Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 29, 1906, Image 4

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t be 'in-uit ' .
. I..r I r..k l nuiiiv.
I I In- Male
nni t
i u
No. 56041
Foaled May 11, 1900; Bred by M. Vallie, Department
of Oren, France; Imported April 12, 1905; Property of
Sarah p. (Jlc mi. IM.iiiiiiil'.
Will Make the Season of 1906 as follows: Al Chas. Lotl's ranch, one and one-half ft
N miles west of Lamonfa; at Henry Montgomery's near Grizzly P. 0. and at Prineville jjj
!Vrt Ni
Ktta N..I.I
'lift Hint
riii. i Not. I,
ati'l -
loin's, AliHrl
ltutiirk ;tml
her hit-bami.
Join-- iUni
lit irs .J Marv
, hi- wii'c
Wittiani Treirht-t'v N.Mt an. I
i Noi.i -nut
Martha 4;'-
In ih I m ini i-..nri W ih-tfi-n
lor nn.k . uii! y :
At.t'Mitf Tralian. I'laiutill
Iia i r.iit.ui, It-iitlartt
To Ida i'r.iiiau. tin- aKt-v-.iaht:
I ill- ..I II
natm-d defiie-
.oarKS, III Hi', l.ewls
.MUM-. Lucy khk
Kirkpatrick. Fduard Junes and
, his wife, Arthur
.loiu-.s, minor
J. .hint'. deceased
Lizzie Clark ami ( lurk
hnslmiid ami Andrew Noble us ud
HiiiiiHirator ot tiie elate uf Sarah
Noble, "ami all others
interested, Defendants.
all- nl' Oivsjuii:
to alw..r alpl
Tn A ils-rt Noble, lieortre Nuble
Fita Noble, his wife, Martha Treicliel
William Treichel, her husband. An
uiijc ami anna Noble, lii- - j te .
Murk and - Mark. his wife
.Mines, Albert- June- Lin v
the name of (in-
Yotl are hereby tonlir.-d
answer '.he llalulill - .-,,1111,1.0111 n
at'.iillat Villi ill the alsiVe clltitl. d curt nil
ur In l'..ri the Tth. day 'if May. A. i. pmi. t..' a..ear (h- I'lainiil!
will take a Decree fertile reliel demanded
in the uinplaiiit hied in the above
named suit that is fur the dissulutinii of
the ImihiU of mat rimonv now exi-tim; be
tween you and the Plaintiff, and fur the I
care and eu-tudy of the minor, child. !
Kmerv Trahati. and for the costs and dis-!
bursements of this suit and for such ether !
further relief as in eouitv mav seem i
Uhc ffie caption
S.M ITU .V- TI.KKU, l'i:..i-i:ii:i'..iis
Domestic and
Imported Liquors, Wines
and Cigars
Post Ollice Hox !'-'
Turgot, is a very Lare, Heavy Horse, Jet Illaek, with line form and su)erior
action; and whips from a long list of Black Pen-herons: Weight '2000 pounds
more or less according to condition. '
to be with foal; $2n due when
or permanently removed from the
. f N. Milligan, Chas. Lott
Directors: ) Henry Montgomery
j Oscar Cox, Samuel Pierce
Wm. Sann, Walter Messinger
L.P.H. Co. gj
Insurance $20 Due when mare is known
foal sucks; also payable if mare is disposed of,
county: .'Single service $1 0 due at time of service. Mares from a distance will
be well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume responsibility in case of
JERRY ACHEY, President
J. S. McMEEN, Sec. and Treas.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office itt The DalleH, Oregon.
Mrtreh 1st, 1110(1.
Noth'e 1b hereby given Mint the folkwinj,'
named settler has filed notice of liin in
tention to make tinnl proof in support ol
It ih claim, and that .-awl prool will he
Iliad liefore the County Clerk a', Pnne
ville, Orison, on April Hth, llKKi, viz:
John T. 1 1 mwt( n , ol Crunk, Oregon, on
II. K, No. 11401, for the NWl., N K'.;,', VM
ii KW'-4 NW'i, Section K, Tn. IS s"
K. W K, W. M.
He naiiieit the fulluwing wiliiesncH In
irovo hiH confiiniuus ri'Hiilcncc upon and
cultivation uf unid land, viz: I!. A.
Amnion. Fisher Logan, Paul Held ami
K. C, Faught, all of'Cronk, t regon.
Mkiuki, T. Not an, Register.
Notice For Publication.
J.aud Otlice lit The Dalles Oregon,
.March 1st, VM.
Notice is hcrehy given that the following-named
settler has liled notice of his
intention to inukc final proof in support
nl Ilia claim, and that said proof will he
made before the County Clerk at Prine.
ville, Oregon, on April itt li, PUN!, viz
William French, of Prineville, (iregou
on II. li. N MK), Ibrllie WJ XW'4, NW'f
SWv;, Sec. Itt and SK' N .;i" Se, (i,,n :v
Tp. 13 8. It. It) K., W. M .
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said laud, iz:
.liihn D. LaFollette, IS. A-. foe Lah'ollctte,
Joseph H. Hurson, and .1. O. fowell all of
I'rincville, Oiegnii.
Mii'haki. T. Xiihv, Ki gister.
Petition For Liquor License.
T ) T 1 1 1! HO NO A llf.K cor NT Y Col' U T
FOK CltOOK ( dCNTV, ountiox:
We, the undersigned, legal voters of
Ashwood lireeiiu t, Crook County, Oregon
respectfully petition your liunoiahle lt.ul v
to grant unto the linn of lli nton A Orate'r
a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liiiuorsand hard cider in iiiantuies less
than one gallon in suid Aswuod precinct
bounty and State aforesaid, fur n term of
six months from and alter the 2-id dav uf
May l!KHi:
W. 1). Walker, It. P. Berrvnian, C. p.,
Sandy, C. S. McCorkle, T.' .1. Wvinaii,
liranl Hraskett, John (Jraler, Bert .(aims,
Jjrank lloak, E. A. llandolph, Oeo. 1). ( ar
dew, J. (i. Clark. Thiiinas Lewis, M,' I).
.'jewonam, j. t South, K. 1). (lonser, 11.
Jl. Holken, T. S. Anderson, 11. U. (iark
Koliert llaniilton, Oliver McCalluin O M
I'oindexter, Fred Mc.Collem. l.len (irater
A. W. (irater, Patrick lieillv, J. It. Ilavliss'
Aleser McLennan, John 1). .McLeiimin, S.'
S. Itlack, .1. H. O'Kullev, Lee Wood, John
W laliart. tleurge Crocken, j. llrugan
John Creegan, I). S. Hamilton,' Mil,, Wood
Notice is hcrehy given that the tur
going petition will he presented to the
Honorable Cuuntv Court fur Crook Cuuniv
Oregon, on the 2nd iluy of Mav, liioti, at li)
oclock in the fori on, at "the County
;ourt room in f rineville, Oregon, at whii li
time and pluce the petitioneers will apply
to the Court lor a license as praved fur iii
said petition.
V' llitATKIt.
Petition for Liquor License.
To the Honorable County Court lor flu
County of Crook, State of Oregon.
mi- uiiiiersigneii residents and Una!
. t o.iue precinct, frook
i ounty, Oregon, respectfully petition your
Honorable Hody to grant a license to F
M. umwalt mid 1). I.. Miller, partnershiii
to sen spirituous, malt and vinous Honors
iili.l r..r,iiuiiiu.l .. I '.
- ' ,,-V 'tnaiiuiies less than
in- khuiiii in much unite pivctnct. Crook
u.uiiy, uivinin, ior a periOil ot six mouths
liom and after the 3rd dav of May mhj.
H B Keed J. H. Palmer, L. uioser,
JL K, Allen, J. W. Allen, ti. Wood
Sam Stilwell, F . Hooth, Lister Bryan!
Jul,., lavlor. W . II. Cyrus, W. K. (iruhaui
.1. U. Wilson, Jasper Johnson, 11 K
O'lamer. eo. Taylor, W. K. Clavpoul, T j"
Iryrear, C. E JVrson, W. r. Fryrear'
Marion Stilwell, Ralph Fulstun, ,!. S i.
ton, lien Kolston, H, . Farthing V
Foley, Hov Johnson, Henry ( i lover 'o'h
l.aron, Lint Stiverr Frank UmlVfidt,
h?tU?.- K- 1'V''1"' W- A- Vanlinskirk
John Minder, C. L. JJranton, O. 1. Ailing.
v.' V.- Sl!M,Br Fr,H' w"!-. W. it.
lKiak. M. r. Thomas. W. J Wood I,.
Stilwell, Clyde Wilson, C.L.Johnson K
jounaon, tn. i. Tod. James Fuller
In the Circuit court of the Stale of Ore
gon tor t runk county.
A. li. Rath flaintilV
William J. Until iVIeiiihuit
'I'o William .1. Itath the above named
llel'cnilaiM ;
OIimiON, Von are hcrehy reipiired and
cnniuiaiiiled tn appear in' the above en
titled court and answer flu iplaint now
"0 li l in the ollice nl' the Clerk for Ibis
county, ami of the above mimed court, on
or before the lirst day of the next regular
term of the said court, to-wit on
or before the 7th day uf Mav, llilHi, ami
you will tnkc notice t'hat if yu'n so fail to
appear and answer that the ahuve named
1'lainlilf will take a lleereeHor the relief as
prayed f,,r in her Complaint, that is for
the dissolution of the hnmls of matrimony
now existing between you and the Plain,
till', upon the "grounds of desertion and
nonsupport, and for the costs and dis
bursements of t his - in t..
Services of Siiniinons is made iulhis
case by publication in the Crook County
.luurilal, a weekly new (paper, published in
the City- uf Prineville, Crnuk county
Oregon, and of general circulation lor the
lull iierind ot six lull weeks bv order uf
the linn. W. A. Hell, Judge oflh'e County
Court uf the State ut Oregon for Orooli
county this 'Jlst day of March IIWHi.
A llorney tor I'lainlitV.
I'nited States Land Office,
The Dalles. Oregon, February 0, I'.HHi.
A sufficient contest allidnvit having been
tiled in this ollice by Conn-lius Duggan.
conlestant, iigainst homestead entry No.
KKI.H, made September l.'i, puKl, fnrSli'.'
Slii,, Sec. 7, S', SU'i; Section s, Tp. ;,
S. Range 21, K. W. M. by Ar.-h W. McKay,
Contetitce, in which it is alleged that said
Arch W. .McKay has wholly abandoned
said tract; that he hai changed bis resi
dence there from for more than six months
last, past; that said trad is nut settled
upon and cultivated by said party as re
nin red by law ; that said alleged 'absence
wa- nut due to his employment, in the
army, navy or marine corps'of the I'nited
States m ti of war. Said parties are
hereby nniilied tn appear, lespupd and
oiler evidence lunching said allegation at
10 o'clock a. in. uii April ;t, l!KKi. before .1
J. Smith, Cuuntv Clerk, at his ollice in
1 rineville, Oregon, (anil, that the linal
hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on
April 10, llHMi, before! the Register and
Receiver at the United States Land Ollice
in The Dalles. Oregon.
The sahl contestant, having, in a proper
allidavit. tiled February 2, iiioti, set. forth
facts which show that 'alter due diligence
personal service uf this notice can not he
inude, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given bv due and
proper publication.
MuiivKi. I Noun, Register
Want Ads
charged at the
per insertiun.
under this head will he
rate of Onk Cknt per word
Nothing less than ,r0 cents.
I '1 inch t hum plow h r
-Taksgruin. Inquire I'.
sale or trade.
II. l'uiiiilcxtor.
you It 10 NT Ranch on the Mamies.
For piirlicuhirs. address 10. li. Cary,
Lodi, California.
wliest chop
old liilliun
nl If 1.7
Feed Yard
.",0(10 pounds of
per 1011. At the
1 1 u:i ti-
FOR SAI.K: A line ranch of 1110 acres,
enclosed with three w ire nunc. About
tiOaeies in cultivation, near railroad
survey. Will raise Hue grain, hay
and vegetables, without irrigation.
Also nice, business and resident
property in I'rincviile. All at reason
able prices. 10 n q u i re at ('. A.
(Ii.ovcu'n (irocerv Store. 1 4 0
WANT 10 1 -l.i in n
real estate
.1 1 1 1 flint.
' !0t. lOxi.ellent
Address The
LOST Small gold
Juniper canyon and
broken crystal. "
watch between
l'rineville. Had
eward. Return
and - Kirkpulrick. her liusband. Kdward
Junes and J s, his wife, Arthur
Joins and-"-- Joins, minor heirs of Mary
J. Jones, deceased, Lizzie Clark and ---Clark,
bur husband, and Andrew Noble as
Administrator of the estate of arah
Noble, lieeea-ed, the above named Defen
dants, and to all others interested :
IN T1I10.NANK i if Tllli STATIi Ol
ORKtiON: You and each uf you are
hereby reipiired to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you in the nlmvc
entitled suit within ten days from the
date of the service ol tiiis summons upon
you. if served in lids Cuuntv or if served
in any other conntv in this State, then
within twenty diiys from the date of the
-emu' of this summons upon von, or if
served without this state by publication,
then mi or before tin- tir.-t dav uf the next
regular term ut the Circuit "Court of the
Stale of Oregon fur Crook J'oiinty, to-wit:
the Tl li day of May, pun;, and if you fail so
to answer, fur want tnereof the flainlifT
will take a decree of safd court against
you lor the relict prave.1 for in the Coin-
plaint, to-wit: for a deer f said circuit
Court ordering, adjudging and decreeing
the Plntniiil to he the owner in fee simple
of Luts Five ami six j i;,.k ix f t1(,
1 hud Addition to-the town of Prineville.
( rook County, State ot Oregon, according
to the plat and survey thereof now. on file
and nl record in the office uf the County
. lerk ol ( rook County State of Oregon,
that thecloud iiiiuu tlie plaintill's title tn
said premises by reason of the facts
alleged in the complaint be forever re
moved, and that the defendants and each
and every one of them be forever barred
from claiming any right, title, intcre-t or
equity in or to said premises or any part
thereof, and that, the defendant Andrew
Nohle as Administrator of the csiate of
Sarah Noble, Decea-ed, he authorized,
empowered and directed to make to the
plaintitl an Administrators deed to said
premises, and for such other and further
relief as may seem meet to the court and
just in the premises.
'I Ins Sui ins is published in the
Crook County Journal for six full weeks
by order ol the Hon. W. A. I'.ell, Judge of
the County Court of i trunk County, Ore
gun, and County Judge nf said Countv,
made on the 21st dav uf March. l!Hl.
Dale of lirst piiblicaiion March 22nd, J
M. K. HiiiNK,
A tlorney tor l'lnintill'.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that licorge
V.-',VUy' administrator of the estate of
William McVay, deceased has rendered
and hied his linal accounting of his ad
ministration of said estate and the Court
has appointed .Monday, the 7th dav of
May, liKKi at ID o'clock in the forenoon at
the County Court room in Prineville,
Oregon as the time and place for, hearing
sain html accounting. At which time and
place all persons interested in said estate
may appear and tile their ol,ie,-ii,,i,s in
-.i"i nccuiiuung.
Administrator of the
McVay, Deceased.
and i just nod right.
and; This Summons i, ordered to be served
Irew ; upon you hv publication thereof in the
Oeorgc j Crook County Journal for six consecutive
Lewi-i weeks by order of the Hun W V Hell
Mrkpamck I Judge ol ttie ( ounty court of the State of
main sti:i:i;t
7 .
?" :- k .
Oregon for Crook county, made
tercd at f rineville, Cronli county
tliisotli, day uf March, A. D. I'.HHi.
Oko. W. IIarsks;
A ttorney for Plaintiff.
i - - -
and en
Oregon nrnrir-trtr.irir irvirini'iirinnrv.vinrw.wir.ii'.i
C JV J JL. JL. JL JK AJkiL JL. Jtw JL AT L. JL. JL JL. JL. Jk Ji. JL. Jk Ali. J. Jil Jfc. J
In the Circuit court ol the State of
Oregon for Crook county.
Josic Aliisou Plaintill'
It. K. Allison Defendant
To R. li. Allison the above named
Defendant :
ORLiliON. You are hereby required ami
commanded to appear in the above entitled-
court and answer the complaint
now on tile in the office of the Clerk for
this county, and of the above named court
on or before the tirst day of the next regu
lar term of the said court, to wit mi or
before the 7th, day of May, bum, ami you
w ill take notice that if you so fail to
appear and answer that the above named
Plaint ill' will take a I iccree for the rcl ief as
prayed lor in her Complaint, that is for
the dissolution of the nonds of inatriniony
nuw existing between yiui and the Plain
tilt', upon tin' grounds of desertion and
nonsupport, ami fur the costs and dis
bursements of this suit.
Service of Summons is made in this
case by publication in the Cronk Coiiniy
Journal, a weekly newspaper, publishe'd
in the City "of Prineville, Crook county,
Oregon, ami of general cm-illation fur the
full period ut six full weeks t,v order of
Hon. W.
nil rt of th
unity, this-
A. Hell, Judge of the County
State uf Oregun fur Crook
:1st day of March lnoii.
tiKu. W. l'.ARXhs,
Attorney for Plaintill'.
r i
L. J
r i
r -i
r "i
r t
r i
r t
r t
r -i
r t
r i
L. J
Sonera ffilaccsmithijig
IfoitsKsitoKiNii, Wood Work, ktc,
Nkati.v and Promptly Ionk
W'iikn it is Done Ry : : :
tiobert 9?foorc
Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed
L Jl
L' jl
r a
ii J
L a
A Scientific Wonder.
The cures that stand to its crulit
make Rucklen's Arnica Salve a scien
tific wonder. It cured 10. R. Mulford,
lecturer fur the I'atroiiH of I lusliainlrv,
Waynesboro, fa., of a distressing case
of fiics. It heals the -worst Hums,
Sores, lioils, Fleers. Cuts, Wounds,
Chilblains and Salt Rlieittu. Onlv 2oc
at H. f. Aitanisoii ov Co. and II.
Templetoii iV. Son drug store.
Jill xv,
if William
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has tiled his Final Account as
Administrator of the K state of I. I,.
Svvcarengen, deceased, with the County
Clerk of Crook County, State of Oregon',
and the County Court uf Crnuk County,
Oregon, has set Monday, the 2nd day of
April,-Pint! as the time' for hearing 'said
Final Account and any and all objections
that may he made thereto.
Dated tfiis 17th day of February, l!KHi.
M.xkion Tayi.oh,
Adniinistiatorof the listale of I. L. Swear
engeiL. deceased.
fur the
to Alex llinton. Friiiex-ille.
I offer a standing rexvanl
arrest and conviction ol unv
guilty of damaging flic laundry
nig near the Ochoco lirnlgc. This is
Htillioient notice to those xvlio have been
guilty of (laniugiiig flic property the
past I'cxy weeks.
S. ,1. Ntxxsoxi.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
Cine diitv-bnv borso lb hands liiirh
i 8 years old, branded A and reversed .1
on left shoulder.
(hie buy horse, rather old, branded
on left shoulder. A rexvanl of $10 will
be paid to tinder reporting the where
ahoitts of both or first named mutual to
Roy (imv, I'rincville, (tie.
The Biggest,
Most Complete
The Cheapest
Line of lip
In the County
Can Be Seen and
Bought at the Store of
1 A H IIPPMAM $ rn
5 r l
O'Tfeii brothers
!PrinovHle's Wholesale jCiquor JCouse
Fino Wines, Liquors and Cigarsi also
Ear Supplies
Kfi Soje Agents
LR the Famous
Hop Gold Beer and
Napa Soda
3,31.1137: TracLe Solicited.
The Opera Saloon
BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors
In The Glaze Hall
A First Class House
in Kverv Uespeet :
Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines
and Cigars
weorge .iei uiiister, J. Lambert. Walte
. " u- ""'K'uiui, l. It. Fryrear
J. H. kirtner, Thomas Nenl, .laiues 1)
taylor t L. Hist, M. L.Oliver. Roller! il'
KriiK, Join, r ry wr, Jaeoh ijiuberg. Chas.
Noland, W. A. Mill.
Notice is hereby given ihat the under
si,(ne,1 will present the foregoing petition
lor a license to sell spirituous, malt and
vinous iiquurs ami nam cider in quantities
less than one (ration in lilack Bmie pre
cinct, Crook County, Oregon to the Honor
able County Court for Crook County, Ore
gon, on the 2nd diiv of Mav. if m, 'at the
County Court rooin in sflid County and
Dated this 2Sth dav of March, I'nni.
D. L. M II.LKR. j
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the
Best and Most Popular.
'.Mothers buy it I'm- ,-roupv children,
railroad men buy it for severe e,,,.ri,
and elderly people buv it or la eriuue "
say Moote liros., Kldon, Inxya. "We
sell lnore of C'liuiulierlain's CotigU
KeiiH'dy than any other kind. It seems
to have taken . the le
ot ber good brands." 'fhere is no ques
tion but this medicine is the best that
can be procured for coughs and colds,
whether it be u child or an adult that is
alllcted. It always cures and cures
lluU'.klv- s,l'' '' " I. Adamso.i.
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior
. S. Land Ollice The Dalles Oregon,
, , , March 22. P.iot;.
A sullicieiit contest nilldavit I.,...:,,..
n liled in this ortice by Albert Mn.,i-e
contestant, against homestead enii-v v.,'
liKI.Vs. made April 10. PHI2 for S'., S' i '.
r, . ' U ' SK; Section 11, Tp
2 S.. Range 14 K. W. .M. by .lames VV
r.ugeu. l oniesiee. in wb eb it is .,11 i
James x . liageii has wholly
"."""'" -"""i iran: inat tie lias chain:
iu n"iiili,,u i- ., n
,..-. v-iiuiii ior more tnan six
nioiiths last uast: thni s:.i i.
-,.,..i...i .. i , . ". "ui
-v.imu , euuiyatcl hy said i.artv
as requireu ny law: that said all .1 ,.iL
1. n.-i ,,. ois enipiovnient m
the army, uayy or marine corps of the
"o .-noes in nine l war, said partly
, . , .- i' noiiiied to appear, respond and
in I V. inug sunt allegations at
j , . . I. on .xiay 12. UMi before .1
... ........ . .,,, -,K UI us ,,Ml.,. M
"ney.l.e, Oiegoi,. (and uiat linal hear-
li 'o o cto. k a. in. on May
i , , , me i.eeisier and l!i
-",'"' inan Mates Land Ollice
Dalles, Oreiron.
The said Contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, hie,, March 22. PMi, set I,,!,!,
tacts which show that after due diligence
personal serxice of this notice can not !
lllade. It Is here bv I i i: i
Ihat such notice be giyen by due and pro-
H-r punni-atine.
Ml, Mill. I'. Noi.xN, Register,
Notice For Publication.
Laud Otlice at The Dalles, Oregon.
March 1st, liKKi,
Notice is hcrehy given that the following-named
settler has filed notice nt Ids
intention to make tinnl proof in siippurfof
Ins claim, and that said prool will he
made before the County Clerk of Crook
County at Prineville, Oregon, on April !l,
llHl, viz.- Ahrnm P. Dawson, of Lainonta,'
Oregun, on li. 10. No. 72ti, fur the Lots fi
A-ti, SIX NW. and N K . SWv. Secti,,,,
(I, Tp. i:( S. U. 1.', K. W. M.
Hi names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon an d
cultivation of said land, via:
Oscar Cox, William Sann, Jerry Achev
and .laiues S, McMeeu all of l.amont'a
MICHAIil. T. NOLAN. Register.
Contest Notice.
Hend Livery & Transfer Company
St tick boanlctl by tlie dav, week or
Iveasonuhle rates. Retfienilier us
I'rincville. Rates Uk.xsonabik.
month nf
when in
W'e have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
t& Kun in Connection with the Bond Liv
,-erv Stables
Shaniko Warehouse Co.
Sham'k-o, Oregon
g General Storage, Forwarding t
A X. 1)
Commission Merchants
Department ol the Interior,
F. S. Land Ollice, The Da.les, Oregon
, March 12, bum.
A sufficient contest allidavit having
been tiled in this ollice ' hv Fruest S, Tcr-
uo. contestant, against homestead entry
No. I2:us. made March 2j. lno.'t fur F'"
. i. j u -., -i-i i o, i p. 14, s.
Kange 14. K. W. M ., hv Charles Law will
( ontestee, in which it is alleged that said
Charles Lawwill has xxholiv abandoned
said tract; that he has never resided upon
or Inen seen upon said tract; that he lias
not cuitivaled the.saine; that said alleged
absence was nut due to his employment
in the army, navy or marine corps of the
I nitcd States in time of war. Said parties
are nereny nonius to anoear. r si,.i,l .!
oflei evidence touching said allegation at
10 o'clock a. in on Mav I I'm,, l.i.,,.., i
J. -smith, the Cuuntv Clerk, at' his ..iii.V.
in Prinexille, Uivgon. land Hint linal hear.
will be held i, to ni I...-L- .. ... ....
May S. IHKf hef.ns.i tl,,. I;...., J.!. '.... i
- - - -.. , .urn
beceivir.n the I luted States Land Office
in me jmiiea. Oivon.
I'lie said contestant having in a nr., ,...-
allidavit, liled March ,v linn., set l'.,nh
tacts which shoxv that after due ddk-en.-..
personal service of this notice can not he
made, it is hereby ordered and
that such notice he given by due and
proper piiblicaiion.
Michxhi. T. Nous, Register.
Country Orders Solicited
Wines and
Finest Cigars
In Stock
irst Door South of the I'oindexter Hotel
Dealers in nincksmith Coal, Flour, HarlietlWire,
Nails, Cement, Linie, Coal Oil, Plaster, 'Sulphur,
Wool and drain, Sac-ks ami Twine, drain and Feed.
Agents for Wasco. Warehouse- Milting; (Vs. "White
River" and "Dalfe Patent" Flour,
paid for Hides and Pelts.
Highest price
Special Aitenrion is paid to
Ualino for Eastern Shipments.
Wool (irnilina ami
Stock Yards with nil the latest,
for Handling- Stock.
and best facilities
97crrc 2our Soocis in Ci
Meat, Vegetables, Produce
A Complete
Paeon, l.ard
Choice Line of Beef, Veal,
Country Produce ""Kept on
at tho
City Meat Market
At The Old Stand
l'rineville, Oregon
glacksmithing That Pleases
Is The Kind You (ict
J. ii. wicurs
(Successor to)
cor x Err
jV SttH'k of Farm Machinery always on hand
; 4 "