Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 04, 1906, Image 2

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S T E F F A A B A I L K Y , P i b 1 1 h r
Kgirtrd at the poaloffin- at PrttHI. Orni,
SUBSCRIPTION RATE'S-Invariably In Advltnc
One Year Il-W Month
Tliree Months - V0, '.,'
the ii.iiilily comes in t In union cmitim-il to any tie iiti'iil.ii
of ; from mhiio iiii-Iii- ilil ill tin- Irllrr .m-.iik
constantly ir-ct-iveii tnnn section ;
Ulh ci mill west of tl' MNsi
ipli river. Kvf IV.xa contain
some tuosipective 1'i'ook eoiintVi
Kinuiiil cuinnl. hut Mr. l'rtncuke
is cotiti.ent tlutt with a furllirr
sinkinvr he will have water a
mnaj-fin' B"ft jilenty. If i sullieievt nu.-intily is
sncounteretl this well will U- tin
Xf supply station for a lurae nuinher
,N cm ' t'f settlers in that vicinity who at
. present are compelled to go to the.
Kawilultona ol OUdol!- 1.SM.
Waul", Uit"
residents, and the I'ukotas. M in-1
uesotu, Wisconsin, Illinois uiul!
Iowa are all in lin to swell the;
local population during I he com- '
inj; tiuit I Its. The Ht'ects of the;
irriirntiiiii riiiiliiiime-i lilit-rril i -
Ad v.rtl.lng Rat..: Wr lnMvt W:" ...I ...... vr.lh.f ,o time .i.J .p,,,ltr ,.a,t on ,. utt.S , yerUMnu ttlfl that .licit the
IKNMtef. ich- ' '1 -u" "' ' "'. ' ' " . 'V:."1 for the water th.-v am now listnu. ! count v I ma v.l throm-h
" c i . ..... ......... . ...f.-
: other tumrees, are heinjj felt and
"" ' greater impitlatiow and art t lenient
will In the tlireet results.
Heal estate, trnnsfeis in the
i county were never as numerous as
r . r cJ- nu' ! at the present time, and lxih tint
County Court Find Objection to;,w aril.u,llral tracts are
showing a steady increase in
value. The clerk's oftioe is kept
busy recording the many invil.s
which an- U'tnjr tiietl every day
during the week.
X Haiti (outs, Short iio (Vats and Kmpire Coat ut about wt. Our rntirr stock
0 reduced to Hock Rollout Cash prices to clean up thf lot. $1.7S to $15 Much
fuMiilied Kvery Thurmlay at the BnilJing. l'ri ne v ille , Oregon ;
Lant year there were good and
uilicient reasons why the Central
Oregon Livestock and Agricultural
association should not undertake
to hold a county fair. Those rea
sons, however, died with the year.
This next fall should witness the
largest county fair ever held in
Central Oregon. The display
could and would he iwst complete
and satisfactory in every detail.
It is not too early to begin the
work. Hue notice at this time
will give stockmen and fanners an
opportunity to prepare their ex
hibits and produce the best.
A more opportune time than
early fall for holding a county ex
hibit will never again W given the
community. A a thorough ami
convincing advertiser of the
county's wares it would step to
the front rank.
There will be many strangers in
this vicinity about that time.
Opportunity could then le afforded
them to see in a day the resources,
products and possibilities of a
county which would take them
many weeks to cover as thoroughly
and see to as great an advantage
as would he offered in a collective
An exhibit this fall is a matter
of business to the county. !Vttlers
coming here to spend their money
and make their home have a right
to expect that something of the
county's productive attractiveness
be shown them. A county exhibit
can serve very well in this capac
ity as an information bureau.
Products from both drv hind'
and irrigated farms; ores from the
mines; lumber from the forests;
livestock from both range and
stables and a score of other pro
ducts collected together would
prove a wonderful educator not
only to outsiders but the home
people as well, and as a business
proposition a few hundred dollars
could not .1 more profitably
The time to get the matter
started is this month. The time
to raise the necessary funds is this
month. The time to advertise
thoroughly to the county pro
ducers that they will be asked to
put their best products on exhibi
tion this fall is this month. The
time to lose loth time and in
terest in the matter is this month.
Don't do it.
An exhibit for the whole of
Crook county this fall means much
more to everyone in this county
than can be told in several col
umns. Onlv a couple of the sal
ient advantages hove been men
tioned. There are many others.
The sun is shining beautifully for
a large crop of hay.
iie A mie nveiveit the prine for the
most oriutnal costume. She was
ilivnxeil In mi attractive SwimIIsIi
national tire. The ilamv con
ttnueil inn II ::! a. m.
Madras Incorporation
(Srxvisl rorrvon1.'iif.l
Ueo. Meijtii-eii lias moved into Ills
new lvsidviii-e.
K. 0. Kowlee went to Prtiievllle
Tuifilay nihl returned Weilnesdav.
Then are tifiy families Hvln with
in a riiiliu of neven miles of Iteil
niond. Mrs. Mihallin. the school inarm,
lias now twenty-five children under
tier care.
Carl Khret U'lla us he wtil lie able
to move Into his new house in ntiout
two weeks.
Heorgv Cuilmoiv of Sinners. Mon
tana, has jtlaceil his onler for lum
Iht for his new resilience on his
The weather Is still warm. Seems
like old Jack Frost Is ustns all of his
! energies to the discomfiture of lteml:
that little place is lahoriii innler the
weight of ten inches of hiihw.
The petition of '.he residents of
Madras to incorporate was denied
' for the second time by the county
I court during its session this afternoon.
O'Neil Bakery
the ictition 11(1011 which it denies
the right to incorporate. The first
of these is the fact that the etition
ers. failed to tile proof that the
signers were legal voters, and the
second reason given by the court
is that out of the .V) signatures on
the petition less than 40 are actual
residents of the district named for
the incorporation, the balance
being homesteaders outside of the
limits of the prescribed boundaries.
This is the second petition which
has len denied by the court. The !
last waa presented at the Novem-j
ber session and was denied on the
grounds that a portion of those I
signing the petition were not resi
dents of the district described.
In th Millar Building
Krenh llivwl. Ple uiul Cakes
a I way on hand.
Pastry of all kinds made to
.iitcrdown 1 Messing sacuiits ami miiioiius
Uegular I1..V1 niuililv at 91 IO
.'.J.'i I 63
Taihir-iiiudf Skirt a 11 thi eoii ln I, m
Km! dcloih. CherloU and Stiget. in blac!
iuvv blue and mUtd ry.
Special Holiday Sale of Useful Presents
ISAl I'up r.dUi olt.w "hi I. Iron' Knr Sot h'lim iniitol ! N'W NiH.'kwr-ir. Iliblwll ill all
sh;t(Ut and Persirut IiirtiHt Kid (JivtM, IMU, HantlkrvhiHH, Ktc.
Qj We Have a Fine Line
The total numlx-r of
tures reijuired is 4(1.
lega 1
vim will save money lowo lilioer.
istatesthat fit both instances the l'he aivatent larualn In jiimeries
lawful signatures have fallen lelow the next :to days at mover - ever
this figure.
Rush to Crook County Begins.
Jacob Khrer and family have set
tled tn here with the riht spirit.
New Year's dav Jake was passim;
the cigars around to the boys to
celebrate the entry into his house
hold of a nine-pound tmbv boy.
II. K. Join's of New York t'ity is
now permanently located at Red
mond and has his two-story build
ing nearly completed. He has al
ready placed his order for his spring
stock of wall pajM-r and paints. Mr.
Joint, tells tin his family will U- here
Thursday and will occupy the uper
story of his tmildinu.
J. II. Jackson, run linger of the
Jackson Iumlier ('onipany is a
pretty busy man. a consignment of
his sto'k arrived iiiclmlinu; farm im
pleiueutM. sash and doors and build
ers hardware. I lie seeoiiu story oi , sons representing eight or
his building, while not yet entirely ; lies anj settlement of
completiil. ha Ihimi eiiija:ed for the'
past two weeks.
New Year's eve will lony; le rem-i
emlH'reil In Kediiioiid on account of!
the successful hop -riven at thej
Hotel Kedniond followed by a de-,
licious supper. Mr. V. ('. Kowlee, ; eounty. Inquiries are coming not
ttie Host: w as the recipient oi most , .. one to t ie pountv e erk. hut to
oflicals, commis-'-
io to Hi.ovKu's fash iiriM-er for
tine potatoes, bacon, ham and lard
H awl wood Ctaniery Itiiiter at. I.
K. Stewart St Co.
lon't sell your enx until you see
(Jlover. He Is nlways in the market
and pays the highest price In Cash.
We have 011 hand a Ultt supply of
Stewart & llodsoiiM Pun l-cnf l.ard.
J. K. Stkwakt & Co. t f d
We an- not closing out, but we an,
selling gi'iM-eries at closing out prl-
een. C. A. til.ovKK. 1
It you wish to buy sugar by I lie !
sack or caiiiii-il gmwls by the case j
offered in Prinevlllc
In order to make room for my new
goiwls now on the way my holiday
stock of toys, candies and mils niiisl
pi at any price. Tills Is the last
week of holiday sales. You will lind
my stock of toys complete and
attractive and the candles and nuts
fi-Vfli and sweet. Ciune in and buy a
big lot at low prices. I MlrliKI .
Stomach Troubles and Constipation.
- 'T have taken more homestead
applications today than I have for
many months past," said County
Clerk Smith Tuesday. "It is only
an indication of the rapid settle
ment which will take place in j .... . . . , .i, ., 1 1 ,v..r
1 "t. IhiiiiIh-i Iioii s Stomach mm I.imt
this section of Oregon during the Tablets sre the lest thiiiK for stomach
nresent veir This office is ree- troubled and constipation I have ever
present 1 m unite i? rc- j , t.n ,., a ,iri1CTist ol
eivinz inanv inouiries from mt- . Pniiervilfe. Mich. Thev a- ea-y to
10 fa in-Crook's
acres will be made this vear in
j colonies if indications are worth
The present year no doubt wil!
be 1 record breaker for Crook
take and always tfive satisfaction. I tell
my customers" to try tiieni and if not
satiniactnrr to come back ami tfet their
money, but have never had a com
plaint." Kor sale by Adamson A Co.
r v w vv www v w
We a ri-
hearty congratulations by all. The1
only n-gret was that New Year's did j
not come everv week. I
Itednioiid mourns t he loss of the
genial I4rittiu family including Jumbo
the dog. Mr. .lirittin has retired as
manager of the Hotel Redmond and
has gone to his homestead for a
couple of mouths. T. J I 'pecker is
now manager of the hotel and we
join with the many friends of Mr.
Becker In wishing him success in his
new undertaking.
other countv
ioners and business men. These
requests for information are not
hi Royal Tailors f 'Ww
the large-t Mercha u t
Tailoring KatabliMh
ment In the World.
.1. K. STKWAKT & CO.
(.Special ('nrrespoiideiice.)
J. M. Lawrence departed Monday
to assume his duties as receiver of
the Roseburg land office. His fam
ily will remain in Bend for a few
weeks. Charles Rowe will have
charge of the Bulletin.
Bend was vistied by a snow storm
Inst Friday and Saturday, fine snow
falling to a depth of eight inches,
The tern nerat lire however, was not
low and at no time did the ther
mometer l-egister lower than 111 de
green above zero.
K. J. Ward, representing the
Brookings Box & Luuilier Co.. of
California, is in Bend and has jusi re
turned from a trip In the timber in
company with J. X. Hunter. He is
making a thorough cruise of the
timber and In well pleased with the
outlook for Deschutes pine.
The company of Oregon Eastern
surveyors on New Year's day
reached a point near Bend. The
survey so far as extended passes
about one-fourth mile east of the
town, passing near the Orctitt hotel
lq Lytic and between L. I). Wiest's
house and the Pilot Butte canal. It
Is not thought the line will recross
the canal.
A masquerade ball was given at
Bend last Monday night, January 1.
A large number of maskers attended,
F. Milo Lobdell In his make up (un
masked) representing Carrie Nation,
was awurded the prize for the 1-ent
sustained character and Miss Mag-
Railroad Men to Be Here.
K. K. Gordon, chief engineer of
the Great Southern and V. F.
Nelson, one of the otlicials of thej
railroad company, have 1-een inj
Madras this week collecting dataj
regarding the country in that
vicinity. All the information per-1
tinent to railroad construction has!
been collected, and the two are
on their way to this city, making
an investigation of tne country
between here and Madras.
It is understood that the rail
road officials will arrive here to
night to look over the city and
vicinity and investigate the feasi
bility of a route southward through
Swartz canyon. As soon as they
arrive the Business league will in
all probability meet and furnish
them with such information as
they desire.
Water Struck at Powell Buttes.
Water has been struck at a
depth of 26 feet on the Wm. Pan
cake ranch in the Powell Buttes
district and settlers in that region
are confident now that the pro
blem of securing water, which has
been a serious one, is now satis
factorily solved. It is believed
that with the sinking of other
wells in the neighborhood water
will be found in other localities.
The well in which water has
been struck for the first time in
that section is on the Pancake
ranch about one and a half miles
south-east of Hobbs station. The
ranch lies comparatively close to
the base of the Buttes, but there
are no springs on the Buttes in
that immediate vicinity. As vet
Are you using
Ask your grocer for it and insist uoii getting
it. The unequaled merits of Madras Flour
are its greatest recommendations. House
wives using it will not complain of jsior
loaves or baking failures. Madras Flour and
failure in cooking are unknown to each other
Madras Flour Costs $1.25 Sack
Other brands cost you as much or more and a
lot of trouble besides. Order a sack from your"
grocer today. If he doesn't handle it now he
Manufactured by
Madras Milling & Mercantile Co.
Madras, Oregon
C. A. GLOVER, Exclusive Agent for Prineville
The Only Place in Prineville
To Buy
Holiday Presents
Is At
L Jii JL AH AC JU :-lC JaT Ji.' AC JlS JC A
Prineville Fire Department
Wednesday, February 21, 1906
P. B. Poindcxter, P. B. Howard, Lawerencc Dillon, Jatk Summtrx, Ralph Polndexhr
Clarence Sharp and will be Assisted ty the Entire Department
Music Will Be Furnished By
The Best Talent In the City
Supper wil! be Served at the
A choice line of Candies
'and Nuts, also a selected
line of Cigars, Tobaccos
$10 and $12
W e have an exceptionally tine line of clothing thnt
i both dressy and durable. The rcwuon whv that
our clothing is giving such good satisfaction is that it
is made right, shaped right, fitted right und the price
.ire IUOHT. Remember this when you ure buying
clothing and call in at our store and examine our line.
Our line of clothing at
k the best in the city
for the money and are what you have Wn looking for
Our Kail and Winter stock is arriving and includes
the bent quality in the latest patterns and styles for
Ladies and Gents'
you to choose from at prices that are RIGHT.
Our Line of Shoes is ready for your inspection
and is as complete as any in the city. We. desire to
have you call and we will convince you that we are
RIGHT in saying that our goods and prices are right.
Dunham & Adams
Prineville, Oregon