i , A HARD ROW A1 loM li'erlW 1 p of .i n:na si . til it-t.il iih f- null' thwa j ft K I a I 1 t i h -:r i- miner II .',".,( ( , , , , j I. iv-t, i nc wi.l et:iu" m.iy tilr his bj iiso. I ir. Rl V. l'iinv funiwt I t'oni tlioroto, if any there he. I ... ly etr 1 Ik -i k &iimti won h.nr ro.iy nun- trraUHl mainlv through imu.ranee- ami rarWi'm-w. arid h determined tn devote himself lo ludv ami re-eatvh nil he found th ral oaus of llioir Kiifforintt ami a proper reniedv fir if. Hr ftminl it. ami dug from Namr' l.alHiratory. lh earth. .Nnfior'n irmoWioa fur woman' WMkniwi ami aUmont-s. H foimil in Lady's Mipor pot. lilaeW ( ulnwh ril. I'nioorn root. 151m i'oiu-h runt ami li olden Seal root, the roiiiiired Ingredients. The remedial virtue of thee ho ex traoted. combined ami preserved hy his own peculiar non-alcoholic, cheerio in cxr, and thr oonioiiiul is now lnoa 1hr norlil over, as I'r. I'irrvr'n KavoriM lYracription. "Thr wrai-ln of cowl ton ttshi rmr4 tnharr hrourhl an n.aldiiiiliil invur WKsWeiitntr thr lienmi'iili ami n'-i.lifiii: in dll"l''i''"- fhiili uoul'lisi mr imi.l I not Ml to walk, and at tlnir .viilU haiitly xiand-'wriirj. Mm. Brrrrly SIitt'v of i;4 Knlion St.. fan Kran-l.-o. Cal. " A ni-iirhlvr ailTitrd bi to try lr li.ivr' Kavoriir I'rr wrtption. Brfoir ilir lirst botiU' a- nrtl I frit miK'h Iwltrr. lmprorrniont wont ..nip rut anil wiihln four nuuiili I waa Ilk a nrw and well woman oner uri'. I j am now nrrfw-m- well ann xiromr. aiM t irrmrlsr rratrfnl to you for your hlrsrd ntnirdy a Nmi to I'K wonirn." AOrrat Doctor Book Free Srml SI rnr crnt tamp to Or. 15. V. iVrvr. ItiifT'i X. Y.. to rovrr mailinn and lir w ill -'nil von a frrr copr of his WK-naer Coniino1 Srnsr Mrdiral Advisrr. iapir-eovlnl. Cloth-rovrrrd M stamps. Dr. I'irrrr's Plrasanf Prllets a it th Vt and aafoKt laxative (or ike u. o' d ell rata woman. Timber lnd, Act June 3, IpC. Notice for Publication. United States I.and Ofrice. The Dallrs, Orrfjoii, Ortolwr IS, 1!H6. Kotice is hereby given that in compli ame with thr provisions of thr act of Con ftrrs of June , tSTS, rmitlril "An act for the sale of timber lands in thr Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August t. 1K92, Perley Klbert Hrrould, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State ! Oregon, has this day tilled in tliie orticr his sworn V statement Xo. 271S, for thr purchase of the SW of Set-. No. 12, in Township No. 12 South Range No. It! E. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the (and souhgt is more valuable for its timler or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said land before Don P. Rea. I. 8. Commissioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon, on thr lrith day of Krh. ruary, 1?. Hr names as witnesses: Howard W". Turner, and William Doak. of Madras, CO. Barhrr. and Georgr K. l.er. of Ah- wood, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adver-ely the above-describrd lands are requested to file their claims ill this office on or before said 16th day of February, Michael T Nolan, Register. Contest Notice. Department of the Inteiior United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 17, A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Sarah P. Gienn, con testant, against Homestead Kntry No. 7449, made June 2, for SJSK. tfVjS'Wj,', section 8, township 17 south, of range 22 east of Willamette meridian, by Thou.a- t'ftturt, cer.testee, in whu-h it is aliened tiiat sa: I Xi.i.n'Ss Cati-n L.t.- '.vl, Uy ahsnikmrd t..ad e.-u h.- tuu: tu reside upon, Si-ttlt or cultivate the same in any maimer or establish a residence upon, or in any way ilnprove ssid land for more than five years last past and has been al sent from the same during all that time; that ssid absence was not due to his em ployment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Haid parties are hereby notified to appear respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 5, 1906, before J. J. Smith, county clerk, at his office in Prineville, Oregon, and that tinal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on January 12, 1906. liefore the Regiater and Receiver at the United States I.and Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed October o, Moo, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not lie made, itia hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S. Notice for Publication- United States, Land Ottice, The Dalles, Oregon, July 28, l!.fi. Notice is hereby given that in conipl iance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 192, Martha A. Mitchell, of Butte, county of Silverbow, State of Montana, has this day tiled in this office her sworn statement No. 26G1, for the purchase of the NENKtf. , SXNEK & SE NW of Sec. No. 32, in Township No. 14 S., Range No. 19 K., W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land Bought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lund liefore the .Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the Kth day of Febru ary, 1906 She names as witnesses: James R. Heath, of Prineville, Oregon, Louise I!. Heath, of Butte, Montana DuBois Mit chell, of Seattle, Washington. Thomas H. Mitchell, of Butte, Montana. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of February, 190U. Michael T. Nolan, Register. Half The World Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use Bucklen'a Arnica Salve never won der if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Sores nd all skin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Rey nolds St., Springfield, 111., says: "I re gard it one of the absolute necessities of housekeeping." Guaranteed by I). P. Adamson A Co., and Templeton i Son druggist". 25 cents. Not ie of Final Account in. lnthf matttr of Uit estate of IVm'tui tlf is hcri'I'j giTrii Hint thr un.lcr lpnl, tli almiuitrtri of the .-tiitr ot j rVui'tloii Blcviiis iliwaxl, lia Mol lier tiiml t.'n.uminc of her administration of Mid pl;iU' nihI 111 Honorable Owmtv U'onrt for rrook County, Oitroii, has svt ' Miilirfiav tht .Slli iluv f Ki-lirilarv lUTli. at ..vin,.!, , .. .1.,, rvuntv Court room : - t IVimvii!... Orvccn, a tin tun and ; !.! v l'i s! Itcrinc ; moll acrouiitiiic. Mrs. Tkmslton lUtvix. Admimstrntrix of thr K.Mate of IVwItoii ltlovins, lVepato.!. latM this Sih l.tvof mvemln-t , Notice To Creditors. V.itii. !k 1iii-1i irivwii liv tin. liitittr ! 1 sipnod administrator of thr .rsutr ol Ixmisa irk, ihf-wl, to thr -rlilors of said d-ra-ril to present thrir i-lainu with thr nrrrssary vom-hrrs to thr nndrr mrhiM at the' orliiv of M. It. Klliott in l'rinrvillr, Hrrjon within six months after thr first pii hi tea I ion of this notier. K. H. SPARKS. Administrator of the rtatr of Louisa Sparks, tleeeasoii. lHtel at Prinrvillr. tnson this 4lh ilay of January, wi. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Property. Notice is hereby given, that in persuance of an order of the County Court for Crook County, Oregon, made and entered on the 4th day of Dec., IrtVS, in thr matter of thr partnership estate of Win. II. tjuinn A Son. the undersigned the administrator of j .. , j, . sain ariiirr-iiip eiaii' win mni nun usi the 5th day ot January, 1:M. pixwl to si'll at private sale for cash, all the right, title and interest of the partnership of Wm. H. Quinn .V Son also all the right, title and interest ol William H. Oiinn, de ceased, had in the said promises at the tiine of his death and all the ri:lit, title and interest the said r-tate has acquired other than or in addition to that lf the said William H. VJuinn at the time of his death in and to all that certain real estate descrited as follows, to-wit: The Snub half ot the Northwest quarter and the North half of thr Southwest quarter of Section Thirty Kive and thr Southeast quarter of Section Thirty Four all in Tow nship Twelve, South of Range Kifteen Kast of W. M. in Crook County, Oregon. Dated this 7th day of lec., l'.lk'i. JOSKPH M ij! INN, Administratorof the estate of the part nership of Wm. H. ljuinii A Son. Taken Up. Yearling steer; ear marly under bit on left ear, split in rulit. Ked with bald lace. Bran. Lit on right hip but hard to distinguish. Owner can have same by calling at Carey Poster ranch and phving charges. N Ij4:tpl F. T. COX Beats the Music Cnre. "To keep the body in tune,'' writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, X. Y. "I take fr. King's New Lite Pills. Thev are the most reliable and pleasant l.ixative I have found." Best ror the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed hy D. Adamson v. Co. an 1 Templetsou A Son. druggists. iV Notice to Creditors. Estate of James B. Mactiregor, deceased: Notice r hereby siven by the under -.1 a vii-:i;::.iTr!; (!' the estates i f ,'a!.:i; B. ii.ieOrc.ror, .ievtuaed, to ail persons having claims against said de ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within six months from the date hereof U the undersigned at the office of M . R. Elliott in Prineville, Ore gon . M.K. Elliott Administratrix of the Estate of .lames 11 MacGregor, deceased. Dated this 12th .lav of Oct.. 19n.i. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Hade. the Best 'In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds," says Mrs. Cora Wheeler, of Porterville, California. There is no doubt about its being the liest. No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other is such a sure preveutive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good reas;nH why it should lie preferred to any other. The fact is that few- people are satisfied with any other after having once used this remedv. For sale by D. P. Adamson & Co. Notice of Examinations. Eighth grade examinations will lie held on February 1 and 2; May 17 and I; June 14 and l.": Septemlier 27 and 2 Examinations for county pa) kth will lie held on February 14, l.'iand lfi. Examination! for ntato pajM'i'H will be held on Fedruary 14. 15, Hi and 17. TeacherH with pnpilH who exiect to take examination in February muHt report. Persons who haven't neceHHary paper and expect to teach this coming Hjn-inK Hhould be mire to come up for examination in Febru ary an no beginner will lie allowed Hpedal examination except In cuhch of absolute necessity and others whose permits expire will not Ik allowed to take special examination for renewal except in eases of abso lute necessity. See page 22 Oregon School Law. ('. li. Di.NwiniiiK. County Superintendent. May Live 100 Years. The chances for living a full century are excellent in the caBa of Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., now 70 years old. She writes! "Electric Bitters cured me of Chronic. Dyspejieia of 20 years standing, and made me fee) as well and strong as a young girl." Flec trir Bitters cure Stomach and Liver dis eases, Blood disorders, General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guar antee at P. P. Adamson & Co. and Tem pleton & Son's drug stores. Price only 50 cents. ' "Uhe Journal Wants to Ml aV Tfl UllUI'l 11113 Ill'flU ill lil lu iu.uiita.1 nt llitt t A nf ul iu i iTni wr wuru jHr mrri tnui. m KOK SA1.K I'urr lliHle-l I'lymuulli Kii k chickens, by W. H. Kitt.ler, Priiir i!U. tn-KiMi. dHtf KKKSHlVrOX AM) l.AKIV Wr arr wlliin? thr local piolnct of this year's Imcon anil l:rl at the name prices H Kaatern isoo-U. A .liial will convince you that tliev si as khI as tin Ust. Wr call sprcial atlenii.ui to thr rxcel lemT of our liomr currl hanic. ltf KosTKH VV HottlliAH. VOH SALK i!t !ciK ih-scil liimL tith H'i'fvt; 40 iionw ns-nly for plow: IM icrs nnl.v for ctiltivation: Mil incliii water fnv ami Ht-M'ttial. Tract convciileat to tliulnr. Itmulrx of S. J. Nkwshm, Prlnevilh', Oiv. o!2 I.i.)ST: Monogram fountain pen. Kinder plra.se return same to this oflice ami rrivivr raril. Ut) r.liNMK.NT I.AND I.tX'ATKD: In the ChrlMiiiUM Lake Valley. titi.traiittl to In siooil wheat ami Alfalfa laiul. Abiimlaiice of water can U (nvtmnl from 1J to i"i ftft. Hyuon CahY' Silver like, t )njfon. ... rOK sALr. : LH1 acres land near Iji inonta (alsntt I Vuiiles from Priueville Crook county. Oregon. All tillable one-half under cultivation. Cheap for cash. Write Grant IIindkiiKs, Springfield. Oregon. 1 -4 "t pd. FOR SAI.F. : A tine ranch of l0 acres, enclosed w ith three wire fence. About is hch-s in cultivation, near railroad survey. Will rinse tine grain, hay and vegetables, without irrigation. Als nice business and resident property in Prineville. All at reason able prices. -Jntuire at C. A. liuiVKR's iinn ery Store. 1 4 0 A Modern Miracle. "Truly miraculous seemed the recov erv of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place." writes J. O. K. Hooper. Wmnlford, Tenn., "she was so wastetl by coughing up puss from her lungs. l-ivtors di clare-l her end so near that tier family ha 1 watched by her l-ed-side forty- eight hours; when, at my urgent r- Hiiest Dr. King's New Discovery was given her, with the astoniohing result that improvement begau, and continued until she finally recovered, and is a healthy woman today." Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. "iOc and f i.0t at I. P. Adainson's .t Co. and Temple ton ,v Son druggists. Trial Ixdtle free. Lost Information Wanted. Information is wanted conceriiini; the whereabouts of one Harmon S. Enslcv, who is about 35 years old, 5', feet in height weight about lm.i pounds, has dark hair, sandy mustache, small twinkling eves deep sunken in his head. When hist seen he wore a black solt hat. dark wool coat, overalls and heavy shoes. He was iaat seen driving a four" horse team from The Dalles, Oregon, alsjut November lo, 1901. His team consisted of one bay horse w ith star in forehead, one bay mare, with -mall stripe in face, tine hor-es, weight over 1200 pounds. The leaders were a flea-bitten gray mare, branded AH con conuecteil on right shoulder and B on left stittie and a small black mare brand not kuown. His wagon was Studebaker make inch skein, with sii!cls,arils, extension bed. wagon liows, and was covered with canvas and had the name. " lluddleson A Johnson, Cambridge. Idaho," painted on the sideboard. His wagon was loaded with liedstcad, chairs, washing machine, bedding, pictures, canned fruit, one man -saddle, one woman's saddlc.two tables and other merchandise and a small tin box or safe in which he kept valuable papers. Anyone giving information concerning the whereabout of this man or the loca tion of the said animals or property will be liberally rewarded.. Address all com munications to Lot L. Feltham. Weiser, Idaho. ' j.'ipd. 2c our Tlintor flooding? During the long evenings of Fall and Winter nearly everyone feels the need of something to read and to supply this want we have made arrangements with the pul lishers of the Weekly Oregonian, the Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, of Portland, "Madame", and The American Farmer, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and The Town and Coun try Journal, of Ijs Angeles, Cal ifornia, hy which we can club their papers with the CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL at a price which is within reach of all. Following is the liberal clubbing rate we have to offer you : Town and Oiuntry Journal The American Farmer - -Crook County Journal - - 1 (X) 1 00 1 60 $3 50 1 50 1 00 - 1 50 - 1 50 - 1 50 $5 50 4 00 Our clubbing rate for all tnree papers, - - "Madame" Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal -Weekly Oregonian . - - - Crook County Journal - - - -, Our special clubbing offer - - We can furnish all six of the papers mentioned in the above lists-$9.00 worth of the hest pub lications for $4.00 Crook County Journal inn Jk. JW JW JW Jk di. Jk JW Jl 41. J THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop.. J'or oCaci'cs and Scnticmcn ?cas and ffia'Acry unch Board by the week. $5 00, with room, $6.00. Mral Ticket.. $4 00 The Biggest, Most Complete D The Cheapest Line of apF In the County Can Be Seen and Bought at the Store of A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, .Mould ing. Doors. Windows or (ilass see Shipp & Perry For Prices on Them. TJ ZMZ IE IR, IS 1 9 8 THE HAMILTON STABLES THE HAMILTON STABLES Bend l.ivcry Transifcr Contpuny I'KIM.VII I T. KHiON SttH'k liourileil liy the day, week or month at KeasoiiuMe rutei'. Kemcmlier us when in I'rineville. IIvtm IU: soitt k. We liavc Fine Livery Rigs For Rent t& ' Kim in Connection with the Heml Livt rv Stahlcsi Wines and Liquors flar Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete Bacon, Lard and and Choice Lint Country City leat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Oregon M H Agency for McCall's Patterns. Price 10 and 15cts. N. H H u H H it to H H U Fall and Winter Millinery We n n Taylor & McCallister fSrrg WWW fT W W a.jAi jfW.rfhr jJP&r jJfWialKjIkjAKjAKjJRkflkjflK. Daily PmnAuil a Immlra -Wnnn i uv raau ivu 01 Between Prineville and Shaniko SCHEDULE Leaves Hlmniko, fi ). ni. Arrivew at Prineville fi a. in. leaves Prineville I p. in. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. .in. First Class Accommodations r ir irir r -r ir -r -r r r tr ir i LAJl4kJLJl4lJl.A;lJlJl4l4 rtr.irir tririr ir tr ,ir,tr ir .ir. .1 ksV , Pollard l'inest Cigars In Stock the l'oindexter Hotel - of JVef, Veal Mutton, Pork, hand at the Produce Kept on have many hcautifiildcBignH in 9 ft VI. , V.T i M Fall rand Winter Hats. Tht winter Htyleij are graeiouHly varied heoomin(?- ntHs is the key note. 1 Jiut come and nee. Tlie moHt charming hats of the hcuhoii are in evidence, including the Hinall '1'oguen, TurlmnH and, Maxine Elliot. Orders taken for Corsets and Iadien Kashionahle Tail o r M ode S u i t h PRINEVILLE UKLUUN. W "W V myrf y, y v, WVV iIW. At.jAijJJkA.jAr jftij4kjJV.JJk.JVdtksojflkjl4 rn ft n 4 iT ? tT4 ? 4 n ? n 1T4 T ivTi 7 iT n ZjAc ffiuckct I ?i Diatl iiitd Jtf Sood Milliard Jit S?0tri S 7r't .yi 'i f t H 7Jhc deception SMITH k CI.KI-IK, I'hoi Min'on. Domestic and Imported Liquors. Wines and Cigars COUNTRY OKDMRS SOLICITllD rk MAIN SIIIKKT Hi tj - jf 9 fij'-i tj rir.wv ir-ririr itirir.ir ir.iirv imr. ir tr ariRirjic-ir.-iriip,!! kJkiLJWJkJI.JWJI.Jk JW.JW. JW. JCjf L Jk Jk JL JkJk.JkJk-JkJkJkJi.JLj Sencrcr ffilaccsmithing lloKsKSMOKIM N Y. K T I Ni WlON ir ih tiobcrt Satisfaction Will I'ltlNKV II I K, i r. ir.irw is uririnnrir ir. k Jk jk jk Jk jk jk Jk Jk jk Jk Jk jk 0'9cl brothers !Prtnevilte' $ lOholasalt jCifuor Jfout Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also 33 a r Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer the Famous Napa Soda tDjrcLlX-r Tiadc Solicitor. m j The Opera Saloon BEDELL & MOSES, Proprietors In The (ilac Hall A First (lass House in Mvery Respect Choioest ' Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars Shaniko Warehouse Co. Shaniko, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding A N I) ' Commission Merchants Defile rs in IiliickHini th Coal, Flour, Barhed Wire, Nailn, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Planter, JSulphnr, Wool and drain, Haokri and Twine, (Jrain and Feed. Agents for Wuhoo WarehoiiHi) Milling Co'm. "White ' River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour.' Highent price paid for Hides and Pelte.. Sjuicial Attention i paid to Baling for Kantern ShipmcntH. Stock YartlH with all for Handling Stock. 97arJc 2our Soods in Care of "S. W. Co . 4'l'. Vablo in Connection V old stand oh Vfmi Sow J i M 'ii i"' f t IloHltMl H 1'nsl Otliiv llox '.IJ I'ltlNKVll.l.l' OI(K(. WlMilt W'okk, nr., I'ltoMl TI V PoNK IhisK Hv : : : 9oorc He (iiiarantced Okwjw. ijr.ir.irir.ir "irir.ir.nrr.ir.r.ir.a jf k Jk jk Jk jw'Jwji JLJkJkJk jkJWJ Supplies md 3B Wool flrading and tho latest and heat fueilitien . . 4. 3-' r,"l Cj ii U H K II n