Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 11, 1906, Image 4

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    lilt: I.IOMT OI; OTHT.R DAYS.
Nl maio er alcilnJ
oilier fluid' Under
the name t urn-
Klwiif." but i
-rl bMinabicent
Couk KrmJy
the Brft
-In mv opimni i"luiHiif iUhi'si t'ongb
Keniedv i lie n.a.ic t-r cold,'
MVMi.' Wheer. ! IWetxille.
Im'inw it t"
! California.
bring tbr ietier- .J. .,,i-t!v.
will lx received kU iu ram in JJifcl
; jjj 1 cent vhi- word per iimortion. fl U
mi'finHifrmiiffi(l l',,M "' l'wrmnl
f.,iio inn ruT .V"i"ix' '" ,
Hi-u nuiura) renn-dies. tbat inatt
medicinal r.t. prepared I lv V'J,'
l . .... I... .l.A..Uin.i ttllWIf Ilitlt'Q
tin... .mi niniiev. without tbe - u.lV '
In,), and hy skillful combination In tn
niuM exact proxrtionM.
I'hI a one ..( tbe active Incrcdients
i. i;. i ..1.1..,, M.-ii.-.-,) l(lniT,
III i M. I irnr,.i.i-t
Influence 111 caws i'
i in UhiI al-otit it
lvi , i.ilicr ill 'uii a
V ,.(Iut is smelt a Mil
TV . ,. .l- l.l1UtlX ot lJ:HimHII. "
TM 1.111 III !! I"' 1 r-"
of medicine. w pWai,t at a sat to take. ll.e are j .ufc,.,,,,, ,v W. II. kinder. Prine-
ciallv to dclieao- , , ., imyiVi red i ... i. ..
. ,mm"w"' i villa lliw.ui null
in-. Fimti if-
IM--r. lillliflUJU
! 2&2S2E2HS2Stt2tt3?2 E2S2S22S2S2!2S2:2I2C j
Uhc Journal Wants W vT TTHII j
will Ihj nniivtHl at tU rat of
i l tK
SAI.K Pur liUll Vlvmoiith
to any otlir. llw tact is uiai
an Mtotil at y oilier after
liaving ixtc thi ri-mly. For il
by 1. V. .lnin A vi.
Notke To CivUitor.
Voticr is liftvl'Y iivm hy tl
iftnl aiiiiiii"trator of h
I iuirl. lhliMl. to th
5iat of
villf. Oivjton.
) Viwt'am liron.-hial fvi.l iliveao.l lo prpwnt thr t-lainw
Administrator of the
K. 11 SVAKKS. ,
tati of l.ouia'
tiin.l,l.-. aiHt 1 1 w-
larviiKiliM. chronii' roughs, ratairli anu
kiiHlntl ailment.. , , .
77m- iiiu lirtn.i tmil tii!TlM-w
of this world-fanuHi rmrtly aiv: LoUlrn
Sstl root, gum-u's root. Mn nxit.
Illack t h. rrybark. Klooiiront and Man-
I hire had n. h a wonderful VT'";iT Pate.1 at rrineviilo. Or, cm thi
llllt I OO noi lli'MH HiuM
H.-,ie Brown. Nvn-iary J .'; ,'r"J
A.-la:.on. 4 h. Atf. Aih Irion.
pliTrlj- nin-ilown my health and tn'iii:
iir of nrrvo n'un- ' . , . i
l.llleH In all. and. 'T, fl t
Tt. L . pII. ,e as 1 hail e' er l-rn. j . , ,.f rv,. . in the matter of the
KtK SAl.K ltt u-rt loTt Inn.l.
tltlt iH-rfevt; 40 hitiw r'itily for;
!rri for rtiltlvntlon: ltW
iiulut wittri- fnv ami iktih-UinI.
Tnu l i-onv.'ul.'iit to tlmWr. Inilrr
of S. J. Niowsom. Prlnrx tr. oli
j .osT: Monogram fountain t.
to tin onunr
.:.i. .1.. Tou.h.r to the un.l.'r-1 rui.irr rir-7.. ...... -
signtsl at tlu- orti.-i- of M. R. K!Hott in j an.l revrive r.' anl.
Trineville, ttretfou within "i months!
afterth liM .uhlir.nioii of thi noti.f . ; , ; V KKX M KM I. VMU.tH A I f.l'.
Iii tli OiriMiiiiis Utko alloy.
' tiiutranttl to U so.xl wlioaf ami
i Stark. .terra.".!.
' ' i ran U mvttrv.1 from 1".' to .Vi fivt.
i Uykon Caiy Silvrr likr, Orvuon.
The Biggest,
Most Complete
Notice of Admui.8trtor s Salf of
Real Proporty.
Noti.r hrrrhy givrn. that in iier-uanee
of an or.lrr ..f the I'ounl y I'ourt Lr Cr.H.k
-.iimfv. Oreiron. ina.h an.l .nten-l "it the
5 '-"-.-;. .7.
Jour me.1l. ine. .,..1 wi-h to ih.nk yon tor my
ZZZ he.l.h. whi. h is . WrMn to anyone.
Kor ?1 onwitt stamiw to rover
mailiiiR. you rati i eet a fn "L?
"Common Srnr Medical Advi. r. -r-rovrrs:
or cloth -hound for .l
. i.i. m- K v. Vn. Buffalo. N.
n. th . Prllrts should t !
uairf with -r.olden Medical Discovery ;
wheiMver a laxative U required. j
Sprinj! rains iturins Januarv
and a temrature that barely
drop to the freezing point at
night with a mixture of sunshine,
a warm breeze and mercury that
feels about Tw) to to degrees cheer
ful during the day is not half bad.
A report conies from Minnesota
that the lumbermen are exper
iencing some difficulty this winter
because with a mean temperature
during December of 8 lelow the
weather has not leen cold enough
to freeze the swamps so that log
ging can be carried on easily. It
is fortunate for Crook county that
its logging and other industries do
not have to be carried on under
nf Ktioh climatic condi-
tions. If such were the case
'twould be a land of shiftlessness
Hazel wood Creamery Hutter at .1
E. Stewart & Co.
partnership e.tte of Wm. H. ijiflim .v
Sm, the un.lerMiine.l the administrator ot
aaid partner Jiip estate will from and aflrr
the Mh day of January, proceed to
ll at nrivate sale for rash, all the nht.
title and interest of the pai tnrhip of Win.
11. Qninn A Son also all the riht. title
an.l interest ol William H. viuinn. d.-.-.a.-,!.
had in the said premises ;t the
.: ,!,; .1-.1, ,.11 t lie nur.l. title
itl.l V I 11... ........ ...... .-
inri interest the said estate has aeouireil
other than or in addition to that t the,
aid William 11. Ouinn at the time f his!
death in and to all that certain real estate
desrrihed as follows, t.vwit: The S.uth
half ot the Northwest quarter and the ,
North half of the Southwest .piarter of
Sei-tion Thirty Kive and the Southeast
quarter ot" Se-tion Thirty Kjur all in
Township Twelve, South of Range Fifteen
East of W. M. in Cr.K.k t ounty, Orceou.
Dated this Tth day of De. .. lly..
JOSKl'H H. il'INN,
Administrator of the estate of the part
nership of Wm. H. guinn A Son.
Kill; S VI. I'. : -V0 acres land near !
inotna (.lUuit I't iniles from rrinrville,
t..k .Miuiiv. r'in.". -Ml tillable.
ono li.ilt uii.ler cultivation. Cheap for
.ash. Write tin xt Hknorick
Spriiitftield. Oivpm. 1-4-M -l
KtK SAl.K.: A tine ranch of !' acres,
endowed with tline w in feiuv. A Unit
ul ..iM in cultivation, near railroad
survev. Will rais tine grain, bay
ami venctaMe. without irrigation.
ni.-r hnsiness aud wideitt
i.roiiertv in Fruieville. All at reason
aide prices. Knqutre at C. A
. r. f:n...rv sit.uv. 14 1
. A Modern Miracle.
Restaurant and Lunch Room
3or Jlaciies and Sentiemcn
7cas and Iftarcy J&mch
Board by the week. $5.00s with room. $.0O. Meal Tirketa. 4 00
v. J
w J
t j
i. j
t j
Vhe Bucket
b'iuo NViitos. .-itjuui-.s, C?iMrnt 13
l.)rnH itiul Buttloil Htmr.
J Sood Billiard Habit in Connection
tr -)
At ' ta. VJ mm I w
The Cheapest
Line of af
In the County
Can Be Seen and
Bought at the Store of
TO.-1 t-JtrTT-T-r-
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S73.
Notice for Publication.
Unite.! States lnd Office,
The Dalles, Orefton, October IS, 1H5.
Notice is hereby (riven that in compli
ance with the provisions of the art of t'on
gres of June . 187S, entitlcl "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4.
1X92, Perley Elbert Gerould. of. Portland,
county of Multnomah, State ..1 Oregon,
has this dav filled in this office his sworn
ttnitit No. 2T1S. for the nurchase of
theSWVi of Ser. No. l- in Township No.
I I Smith Ksm'e No. 1H E. W. M.. and will
offer proof to show that the land souhgt is
more valuable for its timlier or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establi-h
his claim to said land before Don P. Rea,
C. S. 1'ommissioner, at his office in
Madras. Oreiron. on the lUth day of Kel-
He names as witness: Howard W.
Turner, and William Doak. ol Madras,
C. 0. Barber, and (ieorpe R. Lee, of Ash
wood, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-de ribel lands are reiuestl to
tile their claims in this office on or Iwfore
said lGth day of February,
M k haki. T Nolan, Register.
Timlier Land. Act June 3, 17.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited States, Land Office.
The Dalles. Oregon , July 28, '.o
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act of Congress
of June 3. Is7 entitled "An act for the
sale of timlier lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Publit
Land States by act of August 4, 12,
Martha A. Mitchell, of Butte, county of
Silverbow, State of Montana, has this day
tiled in this office her sworn statement
No. 28H1, for the purchase i if the NE'NEK.
SV NEU & SEli NWW of Sec. No. 32, ill
Townahin No. 14 S. Ranee No. 1!) E.. W
M. and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the Hth day of Fobm
ary, 1906
She names as witnesses: .lames R.
Heath, of Prineville, Oregon. Louise R.
Heath, of Butte, Montana DuBois Mit
chell, of Seattle, Washington. Thomas II.
Mitchell, of Butte, Montana.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-descrilied lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or
before said 8th day of February, 1900.
Michaki. T. Nolan, Register.
Notice of Final Accounting.
In the matter of the estate of Peiielton
Blevins, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, the administratrix ol the estate of
Penelton Blevins, deceased, has tiled her
final accounting of her administration of
said estate and the Honorable County
Court for Crook County, Oregon, lias set
Monday, the 5th day of February, 1906, at
10 o'clock a. in. at the County Court room
at Prineville, Oregon, as the time and
place for the hearing of such accounting.
At which time and place any person in
terested in said estate may file his objec
tions thereto, if any there be.
Mas, Bi.kvikh,
Administratrix of the Estate of Penelton
Blevins, Deceased.
Dated this 28th day of December, 1(103.
Notice of Administrator s Sale of
Real Property.
Notice is herehv given that, in pursuance
of an order of the Countv Court for Crook
County, Oregon, made aud entered on the
2nd day of Jan., l!ai. in the matter of the
estate of jiune B. Madiregor. dcreasrd,
the undersigned, the administratrix
aid estate, w ill from-and after the l.ith
day of Feb., 1W. proceed to sell at pri
vate sale for ca-h, all the right, title and
interest the said James B. Mactiregor had
in said premises at the lime of his death
and all the right, title and interest the
said estate has acquired other than or in
addition to that of the said James B. Mac
Gregor at the time of his death in and to
all that certain real estate descrilol as
follows, to-wit, the Southeast quarter of
Section Fifteen in Township Nineteen
South, of Range Twelve East of Willam
ette Meridian in Crook County, Oregon.
M. E. Ki.hott.
Administratrix of the Estate of James B.
MaeGregor, Deceased,
Dated this 11th day of Jan.,
Kotice of Examinations.
Kinhth ;r;nle exaiiitimtii "lis will 1m
held tin February 1 and -J: May 17
and ls: June 14 and S'ptomla-r -7
and 2.
ExMiniiintiniiK for county papers
will le held on February 14. l.'iand D.
Kxainiiiatioii fur state papers will
lie held on Fedniary 14, l.'i. Hi and 17.
Teachen. with pupils who cx-ct
to take exaniinatioiiK in 1-eliniary
must report. lVi-soim who haven't
necessary papers and exptft to teach
this coming sprint; should bemnv to
coine up for examination in Febru
ary as no liegriimer will Is- allowed
siecial examination except in chkoh
if absolute necessity 'ami others
whose js-nnits expire will not lie
allowed to take special examination
for renewal except in cases of abso
lute necessity. SU-e pajre '-2 Oregon
School I.H1V.
r. It. Ili.vwimiiK.
( 'ounty StiiHTiiitendcnt.
'Trnlv miraculous seemed the reeov-
erv of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place,"
writes J. O. K. ll.v.per, Wixxlford,
Tenn., "she was so waste.! hy coughing
up puss from her lungs. loetors de
clared her-end so near that her family
ha I watched by her loi side foity
eight hours ; when, at my urgent re
quest Dr. King's New Ihsrovery was
given her. with the astonishing result
that improvement liegfin, and continued
until 8)u tinallv recovere.1, ami is
health v woman today." (iuaranteed
cure for coughs ami cold". VV- and tK)
at P. P. Ailamson's A Co. and Temple-
ton .v. Son druggists. Trial Udtle fr.-e
Taken Up.
Yearling steer: ear mark under Lit
on lett ear, split in nin. mm wild
bald face. Branded on right ltlp but
hard to distinguish. Owner can have
same bv calling at Carey Foster ranch
and pa.ving charges.
j4.tKl ' K. T. COX
Beats the Music Cnre.
"To keen the Ixxlv in tune,' w rites
Mrs. Marv Brown. Jo Lafavette Place
Foughkeepsie, X. Y. "I take lr
kinir's New l ife Pills. Thev are the
in,, it rplUh e and nleusant laxative I
h ive found." Ilest ror the Stomach
I iver mul Itowels. ( iliaranteed by I)
Adainson A Co. and Teinplets.ui .V Son
druggists. -Joe.
When in need of Lum
ber, Shinnies, Mould
ing, Doors, Windows
or (llass see
Shipp & Perry
For Prices on Them.
Vhe Reception
SMITH A CI.KKK, I'mniiiKTuu-
Doinestie and Imported Liquors. Wines
and dinars
I'oM OlV.ieJlox M'J
i- il jc jc jl jljl jC jiIjl. JL JkJi: Jf U JL.JL JL JC JkJWUu Jk. Jt. JU J
r t
t j
L. J
r t
l: j
Seneral jftlacksmithing
W'mks it is Ionk Hv : : :
Robert 71 o ore
Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed
5 s
ar tr, tr. tr irnesrinn i r;;
r t j t j ti j k j l j i. j w j l j l j l j j t j c a
r, i
I -r-si w w f a n i i raT-v k i rsr A ri PO I 8t
Hcnd l.ivcry A Transfer Company
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rales. Remender us when in '
Prineville. Ratks Uf.sonhi.k. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
ttW Run in Connection with tin- Henl Livery Stables
8 1- f
Half The World Wonders
luiw the oilier half livts. Those who
u.'o lliii klen's Arnica Salve never won
der if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Burns,
( Sores and all skin eruptions; they know
it will. Mrs. (irant Shy, 1 130 K. Rey
nolds St., Springfield, III., says: "I re
gard it one of the absolute necessities of
housekeeping." iliaranteed by I. I'.
Adamsfin it Ci., and Teinpletim ic Son
druggists. 25 cents.
Jfow Jtbout
Winter fieadinf?
May Live 100 Years.
The chances for living a full century
are excellent in the casa of Mrs. Jennie
Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., now "o
yaars ohl. She writes! '-Klectric Bitters
cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 2()
year? standing, and made me feel as
well and strong as a voting girl." Klec
tric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver dis
eases, Blood disorders, ( jeneral Debility
I and Ixslily weakness. Sold on a guar
antee at r. I'. Adamson it Co. and Tetn-
pleton A Son'? drug stores. Price only
50 cents.
During the long evenings of
Fall and Winter nearly everyone
feels the need of something to read
and to supply this want we have
made arrangements with the pub
lishers of the Weekly Oregonian,
the Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal,
of Portland, "Madame", and The
American Farmer, of Indianapolis,
Indiana, and The Town and Coun
try Journal, of Los Angeles, Cal
ifornia, by which we can club their
papers with the CROOK COUNTY
JOURNAL at a price which is
within reach of all. Following is
the liberal clubbing rate we have
to offer you:
Town and Country Journal -The
American Farmer - - - -Crook
County Journal - - - -
1 XJ
1 00
1 50
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
8ure to Clve Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and Bmell.
Easy to use. Contains no" injurious drugs.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, 60 cents at Druggists or hy
mail j Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wirrsn St., Ntw York,
)ur clubbing rate lor all turn
Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal
Weekly Oregonian . - -Crook
County Journal - - -
Our special clubbing idler
$3 50
1 50
1 Of)
1 50
- 1 50
- 1 50
$5 50
4 00
Jfenderson f Bollard
Country Orders Solicited
Wines and
Finest Cin-""s
In Stock
First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel
0'9feil Brothers
IPrimtitt llt's llfMoltial Xiouor JYoujr
Fin Wine, Liquor and Cigars, t
O applies
Solo Agents for Hop Oold Bor
the Famous Napa Soda
Kj aircLll3r Trad-a Solicited.
Meat, Vegetables, Produce
A Complete and Choice Line of Heel, Veal, Mutton, JPork,
Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the
City Meat Market
At The Old Stand
Prineville, Oregon
Agency for McCall's Patterns.
t -mm mm u tar am m w a rff m
Price 10 and 15cts. H
r '
1 We have many beautiful"deif?ns in
Fall and Winter Hatn. The'Jwinter
styles are graeioutdy varied becoming
ness in the keynote.4 But come and nee.
jThe moHt charming hatH of the neanoii
are in evidence, including the tsmall
Toguew, Turban and Maxine Klliot.
Order taken for Corseta and Ladies
Fafthiona ble T a i 1 o r Made Suits
layior ot mcv, or eg on
We can furnish all six of the
papers mentioned in the abovo
lists-$9.00 worth of the best pub
lications for
Crook County journal
The Opera Saloon
BEDELL MOSES, Proprietors
In The Glaze Halt
A First Class House
in Kvery Respect
Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines
and Cigars
NM ri
vzjpcanr -mmttM w mm wvv -w- it -v -w- tt
A AA Jm atk mmmmAAM. afk.iAr afk i rfVVW 4m mm mm jImJm mmmmmmmM
PrinAvilitvShaniko Line
Between Prineville
Leaves Hhaniko, 6 p. rn. Arrivea at Prineville 6 a. in.
Leaves Prineville-1 I. m. Arrive at Hhaniko 1 a. in.
First Class Accommodations
Shaniko Warehouse Co.
Shaniko, Oregon
General Storage, Forwarding
AND, '
Commission Merchants
Meniere in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Bulbed Wire,
Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Planter, .Sulphur,
Wool and Grain, Sacka and Twine, Grain and Feed.
AgentD for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White
River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price -paid
for Hides and Pelts.
Special Attention is paid to Wool Grading and
Baling for Eastern Shipments.
Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities
for Handling Stock.
77ark 2our Ooods in Care of
"S. W. Co."