- . i Hixubtii Salomon Widding. Court Proceeding!. S3' 1 E LOQAL MENTION & Mint Mult I.. Mn ! in it. l (lii It V. U Im tHt-M U Mtlt'li-til III, tin, 'tillii of V. Y. Hiillli tor (Jnliliir tj IIFiiim ll. l iilvi islty ilii-- it "" inn t U t- . .f tin- i;Hlv I'.'HU , f-1 JUST RECEIVED i J in- H'V "Hi. In " II t'lt I 'll i NllTi. yrtmh OvhI I III 1 Tin- IJ Vi-ll '. I. Mk'lid li-fl fur I'uiiIiiimI SiiimI.i lilt II lllWllM'lM flip llnrdv A licit w iih ii wt (i 'in KUi.-r lllflmi llf till- Wlt'k Oil II tlllMllil-Mrt 1 r 1 1 . Mr iiiiiJ Mm. J. W. !". w.iv; Vi(MV M ., . MiU. i.h.imm ; ,.i..h. i,... Siiiiir.i.v' niim. fur ,iv lr,Jlllll)Uu , 1(l,r ,,,. ,.,ir- i '"lluii'l. Villi-, li.-Miii- lilt fl'.lli lllilii.ill X I i'lifiv Min :Mi iillnu nii lin l In h I'uhIitV imih,v ! . I "hi; ciiuntj- tliU r. l uiiiily court luiv- j luu cliMim'-'! tin liuiiiiiliii lin mill! mlili-il n v' iiiuri ini'lni'U in tin1 It II lt I MT iliirlllU tlx lnl m imui. .11 .1 M Ill-Ill. WH-. II I.IIhIil - l lr tin- (ir.t i ( tin- unL fi'oiii lii , i Miivnr A I. ii...,. w llin . ( I'.. 1 1 1 . W MM III III II illMl Sllllir.lUV I.I '! l(. fcwIlll-IMf of inn. W. II. Illl'll. th.' Ilrt il.-ur.i- fn tin- Mtniti-1 .i,,.,, toin ,M,,r-v LurH K..iuvii hihI Arthur V. Mim-hHii-ii wi-n- julm-'l In f In- 1uii.Ih uf wi-illm k l'vlili-ut J. II ( iili'iiiiin nf WIIIiiiiiH ! uiiitvr- Itllll'l ' " I" ' ' ' ' ' ' Ill"ll.l . MI-MIK I.Cl'I'luilli It. (,'urn-iiti-rx mi- ul work In .llil ll hull luylim I In1 H.Mirlnu fur I If liuwllnif nlk'.V wlilrh will huuii ! tl.ll'l .llh.llUlW '! ()!. ti. .ii of V K Mm. ii In iK'llll'.ii In I lii iiuiiti-i ..f lli- OrUzl.v Unit' run 1 1 i.vei ruli .1. I'll it lull uf I i.'ul'Ki' l-.vll"- H "I fur eiir. w ii" niitrrk'il in Si.'.-ui Ww Vi-iir'x day i Arllmr r, I'.h-( lu.-n. Tin' ShIi-iii Stfiicwim-ii uIvi-k tin- fol lowing nr. on nt uf tin ui il'lluij- Urn- uf tin- in-lllij'l ui-iMlnut uf thf i'Huii wm wli in "-M-.I "ii Im-i i lMi. n-ili Kun l:n-k r.Hl from Mumkiv cvi'iiltiK. Ini'ii'iM I. I. ul 1 tli-urn l.vtl- i nmch lu Willow cri-k r-d-rrvl imnml iiiuoii-r. J 'lit t uf low ii uf i'.'iitlimt li.v .iulni T. I'liulkiii-r it.pruvi-l. I In- rln furin uf Ht-rvlrt-. Till' iliruili purluliH uf tifil. OiIi-II m rifl'ltiiri' wi-n- pn-lilly ilw-u-rnti-il with t)n-Kun khi- iiihI fi-rin nii'l i.uiii-.l nl.miK. mi'l lli'-n- wi-n- llurill'l' T, Julll-M, MH1'l'll MM1 hi uf the ili-pltrlliii-lil ufllii- Ihli-rlul', IMIIM' In fruui I'uriliiiiil Hiimliiy i r.-innln ii wr-k nil jruvi-rnnii'iit IiiJkIii.-km. ' wi-ni uvir tu lii-ii.l Muii.lnv in. .in-Inu- t'uiiniy t'l-rk Hmltli upiin-i tin IvuIhII'IIIIuII liiMikH lid' fliN uf tin wii-k fur III'- prlnniry nn.l (ti-m-nil (111 llullM. 'I'lll-M' lll rt-niM III Up.-ll tint 11 April In nn.l ulll Ih rluxi'il IIi. ii April '.M tu nllow fur thf prliiinry, rlii'lluii which tiiki-M plmi' mi April Jil. Win. Tu iii-iiUi-, uf 'owi-ll I'.iiIIim uii whutM pruH-rl.v n mipnuT uf wnti'r wim Mlrni'k a nlmrt tlnn' iiui, wiim In town yi'HtiTilay. Mr, Pan rnki Mitt'I In wiim i'unilih-iil thitl with further ilrlllliiK n K'xxl Hw uf water would In fuiiiul. ()H'rniluiiH linri Ui'ii illwuiitlniii'il fur tin1 tlnir ii ii t ll tin iliill ciiii lx- ri'pnln-.l rliiix. I'.. lOwl ii inl wifi-. i ( Ki .i- III. Hill, W. -IV III I hi- I'lly M-.ll.ltiy i ill thi'lr n-liirn liunn-liuiu h huiu-y iikmiii trip whlrli Iiiim I mi-1 1 h-m ul vii r Iuiih pullilH In WiifliliiKtuii. 'I'ht'A vIhIIimI it fiw ilntH itt Mr. Hit'il'i funiii-r huini-In N'urih Ynkiiim, mnl t lll'il lllll.ll' It llllir uf I III' Hi III!', HH-ll- Inn it Bhurl linn- ul nil uf Ih.- prln-i-lpnl !. v 1 Miiiir al FnttnimAnivl I'l-tltlun uf Ui-urK'' W. V'liin'r tu n-pnlr ruu.l frum l-inl lu flu-rw r--fi-rn-il 1u mail miiHii-r. li.-Hilfllll tlun nti .1. II l ulltlt.V rurulii-r lu-r-Jt'l nil") V. P.. Mi-1'iirlninl iippuiiili-'l. I'd ll luii uf W. A. LUU -l nl for nullity ruml. 'out! iiii-I fur pruuf of puxtlnn liulici-H. r-iittun nf r. t. iiiiiinuii tu m-t iimIiIi- m ruiul mi. I vutlnif priliut jtninii.1. IVtltluu of John Wi;fi-tililiit for t In- i-KliitillMUiimii uf ii coiinty rual wtt itppruvi'il, iurv- ur nnil vk-w-rH orih-n-il to furvi'.v vlt'W nut ruiul ami M'linrt. Mivt Fi-lniiiry 1!. WW, Claim uf Ui'orp- Kk'l'llntf fur lam-iii-h i ii n wi I hv lni-iikiiiir rhrunnh t-oiiiity lirtiluf lit Lum IMm- rmicli - ! 1 1 ii iu- I fur fnrthi'l- n-purt uf v ii'Wi-r, IVi lih.it fur likllnw cuiiury ruiul lutllit wii-k (lum touiuriuw iiIkIiI. I I,. ,, .1 ,,rfv Hill nn.nU uiillnii.-il fur fniil.i-r r.-purt of Tin- iihiiuI ur.li-r uf fluur iiiiiiiiini'r !...,. ..i,mir ii.-wi-r. him liii'it rt-vi-rwil luwl flvf youiiK f(lrHtMM.,i ,uUm room, whl. h wtw IVtlUuit uf li.-urp-M.-t ulllHt.-ri-t ul IikIIi'm will hit vim nri' uf tin- ''v,"l,,'Hj ,(IM,V (i,H.1(nit In nl ami K'vni. fur i-unnty roml. Huml approveil prujtriim. Tin y nn-: Mm. AiikIi- . . , . haiiih-lli r w of ami Mir, yor hii.1 vk'wcm uph-rwl to itiiniii'V, MIhwm Mamli- Vainli'lpoul, jirtfl Ih-ki'mIiim-. iiikI tfarlnmlH 1 survey, vk w out ami report.. To lum Vnnl.ii.-ril.'Khnrp ami It-rmi l f (),ax TU). tu,,. .(.voritloiiH j im--t on IVhrmtry Ii. T.xkI. polmh-xtcr. j , re nil inrnntluii ami nillnx.j Ajiplii-ntlun nml -tiiiuii fur In. l lixli OvnO-Ik'' The fnvom were Kllliill reil liorw-JCurpurutlull uf Mmlrim iletikil. .NO KiiMtemamllHymplanat The ".Veil. ! hIhh'k, hen rim; I he mum- uf the kiii-hI . pruuf llleil whuwlm: that Hinner uf fimlMllkeii Iiiikx uf i l. e. A ilelu-atif pet ll ion are leKal vnterf ami hiihth ri'inly fur ii-m' The alley w III oeenpy I ..i.,.,., i.-n linen! on-iu'iit. The the Hunt lll.l.-.f the ImilillliH III '"'(elilauny look pine In one uf I llli purl lun uf the (Inli hull' whlrh l"i,v wlliilun nmh-f a larif white not tffurr Ini'ii iiHi'it. Ilural Im-11. niikm-ii. i from an arch liame hiilitei-M In I hi niliaty whin uf-mllax, while uii either fil' were Tiire. , eii- IiihI year lu H-rmll hankihl phtliln fur a Imekitrimml. themM.'lve I he im. uflhe Hhootlnuj The lil l.lc wax gowiieil exiMllnltely imIh wllh Ii rlenr l onw-l. iici'. xhuiihl ! In i reiiin ellk ini xMalljie wild Kural ii. .1 forKet Hint thu- H-rmltM ex-1 1 nre uf lini- ami InwrHuii. ami i ni plreil on the IiihI ilny uf l!m.V 1 1 U j I leil a humpn-t ofjnhle ronelnnlN. iieei-HHarv Hint new ll.-eiie, In- I- ! Mmi.v immeroim nml t-itly tfil -neilfurthepreH. i.1 year. were will, from frlemU hold out nf i tuWIl nml ill. I'uiimIhIIiiu ehletly uf ( Win Wlttle I. nrninulMH In ! B,v. r. ml kIi.hh, ehlmt ami llm-n. iinul h.-r nf hit .Inn.i-H nt AHiletle. i,,,i.. ,i... ..i.i hm-!,.IIi ,nlll l.ll l, ".- - I " - - - then the Inhlal party Mill K'ntiU c J r 1 t J r i tj r,T t J r.i u M '," 4. J r. i c j n LJ r 1 L J r ,i L 1 ( i'.ii.u nn ri 14 r i t i r i t j T 1 V. J r t b' J r i k j r l U r i Li c a r i LJ C.l LJ r 1 LJ n CJ r.i LJ r.i LJ n L J r.i LJ r i LJ L J r i LJ L J n LJ n LJ Sup e r A CAlll.OAl) or Grain Drills In 10 12 H and 16 Disc, all Kight HanJ. and with our paltnl hard oil cup on the discs. Also a Carload ul Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows We have the new No. 5 Oliver Gang in two ami three bine. This" the hei-t and lightent running gang plow ever put on the mar ket. The frame cho adjusted so each bae will cut 16, 14 or 12 ini:hei,wliich comhir.es three different sue gaiig plows in one frame. Should you lose a hore, or if the ground get dry and hard, you can reduce the gize of your plow to suit the conditions and bo ahead without losing one hours time. THIS SAVING IN TIME MEAN MONEY TO YOV All Sizes and Stylus of Oliver Walking l'lows on Hand Our Stock of Grain Drills, Plows and Extras is the largest in Central Oregon. We Can Fill Your Wants Wo F, Ik r in L'iLi rir "ir-irir LJLJLJLJLJ'. JLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJUJL.4 11. . . II .. ' I I I I .. ", ,':, .'-- Hp-.l.in Inn. n w- K.rved, nf H.lt lun hnvhiK Hl.,1 Mate,,,,-,,,. HUi prlM, at herhumelaM Nn.nr.,y; ,uwln t ha. h-. It inn i-unlai-.H I.-.h i-veiilnu t.y the iiieiaU-i-a uf the Man-; . ' . . lnlln chili In ivmemlirame uf her:""""" ' ' " . j f l.lrlh.lav. An evenlmf ..f enlei tain- the ,i-h. - -rv-l. iii 1 he l. ulver, Hnvi-tnc-k and Mud-iLj I . . .... i . .i.i... i tlullH wan i njuy.-il. Ilnlnly l.-fr.h- I in. .mi iinai. nn a uppi.M.i i.ihi.k menu were wreil tulhe fulhiwlmr. iVlltlniiH fur 1'rlih.ny Nnmlnatiuii MIhhi-w I nn Sievarl. lora whk-li are on win- at huh i i All Kill-In, in xtt lex ll.nl nre up to itnte uti't p'ii-en llmt nre rittl'l I'.ivk tx n I'airr 1'Hru hiickIh: Ward, liertrmte Sharp, ami Mi'r' I'rank I'ofler, Hluver l.nut;. Jnlin' l.llckey nml Oliver AilauiH. j Mr. mid Mr". S T. Stone left : Tuediiy foi I,o Anwle", t'alif.'r niit, win-re tliev will ie-ide during the ttititi r, Aleik Baldwin, lie uf the "full; reuttlnr lejtnl lilnilk rateti. al All eamli- llatert f..- the utllceM will liml t Ill-Ill ery i-niivi'iiieiit fur wm-iii iny; l he xi niit unn uf vntiT a iTipilie.l I iy law. Notice. t he l-'f irdein .-.li r uf elly in m m . . o lit n v. r. nu.mion oc V.O. 1 l(me" fame departed lin.lny All nu in r fi" ami nitv ih'ir . Iy mnrxhiil. .1. H. I'iiiiiiKn, MarHhnl. Injured by a powder eipl.wlun near had from the lueal mili. IWml h few uifk auo, wiim In (own- ... .... , Saturday with hi- pare..! I- KrV- VV ' J,"m" 'lir'"' W etllietnlrt V evelilliu Irnill I I li:i- here lie w:f wny to rnrtlaml where he w III have hi eyen tn-nteil, With the exeeptluu : wawa, VhI of IiIm mIkIiI, whl h I- greatly Im pairs I, he Iiiim I'li'nvereil frum lhe! effeetN uf the painful mt ldi-ul. It U thonht that the Portland ihiiIIcIh will Ih-nlile to hiixi' the Mb lit nf "Ivihtein" e.M If lint that nf In. III. I .'. ill 'The O'.V. H. if i Jii L A T E S for IVndlflon. in mm h of "easier i 13352 . . . ; i . Irvlnu lliv.1. who ivium wtIuiihIv uiuih v n In- nanl. Uian i ouhi t.ei Ul T M In i-Hnl lf:inie are hi fmind al AilnniKon'K. H'l- have Block Panic -i . r 1 1 L, Ii t-J . . OK.W " " " ' ' -Iirie.,n . i" I, l-nlmAx n OIIDIIUun to attend the funeral of hw d-ter.. 5 Trrllv. Etc.. Etc. Mr". 0. t Smith. month in Aiiona. w In. died I ill a 'i 1 tu rotiritry hac li.ti vi.-itei hv ft -ix-in-li enow nturm, which fell yei-terdiiy and today. ThN will rejoice the farmer who have found condition too dry for working the ioil. Heavy hiiowm are also re (inrteil at The Dulles ami Shaniko and ti lejihom; limn are down le twecn l'rineville ami I'ortland. No slinW hili yet fallen here. Sifit4Tn correspondence received too late this evening for publica tion. It will appear next week, keep a romiti'. Raising Blooded Poultry. (i Snriivjer, w1hm- home ranch i" located at theeastefli fuut uf Hav lit.ick mountain, fmir milei from Promptly I:! Culver jniht ollicc, this" week showed , !H a Journal reprcscntativi- some as 1. Adatnson A: lo. a i ,:., f.,,;,.i.,.,w !W ,.., i. s-- i nr i ftnv mini's i i t rv Mr. SoriiiL'i r . ' ' I r Muil I irdein Answi-rei 1) L J r i L J r LJ r i L J r i L J r.i L J r.i L J LJ r - L J r i LJ L'J r i LJ L J rr LJ r t LJ r L J r i LJ r i L Jk r "i L J r i L J r inn VALENTINE BA Given by the Prineville Base Ball Club L ATHLETIC ALL St Valentine's Day, Wednesday, February 14, 1905 Supper at The O'Neil Restaurant The Best Music and Floor Managers will be had TICKETS $1.00 JJljLJLJLJlJl-JCJCJC JCJtJLJ 7. ' ' mi Winter Clearance Sale To avoid carrying anything in Winter Wear over until Next Season we are making great reductions all along thejine. Now is the time to supply your needs, as we are making prices never before heard of in Prineville All Goods First Class and Good Values at Our Regular Price Women's $1.20 Underwear 95c Silver (Jrey unrlerwer, part wool ' regular price 11.20 Special .95c 85c Union Suits 60c LnuMe8 honvy cotton Union unit tegular at Sfn- Special 60c Ladies' $2.25 Sweaters . .... $1.45 r.etit quality all wool Sweaters in HI tie, White ami lied Special $1.45 Infant's Bootees 15c Our regular '2'c Value in Infants HooteeH Spei'ial . 15c Ladies' Shawls and Fascinators . Values up to 1 ..r0 80c Men's $3.50 Underwear $2.35 Our ln-ht Garment, Extra Heavy all wool. Regular $.l.,r(). $2.35 Medium Weight all Wool Underwear $2.50 Value. $1.95 $1.50 Underwear $1.05 Good quality extra heavy Heecetl I'nilerwear. $1.05 Men's $l.SO Sweaters .' 1.10 Heavy all wool Sweaters, Extra good valuejit ifl.oO Special 1.10 Extra Fine Quality Sweaters in Hlaek, 'While ami Ulue 20 alue 1.95 SB In Rubber Goods, Felt Boots, German Socks, Etc., we will meet any Reasonable Price named by others. Send us your Mail Orders; You will be treated just the same as if you were here in person. J. E. STEWART & CO SALE CLOSES FEBRUARY 10th, 1906 ! in making a specially of the three J varieties, Hatreil Hocks Hlaek l.an.-hans ami Wyaiwottes, ami his fowls are al! pun' Moo.lcd and of the highest type of perfection. . i .i. . i r.ac t vear ne innioris iroiu uie ! hest fanciers pure Mooded Cocks ; from the yards of the foremost . poultry nii-ii in the I'nited States and has carefully eliminated from j his stock any birds which show the uliehtest deviations from the reouirements of the American I standard. As a result he has I some heautiful lu ids for which he i has not yet heen aide to till the demand. Mr. Springer has long been known as one of the foremost breeders of blooded horse? in Cen tral Oregon. He now has on his ranch about 0 head of young ani mals, Clydes, Standard Trotters and Hackneys, all splendid look ing colts. Services wiil be held at the Methodist .church next Sunday morning. The pastor will fike for his subject: "A Petition for the New Year." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth League ntmoOp. m. There will be no preaching at night. . Services noxt. Sunday nt the Presbyterian church as 'follows: Sabbath schcol 10 a. m. Hev. Mitchell will preach at 11 aTm. on ''Heredity, or Whose Son Art Thou?" At 7 :."() p. m. on "Sorue Practical Ways of Applying the Truth of Heredity." Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Bible class in the library rooms at 10:-0. Hevival meetings of the. Baptist' church are now being held at the Union church. Large congrega tions are in attendance with much intercse manifested. These meet ings are heid at 2 p. m. .and'; 7 p. m. each day and will probably continue through next week. Revs. Cooke and Moore are con ducting the services. One of them will preach next bunuay at lower McKay scl.ool house. . Sunday ser vices at the Union church both morning ami evening. The regu- lar monthly business meeting of ; the church will he held next Sat-I nrday at 2 p". m. I I Don't M c5ji A A s. 7jj & tvf td k7 &s sTj tZt ftT 7 .r.r - MMM Get Col reetm S mm A v. 5 5 am 5 But take advantage of this sale on Rubber Foot Wear and Un derwear. We do not intend to hold over any of these goods, and will, while they are in season, offer them at prices that will move them quick. Every piece guaranteed to be this years goods, and the rubber goods of the known Goodyear brand How Are These Prices? Men's one buckle Over Shoes regular price 81.75 $1.35 " four " " V 3.0D 225 " combination felts and rubbers, a snap at 2.50 " . ' " (2 buckle) ' 2.90 Ladies' one buckle Over Shoes - - 95 " hihtop " - 1.50 Misses' - - 15 , one buckle 80 Children's one buckle Over Shoes - - 60 All Other Rubber Goods, German Sox, etc., at Proportionally Low Price Lay in a stock of Winter Underwear to last you over next winter. It will pay you at these prices Men's heaviest fleece lined underwear regularly sold at $l.."0 a suit at $ .95 Men's heavy all wool underwear. Regular 2.o0 value at - - 1.90 Ladies' fleece lined underwear, winter weight - - 50 cents il suit Ladies' heaviest fleece lined underwear. Regular $1.50 value at $1.00 per suit Ladies' all wool Cashmere Underwear. Regular 2. 50 value at $1.90 per suit Ladies' Also a Great Reduction in Winter Hosiery, such as Regular Fleece lined Hose at 20 cents per pair Ladies' llouse Slippers at 25 per cent off Ladies' and Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens at reduced prices THESE PRICES GOOD UNTIL FEBRUARY 5th Come Early in Order to Get Your Size i bmcniiT The General Furnishing Store r j l j LJ r.y lJ j ! r.i L3 ii j r,.i L'J K li CJ r.3 LJ n ii M n CJ CI c-Jcj C.1 CJ &3 CJ 11 ll CI LJ El CJ C3 CJ C.1 CJ ea CJ S3 El CJ B3 CJ E3 L J C3 CJ CI L J r-3 CJ ra LJ r.i CJ C.3 CJ E3 CJ CJ T;3 C J x. mm 14