n 3 TURCOT No. 56041 smthe imported percheron stallion 83 - - .. CD Foaled May 11. 1900; Bred by M. Vallie, Department Jwj of Oren, France; Imported April 12, 1905; Property of jTJ jljTHE LAMONTA PERCHERON HORSE CO. Si rn Wiii Hake Hie Season as follows: At Chas. Lott's ranch, one and one-half miles west of Lamonta; at Henry Montgomery's near Grizzly P. 0. and at Prineviile yf $ SEASON BEGINS APRIL FIRST 53 m L.H. P. Co. QJ LAMONTA, OREGON Q IW7 m ,i. CP W DESCRIPTION ' rurKat, is a very Lare, Heavy Horae, Jet Black, wilh tine form and superior action; and comes from a lon list of Jilack Percherons: Weight 2000 pounds more or less according to condition. C Utt Notice. t't.itei Sutra I, and orlicc. TiiP llaho, Uivyoli, rVhruury fl. In;. A Mirlieii hi contest attai n it hating hi-rn u'.- 1 frt this olliif !'' I'ulllrlill- liutan, ii t '5 ;Mi I , ;iu:l:-l ! t!n-!nl entry N'o. i "liTs. li:,.ir .-. pIi-ll,W-l l.'i, l.1J. lor .-K, ! K'4. ec. 7, V' Sri li'jn , 1 p. i;. KiiM- '.'I. K. W. M. I.y Arch W. Nl.-k.iy. : Ht--H . ill u tin h II i a!!it' ! thai Mild ' fi ll W. Mi Kuv h.i wholly ai-undoned ! tract; that In- Inn changed hi- ici- tencr there trom lor mure than Ii i.jii I ti - ' last pa-.t; that -aid imrt is li"t xttlfi ' i(jii uinl ciiltivaUd hy said party as re ijlliied by law ; Hint said alleged absence vvus int dm- to hi employment in tin- army, navy or mariiie corp- of the I'lilted j Matr in tiu.c it war. sjid partll- are herehy jiotilml to unne.ll. H-:ond and ofl'er evidence liiiichilitf -aid allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. uii April ;i. I!i hi hire .1. j .1. Smith. County Clerk, ut his olfice in I'rini'Villi-, Ontri.ii, laiul tliat the lnuil licariin: will he held at t" o'clock a. in. on April ID, pint,, be Ion i tin- keii.ster ami Receiver ut tin- 1'nited Statm Lull t Unci ill The Dalle. . in-pm. Tin.- s:ii, conicstunt liavini:, in it proper afmkn il. lilcd February:!, him;, s-t forth facts w hii h alnv.v that after ilue il'iiiK' Hee jici Mimal aerviee of this notice can not ' inailc, it i.i hereliy (inh-reil anil ilirt'cieil that MiU'h notice U' (,'iven by due anil proper publication. Mhiuki, I.Noi,n, Ueihtwr. SUMMONS. I il tin- I reu it t 'oult of the on or took i onnty : l.ama A. (.ox. I'lainuil. late or Ure- Jf A 4U A iVIeiiiiaiil : I lit :Ui I' K. u r. aunt : ait lifict. V iHiuilcl atnl r.'litni.-tii4 ij ii''t-ai' in ttt- ;'mi w -iiiUit-J Cfuri unil u)i r Vif iKiiiifii I'laLiit ill'-. t-Min- plaint in tlie a'"V -u 1 1 L 1 -uit now on til- in l ht tttlift J J.J. Siuit h , .'if rk oi tlit ;il'v' nuHtt-'l murt, umi t the uuvt ; rmtiu:d I'tiuntj on or before the tir-t day i Vtj of the mxt ruhir trim -f tlif riiJ : court, to Hit: toi .i tjHore tup 7th -luv tt May UMi; iintl rii v.il take notic tii:it jil'yim Jail U hiivait tin Pluiiitilt, for' j want thtTroi wiil i'pl'ly "to ilit' s;:il curt j 'r a l..Tfc t'Hft-r iio!vitiij tin- IhhmN . 1 1 'naininony nmv rxitiiii; itctw't 11 vou J ' nti'J the pi lintili', utini tin t;rKiinJ of : -rtioii ani waul if uptiitrt, ai.ii Tor j tin- rots ami ililjurfim-itts of thi Mtit. j Srrir )i' Summons is nmdc in tiii suit 1 unli.uiii in the Crook County J'ur- nal. a weekly newspaper published in j I'ri ne i'.Io. ("r.-ok eouuiv. M-ci;oii, for th I full pprio i of six week order f V. A SM I I II A- ( i.KKK, I'h.n i.'iiTut.- DoiMcstic ami -Imported Liquors, Wine and (iiars COUNTRY OKDl'KS SOLICIT!:!) MAIN' STUKKT I'lUNKVIM.K, OKKCON ...u.t,. vt. , x 4.' ..u ..U A .;- 4-' It nr I'-tr.ir.jnnr.irKini'.T' ij1" r i llel, .1 iiiIlti' of tiie i.oimtv' court of the State ot ireoii for t'r.iok county, Oregon ami lat"i this :tlM 'lay of .lanuary, lti. (iKO. V. HKN1, Attorney for the 1'ltll. FEES In8urance $'20 Due when mare is known to be with foal: $25 due when foal sucks; also payable if inare is disposed of, or permanently removed from the county: Single service $10 due at time of service. Mares from a distance will be well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume responsibility in case of accident. JERRY ACHEY, President ) N. Milligan, Cha. Lott Director: Henry Montgomery ) Oscar Cox, Samuel Pierce ADDRESS: J. S. McMEEN, Sec. and Treas. ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular. "MotlierH buy il for croupy cliihiixn, railroai) men liny it lor wvere coukIih and el'W-rly people Imv it for la Kt'ippe," f-ny Moure Itros., Kliton, low.t. "We F-ell more of Chaiiil'erlain'H Cmili litiineily than any other kind. It Mepms ti) liag taken the lend over several other good brands." I'll. -re is noij Men tion but this medicine is the lieRt that can be procured ior coughs and colds, w hether it be a child or an adult that is altlcted. It always cures and cures Viickly. Sold bv i. 1'. Adannson. Suinntotis. 1 n tiie Circuit court of the Slate of t ire. Hon for ()p)ok county : Antoine Trahan, Plaintiff. r n L' J r.y -1 t-j Li r t t j r. f j vr U T s. J c J f i J u rt L.J r " oJ t I Ulllnnsnoss, dyspepsia, loss of appotltfl, dislurlieil sleep, nervousness, heiiiiiicliH, jS'ililiiiess and drowsiness, wind and pain nr I'lillnefw of the stomach after nieulK, cold chills and flusliiinrs of lieat, short ness of breath tlieso aro the blank e!icfnc8 of phvslcal bankruptcy. Tim man who suffer from these dis orders and ueulects thuui will soon be In tie relentless urasp of some fatal diseaso. If he is naturally narrow chested and shallow IuiikcH. il w ill prohiihly he con suniptioii; if hi.s hither or mot her died of paralysis or some nervous trouble, It will probably lie nervous exhaustion or pros nation, or even insanity; If there is a I lint 111 the family hliHHl. it will he blood or skin disease; if lie lives in a new or a low', swampy country, it, will be miliaria; if he lives a life of exposure. It may be t'hi'll in a t ism. There Is one safe course for a man to follow who linds himself "out of sorts" mid sutlerinir from the symptoms described. It, is to resort to Or. Tierce's (lolden .Medical Discovery. This medi cine nuiUes the amii'iite keen, corrects till di-wders of the diircstion, renders assimi lation perfect, invigorates the liver, purl lies and enriches the blood and builds linn, healthy Mesh and nerve tissue. It cures almost all diseases that result, from 'iisulll. ient or Improper nourishment of the brain and nerves, ltrunchial, throat, and even lunr affections, when not too fur advanced, readily yield to it. A man or wimuin who iieirlccu const i nut Ion suiters frolusluw iel Miniiii.'. Dr. IMerce's I'leic.iiiu I'd -lets earn cotisiiniitioii. one linie c s- ( euei IS It Li'liue lllMlllve, iu"i J , two a mild cathartic, don't h 1 n If Hellish seller over-iH-rsuiiile yen i Il nvi'iit n substitute for iliesu Oiini II nal f.ltlle l.lvr Pills, Hist i i t mi , tiynid lir ti.V. Pierce over 4 jeuri aga Huch imiutcd lut nevr euulu. 6 Administrator's Nottoe. ! In the 'County Court of the State of Oreton for Crook County. In the matter of the Estate of Klizabeth I'rine, deceased Not ice is hereby given that Hie under signed. Administrator of the Kstate of Kliiaheth I'riue, deceased, will on the lith day of March, l!Ki, ur as soon Jhereaftcr as the simie can he heard, present to the above entitled court his petition asking that he be allowed to sell the real pro perty of the above entitled Kstate and that HUeh sale be confirmed, and further that a day be set for hlin to present bis tinal report and wind up the business of the said Administration. All persons having objection to the said sale are hereby notified to appear and tile their objections. Haled at Prineviile this 81st, day of January, UHHi. Wii .i.i am I'm nk, Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has bled his final Account as Administrator of the Kstate of 1. I,. Swciircngcn, deceased, with Ihe County Clerk of Crook County, State of Oregon, and the County Court of ('rook County, Oregon, has set Monday, the 'Jnd day of April, 1IHI as the time for hearing said Final Account and any iind nil objections that may he made thereto. Dated this 17th day of l-'ehruary, l'.HMi. Marion Tavi.ou, Adiiiiuislratorof the Kslate of I. 1,. S wcar engen, deceased. w ant Ads IW Notices charged at. tin per insertion. under this head will lie rule of o.mk Ckni' per word ' Nothing less than 50 cent-. A Scientific Wonder. Tiie cure that stand to its cmlit make Hucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured K. li. Mtilford, It'cturer for tiie Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst llurns, Sores, lloils, I leers, Cuts, W'uiir.ds, Chilblains ami Salt Klieuiu. . Only L'5c at I). 1'. Aiiamson & Co. and J. II. Teinplelon ci Son drug store. Ida Trahan, Defendant To Ida Trahan, the above named defne dant; In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby reipiired to appear and answer 'he l'hiiutill's complaint tiled againM you in the above entitled court on or before the 7th. day of May. A. L). I'.Wti, and if you so fad to appeur the. Plaintiff w ill take a Decree for the relief demanded in the Complaint bled in the said above named suit tba't is for the dissolution of file bonds of unit riniony now existing be tween you and the 1'laintiH, and for the care and custody of the minor child. Emery Trulian, and for thecosts and dis- Cy Inurements of this suit anil for such other 1C)7 ami further relief as in equity may seem just and right. Crf This Sillniinoiw i- ,.,-,.,1 I,, I,., ,.,-r,.,l I If upon you by publication thereof in the Q; Crook County Journal for six consecutive I weeks by order of the Hon. W. A. Uell, Judge ul the County court of the Slate of Oregon for Crook county, made and en tered at Pi inevilb;. Crook countv, Oregon j this (ith, day of March, A. J). llUJIi. 1 Cko. A.V. lUll.NKs: " Attorney for Plaintiff. Sonera Sftacksmithing HOKHKSHOKINU, W'oOD WoKK, KTC, N'KATI. Y AND PHOMPTI.Y J)oN'K When it im ThiNE By : : : jfiobcrt 9?foo7c Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed PlilNEVTI.I.E, OHEUON. r .! r 5 r t ri i r r r r. i r. j t' j b ' j l j c j l j l i a 3 s a O'Jfeil brothers Prineviile ' s llfhoiesaie J&quor Jtouse Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, alfto Supplies Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 1st, ItHHi. Notice is hereby given that the folh w ing named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final nrnof in support ol his claim, and that said proot will be made before the County Clerk at Prine viile, Oregon, on April 8th, l!Ki, vis: John T. Houston, of Crook, Oregon, on H. E. No. 11401, for the NW'V NKM, V. NWK A 8V NW',, Section 8, Tp. IM S. R . 20 K. W. M. He nameti the following witnesse to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vit: R. A. Ammons. Kisher l.ogan, Paul Held and E. C, KauKlit, all of Crook, t regon. MteiiAKt. T. Noi.as. Kegister, Notice For Publication. Land Otlice at The Dalles Oregon, March 1st, lldHI. N otice is hereby given that the follow-lng-nuuied aettler has fibsl notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support ot hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk at Prine viile, Oregon, on April uth, V.M1, viz: . William V. French, of Priueviiie, Oregon, on H. K. No US!", for the WJ NW',', NW SWKi See. S3 and SK', NKJ4, Section :, Tp. 1SS. K. 16 E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon mid cultivation of said laud, vis: .lohn U. UFollette, K. A. Po I.aKolh.tte, Joseph H. Burson, and .1. O. Powell all of Print ville, Oregon. MichakuT. Nolan, Register. A Lively -Tussle. with that old enemy of the race. Con stipation, often ends in ApK!mlicitW' To avoid all serious trouble witli Stom ach, Liver and Bowels, tako Pr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regu late the organs, without pain or dis comfort. 25c at D. P. Adawson & Co lid Templetou A Son. Notice For Publication. Land nttlce at The Dalles, Oregon. March 1st. bUHi, Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prnul will la' made before the County Clerk of Crook County at Prineviile, Oregon, on April 11, Itmti, vis: Abnun P, Jlawson, of l.amouta, Oregon, on 11. K. No. 7-tiii, for the Lots 5 A (i, SK14 N'W', and N El, SV,, Section ti, Tp. 13 S. U. la K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Oscar Cox, William Sann, Jerry Achey, and James S. McMeen all of l.tinioula, Oregon. M It'll AK1. T. NOI.AS, Kegister. Petition Tor Liquor License. I'OR S.VLK 12 inch (iami plow Tor sale or trade. Taks grain. Impure', P. li. I'oimlexter. j'Olf RKNT Kancli on the Maudes. Kor particulars, uddiuss K. 1!. t'ary, l.odi, CaliforniH. f'2'2 FOR SALK About oOOO pounds of wheal chop at 1.7.r jier 1110. At the old Pillion I ced urilH. Any quan tity. Ivnnis A Hit, 1,. ti Prineville-SSi a n i k o Stage Line Daily Between Prineviile and Shaniko S('H KDULK ' Leaves Shaniko, (i p. in. Arrives at Prineviile 6 H. in. Leaves Prineviile 1 p. 111. Arrives at Slianiko 1 a. in. First Class Accommodations The Biggest, TO THE HO.NOllAlH.ECOl'NTY COCKC FOR CllOOK OOCNTY, OKKUtN . We, the undersigned, legal viibft vf Ahwood precinct, Crook I'ounty, (H'egun, respectfully petition your honorably Body to grant unto the firm of Heiitou vV tirater: s license to sell spirituous, malt ,'rul vinoivs liipiors and bard cider in c,uaaijtie lefs than one gallon 111 said Aswood preciiict, County and Stale uforesaid, for term ii six months from ami after' the '2".d day id' May WHO: W.D.Walker, H. U. Berrytnaii, C. K. Sandy, C. S. McCorkle, f. J. Wymun, Uraiit Unvskett, JthiMrater, 11, rt Jaaies, Frank Doak, K. A.. Randolph, t en. D. Car dew. J. U. Clurk. Thomas L.ewis, M. 1. McDonald, J. C. South, K. l. ihiaser. 11. H. Hoi ken T, S. -Vnder on, 11. ti. 'lark, Uoliert Hamilton, Oliver M'allum, O, M. Poindenter, Fri'd MlCoIIciu, Ulen Crater, A. W.Uratel-, Patrick lieilly.J. R. Ilayli-s, Aleser McLennan, John 1). Mcl.ennau, S. S. ltlaek.J. H.O'Keliev. I.ee W mj,. John Wishsrt tieorge Crocked, J. iirogan John Creegan, D. S. Hauulioii, Miio Wood, i Notice is berehv invfii that Hih 1oriwi going petition will lie prv-entcd tti the Honorable Coil 11 1 v Court tuv Crook I'limni' Oregon, on the 2nd day of M ay ," p.mft ut P ' r o'clock in tlie forenoon, at (lie (Jountv 1 t ourt ihkuu in Prineviile, Oregon. aL which K lime and place the (x tiliim.-ers w i j apply i k to the Court for a liceue as prayed for in j t said , -nit .011. ins BUNION tiKATKK, tiOVKRNMF.NT LAND I,t)( 'A'l'IOD: In the Chii1tiiiiK LtiUc V.illi'.v. tlnunintecil to be kioiI when I unit AII'iiII'm limil. Abiiniliince of witter enn be Hi't'Uii'il fro hi 12 to 2o foot. llvno.N Cady, Silver Luke, t)reun. Ft ) R SAI.F, : A line much of lilt) acres, enclosed with threi-Avire fence. About tiOacies in cultivftlioii, neat railroad survey. Will rauso tine grain, hay and viigetables, without irrigation. Also nice business ami resident properly ill Prineviile. All at reason able prices. Kn unite at ('. -A. (ti.ovi- it's (irocery Store. I 4 t' Warning. 1 offer a standing reward for the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of damaging the laundry build ing near the Ochocn luidee. This is suilicient notice to those who have been guilty of damaging the properly the past fer weeks. S. .1. Nkwnom. Notice to Horse Owners. Owl tin i 11 Hume uiifoi'NotMi business nffuirM, 1 will be compelled to leave rriinuUlc for a short time, but ex pect tiv tt't urn soon to buy all Hood lioi'MCH broke or uilbl'oke ut I'nir JU'il'lVi. .Il no lUiuniin of Rolirer & F.nnis. STRAYED, tine aorit'l mure bramled KS on 1 left slu tulder and ti horse shoe cross on left jtrtn, white strip iu,f:u'e, two or t hivi white feet, tieiitlenud when left lulJ il colt, colt branded sunie an In ttt'f brand. A liberal reward will be iiid for Iiil'uiinatloii of, or return of ame to C. W. Colby, I'rilicville. On-iion. 1 Most Complete A N D The Cheapest Line ot In the County Can Be Seen and Bought at the Store of V "-'. - I Vv.s- iifsV Z 'HE UK n Solo Agents for Hop Gold Bser and 1 the Famous Napa Soda Jc'o.m.i.l-y Trcide Solicited. fhe Opera Saloon BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors In The Glaze Hall A First Class House in Every Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. I (IB sv: THE HAMILTON STABLES Mend Livery & Transfer (Company PKINKVILLK, OREGON Stock boanlod by the thiy, week or nionth at Rcttsotiahle rates. Renienilier us when in l'rineYille. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent JfaJT" Run in Connection with the Rend Livery Stables Lost, Strayed or Stolen. One diity-hny horse lti hands high. S years olH, branded A and reversed ,1 oi left shoulder. One bay horse, rather old, branded C on left shoulder. A reward of $10 will Ih paid to tinder reiaii'tiiig the where abouts ot both or first named animal to Roy Okay, Prineviile, tn. Taken Up. The following described horse came to my place about live mouths ao: Hay svlding, alHHit 7 years old. lb hands liigh, rangy appearance, branded dot Mitliin a circle, two diagonal bars run ning out from circle; bald face. Owner van have same by paving all expenses. V. F. Elliott, Prineviile, Ore. f 22 jfcenderson trollard Country Orders Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the Poindexter' Hotel I Shaniko Warehouse Co. Shaniko, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding A X 1) Commission Merchants Dealers in Blacksmith Coal. Flour, BarbedWire, Nails, Cement, Limp, Coal Oil, Plaster, 'Sulphur,' Wool and Grain, Sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed. AgenlH for Wasco Warehouse Milling River" ami "Dalles Patent" Flour. )iaiil for Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Haling for Kastern Shipments. W( (Vs. "White I Ugliest price (trading and Stock Yards with all tlie for Handling Stock. latest and brf facilities ar 'Jr 2our Soods "S. W. Co in are T O. K. MEAT MARKET Keeps the Lest of Lard, Cheese and Honey 1 Jl Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Reef, Veal, Rat-on, Lard, and Country Produce Kept on Mutton, Pork, hand at the City iVieat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineviile, Oregon ffilacksmithing That Pleases 4 Is The Kind You (iet at J. 11. W1GLLS f t SuoffSsor to) - . CORXKTT & ELKIXS A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand . -It H. t. v. P.tl r i n k. J I1 L'l Cj C3I i. J 3 i I 0fJI-