M 'JL! It. A-J- Local Mention "I'utrled a joy denied.-' (illU-rt's , cnndlrn. Hideout & Foster". Kor Garden Seeds and Oulon Sra go to J. E. Stewart & Co. Hulk iLirden Siiln ft r flaypool : POTATOKS WAXTKD: Write to! 0. V. Ki.iuns, i'rineville Oregon. "j Jo to Ulover & Starr's Cttsh Si-o-j eery tor tine potatoes, htiron. hum I mid lard. i i For tine caudles, tobaccos, cigars: mill fruits, we hnve them. Ulover &i Starr, i Home Cured Meats tor less money tlrau Eastern Meats at .1. P.. Stewart it Co. .Save three fourths your !sced Mil by buying Kulk Unrden Seeils at Clay pool Bros. The lightest running Wagon on the market Is the Srhuftler. Sold by J. E. Stewart & Co For i jk Butter and Eggs ff Bulk Pickle & Sauer Kraut 4 I O. K. Meat Market 1 Kemember that the pliu'e lo buy a good hat Is Hideout & Foster's. They Hell the Kingsbury $:!.."0 hat, llm Stetson and also other hats. IX STOCK Stamped linens. - broidery silks, hoops and needles. N'ew- goods have just arrived. I. Mk iuoj.. .We carry a full line of sugars, coffee's, tens, canned goods, and can nave you money. Try ns before buying'. Glover & Starr. For ladies' shoes that look the best, wear I lie best and are the low est In price, )uality considered, go to Hideout & Foster's. Don't sell your eggs and potatoes until yon see (ilover & Starr. They are always In the .market and pay the highest market price. (lover & Starr, the grocers, have ordered it carload of potatoes which will arrive In a few days To supply the local demand. A WARM PROPOSITION Our Hot Water Bags P. Adamson & Co Why pay from to $4.00 per pound for Garden Ncds In packages when you can got first class Seeds in bulk from 15 cents to fl.-'5 per lb. at Clnypool Bros. J. J. E. STEWART I be Mrs, C. K. McDowell U In Port laud this Week attending to business mutters. . iji'oruf Bates, of Beinl. was a business visitor In I'rineville during the lnt of I In- Week. Frank liofiiiuiii, of Culver, rode the 140a! Into the third degree of the Masons lodge Saturday evening. Miss Florence Heed was over frolu Bend spending a few days during the week visiting with her sister. Miss .iay Heed. Mrs. Vint Cyrus has purchased tlie Mauley resilience for a consideration of $900. The property was formerly I owned b.v .1. . Boone. Med Vainlcrpool and wife re turmil Monday from Hedmoud where they had been visiting witli their daughter. Mrs. Eugene l.ucier. T. H. Lafollett has tiled his papers wit h.tlie county clerk for the nomi nation to the otliee of county com missioner on the democratic ticket. .lames Dyer, who recently moved to Antelope to engage in business, has purchased a residence there and Is enjoying a tine trade. "Bay less and dress better" You can do this liy letting us take your measure for a Koyal Tailored suit. J. E. Stewart & Co. SI Hodges, republican candidate for the nomination to the oflice of sheriff, spent Saturday and Sunday at Itciliuond and l.nidlnw and vicinity. T. W. Zimmerman, of Bend, who Is the Crook county representative of the Columbia Life & Trust Corn puny of Portland, was in town the first of the week. .('. .). Milligan, Chun. Lott and Jerry Achey, who are ollicers and directors of the Lamonla I'erchcron Horse Company. Were in the city from Lamonta the last of the week. Services will be held at the Baptist church next Sunday as follows: Sun day school 111 a. 111.: preaching 11 a. 111. and ":: p. m. Christian Kndeav uruttitfO. Everybody cordially in vited. Deputy Marshal (ir'ithth was In Madras and at Grizzly the first of the week subpoening witnesses to appear before the federal gra ml jury which began its March session In Portland last Monday. Henry I'hirmau. of the Ciiion Meat company, who has been in the vicinity buying cattle the past two weeks, left Monday for Shaniko to receive ten carloads of beef steers from Bidwell Cram of Trout creek. Mayor A. L. Goodwillie, of Bend, was In the city Saturday and took his second degree in the Masonic order. Frank Gilchrist was down from Fife the same evening to have the third degree continued. Let's Talk It Over M. U. Mltfgs wan a passenger llrst o( 1 he Week (or Portland. If there is anything at any" price, that is any" better than Royal Tailoring we ought to know it, and you ought to know it. Royal Tailoring is ow-priced and it is Positively High Value. Come in and see the New Spring Goods Un questionably" the most attractive patterns we have ever opened up. The prices are graded according to quality of goods to suit every" purse. In Royal Tailoring coat collars and lapels are hand pad ded the cloth is shrunk by the cold water pro cess all seams are sewed with silk and the Buttons don't come off. We want your order and we guarantee all that you can ask for in the way of satisfaction. If that's fair come in and let's talk it over. C. M, Hi-diield, who now ban gen eral supervision of the work for merly iu charge of the superinten dent of the b. J. Ji P. '.... wus over from Hedmoud thi morning on a business trip. , The annual meet iug of the Prine- ' ville Amateur Athletic club will be J held at the club house the til's! M011-1 day iu April which falls on the itnl. ! Considerable business w ill Is- trans acted at the meeting and the otticers and board of director are anxious that a full attendance Is- present. .lames Connolly, ou whose pro perty at Burnt Bunch hi the north eastern purt of the county the only tobacco ever raised In Crook county has been grown, was in the city Sat urday. The Connolly ranch Is "." miles from the county seat and this Is the lirst visit the owner has puld I'rineville for a year. Mr. Connolly also owns ranging ground iu the Blue Mountains where his 4U00 head of sheep will graze this season. I'. S. Commissioner Don P. Hea, of Madras, w as in the city several days during the past week. Mr. Hea suys he believes the registration iu theKutcher precinct this year will equal that made In I'rineville. At present t he two are running a neck to neck race for first place, although registration lu the city at this time is slower than it will be later 011. Mr. Hea left Tuesday morning for Madras and goes from there to Portland. .1. F. Houston was iu the city from Crook Tuesday. With the establishment again of the Crook postotlice the neighbors iu that vicinity are carrying their own mail from i'rineville. This method of doing I'ucle Sam's work will be continued for a period of three months after which time if. satisfac tory to the postotlice department 11 contract will be let for the regular delivery of mail bet wern the county scat and Crook. Two gold pins will be awarded to the two members of the Athletic club and Women's Annex making the highest bowling score during the next three weeks. , The winner of tl'ie pin the lirst week must also have the highest score during the two weeks following before lie can claim ownership to the pin. The latter is a miniature king pin of gold wllh the winged 1 set In the body. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Wlgle enter tained a small company of friends at a. hunting party at their hoiueJ last Fr'ulav evening. Each guest was provided with revolver and ; bugle and the early part of the eve i nlng was taken up 'with the excite jmeiil and pleasure attendant upon ! the search for game both large and ; small. Following the destruction of j several dozens of animals came a guessing contest on Longfellow's 'poems and the characters he has , immortalized which proved to be iboth prolitable and entertaining. ; Light refreshments were served. & CO. J. B. Cornett w as hi the city today from his stock ranch at Summit ' Prairie. Thermoinelers In different parts of t he city 1 his week have registered a variety of temperatures, some mak ing the weather several degrees cold-j ei than was necessary. The goveru-j incut iheruiiuneiueters In charge of: C. 1. Wlnnek are as accurate as Is possible to make thein ami the cold est weather these have registered was 1 degree tsdow Wednesday night. C. A. Whllscttlslii the city from his ranch near Culver. Mr. Whltselt says the storm during the past week is likely to prove disastrous to the ranchers In that vicinity who had sowed fall grain. Most of this had a good start when the extreme cold weather anil snow visiteu trie community. The sprouts were cut down ami the snow which was carried Is'fore a heavy wind afforded no protection from the cold. S. S. Stearns started bet weeu two and three' hundred steel's for the Deschutes the last of the week ami drove thein as far as the sheds at the base of Powell Buttes when overtaken by the snow storm which has been general throughout the count v. The fit t tie were turned back and probably fortunately for the owner as the snow at Bend attained a depth of nearly a foot before the storm abated. Petitions for the nomination on the' Republican ticket to the oflice of county commissioner are being circulated about town for R. H. Baylev of Laidhiw. Mr. Bayley holds the confidence and esteem of all those with whom lie is ac quainted arid is ti man whose business capabilities will keep him well to the front in the race for the nomination. Mrs. Nancy Maupiu, widow of Howard Maupiu who killed Paulina, chief of the Snake Indians, soon after an attack upon the white set tlements, died at the family residence on Trout creek Wednesday, March 7, at the age of ,H."i years. Deceased had lived iu that vicinity and near Ante lope for half u century. She crossed the plains and came into Eastern Oregon in IHiu and was one of the lirst women to become a resident of tills section of the state. B. Gatewood, manager of the Gatewood Mining & Trading Com pany at Howard, was in the city I Ills morning. The company has nearly completed the erection of its stamp mill on the Mayflower property and is building the frame large enough to permit the intro duction of live additional stamps in the future if reiiulred. The cyan ide plant is also being put iu shape for the lirst run. Mr. Gatewood slated this morning the plant would I penning by the loth of April I le came down to gel more men to work on the buildings being con st fueled. 1 NEWS FROM REDMOND Buv a iiiinv and join the ladies in a fide. Horseback riding Is quite the thing In Hedniond. T. A. liulherl'ord of Laidhiw and Arthur Donohiie of the same place were visitors here the first of I he week. I. ('. Lewi i- now employed as H'onernl roreinnn oi tin const t'ttction work. I). I. & I'. Co's ('. M. Keillield hns his.viud plowed nnd put in shnpe for K'l'nss seed mid h;is contrMcted with Knu-ene Lueier ! to have u cellHl' dun'. j V. S. St ii nicy, secret nry nnd treus-; ttrer of the D. I. & V. ('. whs here for nhont ten days nnd left for I'ort- j land hist Tuesday In an (into. A new lateral from the main j ennui is being constructed through j the town, riinninji' north on I'ifth street. This lateral was found j necessary as the original one lias be come too small to supply water to j the numerous houses which are now I here. j J. H. Jackson is putting a new! coat of paint, on his hardware build-j lug which greatly improves the block. Mr. Jackson has now in stock a full line of plows, harrows,; cultivators and other implements needed for the farm, he enjoys quite i a business In this line. j About a week ago L. Kicker! brought into the Townsite Com pany's othee some radishes about an inch long, which were raised by Mr. Iticker in Hedmoud. These radishes we believe arc the lirst of the season which sneaks verv well for the fer tility of I Ids soil. bruce KalU. special agent for Norwich I'lilon 1'lie Association was here for a couple of days looking over the country in general and siz inir no the town of Kedniond. lie considered the town a lirsi -class In isurance risk and appointed V. .1. j ()'( 'minor as agent for this district. ! If Vic should call around on you for J Insurance don't make it necessary for li I in to explain his wants. The Settlers of 1). I. I. Co s land and Irrigated lands adjoining met here iu a general body last Saturday. A general good time was enjoyed. Many Interesting papers were read and much valuable Information was gained b.v nil who al tended. The visit iuu settlers were loud Iu their praises for the hospitality shown and drew up a formal resolution thanking I he ladies of Redmond for the interest taken at this meeting. Come again everybody we enjoyed your company. C I1"1 BEFOKE HIJVING YOUR PLOW THIS Sl'RIMl CIALLaAND SEE Our New No. 5 Oliver Gang Plow LIGHT DRAFT When fitted with the N. C. 12 bottoms this plow will scour in the stickiest ground. The adjustable Irante combines a 12, 14 and 16 inch gang plow in one frame and can be lilted lor 2 or 3 base. This feature has many advantages, one of which is that you can always adjust your plow to the team instead of being compelled to get team enough to pull the plow. A FULL LINE OF OLIVER PLOW REPAIRS Timber Lund, Act June 3, 1S7S. NOTICK KOI! l'UllLlCATlON'. United Stub's l.tintl Otllcc, The Hiillca, On.Kii, Nevcnilici-l!KXi. Notice is hereby givei! that in com pliance with the provision ot the act of t'oiit;ri'S.s of June :t, 1X7, entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in the States' of falifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," ns extended to all the l'ublic Land States by act of August 4, U:, IVter N. Vibliert,' of Madras, county of Crook, state ofOre.gon, has tliisilav filed iu this office his sworn statement No. 2710 for the puivluise ot'tbe SW'i SN' ,, Sec. .VI. ir S'4 NIC'., Section No. 31, in Township "No VI S., limine. No III H., W. M .. and will otter proof to show that, the lain) sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Don I. liea, l". S. Ooiumr. at his ollb e in Madras, Oregon on, the 27th day of March, vm. He nainds as witnesses: Louis T. l.nrscn, and Jacob 11. Peterson, of Madras, Oi'euon. Sam C'ompton and William Me- MecUin.ol (jrivxly, Oregon. A tiy and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are re.cUested to file their claims in this oliice on or before said 27th day of Marclj. 1!KM. M KHAKI. T. NOLAN, j25pd h'etfisler. ti ll- a 2 5 92 IK 9Z m mm my. WjZ Ss ((IIIMtaMKIIlSC.'WV Ymmi ill I M3fe.iM iff I mm wmh buttoi i mi mm it m IR 3VL" E K w l.fiv -rz w " t - v ADJUSTABLE FRAME "W. IT. Hlng Iu. J r "i k. j r i LJ r t t j n i. j n Li n n. j k. j r t T HE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Props. 3or Cciciies and Sentlemen 9?feais and ffiakery J&mch Board by the week, $5.00; with room, $6.00. Meal Ticketa, $4.00 r.t r t ri c J r.T i. j Li f " nr ir.tfinnnnnnnrin L. Ji. JL Jli JU Jk. JL Jlk. 4L JL Ji.' JL J Job Printing OF SUPERIORITY IS EVIDENCED TAILORING M ADE BY 337 FRANKLIN 5T. OAIGAC3O. 5EE-0UR-C0MPLETETAIL0RIN6 S1MPLEB00K "Of- LATEST 5TYLE5ABRIGS J DOUBLE BRf A5TED SACK, 'ATCH POCKLTSI We guarantee satisfaction in ticular or no pay. The best advertisement is a satisfied customer We can refer you to over 100 last season customers and you can ask them about our suits RIDEOUT & FOSTER The General Furnlhlng 8tore R S - J a", i v , I SCOURING QUALITIES t 9 l jl. j& jl. at 2ti2c jtejcat; EJ L.J el ca JI :i C3 CJ ca CJ e.3 ma EJ CJ i CJ n J E J ii e,a CJ rrnnnr'irsnrinnrijtjF. DUL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JC J The Kind That Pleases At The Journal Office BBB 3 9m 8 14 a fit and every par Z4 14 ii li ii i v i