Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 08, 1906, Image 2

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3TEFM BAIUY.PublUhtn , i;,.,,,,,,,,, . x ,,,,. , t , , lk
county: I lijrv the ii.iiiihi.tnuii in
1 t?ic oitu-o of slieriu of Crook, count v
mid submit herewith my n.une for
imr -i niftlr t Inn t the priinttrx
Mitrrril l Ibr i o i i fi r I' r I n t i 1 1 . iirnm. . n .1 r I iinit
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably in Advanc
One Year l-' St Months "ids
Three Months... MnitU' t'opie Sols
,5 . Wr.
Advertising Rates: - lii'l
t. IK l Ke.lrm l 00 Kr hi. h. Hume I
RpMlmioiu of Conduli'iK-t $!..
li.IMi.IM ll Ifel T. ,., t ft II. I iltl'I'Ht ttikrf 1 II til I1IIIO A ltd
il.S .. ni ir line. Crd. .( n. I "I"1""" 1 cni.ioi.
Unt", "Ur'. uc. ,! aii.1 "r.Mrni ilf I ctnt worn
Published Kvery Thurwly at the Journal B u i Id i n , I'riiieville, Oregon
POTATOF.S WANTKM: Write to for t lie effort which will le made
C. V. Ki.kins, l'rincville Oregon, j towards beautifying them. The
ojlv iiioiuIhts of the organization. tt
1 1 heir annual inerting which takes
month will take the matter, which
ha. already heen discus-eil, hefor
Georee Wilev i? in the
from his Mock ranch nt Tost.
E. H. Sparks is in the city from
hi ranch at Black Hvitte.
J. F. Morrie moved into the
residence on Main street which he
purchased" a short time ago from
Mrt. Isaac Moire.
George Meyer?, who has charge
of the A. H. Lippman A Go's, fur
nitura store at Rend, was in the
city during the week.
Repistrntion in the precinct of
Prineville this morning ninnlered
146. Kntcher was a close second
with 132. j
J. H. Burson is in the citv to-!
(he Annex for action and an
eftort will be made to get the
school children and property own
ers tntere-sted in. a plan of making
general improvements to the
lawns and residence property in
all over the city. The work i
commendable and will no doubt
meet with ready approval.
T. F. McCallister wti
A. Mlshter wen! to Korcut on
day to make final proof on his j lundn.-KS trij Thursday
homestead. Fred Stuart also
made final proof before county
clerk Smith.
Mrs. C. A. Luelling and child
ren, who have been spending the
past winter with relatives at Mil
waukee, returned home last Thurs
day. Mr. Luelling drove down to
Shaniko to meet them.
Since the first of the month
when collections began on the U05
tax roll, the sheriff's office has re
ceived approximately 118,000 on
the assessment list. Sheriff Smith
expects considerably more than
that amount to come in before the
15th of the month when the re
bates cease.
('. A. Newliill was over from (4rli
ily Saturday ret limine Sunday.
Mr. O'Neil. of Fortut. whs in town
Friday on lmsine. Mr. O'.WII
nvoinpanled liim.
Mrs. F. H. Minyvrs is apeudtnii tilt"
vvii'k on the ranch near Crooked
Mim Ktliel Smith and brother.
Walter, returned from I'riiieville
Satunlay hi"ht.
Im'U.'iii here
Larson, of
Madras, is
Alva Walters, a limther of Mrs. M.
J. Miller, arrived Saturdav from
j western On-iimi to Uit with
I relatives.
M. T. Cowan ami son ltoli came
I up Iroin the ranch Iriday. Mr.
In the coming primary election ! Cowan staid over Sunday, (toll re-
it should be rememliered that no
voter who has not already regis
tered aa voter of the county will
be allowed to participate in
the election. The swearing in of
votes on that day is prohibited.
Consequently all who desire to
take part in the primaries should
register liefore the books close.
J. H.. Edwards, of the Baldwin
Seeep it Land Co. at Hay Creek
who has tecn visiting in England
for gome time past has purchased
some blooded horses in Wales and
they were shipped across the water
ths first of this month. The stxk
will be sent direct to the Hay
Creek ranch, which will now be
productive of Shire horses as well
as thoroughbred sheep.
Carey Foster is making arrange
ments to begin the irrigation of
his ranch south of the city about
the first of the month. The 15
horse-power Fairbanks easoline I f"r
.' ... , . . ,, , j the Kidnevs.
online wnicii ne initialled over a .(.
year ago will
play this year and used to its
ruiicst capacity, lninng the past
t nrnmic t lie same day.
A crowd of youue folks from over
town attended the danee at Culver
Friday nilit where an enjoyalde
evening was spent.
Tom lienefield and sister, Miss Ivy,
left for Mill creek Friday where Mr.
llenetield will y;o to work for Haw
kins Bros. Miss Henetield Koes to
the home of her sister. Mrs. Henry
Heard, to live.
eiettion April "JM. 1n. I ask a l
your hands a careful eoiixIdei'Mllou
of my oiialltW-NlloitH and if In your
md worthy
resixvtfnlly sohelt your support.
s. F. Hoim.ks. I'rinexllle.
W. .S9s
W. W. Inn far SUnif. iT.aaiy yAj,.;,.m
To the Kepul.hcan voter, of t rook 7)riL.n ,C ?,.,t
county: I ljeivdy announce iu. can
dldacy for the iiouiiualloii to the
ortice of Sheriff of Crook county at
the April primaries and reevt fully
solielt your support.
W, W. Hrown. Cross Kevs.
i0.n tM.H.
B. r. Mwi It SWiff.
To the KepuNUan Voter of Crook
County: I hereby announce myself
a candidate for nomination to the
ortice of Sheriff of Crook County Cmtu
sutdect tothe decialou of the Repub
lican votera at the primary ehvtlon
in April 20. lHi.
It. F. Johnson. I'rlneTlUe. !
Uk Unmi ft Sanf.
To the lVmocratic voters of Crook '
county: I herehy annoinue myself a
candidate for the iiomiuatliiit to the
ottivv of Sheriff of Crook county,
Orv-Kon. suljvt to the il'laion of
the IVniiH-ratlc votera of the county '
at the primary election to lie held '
April l!0ti.
.1 mob .nt kmc ii, I.anionta.
- - i
Fraak Efkix It SWtff. '
I hereliy anuonnce myself a a
candidate for nominaiioti lo the:
ortice of Sheriff of Crook county,;
Hiilijevt to the deilnioii of the Ite-1
pulilUau voter at I hi- primarlra
April iM. li, j
Fkakk Madras
SAjrttmit mutt iSttryom
tPrimin'l, Oram.
Cm isKii(i Cn.mrri v ! on Nn.itT
oiru On 1Hv V ikTH AHIXvlX'll
Imi snii Kksiiikm h riin i:
Mkthimiiht Chi si-h
Hotic to Debtors.
Sa CU fr SMI.
To the Uepuliliean votera of Crook
county: 1 herehy auuounce niyraelf a J
candidate for nomination to the
ottiee of Sheriff of Crook votiut sub-
ject to the dvisioii of the Itepaldicuu
votei-s at the primary election on
April Lli. 1:v. -
Sam Col. I. ins. 1'rlnevllle.
J. H. Hwr ft C.aaly Cl.rk.
To the Kepulilii-aii voters of Crook
county: I iiereliy anuoiince tuy can
didacy for the republican nomina
tion for the ottiee of county clerk
under the direct primary law, suli
ject to the decision of the voters.
.1. M.tliAi:K, I'rlneville.
Jeeci Stable
! mnJ fit Cm my JVoute r
25 cts. ii i:ai
t ti.iv slid Urain l..'.' kt ils) . i i,uin nt
ludr solicited. (. ulup win re y,m sn.l your
tenuis can t nimie roiiitort:itl nt the ull
McFaiiauU Stand. PriunvilWi, Or
New Spring Dress Goods New Showing of Beautiful
We ll:ive here it sIh'UMi'.; Ill all the lending Spring Shirts Waists in Lawns
sh'iilcs of tit.iv lb it has never been eiUiilc! Kiulu oidcicd Linens, I' ii'.liicil M.nhas and
in Fiinexitlc before. Cream and While Luce Ti innued Wash Silks in all colois and
Knulisl, Mohair Unllianieei.s, Henrietta ,- new sixle 75 trntt lo $3,50 rmc
bctross, etc. iiuludini' main .u.Mlly waist- All all I u.l i e at I of Novell Ne, k llibbons
in i, for Spiiim. Tinsel !ells, !m k and Side Coin!., Hand
1 Mae,s, Silk and Kid loves,
Wah Mi"n Crr Vnricty Watch OUf sllOW Window
nr,sssWiss,.,.MKini!ii ropiins. M.-rcer- oi' a Grand Display of
ie.i iiatti-is, Persian i.awn iiinities, imiia jyefi's and Boys Spring
Liuetis, Madr id snd Krem h (iinhams from ,
V2 cents to (.; cents per yard. VlOtlUng "I "I"
4 The place lo buy your Uest b
q Roasts, Steaks, Etc.
2 Is at the 2
i O. K. Meat Market
p ijrafjK ly. ay: vy. .tK ayt wj. yi iyi tf.
Wl Jokuaa for Caaatjr CUrk.
The undersifiued. resect fully pre-,
sents his name to the republican
voters of ( rook county ( ireifon. as a
caniliilate to the ortice ot lotintv
j Clerk at the primary election April
All parties knowing themselves In- j iM. l'.nsi.
Wm. .Ioiivson.
ilebteil to the unders1tued firm
kindly settle their aeeounts as soon
as possible. We have considerable
money outstanding and the closing;
of both small and larife accounts
will Is esteemed a favor.
Smith & ( i.kkw.
Torture By Savages.
Speakini; of the torture In which
oine of the savage triiies in the Philip
pines subject tlinir captives, remind."
me of the intense suffering I endured
three months from intiamation of
says W. M. Sherman, of
flshinr Me. "Notions m i.i
le brought into; untn j uM Klectrie Hittern. thre
iKittleii of which completely cured me.''
Star Barbershop
Our liairrulting is up-to-date.
Our shavini is
comfortable. Our shop is
new and clran.
Henderson Building
rRINEVIM.K, - oltKi.oN '
M. H. BU ft CwuIt Trettarer.
To the IlemiXTHtic voters of Crook
county: I hereby a inn mure myself ti
candidate for the democratic iiomt-
nation for county treasurer Is-fore! .
the illri-ct primary eleetiou on April j ilk rfV A A rf
M. H. Hki.i., I'rinevillH.
Court Proceeding.
j O'Neil Bakery
" i- ik. m:ii a..;j. s
Cures Liver Complaint. Jypejsia,
fill MiiiiiilnriiliL mnri. 1.. ...1 u i Blofsl disorders and Malaria: and re-
stores the weak and nervous to robust! "... i n..!-!.-.!
health, ljuaranieed by D. P. Adaiuaon
and Templeton A Son druggist. Price
50e. for clutUKs i countvH .,' T.T " !
! n jiiuhv (III miliu.
road bv C has. Altschul, bond tiled 1 M , ., . , . . , , K
I l ast rv of all kinds made to jf
and approve!. Viewers and sur-j , ,r, ,.r k
veyor ordeii-d to meet March 2rt, 1 Jj st
view out. survey and report on I PRI NEVILLE, - OREGON W
same. vv v-V v v
Application and contract f--r; l
linutititr of Crook Countr .IouiiihI
ranch has been made ready for
seeding and a larger acreage will
be in alfalfa this year, requiring
nearly as much water as the plant
is capable of pumping.
Daten have been set for the
wool sales which take place at
Shaniko and neighboring points
during -May, June and July.
Sales at Shaniko take place June
5 and 6, 19 and 20 and July 10
and 11. Notice has been for
warded relative to the above from
H. C. Hooper, secretary of the
Oregon Wool Growera' Associa
tion and due notice of any change
in the above named dates will be
made in the press and bv notices
posted at previous sales.
Kd. T. Pierson, editor of the
Granville, North Dakota, Record,
who was in the vicinity a few
weeks ago and bought laud, to
gether with five other North Da
kotanri, of the Deschutes Irrigation
t Power Co., wrote a two column
article to his. paper, while in Port
land, descriptive of the country
and his impression of it. The ar
ticle is a good advertiser for Crook
county, shows clearly the good op
inion the country creates among
the new comers and no doubt will
be the means of bringing other set
tlers to this region during the com
ing spring and summer.
If the plans now being coi'i
aiderad by the members of the
Socialist County Convention.
bv 1 1
and placed in full on journal.
Application of F. W. Durbln for
county exhibit at atate fair continued.
Claim for damages caused
breaking through county bridge by ; 4
George Fielding continued for re
port from road supervisor.
Statement of Ituad IHrit. No. by
H. K. I'arrish approved.
M. Hohner's
of all the. latent styles at
prices that are riirht.
J). 1. AUamson & Co.
The Socialist County Convention
for Crook county, state of Oregon.
Is hereby called to meet at the Cir
cuit Court room at i'riiieville. Ore
gon, on Wednesday, April 25th, at
fo a. in. for the purpose of nominal-! C(Jni ract for wood awarded to J. j j-irjrrrjyiii-rra
inji cundidutes fui' all the county J Cautriall for -iO cords of wood at j
orlices to be filled at the next gen- court house and 30 curds at Htghl
era! election, and for the transaction i school to be measured as stacked at j
rillant de Aubremee
(1880i (20260)
ikoi'i:ktv or
The Haystack Livestock Itrccdcrs Association will he
kept nt the I. each Place, three miles west ol I.anionta
on I'rineville-Cnlver road, except I'ridays and Satur
days, when he will ho at the S. S. Hroxwi place.
Description: IJiill.uit is .utv l:iri;t heavv Loncil, lii'iivv t liei-tnl In !, iciiinrkalilv
lnvirtv ami nii'l. vvrll iiialitlc. to transmit 1 1 raft i-hai actrr to his foal. Color
lilack, with whitf inatkiiijrs. Wt-iirlii 'J(MK) muiii.s niori or less accoidinu to
at rlnl of miton
lispoHi'il of, or
Sinirli' sorvici' $10 1 n at tinu of (r ii-o. Season iue
I n-Miratiee jf'JS lne wln-n foal sucks. Also payable if mai'e is
luoveil from t In fount v. Mares from a ilistance L- well rarnl for at eost of
feeil only, Lut will not assiimi' resjionsiliility in case of jnviilent,
l'ielie ihir, tliat farmers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 not rely on the urain market jilono, the alovi
omipMiiv was oiLranietl to facilate the Lreedin of improved stoek. Horses, of the
aIov type will enable them to protitahlv market their surplus produce at lionie.
(i. Springer, President; .las. T. Koln'iison, Secretary: T. .1. I'aeh, Treasurer,
.1. II. Windotn. . K. Ilelfrich. (i. II. (KLorn
.1. I.. Windotn, and S. S. lirown
H. L. B. Association
of such other business as may come
lfoi'e said convention. The con
vention will consist of one delegate
at larne from each precinct and one
additional delegate for every eight
(i votes or majority fraction there
of cast for the Socialist candidate
for Supreme Judge. All members in
good standing of the Crook County
Socialist Local are admitted as
delegates. So proxies will be enter
tained. The Central Committee re
commended that the Primaries be
held in the several precincts at the
voting place therein on Saturday,
April 14, 1HW. at 1 p. m.
Delegates have been apportioned
among the several vol iug precincts
as follows:
Ash wood .'!. Hend lilack Untie 4. j
I'.ear Creek 1. Denver 1, lini;s(? 1, '
Notice of Final Settlement.
per cord.
, ; utice is Lureoy Klven mil iiroie
o... ,... t.ct.-. . .-,... ou McV aduiinictrator of the .slate of
MetulJister road approved. William McVay, dccea.l hun rendered
Report of surveyor and viewer ) amf tiled hi dual aucouittiiiK uf ml
on W'agoliblast road approved and j mi'iistiauon of said estate ami the Court
-.I ..eilei-e.l ooeiied hiuI ileetxi-M!) M ! m appointed Monday, the itli .lay ol
nubile lildumv. Clerk to notilv ' -MT. at 10 o'clock ill ih forenoon at
oir ivuuuiy ioiiri iimoji ih. ri uii'vnit.'.
Oregon us the time and pluce for bouring
il final accounting. At which time ami
ouired by la w.
Houd notice and proof aud iioud
of T. M. tludson et al approved.
Surveyor and viewers ordered to
meet, view out and survey and re
port on road. Meet March li.
Krror in assessment roll amount
ing to $9.45 against J. V. iooue,
continued for Itemized statement of
severul aniounts of taxes.
Affidavit of wrongful assessment
of Deschutes Irrigation & Power
Cross Keys 1, Camp Creek 1. Hardin .company sent to district attorney
1, Howard 1, Hay Creek . Haystack ! opinion.
:i, Ireland 1, JoluiHon' Creek , K ut-1 Supervisors report of Win. Kver
cller o. Moiitgomerv '. MeKav i biuliiini iniiii-ovcd
Mill Ce....l. 1 Mo,.,.,- I v
Creek 1, I'riiieville 4. Summit i t.
Willow Creek I, Powell I'.ilttes ,if
Lamonta 1, Hedniond 1, Laidlaw I, f
Deschutes 1, Warm Springs 1. r
Done by order of the Socialist I
Cmintv I 'i.i 1 1 et, I I ', i ,, i i i i.u. l i. - 1 IL
Ladies' Annex carry through, ' i .,..,. ... ' ,
& ',bs'o. .1 . II. l'KMIA.VI, (.ha riua u K
u :ll . 1 Ml I. ,1 i. .1 . 9
Try some of our own make of
I , , . , , . .
place an peroii uneresieu in uuiu esiiue
iiiay appear 'and tile tlieir ol.ji'Cti.inn to
Hai'l accouiitini-'.
HkoH'Ik M;V v,
Adiiiiniatrunir of the e-inte of Williuia
M'ay, Deceased,
Dor.tor Are Puzzled.
The remarkable recovery of Kenneth
.Mclver, ofVau(iiorn, Me., is the sub
jttct of much interest to the medical
fraternity and a wide c ircle of friends.
He gays of his case : "Owing to severe
iiiHarnation of the Throat and conges-
tlpn of the JiiiniH, three doctors gave
mw up to die, when, as a hist resort, I
waa induciel to try Dr. Kind's New
j Discovery a'nd I "am happy to May, it.
Rarnn nnri Uamc 3aved my life." Cures the worst
O. K. Meat Market J
v.ouniry jniers not overiooueo
Coiufhs and Colds,' Hromdiit is, Tonnili
tin, Weak I.UHKH, Iloarsenev an. I i.u
Grippe, liuaranteed ill I '. I'. AdiiinHon
and Teinplton A Son iJrut stole, 50c
ClothingHats, Shoes and j
Winter Underwear I
lias been maJc as wc intciul to sell them out wj
complete in order to have room for ourSpriup, MO
Stock. (Jet our prices before buying clsvwhere Wi
. p
a ciioici; LINK OF j
Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco p
Dunham & Adamt
Prineville, Oregon
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
I. j
r n
HorseH Boarded by thoDay, Woek l j
or Month
1 n
- L J
i r.i
Hothos to Hay 50 cnts por Rimn j k i
i LJ
First Class Livery !
Ris for Rent ! LJ
r ir ir r. ir. -tr ir, inn ir in in i
i. Jli JL Jt JL JL ju JIj j
When in need of Lumber,
. Shigles, Mouldings, Windows!
Doors or Glasses see
For Prices on Them
k J
i. ji
j ., .... v.. v. ."mo i.r. ii ii, mm , ieeriary. i - - - - - . - j ; and II .00. '1 rial bottle trei
Near Oclioc.o ltriil);e l'rim:ville, jlrciiii '