rook County dp VOL.X PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 5, 1906. NO: 16 G our r.3i j r.a r.a fcjl ra l4 r j -r i La t J E3 L j (3 6-3 i. j 53 5 r.3 1. 1 l j c.3 Li 11 f.3 r"3 1$ Lit mi L' ii e.3j ft a; L J fcjl til' K3 S3 L j r 3 t j n LJ r.3 e.3 6-1 C.J Li ft 3 i. J Lj 63. fc. It u J l-j mi l j 3 LJ r,a nl l J CJ r C j r?.T til r.a C2 tJ C3 C3 r-3 J P-3 ca ra tj r,3 t'J r3 t J r.3 LJ ra ra (.3 c,a i.2 r.3 hj r.3 LJ n ki r.3 r .3 LJ r.i LJ r 3 LJ ear i.jt.jwJh;jvjk.jjwJCjkJi;ji.jLji. ji.ji.jkji. hjijui jl iL juji.ji.ji. jk jl jui-j B1 aster Ribbon S ALL DAY SATURDAY 1 aie Grand Unprecedented Sale of all Grades of Ribbon At an ENORMOUS SAVING New Arrivals in Jewelry SUPERB NEW STYLES IN New Hat Pins, Autopins, Largnette Chains, Layallieres, Brooches, Combs, Etc. EASTER SHOE SALE Beginning Friday and Lasting Until Saturday Night April 14th Ten Per Cent Reduction on All Pootwear for Cash This Sale Will Not Be Duplicated. You will find it most opportune to buy your Shoes During This Sale Special Showing of New Millinery Saturday See our New Showings of Hip-Form Corsets c YOU WILL SEE THE SIGN r w I Ta.T o r. kJ r.y. kj r.3 u j ra kj r.3 L J r..3i l-i L J ra lj l j r.3 k j r.3 kj r.3 k. j r..3i l r a La k jj r.3l k Jl kji r.a Lj 3 k J f 3 L J r a kj r.a k j r a k J C3 k J 3 k J 1ST kJ ID P. 3 k J r.a k j n kj r 3 kj raj kj r a k j r .a ra k j r 3 k j r.3 k J r .3 kj r.a k j r,3 r..a k j r.3 k j r.3 UJ ra kj r.3 k j r.a LJ r.a k j r.3 kj r.3 k j r. .3 L J r.3 k j r.3 k J MAJORITY INCREASES )k j a jSjljl jljl K jk jkjk' :ju jkjkJi.jkjiJLjkjj.jkji.jujkji.iui.ji.Aj I : : : 1 : 1 4 nm ill - v HI V ! 13 is i 'I Yours With The Goods WIDE AWAKE I. MICHEL ,j We are receiving poods nil the titnr iind our stock will lie 'complete. Our store .is snuil! luit we luive tlie ;oods just the same :-: :-: :-: :- :-: In Shoes We Have The Best Julia Marlowe Shoei and Oifordt foi l.n lies. lW'st Known and host ail- . verlised pIioo in the world Tbe Original Packard Shoe for Men. Pull mat top, lilil sole, military heel. The Fliatttone Special Shoe. Military heel, dull mat top, created vamps ' v oak soles. Improved Dreuwell Line, tlnodyear welt, Kssex last, tnedinm sole, out side fnli. Prince Special, New Style. McKay sewed, national last, doulde sole full edge, any in iti's slioe. And Many Other Stylet .for Ladies', dent's, Misses', tiirls and Hoys. Our limit's l-'urnisliinj; ( iiMids is also complete witli the latest styles Don't forget the fact that our line of iroceries is also Complete X - I JE3L JtLi I-j OFFICERS; W. A. Booth, President C. M. Elkins, Vice President FntD W. Wilson, Cashier DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, C. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewart, Fred W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking Business 10 x change Bought and oltl Collections will re ceive prompt attention Republicans Gain in the Registration LEAD NOW BY 345 Registration Figures Reach 1377 Republicans Have 801 Demo crats Number 456 I With five days remaininii before Itlie registration books in the countj' (derk's ollioe close for the primary election, the total voters throughout the county who have registered number lo77. This is probably slight ly in excess of one half the total vote which will lie polled in June. The registrtaion I books close next Tuesday afternoon at. five o'clock and from now until that time Uuunty Ulerk mith ex pects the recording of unities to be a heavy task. Kutcher still led the other pre cincts yesterday in the total regis tration with 2l:. It is stated that at least '250 will be registered in the latter precinct when the books close. l'rineville held second place with 15, but this week the registration here will out-distance that of Kutcher. lUack Butle took third place in tbe registra tion figures with a total of Mi voters. The Republican majority con tinves to increase, the summary showing that out of the total of 1877 voters registered SOI belong to that uartv. Of the balance 45li are Democrats, giving the Repub licans a majority of J545. Indica tions point to an increase of the latter lead to a figure exceeding 500' Registration by precincts up np to this morning was as follows: Total Hep. Pent, l'rineville Is;, sis si Ashwood i;:i 41 11 Bear Creek :',:! 1:1 -Jl Ben vert 'reek 44 Is 22 Bend 54 :!1 -'.! Black Butte Sr. 4U :'m Bivese - Hi 12 Cross Keys I'll T.t Camp Creek L's is Deschutes 41 Haystack till Mowsird 2:1 HayCi k 1s 1 Hardin 4 Ireland d 1 1 1 1 1 1 s i hi Ck Kutcher LmIiIIm w Lanmiita Montfi'oiueiy Mill Ci k McKay Maury Newsoin Towell Ituttes Redmond AVitrin Springs Willow Creek Su til mi I shown by tbe typewriter scale and divide Ibis remainder by two: the result will le the number at which to start to get the desired result. By .Mr. O'Connor's invention this figuring is all worked out automatically. The instrument resembles a caliper very closely, and all that is required is to meas ure the caption, as one would with a caliper, and the starting point is shown by an indicator. Its work is .mathamatically correct. This instrument can also be used to great adautage by com-1 positers and stenographers in rail toad ollices. It is stated that Mr. O'Connor has a small fortune in this little invention which will be put on the market as soon as the necessary arrangements can lie ma'de. Death of Alfred Kennedy. Alfred Kennedy, father of A. II. Kennedy, editor of the Review of ihis city, died at the family home in Santa Rosa, Cal., last week Wednesday. The Santa Rosa Re publican gives the following obituary: "Alfred Kennedy passed away in this city this morning, a victim of quick consumption. Deceased leaves a widow and four children to mourn bis departing: Mrs. L. Behncke, Mrs. II. C. Davis, Fred and Arthur Kennedy, the latter of l'rineville, Oregon. The funeral of the deceased will take place from the family residence on Santa Rosa avenue Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock," Howard Line Is Completed. FLOATING DEBT HAS BEEN PAID Athletic Association Is Flourishing 3T?EpJijETrfTriEf3 Devil's Island Torture i is no worse than the terrible case of i l'iles that altlctcd tne It) yearn. Then 1 i was advised to apply liuklen's Arnica ! Sa've, and less than a box poi maiientlv cured me, writes L. S. Napierof tingles, Ky. Heals all wounds, I'lirns and Sores like magic. 2"c at D. 1'. Adam son it Co and Templeton it Son druggist. lii so ::i 21 4! 2!t till 21 Hi .:!s 4 10 12 4 17 Hi 14(1 41 42 21 s 20 l:i :;ii lit 1." 2C :i ii 10 1"' M 10 14 4:! s 12 20 'l.'l 1:! 1 HI 1 Tidal sol 4.-(i fiilGJUiw Jk JW Jl. Jl. Ladies Tailor Made Suits Misses and Childrens' Jackets Blue Cheviots Fegular $7.W Values now $3.00 $16.01) Values for $6.00 Only " o. ' $2.00 $12.(H) " - " $5.00 " S.i. " - $1.50 These opfmrt unities have never before These are excellent values and must tro been offered in Prineville. this season. Ladies 81. ")0 Kid Gloves for 75 cts !I -y-, . V cc , n u T ., , , .. One-1 hird off on all Mens Loir and mailed to any address with postage pre paid while they last. Dress Shirt, for 30 DAYS ONLY Groceries, Tinware, Hardware, Dry Goods, Furnishings Boots and Shoes JL Jl-JL J r i .U r.3 L J r.3 L J r 3 L J n L J r 3 LJ rT L J r.3 L Jl r.3 ' LJ r,3 LJ r 3 L j r 3 L J n L J r 3 LJ r 3 L J r 3 LJ LJ CLAYP00L BROS. Prineville Ore go n PATENT IS GRANTED V. J. O'Connor of Redmond Invent! Clever Typewriter Device V. J. O'Cohnor, cashier of the D. I. & I'. Co. at Redmond, has just received word from the U. S. Patent Office that bis application for a patent, on his 'improvement on a" measuring instrument has been allowed. ' Last fall while at work in the D. I. v P. Co. office at Rend, Mr. O'Connor conceived the idea of facilitating the work of stenog raphers while using n typewriter in drawing up statement work. The secret of his invention i- to center statement headings and get them exactly in the center of a naae 'frutii riidit to left, without having to follow the old laborious method used by jill stenographers. I!y the old method in order to get a heading for a .-tatemeut exactly the center f the page, from t'K, left, it ' is necessary to coudt the number of letters, spaces, Extension of the seven miles of telephone line from the Dyer ranch oy the Oehoeo to the May flower mines at Howard was com pleted last Saturday and cominuni- catieii between the latter place and Prineville has been established The line is owned and operated by Postmaster Summers and the com pletion of it makes a total ot over HO miles of line which he has built in the county during the past year. The first line he con structed was to Madras, a distance of 40 miles. The spur of 12 miles from Madras over to Hay Creek to connect with the main line operated by the Pacific States Telephone Company between Prine ville and Shaniko, which has not been entirely completed as yet, and then thejine to Howard. There are approximately 177 miles of telephone line in the county. Eighty of these are owned by the local postmaster, (15 by the Pacific. States Telephone Company, nd the line between Prineville and Bend, :2 miles in length, is owned by a company of business men in the latter place. ABANDONS TRACTS Road Company Gives Up Holdings in the Cascades The Willamette Valley and Cas cade Mountain Wagon lioad com pany has filed notice clerk of Linn county company will no PROSPEROUS YEAR Club Pays Off $550 in Six Months Plans Are Laid for Further Improvements Reports read at the annual meeting of the Prineville Ama'telir Athletic Association last Monday evening show the institution to be in a nourishing condition. The critical period of the club has been passed, and the prospects for its future are all that could be asked. The filiating indebtedness, which amounted to $550 last October, has been paid up in full and there remains a balance of $50 in the treasury. The dues now are more than sullicient to pay tbe running expenses and each month the sur plus from the different sources of revenue will be laid aside in a fund to apiilv on the bonded in- (teiuedness winch amounts to $2500. The club at present has 100 members in good standing. The report of secretary Wilson follows: Ht'souri'cs I, nihilities SCHOOLS GROWING Sup't Dinwiddie Says 60 Districts Will Be Running This Year Ueal entitle ;l.(0 ltuiuls 2500,00 KiiinkuiT ami Loss mid puiii 2M7.31 1'ixturcs UiiO.tft I'uol lulik- iuili'b. 11.00 Citsh 47.11 follows: Edgar J. H. F. W. in L J irvwmrvirvnrvtnrwvinnrinr.irirririnrvwvwinnrvir.i C!! right r 3 L J "i. ...; Ci,...-..., ..,. n J i MIUi;iUrtll"il mill Rf, iiiiirc, i'., hi the caption and deduct this amount from the highest figure as with the that the longer be re sponsible for keeping up the road and its bridces. nor for nnv acci dents that may happen on the route between Linn and Crook counties. The company in other words has abandoned this portion of the road, which begins at Sweet Home iid extends across the state to Ruins. The company was granted large tracts of Valuable land on both sides of the road under the condi tion that the road be kept in good condition, and if abandoned, ac cording to notice, proceedings should be begun at once to secure . . i . ... i possession ol tin; properly grained tbe company along the road. The strip of territory through which the road runs in eastern Linn county is heavily timbered in places and a number of people have filed on timber laims along the route of travel which has been abandoned .by the Road company. The road was built about :;() years ago. WWt7.Hl WJH7.SV At the conclusion of the busi ness program, officers were elected for the ensuing year as V.. M. Klkins, president; Stewart, secretary; Dr. Rosenberg. T. M. Baldwin, Wilson, board of directors. Steps were taken at the annual meeting of the Ladies' Annex, which was held Tuesday afternoon, towards beautifying the grounds about the club house. Two com mittees on Mowers and yard decora tions were appointed and the memhers ot thesu wsll make some pleasing improvements to the premises. I here is also gome talK of tbe Annex building a veranda along the north, side of the building, but no definite action has been taken as yet in this matter. The annual report of the finan ces, read by the secretary, Mrs. C. I. WitineK, showed the total re ceipts for the year amounting to $51().5H. and a total expenditure of $otl2.!)!l, leaving a balance on hand of $127.59. There are 5: i l.i. i . - memhers in goou sianuing, anu i; regular and special meetings have been held during the year. Offi cers weae elected as follows: Mrs. I. Michel, president; Mrs. 0. M. Elkins, vice-president ; Mrs. ('has. Lytic, seerelaiy; Mrs. V. V. Wil son, treasurer. The Annex lun provetl of mater ial aid to the club (luring the year just closing and has expended con siderably over $.'i00 in furnishing i the (dub hall and adding needed i improvements. With t lie elect ion i Crook county's growth is clearly marked in the increase in the school papulation and tne constant demand for the creation- of new school districts and more teachers. Superintendent Dinwiddie says the close of .the present year will see over 60 districts in running order. Speaking further of the schools yesterday he said: "The schools of the county are progressing rapidly in number and size as well as educationally. The most marked advancement is along the line of classification. True, there are a few teachers who do not do what they should in that respect, who are content to go along in tbe old ship shod way, whose motto is anyway to draw my salary with as little work as possible. Rut such teachers are few and getting fewer. "With a High school to look lor ward to whose tloors are open free of tuition to all who present an Nth grade diploma, patrons as well as teachers are awakening to tne fact that we must have more system in our rtttl schools, and the teacher who fails to bring her school up to the standard will soon find she will be o)it of a posi tion and some more progressive teacher will be tilling her place. "Patrons are also realizing that tbe "cheap" teacher is not the one that will tench for the fewest dol lar per month, and as a result a better class of teachers are to be found in tbe school rooms at more nearly a living salary. There are districts whose directors still ! measure the cheapness of a teacher by the dollar standard, and the children in such districts must bear the consequences. Tbe c!,-so of the present year will see orer ' HO districts in running order and the majority of the rural schools properly classified, a result of the united effort oi patron and teacher. We hope to have the good work go on and the schools of Crook county placed in the front ranks among the best schools in the state." Following is a list of the teach ers of the county at the present time: . Prineville: A. C. Strange, Margaret Ooodin, R. A. Ford, Mrs. May Wigle, Jessie Andrews, J. A. Stone, Ada Morse, Maude , Kidder, Belle Rannells, Pearl wide I . . .. . . Vanderpooi, t:has. lvewis, Jessie Hartley, Leutha Smith, Aulta Snyder, Ethel Smith, Ada Taylor. Bend: Ruth L. Reed, Grace A. Jones, Marion L. Wiest. Laidlaw: Mrs. Lizzie Smith, Nellie E. James, Mis. Delia Nichols. Sisters: H. A. Scoggin, Myrtle Scoggift. Cline Falls; W. 11. Webb. Culver: Myrtle Pennington, Lilly Read. Lamonta: M.'A. lichmau, Flora Mctlhee, Andrew Larson. Mad ras: Carrie Smith, J. T. Blarj chard, P. 0. Fulton, Grace L. Smith, Mrs. Lillian Watts, Marie Galloway. Ashwood: Jda Friday. Paulina: Ethel Morse, Mrs. Eluier ! Clark. Haystack: Floyd Bilycti, W. It. Cook, Winnie Kidder. Post: Mrs. H. H. Ilawlv. Prineville Boy Gets Contract. i of four eltieient officers to its affairs, tbe Annex feels sure j that another prosperous year is in store for the organization. Hotel Changes Hands A change was made in tbe man agement of the Poindexter hotel last Saturday, P. R. Henry Smith, the oldest son of manage: sheriff C. Sam Smith, who has been in the employ of the North ern Pacific railroad sititfe last fall, has secured a contract for construc tion on the north bank road at Brook's Landing, and will take general supervision of the work as soon as bis bond lias been filed and tbe order, given by the rail- Poindexter I road company to proceed w ith the leasing the building to C. M.jwork. Stroud for a period of three years,! Two years ago and up until last the lease taking effect the first of! fall, Henry Smith was a member this month. i of tbe Columbia Southern rrigat- Mr Poindexter retires from thejing Company's engineering crew, hotel business after a service of j He left the latter company to join 20 years and has moved his j the engineering toree ot the .Mill n family to his ranch a half mile j em Pacific, and his latest success west of town where he will devote j in securing a contract for con bis time to farming and stock Btrtiction, attests his ability and raising. energy in his chosen work. I 5' SJLJLULJLJLJLJLJLHLJLJLJWJkJLJLJLJl.JkJl.JkJJI.JJkJI.l"-i.