CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL LAMONTA NEWS NOTES. ;loii tii.iut I- on I ! l k ll-l. Si E. HUtr, U ikmtH. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER STEFFAiBAIlEY FOR CROOK , P u b II l r COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably In Adnc OnoYear - IM Six M.mtlm T ot Tl.i Month 5 c, I'll tin- li'iulil iiii Voter i'l limik i-oiint.v: I iI.-miv tin- nomination to ( ,,. ,,m,. ,,, sim Hit ..r n-...k ...uutv ami Kiilunli h-ivullli mv ii.'tnit for Mi'lvln litll.'K s-nl Siui.ltiy with ""' 'iHl.ri ion til tin prliiuiry IiIm ptiivntK at OiIut. M'Uvil.m April I'.nw. I k at your llHiltU n vnivfiil roimiiliTMU'in a. r. i . inif. In tw li Tliiit"il;i Advertising: Rates: -Plr' H . U . n.t . cm ..wr-lm. lo time n.t j i i BuM st Mnar Ihi'Ii liuvinm Wnt wi Pf line "rl Tnnk ll.wv I Piblinhrd Kvery Tlmrmlay at U Journal Buil.ling. l'riif vill. Oregon; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1906 given NEWS FROM REDMOND In- llCIV With all the atanee her by tlw newfip.'r. Mrs. Niche-j Arlluir w n,hh.r wiu lat Ixing worth, nee Rooev-lt, i xvtrliiit the tu-vt ten lvn. jirobably iralixe by this time that) p r. $oWU 1m 1v-n a year" she its married. Muchly. lean" n his hotel. butcher nlio ami llmm to J. M. K.dwanl of Powell . . , i- I Butte. Thf regi-tratton in the kutcher, Tll0 Jolw" rwtJturiillt. lMtry ,,,, precinct up to the present ttmeconhvt,(lH,rJ. bii11, wi .h.mnI ,,, ha been about tH$ pr cent Re-a ,Jayn. tiood luck to .lime. publican pure. This is somewhat contrary to the prevailing opinion that the settlement in Kutcher is made up of a Missonrian popula-j tion. I Senator RultenV ability has, I teen generally recognized bv his I constituents throughout the state. I hut it is evident from the luscious! loupuets which are ling handed J Mcl.nllii' Poen lie prty the freight? Kichiml liarinou him ! up hit toiiMorial chair in one of the ottioe reoiun of the Hotel Kedmolld ami. "I" H Next" Is the imlcr of thluu. Wanted nt Keitmoiitl iniiiutliatolv: ! A laundry. Plenty of work to keep! i iK aim ... ,u. ...... , M..,lr.,1. .... Hi-lr Kev. Noble held NervhvM In the; wliool limine Inst Sunday. S Jnim lioliiiiHOli. of Aidiwood, k here visiting his uncle J. ( Ituxh. l-.v Moore went to Pi iueville Moii- iday on Imalne, rctiirnliiii Tuesday, t ........ . ...... .....l.. . M- Ml .1..- . ..Ml..,. neat Wtslmwda Soli a l.tiNliiewN trip. MlHHes Floy MciilHv and Kthel Smith attended leui-herx' uut'tlnK In Prliii-ville last week. ral Moor and sister. Urnoe. sx-nt thelawt of the wvk with their sister. Mr. Pitier at Willow Creek. Mr. Yasr. of lelwton. Idaho, was in town Monday looking' tor a location. He exjuvts to eoine her' to nl.le. Mr. ami Mrs. M. T. Cowan are on tlielr ranch on Cr.Hiked river where ,tr. Cowan Is doing his sprlnu I'lowinu. A larjiv iiumUr of youilK ople from this neiuhliorhoo.1 went over to Hay Creek Friday to attend the lance there. of my quallllcatlons ami If In your opinion I am capable and worthy rcevtfully solicit your support. S. F.. HolMiKN. Prlnevllle. W. W. tnn fr SWIf thew(.rk olii and plenty of help! to keeN lie money goinu- While jiiiupin over rows of potatoes the other .lay on t. it. j place CharliK French I .To the Itepiilillcini voters of Croo county: I heivhy nnuotince my can didacy for the nomination to the olMce of Sheriff of Crook county at the April primaries and respectfully solicit your Hnpport. W. W. Iluow s. Cross Keys. B F. Ulmm fw SWiff. To the l((pulili( an Volerw of Crook County: I hcrcliy announce myself a candidate for muuiuatloii (o (he ottiee of Sheriff of Crook County subject to the ih lslon of the ICcpult llea u voters at the primary election In April 'JO. VMHi. II. F. Johnson, Prlnevllle. Jack S(tm Fr SWiff. To the IViu-N-ralic voters of Crook county: 1 hcrel.v unnoiince my wit a W. II. Snook and Miss Marie j 'ldate for the nomination to the tialloway. of Madrns. stop.ed In m "f lr""k '"""O- January Cash Clearing Sale 83 i All Press tiiMtds ami Wash(iood Kcinnatitit A I. argi .Collect ion of Silk. Itcitiiniiit in mII marktHl at Cost and wtll'lx sold at length lo le sold at One-Fourth Off One-Half Prloe for this sale only. Kverything goe in Some good wnit lenillis iimong them this I,ot Just as Marked, A Simp for the Price. A t'ldilftiute Sweep of all Keildv Made Silk Speoial In Flannelette mJ Vt,. Shi.ts Wt. ' l-'i cent, 1.1 cent and '2(1 cent iiunlities liegular .'..0 (ualities nl each $I.SO Your choice IO cents per yard " " !.') " " " " 50 Mrs. way home from Prinevllle. the IVmocrntlc voters of the I'litton to county ls held to him in the east that statesman ha to go away from home to be thoroughly appreciated. The Indianapolis Morning Star passes up to him this fragrant hunch: "Senator Fulton of Oregon seems to hav acquitted himself well in the first noteworthy appearance on the floor of the Senate in debate with men like Spooner, Foraker and Bailey. It is three years now since Mr. Fulton was elected, and he has done his work unostenta tiously and well, impressing his ability upon all who have seen him, and yet avoiding the haste with which new senators are tempted U precipitate themselves into discussions. He is a man of tine talents and very great indus try. His habit of mastering the details of his subject and thinking it through was revealed in his prompt and cogent answers to the questions which were shot at him by the best lawyers in the Senate." nins ' j: I . I . ! J through Southern Hi i 7 New IrrigatioD Project at Sisters Private interests in the neigh borhood of Sisters, the home of a number of irrigation projects, hare set on foot another reclamation scheme, a stock company having been formed in Prineville the last of the week. It is the intention of the organ izers, who own a large acreage in the Sisters neighborhood, to ap propriate water from Three and Snow creeks and also to tap the lake from which these streams de rive their source. Filings were made on 2000 inches of water last Saturday at the conclusion of the meeting held at the court house when the new company was organ ized. There are other lakes in the vicinity of the head waters of the two streams which will also be tapped if the supply of water falls short. The diverted streams will be conducted through flumes and canals to the ranch lands of the stock holders where it will le used duriug the summer months for irrigation purposes. The organizers of the new com pany and those who own land which will lc watered by the company are: Caleb Bennett, John H. Edwards, J. E. Edwards, Chas. A. Hamilton and Hugh Edward-. Merchant of Venice Program. even a i sevetvlv sprained his ankle and is now confined to his Nil. A jjathering of jolly yoitnn folks nti waa had on the IStli at the residence ; j of Mrs. Cjul Khert. Musk-, ilniu-lns j Jj1 and sanies were enjoyed until tlte'j? wee small hours of the morning; i ki when supper was served la a hrttliin; basket. Mrs. F. C an extended trip California with her son Carlton who has not been very well lately, Carl ton agrees with his folks that a trip would do him ood and tries very hard to say Uoo U.mi when about it. ! Theo Iieck.T lias painfully dis- located his thumb of his riht hand, and carries it in a slinu: the help at j the Hotel can now run thing's to -suit themselves as Ted Is unable to ; w rite out their time for any neglect t of duty. To use his own words 'Ted is up a stump." Lou. A. Keed and party have xone up to the Central Oregon x work on j some leaks that have ojieiied up in the tH.ttom of the canal. These leaks have nivatly retarded the work on the canal hut it Is Kenerally exjecteil that when Lou et al finish there no more trouble will lie experienced in this line. C. It. Mc'LaUln is looking after the maintenance on the Pilot Hut te canal. at the pritnarv Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore were in j April jn, llKHi. town Monday on their way from J vcoii Stuoi n. Lnmouia Idaho to Ucduiond where they will! make their future home. J . ' FruOv Elkia (i Sknff. ... I hereby announce myself lis a candidate for nomination to the m omee oi Mierin in i took county, snhlivl to the decision of the He 'll i publican voters at the primaries April lit. liMi, Fkank Ki.kins. Madras. Lot $5l.(H) 4ll m WURZWEILER & THOMSON lP DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS 1 IiicliuloM i .")), and 4 ")0, r,W ami '! :mk). ami lor lor for M. Hohner's HARMO N ICAS of all the latest styles at prices that are right. D. 1. Adamson & Co. Si Madras Company Bujrs 53200 Animal. I J. H. Hmt Im Cmtj CWrk. To the KcpublU an voters of Crook county I her'by announce my can didacy for the republican nomina tion for the oillcc of county clerk under the direct primary law, sub ject to the decision of the voter. .1. II. livNKK. Prinevllle. In one of the late issue of the Bend Bulletin it was stated that L. H. McCaun had just hatched ten little chicks which were the first around this part of the country.; This is an error. If eople would; rend the news In a uewspajier they! would see what's what, in thel issue of tliis paper of three weeks! atro it stated that Mrs. .1. F. Circles had a brood of twelve chickens! i hatched with mother iloiuj; well. The chickens are now larire enough to le killed for frvers. Kijjht st.s kinen and ranch owners in Culver and Madras districts have recently organized the Madras Per clicron Horse Coinpiiny and have purchased from the Ilartman St k Farm of Columbus. Ohio, a :fJ0U lVrchcron siallion. The costly ani mal arrived at Madras about the first of the month, where the com pany has established its headiUar ters. The officer of the company are: K. M. Mortimore, president: C A. Whitwtt. secretary: A.S. Phillips treasurer. The hoard of director consists of 1. V. LimbaiiKh. J. !. .Stnrn. W. S. Williams. T. A. Taylor anil lie- Peck. Notice of Mass Meeting. A mass meeting in the interest of law and order will lie held In the Meth.slist church next Sunday eve ning at 7:'V. K very man and woman inten-sted in the enforxemeiit of law for a cleaner town is uwil to lie present. The prevalence of druuk eliws in our stm't. t lie w ide osmi uainliliu, the sale of liipmr to minor land to inebriates, the violation of I the Sunday closing laws surely these things oiiK'ht to arouse us to a The Hrst nieetinji of the school sense of our duty. Ix-tid your pre board w as held last week.' Husiness j seuce and influence in protest against of importance was transacted. It existing condit ions. was unaulinoiisly decided that the j first necessary step wiw to procure a la wr school house. With this end In view it was talked very strongly of hondinu the district. A meeting of the Hiple will le called in the near future when the pros and cons will Is- discussed. This issomethiUK that we must all awaken to and when this meeting is called let each and every inetnlicr and resideut of this district, liot h men anil women, make it a point to 1. there and take an active and audible part in this meeting. Mather let us m;o with two menls a day than suffer our child ren to (row up without an educa tion. It is very apparent to us now adays that a young man or youn woman w ithout an education is like a fifth wheel on a watt' in. Ueineni ler when this meeting is chIIiiI (0 not let it lie said of you that you were not present. W. .1. PJinnktt T. Mooiik. Final arrangements for the pro duction of four scenes from the Mer chant of Venice have lieen made and the event will take place at Athletic hall, Friday evening, March '2. The cast of character is us follows: Portia Mrs. H. P. Belknap. Nerissa Ceole Smith The Duke Prof. Strange Am '.mio Collins Elkins B.'isshuio C. B. Dinwiddle i l aci a no W ni. I ra ier ShyltH-k Kev. Mitchell Lnniicelot A. I!. Holler The program for the evening will be rendered as follows: Overture ( hvlu-stra Selection Quartet Scene 1 Street Scene Solo Mr, A. C. Strange Scene 11 (Jobbo and His Father Solo Celia Nelms Scene 111 Vntouio and the Jailor Reading Mr. .1. H. Wlgle Scene IV The Trial Character Song W. J. Smelzer Admission price arc: Keserved Heat, TA) cents: adults, :ti cents; children, 2. cents. Half of the pro ceeds will go Into the club treasury. Paulina News Notes. MissAmia Quinti is lien' and will attend the spring term of school which liegi!!) Monday. Mrs. M. K. lKlotv of Suplee was vlsitiug friends and relative here the last of this week. Paulina country is enjoying the finest weather known here for sev eral years. The stockmen report very little feeding this winter. W. R. Ctok Im Cmmtj Clerk. To the lH-misTatic voter of Crook county: Contrary lo the report I icing circulated. I have not with drawn as a candidate for the nomi nation to t he otlice of county clerk. and I resectftilly solicit the support of my party lathe primaries April . l !";. W. H. Cook, Lainoiita. M. H. BU It Cwntf Trnwii. To the iH'iniN'ratic void's of Crook county: I hereby announce myself a Candida te for the ileiuiK-ratic nomi nation for county treasurer liefore the direct primary election on April M. II. Bki.i.. Prlnevllle. jO'Neil Bakery In tlx Miller Building Freli Bread. Pies mid Cakes a I way on hand. Pastry of all kinds made to order. 4 PRINEVILLE, - OREGON w v "i Taken Up. Sam Parish. F.liucr Angel I niawcpieraile b day. Aib.lph i if I zee ill here lb. I-ale and ; . 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 . 1 1 the hlKt Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Ilauiiells. Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Huther ford from Post attended the mas querade hall. M r. and Mrs. Hamicllrt staying over to visit relatives a few days. The masquerade given by the Paulina Hall association last Wed nesday night was the nioi-t sin-cess, fill ever held here. There were :',H masker representing a variety of characters and the cost nines were Seat am now on sale at Winnek'n. i unusually pVetty and attractive. Handle Blooded Stock. li. Springer is in the city from Cul ver on business eonn.-cteil with the Haystack Livestock Breeder. Ak Hociutton. an organization which was formed by some of the l-nl stock raiser in the Culver and Hay stack districts lat fall for the pur pose of facilitating breeding Im proved stock. The association wa formed last Septeinlwr since which time a ?:iKi Belgium stallion ha lieen purchased and delivered at Culver where the headquarter of the company are l-ated. Other blooded stock will Is- purchased from time to time, the company in tending to branch info all line of livestock. The officer of the aoclatlon are: (j. Springer, president; J. T. Kobln on. secretary; T. J. I"(u?h, treat urer. .Meiuls'rs of the board of (lint-tor are: J. H. Windom, W. K. Helfrich, i. H. Osborn. J. L. Windom and S. S. Brow n. Startling But True. People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chicago theater in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than five times thin number or over 3,IKJ(I people died from pneumonia in Chiciiuo during the same year, with scarcely u passim: notirn. Kverv one of the case" of pneumonia resultl from a ; cold anil could have been prevented by j the timely use oi- CliRinberlain's Cough I Remedy. A great many who had j every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off hy the prompt use of this remedy. The following is an instance of this Mrt: "Too much cannot lie said in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, ami especially for colds and iutluenza. I know that it cured my daughter, I.aura.of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, lgaii, New -York. Sold by D. P. Adamson. The following decriled horse came to my place about live months ao: Hay gelding, alsiut 7 yearn old, lit hands high, 'angy appearance, branded dot within a circle, two diagonal bars run ning out from circle; bald face. Owner can have same by paying all xpenei. W. F. Km.iott, Prineville, Ore. f 22 Bids Wanted. Notice 1 hereby given that Healed bids will le received by Crook County up to March 7, 1!HH, for Sixty cord of wood, either dry or green sound body junl'r wood four feet long, or green pine wood Pi or '2 Inch long or four feet long. Bid to sisvlfy kind Hiid quality and length of wood and price ier cord, and to 1' delivered .n or liefore Octolr 15, 190fiutthe Court House and High school Build lag in Prinevllle, Oregon. All bids to Is filed with the County Clerk. By order of the Court. J. .1. Smith. County Clerk. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy la 8peclflc, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OlVtt RILItP AT ONOI. It cleanse, soothes, heals, and protects the dixeaaed membrane. It cures CsUrrh and Irives sway a Cold in the Head quickly. Kestorea the Souses of Taste snd Smell to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed, large Size, 60 cents at Druggists or by mail; Trutl Biut, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wsrrsa St., New Yark. VJCJkJC 1 i. ii m mm mm TtfE IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION Brillant de Aubremee (1880) l20260i PKOPliUTV OI The Haystack Livestock Breeders Association will he kept at the Leach Place, three miles west of Lainoiita on rnneville-Culver road, except Fridays and Satur days, when he will he at the S. S. Hrown place. SEASON BEGINS THE FIRST OF APRIL Description: Hrillant is a viry lart, heavy honed, heavy cliested lioise, i-einarkahlv hearty and rued, well qualified to transmit draft character to hi foal. Color Hlack', with white markings. Weight 2000 Mninh more or less according to conditions. Fee: Singh1 servue $10 tluo at time of service. Season $20 due at end of season Insurance $'25 due when foal sucks. Also avahle if mare is disied of, or moved from the county. Mares from a distance will Ih well cared for at cost of feed only, but will not assume resonsihility in case of accident, Itelieving.Jhat farmers should not rely on the grain market alone, the above company was organized to faoilate the breeding of improved stock, lloraeanfthe above tyje will enable them to profitably market their surplus produce at home. (J. Springer, President; Ja. T. llobinson, Secretar.v. T. J. Ieach, Treasurer. J. II. Windom. W. K. Helfrich, (i II. OsWn J. L. Windom. and S. S. Hrown . Directors: ADDRESS: H. L. B. Association CULVER, OREGON g REDUCTION SALE A GREAT REDUCTION on OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Winter Underwear Has been made as we intend to sell them out complete in order to have room for our Spring Stock. Get our prices before buying elsewhere A CHOICl- LINL OF Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco CALL IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STORE OWL CASH STORE DurTh am & Adams Prineville, Oregon J. W. HANLEY Livery, Feed and Homes Boarded by the Day, Week Sale Stable or Month i tj Horses to Hay 50 cents per span rj First Class Livery Ris for Bent , CJ LUMBER When in need of Lumber Shigles, Mouldings, Windows', Doors or Glasses see SHIPP & PERRY For Prices on Them r.j tij r.y rat c J r.,i ni LJ r..i t j r.a t j r..i Nrur Ooli'jco Bri'lK! I'lini-villc, Orc(f"( ! cr.Tir.arnr.rirjnr.arar'trr-ir, rsr,ar.aRnn;!iB:npR.w.rntf..74 U'JLJLJLJI.JLJLJI.JUJUL'Ji;j. JLJCJCJCJW JW JW'JL Jl. JIElii. J