. J. Local Mention Im Si'iili w i- In I hi' illy (nun Iteliil lllla VVii'k, I'. V. Siiillli it In limn limn iilii" J'lii'k I In1 lti l n( I In vi-l. I In In lit, in I It " I'iimIi lii'iH i-rv fur lllll' lllllllH'M, llJH'1111. lift 1 It Mil I III III. Tlir il i , "'I'Im M t' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nf Vi'ii In" Im llxi'il ii I'llilnv I'VflilliH. Mn ifli Mm. .1. W. Will,- i.( Staler. U In the rll.v Mllinr with Mr, ninl Mix. I', II Hiilx llnuli I.IhIi'i n iil M'vi'i'iil iIuh In I ii H I Iih week In tin It ti-t Iim l uiirh nil CiiiiiI.iiI rler. Dull llllllli' hnn uulii In I lilriiun w lii'ii In w III i ehe li'i'iiliiii'iil fur mi nl 1 1 1 1 mI I In' "I'lnr. I li m'l rll i nil' ri;u until Vim ee lilnVI'l'. Ill' l llhMUX III till' Illiirlti'l ninl ni. m I In lilutii'Mi pili'i' In fiinli. If ymi tt lxli tu'lni.v MiiK'ir by I n mm I, in- iiiiiiii'il Kunilri In' tln Yam tnll A III HUM' IIHHIi'V to nee lilllVl't'. ii i'l K'' T. Sl. . I lie UiihIiiihI lilin k hiiiHIi, miihIii I'rlni'N lllr Nitliiilii.v u( teuilluu: In IiiimIiii-hm In ln rlrrk'n nttlie I). I' Mi uMi t, ..f tin' I'rliti-t nullum- lllllln, ll'l III lll'll I'lll-Milil V ll-nlJI u IhinIih'mm rli Iii I In- lliiyHlMi k ilUtllil. -'ii.m1 llllvi'ii, h Im h li'iirlilliK I In i In ml In ln llayiirk illll'lrl, wax III tin rlly Hiiliii'iln.v luuklntf nficr IhihIiii'Hm unit li'i H. 'I'll' Vinlr, I It 1 . 1 ll.'iiilil of .limn itl'.V :1l llllllMinii'eM the lien III ii the .viiimii ilillil nl Mr. ninl MrM. s. I:. Ilaiiilltnii, Mr. Ilmnllliiii Turiiierly H'hIiIi'iI lien. T. !. l-emli. of Culver, wnn lit ItlWII I'll IH'i III , III' 1'iii-m much urtlvlty III liwlliu there, the i-eeeiit tnliiH ninl hiiiiw linvlnif iut the mh III Hue mIiiih fur w ui klilu ll'. lillll S. New mini wiim uver front l.nlilliiw Imtt Suliinhiy rluijliiK up it li'iuil In Im' iimmI In IiIh prufeH. luiiiil IiunIiiihm, r. NeWMiuii re. HirtM Hint he m t'liji,. Iuk h nteuillly liie reiiMliiu priii'tlee ninl Im eut IhihImk I Ii-(iliniil Hie f u t ii it nl hi iuluiti'i Imvn. Kervlee Ml the I'lVMliy telilin i lnnt h ih I SiiihIkv w n- an fol low: Snlilinth Mi'liiml nl In a. in. I'lt'iii'liiim nl II. Miilijii't, "The luttt n( enrl h ii Hi I I he ile ii rent of heaven." thrlHtlini Ciiili'ii mi- at 7 p. in. Muli)e-1. fur eveiiliiK wriimii at 7 -hi, The I'l'iillunl liinmhii-r" A nl wii.vm all nre oinllnlU Invlliil i I 1 11 HI' HrV Ire. Minimi InstriimpnU W All KiinU, in ntylen Hun nie up Ui ilnle ninl price llinl nre ri(lit. Ciair w AMI I'lllt'K Tllt M D. P. Adamion & Co. V.. V. lllll lell of ISewJ W III Hie rll V yelerin v. Ne Hie lint i liMilmt "III. Iiill e lire Hi'lilnn uriM'i-rlex nt 1 1' ilii a iiiiI I'll- eex. C, A. Ill f'Vl II, 1 1 Ml It 1 1 ill "f the ImiIi-Iici- lillll of While lllll of I'-' ll'l WW In "lilx Irlul IV tlilx Week liil.vlliu rill lie, Mr. mill Mi I'.alhinl Ull.-x. of I jilillnw. an In the elty for ii wii'k vlxll llli Mix lllle luolher, Mrx, Clinlrn S wallet , S, '. Conroy, lliilliiiner of the Mini run MIIIIiik ninl Meri'iuitlle l.'o.. w ax In 1'iliiet III.- Mnliiliiy lookinu nfler I he liili ii xlx of MmiIitix Hour. A Siiliilny Mi hool Ihix Ix eii orumi I .ii I In the ('In IhI Inn i hiiiili Ahlch w ill iin-et remihirly eer,v Hiitiilny nl p. in llolii. I). Smith lx xiiht liili'iiileiil ninl lli-il'i-rl Itlileont iix. xlxtmil Miiiel Inteinleiil . Cl.tile lllll. 1. 1 liiii M'inleiie, rit ently emiii' to Crook eoiuity ninl took rharife of lie Hill nlork ninl lanrhi'x lit rotvell Kill ten. lie Mill devote hlx (line to the rnlHliu; ami tiiiirket IliM of hoiw-x. Mr. lllll Mxnt Mev era I ilayx In I'rluevllle IIiIh week. W. I'. llmiinier of llayxlMik hue I'om Imli'il to enter the rare for thu ilt-i.iiM i'ii I It- iioinliiailoii of elerk. Mr, lliniiiner Iiiih lllleil the olllee creilll iil.ly In I .Inn I'iniiil.v, ami will ilmiht i'x ninke xoiue Ii i I r I kinx kx In the effort to his' n iv the ollli-e. Jiuilier CJirle No. 37. Women of Wooilernft III lve ii Krmnl Imll nt I'. A, A. c. hall tomorrow, ( Friday) evening to whlih nil nre i-ordlnlly Invited. The lluor iiiminerx will U Maud N'ainli'l niiil, Julia I.ylle, Lottie 'rain, Sarah' Thoinxoii nud I. II. I'ollldexler. Uii.v A. Cook, w ho w ax owner of the ilelul . Silver Ulke xtaire Hue, Hold hlx lnlerexlx to hlx lu'otlu-r the flmt of the year, tiny wan In I'rluevllle IiimI week on hlx way to hlx olU home In IVlinxyh unlit for ii tlxlt, hut ex HVtM to return to I Mm enmity lient Hprliitf, Judd Itohifr mid T. J. ICimlx, hurHeliiiyerx from Wnlla Wnlhi, lire now at Hotel I'rluetUle. They hnvp eouie to Crook county for the pnr iom or ImyliiK u InrKi iiuiulnr of horm-x eltlier hrokeu or uuhriiken mid nre HMt'lally ilenlroiiM of nir cliaxlim horxcx that will wel(h K1H) til l.'llHt. It. v.J. A. Mill hell. iiiMlor of the I'ri-xliyterlan rhurt li, had n narrow exenlM Iriiiu ilenth one day Inxf week. tie tt ax rlliKluu "" ImII MtalidiUK 1 1 hev diit-etly Ih'iii'mIIi It In the anteroom, w hen the HI pound elaper i-nme looxe floin the hell and fell, ha rely iiiImmIiih him, mid crrtxlilnif a hole tliroliuh the tloorlliK nt hlx feet. Since MIhm Alke Smith, Mienonrn plier, hax Ixi'ii put to work !y the eoiiuty court on the neordhiK of the dit'dx and other documentx nct-tnnn- laieil In the ( Ink'x ntllce the work Im riipldl.v Im'Iiiu i-lriiitil up mid It will I Heorne W. WhllMeli una In town , from lieml .Monday. . We Im ve on hand n Kit; fiipply of , Stewnrt Ie IKmIhoum I'nre lj-nt Lirl. j J. K. Krr.WAiiT k Co, i f d 2s. I J. Ilixley lluxton U Onw foiflami of thi Maker Hty IMmH riit w hw h pox! tlotl he held In-fore unl UK to .Mn nt Iii. Johll Hlxemore tin pioneer of the llend country wan In the city nt teiullMK to luixliiexn Motnlny mid Tuindny. A. I). I'lke hax on-ned u hoot and xhiM-rvpulrlnic Hhop In the Milldlnx iM-cupled hy Harvey Cyrun with htn Jewelry ntore. .lohll 1 1 II Ii ley hnn U-HMtw tl- lexl nt a Me on north Main hi lift formerly conducted hy lluuh llie nud In ox-ii renily for IhimIim-mm. 1'i-rry I.ouk, the .jiular har mini for O'Nrll I'.ron., npi-nl n few dnyn vncntlounl the coiupmiy'n farm nt Forent the hint of I he week. ( County Clerk J. i. Smith han re ceived from the Heereinry of Stnte nil the niiiplliM fur flu prliunry elee tlnun for Crook county. Mrx. J. . Hoone In UuW nt the (IimhI Samaritan lloxpltal In 1'ort laml where nhe In rwelvltin lnnt inetit for her even. At hint refiort xho wnn ImprovInK nicely. Ou.v I.nfullett lnprepnrln to move Into the tto Urny nuldenee irn nrty which he pundmneil noine two ui out I in nico from I. I,. Ketchum. Jake Stroud who now iSnldn there will ifinovt" to the pron-rty on the north bunk of the (Khmo nn the went Hide of Mnlll ntreet. IjihI Monday Landlord I'erry I'olndexter rotnmenceil the work of rennvHtliijr the Hotel Polndexter which will lnnpnn'rwl and rcpnlnt id throiiMliout. New linoleum will In laid on the ofllce floor and thin populiir tioHtetry will nblne like the fnee of the nun when the Improve inentM now Im-kud hnve lieen I'ouipli'ted. M. F. Hawthorne and wife of Iton Innd wen In town thin week. They wen enlleu on account of the illiu-nn of tlM-lr clnnithter. Mm. Jnimn Carter of thin city, who hnn nen nfllctel with a nerloiiM nllmetit of her throat. Mr. nud Mm. Hawthorne had a hard time mnklrin the trip out on aeeiiunt of the deep miiow on the roudn. It look them three dayn to come fi'iim Id mla rid to I'rluevllle. The flmt day ifiu heil C. It. Alleu'n place couiluu 10 mllen In wven Iioiiik. The next iIh.v tliey renchiiJ IS'iul, miiklnit ulmut 15 ml lex In nine lioum. Thenuow nt the Kin Mendown In X firt de'i nud the rond dottoni In very noft. only Im a matter time w hen the tank nud the paM'-n that mo Ioiik can all In-ownem. of a few week'M w ill Im tlnlxhiil have Ixi'ii held retnrniMl to the We an Aaeutn for flie Koyal Tailors of Chicago the lat'Kvxtt Me rchnnt Tnilorlntr F.ntnhllnh metit In the World. J. K. STFW'AIIT 4 Ct. Ill Winter Clearance Sale To avoid carrying anything in Winter Wear over until Next Season we are making great reductions all along the line. Now is the time to supply your needs, as we are making prices never before heard of in Prineville All Goods First Class and Good Values at Our Regular Price Women's $1.20 Underwear 95c Silver dray unilenwr, purl wool regular price $1.20 Spccinl . . . 95c 85c Union Suits 60c Ladies lienvv cotton I'nioii Miils rcjinlnr nt S.r Special 60c Ladies' $2.25 Sweaters . . $1.45 llcst iii:lilv all wool Sweater! in Hhie, W'liile and Ked Special . . . .$1.45 Infant's Bootees 1 5c Our rculiii' '2.V V-nltu in Infants , llootecH Special 15c Ladies' Shawls and Fascinators Values up to 1 .AO .80c Men's $3.50 Underwear $2.35 Our I nut (Summit, Kxltn Heavy all wool. Regular :5..r,( .$2.35 Medium Weight all Wool Underwear 2..r0 Value $1.95 $1.50 Underwear $1.05 Urtoil quality extra heavy fleeced I'nderwenr '.$1.05 Men's $1. SO Sweaters ......... 1.10 Heavy all wool Sweater, ICxlia good value nt $l.fi0 Special 1.10 Extra Fine Quality Sweaters in JMuck, White and l?l..c $2.-W alue ; . 1.95 In Rubber Goods, Felt Boots, German Socks, Etc., we will meet any Reasonable Price named by others. Send us your Mail rders; You will be treated just the same as if you were here in person. J. E. STEWART & CO. SALE CLOSES FEBRUARY 10th, 1906 I'hlllp KnitM-en wan over from ISemJ hint Friday nfter a loml of feed. For exeeptlonnl Vflhun In winter ioiJ notice th jirlren we are ndver IIhIiik. .1. H. Mlewart Co. Ilarvev liorrmiee U In from liln hum mill Ix-youil Tumalo nnd reoort liiOiliH-KM run hi nj In tin- lumlier line. Service n iimwil nt the M. K. Church tieit Munday. Morulnn ner Hiori; 'One who never fall;" even ItiK. "A graeioun Invitation." Vnrreu Urowu, of Culver, who hint lieeii ineiitlolie.l um a catidldat on the ilemiKTHtU- tb'ket for eounlv clerk w a In the city hint week. He a.r that he doe not Intend to enter the rnee for that olfh-e. Clnrencc V. FXk. of UnyMlin k, wiih In I'rliie llle Sntiirday and while liere filiil on i hommtead claim. The land Is located ou the lower Crooked river and Mr. KmIik Will ln'irln lit onee the Work of lin- lrmliic Ir. Frank l.ouu. of Font, who hii lieen ittlendlutc the lieittel ISunlneHS Colk-m nt K-ottle, for the iiimI year, wnn In the city today on hin way home. Mr. Lour Iuim com jili-ted the cou me of study nt the ISiminesM Col lege mid fXfMi'lN to make IiIh resh dence in CriKik county. W. F. Hammer, of HayHtnek, wa In I'rluevllle Snliirdny. returnliiK home Sun. lav. lie nays that ,. V. Uoyce han lm-n ftipolntiil iont- mHHler nt Ifnystack and that his honds have already leu forwiirdul to the department. The post office Will In at Mr. lioyee'a rvMidcuce. Mr. Hammer was otin aster hut has resigned. MrM. C, M. Steffii, nnd her son lion F., editor of the Journal, went to Portland Monday. After a visit In Portland Mm. Steffn will go to Washington polntn to visit friends and will proliably from there go to Chicago, her old home. Don will spend the week In Portland on IiuhI ness ninl return to Prineville the latter part of this week. A change linn lieeii mailt- In the Sisters mall schedule to take effect February. 4. The servk-e has lm-n Increased seven iluys a week. MallM will leave Prineville dally after the arrival of the Shanlko stage hut not later than 'I p. in. and lay over nt (line Falls at night. Thin will have the effect of giving Itcdmond and (.'Hue Falls the railroad mail 1 hours earlier than at pnncnt. and Sisters a t mn t i hour earlier. The Find National ltmik has lieeii removed Into the new building and the ofllccH nre now In the rear of the building reached hy the aide en- trrnee. The tiled flooring on the front has not yet lsiu placed. As norm hs thin has been laid tin IiiihI nens wlllts ofKMied up in the front of the elegnnt new structure- The old building was removed this week to the property iKxttpied by the city jail and will Is used for a city hall. The new Prvuhytcrian church Is now free from debt. This Ik the an nouncement made by the pnstor, the Itev. J. A. Mitchell from the pulpit last Sunday and a rising vote was taken in expression of the gratitude felt for this fact. Mrs. T. M. liald. win and Mrs. .1. II. Crooks wer. named as a committee to iiivscni the thanks of the congregation to the trustees of the church for their uutlriug work in managing affairs so thai the debt has been paid. 4 STEWART HODSON'S Choice Home Cured 4 J. E. STEWART I CO. ft'TWVVFVV! Arthur P. lonohue was in town from haiillaw Saturday and Sunday. Helms sold the I.nldlaw Chronicle the local pas-r which lie has Im-cu publishing tlierc for tin- past two months, to Win P. Myers, mi atlov- ney who recently hn-ated in I.aiil law. from lone. The Chronicle was at tiiit published by Messrs. Wallace Jc Ponohnc. but Mr. !onohuc pur chased the interests of Fred X. Wal lace, and has now sold out to Mr. Myers. Mr. Iiouohue will devot his time to liiH real estate hiisineus and to liis In nd interests which he owns In that h- ciion! Although uumet'ous reports have been In circulation concerning the letting of mail contracts for rout's out of Prineville. they seem mle without foundation us the reports that apis'ur to be the most authen tic nre to the effect that none of the several routes have yet Iveen award ed or hud not b.vn up to January '27. Telegraphic advice was received In Prineville by interested parlies direct front the department on that date staling that none of the routes had yet lsvii awarded. Yesterday was the last da v for wit holding the awards and they must of necessity lie made public at once. Born. : To the wife of Win. I). Arnold, Wednesday, January 21, n ten! pound son.- . i t FARMERS IILIOUi: ItlVINi; yoUK I'l.OW I'll IS SI'KIMi CAM. AM) S Our New No. 5 Oliver Gang Plow Meats v ? -if -y r . it ' r k it.i. i. i k. . - t s i ry.;: ?r ' s x xr-'k x iff LIGHT DRAFT ADJUSTABLE FRAME SCOURING QUALITIES When litle-l with the N. C. 12 li'.l turns tliis plow will scour in the stickiest ground". The adjustable Iramc combines a 12. 14 and 1G inch gang plow in one Irame and can'fie lilted for 2 or -3 base. This Icalure lias many advantages, one ol which is thai you can always adjust your plow to the- team instead ol De'nU compelled to get team enough to pull the plow, A FULL LINE OF LIVER PLOW REPAIRS 11? r i c J r .i u r i tj ct L J r i L J r i c J ri Li r.t Li r i LJ ra L. J r.i L J LJ r.a ri LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ r i L J Ik JW Jw JC JL JL Jl, Jk Jfc, JL JL JL JL Jk Ji.. A I SS il j1 ji v jL&w i inn n Given by the Prineville Base Ball Club ATHLETIC HALL St. Valentine's Day, Wednesday, February 14 1905 Supper at The O'Neil Restaurant The Best Music and Floor Managers will be had TICKETS $1.00 . JL JU JL AC JL Jl J T4 T m T T &4 T4 T4 iZt tZ Y K T4 T4 ?m7fm JJ the LATESTl In card games are to Annul at Ailiouf-'onV. YVY have Block Panic 15 Fiincn ft Sherlock Holmes Trolley, Etc., Etc. ffl M:ilOiilers Answered Promptly 1). 1. Adamson & Co, Notice to Debtors. ... . . . i i ,ii wirtiew Knowinu ineniNeivex n -; Nleliteil to the unilerHijineil tirtn.! kinilly nettle their neeounts n sunn' ns poH.silile. We hnve eoiislilernlile ' money oiitHtiiiRlinji unit the cloHinu ; of both Mtuall ninl In rpre mvountsj will lie enteetned a fn vor. I Smith XX'i.khk; I 2 I 2 'I! 8 2 .1 a f j! - Ui a 52Cirv iitiiiiiiiriij"iitfin,i(.Tif-i-"-' if-1 ttt" "'jLr' aafcilwir'i-T"--r"i'"J'tfv t, ' - : a k- - v - ; ' . 3 Ti; V . t - -i tfma'iMSl-aifeie witfrti rih Mftf-iijrjrf-jyKJw CJ ra LJ r.a LJ c.a LJ r.a lj r.a L J C3 ca ca ca ca ea ca ca L J ca ea ca ca ca La ca 3 ca ca LJ ca La ca ca ca 2 ca LJ r,a uj