VU MADIAS FLOUR. Ml Funic WiirhVhl, of Puiilunil. la the ,uet of Minn I 'mi Htewhil. tll'OfHO Mteveh Im lu the city Ft OIK Madrav N, Y, Whaler wk) over from Item) TiiwKlay mi n bmtliteiw t rip. Couuty Court will convene fur Iim Jitimnry omHtoii next Weuiienilay, MIhm May Iteeil nturncl Tut-miny froiu llcuil where ahc apcul the Curlatmaa holiday a with her parent. Jo. I.nrwu wax In town Molality tU llttcfjll till ClirUllllMH bull Hi till Athletic club. Harvey UuuIiiuii uiul wife wen down trout tlii'lr much on the)ihoco to xiidl'hrintum In the rtty. J. F. Taylor M ml ilililMhter, MIhn Ada Taylor, aiui wvernl iIii.vm at Head hiwt wwk. Ueoriia Hay kkn In lnwu iturliiu the week trout hlx utovk ranch lu I In Heaver creek dlatrlct. C Y- Wrtuht huh ilowu froiu hlx ranch at Howard during 1 1 punt werk, D. 1. A damson & Co. Uniquo Papoatry Holiday Ooods rrinevillc, Oregon M M ' H ' . Mr. W. F. klna uiul ilntiuhtcr re luriii'il tin- Iiihi of II week from Portland. Mr, Kln went down to Hhnulko to meet them on their way In John uiul Walter Knox. Mheepuicn of tin- . who in cn-ek illnlrU I, III town Snl utility froiu their camp i in I In liMrt where they an rutin I UK their Nhecp. Mm. I A. F.rey, of Poitlntnl. a MUter of Hyron Only, won In tin town the htel of the week vlltlnic. Nln hu tnkeu up a deaert claim tint vicinity of Htatera, ax I The rel..t ration botdta for t ! ' Mm. IVn.-ltn ISU vUm. who hna j election licit June will In- oxiin by vMltltia; 1" -be HayMack coiui- l.i ..1...1 . 'i'.....i.... i trv diitimr 1 he hhmI inolilii. wmj lu I HI- -.llll,f III'IM l-l I 11' B'l,l !! j-".- " III lie cIohciI for primary election on ! '' "' her "v to A.rll lu. They will nun In U on.i I her home on tin (Vlioi-o. on April 1 hiiu win ih- ciowii ror iih Inat I Inn- on Mny J.'i. or Ji lIll VK ! fori- tlii (('i-ral rlii ll..ii wlilrh will Im llfllt J IIIH 4. JUST RECEIVED i 1). 1'. Adauison & Co. Hand Painted China HOLIDAY GOODS l'rinevillc, Oregon I'Ih mi IiooI boum on McKy iwk, Ii'IwTm'M I'linrlit Im fnehlnir. Incur the Mark Powell nulilciirt. UtMtitiaaum M'UiiKlit (in from the Hue liixt TluiM- "Mm. Kiik'-!' Ijiv.v, 11 Mlx(-r of Mm, 1. MIi Ih-I of till- city. 1II.1I ill liir Iminc In Mew York t'Uy lreiiilnT VI. The' mihI nt'WM of her Miulileii dentil n-mheil the reliiflveM here (iirlfliuim eveulnir. Mm. Ijiv.v whm un ohler MlHter of Mm. Mli hel. Im-i ween whom j ;j then were the MtroiiK1! i"'- "he WHM the mother of three lilll'lren. .....L. ..I. I.. V . . . V...I. f III IMIIfl III (IWm Mfll-f III flUIR lt.V IteeemlM-r II. it ih r.t n LJ u r.i r.3 r.3 Sll perior acakloai) C r a i n Drills r In 101214 anJ 16 Dine, all Right Hand, ami with our hard oil cup on the discs. Also a Carload o( patrnl r.a LJ T,3 .f'h H H 1, i ' W i 'li-y ni'l -lie roof WMHiliiniiiKeil Home j loiter IJ. I . AUUIIlHOIl 8t l0. Tji iH'foti the nmiieH were vxrliiKii-Ntuil. i einplo ra 1 in' iiifiim n'liiMvtni 1111 iiirir injiikh, IS BRUSH SETS il'or M fii 1 Holiday Ooods (! ! The roof Iihh Imx'II repiilreil run I the a iwii 1 ml reoMnel. Prinuville. Orcuon ,!r, wl" " ""'''"k H-rvi-e " ii- ... 1 ...... ..I i ... .... 1 111 till me ,iri 1101111-1 euiin 11 lien nun II J. IKHly, of 'tilver, wnm In town W'iHlm-liy Htteinlin in ImimI Dean, Win UoeKll wife wen tip Irotn thtilr raorh al Tu ,'ovt to nteinl the holMAyi Id tlnrlty with relHUveM. Farmer Powell Iihn Inh-ii lookluu after the Brat rhnlr at The Kllte Ton iiilil Parloni the pant wtek. (i. M. Cornet t M'M'iit the llut of the week at HeUler ami MadrnM liiio k tua up hi matfe i-oiiipimy'M IiumIihmn. MInn Ada Morm nMnt the. hollOityM at hr hrolher'a rnneh In the I "n well llutteadUttki. I'oatiunater O. ('. t'ollver, of di ver, wtm In the rlty 011 a 1ihmIiim trip the Aral of the week. Mr. ntnl Mm. F. V. Kowlee were ovrr from Iti-iirnom) Monday to Httetut the liuli iIiiihi- nt Alhlette lintl. Tim pulilli' nml IIIkIi wIiooIm wrn lioiwxi taut Frlilny for the holldn.vH. Hoth will open anl next Tueeilny mornliiK- Dim K. Smith whm In town from Powell Uultea Miilurctiiy, l( dlMliict which la undei'KnliiK 11 phenninlnal wrowth ami Met Dement. Will Ford whm over from SULcm tlilM week to attend the ('lirtMtn)HM diiiioe kIv'H Rt Athlelle eluti lant Monday nlutit. Oolonel Smith ntnl wife i iil m'V ral ilaj'M litHt week vUHIiik near I.iumintH where Mr. Smith owiim Heveral tracta of land. Minx lthn FerK'ti-noii Im home to H'n the holhlnyM with her pareiitM. She In aitendlnu; St. Mnr.v'x Ai'inlem.v at The DalleH. 1. Ada instill & Co. TOYS, DOLLS lriiw.illi. flr.xinn IT t v A mi ki'ii m rhailex WHhoii and wife went to Mfulrux thla wiH'k to renlde. Mr. WttMiinand Frank OmIici u will open a lno'tx'i' Hhop I here, Another dunce will Ih held ill A. A. Mi-t'ord'M nt Me Kay tomorrow nltfht. An enjoyable lime wax hml thetv Inxt Friday. H. U. Smith left today Willi ti party of F.aHtem jH'Ople whom he expocta to locate on ileHert and homeHtend clalniMon the IUkIi Denerr. Ueorue llolilix and f'arl llHtrh wen III town the hlxt of the week from th JohiiMton rnnrh eouth of low ell Hut tex w here they an elear. hiK a luruv ti-net of laud, J. It. Itenhiim wiiM over from lilx rauiiioti the )ewiiiitM the flrxt of the Wii-k. Me Iium reeently eoni pleted the i'oiikI ril tlnll of a new dwelllnu' there III plnee of the one ilextroyed tiy lire xolue time Ho. The work of witliiu the telephone poxtx fur the new Hue Im-I ween Mud lux and lln.V Creek hnve Ix-eu xet nlld tin wire In now Im-Iiik xtriinu. It la eXHxied thill the Hue will Im lu ox-ratloti ly the flint of the year. The ChrlMtmiiH (mil lveii nt Ath li tle hall Moiidny evenliiR wax one of the inimt MilireHHfnl of the xeaxon. Nenrly UN) tH'ketx well Mold 11 ml I he erowtl of daw-era continued the eele liratlou of the holiday until 11 11 early hour In the inonilnn. MImx liermt I'olwlexler relurwil home the laxt of the week from Port 1'iinl when xhe Iihx Ix-en ntlelidlnit the Portlnud liuxliii-xH eolli-Re. MImx Waudii I.okiiu returned with her and will xx'iid the holldayx In the city vlxltlnit tiny. Ilev. Jlnuett prvniilim at PomI at 10::) o'lloik. Voiiii Mople'x mi-i'tliiK at nstti. Tin Prexliyteria'n eoiiKivKatlou imrtx wltli the Metho ilixtaat 7::. The xervlec will con- elude tlie m-rli-M 011 liiiptlxui. A eonlltil all. the xiilijcit of Invitation to Calvin I'.lnlr, who Ix one of the uewext xettleM III wextertl Crook t'ouiity. wax In town yexterday on hlx way to hlx raueh ueitrCllne Fitllx. Mr. I'.lnlr Ix a Kraduate of Piiiillc I'lilveMlty a ml two yearn ao wax editor of the college. paMr. He Ix euthuxliiMtk' over the priMtpertx of ( rook county and Ix arruniclnn to make xome Kiilixtiiutlal Improve meiitx 011 hlx proxrt.v. The Immii'IU dance jrlveil nt Paulina hall Chrtxttnua ulKl't wax well nt leuded and the prix-it-dx, which will U into the fund Ixdnff ralxeil for John Moran liy the xople In that vicinity, amount to nearly ."0. Tllix Im the Mccolld lienellt ciitortalll meiit i1ik h hiix Im-cii nlvcu and the nxldentx there aiv uiek to rt-xpoud to a call for aid. Mr. Moruan hnx I'xIiaiiHliil hlx rexotin-CM III an at tempt to recover from a paralytic xtroke. 1 S 1). 1 Adamson & Co. S rH Iti JEWEL SETS Holiday Goods i Princvillc, Oregon Jamex Dyer and wife wen lu town from their ranch on the Ochoco dur- Iiik the week. Mr. lyer haa iwnlly purchnxid n halt lnteri-xt with John Maclean lu the Antelox meat mar ket and will leave the llrxt of the month to ciikukc lu the ImimIiichn. Mr. Maclean hax Ix-en heii for xev- eral da.VH makliiK the llnnl arratikT- meutx. Itcv. J.T. Mooiv will preach at tlie Cnion church next Sunday moni ItiK and cvenitiK. The tnoruliiK xul- vt: "Tlie DlKiilty, Ditty and Dcx- tiny of a Chrtxttun. TI eveuiiih Htiliject: "Are tlie HaptlHtx, Met ho dixtxand Prexliyterlan Churchex All Chuniiex of Chrlxt, or Ix Anyone of Them 11 Church of Chrlxt?" F.very. hody Cordially Invited. Tlie mciu I KIM of the llaptlxt cliurch exxclally an urgi-d to lie pi-exeut at tlie iiioru ItiK xitvUS for the xcrinon will Im apeclally for the church. Sunday xcliool 2:. p. 111. t'hiixtlan Kudi'itvor tt:W p. 111. Tlie Haptlxt church and paxtor, axKlxtiil liy the Itcv. V. S. Cook, will Ix'tfln tvvlval nu-etlnnH the llrxt Sunday In January. Itcv. Mllchell will pivneli at 11 a. m. next Sunday ou tlie xulijei-t "Chrlat Ahove All." At ::i0 the Chrixtlau Kndeavor will inHt at the M. K. chuivli with tlie Kpworth I,euniie and at there will be a Joint ineetiuK : of the two coiiKregn tloiiN to clomf the hltub' of haptixiu. tjitextlonx will In anxwetvd awl Hciiptan? paxxaui-x explained. All an welcome. LJ r.a 3 r.i n LJ r.3 L.J r.i Sheriff Henry Smith, of Ik lull county. Cal., a coiixin nt Sheriff t'. Sam Smith of tlilx county, wax xhot and killed iaxt Friday at I'klali liy an Inxaiie man nainetl Fmnk W II llanl. Tin latter wax xittliiK In tlie court room when he wax lxln ex a nil mil and wax talking to Sheriff Smith when lie xuddenly whi-clcil upon the ottii'cr ami xhot him throuKti the Im'tixt. The tuaulnc then xhot at .Indue White and cx-ciix-d from the court room empty Inu; hlx plxtol upon the crowd of pur- xueM whiiii quickly forniiHl and fol lowed him xevcrnl lilockx )xfote ovfiiiiklnjx him. Wiiliard had not Ix-eu xeaivhtHl when taken to the cotirtruom and it wax not xuppoxed that he had a weapon upon hlx KMOtl. A neat electrical dixpluy, tlie work of xtiHrlnteiident Adrian Cniokx of the Lilit & Water company, hax Imtii arrnnp-d lu one of the bin win dow of Wttrxweiler & Thomxou'x h tore, when an eniflw and ne'-cra-tor are In full operation. The latter ivcun.V ttie center of tlie window apace together with a cin-ular cut-! off which lluhtx and n-liKhtx the In candix(Tut lumpx on the "Happy New Year" xljtn. Around the nilna- tun power plant on a clrciilar track mux a locomotive and two enrx which, like "ierown-upx," travel acroHH In-ldtf' and through a mg tunnel. A ImckuTound of mountain xivuery nud iinl Imllaxt ou the rail road add to the attractlvenexx of tlie excellent work. A. II. Holler Ix ivxpouxllilc tor. the mountain land Mcape awl other nrtlxtic featurex of the dixplay. Tlie Crook County Stockmen'M axHixiatlon will hold a nii'ctlnH' at the court hotixe next Saturday after noon. Fon-xt StiHrvixor S. C. Hart- runi, of HoHcburn', will Ix here to make the allotment, of ratiRe In the Caxcade fonat riwrw, . At Holx-rt Moore'x lilackxuill h xhop an euultnneut hax recently Ix-en In xf ailed which inakea enxy work xettliiM" tln-x on wriKon and other w)icIk nud dxx the Joh quicker and 1 n than the method ordinarily oyed. To heat the tire a lirlck furnace luix Ix-eu built 2 M't wide. xeveii fi-ct Ioiik and xlx fi-et IiikIi. Thlx will eaxlly hold a do7n or more tln-x, which are held up from tlie fuel ly croxx Im m In the furnace. All the tln-x call Ix heated at once with a minimum of fuel, doing 11 way 1 ...,.. .,.1 . 1 .. 1 ...t i. t. i Willi ine iiouier 01 iiuihiiuhT " tiiik 01 r 1 flu out of doorx, which In Mtormy weatlier niiiln-x the couxtaiil ut-r.i teutlou of one man. Conveniently j Jjj xituateil from the mouth of the rur- J naie 11 tank hax lxeu Imilt in tli'i:j floor of the xhop xlx feet xiiuareand Jf 'j tlme feet deep which Ix xupplled byl-J a horn-from the city water workx. !r.i Inxlde the tank liax Ixi-m count rue ted j 3 a cloxe titthiK platform whicli inn J la ralxed and lowenil by mcanx of a lj lever. The wiikoii win-el ix uiade'j ready for the lire and laid Hat on I J tlie platform which xtandx above Tin . .-... ....... 'CI... I ....1 k Jki llli- nui IIM.- 01 I II. ti I..-I . 1 ill- 111.-11 11-11 : y tire ix then taken from the furnace1 and placd on the wheel and with! one motion of the lever the platform ulltlru la. I . tliu U'uU.liulk Mnn iiiv. ., , un , iiik, , XTw flu. uiul liie WHtcr Ix tlntK 1111. plied evenly to nil polntx at once) which Ix of vital Importance In a (food Job of tin xettilifj. When tin- tin luix Ixi-n HUfliiicutly cooled to xhrink It tight ou tlie wiiivl tlie; platform Ix again raixed above the hi 1 rf ace of the water, and tin piece- Ix tlieu In xlinpe to Ix h'tmmcrcd and liniNheil. Tlx- whole Mcheme ix xo ni in 1 ilc .and workx xo well that it ' nadily coiumenilx Itxelf to priu'tical wurkinen. Tlie equipment ix the! work of J. J. Merrick, who ix con nected with tlie xhop. Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows We have tlie new No. 5 Oliver (Jung in two and three bane. This ix the bent ami lightest running gang plow ever put on the mar ket. The frame can Ix Hdj'i-ted so each bae will cut 16, 14 or 12 iiicliex.which coifiiiir.e') three different size gang plows in one frame. .Should you lo?t a horxe, or if the ground gets dry and hard, you can reduce the cize of your plow to uil the condition.) and go ahead without lotting one houra time. THIS SAVING IN TIME MEANS MONEY TO VOV All Sizes and Styles of Oliver Walking Flows on Hand Our Stock of Grain Drills, Plows and Kxtras is the largest in Central Oregon. We Can Fill Your Wants W.F. MARRIED. At the ntddclice of County Judge W. A. Hell laxt Saturday evening, Deei'inlxT Z. Mlxx Selah Benetielil to Henry K. Henrd. Judge Hell xr formed the ceninoiiy. Charlex K. Heed nnd Mlxx Klixalxth M. Ueorge wen married In this city TliiiMday, Diietulx't- 21. Hoth the young people rexide in Kedmoud where they will make their future home. The Itcv. J. Anthony Mit chell, pnxtor of the Firxt Prwhyter ianchiin'h, X'rfonncd tin cei-einonv. K 2 "a The Best Place to Buy Underwear is at The General Furnishing Store Our assortment is such as to enable us to suit every man or woman, and our prices are the LOWEST RIDEOUT & FOSTER Agent for Rose & G o s. Tailor Made Clothes the best fitting Tailor Made clothing on earth. s I Will Give You a Fine Present "Wictrn La,dv" Shoes I embody the lateataud moat approyed atylea for women, i ney are au per fectly designed that they fit every curre of the foot gracefully and with case and comfort. Nothing better made no matter what you pay. Ask your dealer for Mayor fShoM next time you need ' shoes and get the best wearing, dressiest and most comfortable auors you ever wore. Any rename anoe aeuier win aupuly you. If not, write to us. Look for the Mayer tmarlr fin Tllfs Mil IP. We also make the "Martha Washington" t-omion xhnil. ,r. Mayer Boot Shoe Co., As. am mtm Recently I purchased the Johnson, Booth & Co. Store including their Fall purchases then enroute from Shanikb. These and every article then in the house have been marked down to a low price. Now to make room for extensive improvements in my store, on Friday, November 25, will begin, for cash only (c(((2(jit74 A GRAND HOLIDAY SALE Everything in the Dry Goods, Clothing, Hat, Men's and Women's Furnish ings and Footwear departments is included in this Great Holiday Sale The Proposition With every purchase you will receive in addition to the. articles purchased, goods ol your own selection lrom these departments to the amount ol ONE SIXTH ol your Purchase One-Sixth Will Be Returned to You H your bill is $12 you get $2 worth II $24 you get $4 worth, etc., making you a very substantial HOLIDAY PRESENT Affords You Chance To get your holiday gift ol your own selec tion a chance to save 16 and 2-3 per cent on your purchases and to get clean new goods at a low cash price REMEMBER THIS SALE CLOSES DECEMBER 30 For Sale By J. E. Stewart & Go. G W. ELKINS CALL AND SEE MY NEW GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS a? : Ka a' 9m V V