CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY STEFFAt BAILEY, Publishers F.a t rrr4 at ts vn ' ' r r i n ' 1 1 1 Onion. i- u ti l - r 1 h m 1 1 1' r SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably In Advance One m,r fl-W i Mouth "' ''- Three Months .Vet !-i:l' t'i''w ' Advertising Rates:-Ii-ly riin II iv. : mii n, in .v.iulln . limr ic. Ixn-sl Rrsilrrl.l r tnrh. Htfim-" l. m j i-im fiT Uih-. I'srJ ol Tlmuk tin1. RMolmlont ol CundiilriMf 1 "ni", "l.iM" LAMONTA NEWS NOTES. llarr.v t Iiil .mil. ( illnw t'ct-eW, i.iitiil III low II Silinl.iy. 1 Mr. Unsli i inipi-ovlin; nipiillv from tils ii-eiit injure. Iav knurr islnisv ir.iin'inu w hIm. Mr Iiiim c.'iiiclii evei;tl line ones. Ir. t l.tik Mini ife I'l iiiex illc. an- here limn . ,. ni 'l'tmi" Noll,. I ii-ltl a wirl. VI t'tine, f l'l iiii'V illr, visiteil town a f il.tvH this ivk. in Publinhed Fvery TliiinxUy at the J.uinl Hui Il i n ic , Prineville, Oregon THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1906 THE RESERVE POLICY. general election in June. Their - j names must alo he on the reni- I) 1 . : t . 11,.. nTinn . . . , n",r " " "j t ration hooks to make leual tr.t ir ,tt uivk. taken oy the two stock hss.k la- .j,,,,, on i.a(litatos petitions, t ions in thin county indorsinn the --l0;i0 oiiiihi to -,.l and sulh policyof the Interior .U-f.-irtmrnt ;oi,.nt re.s,ns to insure ' an early to mke a jrmanent reserve of ,lnij fuU n,gi., r.uj(m Mon, the lUue Mountain temporary j ,Hoks arv ,,(Sl,( Am.j ,0 i(,r ,ilt, withdrawal, the (.nnt county i j,rilmry .-lection ,). (oUowini: News ha this! to say: j Werk. The Crook County Stock (irow-j Kev. W. V. .I iimel t will pivuelt ,-it , Neusotii ivk next Siiinhiy moin illii ;i. 111. Mr, liiiviiiim returned (roni I'rlue Nille M.nitlny when- sin- Uvu vWiiiii;; her liuiulitcr, .Mi's. I lark. Miss Maud riiiilis nl M.i.lras u ;is a niu-M of Mrs. Mi-Mivn a few il.-ivn er' Association, representing as it does the cattle, horse ami sheep interests, may be regarded as typical of the slockraisins indus try. This representative Unly has come out unequivocal! v in favor of forest reserve and leasing the range to stockmen. When it is further considered that the associa tion propose to take into it.s con fidence a government ag nt as a mean of furthering their desire. Bitch a condition is revealed as would have been branded heresy not so many years ago. Now it i but a sign of the change of front Uking place along the entire line. The reason is plain. The weed ing out process instituted by the government and carried to such sensational development?, has cleared the question of all side is sues connected with the forest re serve and placed it before the peo ple soiely on its merits. The result is endorsement. The stock growers' association, in all its component parts, is con sidering only the interests of stock growers. Gripping or corralins: public range, dummy and other fraudulent entries, simulation, en try fees and commissions, and rake-offs of whatsoever kind, have been ufrooted-. Xr, those Wtio know not only declare for the re serve policy but ask that the re serve jMilicy be at once created - from the Bine Mountains with drawal. This view will not be uniform ally accepted among the stockmen of the country, now. probably at no time in the future; but most persons with no incidental or ulterior interests will endorse the sentiment and purpose of the stock j association's resolutions. In the present status of the pro posed reserv the users of range and timber are subject to all the drawbacks and restraints of a for est reserve with none of its mate rial rights and immunities. Knd the agony, Mr. Hitchcock, and speedily turn the Blue Moun tain withdrawal into a completed reserve with all the privileges, all rights and immunities appertain ing thereto. A I'liiou Situ.!, iv mil. in I wax oi ani!!i'. in tiie ix-liool house Siin- il.iy W illi Mr. ilco t MiHTiuteiiilent. Kev. Craiu ami Kev. I'itikliain, who hae Uvii liolilhii; revival nitvl iiii; at the school house, n -tiirueil to Madrid where liie will hold IneelillifH. NEWS FROM REDMOND (Sfvia( iirrt..iHli,ni''.l The snow that has whitened ti e ground four or rive davs has en- j tireiy disappeared. i J. II. Jackson will soon com mence building on his new resi dence on I epot street. A, M. Drake and John Steidl attended the settlers meeting at Itidla w together. How funny. Mrs. J. F. Circles tells us jdu I'milirr l.:ni.. .' .fuin ;t, t, v N I'U'K nj 1 ! C V I lo. I n.t. .1 Slat. I .111.1 nil, ,-, Tilt' lla!lr., Nou inlr '."H. t!.. Nolier I Ik-O'I'v itivi'ii thai In i-oiii-I'iiiiiiii' ilU llii' I'l.'Vl-lnii-nl ilio m l nl 'oiikiv nl .lulu .t, iitille.l "An avt nr tin' sale of litulier lau.N In lln Suti' : of I .ilifiii inn. I 'ri'sou. Nrvj.l.i, iiihI ali-l iu;lo Tim litorv." a rvti'inlcl to all ihr ! I'ulilic I ami Maiivi .v m l of ViiKtit t. IVli r . VihU'it, of, enmity on'rook, lale ol iliV)t"ii, lia llii-il:iy llle.l in lilts ittiit In MKiiin sialeiuetit No. .'Tin' for tin' pun lia-e of tlie- K',, StH'. X .V NV, NK, ii tiim No. :i. in roiiilii No t.'r.. Kanii' No Hi K., tV. M.. ami will ort'i r .im.f oliow that the hin.l out;ht is lniT!' ultiat'li' for its timU'r or tone than Tor ngn, tiltut al niro-i's, ami In ctiihlili hi- einiiii to aij Ian. I In lort (Km 1'. Ita. I'. . t'oiiinir, at In- ollieo in Ma.liav On-Koii on, the J7th ilay of lar. h. He na!ti a itue.M'; I.ouik I. I.atsi n, an. I Jaeoii II. T. Iei..n. ol Ma.lrav Oiion. Sam t'oiiiiifii ami Willinnt Mi' Mii kin, ol luiiih, Oi. iii'ii, J A ny ninl nil ieion rluuiiini; aiHeri'ly the Imvi--iIi si i UhiI huiils are ivnueiti'!! to til! tlicit elaiini, in ihm otliee on or l said 2rih day of Man-lt l'. . MU H VI--, I. T. NOI .VV. j-.''!"! Keiii-h-r. Pioj;im Teschets' Kximinatiuis. All Ihe.vs ti.Mids and Wash l.oods licmn A l..iii;. ;C,.le lion of Silk loninaiiN in odd milked at Cost and will be xold .it lctiuth to 1c sold lit Ono-Fourth Off Ono-Half Prloo for Ibis sali' only. Kvervlhing goe in nhiii- gooj wnis h iit-lhs iiiuonq litem (his .o ,lut as .Marked. A Simp for the Price. A Clearance Sweep of itllj Ib adv Made Silk Special In Flannelettes ,(ml vv ;si.i.tH Wii. ' r.Uccnl, 1 a cent and I'JH cent iiialiiic Regular KI M itialiliex nt each $1.50 Your choice ; lO.conts per yard " " l.n " " " " SO January asn Clearing oaie St2 . VfX ol Lot 1 Inclii.los ?-C,..V, $7..")0 ami ;.H) Yalut'H '.r " 'J " 4..VI, .'.M ami COO " for " ! HWt :,." ;il)il 4 IM) " for ;1.75 2.00 S-r 111- a i next Sunday, a. in. .luo. II. ? 1',-iUiii' ti:'tii. tin' Methodist elitnvli Sunday si-liocl at l' diipp Supl. I" j v n-t li Topic: Korea. The I rroiitvs.s of Tw o iKvades." Ij-aili-i'; ! Ilertlia lloinex. The piixtor preach es at T ::H. A cordial in Itatlmi to all sor h ex. Notice to Voter. Not tee is hereby i;leit that all out of tow u voters Klin eonie In-fore the county i li'i k to resistor sliouhl In- ttivi i.-l l-iil til -'i'. til' III V!' lll.ll! II ,111.1 gets from twelve to lifteea engs a ; raUsr,. , whil.h ,,.,. liV(l Kiiowii.s day from her chickens and alreadv , thix will ohivate the tioceity of has a hen setting. xpvniliny; consideralile time with each voter in Icarnin'ir the exact We area,ked what was M. umuXvr. K.xisl ratio,. will U Drake's object, in attending th.'.avy and It is niniesied that y..ti meeting hut we do not attempt to save the clerk as iniu-h time ax mun-.,r iiph n.r i, ' i,r possililt'. I" --i"'"-. .1 , - ways that are vain and tricks that ' arc dark, the heathen Chinese jieculiar," but there are others. Last Saturdiv In the Miller Building .1 .1. Smith, t'oimty lerk. r . reare ..hers j O'Neil Bakery a part v consi-t- i h ' ' - , l Mat p..aj; r , Judge Bradshaw's decision rela tive to the injunction suit brought by A. M. Drake agaiust the Des chutes Irrigation A' Pow-r com pany in an effort to restrain the latter company from, proceeding with itt work of reclamation is pirobablv not different from that expected by the company which is in a better position than others to appreciate the grounds and mo tives under which such hindrance are lodged against its project in this countv. It is to be hoped that the decision of last week is the last that will have to be matte while the company is engaged in its irrigation enterprises. Per sona! ends as a means of hinder ing the work of a company the culmination of whose project will be of inestimable benefit to the country at large, are not palatable, nor do they prove plausible when brought to a test in the courts. Alleged sincerity of purpose in this instance, at least, has been blown out with the chaff in which which it was nurtured. ing of F. C. Kowlee. C. M. Uedrb-ld. V. J. O'Connor, K. K. Knight an I C.N. Khrt't drove to Laidlaw to attend the settlers meeting there. Cuite a crowd from Bend attended. Musical exerei-es and short talks on farming were th order of the day. In all it was a verv suc cessful meeting. - Tinst Trmr trtv an "Jit JIjihi'. was given by Mrs. V. C. Howk-e in honor of Mrs. Chas. K. Iteed. "A social time was enjoyed by the ladies. Among those attending were: Mrs. J. F. Circles, Mrs. C. R. MrLallin, Mrs. V. .1. O'Connor. Mrs.- K. C. ImnieU-, Mrs. r. X. Khret, Mrs. b-e NYI.-h, Mrs. C. M. Redrield. Mr.-. S. ;. Rundiett. Mrs., Chas. K. Reed, the guest of honor, and the hostess Mrs.. F. C Kowlee. A genuine Dutch lunch was Jserved t which was decidedly enjoved bv ali. , Friday night a dance was given by Hotel Redmond in honor or the D. I. vV P. Setters Association. Alioitt thirty live couples were present. Dancing was enjoved until about midnight when a de licious lunch was served. 'Mr. H. F. Jones. President of the Associa tions. made a very neat speech and in behalf of the Association thank'-d Mr. - F. C. Kowlee for causing all to have such an en joyable even ing. to i i PRINEVILLE, - OREGON rnsli I'a-i'ail. I'ics and I'ukr ahva.x mi hand. Paxtry of all kinds inadi .order. l Ol! S l'.Vt'l-: P.Vl'KltS. t 'i mi iui'11,1 itii Wednesday, I'olini ary U. at nine o'clock a. in., and coin iiniinu nut il Sat unlay, I'elu'iiary j IT. at (our n'chx k p. in. Veilnoxda ; 'i-iiinnulil, hixtory. xH'lliuu. alv,i'ira, ti'ailitig. xihool law. Thtii-day: Writ ten arithmetic, theory nf teaehlli;, untiiiiitar. hook kivpiiif;, phyi-icx, civil unvi'iunteiit . Friday : rhyxiolnny, i;insi'aph. . uieiital arithiitetlc. ci imposition, hslcal uvocrapliy. Saturday: Hoiany, plane ueoine try. p'tteral" hixtory, l-aitflish litera ture. di clinlon.v. I OU t'Ol'NTV PACKUS. t'otunienclin: Weilnexday , Feluit jtry t4. at niite o'eliM-k a. in. and coii ti t) il i hi; until Friday. IVhruary I'i, at four o'clock p. in. First. Sivoinl aiul Third i irade. Wi'iliiexday: I'l'iiinatixhlp. hixtory. ort Ims raphy . read ill",. Tlitirxda.v: Written arit Iimel ie. theory "I teaehliio. liraiiiiuar. ph si oh.oy. Fridav : ieom aphy . mental arit h- iP ' luetic, who nl law. civil u iveriinii'iit . Ji ' Primary l Vrt ilica ten. Weilnexday: Peiniiaie-hip. ort lio- : raphy, aril litin-i ic. rcailim;. Art of (uext loiilm:'. theory of ti'achiny;. phyxiolot; . r. P.. I i w ini'iK, t oiiuty Sup't. KWURZWEILER & THOIVJSOW&5 IIJ DRV GOODS AND FURNISHINGS Firemen's Grand Masquerade GIVEN BY Ful! SALK 12 inch in'.ir. plow fo Taksiirain. Inipiire P. Are you using MADRAS FLOUR? Ask your grocer for it and insist upon getting it. The unequaled merits of Madras Flour are its greatest recommendation?. House wives using it will no! complain of poor loavo or baking failures. Madras Flour and failure in cooking are unknown to each other Madras Flour Costs $1.25 Sack Other brands cost you as much or more and a lot of trouble be.-ides. rh-r a ,-ack front your grocer today. If he doesn't handle it now he will. Manufactored by Madras Milling & Mercantile Co. Madras, Oregon C. A. GLOVER, Exclusive Agent for Prineville Prineville Fire Department Wednesday, February 21, 1906 FLOOR CON, tlTTEE P. B. Poindattr, P. B. Howard, Ldwtrtnte Dillon, Jaik Summers, Kdlph Poindetfer (lanncc Sharp and will be Assisted by the Entire Department Music Will Be Furnished By The Best Talent In the City sal- or trade. I l. Poindexter. Oil If Registration in the I'rineville precinct has been slow during the past week. It should he other wise if for no other reason than to relieve the clerk of troublesome days when the registration is bulked at the last moment. Voters should not forget that they ruupt register to vote at both the jirimariee on April 0 and the- o t o t o BY THE HIGH SCHOOL BURNT CORK COTERIE P. A. A. C. Hall, Saturday Night, Feb. 3. iiiti-rloeu!i.!'. Mr Hlackeyes: i fa mous artisis w Monoloeue Al'i i.- Cliariie Mioiltnci t o o o o ooo: mm . I Supper will be Served at the POINDEXTER HOTEL ignitied Uppish; MatiiiAilators of the Kbonv, Ham Xowork ami Svncopale b t of the Sheepskin, i)rea.'ii (iigphiy and Con Smoolhlalk. Other equally 1 i-p irticipate in the program, (irand Minstrel Overture and ('horu--es, Soloists s. I'ake U'alki rs and last but not least our Notorious Washington Pic Orchestra i:d Marry Lip will show fond mothers all about "Amusing the Baby" vn.iiii' ij'iwrnr .inn iiiiuy iiji win snow lotio inoiiiei- an uooul j i u uxi iij; intr iiao r- r--1! Laughable Farce by Funny Comedians in Disguise 2 1 CTMV I a CA.SH STORE Fun for the funny tears for the teary, hilarity for the hilarious and Q si i lou-iiess for the serious, the It medicine in the world for the sick a einiple of hours of forgetfulness of their ailments. " Stay at home and you will miss the equivalent of several years of the best of your life. Sew Q your buttons on light and come and experience an evening-of healthy, clean enjoyment A . V Admission, 25c; Reserved Seats, 50c; Tickets on sale at Winners A GREAT REDUCTION on OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Winter Underwear Has been made as we intent! to sell them out complete in order to have room for our Spring Stock. (Jet our prices before buying elsewhere A CIIOICi; LINK ()F Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco CALL IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STORE pIlIS!l!Ii 1 1 REDUCTION SALE j Dunham & Adams Prineville, Oregon SUBSCRIBE FOR The Crook County Journal Price $1.50 Ye.r Wl 1 .in n IP I S3 ESI CJ 1