Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 4

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    v JWt 1 I? II WAV . rr1 JTv
M IffiM
3 ii Z
The Smith Premier is the most silent type
writer on the market. 1 he action is
quiet; no shift key. Endorsed
by mechanical expeus.
- nllii II I
hi. .. Ill ;
. ..I'i, .:,.,
m , , sv. r
Kan.- t'l,
JuntuHt. Nt.v.
. I 'l Hi I Mil. I Kill, .
. '. n, !. 1 1 ' V "
I i "I'l. I , ,.:.i, II I- '
,.!,,-, 1 I .-. it. 1 1 i -;-:iiii
t li.-it,i it- i I . i
. l. n, i . i I,., - v.
v, s s I"'" .
K. V. M. h i. Ii .
Attention Mutafinrn.
n T 7 iTi T T T 4 n ? a 7 T ? T T ? a
1 in hi
, Inn ll' 'I ,
til I ll, II t ll
I , n V i I Ii . ,ni'
1 .' .-:iin
. Mill
The Smith Primus- TvrFAvsii ir Co.
Syracuse, N. .
Branch Stores Everywhere.
- -.'.v?v ' . Jir
I'.'llLnlil-, ill Mill, ll ll I. ulici;c,l vll.l
VkIi . M Ka.i h.i- li.'ll .1I1 iM.liHifl
ai.l tltti I; lllilt In' li:i . I..ui(:i-,i In- l -i-l'ti-r
th.'tv tV.ini ,tr in,. ii- limit .i in.itil Ii-
Ui iui : thin inn t 1- nut -i ttli-.l
Uhii ami I'ltltivatiM l-y vinl l'iin n n
.umii lij lu; thm ii( uIIikii! hI'm ihi
. not lu. tu ln .-in t,i nii'ui 11 thi'
.tmn, tin vy ur itiai iur imp- nl tin- li.itr.l
Stnti's in linn- m' iu. ,--.H. I .iilu iur
lii-ri'liy iintiiiil 1,, ;ipirur. ii'-ii.,!!-! atnl
ulli'i i.U'm o tciii'luiii; ni, I :ili, i!.ili,iii til
It) 11'l'liH'k H. III. ,i A (il ll.l, I'M, In l,nr .1.
.1. Ulllll, 1 '.IIIMt v l li lk. 111 lll villi'.- Ill
I'rin.-villf, niviii'ii. tiiml tlut tin-
ln-.iiiiij! will I li, ,i at 111,1. k a. in. mi
April i, 'Mi, l.ri.--i tin- llmi-i.-r an. I
Uts-vii.-r m 1 1 t ii.t.- l l.-iii'. I .ni l tllli- r
in Tin- Dull, j, Oo-f:iiii.
l'lu' i,l i-intiM.iiit li.n tin; . in a pinpi-i
alVtilavit. Illi-il l-Vl.i iliirv ', liiiiii. -i-t I'm ili
fiu i.i I110I1 -.lion thai ail,-!- ,1m- liiligi-m
V.rnnI w-rvii-p of tin- iinln-i' rait nut tn
ina li-, it i In-n-liv mil. n- l iin.l .iitw I. ,1
that Mirh tiutiiv U i!iv-ii hy ilm- mi, I
pr.ip.-r piitilii-iuiun.
Ml. Him. I', V.ii i-i, Kni;i-irr.
II. -Ill I HI
llii lii III VI-, i I-, l
llllllll- ll.'t-lM Ml" III
I .'lilt I ,1 llll 1 I .111,1
WllllI'M'IX ll, , I -,,'111. 1 II III till'
('.III ll. III. Ill' .'III! llllllll., I l.f
. ill I'l In. V ill.
. ,1 I . I 'l II 1 1 I .
r innni I
i il.t ii , i hiii..
1,1 -.11 ll III!
ii-. h.'.viii;: mi
Ik lull' ..'lllliC
, I iir.ii litit.'.l
iillnl .
In .-.
Inii W'iiu's. I.iijuors. ('imirs.
)r.ilt aiul
.1 1 mi i;,ilii;i i;. , ,( I ho
J 4 lli in n( l;..hii-i' .V I .iiiiIm
(!iav Tiouhlf Koixrrn. !
It ii.-i-.i" Kilt liith' Inr.'-mlil, I,, toll, !
tli.H ln-ii .mi -t-nii iili mi, I Iti ' i
i;i,l urtoi lisl, (i.ili- liiinl'lo I- iilion-l, j
iiiiU'--. l.iWo tlio pi'ipt-i iin- lii iiio :
(oi ,ini ,i-,'ii-', iin V i ,l,iin . V, ilium, 1
i-fl'liiv. V ( ih-l, hf -sivr-: "1 liinl
i,i-ni.ilk.'i:l i tin' livrt tin-l, slimi.n Ii, inv
ln.tltVMl l-llkl 11' ,1. till, I I ll'lllil ll"l
out I wili sory I'.i-l I t :1 l.nm linn',
luit ill Klin-trio r.ittoi-. I jm-t
lit 1 nooiioil. (hi tl.ov untrkly rolivo-l
i'lul riiroil tiio," I'-i'M in. - Ii. ii otni i'iik
mnlin'ii. Snlil lili.l.'l jiiui tinloo I'V 1'.
P. Vil:llnm .V I n. ,' l'i'lli'l Hull Son.
ilnimift", at ,"V it Initio.
IlilMl.'ll 1 ll'l'l',
in Connection
Srvt ?4
SMITH A' t I.KKK, l'tii t.u i.him
Domestic :uul Iinpoi tctl Liquors, Wines
ami dinars
The Biggest,
Most Complete
From tlio uf nur birth ti'l we il
doa fur Ite U.t tinit.
Tkt beat dctftute (mm the dancr" of ;
dis.-ase i igor ol 1
tHKly and a. iivy j
of i he natural fuuo- ;
tiotis. ;
Tlit kuid of j
w imp'"' , ithuut a g. ar.
a in. ii musi nov
hp stimuialion for
that givi but tem
porary effivt. and
the roactioii is mure
than depressing.
Take a tunic one
that will re-establish
normal diges
tion and assimila
tion and pror a rwimstmciive rather i ,ui
Wiaiiapr.,m..tor oi a-t. I his will ytee f -,, .i,, , pre.(,nt th, ir .'laimsj
ittitlirr n if.. i-hniif tjl nut in mr. n.n 1 ' ' 1 '"-- I
nuruialw.irkiif reiwirand tissue Imildiiii?. ! with iie-iiry voui lu r- M the imder
,Sn7 n lvr was grown In Nature's i signet at tin- lfio- of M. K. Kiliutt in
LaburaUiry. hidden in the gn.nnd and Vri iu ,,ri. .j, months
brought tlieni-e fortv vears ago hr Or. I ... ...
V" llur,. v, I,'. n....i. i, .'.i. !atl,-rtn lir-t litlblli-atloll ot till- ni.tioe.
men I of lingering diseases his life-long
study and enre.
lie uses glyeeric extracts instead of
I.n if mii A.i.i'llv i,r. ,im ,rl limml in,) , iarKS. il.'l-'H
combined by processei of his own inven- atr.l at I'rim-viile. ir.-g,.n this 4th
The Cheapest
Line of JSF"
In the County
Can Be Seen and
Bought at the Store of
1'ivl ( lit'n I I'o.x
I'lUMiVII.I.K. oKKtio
MAI s'l'KI I 1'
A Oil . ;t. t.;j. jt. 4.. ji. -j, j..?...?..?.. i. j..!.. j.
V JK i , t i i t T'
uJUjl.Jl.Jl.JWJl.Jl.Jl.Jl.jl.JV. JL
jf L
r 1
I r 1
l .1
I ' 1
: 1
I&Ae JournalWantsl
k tW Notices under thia head jH , "i
II ...Ml v; r-tk t .1, iT ill i -4
Agoniiing Burns.
srr insUntly relieve.l. an,l jerfectly
heale.1. liv Uuokl"n's Arni.':i Salve. P..
Rivenliark. .lr.. of Norfolk. Va.. writes:
1 lmrnt in- knee .ireinltnily ; that it
i,i; ll lin.-H.'ii'- Arnica
" '- - ' . J- Will UO l C-il V ITVl C 1. 1. ITJilij
Salve stop.,il the pain, an-1 lieale.i it Vf. 1 cent per word per insertion. S. If
Also heals all woiu.U l!L xrsz t?
ami sores, in- at I. P. A.tanis.m ami .... 1 tT
J.UIl I'M f l '. !
J. H. TempVtim A Son ilrntists.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby :iven by the uinVr--iirm-d
administrator of the estate of
p.irWs. decease.!, to tiie creditors;
K(R SAl.K liisl
lilloti Ktnl Yanl. .
12 inch liann plow for Nile
Taksarain. Impiire P. P.. I
r trade,
When in need of Linn
her. Shingles, Moulil
in.U. I)oor. Vindows
or (I lass see
Shipp & Perry
on Them.
w j
r i
if - i. j
71 ! r i
Scica S2accsmtinff
Hii!-l -lini l .Nil, U'imUi 'n;K,
N V. A T I V VMi l'lliivil ll V
Siib it i Ji.i.Nt- Hv :
Robert 7oorc
Satisfaction Will He (Juaranteed
I'ium v ii 1 y,
nrvvir tfirv vir'
r ir if -iir ir v ini- ir v ir irinnr 1
l J J A Jl JUl Jl.Jk.Jl.Jk. Jl. jf k Jl. Jk Jk Jk Jk Jk Jk A jLJk Jk'Jki
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also
I Foil S.U.F. Pure Moo.!.'.! Plymouth
. II. Kitnl.'r. I'ritu-.
i A-lmini-trator of
i-taii- of l.oui-a
tion. lirst used in his private nraitice and
now given out freely ti the world in his
"Golden Medical Discovery." which is
oomiiosed of (Jolden seal root. Queen's
root. Stone root. Black Cherry bark. Blood
root and Mandrake root.
Mrs. A. T. Jones, of fc Hayes Sirtt, Pan
Francisco. Cat., write : "As a child I was
delicate, and treat care was takrn of me
hecauM some of my relatives had died of
coonumption. attbough my father anil n.-oi her
were healthy. I grew up with only 1 he or
dinary disease of ail children. Inn aUmt
two rears aeo I contraou-d a sevi-ie cold,
which would not yield to su.-h hotra-treai-Baent
as wa handy. JVck-uhs weiv tried, tint three months of tbt- trealmi-nt I ws
only worse, then i wa-. advised lo try Jir.
PWrce's Golden Medi.-al Iii'overy. and am
flad loaay that three isitrl'4! not only cured
me of the cold and coinrh. but mail'- me fel
better than I ever had liefore. 1 will always
hav a botila of this medicine In the hou-se."
E3y These tiny. su( (l anti-
bilious gTannles rent hoe and
ki Invigorate Stomach. Liver and
Bowels. I)o not begot the" uill
haWt," but core constipation. On- or iwo
each day for a laxative and rwgulirW. thrr-w
or four for an ac'ive cathartic, iim-e iriel
alaya In favor. Put npinvuUa; aiwara
traah and nl labia.
P.ivk cliii'ken, ly VV
villi-. Oregon.
! In the Christum Luke
1'oil in ! ltiiim! wli.-nt :nnl
i Alfnlfa 1,-iml. Atiinnlaiii i' of wator
1 LO
Vnll.-v. I (4
of Januarv. !!.
Administrator's Notice.
j In tin- County I'ourt of the Stab- of
j Ki-esroit fori'ro'ik County.
In tin- matter of the K-tate
KlUalielh Princ. ,n.-fa-.-l
i Notice is heri-liy (siven tlnit the iinder
! "sipned. .Vilininistrator of the F.-tate of
i Klizalietli Prill", il.-ci-aseil. wili oil the Mth
day of March, or a- ooii thereafter
a- the -am.- can i heard, ir.-cnt to the
above entitled court Lis petition a-kin;:
can 1' wriiii'il from 1- to '.Vi hs-t.
I'.yhon C.xtiY -Silver I. a ko. Orci.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 17.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited States Land Office,
The Dalle, Oregon, October 1, 1!V.
Notice is hereby (riven that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of C011
(r ress of June , 1878, entitled "An act for
the aale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wa-hiiig-ton
Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
1892, Perley Elbert (ierould, of Portland,
county of Multnomah, State nl Oregon,
has this day filled in this office his sworn
statement No. 271H, for the purchase of
theSW) of Sec. No. 1l. in Town-hip No.
12 South Range No. Hi K. W. M., and will
0 offer proof to show that the land souh;:t is
more valuable for its timtjer or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish 1
that lie Ih- allowed to sell the real pro
perty of the above entitled Kstate and that
such rale he confirmed, and further that
a day lie set fur him to pr.--.-nt hi- iinal
report ami wind up tin hii-iuc-- of the
-aid Adniini-t ration.
All per-ons having objection to tin- -aid
-ale are hereby notiiied to appear and tile
. their objections.
liated at Prineviile thi- 'il-t day of'
January, l!i. ' j
Wii.uiM I'I'.ink. A'lmiiii-trator. '
Koli SAI.K: A tine ranch nl l.i acres
encliweil w ith three wire fen e. Alirmt
iHtaoies in cultivation, near railro:
-iirvey. Will raise tine vtrain, li
and veoetablc-. without irrigation.
Also nice luisines-. and resi lent
proTty in Prineviile. All at n a-uui-ahle
prices. Kti'iilire at C. A.
it.ovi. ' iriH-ery St ire. 1 4 0
Poisons in Food.
HciiJ l.ivcry V- I'lMif-icr (Imiipitiiy
Stm-k lniitrili'il liy tin- il-iy, wc-k or inunlli at
Ufaimalile rate-. ili-in. iiiImt ii- v 1 1 -( in
I'rinovi'ili'. llviKs Ui: i-un.viii.k. We liavu
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
j lag" litin ill Ci.tiniTtimi vviili tip- llt iol ry stu'i-K j y fj
Sole Agents for Hop Gold Door and
the Famous Napa Soda ."
JPci-mll-y Trade SolIcitGcl,
Perhaps you don't realize tliat many ;
pain si-oits original in your fissl. Hut
, some day you may foi l a twinge of
I .lvspcsia that will convince you lr.
Kinir'B New Life I'illss arc guaranti ee to
j cure all sickness due to (hmnoiis of tin-
diiiusseil food or money hack. ."h. at
I). P. A larnson Jt Co. and Templetoti iv.
Son dnii stores. Try tlieru.
his claim to said land Vx-fore Don P. Kea,
TT. 8. Commissioner, at his office in
Madras, Oregon, on the Kith day of Feb
ruary, KKXi.
He names as witnesse-: Howard W
Turner, and William Doak, of Madras,
0. 0. Barber, and George R. Lee, of A.-li-wood,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
tile their this office 011 or before
said 16th day of February,
Michaki. T, Hegi-U-r.
Notice of Administrator's Sale'ofj
Real Property.
Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance '
of an order of the County Court for Crook ,
County, Oregon, made ami entered on tin-1
2nd day of Jan., I!;, in the matter of thej
e-tate of James H. Macliregor, deeea-ed, J
the undersigned, the administratrix of
said e-tate, will from and after the l.jth
day of Feb., l!0f;. proceed to sell at pri
vate sale for ca-h. all the right, title and
intere-t the .-aid James K. .Macr.-gor had
in said preroi-es at the liiui: of his death
and all the rigiit. title and interest the
aid e-tate has aciiirfd other than or in
addition to that of the -aid James J. Mac-
j firegor at the time of hit death in and to
i all that certain real e-tate described a..
' follows ti-wit. the Southeast iiuarter 0f j 'lii 8Ji'J
Section Fifteen in Township Nineteen
: South, of Range Twelve Fast of Willam
ette Meridian in Crook Oiunty, Oregon.
M. K. Ei.i.ion,
j Administratrix of the Kstate of James Ii.
MacGregor, Dcceu-e.l.
Dated this 1 1th davof Jan. Ilex;.
Fraud Exposed.
A tew countert'eiters have lately iw.-en
making and tryinsf to sell imitations of
lr. Kind's New Discovery for consumie
tion, coughs and colds, and other med
icines, theiehy defrauding the public.
Thi? is to warn you to beware of eueh
people, who peek to profit, through
stealing the reputation of remedies
which have been successfully curing
dreams for over So years. A sure pro
tection, to yon is our name on the
wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr. King's
or liucklfin's remedies, as all others are
mere imitations. H. K. P.n ki.p.v ct Co.
III., and Windsor, Camilla.
Sold bv V. P. Adainson A Co., J, II.
Templeon .t Son druggists.
Jfcencierson & ZPolla?d
Wines and
y I i nest
JCir. In Stock
Country Orders Solicited
First Door South of the l'oindexter Hotel
Notice lor Publication.
Department of the Interior,
band Office at The Dalle-, Oregon,
January ,'11, l!jii.
I Notice i- hereby ri veil that the follow
; inn-named settler has filed notice of his
i i,.t.,,t,... o. ...,!-.. .-,,..,1 ........r ;.. j.f
Notice is hereby Riven that the follow-1 , . , . ' , , ., '. ' . .
I made In-fore the County Clerk of Crook
I County at Prineviile, Oregon, on March X,
linri; i, 1, it 1;,,, ,,c i'..i,.,.,.;ti
made before the County Clerk of Crook ()r ' ;,", SK . 'flir tlll.'SEi;
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
J.and Office at The Dalles, On-iron.
January 31,
ing-named settler has filed notice of his j
intention to make final proof in support j
of his claim, Jand that said proof will be j
County at Prtneville, Oregon, on 'March K.
1906, via: Fred E, gtuart, of Prineviile,
Oregon, on H. E. No. 7778, for the XKKi
Section 14. Tp. 14 S., R. 15 E., W. M.
HW'J, Sec.'ll, Tn. 13;
.. ll.
N K1 j .
Ill V.
., but 3,
ii, Tp. 14
Bouth, Ratine 1 E. W. M.
Hp llHIlles the I, ,1 ll ,u i I, w it i, I,,
He names the following witnesses to ! f,i,.flllti , :,,
cultivation of said laud, viz: William
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: M. 1).
Powell, Issac Spears, Henry Grimes and
John Grimes all of Prineviile, Oregon.
Michaki. T. Xor.AN, Kejrister.
H. Kirkham, William
Arnold, and James
Prineviile, Oregon.
MicnvKi. T.
Cunt, rill.
all of
Noun, Uein'.slei
of Appointment
j Notice is hereby given that the midcr
1 signed has been appointed 'omnium of
j the per-on and property of Prentice M.
j Pitzer, and all persons having claims
I against the estate of the said minor are
hereby notified to present them to mi; at
my residence on Willow creek, Crook
County, Oregon.
Prineviile, Crook comity, Oregon, Jan
uary, 11. inoti.
Mary If.
Sick Headache. i
ThiH distressing ailment results from
a disordered condition of the stomach.
All that is 'needed to effect a cure is a
dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach
ami Liver Tablets. I11 fact, the attack
tnay be warded off, or greatly lessened
11 severity, by taking a dose of these
Tablets aw soon us the first symptom of
1 an attack appears. Sold by D. P.
' Ail a 1 j ih ut.
Meat, Vegetables, Produce
A Complete iiiui Choice ,im: of I'.ccf, Yen I
Bacon, Lard and Country Produce K'it
Mutton, 1'urk,
hand at the
City IWeat iY3arket
At The Old Stand Prineviile, Oregon
Agency for McCalFs Patterns. Price 10 and 15 cts.
We Ini v many liftuiliiullttdtfiirt. in
Fall find Winter Hats. The vvinier
HtyleK are graciously varied hecomiiitJ
ncsK iri the keynote.; 15ut come and see.
The most charming hate of tliej Ht-iiHoii
are in evidence, inclndin(,' the Hiniill
Toaues, Turlmna and Muxine Klliot.
Orders taken for Corsets
Fashionable T a i 1 o r
and LndicH
Made Suits
Taylor & McCallister
it. jfk h JHi. Jt ifU At jfk illy rfk ifk rffa Jk tth jfik.Jfi. Win. jV. aftt A Jk. Jk. J.&. Jk"Jtt M
BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors
In The (Jlae Hall
A First Clas House
in Fvery Kespcct : . ......
Choicest Brands, of Liquors, Wlnos
and Cigars
ohaniko Uaroiouso Lo.
SfioniAo, Oregon
General Storage, Forwarding
Commission Merchants;
Dealers in lilat kninilli ('mil, Flour, IJarUd Wire,
Niiilrf, Ci-nii iil, Lime, Coal Oil, I'laHter, '.tili'luir,
Wool and (iiiiin, Sucks' and Twine, drain and Feed.
AtfeidH for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co'h. "White
River" mill"" ballet) Patent" Flour. llilicnt price
paid for IlideH and I'eltH. - "
Special Attention' in paid to
Haling for EaHtern Shipments.
Wool (irading and
Stock Yard with all the latest
for Handling Stock.
and lit-Mf facilities
7arA- Sour Soods in Care of
"c W. Co."
- ,
i. J
k j
b j
i. j
r i
i a
r i
i. j
r i
i. j
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