No Poison la Chambeilaia's Cough RemtJy. I Unc Journal Wants. E. irl A Disaslious Calamity. Tht Exact Thing Result! lui Cu-atlpation. A HARD ROW lona- mill de.-riles ih pathway market. Out t thi ll I" ii ilix.i4ir.tiia ; l.i nil I y, li.-n .. . . ... .... ... un o ,. all, stum ' . ..ll I. ...III" Instills,' IlllU- M. Il I. Ill 111. .C I IhiiiiIm'i IiiIii'm Slointtch , tW Notics under tnm netta Pi ueii.tii ami i-oii4(ltiilioii have np-1 ami I.Ivor Tnlilct mviii in me, will rWOtMVfHi ftt th flt of 1(1 , It l.-.,i.... ,s.ll..f .nil lu. ....... I I l.ln.r isuilllisul t l l lilt l-lli lllli h I'tluit -A 1 wnt Pr word p1' i,,9ortlo"- nn.l lii lr. Klim. Now Lite IMIU. t..r lli.;ni.wt'yil iiilhl eiiotiuli l lioy uiiti un nr iiiutivi' t-K't, unit miiIo lor ciiihiren iiiki wmio.... 1 From N.-iph-r Now .i'ilinl. Ilornl.l: ! Two your nito the I'harina. y Hoard lof Now Soiilh Will.. Australia, had i .in an.ilvsiH mule of nil the e.ninh ' ..." .i.i t.i III.NII.'llieH Illill fO- - ; .M ritt ntirv list tlu-v i tUTTi--.--.--.-- Oho yjucAot wninau iiiu-in -" ' . vii.. i under tin- run ot tounil oiilv olio lltoy iwmnn whk ontiivlv free from nil pol-ov.. Thix exception a t'hainlierlain s Coiiivh Koinixl.v. made Uy tl"' t'lmm Itorlain Medicine foniuiy. I- Moinc. Iowa. I'. S. A. The nW ntv of nil narcotic make thi remedy tho snfoM and lt tluil nn U luul: .... i.i. .. .....l:....- ..f .uwin-W ir, .,li -m1iinly thromih Iitnoraii.-o ami ; i wnii ..-com ... - in..ll-- RU.1 l 111,11 ll llimin-riii" " - - l.;, r In 1 oil V HUH n'v'anii mile ill l. I inillin-iinin n (iillllil ami :l Till And ..f a .... . ...... ..I ,l,ir "In- ha had Mif'i"! ;n In tho troatiiioiit '( -l' " ,,,r , " tomid ll ridit lmli oan ba -ll UMMl iiiiii'imii'iuo in IBIN1I.I. I IIHT II. .!.! l't)K SAI.K- l'ure lilmnlisl riymmith K.vk i lii. konri. by W. II. Kimloi . t'rin villo, Onoti. 'II-1' 'nnil ouiv hin.lni lio, iIIikIiuwm. oolio, i mt lorrllilo ktil.ln mo ooniinoii to' ! ooiist Ip.itlou, oto. liiitirnntoisl nt iiumt urititlvoi." miiv K. S. Wolmlor , j. II. Toiu)lotoi mill It. I". A.Iiuii- ji fo, f.loiii.ttiitiirlo.t iimiilu. Kor hoiiV alruu: Ktn: .V. I hhIo liy I). I. Ailnnioii. I jr. c. . Kim VimN. I itpmrs. CifUN. Dmtl uiul Moitlml Himm'. 5l r llio roal i-shim- ol inoir inioioi !! Ii..t IM.n l ""V. i . " ..r.m iin.l whooliillt lolllih FliK.SU B VfttN AM I. VU1. Wo ro I wlliiiK th Unal pi.xliu t of thi vonr'sj baoon aii-l 11 t tin ' triona Kavtorn hhI-. A trial mill eonvinoo 11 n . - ,1,1.1 AM ll:o lnMt. Ki in ivuuiy - . I.v it lllilkofK for -oU!illK. riiiuN ntmoi""' t xool- 11- f-.niHi in l.-ot'- MiHT n" M Oibi.-li I liifim n.i. i r....t :.m.I S-l r.t. tho r.vitur.1 j '"Tho '.'"in-vtinl virtno of tho. ho ox-, lriio.l.-.1. ...l.ili'1 '! V-orVl In c. flll.1 tlio .MmM"'!!!" iii.w j ti.o o-r1.l ovor. as lr. I'ioiw s l-avonie , l"l--Tllll. I -Tho r.rinn of or' IW.i U.l .vo lm..nrlit on an . ) tl Ml 1.. lk. ol ' li'o ii-uM Im .! ilaiiU.-i-Ho.M. H. vorb ur.-.'- ;' ' 1 f!.h i,....-h ". nor . lnli"-o..-m .ot i v on. ai-.i wnnm - - . ....i'jii ihi.i' lour.' I .-ll a:m i..i4.. -. . . fur y.ur no-vi-ii to til.' 1mu of our home onro.1 lmmn. ,12H( t'.MiTm A MoKi.iAV rtU SAI.K Itno p.Nl milk oo. aUuit five yoara M. Apply t this oitioo lr fnnhor iniorniation anil priiv. .IH-'.'S ai-li:. Notioe of Flnftl Aooountina. In tho mattor of tho o.tato oi ionriu.ii lllovins. IVn-oasoil. N..ti.- is borohy Rivon that tlio an.lor I tlio a.tmini.tratrix ol tho outo of ! IVnolton Itlovin. .in-.-i.M-'l. has lllol lior j final aooonntiiiK of hor a.lniiin.tiatii'ii of I Uai.l etato ami tho Honorablo v oimty j i fourt for fr.MW I'.'iinty, )r-pon. ba "'I ; j Monday. tlio.Mh day of Kohniaiy. at ' I til o ol.H W a. in. at tin- County Court room ' a rnr:.r. : : ., : ... ;: " ' s von s.u.k-w iwu 1 ....i.w l:..i- lli.roliilil in- !...". - .v KOK SAl.K lii lun ilotwrt liunl. tit lo Hrftvt; ni-nt romly for plow l.'iti aoi ivinly lor i-itll iiu-hfit wntfr fr.-.. ami Tniot fonvotiiont to tinitx-r. linpiliv of S. .1. Nkw som. rriiioviU'o. tiv now in''i) ii, i?r:iful to .von r..ioil.i -a l" lo ' orm n A Orrat Doctor Bo..k I :ree. - S-n. - 1 i-m- , ... iir i: v. 'j.-r.-,-. i:.iii.iii. N Y to rovor iiiaiKim and ho f ......v ,if h: ll-li,l'.:o t Sono ModWal Advisor. pap.-r-eovw.Al. Clth-oovor.-d 31 maini. nr Vioroo' l'l.-avint PolloK an tlm Vt and af"st laxauvn lor Uio us o 4eiicat womu. il ...ii- .Mniao At whioh timo and pla.-.- any poison 'loro-tod inaido.talo may Hi.- his ohj.v tioii! thi n-to, if any th.-re in-. 1 Mkn I'nii r-'N IUrvi.. ' AdmiLM.tratrix of tho Km ale of lVnoltoii ISlovins. Doooawl. ! Datod this ith day of IVoemlvr. 1!V. iv.-uion; ,!"lfQ I pt'l H-UI!ll. ( Q il Hoivfor.1 1 Lull-. Korj snlo or will truilf for i;r.tlf oatllo. i vfiirliiiK'x " oiilvox pn-f.-rr.-.!. m fM-hatiit-oiio hull for iinotlifr tvui-t.-rfd Hoivfor.1. emtio oiin If vii at A. oil r.iii. h, 1 mllf oast of rrlno vlllo. Orii.lilnw. It. K. Zn-i.. l'rino villo. OI2 The Biggest, Most Complete A N D The Cheapest Line of a? In the County Can Be Srrri and Bought at the Store of A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. f j( Sood Billiard Uable in Connection ' $ MlBMh I ft c fflcc option SMI TH A IM.KKK, I'noi hiKnut Domestic unit Imported Liquors, Wines . and Cigars COUNTRY OR OMRS SOUCITMI) 4-, 4- h MAIN STKKKT I'ohI Olli.r llox !.' lMtlNKVII.I.K. ti:i:iitN 4- H. 4- 4- r . . 4- 4- 4; 4: Timlwr Ijind, Aot Juno X K- Notice for PublioBtioa. SliM.'., Land OthYo. ' Tho Hallos, Otvtjon. July . ll"-.. t i Noii.-oishor-l.vRivonthatini-.'niplan.-ol Kotice of Meeting. ; wj(h lhl, ,iruviM,llf ,,f tho a.-t of Ciiitre... U;tVEKXMKXT I.AXP l.tM'ATKP: v...:.- i.,h.. that thoro will' of Junr 3. lf .-utillo.1 "An a. t f--r tho , , .... (luir.tiiias l.llkf Vallf.v. I,ST: Vn.mvsim fountain poll. Kin.lor ploa. roturn same to thmortioo and n-ooivo roar.l. mm W holtl at the Court honw in 1 rmovillo, Oregon, on Tuesday the'-'iol of January. WW, at ti e hour of 2 oVlook p. m. of aid day, the aniniaJ nueting of the Central ttreeon Livestork ami Aitricnl tural aw"iation for the purpose ol el.vt ing a hoard of dim-tor?. AH snlwriWra of stoi-k are reqiiostoil to he present or ton.l their proxioc to (wine one here h ho voted tor thorn. liteo this lith day of Ieo. 1li". T. H. I.Afou tt. pros d. M. K. Hnwis. s.i-'y. Alfalfa Timbor lnd, Art June S. 17S. Notice for Publication. I'nitod Mate. ljnd Ottii-e, The Dalles. Ureaou, t'Mober is, l!o. Xotiee is hereby Kivou that 111 oompli- u,,-..i. of Itmto. Montana am-e with the provisions of tho ol of Cm- j ,.tll.ii ,,f Seattle, Wa.liiiiu'oii. : sal.- 01 inmx-r lann.. m o- 1 ilia rail to.- I t fornia, tn-gon. evata. ami " asiiinpioii 1 j Territory." as to all the 1 uolu ! l-..i,l Stato.s bv a. t of August 1. Wi ; Martha A. Mil. li.-ll of Hutto. euiny f Mlvorbow . S-.ato of Montana, has tbi. day tiU-i in this otfioe li. r sworn statom.-nt , N... i.l. for tbopurv-hii-eoI'llH- N K',N K. i S', XK', .V K'; NV of s,-,-. No. in Township No. 1 f'.. Raiifte Xo. Ill K... W. ! M. ami will "tTer pr.H.f to show tliat tho ! land siiunht is iin.ii- valuable for it. timlx r i ur stone than for aerienltural purjiosos, ami to establish his elaim to said land j before the Kei;ister and at The I hallos. Ort-jjon. on the Sth day of Kebru j ary. lii She nanus a- witnesses: James R. of I'riu.-ville. Oivitoii. l.oui-o K. llultois Mit- riioinas II. Im- jooiI wheat ami lainl. Alminlaui-o of water lean 1h s-eiitv.l from VI to -.'. fool. Uvito.v Cahy- Silver l.nko. tMvjrun. j JWMWWIWWtfWWW Daily Between Prlnevllle and Shanlko SCHKPll.K Leav-oa Shaniko, t . tn. Arrive at Pi ineville B a. 111. , Leavea I'riiiovillo 1 .-m. Arrive Ht Shmiiko I a. 111. First Class Accommodations .4fh.4" -h4-4: 4. 4 4: 4. 4 4. 4i 4 4 4 4i t rir.irvir.ip,iririr.iriririr.tirv.irvinnrvvirxii'irif,i I. jl; jl JC Ji.jk.jw jl jw j r i I J r w J r i Cj r i k j r n r 7 jtresi. of June . ISTs, entitled "An act for: the sale of tindr lands in the Stales of Calit'ornia, Oregon, Nevada. ml Wa-hiu-; ton Territory,'" as extended to all tin Public Land States by act of August 4, ixft!, Perley KIlK-rt Ueroiild, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State "I Oregon, has tbi day filled in this ofti.-e his sworn statement Xo. 2713, for the pun-base of the SW'i of See. No. 12. in Town-hip So. 11 South Rau(je Xo. Hi K. AV. M ., and will odor proof to show that the land souhut is more valuable for its tiinl-r or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land In-fore Ion P. Rea, I. S. Commissioner, at his office in Madras. OroROii, on the Hith day of Kel rnarv, WM. Mitchell, of Butte. Montana. Any and all persons olaiminK adversely the alve-de-criled lands are to Ule their claims in this ortice on or liefore s;ii.l sth day of February. Hi. Mn hvki. T. Si..v!s. ISenist.-r. Man's Unreasonableness Is often as aroat an vvoinan'n. Hut Tin. S. Austin. Mt. of tin- "Kopuh Heaii." of Ia'iivf nwoith. In.!., wan not unreasonable when he rvfuso.1 to allow tin- iloetorx to oM-ratf on bin wifo. for fomalo troiildo. "liiRieinl." lie h-iys. "we i-oiiclmlo.1 to try Kl.v tric Hitters. My wifo wa then mi sick. i.he i-oiibl hanllv leave her Ih-iI. j ami live phyKicniis h.-nl faih-.l to I relieve her. After taking l-.ln tric j I'.ittors. hIic was orf-et ly ami j can now perform all her liotisoliolil i iliiti.-f." liiiarant.i-.I liv .1. II. Tom- plolotiV-tinil I. I".'s ilruir- Uists. price -1. K". Powell & .Tonsorial Artists- Cyrus Notice of Admm.strator'9 Sale of Real Property. Notice i. hereby (t'Ven, that in )TSuance of an order of the County Court for Cr.Kik County. Oregon, mad and entered on the ! 4th day of Dee., VVi, in the matter of the i partnership estate of Win. H. tiuinn .V ! Son. the uinlersisned the administrator of said partner.hip estate will from and after jthe Sth day t January, Pi. prvweed t- ! s.-!l at nrivate -ale for casli, ill tiie riht. Jow jbout 2c our HI iii i ' Til 17 1 I I JSL When in need of Lum ber, Shinnies, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or (ilass see Shipp & Perry For Prices on Them. 11 hi i a. r t L' J r, t w J r t Li r l K J ri J Sonera ffilacksmithing HoHUMHOKIXO, WlKHi W'oKk, KTC,, N r A T I. V AS1 PltoMprl.V IhiNK Wins it I loNi.: Hv : : : !7iobcrt ?oorc Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed I'lilNKVII.I-K, OllKiiO.N. ill W r V k JL JC JL.Jk.Jk.JL. Jl JW Jk. JI.JL Jk, Jf Is Jl Jl. Ji Jk' Jb Jk Jk Ji. Jt. Jk Jl JC J 1: 1 ' ayggggrogsggiro) fcirra--TXlTfar urn raw -il:H Winter SPeadiny? ii i a ,... fl . i title anl inttrwit-rf tlK'iartiierhi' i iiriifr. ami ti uiiaiii i'ua. i --i n Lee. of A-h-i11-'"1" l O. Itarlier, and lieorire R wood. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or liefore said Kith day of February. Mich vki. T Nolan, Register. Contest Notice, lvpai tntent of the Int.-iior I'l.ited States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon. Nov. 17, lo. A sufficient contest affidavit having been ' filed in this office by Sarah P. Glenn, con testant, against Homestead Kntry No. 7449, made June 2, 1M. for SJSK".. (IWlWK. section 8 township 17 south, if! range 22 east of Willamette meridian, by Thomas Caton, i-ontestee, in which it is alleged that said Thomas Caton lias wholly abandoned said land amh has failed to reside upon, settle or cultivate tlo- same in any manner or establish a resiience upon, or in any way improve said land for more than five years last pant and ha. Im n ali sent from the same during all that time; that said absence was not due to his em ployment in the army, navy or marine , of Wm. on also all the right, title in.! inlcrct o William 11. OUlllll. Uc- ceased, hail in the said premise, at the liinpol' his death and all the right, title and interest the -aid e-Ute has acquired ! other than or in addition to that f the said William H. stiinn at the time of hisj death in and to all that certain real estate j decriioi as follows, t.wit : The South ; half of the Northwest quarter and the: North half ot the Southwe-t quarter of SHi tion Thirty Five and the Southeast I '... .. m ;.. , quarter ol section ininy rmr an Township Twelve, South ol Kunge riiieen East of W. M. in Crook County, ' Iregon. Dated this 7th dav of Dec.. 1!W. Joseph H yrixx, Administrator of the estate of the part nership of-Win. H. U,ninn Son. j Notice to Creditors. i Estate of .lame-- Ii. MikcOregnr, deceased: Notice is hereby given by the under signed aduiini-tratrii of the estates of Jamei 1!. MacOregor. deceased, to all per-ons having claims against said de. cea-ed. to exhibit them with the nere.sary vouchers, within six mouths froni the corps of the. Tinted States in time of war. ! dale liereol to llie ..,.,..s.g.,e.l a. u.c ... ... . c M l !-'lli,.tt in Prioeville. Ore- IIUK V "I .'I . 11. II... '.. During the long evenings of Fail and Winter nearly everyone feels the need of something to read and to supply this want we have made arrangements with the pul lisiiers ot the Weekly uregonian, the Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, of Portland, 'Madame", and The American Farmer, of I mlianasilis, Indiana, and Tb Town and Coun try Journal, of Los Angeles, Cal ifornia, by which we can club their papers with thcJ HOOK COUNTY JOI'RXAL at a price which is within reach of all. Kotivwing is the liberal clubbing rate we have to offer vou : A(I!fil(ifiS)(L(LS)5SC5 ? Ii Tow n and Country Journal The American Fanner - -Crook Count v Journal - - Our clubbing rate tor al! tnn-e papers, THE HAMILTON STABLES HcnJ l.ivery & Transfer Oimpnny I'KIMVII.I.i:, okt;on Stock hnftnliil by the day, week or month wt Reasonable rati4". Kenu-nibi-r its when in Prinrville. Hatkh Kk isonaiii k. We Imve Fine Livery Rigs For Rent gtf Run in Connt'Ction with the lU-ml Livery Stable O'Tfeil Brothers Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Supplies "Madame" ------- Oregon Semi-Weekly .louriuil Weekly Oregoiiiun . - - Crook County Journal - - - 1 00 1 no - i! i $3 50 1 50 $ I no 1 5"i - 1 : 1 ji) paid parties are hereby to appear respond and ofler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 5. PXHi, before J. J. Smith, county eierk, at bis office in Print-ville, Oregon, and that final hearing will he held at 10 o'clock a. in. on January 12. Won. liefore the Register and Receiver at the Ciiited States Land Ortice in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in artiduvit, filed October 5, lqn:,, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register M.F. . Elliott Administratrix of the Estate of .lames Macfiregor, deceased. Dated this 12th day of Oct., 1905. Our special clubbing offer - - $5 50! 4 OO il. 1 Jfenderson d Bollard Wines and Liquors (J Finest Cigars jCir In Stock Country Orders Solicit od First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel Sole Agents for Hop Oold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda arrj.Il3r Tiado Solicited. The Opera Saloon BEDELL A MOSES, Proprietors - In The (ilac Hall A First Class House in Fvery Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Clanra We can furnish all six of the pajer8 mentioned in the above ! lists- $9.00 worth of the best pub Citation. . . .. i i In the County Court of the Slate ot : proper ! Oregon, for the County of Crook : j Citation ' lications for CATARR jjCflVc" In the matter of the estate of James IJ. Maeliregor. deceased To John S. MaelJregor and all heirs of James 15. Macflregor, unknown, greeting: Jn the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Crook, at the courtroom i thciW, at Prineville in the County of; Crook, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Janii-i ! ary, l!xi, at l'l o'clock, in the- forenoon of j that day, then and there to show cause, if i any e xist, why an order of sale should not be made of the southeast quarter of section ; , fifteen in township nineteen south, of' j range twelve east of Willamette meridian, ' i in Crook county, Oregon, at private sale,; the said property belonging to the estate! ' of James I!. MacGregor, deceased, i Wiliie-8, the Hon. W. A. Hell, Judge of j the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, j i for the County of Crook with the seal of! i said Court atlixed, this 2(h day of Novem- ! tier, A. D. ISfti. c i Attest: ! KAI-; .1. .1. .SMITH, Clerk. I "717" 7. 7" ! I TnanK xne Loral" crk-d Hannah riant, of Little Kock, i : Ark., "for the relief I got from I'.ucU ; lenV Arnica Salve. It cured ni.v I fearful runuiiiK' Kort. which nothing j else would Ileal, and from which 1 hftd miffered for 5 yearn.'' It is n j marvelous healer for l-uIh, liurnn and wounds, (iiiarniileed at J. H. lem- $4.00 Crook County journal Elvs Cream Balm ' This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES' RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanse, soothes, heals, and protects the dweaaeol ineuihrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly, ltestores the flenses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs, imiliwl into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Siie, 50 cents at Druggists or by j , t , . , , ,, v Ailaiimoii'rt drng mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. .,-. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wirrn St., Nw York, HU'U "K Telegraphers NEEDED Annually, to fill the new ioitiou ereated by Railroad sad Telegraph ('ornfis'iies. H'e want Young Men end Ladles of fund habits LEAR N TELEGRAPHY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING We furnish ".' per cent of the operators ami Htotion Agent In America. Our six schools sre the largest exclusive Telegraph Hchools ix Tim Kstalili-ihcd iO years and eiulorseil by nil lending KsilWHy Ofli cisls. We execute u li'iO bond to every student to furnish him or her a position pnlng from $10 to i0 ii inoiith In .States east of the I'.ix ky MountMins. or from I7"i to f 11)0 a month in Unites wet of the Itocklcs, immk- UIATKI.V L'l-OS ORAUUATION. Students can enter ri any time. So va coltons. Kor full parliculsrs regunllug any of our S-liool write direct to our executive oBiee at ClneiiiHtti. 0. Catulogue free. The Morse School of Telegraphy Cincinattl, Ohio. Buffalo, N. V Atlanta, Oa. LaCroate, Wis. Taxarkana, Tex. 8an Francisco, Cal Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Bwf, Veal, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on Mutton, Fork, hnnd at the City Meat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand Prineville, Orefjon Agency for McCall's Patterns. Price 10 and 15 cts. H H H H X x H H n H H t M aAAA-VAcAAAAAAAi Fall and Winter Millinery j We have many beautiful(leninnH in Fall and Winter Hatn. TheJCiwintpr ntyli-H are fcraeiouHly varied heeominn nen in the keynote. But come and nee. The moKt clmrmirif, hatu of the neanon are in eviih-nee, including the wmall Togui-H, Turbans and Mnxine Klliot. ( OnlcrH taken" for CornetH and Ludien Fashionnlile Tailor Made Suits J 11 Taylor & McCallister p0rr ego n ii (c n H H 4 PRINEVILLE k. m "aSxal Shaniko Warehouse Co. Shaniko, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding A N 1) Commission Merchants ( , Dealers in BlackHmilh Coal, Flour,. Barbed Wire, NailH, Cement, I-inie, Coal Oil, Planter, Siili!iiir, Wool and drain, Haekn "and. Twine, (irain and Feed. AentH for Wamio WarehoiiHe Milling Co'h. "White Biver" and "Dallen Patent" Flour. HinheMt price paid for Hides and PeltH. Special Attention ih jmid to Wool (JradiiiR and Baling for Kaatern Shipments. Stock Yard with for Handling Stock. the lateftt nnd bent facililiew Tlfark 2our Soods in Care oft i