ook. County. .Journal. VOLX PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 29,1906. NO. 15 THREE NEW OFFICES! ASKS ABOUT RANGE; SWEAR IN VOTER LAMONTA GROWING rif "!r- "!r'"2r "r ,rVV."'r -ir ir.ir -ir -r v - nr ir -r ir nr ir ir : iir ir innr r ir I. -IW.il. JJu Jl. it. JC ; il Ju it, Jl .11. J, Ji. jk jt jt Jl. Ji.jL4kJt.il jiikiltJIJtJLjUi I OUR NEW MILLINERY C5 II. , . ta " '--i' - - j ... . , READY id li ;i i r.i Ci ta ira I. J r.a H pa it j ea v3 S3 . 2 c,5 ca LJ e Saturday, March 31 .""b rT FTi V. i Make Your Selections Early i Watch this space next week YOU c tnr.v.v ar arar.ir ar ar ararar a-ar.ar ar var inr-innr jLiLjtjLJLJiRJLjt.jljLJLJLJLJl.JlilJL'j. .. . Yours With The Goods WIDE AWAKE I. MICHEL We are receiving poods it 1 1 the time ami our stock will bo complete.. Our store is small hut we have the goods just the panic :-: :-: :-: :- :-: In Shoes We Have The Best Julia Marlowe Shonj ud Oxfordi for billies. Best Known ami best ad vertised shoe in tlie wodil The Original Packard Shoe for Men. lull mat top, li;ht sole, niilitarv heel. The Fliotiione Special Shoe. .Military heel, dull mat top, creased vamps oak soles. ' Improved Dreiswell Line, tionciyenr welt, Essex last, medium sole, out side full. Prince Special, New Style. McKay sewed, national last, doulile sole full edye, any nun's shoe. And Many Other Styles for Ladies', Cent's, Misses', Oirls and Boys. Our Gent's Furnishing Goods is also complete with the latest styles . Don't forget the fact that our line of Groceries is also Complete I.MICHEL r.a LJ Ladies Tailor Made Suits Misses and Childrens Jackets Blue Cheviots Pepular $7.XJ Values now $3.00 $16.00 Values for $6.00 Only " &V . " " $2 00 $12.00. . " " $5.00 " 83. , $L50 These opportunities have never before These are excellent values and must ro been offered in I'rineville. this season. Ladies $1.50 Kid Gloves for 75 cts n c, , , " mailed to anv address with postage pre- d off on all Men s Golf and paid while they last, Dress Shirt, for 30 DAYS ONLY R.I" UJ r.i Li r.i Li ri LJ r.i CJ ri Li r i L J r.i ci LJ K.I L' J ri LJ r.i J R.I LJ r 1 L J r..i L J RI Li ri L J r.i Li r.i Groceries, Tinware, Hardware, Dry Goods, Furnishings Boots and Shoes CLAYP00L BROS. LJ Will Be FOR YOUR INSPECTION If new showings of the very best of the season's styles are interesting to you, you will be more than pleased with our new department. The most fashionable patterns in all choice shades, direct from the largest linery House in the East. WILL SEE THE r L. J r,"i L J rt LJ - i,;t i. J '.a . j - Li m .i i. j r.i i. j r 11 L J r i i. j r i i. j r.i r i L J r i, LJ r.a LJ r.a w i r.a: i. j r a: u J r 1 L J r.a k J rai r-a u J r i . j; r i k j r.a Mil- ' V. . k. J r.a L J ra, L. J u r.i u r.a LJ r t k j r.i; kj r.a k j r.a r a k j r.a L. .( r a Li r.a LJ r a u J r.a L J r,.a LJ r -, u J r.a L J SIGN r a L J r.a ri ra l u ra LJ n a,- ir lr.,r,, ' . ' . Y "1rrr 1 ....ji.ji. JL J'.JLjI.ji.j ppfeeteriia: OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President C. M. Elkins, Vice President Fheu w. Wilson, Cashier DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, c. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewaftt, Fred W. Wilson. Transacts a General liankinj- Business 10 x o h a n y e lit ul it and Sold Collections will- re ceive prompt atten tion For an Impaired Appetite. j Loss of appetite alwavs results from tatiltv digest inn All limi .. ; ! a few doses of Chamberlain' Stomach . ami Liver- Tablets. They " will in I Jvigorate the stomach, strengthen the j digestion and give you an appetite like ! 'a wolf. These Tablets also act as a i gentle laxative. For sale by 1). '. Adamson. ri Li r i Li Li r i Li -r.i Li r i Li r 1 Li r.i Li ri Li r i Li r i Li n L J ri Li r i Li ri Li . n Li r i l i n Li r i Li Prineville Oregon Li Rapid Settlement of County Cre ates More festal Stations Lower Bridge Is tin' name of a new postolliee w h'ch was establish ed this week un the Deschutes met al the crossing of the Willamette Valley & Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. C. W. Kinati has been ap iuinted postmaster. l'etiiioiiK are mi! for the establish ment of n new pnstiillice at l'owell Unties to lxar that name. The order rivaling the new olliee is I'xpected to be received in a short time. Orders were received Monday ereathiK the mv postolliee ol'O'N'eil at the Canniehael place on Crooked river. C. C. ( 'Neil has been appoint ed postmaster. Fostmastcr Sumniers has received a bulletin from the postolliee depart- menr caiiinj; tor tmis carrvniL; the mail between 1'cineville and Crook 1 1 he latter olliee havimi' been created several weeks njio with Sarah .1. Milliron postmistress, liids on the contract w ill be received up to April 17, the bulletin HtiptilatiiiK that the mailstajje shall leave Crook every Monday and Friday morniuji at 7::!0 o'clock, arriviny,- in I'rineville not later than ."::io of the same day. lietttrninK- the st;,nf shall leave I'rineville every Tuesday and Sat urday mornine- at 7::!l. ariivin! at I Crook not later than ."::!(). The distance one way is :i2 miles. The contract for earryinj'- the mail between the two stations will be let for a term of four years, ben'inniii' .Inly 1. I'.tnii, and conlinuinn unlti .lune :'.(). IttlO. The bond reiiuired is ill'lK). WORK WILL BEGIN New Prineville Hotel Building Will Be Rushed to Completion Work will beein a.uain on the I'rineville Hotel bnihliii"' some I inie next week. .Mrs. .McDowell has made a sa tisl'act i ry set t lenient with the trust company ..ml will have general supervision of const met h in work from now on. No new cou t ract will be let . Six stone cutters, who will be employed on I he buililinn', will lea ve Portland Sunday ami work will bef-in probably early ill tin- week. The north part of t he . hiiildinu in which the stores are to he located will be finished lirst. This work it is expected will be completed bv the middle of .) line. I. Michel has leased one of the store depart ineiils and will use it for iiirt stock of merchan dise. The other department will probably be leased do li. C. Gilbert to be used as a confectionery store. Additional help will be employed in the city and the structure will be completed as rapidly as possible. Must File Petitions by April 4. County Clerk Smith calls attention to the provisions of the direct pri mary law which reipiire that all jK'tilions for county o dices be tiled in his olliee mil later than April 4. The same law reiptires that I he registration blanks from the out side precincts be tilled on or before I April It), t lie day when regisl ra t ion closes until, after the primary election. I Ite iwl ra I ion in the I 'rinev-i I le in-.l cinct reached 170 today. Kuleher still leads all the precincts with over Iso voters on tne registration books. The local regis! ration has been slow and indications point to a rush to the clerk's olliee about the time the tiooks i-hThe, which will be on April 1U. The regist rat ion siioul-d be completed before that date to prevent mistakes and also to relieve I he clerk of tin-extra wink. Run Launch on Deschutes. Covers of outdoor sport, who reside in the vicinity of Itend, organized a company last week which will build a :( foot, 10 horse power launch w hich will be operated on t he Deschutes river above liend. The organization will be incorpo rated with a capital Htock of fr.ooo. The par value of the shares will be .'.(). and a large number of subscrib-er.-t hax already lieen secured. The boat will corry about L'." passengers and is for pleasure purposes alone The Deschutes river above the falls affords tine boating and the orgaui tioii is meeting with considerable enthusiasm. Loses 250 Tons of Hay. Two hundred and twenty-live tons of hay. belonging to .1. W. tiil christ, were burned at the Ulenn ranch on upper Crooked river last week, presumably by an incendiary. Mr. tiilchrist has hail the lileuu property leased anil this winter has Iw-eu feeding his cattle there. Tie hay was In three separate slacks and the Humes started in each at the same lime. Mr. (iilchrist stated while in the city the lirst of the week that there was no doubt hi his mind that the tires had been set. The loss amounts to about mmi. Yearling's Sell for $3 per Head. Thorn. is Sharp, Jr., sold l.'iiWh head of mixed yearlings to W.J. Morsch j of Douglas. Wyo., last week. The I hand Is to be delivered in Shaniko after shearing. T he purchase price J was '! per head. The lllaek I'.utte Iaud & Livestock ! company sold lL'00 head of wethers to the same purchaser at per ! he;ol, and t he same price was paid; to Hugh Lister of I'aulina for a! mixol band of I'ttoo head. ' Senator Fulton Sends Letter of In quiry to Stockmen A letter in beiny; sent out bv Sen ator Fulton toslockinen of the state relative In .uraziug; charges on tin reserves. The letter is aw follows; "Complaints have been made to me re.eariliuy; the ratine charges made in some parts of our stale (or forest reserve privileges. These have been ilisl rihuted lictwceu both sheep and entile interests. Inn largely t he former. ' 1 lind upon in vestigation (hat. the prices lieing; charged in Oregon are ereater than on ninny reserves of the country, which has been explained on t lie basis of climatic conditions permil t in if louver use of Oreuon reserves. In response to the complaints made, and that our state may nveive as fair treatment as is accorded imv otner, i would like to be provided with a statement by every stockman of Oregon usin Hie reserves, cover ing the following points: How long is your stock able to graze on land allotted to you, or where they were wont to graze on what is now re serve land: what is the value of the range you use for fattening: bow many acres lire reiiuired on 1 he average to support one slurp, cow or horse; what are the phvsical ditliculties attending use ofv the range; what is the menu altitude of that section you Have; when does snowdisappearand when do storms begin? "A general answer to these ques tions will put in my possession facts which will enable me to argue for our state's Interests.' I would be pleased to hear front you soon on the subject." Eastern Star Celebrates. .Members of the Knsleru Star observed their lot 1 anniversarv in Masonic hall Tuesllay evening. Before the tdates were spread ba the baniiiet, I'nlron C. I. Winnek delivered the address of welcome, followed by a vocal solo bv Miss Celia Nelms. A hiii'-hnble' f.-o takeyi part in by Mrs. II. I Itelk nap. Mrs. Carrie Foster. T. M. Bald win ami M. K. Brink, contributed to the evening's pleasure. Carna tions and evergreens were used In the decorat ions. Cold Weather Damaged the Fruit. I'. S. Cowle-i and II. W. Turner came up yesterday from Madras. Mr. Cow les said the extreme cold at his ranch the early part of last week did considerable damage to his fruit. The cherry ami peach trees had just started to bud when Un freezing cold set in.' Most of the hit let-fruit has been killed, and dam age has been done t o some of t he hardier fruit. Mr. Cowles said he did not believe that the apples had been injured to any great extent. Saw Mill Men Indicted. Indictments were ret urned by I he federal grand jury last week against A. It. Lnstwood iind .lack Dee. who own a saw mill in the vicinity of (irizzly mountain, charging them with cutting timber on government hind. I'. S. Marshal lirillil h was in Ihecity Saturday and placed both under arrest , I he bonds being lixed nt $."100. H. M. Cake's Candidacy. 11. M. Cake, candidate for 1'nited Stales Senator, has been so closely identified with the movement for the upbuilding . of Oregon and has been so close a student of eoiiilit ions effect. lug I he Interests of this Stale, I hat he is t he ideal man to represent Oregon hi t he Sena te, During the next few years Oregon Is going to make wonderful grow th in the development of her Industries and resources, ami important ques tions effecting I licin are certain to arise. The Slate will then need in the Senate, a man touch wit h t he com thoroughly in lions and Mr. Cake is the man lor the plan The people can certainly trust him to get what t hey want . C. A. Johns for Governor. Dent-Sir: Oregon Is a large slate ami I fear that time will not permit me to visit your county. Will do so if possible. Have made a hard light for this nomination, and should KastcrtiOrc gon in which I have lived for eigh teen years, give me loyal support, I will be nominated. This is her political opportunity, and I trust t hat you will sec your way clear to assist me. State Bank I'.xaiubier. iive. I'riinary Law fair trial. High sense of olliclal honor. Liberal support to and high standard of eduea t ion. Kich and poor will receive alike courteous treatment. With Itooscvelt on railroad legis lation and labor question. Office of Land Agent must be above suspicion and without adjuncts. Franchises should pay reasonable lax. Lxpress and similar eampan ies should pay tax on gloss earnings in slate. C. A. Johns. A Lively Tussle. with that old enemy 'of the race, f 'on Htipalion, often ends in Appendicitis To avoid all serious trouble with Stofh ach, Liver and Bowel, take Dr. Kinc' New Life Pills. They perfectly reu. late tiiese organs, u ithonl p-tin or dis cunfort. 2hc at D. P. Ailairsoii A iky and Templetoir A Son. . Attorney General Gives His Opin ion on Primary Election Attorney (ieneral Crawford lias 1-endereir an opinion which settles Hie iptestioij w hether a voter who has not registered lM-fore the pri maries can vote in that election. The Attorney i ieneral holds that a voter may qualify on primary day by sigiiin blank "A" provided for bithedireet primary law. Opinions hv Miil.-ly .t i rr.-i e. I iikiii this snliji'ri. Hint lln-r tuts l.-tii nnii-li iti-Uhsitn el' il, inr the rt-HMtii tlmt tlwr wilt niftny vnti-rs nuo will fail n. icuisUT unit ho will IciiiHini l In- riKhl In vmo mi primary Uy Tin' ii-i-rtiliiii; npininn has li'cn iliai nti hu o-Kislereil .person I'tmlii not rvtfiMt'r hi Ihc pells ami yen-, fur si-cliim . nf l lie ilini-t law sHyslhio "no person u lm is not a qnalilii-il I'li-elor ami a reKislt'ii-il tiii-iiiImt nf his pHrly niakniK us nominations nintt r Un- provisions ol llus law shall Ik- iiinlilitHl lo join ill siKli oitfHny pi-ntion for notniiiHtion or to voir at sHiil primary noininalion rlprtinii." Allorni'y-i,iiMnrl Orawloril savs if this wen- all tin- law i-ontninnl upon this subject I lie inleution wouhl be plain that unteas reitislereit Ihe party eouhl uol vote, lie looks further, however, ami liu't.s that' in sections I Hint 8 of ihe primary law Ihera are provisions w hii-h make the Australian Iwllot law appliealile, ami section .;:, of the eode is expressly inaite appliealile lo primary lioniiiialinu eleetfons. This last mentloMuit seeliou pniviiles for any elector hit is nut rexistere.l in the pre cinct ill which he appljes lo vote to line lilauk "A," Hint vote if otherwise MiialiltHil. Seclton l of the ilireis primary law says that "noth inn conlained in this law shall be eonstrlieil lo deprive any elector nf the right I o register ami vole i any primal y nominating election required by this law no his complying with the special provisions of this law in the same manner thai In- is permitted by the general laws lo register nml vole at gen eral election." Construing the law nsa whole, ihe aimruey general Itnds tlml the elector may qualify by using blank "A" on election day, ami hence thai eouiily clerks should scud out such blanks with the hullt boxes nml poll books. Ur' L WILLIS S. DUNIWAY Gindiddic for SWe Printer At Republican Primary, April 20, 1906 "I hereby pledge to t he people of Oregon a great reduction of the enormous cost of the olliee, if elected, and I declare upon my honor that I shall seek noil her to perpetuate old abuses of the olliee nor engage In new schemes to loot the treasury" Willis S. Duniw ay. "Willis S. Dual way Is a man of sterling integrity and thorough know ledge of the printing business." Tori la ml La bor Press. Socialist County Convention. The Socialist County Convention for Crook county, staio of Oregon, is hereby called to meet at the Cir cuit Court room at i'rineville, Ore gon, on Wednesday, April i'll.li, at 10 a. m. I'm-I he purpose of niiminat- illg Candida les for all the ci ly ollicos to be tilled at the next gen eral election, and for the transaction of such ot her business as may come before said convention. The con vention will consist of one delegate at large from each precinct and one additional delegate for every eight (Si voles oi- majority Ira el ion' there of cast for I he Socialist ca m lida le for Supreme Judge. Ali members in good standing of the Crook County Socialist Local are admitted as pelegi-iles. No proxies will be enter tained. Tin- Cen I nil Comniillee re commended that the Primaries be held ill the several precincts nt the voting place therein on Satnrdav. April 14, l!MHi. at 1 p. in. Delegates have been apportioned among Hie several voting precincts as follows: Ashwood :!, Bend :!, lilack Butte 4, Bear Creek I. P.eavei- 1 I'.ci.i.n 1 Cross Keys I, Camp Creek 1. Hat-din t, iiowaru i, t lay I reek Haystack 'I, Ireland 1, Johnson Creek Kul eher 2, Montgomery , McKay 1, Mill Creek 1. Manrv 1. N'ew'soin 'reek 1, Prineville 4, Summit I. Willow Creek I. Powell But les I, Laiaonta 1, Redmond 1. Laidlaw I. Deschutes I. Warm Springs 1. Done by order of tin- Socialist County ( en I ral Coiuiuitle March .", P.HMi. .1. It. Bkmiam, Chairman P.. F. Wti.tiorr, Secretary . Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable nmivery of Kenneth Mclver, of Vanciboro, Me., is the sub ject of touch interest to the medical fraternity and a wi le circle of friends, lie. says of his case: "Owiin; to severe inllaiuatioii of the Throat atnl conges tinil of the Limits, three doctors g-ave me up to die, hen. as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. Kiuf's New Discovery ami I him happy to sav, it saved my life.'" Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, l'onsili tis, Weak Liiiil'". Hoarseness and l.a iri. Ouaraiiteed at D. P. Adamson and Templeion iv Son dnij; stoic. .'uic I and !.M. Trial bottle free. llv si J ll 4 v 1, ' !8irV 4 'i'J sfi 1 ''I i New Settlers Are Rapidly Riling One of County's Richest Districts. No Iw-lter evidence of the rapid growl h a ud sel l lenient of Lamolita can lie found than In the registration record made there this year by lieorge S. Miller, who was la the city Tuesday to tile his petition for the nomination of Justice of the Peace in that precinct. Lamontu. precinct was created by the county court at its January session and embraces two townships. Mr. Miller registered W out of the i5 voters living in that precinct, ami the list Is now about complete. Many new settlers are coming into the sect ion, principally from Minne sota. "lOvery vacant foot of land will be taken," said Mr. Miller," and the new settlers are constantly bringing more. The recent snows nml heavy rains give every indica tion of the district producing a record breaking crop this year, and nothing-could lie more favorable for a steady and permanent, settlement. There is a demand most of the time for deeded lands, now that Ihe government tracts are practically all In the hands of homesteaders." PROCLAMATION. , WHF.RKAS, l he Secretary of State of the State of Oregon, has not Hied nie In writing that pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled "An Act making effective the Initiative and referendum provisions of See Hon 1 of Article IV of the Constitu tion of the State of Oregon, ami regulating elections t hereunder, ami providing penalties for violations of provisions of this act,"' approved February 24, 1!H, the Oregon State Orange duly tiled lit his otlice on February :ld, llMIti, an Initiative petition containing 7.I14N signatures properly attached to a. copy of said measure, certitied in accordance wit h law, demanding that a proposed law, the title, tenor and effect of which Is hereinafter particularly set forth, shall be submitted to the legal voters of the State of Oregon lot- their approval or rejection at the general election to be held In said state on the 4th day of June, being the lirst Momlav In June, l!Mlli. NOW. Til F.KF. FORK, I, Heo. Chamberlain, lioveriiot- of the State of ( li-egon. In obedience to the pro visions of said net hereinbefore 'first mentioned, do hereby make and Issue this Proclamation to the peo ple of Hie Slate of Oregon, announc ing that the said Oregon Stale image has tiled said initiative peti tion with the requisite number of signatures I beret o u t Inched demand iiigNlhiil I here shall be submitted to I he legal voters of t he State of Ore gon lor their approval or rejection at the regular election to be held on the 4(h day of June, llMIti, said day being Hie first Monday in said mouth, a bill to propose by Initia tive petition a bill entitled "A bill to propose by initiative petition H law to provide additional revenue for stale purposes; lo levy a license on the gross earnings of Sleeping car companies, iielrigerator car com panies and Oil companies; defining a Sleeping car company, a Refrige rator car company and an Oil com pany within I In- meaning of this act; delining the manner of ascer- laiuiiig the amount of such gross eceipts; providing a penalty for violating the provisions of this act," the tenor and effect of which in brief Is: . , First: To require every Sleeping car company. Refrigerator car com pany and Oil company to pay In addit ion to t n xes now provided for by law, a. license of three per centum upon the gross earnings of such companies, annually, to the treas urer of t he sta te. Second: To pa ft letihirly define each of said companies Included within the terms of said act. Third: To provide the milliner of ascertaining the amount of such gross receipts by requiring the pro. per officers of such companies, as particularly mentioned In said bill, lot ra nsiii It tot he sla te treasurer on or before the 1st day of March of each year a statement under oath of the gross receipts of such com panies ' from business transacted within t he stales (luring the preced ing year ending December :tlst, and giving in such statement informa tion as to the name of the firm, company, business or corporation; the nature of the business trails acted by it; the location of its prin cipal olliee ami under what laws It is organized, and whom. If any one. It represents, ami In certain cases provided by the bill whose wares it handles; the name, address and place of residence of the proprietor, chief ollicer or managing agent of t lie business or company in the State of Oregon; a detailed statement of the real estate owned by the firm or company In the Slate of Oregon, where situated and the value there of as assessed fdr taxation. Koitrth: To provide for the pav nieut of leu per centum additiouiil to said license fees in case of a fail ure to make the statement or to pay the license required to he made or paid by the terms of said act, and to provide the method of collection I hereof. Fifth: To provide that if auv otlieer of any company or corpora lion or oilier person mentioned In said bill shall fail, refuse or neglect to make and tile the annual state ment therein required to lie make for thirty days after the 1st day of March in each year, on conviction thereof he shall be punished by a tine of not less than ."(MUK) mr more than fl.iHio.00, or by imprison, ment in Ihe county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both line and Im prisonment in the discretion of the court, and making it the duty of the district attorney of the proper judicial district to commence and prosecute for violations of said bill in any court of competent jurisdic tion mi action at law to enforce said penalty. Done at I he l apilol a-1 Salem, this 2Mb day of February. A. D., P.MMi, I Signed I liKO. K. CH.VMl!l-:itl.AI. liovernor. (Signed I F. I. Di xiuu, (Seal) SiK-retary of State.