Crook County Journal; Candidates Column JONATHAN BOURNE, Jr. STEFFA BAILEY. Publi.htr. j f I' B L 1 8 H t l E V K K V T H C K H l A V i Sukcria4 $1.50 Pc Yr- - la Adrlicl Prinevilie, Oregon, March 29, 1906. Th Stt Printer' Office. A mistaken ih-a n-viuln to Fonie extent a to tin; emoluments of tin State Printer ami the prae tieiil workings of the pllk-e. It is not the big "fat" office it is accused of Iteing. In the first place the appropria tion for "printing" comeys a wrong impression. The tiienniul appropriation is not for printing alone, but includes also the cost of paper, ruling election sup plies and many smaller items, amounting for the biennial period to about $2;t,000. The last report of the Secretary of State to the Legislature will show these figures . to be correct. Then the State Printer must provide his own printing plant and pay all run ning expenses of the office. The pay rolls alone for the two years exceed $25,0X). The Salem Typo graphical Union can bear out the accuracy of this statement. The cost of material, a limited amount of work done in outside Union ofliees during a rush in the State Printing Office, rent, power, inks, and a hundred other expenses, adds fully $10.KX m o r'e. This makes $oS,(XK) of expenses which the State Printer does not get. Thus it will U' readily seen that when the cost of production of the printing is taken into con sideration, the State Printing Ollice is not all profit. It is just like any other printing hrrsiness. It, cost something to run it. Criticism has for years been directed at the State Printing Office and it seems that it still continues. The present State Printer has been accused of graft, of dividing the profits of the otlice Si Hodge for Sheriff. To I lie I!)-iililit'.'in Voters nf Crook county: I desire th. nominal joii to ttie ottt.f of Sheriff of Crook count v ami Kiiliinil herewith in.v u:iiiie for your roMsiili-i'Ml ion jit llie prlm.-trv 1 election Aril -Jil. 'Mi. I nrd. (it your liiiudx ii careful coiimIiIithIIoii of my qn.'iliiirai ion mill if in your opinion I am capalile ninl worthy n'sMi-tfully solicit your Miiort. S. K. HoiioKs. I'riiicvilli-. W. W: Br.wi far Sheriff. To the Itepiililienii voters of ( rook ' county: I liereliy Hiitioiiuce my can-! diilacy for the iiniiiiiintion ro the, otlice of Sheriff of Crook county at j the. April primaries anil respectfully j solicit your support. ; ' W. V. liitow.N, Cross Kevs, ... ' I B. F. JohuM for Sheriff. j To the Republican Voters of Crook ( oiinty: I liereliy auiioiiiice myself a caiiiliilate for iiiiuiiiiatioii to the ollice of Sheriff of Crook County sulijcct to the decision of the Kcpuli licnn voters at the prlninrv election In April Si. lHi. Ii. F. Johnson, !rineville. Jacob Stroud for Sheriff. To the Icuiocmllc voters of Crook county: 1 hereby announce myself a caiiiliilate for the nomination to the ollice of Sheriff of Crook county, Oregon, subject to the decision of t he l)eiiiocriitic voters of the county at tile primary election to Is-lielil April a, 1IN. .Im iiii Si'iioi n, fwiinoiita. Frank Elkini for Sheriff. 1 hereby aniiolllice myself as a caiiiliilate for nomination to the ollice of Sheriff of Crook county, subject to the decision of the Re publican voters at the primaries April L'O, l'JtMi. Kha.nk, Madras. Sam Collin for Sheriff. To tlie Republican voters of Crook county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination . to the otlice of Sheriff of Crook county sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the prlninrv election on April I'll. 1!MW. Nam Collins, I'rlnevllle. J. M. Street Candidate for Sheriff. , . .A h NE" ,-; .;.v, r. ' t. ...i . - - . . I I . I I I won in l I'll lUksueu. mil nt .i t..ii.,. .i:. . :.:.. t i . . c .i To Ihe Democratic voters of Crook imtnei ...vm..,.. ,o. i.,e u 01 uie ,.itntv: I herebv a nnoiiiice mvself a state printing plant, lhere is ! cnndldate for the nomination to the absolutely no truth in these state- ! ollice of .sheriff of t his county on the Itemoerntic ticket and respectfully ask the support of t he party voters at t he coming' prlninrv election to he held April 111. .1. M. Stuklt, I'rlnevllle. nients. I pay $1(X) per month rental for the plant and no more, which is considered a reasonable rental. I have a lease duly signed to this effect, and there has been no division of the ollice with any person. The fees paid the State Printer are fixed by law, and every item printed is measured by an printer, appointed by the (iover nor, whose duty it is to measure the printing and aflix the amount due as provided by law. Gover nor Chamberlain appointed to this position Mr. Albert Tozier, a Democrat, u practical printer, and secretary of the Oregon Press As sociation, whose integrity is un questioned and who has - measured all printing done and approved all bills therefor in strict accordance vith law. Every bill for printing is also carefully audited by the Secretary of State. Mr. Dunbar is acknowledged to be one1 of the best oflicers the state has ever had, and his auditing stamp of approval is sullicient guarantee of honest accounting. The State Printing ()flice is a target of attack without just rea son. The heavy cost of printing in past years has been chiefly due to the large number of copies printed. This has lieen reduced by law, and the price now paid by the State for most of the public printing is not above that charged by the printing firms of Portland, and some of it is considerably less. for some classes of work, especially I support of the party voters at where a large number of copies primary election April l'U are required to be printed, the I price should be reduced some-; W. F. King for County Treasurer. 'l have given this subject care-! ,,'!!''"'!' '""",".v V "U' l1''1'"1'" fi ,4,.j ..iii- ,i 11,1111 voters of (rook county mv ful study, and believe there are , candidacy for the nomination to the two methods by which the cost of j ollice of County Treasurer and printing could be kept down to a i "'spectfully solicit t heir support at minimum. One is to limit the ' "'nun. I" held n April ai. volume oi priming and revise tbej V. 1". Kim schedule of prices upon an tut-to-i date basis, the same as that of j commercial printing generally. The other is for the Slate to own, and operate its own printing plant, and to pay the State Printer a reasonable Hat, fixed salary.' Either of these plans, or similar! plans along these lines, which the I Legislature might adopt for the betterment of the service, would! meet ruy hearty support. j My Republicanism will be attested by the people of Linn County,1 where I formerly edited the Daiiy ' and Weekly Herald for twenty vears. ' j As a native Oregonian and a ; printer of twenty live years' ex- ' perience, I have endeavored to conduct the State Printing Office j in a clean, business-like manner,! and as a candidate for a second! term, am willing to stand upon i my record. Tne Itooks of the; office are open for inspection. ' J. R. Whits ky. i W. T. E. Wilaon Candidate for Sheriff. To the Republican voters of Crook county: 1 hereby announce myself u candidate for nomination to the ollice of sheriff of ( 'rook County stili- expert i J'i't to the decision of the Itcpubli- cmi uiii-rw ni i ne priiiiitiv eieciiou ill April L'll. P.MIIi. W. T. K. Wilson. Sisters. J. H. Haner for County Clerk. To the Republican voters of Crook county: 1 hereby announce my can didacy for the republican nomina tion for the otlice of county clerk under the direct primary law, sub ject to the decision of the voters. .1. II. JlANMt, Priiievllle. Wm. Johnson for County Clerk. I ne uniiersin'iieii, respectfully pre sents his name to the republican voters ot ( 'rook county trenon, as a candidate to the ollice of County Clerk at tlie primary elcellon April L'O, I '.Kir,. Wm. Johnson. M. H. Bell for County Treasurer. To the lieinocratlc voters of Crook county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the deiuocra lie nomi nation for county treasurer before the direct primary election on April -'ii- M. II. I'.kll, I'rinevllle. G. N. Clifton for County Treaiurer. To t he Republican voters of Crook county: I hereby announce myself a cnudlilale for the iiiiuilniitioii jo tlie otlice of County Treasurer on the Republican ticket and ask the the (i. X. Cl.ll'TON. I'rlnevllle. T. H. Lafollette for County Commiiiioner. I liereliy announce 1o the llcmo craile voters of Crook county mv candidacy to the ollice of County Commissioner on the Democrat ic ticket subject to the decision at the rrimartes April I'd. T. 11. I.Ai'oi.i.Krr, Priiievllle. Republican Candidate for United States Senator CHAMPION OF STATEMENT ONE Jonathan Itourne, Jr., candidate Itcforc the Republican primaries for the noininatioii of I'niteil States NeliHtur in congress, for the long term, coni liieucln March 4, V.HI7, was b.ji n in .New Bedford, Mass., 'February 2:i, 1n.Vi, was a member of the class of 177 at Harvard I'nlversity; came to Portland May Hi, Is7s; was a Republican member ofj t he Oregon legislature in the session of lH,s."i, anil the extra session of 1nm; was one of Ori-son's delegates to t he Republican Xa t ioiial Convention of Inns, anil Oregon's member of the Republican .National Committee from isss to N!l'J. and a delegate to the Republican National Convention of ls'.rj, and was elected as a Mitchell Republican to the Oregon legislature in" 1-SjMi. Mr. Itourne has been more prominent ly ident Hied with the development of tlie mineral resources of Oregon I ban any other man In the state, having' expended In the Inst :.') years over f l,IHK).(KKl of his own money in tlie acipil sitlon ami development of Oregon mines. While Mr. I'.oiirne has had his residence and main ollice in Portland since IN", he has had another otlice at New liedford, Mass., and has curried on the business of his father's estate since IMS!), which makes him familiar with nlany of tlie larn-e Interests and lending men in the Kant. These (pialili cations, In conjunct ion wit h his energy, originality, executive ability and experience in business and political affairs pre-eminently ipinllfy him for makiiiK an able and Influent ial senator for the state of Oregon. Mr. Itoin-ne bus always favored extending the direct power of the people over their government as far as possible, lie was one of the leading spirits In (lie Dilative mid Referendum movement from MM! until it was approved by the voters at the June election in V.W2. In 1!HU he was a member of tlie executive committee of the Direct Primary Nomina lion Dengue, and holds t he same posit ion with the People's Power League at this time. In all these movements lie lias la-en one of the few to guarantee the necessary expenses of preparing and proposing their measures to tin- people. He says t ha t I lie choice of I'liiteil States Senator should be by direct vote of the people, and t ha t I lie legislature should be compelled to elect t he man the people select. To accomplish t his result, he is championing statement .No. 1 of the primary elections law as tlie only method by which public opinion may be crystallized and made effect ire upon the Legislature. In his petition lor nomination he says: "II I am nominated and elected,, I will, during my term ol ollice, lavor "Republican Politics. "Amending National Constitution lor People's Election ol United Stales Senators. "Publicity Political Campaign Expenses. "National Control ol Corporations in Interstate Commerce. "Rigid Exclusion ol Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages Make Good Citizens. "Legal Limitation Hours lor Safety on Railroads. Parcels Post. Including Rural Delivery. "Pure Food Laws. "Liberal Approprialions lor Panama Canal. Coast Defenses. River and Harbor Improvements, including Columbia and Willamette Rivers Coos, Yaquina and oilier Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Govprnmen Canal at Oregon City. "Fair Share ol Irrigation Fund lor Oregon. "Loyal Support lor Sucresslul Candidates. "Rigid Enforcement Statement One. "Roosevrll lor Second Elective Term. "I desire that the following statement be printed alter my name on the, nominating ballot: I WILL SUPPORT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S DETERMINATION THAT JUSTICE BE DONE ALL MEN." Thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks Spring Styles in Millinery Newest slyle Sailors and latest designs from the best houses II we have nothing in stock to suit you, we will make to your i n-i i i .1 i l. f f 1 r-i i Urder. Kthhon by the boll lor lancy work, r lowers for Trimming. 1 McCall's Patterns, 10 and IS Cents . T. F. McCALLISTER & CO. j if.MnM'-M'M-4-.M"M-'t- nnnnrtrvinrimrinitj i.ji.ji.Ji;jt.jt.ji.jLJCJtji.ji.jiii r. i Haptlst church announces services a follows: Sunday school Ida. m. Prt-Hchlng at 11 u. m. and 7::t0 p. m. Christian Endeavor. ti::to p. m. KverylHslv cordially Invited. My chickena are the product of 7 yeara r'i of painataking attention. They are high j k. j bred and auperior to the average. Eggt r"1 $1.00 per aetting. i Jj'J JOHN GEIGER, Prinevilie, - Oregon. E QTMEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop.. Jor jCadics and Sentiemen 9aas and SftaAen jCunch Board by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Tickets, $4-00 Prineville's Big Spring Dress Goods Showing (9 8 New Spring Dress Goods New Showing of Beautiful w imve hen. a siatwinp in aii ii,.. lea.iinji Spring Shirts Waists in Lawns Fl.a.l.s of Cray that has never It-en e.,uale.l Kitil.r.ti.lere.1 Linens, Kijjnre.1 M.-ulr:.. ami in I'rineville liefore. Cream ami White Luce Triniuieil Wa.-h Silks in all colors ami Kn;;lish Mohair ttrilliunteeits, Henrietta .l- new slyle-!, 75 cents to $3.50 each hetross, etc., including iminv noveltv waist- Z. - , ,, . v ,. i.m.i..... -An attractive arrv of Noveltv .Neck Kihlions inf. for S.rinp. Tii,.-I IW-lts, Hack" and Side' ("oml.s. Hand : Hags, Silk and Kid (lloves. . Wash MateriU i . C,w Viety Watch our shoW Window Drsw.w, silk Finish popiins, Mercer- ot a. Grand Display of ized Uattists, Persian J.awn Dimities, India MeS and BoVS SpHng Linens, .Madras arid Jrench (iinghams from . . 121 cents to 5 cents per yard. Clothing " "I" " ftf WURZWEILER & TH0R1S0W t DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS 1906 1906 THE IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION Brilliant de Aubremee (1880) (202601 PROPERTY OF The Haystack Livestock Rreeders Association will be kept at the Leach Place, three miles west of Lanionta on Prineville-Culver road, except Fridays and Satur days, when he will be at the S. S. Rrown place. SEASON BEGINS THE FIRST OF APRIL Description: lirillant is a very large, heavy boned, heavy chested horse, remarkably hearty and rugged, well qualified to transmit draft character to his foal. Color Black, with white markings. Weight '2000 pounds more or less according to conditions. Fees: Single service $10 due at time of service. Season $20 due at cud of season Insurance $25 due when foal sucks. Also payable if mare is disposed of, or moved from the county. Mares from a distance will be well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume responsibility in case of accident. Believing, that farmers should not rely on the grain market alone, the above company , was organized to facilate the breeding of improved stock. Horses of the above type will enable them to profitably market their surplus produce at home. G. Springer, President; Jas. T. Robinson, Secretary: T. .1. Leach, Treasurer. Directors: ADDRESS: I. II. Windom, V. E. .1. L. Windom, and S. Helfrich, G. II. Osborn S. Brown H. L. B. Association CULVER, OREGON IpiMMlUOllllIlM 11 REDUCTION SALE) A GREAT REDUCTION on OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Winter Underwear Has been made as we intend to sell them out complete in order to have room for our Spring Stock. Get our prices before buying elsewhere A CHOICE LINE OF Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco CALL IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STORE OWL CASH STORE Dunham & Adams Prinevilie, Oregon I U LlJ; i r -ir inr i r -I r ir-ir Tr ir -in- -tri r .ir Tr ir. lr -ir ir ir -i r- -l i ir -ijl ir i J. W. HANLEY 33 I 1 Livery, Feed and Sale t, 1 he place to buy your Ht-st Roasts, Steaks, Etc. Is at the 4 4 4 O. K. Meat Market 'i M- Hohner's I J Q K !HARMONICAS S'U W'JA of all the latest ntvleB tit i ru-es that are rilit. IjiJ jjjj D. 1. Adamson & Co. ij Urd' MEAT MARKET Keejts the lVst of Cheese and Honey Try some of our ow n make of Bacon and Hams O. K. Meat Market Country Onler not overlooked j Horses Boarded by the Day, Week ' t; j or Month " ri s-bHc: Ti U HVE BER Horses to Hay 50 cents per span First Glass Livery Ris for Rent Near Ochico Brulj,- Prim-Til Ir, Urrm When in need of Lumber, Snigles, MouldingSj Windows Doors or Glasses see S HIPP & PERRY For Prices on Them L J r..i LJ LJ . j n L J rmV"tr few J X Lj r.n 1 r. t LJ r.7 LJ a. J ri LJ .1 L J C3 LJ