Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 08, 1906, Image 4

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    "?v w 41 r i I ji til ! r I ii II i hkx t it t i Ji &j r
. Vl
The Smith Premier is the most silent type- $
writer on tne marKcc. i ne uaiun is
-, - - -
i l r? J J JS
quiet; no snilt Key. nnuorbeu
bv mechanical experts.
J .1
The Smith Prfmifr Typewriter Co.
Syracuse, N.-Y.
Branch Stores Everywhere.
j Administrator's Notice.
) In the 'iumy ourt of tlif State
Orepon for Crook I'.mntv.
j In the matter uf tin' Kstute
of H
KliiaVtli Princ. aecea.l ifi Notices under this head
N.tice is herein- niveii that the under- i l! will be received at the rate of
sieurU. Administrator of the rotate of tj 1 cent per word per insertion.
r.utiiicTii rnne. tii-ceas.ii. ah. on ine uuj ; pi-. -t
day of March. ll. r a soon thereafter
a the same can he heanl. pre-ent to tlie
alnv entitled court his fietttioii .okiiiK
that he ! allowed to sell the real pro
perty of the ahoye entiiieil Kstate and that
iuch salr he contirnied, and further that
a day he set for him to present hi final j
report and wind up the hu-inex of the
slid Administration.
All persons having ohjection to the aid
sale are hereby notitied to appear anil tile
their objection?.
Pated at Prineville thLs 31st day of
TJhe journal Wants
Blliotijnpss. dyspepsia, loss of appptite,
disturUtl sleep, nervousness, lu auache,
ciddiiscss and drowsiness, wind and pain
pr fui.'ness of tho stomach after meals,
cold, chilis and flushinifs of heat, short
ness of breath these are this blank
clieiii.!s of physical bankruptcy.
The man who suffers from these dis
orders a ml nestiects l hem will s.kii be in
the relentless itrasp of some fatal disease.
If he IS naturally narrow chested and
shallow' lumj'-d. it will probably be con
sumption; if his father or mother died of
paralysis or some nervous trouble, it will
proiwhly be nervous exhaustion or pros
tration, or even insanity; if then is a
t;ii;it in the family hiund. it will lie hli-xl
or skin disease; if he lives in a new or a
low. swampy country, it will be malaria;
if he lives a life of exposure. It may lie
rheumatism. There is one safe course for
a man to follow w ho liuds himself "out of
sons'' ami suilerintr from the symptoms
dcscrilied. It is t'i resort to Or. i'lerce's
ttolden Medical Discovery. This medi
cine makes the ai tiie keen, corrects all
disorders of the dii'-stion. renders assimi
lation ierfect. invigorate the liver, pi.rl-lii-s
and enriches the blood and builds
firm, healthy flesh and nerve tissue. It
cures almost all diseases that result from
nsuflicient or improper nourishment of
the brain and nerves. Bronchial, throat,
and even lune affections, when not too
far advanced, readily yield to it.
A mm or woman who neglects
constipation suffers from slow .ii-
umimr. Dr. fierce s rieasant 1' I-h-M
eure constipation, line litil"
" l'eller " is a gentle laxative, ami
two a mild cathartic Don't le: n
selfi-h seller over-persuade von t i
. ti'i-.-pt a suiwtitute for these Orijti
nl 1-ittU Liver Pills, first
hve1'' lo- Pierre fiver 4" i emn
go. riacb imitated but never etuale4.
KOR SAI.K (icxxl
Dillon Kel Yitnl.
lor $1"), at
12 inch ianu plow for sale or trade.
Taksgraiii. lmiuire I. 11. l'oindexter.
YOU KKNT I'.atich on the
For particular, address K.
IHli, California. f2"J
I!. Cary,
Willum Prink. Administrator.
! Notice of Final Settlement.
! Notice is hereby given that the undcr
! signed lias tiled his Final Account as
Aiiiuinistrator of the Kstate of 1. I.
Sweareiijseii. deieused. with the County
I Clerk of Crook County, state of Oregon,
, and the County Court of Crook County,
Oregon, has set Monday, the 2nd day of
: April, r.! as the time for hearing said
j Final Account and any and all objections
j that may be made thereto.
; Pated this 17th day of February. ltMi.
Marion Taylok,
Admiiiistraturof the Kstate of I. I.. Swear
eiifren, decea-etl.
Notice For Publication.
I;ovi:knmf.nt LAND Uk aTF.D:
: In th Christmas Lake Valley.
tiiiarantevd to Im- wheat ami
1 Alfalfa land. Abundance of water
can Ik' kociiiviI from l'J loi" feet.
IIvmiN C.uiv. silver Lake. ( (ri-uoti.
. Ft)J SALK: A line ranch of 1 acres,
I enclosed with three wire fence. About
Marten in cultivation, near railroad
survey. Will raise fine grain, hay
and vegetables, without irrigation.
Also nice business ami resident
property in Prineville. All at reasoti'-
j able prices. Knijuire at C. A.
(u.ovkr's (ira-erv Store. 1 4 0
I offer a standing reward for the
i arrest and conviction of any jierson
! guilty of damaging the laundry Imihl-
init near tlie i h-iioco liridee. Ihis is
(.ami office at The Dalles, Oregon, j
' f.iinl, 1u lot.: i
I Notice is herein- .riven "that the follow- j 8uffici"nt uo,i(" t" tll,,a' who ,iavp
i inn-nained -ettler ha tiled notice ot his ullt.v of ''"'"'agmg the property the
intention to make final proof in support of PaRt '(w weeks.
Notice For Publication.
I-and Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
March Ut,
Notice is hereby given that the foil , wing
named settler has filed notice of hie in
tention to make final proof in support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the County Clerk at Prine
ville, Orenon, on April 8th, KM;, viz:
John T. of Crook, Oregon, on
H. E. No. 11401, for the NW'4 NK4, K'A
MVJiASWtf NW', Section s, Tp. s S.
R. 20 K. V. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous n'sidence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz; R. A.
Amnions. Fisher Logan, Paul Held and
F.. C. Faught, all of Crook, regon.
Mk haki. T. Nolan. HeKister.
his claim, and that said prool will le !
made before the County Clerk of Crook
County at Prineville. Oregon, on April 9, (
1 !Mi, viz.- Abram P. Dawson, of I.amoiita,
Oregon, on H. K. No. Jr, for the lots ;
V tl. Y. Si and NEK !W, Section
. Tp. 13 S. E. 1". E. V, -M. 1
IU- names the following witnesses to j
prove his continuous residem-e upon and j
cultivation of said land, viz:
Oscar Cox, William Sunn. Jerry Achey
and Jame- S. McMeen all of I.atnonta,
S. J. Nkwkom.
Notice to Horse Owners.
Owing to Home tinforKecti biiHini-Hs
nffairH, I will lie compelled to leave
Prineville for a short time, but ex-jKt-t
to return soon to buy all good
horses broke or tinbroke at fair
.Iciifi KoiiHKii of Kohrer& Kntils.
Petition For Liquor License.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at The Dalles Oregon,
March 1st, l:i.
Notice is hereby fjiven that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of hi
intention to make final proof in support
et his claim, and that said proof will be
made More the County Clerk at Prine
ville, Oregon, on April !h, viz:
William F. French, of Prineville, Oregon,
on H. E. No HM90, for the Wi NW, N '4
SWJ4, Sec 33 and ME', NE4. Section ,'5"
Tp. 13 H. It. 1 E., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said laud, viz:
.John D. LaFollette, E. A. Poe LaFollette
Joseph H. Burson, and J.O. Powell all of
Prineville, Oregon.
Mich ki. T, Nolan, Register.!
Estray Notice.
I Jed 2-.vear-ohl steer, branded SS
right hip. Mark: crop off right ear
l-aiid split; jug handled dulup. Came
I to my ranch last winter, Owner
TOTHEHoNORAIJLECOLNTYCji;RTican li ve same by paying expenscH.
rvi. r.V'.'n ooi.. 1 1 , UHr.TU. ; I j
j We, the undersigned, legal voters of i
1 A -h wood precinct, Crook i'ounty, Oregon,
; respectfully petition your honorable hody
T. Si.Ayro.v. ml ot.
bj grant unto the linn of Kenton it Orater
j One sorrel
ma iv brandoi
a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous ,,lft MhouMcr ami a horse sin
F S on
liifiiorsand hard cider in quantities less ' " '''t arm, white Ht rip injiface, two
; than one gallon in said Aswood precinct, , three white f.-et. Ofiitlf and when
County and State aforesaid, for a term of i left had a colt, colt branded same as
six months from and after the 2::d day of j latter brand. A liberal reward will
j.Mayl!(0h: ' he paid for information of, or return
ai d'v c u r n T ,'tM'u ;' ; 'tine to C. SV. Colby. Prineville,
sandy, . s. McCorkle, I. J. vman, ;
Grant liraskett, John Orater, lien .lames, I
I Frank Doak, E. A. Randolph, Geo. D. Car-!
dew. .1. G. Clark. Thomas Lewis, M. D. !
McDonald, J. C. South, E. D. Gonser. H. 1
A Lively Tussle,
with that old enemy of the race. Con
Atipation, often ends in Apiendicitis.
To avoid all uerious trouble with Stom
ach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They perfectly regu
late these organs, without pain or dis
comfort. 25c at D. P. Adanison & Co.
and Teuipleton & Son.
H. Jiolken, 1 . H. An.ier-on, J5. U. Clark,
Robert Hamilton, Oliver McCallum, 0. M.
l'oindexter, Fred MtCollem. Glen Grater,
A. W. Grater, Patrick Reilly, J. K. BaylLss,
Aleser McLennan, John D. McLennan, S.
S. Dlack, J. H. O'Kelley, Lee Wood, John
Wishart George Crocken, J. C. Brogan
John Creegan. D. S. Hainillon, Milo Wood.
Notice is hereby given that the fore
going petition will be pie-ented to the
Honorable County Court for Crook County
Oregon, on the 2nd day of May, lyou, at 10
o'clock in the fon noon, at the Coiintv
Court room in Prineville, Oregon, at which
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
One diity-bay horse HI hands high,
H years old, branded A ami reversed J
on left shoulder.
One bay horse, rather old, brawled C
on left shoulder. A reward of $10 will
be paid to finder reporting the where
aliouts of both or first named animal to
KovOmv, Prineville, Ore.
Taken Up.
The following ilosci ibud horse came to
my place about five months ago: Pay
gelding, about 7 years old, Hi hands
high, rangy appearance, branded dot
time and place the petitioneers wiljply j.'thin a circle, two diagonal bars run-
.vu.cuii.i iui litnisr m tor in i "o'g oui iroin circle ; nam lace, owner
saiil petition. j can have same by paying all expenses.
i.8 BENTON ,v GRATER. J W. F. Em.iott, Prineville, Ore. f22
Oontost Notice.
1 lilted Stale, l.itli.l Oilier,
I lie Dalles, Omxou, February !..
A utti. ii nl .,.ii(, s ailidaMl looinx i n
li'.sl i ,!,. ,v ,., Du,.,,,,;,,,, ,;,, i, ,.,,. i ,.,,,
sl's. lo i n , it,.u, i ', p.,, sK'(
SK,. .v,v. T, ,N, S ( s.stiou s, I,,. t.-s
S. Ilaov, '.'I, V. W. M. .j n b W. Mi K.iy.
C.ioi,!,,., m wlii, !, u j, i,.,S ,),,,, .,)
Vr, h'V. b Km has ;h.u,.isl
s.ii.l tra. t: iml , chiinit.'.l his
deuce there finlll for mole tlnin sl lie.nlli.
last past; that (ra., j, ,,, ,eti,s
Uxui and cultivated by said parly as ic
HUirwl by law; that said alleged at.sen.i
was nt due lo his euiployiiient in the
army, navy or marine corps nf the t'uiteil
States in lime of war. Said parties art
hereby liotitiml to appear. ie.-..ind and
ort'er evi.lenc touching s a,.Katioii at
ID oVIiick a. m. on April 3. I'M;. U lore J.
J. Smith, t'ouniv Clerk i hi. ..Mi... i..
Prineville, OiA-gon, (and that the dual
hearing will l held at l uVha'k . til. nil
April mm, hef.uei the Keginter and
Keceixer nt the Cniled State. Land otli.e
in The Dalles, Oregon.
1 he said c.intisi.-iul having, ii. nr.iii.i
artidax it. tiled February lti!. set forih
facts winch show that alter due diligence'
personal wrvtce of this notice can not la-
made. It is hcrchv i.r.ler.'d hi.. I .iiiswi.,..
lhal such notice W given bv due and
proper puhlii ation.
Mii HkKi. T. Niii ii, Register,
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy the
Best and Most Popular.
"Mothers buy it (or enmpv children,
) ail road men buy it for severe rough
and el.Uily p,Hiple buy it ',,r grippe,"
say M.Hte bins., Kldun, loa. "We
sell iimn of Chanil-i lam's Cough
UetiKsly Ih.iu any other kind. It seeniN
to have taken tin lead over several
other good brands." Then isn.iiiies
tion but tills medicine is the Ust that
can le procured tor cough mid colds,
whether it he a child or an adult that is
HtHrted. It always cures and cures
.iticklv. Sot,! by . p. Adanison.
A Sclent ilic Wonder.
The cure that stand to its cr, dit
make lUicklen's Arnica Salve a cten.
titio wonder. It cured F. U. Mulford,
lis titrer for the Patrons of Husbandry,, p.,., of a distressing caw
of Piles. .It heals the worst I'.iirns,
Sorex, Iviils, I hers, Cuta. Wounds,
Chilblains and s.,lt Kheutn. Only 2.V
at l. P. Aiiaiusoti Co. and .1. II.
Teuipleton .i Son drug More.
I n I he ( ll nil Coin t of the Male ol Ole
.!.ni or took I ounl j :
I una .',., IMaliilill.
,1. C. C.., 1 1. Ii n.laiil
lo I'. C,. ll,,. .,:.,,. ,, , ,, f, .,
dallt .
In ibe in 'ol the s,., , , , i,, . y ,,,,
aiebeii'b, icpoi. ,! ao.t ii ,.. l . I o
uppiar in lb. alxoc . mill.. I t ... I
anwei lite abote intnied IMunlill s coin
j plaint In the above eiiiuiid son i.i.n mi
me in , in' oiu. e orM . J. s,t u. I lel'K o I lie
.iboye luiiinsl coin I, and ol I he ,
name.l Coinily on or bi hue t tie llisl ilav
of the next regitlaT leitit ol tlie said
coiiil. I,, wil : on oi liefore Ibe Ttl, .lav of
May !1; ninl ) on w il lake notice that
it you tail h. so answer the Philntift, lor
want thereof will apply to the .aid conn
lor a Itveree forever ili.aolving t lie U.iul.
el niutnmoiiy now extsiing helwei ti you
and the plaintiff, upon ihe grounds of
desertion mi. I waul ol sin,i.rl. au.l I...
tlie costs and dishursi'ineiils of ihis suit.
Serricc of Slllltm. .IIS Is III. I.U' III ll... .ml
by piiblicalion in the Ci.M.k Coinily .louts
. a weekly newspaper piil.isli.H in
Prineville. Crook county, Ibviion, for the
lull Issuoil ol i weeks hy order ol W. A.
Hell, .1 mint ot Ihe coinily court of the
Mate of Oiegoii lor Crook county, Oregon
and dated this :ts day of January, poi,
lit... W. ll.HSks,
Allot ney for the I'ltll.
tv'h !vf; b. h !!: b ! 4 -h h -b 'b -l-'b'b 'J,i U
c ucocovro2
SMI I II A I I.I Fix. I'.;,. t i:n mix
! Domestic ami Imported Liquors, Wines
ami dinars
I'osl (Kli.e Itox !.
I ii the Circuit court of the Slate of Ore
gon for Crook county;
Anloine Traban. I'lauilill.
Ida I, llelen.l.iii t
To Ida Traliiiu."l he alsive ii.mied dctue
ditnt: In the name of the .tutt ol oivton;
You an hereby required to app,,ir and
answer the I'lamiill's complaiin pled
against you in Ihe a'sive entitled court on
or he fori the Tib, day of May, A. I. :i.
Mild if j ou so lm ,,i appear ihe 1'l.t t lit i tt
will taki'a Ihs rce loi the relu l .Ionian. led
in Ihe Complaint til.. I in the said abov
named suit that i. h.r the dissolution of
tli.' Uinds ol 'matrimony now existing bis.
I ween you and the I'lauilill, nod for the
aie and custody ol" the minor ( hihl.
Emery Trahan, ami for thecost. and ills-bur-eni
cuts of tins suit and for such other
and further relief s in e Uily may seen,
j'.isi and right.
fins Summons i- ort!rcd to la-served
upon you hy puhliiation lloreol m lhc
Ci.Mik t'ouuty Journal for six ronsrcuiUc
week, hy order of tlie Hon. W. A. 11.11,
Judge Vl the County i-otiil ol" the State ot
Oregon for Crook nmnty, innde and en
lered at 1'iiiievillv. Crook county, Oregon
tin- nth, day of March, A. D. pmj.
lino. W. ittaxK. :
Atloinev for Hlaintill.
'IUNi:vii.i.k. oi:i:i(i H
r y
t. j
r i
v. j
k. j
r -y
k. j
r y
k. j
r y
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u j
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k. j
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k. j
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t j
r y
r y
r t
Is J
r i
k. j
r i
Is J
Sonera ffilaccsmithing
N K A T I. Y A.M I'lliiMI II Y lNr;
Whk.n it ia Honk ; : :
tiobcrt 9oorc
Satisfaction Will lie (iuarantced
I'll I N K VII. I K,
: :: :r Y ""trtririnririir'irwirirvvirir.viMM
1. JkJkJkJ. Jl, JL J. Jk. Ji. Jl. .
. Jk. rfW Jk Jk JW Jk. Jk. JL. JL. JL Jk J
fuor Jfous
Flno Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also
Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line
Daily Between .Prineville and Shanlko
la uvi s Shatiiko, li . in. Arriu'sat Piiiicville li a. in,
laavis Prineville p. Vrrivesat Shaniko 1 a. in.
First Class Accommodations
The Biggest,
Most Complete
!3ar Supplies
A r u. . .j
kxi " ' rs i t i w . i iup vuiu uoar oiiu
pfq the Famous Napa Soda
li amn.Il3r Tiado Solicited.
H The Cheapest
Line of
1$ In the County
Can Be Seen and
Bought at the Store of
J-- S A -i sN ri
i mm i a
v'.i f-r 0irr.rv.A iy-
S', .HoCf j 8
Bend Livery it Transfer Company
Stock liojinlci liy tin; day, w.-ck or month at rates. "KcmeinlxT lis when in
Priii.-villc. Ratks IIk.sonabi,i:. 'c Imvc
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
t& Run in Connection with the Ben. I Livery Stuhles
jfcencierson & tPollarci
Country Orders Solicited
; Wines and
Finest Cigars
far In Slock
First Door South of the Foindexter Hotel
lYl IA
The Opera Saloon
BEDELL A MOSES, Proprietors
In The Clae Hall
A l irst Class House
in livery Respect
tri Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines
i ,
unu kvtgars
Shanico Warehouse Co.
ShoniAo, Oregon
Meat, Vegetables, Produce
A Complete and Choice Linn of 5eef, Veal, Mutton, Pork,
Baron, Lanl and Country Producp Kept on hand at (ho
City SVleat Market
At The Old Stand
Prineville,: Oregon
General Storage, Forwarding
A N l
Commission Merchants
Healers in Blacksmith Coal, Klour, Barhe.l.Wire,
Niiiln, Ci inent, Lime, Coal Oil, l'lnnter, JSulphnr,
Wool ami ttruin, Sm kn ami Twine, drain ami Feed.
A;eiilH for Waxco Varehone Milling Co'h, "Whit,.
River" ami "Dallen 1'atent" Flour. Milmsl price
paid for li ides nn.l I'elU.
Special Attcnlioii in paid tn Wool (irniliii; and
Baling for Kawtern Shipm.-iitH.
Stock Yiir.lM with all tlie lal. 'Hi ami Lent faeiliti,.
for Ilaiidlin Stock.
9?ark 2our Soocis in Care of
Rlacksmithing That Pleases
Is The Kind You (ict nt -
(Siiee.'HHoi' ,d)
cormktt ; icunivs
A Stock of Farm Machinery alwnyn on hand
L 4
c J
r y
c J
r. y
t. j
r i
k. 4