11 ." 1 Local Mention Itoe MiiiuJ wu it IumIim'4 vhdtor from during the Mtt wwl, J. C. llueton weutout In hi much ! ill Crook llii II ik I uf tin- week. Itujr Prlcw tun I wlto iverv down horn J'lMt ilurlnif Iho week v lull Inn. tloorg Lytic, of liny I ni'k. 1 In the illy v Mi Inn with hU brother, I 'Imrli'M, llu In llluiri- & HtdlT'a t'nxli I J lo re I'V for line point m-s, biii'on, limn iiml lard. MlM. I). II. Klllllll, Mrlio llllH iHfll III during I In- iiim wk, 4 nIowI.v tmpritv lug. F. VV, McCnffivy w ovrr from I tllue Fall on it IiiimIui'hh irt during fill' Hl 111-ek. Mis liriri- .Iiiiii-k, of lli'iiil, iiml IiI'iiIIht, On. ixv .V., of I'm ilium mjm-iiI Sunday In Iheclty. Mr. ('. . I line mi. I ilmiulili-r, Wlulfi-iil, were in town tin. In mi i .f I In' win k illllnir Willi friend. Vl hull oil llNllll II IMg HIIlil,V of Steiinri A IIoiIkoiin Pure l,ciif l.nrd. J. I'.. Kri-wii r A i f il '. Iinii'i m-ii your cgit until ,vou we Hlover & Starr. They are always In tld1 market ninl my t lt litichfMt market price. I'. IE. Put till, of Tlx I'iiIIin. ri'-n-Mciilnthc of tin Woodmen oft hi' World, In In III rlt, v In' tin Inti-rcM of (hi orgnnlitatloii. We cnrry 11 full Hue of Hugum. entice', lea, i-h lined good, and run nveyon money. Try n Is-fore buying, lilnver it Stnrr. Prewbytertan iwrikin next Sunday UN folloWN: SllllllHtll Wliool Al II N. m. SuhJiTt for H. in.; "liUHOiiH from I In- Flood.' I'lirlntlnii F.n ' ili-iivor til 7 p. in. 'I'. W. .llllllllTIIIIIII Wll In limn I lie IhmI of I lie week on hi way o llend from I'oi'tlnuil where Iii Iiiim Is-ell Nrtlllllllg llmv WH'kl' Vftl'll- lion. J. II. 1 1 ii tier Im In the Culver and Mudra illtrlrt doing n frw short n ill Hi-nl stunt fputy HlielrO J. S. Smith t looklntt niter the bUNllle In tlit ht-rln" office during IiIh lllmrlllV, A. C. KulghtcM came down from hi IK'Ikm-o ranch Monday evening. lie Muted I tin I I here IV very Utile miotv left In the valley mid thul heavy riilnx hinl Ixm-ii fitlllliit during the iim tt wli. mnm rwrmm mrruimrnua I A WARM PROPOSITION Our Hot Water Bags 9 D. P. Adum.on & Co t ii ii ii ii ' M i 'l ' ) y1 M. A. 1.1-htUUII Ulld whV Wrpf lu tlMf city from I .union l u during Ihe vviwk. Wan en ItroMU U In the ilty from MiiVHlnik. ! W. T. :. VMU.iii Im In Hum 11 1 from Ida ranch lit Slalera. Ml Kffu lol.U lift Moudny for Itcml for a month' vllt with Mr. J. Frank Stroud. It, L. lCnui, of Milium. In In the city nml I) n nxcptcd ii position with Stroud hroN. itmrket. H)K HKNT-lUmli on the Mtle. For rtii'uUrN, iiMuw K. It. Cry, lli. California. Hi For line I'Hliillea, toliili'i'oM, i'IkhI'n nml fruit n, we ho ve I hem. tllover k HtMrr. IliHiixe O'.Vell illul ii Ife, w ho lime Innu nendliiu the (mat week ill Ihe Lone I'lne rmudi, reluruiHl lo the rlty the Urn I of Ihe w.i'k. Italili 1'idudi'Xter Iiiim IiiUiii the imllloil of eUN'rlllleiiii-iil of Hie Athletk: I'lidi, Ownr KllefHou Iiim Imm reNlgued. C. I. VVInui'k In reHiN home the IunI of the week from u iiioiith'a vUlt In Nun Fniiii'l o ninl Moutheru Cnllfoi'iilii irolntN. J. Illininoiid, who Ima lieeii NH'iiiIiih; the imh( few iveekN In Pol l liiild, wna In Ihe ety thla week from Mud ru h. Word I'Oiuea from AhIiwoimI tlmt the Oregon KIuk mine will le ommiih nooii mid work reaumed then na Noon na fuel t-Mii lie provldisl. O'N'ell Itroa. have iM-uel h iceneinl meirlmtidlHi aton'iit Iildlaw when' Fred Wildlife Iiiim Imi-u put In dmrtre. The a tor In u brunch of O'.Vell Itroa. Ifenernl men'iuitlle firm nl Foreat. C. M. I.later wna In the city from Mill Crei'k Hnturdny when' he anva NtiNkliieu lire much pletiaed with the xprlnit priNtiNvtN. Mr. Litter Mold hlaaheep nMt full to PlIUCAll MiU'leixl and tina brunched out Into the entile liuallleaa. J. It. Fryn-ar returned to the city Mondity from Ilurna where he went aeveiil wm'ka ntro with the ahu'P pundiiiaed by huuenn MhcIcihI (or the ilanley compntiy. Mr. Fryri'nr xiilii Hnriiey county wna eitM-rteiu: Inn m a-vere winter thla yer, the totul depth of niiow nt liurtiN hav Iriic n-uched W liictiin. At preaenl then' Hi two feet uf allow nt the county aeitt. Henry I'hlriumi, buyer (or the the I'nloti Meat compnny, Iiiim la-n In the city during the week. He iirrmined for the "hlpineut of three t-nrlondaof cm I tie out of the bunch purchiiMed from Henry Crnni dnrliiir Ida In nt trip In here, mid which the hitter purchitHed hiat full from Will Wuriw-eller. Mr. I'hlrmmi went uu to the iMinhmn Itroa. rmirh Tuea iln.v to purvliiiMc aome HtiM'k there. He atiitiil Hint the iiiurket wiih alluhtly In HdvAiice of theiUotMtlona mmle nt the ehme of Inat venr. '. " '. 'I" .' 1 '.'Jig' 'LU Ulover & Mtorr, the icriM-ra, have ordered a varloiid of potntix-a which will arrive In ii few d'l.ia lo aupply the Iin'mI demand. Sunday m IiimI lit the MelhiMliat church at lu a. ui. rrenchlnK .it 11. CI&mn iiuytliin at 11" l'p worth Ieanue ;) , m Miinn meeting lu the InUTeat of law etiforeeiut.'Ut itt 710 p. .m. John Comba holda, the record MHiOliK Hi member of the Athletic Club for the h In heat acore. Tueadajr he bent the prevloua reeonl held by FnJ Wllaoii by four polnta. Mr. Wllaon'a wore wan 65, Mr. Comba la OH. Ainoiitf the memlwra of the Ladlca' A li lie Mlaa ijerlrilde Hlmrp holda Ihe record with a aeon- of 41. Word eomea from IrvliiK It'i'd. who Iiiim Ims-ii In ii l'ortlund hitapltnl ever alnce he una no aerloimly In J u nil by u dviiMiiille eploaloli iw lir IIimhI aeVernl wiikN i;o. Hint the phyalclitiiM lu utlendmice will la able to anve the alnht of hla left eye mid M-rliuM Hint of the rlnlit. Mr. ItiN-d la m brother of deputy county clerk, MImn Mm.v Iteeil. We nri Agcnta for I fhe Kopl Tailors of ('hi-o the Inrneat Me rebuilt Tailoring Fatiibllah llient In the World. J. K. HTKWAHT &. CO. i l i k a ah -V A A A A A A A A A M (l. M. Coruett took pouueaNlon of Ihe i'rtnevlllf.Kend HtitK Hue luat Thunulay, atok of the company having Ims'ii urcliHwd by Mr. Cor nett from the llend Mvery A TrniiM fer Compan.v. It In probable that n change will Im- mnde In the preaent achedule, the Itend atage arriving In I'rlnevllle iM'tweeu II and 12 o'clock at night IriNteMd of lu the morning. Twenty-alx appllcautN for leiudiem' eertlm-ati'M IIuIhIiciI tnklng their ex- AinloatloiiN tN'fore SuM-rlutendeDt Dinwiddle hint Saturday who wax hmmInU-iI In hla work by V. It. Cook. Seventeen out of the totul number taking the examination n-wlved certltlciiti-a, nine full urea being re cordetl. Koine of the MUccecHful ap. pllcnntM had grnihn high enough for 2ml grade eertltlcntea, but owing to their having held n 2nd grade or through lack of experience, were com pelled to mke n lhlrl grade certl llcate. Flrat grade papi'i-a were iHNiied to Mra. I.llllnu WntU, Mnd- rax; .m. . lyeiimnii, iiiuouia; i . ti. Webb, 'Itnf Fnlla; nml Mlaa Carrie Smfth, Culver. Heroin! grnde certltl-caU-M were IxmuciI to MIhm Ada Morne, I'rlnevllle; Floyd Itllyeit, Hnyatack; MImn Myrtle I'ennlngtou, Culver; MImn Nellie K. Jnun-M, Mm. I.lr.zle Smith ami Mra. IVIht McIioIm, Iild law, and MImm JchmIc Heartlry. .Mad raa. The following recelvnl third grnde paM-rM: 1. C. Fnltou nnd MImm Murli; liallowny, MnilrnM; MImm Mar lon WIcmI. Itend: MImm Ktli.-I Smith, MImm Floy Mctjlii-e nnd MImm U-tha Siull li. I.amoutn. ,ar"Jllt!"''.""1 ' 1"' J 'J. JLiJIi.' Jil'LJ f PUTATOE8 WANTED: Write to C. W. ELClKi, Prineville Oreou. The linptlMt rhnn-h auaouue-e Ncrvkra uext Sunday na follow: Sunday Nchool nt 10 a. in. Trench ing nt 11 a. ui. Chriatlau Kndenvor ut VJU ' p. ui. Thu auhject of the morning w-rmon.' "Foreign Mlaalona." An offering for that work will be taken at that er-vk-e. Kveryona cordially Invlteil. A. I'. IJouohua, who recently aold the Lnldlaw Chronicle to W. K Meyera, waaln the ctt.T the Inat of the week. Mr. Honohue In now en. gdge lu the. p-jil eatllte bUNllieMN with F. I. Imytou nt l.aldln w ami In building up a good patn.nuge. The firm lit pccMenl Iihn In ihe neigh borhood of nnw ncrea of land In weMteru Crool. rounly lixleil mid ) have made Nome large mile ) finth laiproved and unimproved trm tM during Ihe pnxl fi-w wi-ka. TIiom. Arnold una over from Si terN today, lie Miiya the rutin Si mi w Cna'k rou ill ry Im iiimIi ioIiil' n rapid Meltlemelit mid development. Many new act tlci a huve taken up liomeM In that aiH lioii during recent montlm and thU year will are a large amount of new hind put under cul tivation. When Mr. Arnold wit led lu the dlMtrlrt a few yearn ago It wiih three to live mi lea la-tweeu Iiouhtm. At pn-Ment pnu-tlcally thr whole country Im under cultivation and the fanning diMtrkt la Woming more thickly Mt-ttUil each year. F A JSL E IRj S UI-FOKH I1UY1NU VOUU PLOW THIS SPUING CALL AND SLE Our New No. 5 Oliver Gang Plow n $6.95 Any Suit We Have in Stock up to $12.00 for - - i - - $6.95 $8,95 For Any Suit up to $15.00 - $8.95 We have a big stock of Spring Suits to arrive shortly and we must MAKE ROOM FOR THEM One Week More J. E. STEWART & CO. IV AAA STEWART I HODSON'S Choice Home Cured 4 J. E. STEWART I CO. Smlth-Bolknap MnUje. MInn Uriue Iielkiinp, n alnter of Dr. H. 1. Itelknap of thla city. wm united lu mttrrlage .Sunday, Feb. 4, to Ouy W. Kniith, of San J one, nt the n-wldence of the bride' brother. Hnr- vevJtelknni) In Loh UHtoa. One of the Iim-iiI iiujierN given the tollowing account of the wedding: The cexemoiiy took plure ut 2 . i i... i... 1 1 I'll M-K mill 11MM N-norineil u. iuc iti'v. J. Durhnm. of lrvlngton. mule of the groom. The hoUMe wiih hettntlfully decor- hIihI for Hie m-caMlon. the color MChrine In the parlor la-lng jilnk, white and green. The curtuina were drawn, excludlug the Hunlight und the bridal couple, Mtunding under u large floral Im-11 of pink nnd white carnatioiiM, mnde a moat lovely pic ture lu the Moft artificial light. The bride wore white and enrt ied bouquet of white carnatlonM. Onlv the relatlveM and a tew clot trlenilM of the contracting partiea were pn-wnt. MImm Curtner pluyed the weildlng manh. Many U-auti- ful giftM tcMtltied to the good wisheM of numeroiiM friendM. The bride In ii graduate, of King's CoiiMi-rvattiry of Mimic und Im a channlug young woman. The groom wan admitted to the bar a ahort time ago and may locate per manently In Nan .lone. Mr. and Mra. Smith will In- at home to tlieir friendM after February 10 Ht No. Al Saratoira avenue. Xo enrdM. IS. It. Long, who In connected with the Ijil.llaw Chronicle, wan In tlx cltv thin week from uililiaw on a buHlneMM trip. He mh.vn buMineMM is brink In that Her Hon of the county and eotiHlderable land both In and oiitalde of the Columbia Southern Megregation in changing handn. EUefson-Ewing Wedding. LIGHT DRAFT ADJUSTABLE FRAME SCOURING QUALITIES c When fitted with the N. C. 12 bottoms this plow will scour in the stickiest ground". The adjustable frame combines a 12, 14 and 16 inch gang plow in one frame and can be fitted lor 2 or 3 base. This feature has many advantages, one of which is that you can always adjust your plow (o the team instead of being compelled to get team enough to pull the plow. A FULL LINE OF OLIVER PLOW REPAIRS W. F. Ring . J Timber Iml, Act June 3. 1879. NOTICE KOR PfBMCATIOS. L lilted HtuU Land Offlue, 1 E J Thf Itolles, Oregon. Xoveuilwr 23. tOOtf. j j police in hereby given that in com-lr;i EJ ca pllance with the provision ol the act of ('oncreoaof June 3. entitled "An ct for the tale of titular Ih'iiIm in th Stntpw of California, Oreeoo. Nevada, anil Wash- I 52 intff.tti Ternlnrv O uVtr.4ul ll I ' Public Land t-taten by act of August 4. 12, Peter Ji. Vilibert. of Mad ran. county of Crook, tat of Oregon, has thin day tiled In this office bin nworn statement So. 27-W for the purchaae of the S W', .SEV,'. Sec-. 3u. .V SW'H XK', Section No. 31, inTownaUp Mo 12 S.. Kange No UI K., W. M.. and will otl'i-r proof to thow that the land nought ia more valuable for ita timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aaid land before Don P. Rea, V. S. Commr. at hih-.tllce in Madras, Oregon on, the 27th day of March. He unman an witnense-.: Louis T. Irsen, and Jacon H. Peterson, of Madraa, Ort-gon. Sam Conipton and William Mo Meckin, of Griiily, Uregou. Anv and all uerHOns claiming Hiivemelv the aliove-dencribed lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before -aid 27th day of March. l'JOi. MICHAEL T. XoLAN, )2oxl Register. THE Q'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop. CJ r.3 CJ r.a c J ca ca r.-i ta r;i tJ r.3 ta La r.a ea 3or jCadies and Sentlemen 9feals and SSakery Xunch Board by the week, $5.00-, with room. $6.00. Meal Tickata. $4.00 KatacacataLatakacacacacacj Job Printing The Kind That Please At The Journal Office MIhh Nellie Kwlng, ymuijiwt daugh tor of Mr. and Mm. James Kwing, whh united In nmrrlap WetlneHila.v eveiiiim. Feh. al. to Oliver KUefson. The eereiiion.v took place at the home of the lirideV pawnts lu this city, and was ierfoniied by .Justice of the I'eace, J. U Lackey in the ireietH-e of a few of the relatives and friends of the yonnir couple. The bride is I lie youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James lowing and has lived In Prineville the greater part of her life where she enjoys an extended circle of friends and ac quaintances. Mr. Ellefson is the senior iuemler of the firm of Ellefson & Sntelzer nnd Is a young man whose strict business lutegrity ha gained him many friends. He enuie to Prineville two years ago from Chicago where he was born and raised. Mr. and Mrs. Kllefson will begin housekeeping here In the city where they will continue to make their home. Notice to Horn Owners. Owing to some iinforseen busluess affairs, I will le coiuiielled. to leave Prineville for a short time, but ex pect to return soon to buy all good horses broke or unbroke at fair prices. Jcdii ltiimtKH of Kohrer & Ennls. Grating in the Forest Reserve. Stockmen who expect to grane their stock in the Cascade Kauge Forest Kewrve, (Southern Division) during the seaaon of UKHi, must submit their applications to me before March 10, lm, as after that date applications will lie refused unless satisfactory rea sons are given.' S. C Bartrum, Forest Super visor, Uosehurg, Oregon. ft ft ft ft vT. I Ml 1 X I va:i Gilbert's Candies The Candy That Made Portland famous 1 or We now have B. C. Gilbert, ol Portland", manulachiring candy us. Mr. Gilbert is the originator and manufacturer ol the lamous "Gilbert Candies" sold and known all over the Northwest lor their superior, quality. Until recently Mr. Gilbert was a member ol ihe lirm ol Russell & Gilbert, Portland manulacturers and wholesalers ol line conlectionery. We are now in a position to Jill orders lor all kinds ol candies, either wholesale or retail. m i 3 When in town be sure and call around jand trysome Jof our fresh candies. You will never care for the'old stale candies shipped up from Portland if you do 3 i j. i m RIDEOUT & FOSTER The General Furnishing Store