Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 11, 1906, Image 1

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    Grook County
on real.
NO. 4
Special Sale on Fashionable Shirts
A Large Assortment of Desirable Style and Pattern
which will be closed out at the following
Reduced Prices
I .Vi
1.1 Nt
General Merchandise
Professional Cards.
JJJ X. Cuioti,
' SPrin nttilt, Onaom.
( County S?giBH t
Dr. Gesncr Sells Interest
to J. N. Williamson
charge of the construction work'
which will be c.irrieij on without
interruption during lb year. j
Mr. McLaughlin will have tin: j
supervision of all road building,
bridge construction, and other im- j
provt-menU of the highwiys, and ; .
wiil also serve on the hoard of road I LeVy Of 21 MillS Oil the
viewers. term of ollice ex !
tends over the jriod of one year, I AsSeSSHieilt
daring which time he will devote
his entire time during April, Maw'
J une Mober and N'oyemlr to j SAME AS 1905 RATE
the duties of his olhce. I he;
countv court fixes the salary at;
Belknap dt cSflWvj Tranrfer Includes 12,000 Head oM10lr m,,nth all ,win; 4 lr County Will Pay State Over $8000
jAy n'cittHt ant Sm rytom.
0 0f M.'ir 7.,r A'mtt m V',ml
ZPrimvittt. Orwyon.
Sheep and 10,000 Acre Ranch
on Crooked River
SAytician mutt Smryton
:iv for actual county work done'
outside of the months enumerated. j
He will also receive 4 per day
while acting on the hoard of road
lacksmithing That Pleases
Is l Kind Vimi dct ul "
j. ii. wk;li:s
(Hiii-ci-Mur In) v
A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand
it it Yf.M Strvrti.
The sheep lirm of Williamson
and (leaner was dissolved this
'week, Congressman Williamson
buying his partner' intercuts in
Ithe r-heep and land owned and
0". t domt twt &9mt0mH ' j... . . . . , !
! i. I in II,.. (ruit.Fi. nt I iii t.PL
; perty has not been made known,
and probably will not 1 until the
1 tinal details have been arranged
' anil the paers placed on M lu. As
1 yet the sain has not been perfected,
'although all arrangements have
j biiuj completed for the transfer of
Untere-ts and future management
' of the business.
! The hale includes an interest in
City Levy Is Three Mills Low
er Than Last Year
Ortgoit. ! '
SAyii'ctmn mnti Smryrtn
i tmi-r or. i.mik N'itm ir mmmwon'n
limn stoKr Iikmi.k-mi; ui-ihmitk
MK.Hol.lal I'llimil
Feed and Boarding
-: Stable :-
Stock boHidorl by tint day,wek
or month and tfomi attention
Vflven the biuiib Your piitron
hi) nolioited
r .
I Iiiivi' inn' from wliirli In srlwl any inn' ol ftliii li -iirr l ili linlil
llir rlillilmi. A eliilil'i X iim i i ix-i.ittpl.'l.' witlmul :i lfv U'muI nys
i llio vry liiliHl quality, ti)iicinlly ooIitihI l"r tlif I n .1 s I ;i Irmte. Wr
link that yuu tunkv nil iuHsi iuli nl'iMit U, k i.l" Sl'is Tin v ur 1'ifili
anil ivri-ft mirt urn Iwlnif snM hi trirr xiiimmlwl to im-el yuur iippri'
TlirgiMxIs I sell ill (Ih'ih' lilies ut'i' lliimi' til estulililu -l meiit nnly. Ilnl
lilay pucknaes of cigar., n nie pi)it ur tolmcrn (inueli nif iiutt vi-ry miii
filur Kif" lr K"n,'",,'i' ' lme a wioit lnr t ln sv, I hnvo the kIs
The 0 K Meat Market
STROUDBROS., Proprietors
mu mm mi
W. A. Booth. Protidrnt
C. M. Elkinb. Vic Praildent
Fmio w. Wilson, Ctthler
W. A. Booth. C. M. Elkins.
D. F. 8twat, Ff o.W. Wilson.
Tliilisai'ts U (uMltTlll
Miuikiny Husinoss
Kxchiinii r.ouo-ht
ami Sold
(?oll;ctioiis will re
oeiv! promxJt attention
Ortyom ' head of hheep owned by
i the ti nil itinl some 10,XKt acres of
1 laud lying on Crooked river some
I twenty miles soutn east of Prine-
1 vill.-.
(Iniirfs-iiiaii Willianisoi and
Dr. tii-Micr have U-en in -bigness
together since 1VM)1 when thJ firm
of Williamson, Wakefield ut'i Ges
ncr was first formed. Two incurs
later Mr. Wukefield'e in crests
were boucht by hi tmrtnrH and
(the new linn of Williamson iV ".'Jes-
i ner was formed .!?nu.iiy tr4";.
The business lias grown steadily
;ir; . . '
it : nml nas heen a inivin!! one since
County taxea tliis year will lie
no more than they were last year,
the county court having fixed the
Powell Buttes Settlers Will Then I lvJ. ,aH,t,WM'k at 21 mUV 0,1 t,,,
t 1 . ,... n ... roll.
lane up naier rroDiem The heavy increase in the nnm-
x-r of school claldren with the at
tendant expend of more teacher?
and additional educational facili
ties necessitated an increase in the
levy for school purpose, six mills
being assessed this year compared
with live last year and four and
three-fourths the year before. The
levies for other purposes remain
about the same, the state and
county levy leing reduced one
mill over that of last year.
A comparison of the levies dur
ing the past three years if shown
in the following table:
v um nm
.Stale-county ii 10 13'
School ii 5 4.
Road 3 2Vi 2
High fu-h'iol a
The meeting of the settlers in
the Powell l'u t ten district which
was to have bi-en held last Satur
day for the purjjie of taking up
the proposition of building a lat
eral ditch around the base of the
Buttes from the main canal of the
I). I. & P. Co., was postponed un
til a later date. Sujerintendent
K. C. Kowlee, of the irrigation
company, conferred with some of
the Bcttlera relative to the matter
and stated that he would be in
Portland this week at which time
he would see the oiHcials of tin-
irrigation company and lay the
Bettlers' proposition licfore them.
Uon his return he will lie ad
vised as to the proper course to he
taken. and will le able to better
assist the settler of that district
in getting relief from their present , returned by county
eonu.tion 1 he . ct t Wfj are -.11- j $2 u.,B25t5; Vhe , t . hfi
Jtydo & Wfcftac
Star Barbershop
Our haircutlinn is up-to-date.
Our shaving is
romlorlable. Our shop is
new and clean.
Heuderaon Build inwr
ritlSKVlLl.K. - OH KtiON
it w is first started. The linn only
la.t spring established a record
mark for Crook county by a s:ile
of several thousand sh-p the pur- j
chase prices of which were the1
highest which had been paid for
M. ! Crook county sheep for years.
Ijlj lr. tiesner intends to move to
M Portland to join his wife and child
ren who are now living there. It
is understood that he will remain
in this vicinity, however, until
after the lambing and shearing
.season in the spring when the
final details of the transfer of in
terests will be drawn up and set
tlement made. He will continue
to remain in charge of the busi
ness until that time. -
Mr. Williamson has recently
purchased a residence in the city
and his family will probably move
here in a short time. At present
they are residing in The Dalles. .
ing and anxious to do more than
their share towards getting water
to their section at the earliest pos-
"sib'.e moment and it is not im
provable that their object will be
accomplished before many more
weeks have passed. The irriga
tion company likewire will no
doubt do its utmost in bringing
about a speedy change
in present
Railroad Companies Negotiate for
Eastern Oregon Tracts
Prefer Crook County to New York.
An instance i f the class of peo
ple settling western Crook county
and the attractiveness of that
The departure of 11. A. Booth, of
the Booth-Kelley Lumber Compa
ny, a brother of W. A. Booth of the
Crook County Bank, from Eugene
last week to Chicago, if taken as
significant of increased activity in
the line of prospective railroad
building through Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Booth's mission in Chicago is
said to be the closing of a deal for
the transfer of the lumber com
pany's inteJest in JM.OtK) acres of
land included in the wagon road
grant which crosses the Cascade
21 21 22.
The taxes this year are based on
the total assessable valuation, as
sessor, of
in fixing the tax levies for various
purposes allows a wide margin on
this figure for exemptions. The,
taxes which Crook county will pay
to the state this year amount to
oyer S()(K) and a like amount will
be used in the general running ex
penses of the county.
City taxes this year drop three
mills lielow the levy of last year.
In the table below, showing the
rate of taxation for the past three
years, the county tax is given at
IS mills instead of 21, as shown
above, the reason being that the
council levy of 7 mills for general
purposes is inclusive of the road
tax of three mills in the county
levy and in consequence the latter
is deducted from the total number
of mills tax. Following is the
summaay of city taxes during the
past three years:
l!MHi l'HC. V.KI4
IS l1
' 7 :
7 t! 2i
building ami the Prineville Hotel
a couple of weeks ago, finally ter
minated the fust of the week in
the forfeiture by L. C. Christian,
the contractor, of his lionda. The
latter had lieen subscribed by the
Guaranty k Trust Company of
Contractor Christian' final act
in throwing up his contract on
both buildings, one nearly finish- ;
ed and the Hotel not half com
pleted leaves the matter to ba set
tled hat we-n the owners of tlie
buildings and the Trust company.
The former will in all probability
secure another contractor to com
plete the unfinished work a maw
as possible and the Trust com
pany through the courU will lie
called uKn to pay whatever de
linquencies may result. It in
understood that Mr. Christian's
bonds for the work still to be fin
ished on the Prineville hotel ap
proximated $15,000.
Road Supervisors Appointed!.
New Road supervisors were ap
pointed hy the county court last
week in the following districts:
George Dillon, Kutcher; P. T.
Monroe, Cross Keys; J. G. Clark,
Ashwood; J. W. Wilt, Black Butte,
R. Parrish, Hay Creek; Thos.
Alderdyce, Haystack; M. Wheeled,
Willow Creek; Fred Stuart, Mc
Kay; J. M. Montgomery, Mont-
gomery; W. II. Cadle, Mill creek;
A. C. Knighten, Howard; II. J.
Edwards, Powell Buttes; Leo La
follett, Johnson Creek; J. E. Rob
erts, Bear Creek; R. W. Breese,
Breese; W. J. Schmidt, Summit;
M. F. Hawthorne, Ireland; J. H.
Gray, Newaom; Chas. Roberts,
Maury; L. V. Bailey, Beaver; F.
W. Smith,' Camp Creek; T. N.
Balfour, Hardin; O. W. B. Riley,
L&idUw;Joe Wiegand,,Lamonta.
-. '. . . ... 7. r
region to outsiders is brought to I into Eastern Oregon and extends
'I i,n It 1 t,
t- An
IP m
Dealers in Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Butter
Egg and Country Produce j
eecf Stable
a tiff &r9 Camp Jfousa
2n Cts. HEAD
liny anil lii:i:i 1.25 jht iliiy. Transient
IikIi- siilu'iu-il. 1'i'tiie w m-re you ami your
ti'ums inn hi- made ooinlbrtiihlB at. the old
MeFarland Stand, Prinovlllo, Or
Your patronage respectfully solicited ami a trial order of one
of our Roasts or Steaks will convince you that we sell only the
Best. In the simp formerly occupied by Crooks & Sailor
Son Lost Mother,
"Consumption runs in our family,
mid through it 1 lost my Mother."
writes K.'W, Keid, of lliinnoiiy. Me.
"For the post live yen in, however,
on the slightest sign of 11. Cough or
Colt), I have taken Or. King's New
Discovery for CoiiNunipUou, which
has saved me from serious lung;
trouble." His mother's dentil was a
sad loss for Mr. Held, but he learned
thn t lung-trouble must not be neg
lected, and how to cure It. Quickest
relief and cure for coughs and colds
Be Given Prompt Attention
B Telephone Order. Will
light by the recent arrival from
New York of two families in the
neighborhood of Cline Falls. J.
(i. McGuilie, his wife and son, and
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and daugh
ter moved to the latter place a
short time ago. Thov bought land
a little ways above the falls and
come well prepared to convert it
into a paying farm in a short time.
Mr. Morgan, who owns a farm of
"00 acres in New York state, has
been attracted to the west bv the
possibilities of great development
under irrigation. Mr. McGuttie
has been a traveling salesman,
but thinks the chance in Crook
county of developing cheap land
into a good farm offers a greater
opportunity to make money.
New Road Master Appointed.
Earl McLaughlin, of Cline Falls,
was appointed county Road- Mas
ter at the January session of the
county court last 'week. This is
the first appointment madt. to the
ollice since Judge Wills' adminis
tration a number of years ago.
Tin. miiid Kit Moment, of t.hecounlv
....... - 1 i ,u ,.....i ,.t "r- -
l Fill M'C MHO Hri'"'! j;iini(HiuAii nv , . ,
J. H. Temuleton's and l. V. Adam-1 g'eruuj . "'. -
..t, a t...... Ti-i.ii i...tti.. five, necessary to nlaoe someone in
Settlers Under the D. I. &P. Co's
Canals Organize
( utility
Ready for Spring Run.
southward to Lakeview thence
eastward through the eastern part
of the state.
The land owned by the Booth-
Kelley Company is said to be the
prize which several railroad com
panies are endeavoring to capture,
md it is understood that one" or
the other of these railroad inter
ests will soon be the owner of the
tract in question.
Gould, the Chicago it North-
Western and the Chicago, Milwau
kee it St. Paul are all bidding for
the property. The Gould inter
ests own the California, Nevada &
Oregon railway, which operates
between Reno, Nevada, through
Northeastern California to Made
line, and an extension is projected
from the latter point to Lakeview.
The wagon-road grant extends
southward from Eugene, touches
Eastern Oregon, and it would be
a valuable acquisition to Gould in
connection with his northern ex
tension, or to come north by way
of Winnemucca.
On the other hand,, the North
Western has already made sur
veys through the wagon-road
grant, and negotiations have, been
pending for several months for its
purchase by them.
Hawkins Bros., who recently in
stalled a new saw mill at the
western edge of the timber1 belt or.
the Oehoco, are making prepara
tions for a long and steady run of
their plant next spring. The mill
has been closed down for some little
time and 'only what lumber is
needed for completing the mill
is being cut. But a force of men
is employed getting logs ready for L'
the mill when sawing is resumed
in the spring. Several hundred
thousand feet are on hand at pre
sent and this supply will be in
creased considerably during the
cold ' weather of the next two
months. Probably in March the
sawing will bogin and continue
during the summer and, fall. The
company at present has orders
enough on hand to keep the mill
busy for some little time. It is
said that some of the best grades
of lumber to be used in the city
next season will come from this
Contractor Forfeits Bonds.
The 1). I. k P. Settler's Assoc ia
tion was formed at Redmond on
December 2, when a preliminary
organization was effected. A
meeting will be held next Satur-
day for the purpose of permanent
organization, the installation of
officers and the adoption of con
stitution and bylaws. There are
now 48 charter members. AH
settlers on the company's lands
are eligible to membership, while
provision for social membership
makes every owner of real estate,
whether company land or not,
admissible, although social mem
bers have no voice in the meetings.
The object of the organization is
largely fraternal. At the meet
ings which are to be held on the
second and fourth Saturdays of
each month the settlers will dis
cuss all matters pertaining to ir
rigation learned by experience on
the new lands for mutual benefit,
is well as acting in a body in pre
senting any grievance they may
have against the Deschutes Irriga
tion k Power Co. The temporary
officers .elected are: Howard F.
Jones, president; Col. W. A. Bel
cher, vice-president; - Clarence
Jackson, corresponding secretary;
Lee Welch, treasurer; F. H. HeE-
sley, C. M. Red field and F. T. Red
mond, wardens. A new building
will soon he built opposite Hotel
Redmond, the upper story of
which will be used exclusively by
the association.
Disagreement over the provis
ions in the specifications, which
caused a cessation in work on
both the First National Bank
Sold to Black Butte Company.
Hardy Allen, of Sisters, has sold
his 440-acre ranch located bolween
the Metolus and Deschutes rivers
to the Black Butte Land & Live
stock Company for a figure in the
neighWhood of $7000. The sale
included 120 head of cattle and .
other stock belonging to the ranch.
Mr. Allen will hereafter devote his
time to his blacksmithing, hotel
and feed barn business in.- Sisters. .
He is only one among the many
substantial young men who have
come to Crook county and sue- (
ceuded by industry and thrift.