Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 3

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    Local Mention
K. (M'autfhi wn 1u lowu .rrnw
tiny Iiuiu hU Hock rtuch at l'rtnl,,
I'. t '. lEun I"' i h iiii-over (ruui f I
luniul mi ii IiuhIucm lrlj Tu-iili .
.lukr Htnmd Hxij thi lal ..( Ilu
fk at Matlrna and vicinity,
For l)li ruiiillf, lulm m. rlgum
nihI fiult, w luivi llu-tii ivr A
I tin i Un Hrotk iviu mrr from lleutl
yuxtirtlny aliriKlliiK li bimliH-KM
T. F Lung wita a I'lliiivllle Iii
im' from hi atotk ruuili al i'i L
1 ( liiai ill In week.
Will I'ih.I in mi' iiver from KImI.-ih
lbtlrt uf I he WfiU In utiiiil 1 1"'
Hi VMli'tilliif'a l.ill
lu lii illuvi'i- it Nliirr'a l'iih Uro
rrrvfur 11 mi )i)IuIihu, luii'itii. limn
nml In ril.
Arthur riuilili r ii'iuriii'il in I'riu.
villi Monday iifteriu'iou from a trip
In Mliiiiilkn nml Hiiy iiliiii.
I'. It. IkiIh went nut In lli'iid
Holiitit.v u it liiinlnma trip it l urn
In It tlii1 iln.v follow Inn,.
Iiii a nil huild a UIk miiiI,v dI
i'wrtrl A U milium Cum l.iitf l.anl.
J. K. Ntkwaht I'ii. t I il 8.
W. F. Hnfhmer, di-iiiiH'ralli' t-mntl-iliili-
fur tin- noniliintlon to (h
utile nf comity ili-rli, wni In tin
i Ity the llrwl f the week.
I Wlgtn rami' down from hU
Crooked river rntirb TimwIhv to
imiii1 a few In therlty lauklnit
flT hiiNlririm mallcm,
lino'l anil ,vnur rgn until you
Ulovrr 4 Starr. Thiy an alwaya
In lb mnrkrl ami pay ilia blithe!
market prlre.
Tin Mervhtini u( Venire Mil In
uWeii lit Athli'llr hull, Friday even
Iiij. Manh 2, I'ruuraiu will Im
lulillabiwl in-1 1 week.
F. M. Lohdell Iiiii iuviireil I lie
)rlmliiilKlili ul Hit 1'iitvrll ISii I tfM
avhuol. Tin) Mprlujc term beadim I lirre
a wat-k ( ii mi Hi-it Mnuilay.
liH-vjuor Milliii returned llirliiwt
of th tverk from it trip to hl rnili'U
iu I hi Squaw I'nvk country where
hi. Una been ptiflliiji lu H erop u(
Our Hot Water Ms
D. P. Adam ion & Co.
Mr. T. .1. Krrjjui'Mini will U'iivi for
i'IiIihko In n Mlmrt Hun' lo Mi-ttli' mi
ratata, a iortloii of wlilcli linn Ix-cn
li-fl hiT hy nn niinl who iliiil tln-ii n
flW WCf kM hko.
Any Suit We Have in Stock
for One Week Only at
For Any One Suit up to
Week Only at -
We have a big stock of Spring Suits to arrive
shortly and we must MAKE ROOM FOR THEM
One Week Only
Feb. 10th to 17th
111 '1 'III' I HI .1 w
L. M. 1. 1 ik ii ii la III tin rll; y from dl
lock riuirli at llaiiiiiun finite,
J. If. iJurrett wu In tin rll v In. in
Trout i r.. k (In' lii-i nf I lir itL u
II ltllllll)N I l ip.
We i n I I V ii full Hum nf miiuhi i.,
eofWri, leu, tanned uoihJk, uml run
nave you iiioin-y. Try im In-fur
lni Inn. Hover ic Minrr.
Mhiiim-I lu'i'li-r iiii'l Mi-iiry Mmil
uuiiii'i.v wi-ri itver from Willow
(Ti-i-k Him lal of I In- Wti'k xIvIiik
l'Vililil III II I'olilful rum Wllli-h Wll ;
I lii-anl Ix-fori county rli't k Smllli.
Mnyor Wiirwflli-r uml wlf- li-fl
j Momlny iiioriiliiK '" l' tlmul.
(Tlii-.v will ri'iiiiln llin n almrl linn
Ix-fiiiv koIiik t iVmlli'ton ml
liriimli on a vUll with tvlii!hi'.
t'lni Pnfll, of Morn, Iiiim iHfii
mh-iiiIIiiu (hi ul wii-k In tin-i lly
vlliliiit Willi fiii'iuU. Id mum lii-ii
in liuy lifn y work liormH for um on
IiIn whnt ni mi Ii lu Slii'iniiiii roiiuty.
Mr. nml Mia. il. W. Moffiiiiiii. U
Iiii vi Ihi-ii v ImIiIiik Willi itlnllwi liiltlu-v run .lixiiMi' of llu-lr IiiimIiii-mm
llii' i lly mIiii'i Ni'W Yi'iin. Ml IiimI lo li-n-Ml t In orl h lliikotn.
Siiliinliiy for llii'lr Iioiiii
Kanan. Thi-y
Mr. J. W. Collin-.
Ill WI'Mll'I'll I
llll'l'tllM Of
IIoIiIim Mlntloii on I hi- I'i liu'Vlllr
I VihI icuiil, whli li IntM Ini-ii In i-hai'ui'
of Mr. NlMwauui'r for noidi llmi
iiimI, Iiiim Immhi nlimitlouixl nml n m'w
Mt at ton MtitlillMliiiI al tin Mmwhii
Kit rani'h n mid' wi-t of tin oht
mIoiiIiih iiliii'i.
Tin Inalytcrli4ii rhun h wrvlca
mt Sunday iim follows: Haljlmth
mi'IiooI (it lo' a. tn. Nubjii't for 11
o'rliM-k; "IaNMiniM In FnrtiilnK."
Tlifr will la no I'VimiIiik arvlriai, tlii
I'DiiUn-Hnllon to iiioct nt tin Mi'tho
iIImI I'hnrvh lu iinhin m'rvlcc
.V. '. AIimIiIi'i-. of AmIiIhiiiI, uml lr.
('. A. Si'iilt. of rortliiiul, nn lu tlm
illy. Tlii'.v i'iMS't to iviiihIii Iiiti
Moiua link' I Inn' looking over tin
rotiutry. LiiMt full i ! M'iit mv
nil week In Kin inn th I'oiinly on a
tour of Iiivi-miIkiiIIoii.
K. ('. liiivlx. of tlu I'ii rki'-l u vIm
Im ui I 'oiiipuuy of la-troll, who Iiiim
Imsmi In tin i ll.r ilurliiK tbi'niNt wti'k.
I'(1 for rortliiiul Momlny. tin ami
.1. Krauk .Slnnlnu wi'iv foiiiii-r
cliiMHiuati'N lu I'olli'Kt- nml liot Ii rodt"
tin aaini' Ktuit Into MiimoiiIi' i ln li-n
lu l.miMluif. M li li.
Mr. Flunk Hoffman nml MIm'mim
Mainli' f 'ook, Anna ii'lknM, llfMMli
Curwlii nml Limit' Corwin rnim In
from i'uIvit Tuiniln.v to otti-ml tlii'
Sunday atliool i-ouvcntlou at tin
Mi'thiHllMt ehuri'h yintorday. !. W.
lliirnt'li ilroif In with tlifin anil
Mt'litl hh ( Im t-ri hi for tin piii'tr.
I', in in Cmlv ri'iiiruiil .Moutlay
from a trip to the CIii-Miiium Lake
region when1 he lot'iitttl two home
Meekei'M lu I lint valley, lie wiya
Ihere l mi IllltnellMe lilllnuul of miioW
Mouth of IMne uuiuiitaln anil Hie
party enjoyed the exM'rlenre of U'lnj;
out In the whlteueMM three iIii.vm with
oulv one tin v'm liint'h iim iioiirlHhiueiit.
i 1 1 1 i t .! ' j u. j
C. W. Kl KIN, I'riiii villH flrfgoi..
Win. WIkI' Ii'i miijiiium to Klvfj
KliotliiT ilrtiir al Athli'llr liiill Frl-,
Jay fveiilim, .Maili U. 1'U flm.rt
luaiiitKfra an. I'. I! llTil- t-i-, I, j
It. Ilowaril. I'. II. Iionk uml lii-otKi'l
Hiiuiiiii-rn. A full or. Iiit in will ilny
until curly inoriiliii.
TIiouihh Slinri, Jr., w um In I In
My from lil ranrli on t'riMikwl rlvi-r
tin II mt nf Ilia wirk. II liaa re-
rrlltlv lllHtnlbi a Tull'ljUtlka
lliu i-iikIiui. wlilrli hi puri'hamj
ilirouuh Wurtwi-lli r Tlioiuauu, on
lila j'1irf nml la uhImk It for iiiiii
Iiik: wiili-r for hla Mlia-k.
A iilll of live .North I hum,
who i-ii iiii to IIiimIIv tin- IiimI of 1 1 if
wi'i'k t look ovi-r t In Irrlun tiil mii--Hoiim
In iliU lrliil'y ru im- lu from
I In iIi-mi'I i 'I'ui'Hiliiy ii in I Iff m noon
for Shiililko. All of thrill iiri linr'J
Inmi from I In- I . Im I . Irriuulloii
i & I'owrr i'niiiiiiiy iiikJ will Imi oiiu
I ri'xIoViilx of ( rook roiuily iim mooii iu
It. '. iilllM-ri, fornii'ily of Hh- Oil-lM-rt-ltiiMHi'll
I'linfii'tiotii'iy i'oiuiiiti.v
of I'orllaml, Iiiim taken chirni" of the
I'onftftloiiery ilepnrtiui-nt with Itltle
nut t FiMli-r. Mr. Gllla-rt lina laMu
it iiinnufnt'tuivr of awiNt ini-uta for a
uuiiiImt of j'l'flra, ami IiIm iiMMUtnnt i'
here with tht loon I firm will do luuth
towitrda exti-ntllnu the buHlm-KM
whirl) Iiiim aln-ady HMMiiineil lurge
iroioriloua In both tin retail and
wholeMrtle linen.
Ajfellta f,,r
riie Royal Tailors of Cbtogo
t he Ini'Kvot M ere li u n I
TbIIoiIiik K a t a h 1 1 a li
tneiit lu the World.
.1. K. STKWAKT & t o.
The Athli'llr 1'lub'n new iool table
wim forwardiil from Sliuuiko Innt
! Friday mid Iiiim Imvii lu uae dui'liiK
the wiek. The IiowIIiik alley wit a
uImo foluult'teil about the aame time
anil the two new utlrui lloiM have
luude "Mtnmllii); room only" a prom
inent feature of the luxt It utlnn.
liowlliiK i luba will Ik ot'Kuulzitl and
the I.iuIIi'm' Annex will urn the ulley
two iilnlitn out of the wiek. The
t lub Im iiiIiIIuk hihii.v new ihi'iiiIm-i-m
nml Iiiim entered the uitrnt troMM'r
oiih year mIiii'i Km ornnnlrntlon.
I'. S. CoimulMMloner Don Hen, of
MudraM, and brother, Kola'rt, were
In the elty yinterdny and today.
ItolM-rt lU-il Iiiim reeeiltly r'turued
from Ketchikan. I'rlnee of Wnlea
ImIuiiiI, off the Hiiuth eoiiHt of AliiMkn,
witeiv he Iiiim twi n In rhaiKe of
marble quarry owned by J. . John-
Ktou, of the Ditu'liub-M lirluatiiin iV
I'ower t'oiiipiiuy, A. K. I laiiumiinl
mid otliei-H. TIiIh In IiIm 11 rut vImII to
the Mini! Miner IiimI Miiiiimer. lie
will return to remain' IiIm work then'
Httine time thU nioiilh.
up to $12.00
$15.00 One
- $8.95
U" i '.. J ' I - - U JU
.Mra. Jerry I'.arlr la lu I hi tlly
from t'ulvrr vlaltluif lor few day.
J. II. Homey find J. B. Mi IowU
were lu town today from th-lr
ruiu Iii m at Culver.
. .1 oli ii (.'oiuIim returiiftl 'I lu-mluy
from I'ortluild W here he hai teii
aM'ltlllK the itlMt few Will
O. I). AlllliKhaiii won a lUHlnei
vlMltir from th Slwtera eon u try mv
eral day during the week.
Will Wunweiler of f'riwvllk hlp
ad two ciiiIoiiiIm of hur- and
rn ii Iim from Shmilko WftJiitttiluy for
Walhi Wiilln. Sliiinlko liiilIUnii
W. It. I oiik. deiinM-rulii' ruinllijut
for eoiiiily clerk iioiiiliiiitlou. I In
tin illy iimmMIuk Sup't Hiiiwidtlli
with Die leiii'herM' ioiia.
Teiu-liera from nil mrt of the
eoilllty lire iu theelly llil wei-k
Hiking the vmittiM iiiilf exiiiiiiiiii
li'HiH nt I he rourl Iikiix' uliitli mi
Im'IiikT eomliii-leil by County Siierm
IfiHli nl liuwtilie.
A AAA AW.liAAwa.
Choice Home Cured
A variety of thluuM iueer to look
upon will be Mi-eii al the Firemen'
tnaaiUeradi ball next WedueMilay
evening at Atliletle hall, prepara
tion for which are fully tonipletml.
The altenilanii will iMt larjfe and the
evening an enjoyable one.
Itevlvnl mti'llUKM 'continue at the
MethodlMt i liureh with lni read in-U-nnt.
The uaual aervlci will la
held on Sunday wonting. At 'iM p.
m. a union iiiewttiiK of the Suuday
m-IiooIm will lie addnMMed by Hro.
Walker. The ChrtMtlau Kndeavor
iiiii-tM with tlie Kpworth Ianue ut
WW, W. l Jlunett m lender, at 7:.'W.
Kev. Mr. Walker will preach on the
Mubjirt. "Why mo Many I'rlueville
I'eople k' lo Hell."
The HuptlHt church will not 1iold
any Mervlee Jtunuay eenui) on
iiccount of the revival ai'rviee al the
MethodlMt church, but the paator,
lt'V J. T. Moore, will preach at the
I.'nloii ill u nil at 11 a. in. and the
Sumlitv ai'liool will Im held at 10 a.
in. ChrlHtlan Kndeavor at t!::til p. in.
The Sunday achool ha Im'uii a
hm- lal revival HiH-klmt to Ret every
one lu I'rinevllle, who do not ntteud
Sunday m-hool elnewheiv, to attend
their Sunday aciiool. A law -iiuin-Imt
of new Kcholarx are exiected.
K very body welcome.
MIhm Maude Viitulerpool, daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Med Vamlerpool,
wiim married hint evcniiu; to Kuk'IM'
I.uaudfr of Kedmotid at the home of
the bride m parent. I he ceivinoll.v
wiim iM-rforined by County Jutlne W
A. Hell In the pre-Honce of 11 few In
vited jrueHtM and relative, who nave
the biitlt- a law huiuImt of ! utiltil
preHeutM. Mr. ami Min. IuxHier left
thiM uioruiuK for Itedmoml where
Mr. I.iiHxicr Im In bualneNM and where
tliev will eHt.'ibliHh their ermaiient
It. liati'Wtiotl. who Im mmiaprer of
the Mayttower inlms at Howaitl
whUii wen bonded nvently by Kan
hiim City Mople. vvKm in the city
Monilay. He ti'turned a few tlaya
ajfo from n trip eimt and Htattn that
every indication, polnta to n heavy
iinnilRration ti thla part of On-Ron
thlH year, evideuee of which Im already
la-iiiK Meen. While in the Denver
Klo Grande railroad otfleen in Den
ver Mr. (iatewood found a lllieral
numla'r of copies of the demTlptive
liivulnn Rotten out by the Irrigation
eomiianiea liK'ittod In Crook county
and while entiling went he utatea he
had oceonion to aiiMwer many In
quiries concerning Central Orejron by
peranna who were coming to the
coaxt toliH-ate iHTinnuently.
Sabbath School Worker in Sestion.
The flint Sunday school conven
tion, in the hlHtory of Crook county
la In aenalon thai week iu I'rinevllle.
A large Interest in manifest under
the iUHplring leutlei'Hhlp of the Kev.
W. C. Meirltt. tnteniational field
Worker. IX'legates nre ptvaent from
the following placen; Madrna, Agency
lialiiH, Young's school house. Hay
stack, I'airvlew. Culver", f,nldlaw,
Sisters and I'ost.
A iH't'inanent orgnnlzntion has
been effected to be known ax the
Crook County Sunday School As
sociation with J. li. Shlpp, president;
Mrs. C. 1. Wiunek. vice-president,
Mrs. Herbert Hideout, secretary, J.
W. Horigan. treasurer. The district
vice-presidents ai-e: I. A. Hunt,
Madras; Arthur Templeton, Sisters;
Rev. .1. Uenrge, IaUllaw.
In this city, Saturday, February
10, to the wife of Herliert Hideout an
H pound dattgnter.
In this city, Sitliii'ilu.v, February
U), to the wife of the Kev. ,!. T.
Mooiv, an S pound son.
Card of Thanks.
We i1elre to express our Hinceiv
thaukH to those who so kindly and
devotedly usslnted u lu caring for
our little son durlns his late llluesn.
Fkank ami Family.
One sorrel mure hratided FS on
left shoulder and a horse shoe cross
011 left arm, white strip in face, two
or three white feet. Ueutle and when
left had a colt, eoll branded same us
latter brand. A liberal reward will
be paid for information of, or return
of same to l W. Colby, Prineville;
IP -A. 2R, 3VE ERS
Our New No. 5 Oliver Gang Plow
When'Iitted with (lie N. C. 12 bottoms this plow will scour in the stickiest ground. The
adjustable Irame combines a 12. 14 and 16 inch gang plow in one Irame and can be
fitted ior 2 or 3 base. This feature has many advantages, one of which is' that you
can always adjust your plow to the team instead o( being compelled to get team enough
Timber I.aiui, Ai:t June 3. IU7S.
VOTrrtc Pim urmioiTmi;
United btates band Offl. e.
Tht Dallffi, OreKttn, Novemlr 23. 1300.
Xoticit in hereby iriven that in coiu -
uliance witii the bruvmionR ot the act ofiifj
Congress of June 3, 187H, entitled "An act 1
fur the xale of timber laud 111 the stated
f California, Oreirou, Xevada, and Wash-
iiiL'ton Territory." as extendetl to all the
Public Land State by act of Auifust 4.
l'J, Peter N. Vibtwrt. of Madras, county
uf Crook, tae ofOreKon. has this day tiled
in this office bi sworn atateiuent Jfo. 27-W
lor the purchase of the SW'Ki SE'4', Sec. 30.
.V SViSi SH Section No. 31, InTownaUip
No 12 S., Ranxe Xo W E., W. M.. and will
oll'er proof to show that the land
hoiikIu is more valuable for iu timber or
tone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish bis claim to said land before
Don V. Kea, V. 6. Commr. at his oflice in
Madras, Oregon on, the 27th day of March,
He namas as witnesses: Louis T.
Irst'ii, and Jaioo H.Peterson, of Madras,
Oregon. Sam Compton and William Mc
Meekin, of Griiily, OrP(lU-
Any and all person claiming adversely
the alxivi-described lands are requested to
lile their claims in this office oil or before
aid 27th day of March. l'JOIi.
jiipd Register.
New Hats
SkT. I
aor I
The General Furnishing Store
1 rritacseirzsrarsear.aissG'ica
1 S. 2
i S3
Restaurant and Lunch Room
r 1
! 3
I t j
j 5'
c J
c j
J'or jCadies and Sentlemon
9tfeas and Sacery jCunch
Board by the weak. $5.00; with
Job Printing
in All the Latest Blocks
We have ju9t received a lot of Gents Hats in
all of the late styles and shapes, and in this
line as well as our other lines we intend to
make and keep a reputation for always selling
the most up-to-date and Best goods at the
lowest prices. We have secured the exclutive
agency for the world famous ,
"Kingsbury Hat"
"Stetson Hat
The Combination of these two lines make us
the strongest Hue of Hats to be found in
Eeastern Oregon, in fact there are none better
anywhere. Our prices run from $1.00 to
" $6.00 so we can suit your pocket book as well
as your head. Give us a call or send us your
order with description of hat wanted and we
will guarantee satisfaction.
' ' "
room, $6.00. Meal Ticket., $4.00
The Kind That Please
At The Journal Office
? &