Get Your Clothes Cleaned i iVifo iff m John l!ynn win nvcr (rum lil riim-li nt the Tulli'K I Ik- Im-m-IuiIi- tin- llrxt .if tin- wn l.. I luve opiiii'il j ilullirs ilrjiiiin ami prt-ssing lioi in llir ri-V ul llydr f MiRar ..nlr slu.ii. wlirtr u-. 1.. .. ... i.. .. .... .. i " iiiiit ifaiiiiH' in mnii iittiii 'W. . Iilii ruin' 1 1 ii I I ul i Tn.-tfitji v inn L ii I'M ' mv I tun ur liitiiiil Irmii 8 . in. In H p. in. I lir wink i ilunr tiqht at reason a Ur jirim. Sin.ill njiairv C.A.MDDLE filial priMif nil ii ili-M-i t i liiiiu ('. V. KlklitM u l iii'iti'it Imhiii' l.i'-1 w'n-k (nun ii Mini- ii k' In I'm llillil mill lit (ul llli-l Imhiii-nt I.Oi-, 'iiIiImuIiiii O. ('. WIIkoii, mIiii Iiiim Im-i-ii i-iii-.iiI' on tin-. I. It. I'oilH-tt rillirll III twin III till- i-lt.T VI-xtlTllllV III! Ill WltV III HlMtl-rn. I. S. I.iiuiin nliirin'il Tim-hiIii.v jfrnlil il Illinium. m I lii I't u l III iii I. I A Imliy liu.v wiim Ihii-ii i'iIiii'kiIii.v un-riilim in i In- Id-nl Mr. I'l ii y It. ImIm, Local Mention I'lmpli-Wrliclit w'iih iliiwii f n mi IiIh ih liiH ii iniii'li tin Urxi i.l Hi.- tvii k. ll'lHKI- Itulill llllil Hull H'l-11- ililW M fixiii I'liulliui iliuliii; tin- Iiin nt i In' wiik, W. .1. Hi-iiil.-rx.iii wint 1 1 . i it in I 'nil III III llll II llllxllll-MH Uil Ml. II- lay iiini'iilnu. If .vim wlxli tu liu.v Kiiuiir li.v llii' MH-k. nr I'lllilliil KihiiIh Ii,v tin- i-nw .v-iii w ill money tn lllini-i. Alli,.i t c.iliu, a nt.N-ktiiuii ri-.nii ti.; i'l'i tliiml ihhI nt SlHtl-I'M I'lllthlrv. tvil III llll-i-llt Mini. ' itt I v. ilny iiihITiii-kcIi v. . .. ll-ul'Ui- I Ni-ll mill wlfi-wi-ri-mil tn Mii.vnr Wnmtvi-lli-r tvt uriii-il Ihiiihv Iti-ml fur ii fnv iIiivh' vllt .liiilnu t lt TtuMilii.v from it IhimIih-mm nI-Ii iftipiiHt wii-k. Tlnv wi-nt iiruiiinl ly wwnil vvi-mUh In I'urlluiKl , tin- t ,uin- J'Iih- ('uiiiimiy 'm in ih-Ii ii t Kliul IIiihIuii, wIki wiin ruiuit.V Miirvi-ynr nf Trunk county fur 0 yi-nrx, Im i IithIiIIiiic H'tltluiiM In Mii'iiri lil iiuinltiiit Inn in April fr lln- xll MM- nlllri-. Iiiii-rlur work In tin- w-w I'lrxt Nut Ii him I IiiiII.IIiilc will lx- i-uiiiii'i'il tlilx wit-k iiikI tlx- nlil IhiIIiIIiil; will lx- viu-iiti-il nx ii hi ax Itx i-iititi-litx I I'lin lx- iimvi-il lulu tin- Mtone wnx In Intnii'lnrr. Win ..I-1 It. K. SIiiiikiii m nt liix iiii- uf liiixiiii-xx iikiiIii Hfn-r it Ki-vi-n- iittni k Arthur Wurfcvti-lli-r n-iurin-il liuini. uf iIm-iiiiimIImiu. Il.-U nrrmiuliiK to ili Inxt uf tin-wiik from n vlxlt In : IriM-xniiii-ilnii-ni-x t tvii-k fur lint Inxi-pli, Wiillnwn j'Sirlnux, Ark., wlu-ri' In- will tnki tn-iit iiii-iiI. W, II. I'.ililMiiiit; wax Don't xi-ll ymir i-KUx illllll you m- I ilnvi-r. Ili-lx nlwiiyx In tin- intiikrtj nml iii,vx tin- lilulii-xl irlic In Ciixli. i l . M. Miulil, uf l.nlilliiw, lutvn Moiiilny tn iitti'inl tlir llll II lllxliilliitlnn. I'n-il U iillm i' wnx nvi-r f r. mi l.nlil Im w Muiiilny tu ntti-iul tin- liixinlli lluil of Mixli-rn WoihIiiii-ii iiltlc.Tx. In in Ul o i w'x i'iihIi lirix't-ry for flni- iuliitix-x, luii oii, limn im. I Imd Or. t'lnrk unit wlfi- k-ft tin- Inxt of tin- tvti-k fur l.aiiiuiilii mnl mirriitiiiil' ln i-uiiiitry ttlii-n- th.- Dr. will h-iniiln until In l-Vtmutr.v nt li-intliiu tit IiIh ilcllf III IIHI'lrl-. Wi lint)-on limiil it xnppl.t of StiMVnrt ft lloilxiin l'nn- 1-nf Lunl. J. i:. Srt w AMT A I ii. I f il Wt ii n- imt t'loxlni; out, tint wi- nri-, u-llliiK urix-i-rii-N nt climliiu out pr. h, V, A. lll.OKII. I "i nt- I. W. Ilminni-r mux In tin- rlty M.iinlny frmii llnyxtiirk wlii-n-. In xm tx, tin- iiiciit lirii y minx nml NIIUWH tilt Vt li'H-ll nf l; li-ll I Im-iii-IiI In tin' ri in II 1 1, lii-oiU'' Mlllrf llllil lti-li ll. lll l. II. nf I. nninniii, w.-ii-Iii l'i Inm illi-Muinliiy i-vi'iilnu on thilr wny up Crunkril rlvi-r tu i-itmiiini' n iiviiIhk ptiwpii l. John hii-iill, uf I'h ihI, fuiiiL.-rly of tin1 lH-xi:liuti'M l.iiinlM-r roiiipmiv, piiHxi-tl tlirmiKli l'rliii t III.- 'I'lii-Milny ou lilx wny to lil fui'iiii-r liotm- In II. -miI.IJI. Minn. I.IW II fi-niil tin-Mn my roiuilry tin flrxt of tin-wii-k. Tin i-oiiipiiny In-1 liid-n-xli-.l In lx pntllnu up it xliiuli- mill to rim In i .niii.-i wild tin- kiiw mill plant . Tin- i-uiiipmiy lx inii-tlnu with it ri-mly illMpnxnl of lix liiiiiU-r mill Iiiim Ihi-ii -!itf jio. I In plmiintf fur tin miirki-t wlmt It linx on Ininil. ilini-r fyrnx wax In tin- city from Cnlvt-r Siitnnliiy, Hi- witxitppoiitti'.l iiiii-of tin-i li-rkx of lilxiixtrk-t nt tin litxt m-xxIoii of tin- i-oiinty i-oiirl, toi t Iiiih iiutllii-il llii- rnimly rli'i k llinl In will imt ipinlify. Mr. fyrnx will Ii-iivi- fur tin- Wlllmiii-I it- Vnlli-y in Mny witli a Imiii li uf num.-Ii.irx.-x Wllll ll III- Will lliXpOMI' of tlll-IV llllil will not n-tiirn until nfii-r tin- Jinn- l-lilllull. f. I. Winni-k will Ii-iim u rit.-nd,-,! vlxlt In fiillfoiulii will ku frmii Ih-iv to Nmi i rmn-lxi o! Hii-ii.'i- tu Hun ii-i5 nml huh tln-rii fallfnruiit piilni mnl cN--tx i.iIh-nlw.-iil h.iiiii- four or lltf wiN-k. It Iff lit Sirvtculii tln I'li-xliyli-i Inn i liiiii ii in-st Siinility iih folio wn: Munilny i-hoo nt In ii. m. IMi-xtlon for II n. m. "Why lx tin- Worhl Sy I.mKi. mnl tln-flinn liSo Snmir.'" f lu-lxtlmi Kmli-utor nt 7 p. in. IVm for 7:'i "SM-k V l lrxt tlu'MnniloiiiofliiMl." i f. W. folli.t ii-turiii-il Momliiy Moiiilnv (rt'r"'" " ,r''' "ir""'4'' I'l"''" wIumv In- .. vixiii-ii xi-vrriii I'linriu-M. in- xiitx II' . ... . . . ' NUM'K roll. Ill lollx lll l- lit IIIH- xlllH' I lii-ri- lint lut lx Hi-lliiiLr for I no iiuli-li I piii'it. Tin- winti-r linx lxi-n inuivj ' HI'Vl-11- I linn lll-ll- Illllt lll'llf1 ximtv Im i Jt ; fnllt-n. f iiliM-iili-r art' nl work ln Inu tin- 1 g m .TV. m km xrw mm n wm wm mm mm mm m llownnl I-. Join- mnl wlli- wt-r- Wi- mi- Ap-nlx for riie Hiival Tailors nf I'lihuo t In- Ini'ici "! M i-re II .'I II t Tiilloiiii I". xt n lillxli ni. -nl In tin- Wi.r hi. .1. K. STKWAltT & '). III'W rlnl. Imwlliiu lllli-.V III tin- Atllli-tic II- lx t-vptx liil llii- nll.-y will I m- i a M-;.l l ...... . b instruments j? Musical All Kin. Is, in xttlex tlmt r up tu dnii mi.) prji-p ihitt r- riijlit. Ciimi; i AMI 1'Klrr Tn KM Nl ' f suaillivil UL VVS for ll-ah. nit t In- llrxt of I lit timiilh. Tin- m-w p. ml Ititili- Iiiim nlxu Ihi-ii xliippiil mnl I now in iSliitnlko. Ii will U- f.n uarili-.l mnl t up IiihIiIc of a f.-w ilaM. i. W. Itni-ni-lt wiih In tin- illy yt-xti-rilny from lilx rnn.-h al fnlvt-r. Mr. Itnrii-lt linx rii-i-iiily i-iiam'.l In ii. i. ... i i...i....uu ..I i-..i. .. I'MHV lllirm- l-n fit . lll.l'l V llllil Ih liaiulllnu improvt-.l nml nn k IllllU'ot i-il lill'lll in that 1 1 IMl i-la-t wlii-ii- tlii-ii' will l- i-oiiHiili-rnlilt- It! i iirllx it v thlx u-iir in 1'Hlnti' trmiMfi-rx. oi'i- from Iti-ilmoiiil yi-xti-iilny. Mr. .loiii'x lx mnkliiu pri-pariitioii to k" Into tin- ii-al i-xtiiti- linxlm-xx nl il nioinl llii- lirxl of tin- month. H miii tin- Wnii-r lVt-iM' ArixiM-tatloii, whlili wax fornn-'l tht-ri- n xliort tlini- iitfn, liinl i-oinpli-ti-il iirranp--mi-nix toi-n-1'i a IniiMli'ic whi. li lln-y will iiw for th.-lr in.i-t iiijr". Mr, Joiii-m lx i-nt hnxiaxi ii- ovi-r tin proxiHi'ix of that portion of tin roitnty ami Im out- of n nuinb.-r of 1-in-rm-tir ami hnxtlliiu; n.-w i-oim-rx into tin- I'oiinly who an- liooxtini; for i-vi-rytliinti protr.VMxivt-. Winter Clearance Sale T?.v.l carrying anything in Winter Vear over until Next Season we are making great reductions all along the line. Now is the time to supply your needs, as we are making prices never before heard of in Prineville All Goods First Class and Good Values at Our Regular Price Women's $1.20 Underwear 95c Silver (in-y vimlorwi-r, purl wool ri'Kt.lnr prion ll.'iO Special 95c 85c Union Suits 60c I.mlii'M In-uvy cotton Union cuit K'liulitr t" SMM:iul 60c Ladiei $2.25 Sweaters $1.45 lU'ft iualitr all woo Sweaters in Blue, White nml Red Special $1.45 Inf ant's Bootees 1 5c Our reRular 2fto Vnlne in Infants llootees Special 15c Ladies' Shawls and Fascinators Values up to $1.50.- 80c ! Men's $3.50 Underwear $2.35 Our 1h?m (ianiient, Kxtin Heavy all wool. Kenular f.'i.50 ..$2.35 Medium Weight all Wool Underwear ..ri0 Value $1.95 $1.50 Underwear $1.05 Good quality extra heavy lltveeil Umlerwear $1.05 Men's $1.50 Sweaters 1.10 Heavy all wool Sweaters, Kxtra good value at $l.r0 Special .v. 1.10 Elxtra Fine Quality Sweaters in Black. While and Blue Mtlue 1.95 In Rubber Goods, Felt Boots, German Socks, Etc., we will meet any Reasonable Price named by others. Send us your Mail Orders; You will be treated just the same as if you were here in person. J. E. STEWART & CO SALE CLOSES FEBRUARY 10th, 1906 For rx.eplloiiul viilnex In winti-r' K""'lx notice the pi i-. tve lire n.lver-; tlwlmr. .1. II. Nii-w art t o. j S.oii liiimil nrrlvi-il Iii Ihi-i-lty I. il ! wh I Mini haw 'nki-ii n poxillnii tit I i;ii.-'I'olix.iiiiil pnl' Mr. liiointi I- a lilxl eliixx w oi klnoi hntlim lu-lil poxillolix in the lx-l xhopx on th- , i-oiixi, Mi-xxrx ImrlliiK 4 'o i-ll nr . fori niiale In xiTiirinif hix xi-rt Urn. , lii-orici- t'.vrux wax in liniii Nll.-r-laxf wii-k nll.'li.llni; to himl tiiixlm-xx. Mr. Cyrnx iiiihIi- final proof on u ih-x-rt Imi.l clnliii two yi-urx nn, Imt ha.l lilloweil hix film- to i-lnpm ahoiit II ilayx. In eoiixi-inii-iiri- the Imnl olflrhilx have nxki-il him IokUp reitxoiix for I he ili-lay ln-for ixxiiln hix pnli-iil. Ililml hillx an-1 nit it i n ii i m -1 1 1 l i In f Hull xehool mlnxlrel whii h will lx iciven in Athli-lli-hall Malunl'iy i-n--lilnif, relirimry 'A. Tin- inlvixe ix tcli'en that If mi xtny lioun-i on will mlxx tin- i-iiil wili-nl of xi-vi-riil yi-nrx of the Ix-xf of your lift-. It lx nlxo llwilll-.l ll.lvixlllill- to XCW all IllltlnhX on tiiflit. Tin- pnx-H-.lx will lx- turni-il over to the llhrnry fuml. T. V. lio.t len ami Ih-nrv riiirmiiii of Tin' lalli-x, Imyer for the I'niiiii Meat 'o. were here Nnttinlny i-vp. nlnjj on lln-lr wny toHnminit Prairie to look lit IIh- I'rllM-ville Co'x. In-.-f entile. Mr. I'liirniiin piu-i hiiMi-il jTiii ! Iii-a.l of ix-ef eat I Ii' of I lie eoinpany. payiim I lierefor npproxlni'i li-ly fll, inm. The eat tie were lironirlit onl of the rrnlrii- tlilx wink. Mit.-hrll Newx.. I!alih Sharp Mini Mixx Alt.-.- Hnu'-in wen-quietly married Inxt Thurxiluy evening nt the n-xlili-nee of County J u Itf" W. A. I'x-ll who x-rformi-i the ei-n-mony. The youiic couple will make their home at llayxtaek wln-n Mr. Sharp will have chary;e of one of tin- Colonel Smith rom-lic. lioth the youiii; jx-ople have ait t-xt-n.1i-(l t-lrt-li of frh-nilx anil acijuuiutaiireii who will wish them tin- happim-M nml proxjx-rlty they ih-xerve. Marry (ii-e, of Sunimlt I'ralrle. wax in the city laxt week on hix way li.ini.' from Shmilko, where he hull lu-eii with .1. 1'. Cornell who tin k ilowu it hillii'h of ln.'i lie.-iil of Ixef i-utlle. Mr. Cornet t xhipp-il tlie cattle to l'ortlaml when- tin y xx ill In- luili hiT.-il ami cilil on a I'uiniiiis Miou IiiihIs. (fallen n mn I H-r of Cronk county catileim-u have tri'il ihix plan iliiriu t lie paxt xeaxon an. I the pll.ex reeeivtHl have juxl ilieil them in xo ilolnu. Kev. .1. T. Mooii- will pivm-h n.-xi Siimlay at 11 n. in. ami 7::!"' p. in. The morning Ktilijeet w ill )x- "The Trinity, " uml th'e eveiiini; Hiilijeet will Ih- -The .Model Youiitf Man." The iii'iliiimu-e of Intptixm will he inlniinlxtereil at the i-loxe of the morning xervlee, Sunday xehool at 10 a. in., and the Chrlxtiitn Knd.-avor m-rvit-e at tiSlii p. ni. Kveryliody cordially in ite.) to nil thexc xervicew. -Youni; men are xH-elnlly Invited to the evening' xer vlee ax the xilliject of the m-riuoli ix of xpet-inl intercut to them. Come young men and occupy the front HCIItx. SISTERS CORRESPONDENCE. V.. II. Sparkx wax .-it ten. ling to liiixiiiexx in tow n last Sat unlay, lie reporlx everything line ami dandy at theCo's Long Hollow riuu-li, only four lui'liex of xnow. Perry South, who has liecn visit lngnt Sixterx. returiieil to Sliauiko laxt Thursday. He gix-x to work for Mclicnnau at that place. W. A. Vnnlniskirk sH-nt tifewdays In Sisters last week. The infant son of Mrs. (iittn, who .wns nvoverlng last wii-k from n serious illness, was taken with a relapse it few days ago. blood pois oning having set in from a sliver in his finger. lr. Tin-ley is attending and the child Is now slowly improving. .I.x- Wilson arrived on the stage from Prineville this week where he has heen nMiidiug thepnst fortnight. We were visited liy a mww storm yesterday. The snow fell to n depth of eight inches, and wound tip in a rain which made things pretty sloppy. Vergil Carlyle, who has been work ing for Dr. Turley, has left for Ws home near Pendleton. t FARMERS iiiuohi; uuviMi Yoi:u 1-i.ow mis si-kim; cam. ami see Our New No. 5 Oliver Gang Plow LIGHT DRAFT ADJUSTABLE FRAME SCOURING QUALITIES las TH ELATE ST In curd giuues are to lVyiud at Adanifsoirij. Wt- have Block Panic Stage Flinch Sherlock Holmes Trolley, Etc., Etc. Mail Orders Answered Promptly 1). 1. Adainson & Co. When fitted with the N. C. 12 Ixitloms this pi ow will scour in the stickiest ground. The adjustable Irame combines a 12, 14 and 16 inch gang plow in one frame and can be lilted lor 2 or 3 base. This feature has many advantages, one of which is thai you ran always adjust your plow to the team instead of being compelled to get team enough to pull the plow. A FULL LINE OF OLIVER PLOW REPAIRS W, r "i LJ r ."i W-i n u -1 n Li r t c j r.r r t LJ r t t: j r.t LJ r.i L J r i LJ r t L J r.t u r.t LJ r i L J n L J r L J r L J r 1 LJ r t L J '. LJ r n LJ iCjWJLJCJtJ VALENTINE BALL Given by the Prineville Base Ball Club ATHLETIC HALL St Valentine's Day, Wednesday, February 14, 1905 Supper at The O'Neil Restaurant The Best Music and Floor Managers will be had TICKETS $1.00 Taken Up. On small jinny ; mare; dark In-own,: three white feet, w hite spot mi lore-1 head; hran.l intlistingnisalile. Had on ; bridle and saddle. Owner can have i property hy imyintr lor ndvertimenient and charge?. J Daniki. K. Smith, lWelUlnttes. Notice to Creditors. All parties knowiii-- theinselves in dehted to the undersigned ' tinn kindly Nettle their iH-cuunrs ns soon an posKihle. We have cunsideralile money outstanding ilnd the closin.; of hoth Hinall and larj-v accinmts will he esteemed a favor. Smith & Ci.kkk. E- mm 'I But take advantage of this sale on Rubber Foot Wear and Un derwear. We do not intend to hold over any of these goods, and will, while they are in season, offer them at prices that will move them quick. Every piece guaranteed to be this yeas goods, and the rubber goods of the known Goodyear brand How Are These Prices? Men's one buckle Over Shoes regular price $1.7o four " " " " ;j.0O " combination felts ami rubbers, a snap at " (2 buckle) Ladies' one buckle Over Shoes high top " Misses' " " " " one buckle " . " Chiyren's one buckle Over Shoes $1.35 2.25 2.50 2.90 95 1.50 1.25 80 60 All Other Rubber Goods, German Sox, etc., at Proportionally Low Prices Lay in a stock of Winter Underwear to last you over next winter. It will pay you at these prices Men's heaviest fleece lined underwear regularly sold at $1."0 a suit at $ .95 Men's heavy all wool underwear. Regular $2.50 value at - - 1.90 Ladies' fleece lined underwear, winter weight - - 50 cents a suit Ladies' heaviest fleece lined underwear. Regular 1.50 value at $1.00 per suit Ladies' all wool Cashmere Underwear. Regular 2. 50 value at $1.90 per suit Also a Great Reduction in Winter Hosiery, such as Ladies' Regular Fleece lined llose at .20 cents per pair Ladies' House Slippers at 25 per cent off Ladies' and Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens at reduced prices THESE PRICES GOOD UNTIL FEBRUARY 5th Prompt Attention to Mail Orders 8 The General Furnishing Store r? 3 1 1 9 l 11 r.a a r.M r.a LJ 'A P ii ea ii LJ CJ r.a CJ r.a LJ n LJ LJ C3 CJ 3 H 9 y a4 ff fa a "a8 y