Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 08, 1906, Image 4

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    d iTc T4 T4 ? T 1T4 n &4 n i!?4 ? T ? T 4 T n
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Restaurant and Lunch Room
J'or vCaciics ana Scniicmcn
9cas and SiaAcrj jCunch
Board by the week. $5 .00; with room. $6.00. Mm! Tickets. $4 00
Uw ffiuckct
Kino 'jius, lipicrs, ('ijju-N,
I)ltll nixl n.)lll(-,l
j Sood Billiard 77a 6 to in Connection
r 4
i.4 "A
r i ' "a
r i
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ir ir ir ir nnf ir ir innr ir inr inr
The Biggest,
Most Complete
The Cheapest
Line of
In the County
Can B Seen and
Bought at the Store of
The Smith Premier is the most silent type-
writer on the market. The action is $
quiet; no shift key. Endorsed
Kx- mpp viniCLil expert. vr A n
The Smith Tremur TvrnviarvR Co. $
NkNw . Syracuse, N. SjT "
Branch Stores '
! : 7" l "o
Aeonuing Burns. lto--lx-j. -... . m,j a. 'w
.!iNi Sit
!. H !!' l H ! h ' t' h U
1 1
nttvrwr.jfr' oil
SMITH A il.KKK. 1'noiii tt 1 ..ic
Domestic ami Imported Liquors, Wines
ami Cinars
main sti;i:kt
I 'lift Oll'n'f JlnX -'
t'tMu tlie of uur birth
duwit fur ibe last liui.'.
Ill text ii,'cnw from tlif
bodv and
)vniii. aii'i uraini ii p 1 cent per worn jer insrniuu. m
A'-heals all wnnt.N j ftE&gKj-ribntadL
. ,.,xn . . t ... 1 ........ tf. . tl t
I . II. 1 I M l I H'll VV ' ' fc.
'tm.". - irf.''l Vho journal Wants
ita" ! . veilr'k. -Ir.. of N .rfolk. V.i.. writes : I . jSj
id artiv'.ky - 1 burnt in." WnM' .Irea.lfully ; "hat it L Notices undor thia htui k
Hivklen x Arni.-a M -jii be received at the rate of '(f
The kind of S:ilv st.iju.l tlie iiin. ivl healcl it l cent per word per inaertiou. JTj.
i(nor is import- i
tnt, it must not
be stimulation for
tut gives but tem
porary effect, and
the reaction is more
than depressing.
Tithe u fc;iik- ou
that will re-establish
normal ctie-
vion ana assiTnna-
wttixuit a war.1
ami sores. -V
When in need of Lum
ber, Shingles, Mould
ing. Doors. Windows
or (llass see
Shipp Si Perry
For I'riees on Them.
Seneral Sftiacksmithing
lloKfrMHrlS;, 'ili WnllK, KTi '. ,
N K A T I. V A M' t'lii'MI I I V Ihi.NK
Wiikn ir is i.m i : : :
ftobcrt 7oorc
Satisfaction Will. He Guaranteed
J'l.lVKMI i y.
r ir. ir "r -r ir ir ir ir ir r
WJk JW Jk Jk Ji. JWJk Jk. Jk ik jw Jw
jf w
r ir ir nr ir ir ir ir ir
IHllon Kertl Yunl. 11.1
Notice To Creditors.
Notu-e is hereby piven by the un-ler.
iend administrator
won and pror a reeonstructive rather i,,,aia sparks, il
than a promoter of waste. This will jit i f M ,j,H.e.,.e,i
1" ' ' T' IMHHt (11V III
normal work of repair and tisane building.
Such a limit: wa (tniwn in Nature's
Lalxtratorr. hidden in the ground and
brought tfieni-r forty years ago by Dr.
R. V. Fierce, who has made the treat
ment of lingering disease his iife-long
study and care.
He uses glyceric extracts instead of
alcoholic one, exactly proportioned and
combined by onx-esses (,f his own inven
tion, rirst used in his private practice and
now siven out freelv u the world in his
"lioluen Medical OiM-overy." which is
OorjiKosed of (iolden Syal rooL Oneen'a
root. Stone root. Black Chnrryliark, Blood- j
root and Mandrake root.
Mrs. A. T. Jones, of its Hayes Street. San !
Francisco. Cal.. write: "As a rlilld I was !
delicate, and great care was taken of me i
bksauae some of ray relatives bid died of
consumption, aithourh nvr fs'her and roolber
were healthy. ( grew up with only the or
dhiary diseases of all children, but atnut ,
two years sko I contracti-d a seven coid. j
which would not rield to such honie-treai- :
mcnt as tkt handy. IV-tor were triil. but
af(er three months of this treatment 1 wa
only worse. Then I was alrist-d to try Ir.
Fierce's Bolden Medical hiscovery. and am
alau In hi tlill three bottles not isil v cured
me of the cold and couicti. but niaiic me feel abovr
lie'ter than I ever had before. I will always t
hare a hot tis of this medicine in t he In m-i
j 12 inch lam; plow for
i Taks irrain. Iniinire 1".
sale or trade.
K. I'l.ill.b-rter.
of the estate of
ascl. to the rrcditor
to present tlit ir claims j
witn Ilie nci-ear.y v'mii ikis ... ...i..i,- . ... ,. ... . ir:..
! r. H K cim Kens, in 1 . I I . rv mm t.-i , i i in. -
S.U.K I'nre blood. .! riymouth
the orticc of M. K. Elliott in
Prim.villi. Oretron within six months j ille, rej;ou.
afterthe tirst publication of this ""'' j ( ;( v KUNM KM I .A M I. H A'J'i;!):
In the Christmas Lake Valley
Administrutor of the e-tate ol l-ontsa
c.,-i - .1. .....1
.:....: I..-- i,i. ,i,v! Aif.'ifa i.tnd
jjhu-.i ai iioir.iut. .... ..... ....... i ,
of January. !.. '"' fr,,,n '- " f'" U
i IivmiN Cahv- Silver Lake, ( r.i;.iii
! In tin- Christina
litiaraiitisil tn Im' oid wheal and
Abundance tt vat-r
Administrator's Notice.
In the Count r I ourt ot the !state of
: Oregon for Crook County,
j In the matter of the Estate
! of
Klizal-etll l'rilte. deceased
Notice is hereby given that the umler
! signed. Administrator of the Estate of
( Klixd-eth I'rini. d. .-.-ssi d. will on tiie bth
was aiirisi in try Ir. I dav of March, or as soon tliertatter
a- the same can I heard, present to the
utilled court his petition asking
thai he Is- allowed to sell the real pn-
g3v . These tiny, sturar-mated ami- pertv of the alive entitlel Estate and that
SnfcWMi'at'e'; 'and : ' -""ir f"rt," r
Bowels. Do nw hegei il"pUI ! a day be set for him to pre-ent his tmal
habit." hut cure roost 1 pa i ion. I in., or two ,,,,, :, ,i. f ,.
.a. day for a laxatire and reirulau-v. thi. ; r,,l",rt 'All"i "P '"' " '-' "
or four for an a-tle cathartic, once ni : said Administration.
always in fsror. rut up in rials ; auwan
traak and nilaMe.
Timber Land, Act June 3, ls7s.
Notice for Publication.
United States I.and Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Octolier 1m, l!s.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with thp provisions of the act of Con- ;
grettsofJune , 178, entitled "An act for j
All persons havinu objection to the said
-ale are hereby notitied to appear and tile
their objections.
Hated at Prineviilc this -'.1st day of
January. lSMi.
Wil.i.MM I'kin'k. Adniini-trator.
the sale Of timber lands in the States of
Notice of Administrator's Sale of
Real Property.
Notice is hereby L'lven that, in pursuance
, of an order of the County Court for Crook
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing-; f;ouM tIltt,te and entered on the
ton Territorv," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
1K92, Perley Elbert Gerouid, of Portland,
county of Multnomah, State nl Oregon,
has this day filled in this ofhee his sworn
statement No. 2718, for the purchase of
2nd day of Jan., in the matter of the
e-tate of James li. .MneOregor. dcrea-ed,
the undersigned, the administratrix of
said estate, will from and after the 10th
day of Eel,., Ptnij, proceed to sell at pri
vate sale for ca-h, all the right, title and
it..oViy ic. v.. i. :.. 'r, u;.. x,.
l- -'l' ;,,-,.,, tl, s!,i,l bones li MacOreiw.r I , , I
12 Bouth Range No. 16 E. W. M.. and will
offer proof to show that the land souhgt is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Don P. Kea,
V. 8. Commissioner, at his office in
Madras, Oregon, on the lfith day of Eeh- fo0W
ruary, lswo.
He names as witnesses: Howard W
Turner, and William Doak, of Madras
C. 0. Barber, and George R. bee, of Ash.
wood, Oregon.
FOR SALK: A tine ranch of H's) acres,
enclosed with three wire fence. Alt nit
iMIacies in cultivation, near railroad
firvev. Will raise fine grain, bay
and vegetables, without irrigation.
Also nice business and resident
property in r'rineville. All at reason
able prices. Enquire at ('. A.
I it ovkr's (inVcry Store. 1 0
Poisons in Food.
Perhaps you dnn't realize that many
pain poisons oriijiiiate in your food, but
some day you may feel a twinge of
.lvss'f.sia that will convince you r.
King's New Life Pill" are guarantee to
cure all sickness due to poieons of un
digested fossl or money back. 25 at
l. P. A lamson A Co. and Templetoii k
Son drug stores. Try them.
Fraud Exposed.
A few counterfeiters have lately been
making ami trying to sell imitations of
I'r. King's New I'iscovery for cotistnne
tion, coughs and colds, and other med
icines, thereby defrauding the public.
This is to warn you to beware of such
people, who seek to profit, through
stealing the reputation of remedies
which have been successfully curing
disease, for over 35 years. A sure pro
tection, to you is our name on the
wrapper. Look for it, on all I)r. King's
or Iiucklen's remedies, as all .others are
I mere imitations. U.K. P.i!cklkv A Co.
.aaaaMatisaMaasMiM a tSfl
fi 0'9oi brothers
Hsiul l.ivki y A I raii-fk-r (Uiinpun v
Stork lnuiriieil bv tlie laV, week Or tliolitli at
IJea-onaKle rates. llcii.iinlicr lis when in
l'rim vi'Uv K mis U i: ,s(v ami k. W'o luive
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
tf litm in t'l'iincrlioii with tl.e I'.eml r.ivi-rv Stahli s
ill said preini-es at the time of his death
and all the right, title and interest the
said estate has acquired other than or in
addition to that of the said James IS. Ma-
iregor at the time of his death in and to
ft!! tteit re!il estufi. , le.i-ri liiil us
to-w,., the Southeast quarter ofj' h.cago. 111., and V, mdsor, annua
Keclion Fifteen in Township Nineteen ! oi'1 by II. I. Adamsoli A o., .1. II
South, of Kange Twelve Ea-t of Willatn-1 'lempleym & Son druggists.
' ette Meridian in ''rook Comity, Oregon, i - -
.M. l.. ei.i.iott, Notice of Annointment of
AiJIiiiniistratrix oi the j-tat
jfeencierson d Pollard
Country Orders Soticitod
Wines and
Finest Cigars
In Stock
First Door South of the l'oindexter Hotel
Meat, Vegetables, Produce
A Complete illiii Choice Lino of Kerf, Veal,
Bacon, Lanl anil Country I'roilure Kejit on
Mutton, I'ork,
han. I at llie
City Meat market
At The Old Stand
l'rine ille, Oregon
inci'ille's llthtiltsalt j&quor Jfous
Fino Winuo, Liquors and Cigars, also
Solo Agents for Hop Gold Door and
the Famous Napa Soda
r,cam.Il37- Xxad.c ' Solicited.
The Opera Saloon
BEDELL MOSES, Proprietors
In The ;iae Hall
A First (ilass House
in Fvery Respect
tJ Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines
jvj and Cigars
$ Shanico lJaroiousc Co.
of .l:unes 1. !
Anv and all nersonn cJuiinin Hdversetc ! " ' ' ! Ij-UHrClian
r . . ,, , " , ' i .Macliregor, Ilece:i-e l.
Dated this llth dav of .Ian. I'.in;
the aboTe-described lands are requested to
file their claimsiu this office on or before
said 16tb day of February, 190U.
Michaki. T Nolan, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Jjind Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
January 31, lw;.
Notice is liereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his
Notice lor Publication.
I eparlinent of the I nterior,
Land Office at The Dalle. Oregon,
January 31, l!XXj.
Notice is hereby given tl'at the following-named
settler has fib' I notice of his
intention to make proof in support of
his Adaim, and that said prnof will be
made before the County Cieik of Crook
. .1 .1.. c..l f :.. . I
inttuuu... w.m"r4, I . . V,1 , rl!Coiintv at J'rineville. Oregon, o March H.
of his claim, .and that said prool will be . , , h ,,, ill(.vilit.,
. 1 I- J7. Aim fAsan(r flnsir kf f 'inb '
maueoe.o.c Oregon, on II. E. No. ssiis, for the SE
County at Prtneville, Oregon, on JMarch H, , sw, ,
1906, ria: Fred E, Stuart, of Prinevillc,
.. . . V- -ira ft.. vie . "l.i l '
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed Guardian of
the person and property of Prentice M.
Pitaer, and all persons having claims
against the .Mtate of the said minor are
hereby notified to pre-ent them to me at
my resilience on Willow creek, Crook
County, Oregon.
Prinevillc, Crook county, Oregon, Jan
uary, U, I!!.
Mary II. Pitkb.
Agency tor McLall t fatterns. fnce 10 and 15 cts. r
; H
N 'H
virvv'tf:'a"vw"'j'if'"ir w r v m- vs v w
aV.jAkjft.rfV JTW A A !. A A A 3 rf A M. c3m JBU aftt jV JUtJte. imi jk tfb.Ji, X
in E., Lot a, i
Sick Headache. -This
distressing ailment regultK from
a disordered condition (f the stomucb.
Sr.-. ii. Tp. 14 i All that is needed to ettect a cure is a
! dose or two of Cliamlierlain's Stomach
following witnesses to ; and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack
is residence upon and ; lls..v )(! warded off. or greatly lessened
n severity, by taking a dose of tlieae
, Sec. 81, Tp. 13 S.. I
xvvif sivri - c
t f k' .TTU r... k... Vt'iy : ' '
Oregon, on n. r. iu. i no, en mc ;' " : g,jUtn jja H. W M
Section 14. i p. 14 ft., k. lor.., w. Re nal)Ill
He names the following witnesses to provc hi's
prove nis conunuoun .cs..,,.,. . .. ,.ultiviltion f .., ,., viz
enltiviition of snid land, vu: M. J). ,, .... ,. ,
"- . , ji. ivijaiiaui, i.. -in r.ieneii, 1 1 j , i . ...... t
Powell, Issac Spears. Jfenry 'Grimes and ; Arnold. and James Cat. trill, nil f I 1 ablets as noon an the brut symptom of
John Grimes all of Prineville, Oregon. : Prinevillc, Oregon. an attack appears. Sold by 11. I
Michael T. Nolan, Register. Micii.ux T. N', Register. 1 Adanifcoii. -
v Uliam ;
have ninny l:i til if il l"ilcs igns in
Fall ninl WinD r lluis. Tlio winter
styli'K nre f;ra(!i'iisl.v vnrieil hVcoinin
ncss is the kryindf.j I.tit, coup' ninl. j-ee."
Tin most chariiii nu Imts of t hrJJ soiihoii
are in eviilenee,; iiicifnJiii' tin- small
Togius, Turbnrir.. uml Maxim Klliot.
Orders tnkcii fr Corsets ;iml Ludicsl
KashioiiMhlii Taylor M u il e S n i 1 s;
Taylor & McCallister P0R,RN1
PhinanllnJvliuniln him
)1IUIIIIU uiuu
Prineville "and
Leaves Shaniko, 0 p. m. Arrives at pr'uievillo fl . niv
Leaves I'rineville 1 p. in. Arrives 'at Khanik la. m.
First Class Accommodations
General Storage, Forwarding
A N l
Commission Merchants
Jh'd leTfi in Blue ksinitli Con I, Klonr, Harhril W.iic,
Niiilti, Ccinciit, Iiinc, Coal Oil, Plaster, '.Sulpliur,
Wool and (irain, Sacks anil Twine, (irain anil Feetl.
Agi-nls fur Wasco Wa rehouse Milliiif" (!o's, "While
liiver" and ."Halleis Patenl" Flonr. - UinhcHl priir
iiiitl for Hides and Pelts. " : :,. , . .
Special Attention it'' paid lo Woo (iradinn ami
Jiiiling for. ICast ci'u Shiiiiieiits. , , ,,'
Stork Vurds with all the latest and IichI. facilities
for Handling; Stock.
77prJc 2our Soods in Care of
m si
(s. w. Co.- is
r 1
U J)
5 t