
tor iountnui crops this season.
Heavy rains have given the grain
a good start
Joe Larson was in the city from
the Lone Pine Trading company's
ranch at O'Neil the last of the
week. The company is erecting a
new building there which will be
used jointly as an ollice for their
own business and as a postollice.
B. Gatewood was down from the
Mayflower mines at Howard Fri
day. The live stamp mill which
the company has been erecting is
completed and the cyanide plant
will be ready for use about the
'20th at which time all the other
machinery will be in place and
ready for operations. The rock
crusher and some of the other
machinery to be used at the mines
is on its way in from Shaniko.
F. E. Dayton, of the Liidlaw
Land Company, accompanied by
J. N. V. Gerking and J. V. Robin
son were in the city Monday. The
two latter are recent settlers in the
Laidlaw district and own land
there under the Columbia South
ern's canals. Mr. Gerking moved
to western Crook county from
Athena, Umatilla county, and has
been a resident of Kastern Oregon
for the past 33 years. He and S.
J. Newsom of this city were school
mates while attending school in
the Willamette Valley.
Henry Beard, Green Beard and
J. V. Han ley returned the last of
l. 1. i- r i
iuo net: iruiu me v.urisunas uuKe
valley where they went to locate
on land. The party together ac
quired 800 acres, which they will
put into cultivation this spring.
The Beards ex pect to move there
in a short time to make perma
nent residence. Out of the entire
800 acres which they tiled on only
a few acres are unsuitable for
cultivation. The land is a level
tract and can be cleared comparat
ively easy although at present
raising a heavy crop of sage brush.
County Clerk Smith was busy
during the last of the week check
ing up the voters names appear
ing on the petitions for the var
ious candidates seeking nomina
tions on the Democratic and Re
publican tickets.
There have been no names with
irawn and each candidate now is
engaged in various political maneu
vers to bolster up his campaign
before the primary election which
will lie held a week from next
The ollicial list of the names of
those who filed their nominating
letitions with Secretary of State,
F. I. Dunhar, for state and district
offices, was received last week and
as soon as the petitions of the
local candidates were checked,
County Clerk Smith made up the
official nominating ballots for the
two parties. Copy for the latter
was placed in the hands of the
printers Saturday and the work
was completed yesterday. Pre
cinct officers of election have
already begun to receiev the ballots
and samples.
Aside from the list of candidates
for already published,
the Republican ticket contains the
names of 11. C. Kllis, of Bend;
Frank J. Brooks, of Kutcher and
Howard F. Jones, of Redmond,
who are out for the nomination to
the office of Justice of the Peace in
their respective preeinots. For the
nomination to the constable's
office on the Republican ticket the
following names appear on the
ballot: R. II. Flanders, of Laid
law; A. J. llarter, of Laidlaw; J.
I). Mayes, of .Kutcher, and Lean
der L. Welch, of Redmond.
On the Democratic ticket appear
the names of John A. Ishain, of
Kutcher, and U. S. Miller, of
Lamonta, who are running for the
nomination to the office of Justice
of the Peace in the Precinct in
wh ich they reside.
Buys Lava Butte.
Si Hodge for Sheriff.
'I'., f 1... I'..t. !!,..., '..t..t.i ..f I V....L-
; county: I desire I lie nomination In
i the otlice of Sheriff of Crook county
iiiic Hiilmiit herewith my inline for
your consideration nt the primary
elation April il). l!X. I ask :il
your hands a careful consideration
of my umililirntion and If in oiir
opinion I urn eapnlile and wmM-Jiy
retiM-etfully solicit your support.
S. E. Hoimjks. I'riiievllle.
V. P. Vandevert was over from
Bend the first of the week to appear
as a witness in the Montgomery
homestead final proof. Mr. Van
devert said the railroad engineers
in charge of Chief Kpgineer Gra
ham, who were camped at the
Vandevert ranch at Lava for
several weeks, had moved the head
camp to Odell. The line of sur
vey has been completed that far at
present and will be pushed on
through Klamath county. Mr.
Vandevert is the owner of Lava
butte which is said to contain the
only available and usable railroad
ballast south of the Columbia
river. He acquired the butte and
the lava How surrounding several
weeks ago by placing scrip. In
the event of railroad construction
the once molten rock, now dis
integrated to a coarse heavy ash,
will be used for ballast along the
line and the new owner of one of
Crook county's natural curiosities
is likely to realize a tidy sum from
his holdings.
Takes Charge of Road Land.
Duncan Macleod, who resigned
his position as local agent of the
Willamette Valley A Cascade
Mountain Wagon Road company
last full, has again taken up the
work and will establish his head
quarters here. He will have
charge of the leases and sales as
before and will look after the
company's interests generally.
Cake and Statement No. 1.
The Mt. Scott News in its March
ii'th, has this to say regarding H.
M. Cake, and popular election of
United States Senators:
"While vou are enthusing for
Statement No. 1 don't forget that
H. M. Cake stands squarely for
the popular election of United
States senators, for strict adher
ence to Chinese exclcsion, and for
Oregon tirst, last and forever.
Not a bad combination from which
to build a mighty good senator.
It is the measure
man, so far as Statement No. t
goes, but Mr. Cake's outspoken
position forestalls any monopoly
of the issue as will doubtless be
shown as time goes on."'
W. W. Inn far Sheriff.
To the Itepiildieaii voters of Crook
county: I hereli.v announce my can
didacy for the nomination to the
olllee of Sheriff of Crook county . 'it
the. April primaries and resM-ctfiilly
solicit your support.
W. W. Hkown, Cross Keys.
B. F. Jokaioa far Sheriff.
To the Republican Voter of Crook
County: I hereby announce myself
a candidate for nomination to the
ollice of Sheriff of Crook County
subject to the division of the Repub
lican voters at the primary election
in April 211, HUMS.
It. F. Johnson, I'riiievllle.
Jacob Stroud for Sheriff.
To the Democratic voters of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the nomination to the
ollice of Sheriff of Crook county,
Orcuon, subject to the decision of
the Democratic voters of the county
itt the primary election to be held
pril 3), 1!MH.
Jacob Stkoii'ii, liiimonta.
Frank Elluns for Sheriff.
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for nomination to the
otlice of Sheriff of Crook county,
subject to the decision of the Re
publican voters at the priniarieH
April 20, UN Ml,
Khank ICi,kinh, .Madras.
San Collins for Sheriff.
To the Republican voters of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for nomination to the
ollice of Sheriff of Crook county sub
ject to (he decision of the Republican
voters at the primary election on
April I'll, l'.mii.
Nam Coi.uns, I'riiievllle.
J. M. Street Candidate'for Sheriff.
To the Democratic voters of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candida te for the nominal ion to the
office of Sheriff of this county on the
Democratic ticket and respectfully
ask the support of the party voters
at the coming; primary election to lie
held April I'll.
.1. M. Sthkiot, I'riiievllle.
W. T. E. Wilaon Candidate for Sheriff.
To the Republican voters of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for nomination to the
ollice of sheriff of Crook County sub-J.H-t
to the decision of the Republi
can voters at the primary election
on April I'd, P.HMi.
V. T. Wilson, Sinters
r v - a
V '
' ' c
: " Gasoline Engines
Expense Stops When Engine
is Closed Down.
2 to 6 Horse-Power Engine
and any style Pump in Stock
Write for Catalogue and Prices
J. H. Haner for County Clerk.
To the Republican voters of Crook
county: I Hereby announce my cmi
didacv for the republican nomina
tion for the ollice of county clerl.
under the direct primary law, sub
ject to the decision of the voters.
J. II. I1am:h, I'rmevillc.
Win. Johnton for County Clerk.
The undersig'iied, respectfully pn
seats his name to the republican
voters of Crook county Oregon, us
candidate to the office of County
Clerk at the primary election April
I'll. l!MMi.
Wm. Johnson
M. H. Bell for County Treasurer.
To the Democratic voters of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the democratic nomi
nation for county treasurer befori'
the direct primary election on April
l!il. M. 11. ISkm,. I'rineville
G. N. Clifton for County Treasurer.
To the Republican voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce myself
candidate for the nomination to the
office of County Treasurer on the
Republican ticket and ask the
support of t he party voters at the
primary election April It.
G. N. Clifton.
... V
W. F. King for County Treasurer.
I hereby announce to the Repub
lican . voters ot ('rook comity my
candidacy for the nomination to the
otlice of County Treasurer am
respectfully solicit their support nt
the primaries to lie held on April 'JO.
W. K. Kino, I'riiievllle.
T. H. Lafollettt for County Commitioner.
I hereby announce to the Demo
cratic voters of Crook county my
candidacy to the office of County
Commissioner on the Democratic
ticket subject to the division at the
Primaries April LM.
'I'. 11. I.Aioii.Ki r, I'rineville.
Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable
A huppy home is the most valuable
possession that is within the reach of
mankind, but you cannot enjoy its
comforts if you are suffering from rheu
matism. You throw aside ImHineM.
tirst, then the cares when vou enter vour home and
yon can le relieved from those rheu
matic jiaiiis ids; by applying Cham
berlain's l'ain Balm. One application
will give you relief and its continued
use (or a short time will bring about a
permanent cure. Kor ile by D. I'.
Republican Candidate forlUnited States Senator
.lonathnii r.ourne, .Jr., candidate before the Republican primaries for the
nomination of Cnited States Senator in connress, for the lonj term, com
mencing March 4, l'.HiT. was born In New Bedford, Mass., February 2:!, IS.").
was a member of the class of 1S77 at Harvard I niversity: came to Portland
May Hi, 1H7S; was a Republican member of the Oii-jfou legislature in the
session of 1XK", and the extra session of lssB; was one of OreRon s delegates
to the Republican National Convention of ISsS. and Oregon's menilier of
the Republican National Committee from INsS to 1S!I2, and a delcRiite to
the Republican National Convention of 1S2. and was elected as a Mitchell
Republican to the Oregon legislature in ISiXi.
Mr. Iiourno has lii-on more prominently identilied with the development
if the mineral resources of Oregon than any other man In the state, having
expended in the last 2U years over fl.OOO.lHM of his own money In the ncin
sltion and development of Oregon mines.
While Mr. llourne has had his residence and main office in Portland since
1S78, he has had another office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried on
the business of his father's estate since 1SS!i. which makes him familiar with
many of the large interests and leading men in the Knst. These (iiinlili-
atlons, in conjunction with his energy, originality, executive ability and
experience in business and political affairs pre-eminently iiualify him for
making an able and influential senator for the state of Oregon.
Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the people
liver their government as lar as possible, lie was one oi me leaning spirits
In the Dilative and Referendum movement from WM until It was approved
bv the voters at I lie .1 line election ill l'.Hr 111 li()4 he was a member of the
executive committee of the Direct Primary Nomination League, and holds
the same nosltion with the Peoiile's Power Lefmue at this time. In all
these movements he has been one of the few to guarantee the necessary
expenses ot preparing and proposing tneir measures ro me peopie.
lie says that the choice of United Stales Senator should be by direct vote
of the people, and that the legislature should be compelled to elect the man
the people select. To accomplish this result, he is championing statement
No. 1 of the primary elections law as the only method by which public
opinion may be crystallized and made effective tipiin the Legislature.
In his petition lor nomination he says:
"II I am nominated and elected, I will, during my term ol ollice, lavor
"ReDublican Politics.
"Amending National Constitution lor People's Election ol United Stales
"Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
"National Control ol Comorations in Interstate Commerce.
"Rinid Exclusion ol Asiatic Coolie Labor: Good Waues Make Good
"Legal Limitation Hours lor Salety on Railroads.
Parcels Post, Including Rural Delivery.
"Pure Food Laws.
"Liberal Appropriations lor Panama Canal, Coast Delenses, River and
Harbor Improvements, including Columbia and Willamette Kivers,
Coos, Yaquina and other Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Government
Canal at Oregon City.
"Fair Share ol Irrigation Fund lor Oregon.
"Loyal Support lor Successlul Candidates.
"Rigid Enforcement Statement One.
"Roosevelt lor Second Elective Term.
"I desire that the lollowing statement be printed alter nty name on the
nominating ballot:
The Biggest,
Most Complete
A N D 1
The Cheapest
Line of
In the County
Can Be Seen and
Bought at the Store of
j Spring Styles in Millinery
t Newest style Sailors and latest designs Irom the best houses
l( wo Ii-jvp nnthinn in diu-I to suit vou. we will make to vour
it " v. - - - - a - - j
Order, Ribbon by the bolt lor lancy work. Flowers lor
ficCall's Patterns, 10 and IS Cents
i iiiiiiiiiiiiii'iii"I" l"H"M I' M"I'H"I"1' l"l"l"iin-1 li'l' l- il I I I I I I I I I 1 I i I I t 1
1 st and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon
THE 0'
r t r i r. "i i r t r n r rs i n n r. t r s !i
t JL. JU JL JU Jkt JL, Ju Jli 1Z Jk j J
u J
t J
r i
w J
L J.
L. J t. ik Jt. Ji. Jw ji Jw JL. Jt itJLJL J
Restaurant and Lunch Room
- j - : ' '
JW C act ics a?id Scjitlemcn
9feas and tSakery jCunch
Board by the week, $5.00; -with room, $6.00. Meal Ticket, $4.00
L JW Jv-lk JL JiL-il. JL -It JW Jl- .lt J
S i I a
Bend l.ivery & Transfer Coinpaiiy
Stock boanli'd by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember tis when in
I'rineville. R.vrics Rkasonabi.k. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
gJt Run in Connection with the bend Livery Stables
r A Inrin. far f.nvemor. Trespass Notice.
The Desehulfs Irrigation &
lieariSir: Divkoh i a law unite. Power Company, July organized
ami 1 (ear that time will not pi-rmlt j un,ier tj,e )aws 0f the State of Ore
me to ylHtt your eouut.v. Will .1.. so goni hereby ,1Vt.s IM)U,. that wy
If puMHiliU . ... have exclusive control of all sen-
Have niaile a hanl lif?lit tor this
nomination, and should KasternOiv. j regated lands under the Carey act
koii iii M lili h I have lived for eijjli- j in Crook county under the Pilot
teen years, nive me loyal support. lj Hutte anJ Central Oregon canals,
will lie nominated. This is her , operatinj Uluit.r contract with the
pollth-..! opportunity, and 1 trust ;
t ha t vou will set- your wn.v clear t ,,
assist me. i ntifies all jiersons that on and
state Hank Examiner. after thin date it in positively for-
tiive Primary Law fair trial. (bidden to allow horses, cattle,
HiRh sense of otlielal honor. j , j . f, ..
1 r- -
and hiKh 1
LlU-ral support to
standard of education.
Rich and poor will-receive
courteous treutiuent. .
With Roosevelt on railroad
latlon and lnlmr unestion.
Otl'u-e of Land Aavnt must Ih
above suspicion and without
segregated lauds of this, company;
alike i' rallSe thereon or alTow any
; stock to polute the waters of any
kxis! canals or laterals of this company
under penalty of the law.
Redmond, Or., March 27, li0t.
Dkshitks Irrigation A Powkr
Franchises should pay rt'asoiialile : Company.
tax. Express and similar cuiupan-. J). 1. A- P. Settlers' Assn.
111 &W. A. JOH.VM. 1
Shaniko lOarehousG Co.
SAanJro, Oregon
General Storage, Forwarding
Commission Merchants
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal. Flour, Barbed .Wire,
Xails, Cement, Lime, Coal 'Oil, Plaster, Sulphur,
Wool and Grain, Sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed.
Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Go's. "While
River" and "Dalles Patent"
paid for Hides and Pelts.
Flour. Highest price
Special Attention is paid to
Baling for Kastern Shipments.
Grading and
Stock Yards with all the latest
for Handling Slin k.
and best facililii-s
97fark 2our Soocis in
'S. Co.'
0. F. Jackson, Secy.
I. 4
k J
lb. J
C j
a j
i. J