CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY STEFFA4BILEY,Publlihn Katered at Ihf roiiolticr i PrlntvllU, Orreon. t n .1 c 1 . in i irr , SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably In Advance On Year....... - U Six Mmithd Three Month Wet Si''' cts 5 cm lr. tiail, who is pt if til ing itiedlcilie at l.aidhlW, (Mllie over, etcrday to sjieiid a few days visiting with hi parent.. Uoy Price was down from Pau lina yesterday, lie said the dis trict there was visited by a heavy rain Christmas night which has been of much Ivetictlt to the countrv.' Advertising Rats:li'J tni.inu l twmi. n.l M .viu .v.w.liiia to time nl Iah-1 KraJrnll OOpet Inch. Builm-M lorni. t ivms per nnr. , ui ..... .nili.l.nif l..VV -Woiu-, -U.M". .mo. ! mil "K-ir.j ..m..p i w. . i.e, MnUitipn ot Published Every Thursday at the Journal It u i 1 .1 i n g , rrineville, Oregon THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1905 Charge for Crazing. Wedding at Sistera. On the first dav of January thej Christmas chimes sounded o.uite l. ' i merrilv on Christmas eve at lorestrv oureau win imimi'- " , 1 .1 o i the occasion imnc the noor maim;man'.in r-uuti A nni(iu' d uuv is to he given in 'Athletic hall Fridav evening, January V The event will le 1 given in memory of Uncle Hobbie . IWsey, an old dancing master of Prineville, ami is Uing "arrange! i by Wm Wigle. who will make: it ;as near as jossihle like the old i time dances given by this well re 1 inemhered dancing teacher. The Clay pool. The ceremony ; ter. P. H. Howard and M. R. Uiggs. .( a.,..;.,.. - wr ho.! i Nstcrs if. ..w ....; ;., .h wedding of Miss Hettie Case to t.eorge summers. 1'. h. Poindex- WrvH at a nronosed rate of fivt l,u.v cents per head for sheep and 2rt ' h' J,,!tW FwU?r in tho cents per head for cattle, during " ""' ,lu' lide and groom UV.ur n..l,.r Stall. ling iH'lieaui an ;.rn For I ho Imk xIiih' alnet hi town no In .1. (:. Stewart & Co. ()o lo i ll o km'k Cnxh tii'mei.v foi line otatie", Imcoit. Iimiii tin. I llniiehvood I'lViiinerv liniter t J. K. Stew art A Co. lon'l sell our eKK until j on we lilox'er. He is ulw mvh in the initiket mill i.'I.vh the highest rie in Ciixh. We lme on liaud ii llij; wuly o Stewart A HoiNons IMhv l-nt l.nitl J. K. Swv akt A Co. t il 2s. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE We uv Hot cIomIiiu mil , lint w e ntv. Holliun uriHt'i itfi t clowiiiK out iri '. A. lil.llVKIt It ou w ih to Iiii, Hiinur li.v tlu Kiek or en unci I uooits li.v the en Von w lllmne inoiie.v In wv liloM The nivatcHt lnifHiiins in uroci for ilie next :UI iliiv s l tilover'x i oflenMl in I'rlnex ille. m m Iwini ( oats, Niort l5o o:ils iind I'.inpiro (outs at hIhiuI nmt. Our tMitirf Muck rtnlutvil to HtH'k llottoin Cash i'wv to v?hh up tin lot. $1.75 to $15 luicll DECEMBER SALE Kiiierdown lireviting SaciUcs and Rcmilar l..rrt) iillHlily at K imonas $1 IO I OS SKIRTS AT ONE-THIRD OFF Tailor-made Skirls all this miumoh'h maki', in hroadcloths, Cheviots and H, ige. in black imvy blue and inked nrrn, the season. Western senators and standing oe.r..w. ... ,.r. congressman are vicowuslv oIMkxs. areM.s twin winch was suspended iithis nolicv. hut their onlv hoi lver Ml. The bride F r . ' . , . . .ii. . . ...I.:.. i. Was gowned in wiiiie ;in i.i imu We nre Avnts flif Hoval Tailors uf (ww We nre Auvnts tor the laii'st Men hunt Tnilorlns; Kstnhlish luciit in the Wo rll. J. K. STKWAKT & CO twiar eniK to lie to ntluce the fee, to a minimum. Chief Forester! the charm of a vol and Pinchot has said that he will take i 'auge Uossoms. The weddmg ....... :i .:. .1... ....,.w, i march was olaved bv Mrs. il- uiuier tvii?iuriiuu'ii i-ii-'.-.u ... to wluoe this rate halt, making a! li:lri' v'layi'ool. the bride and The Kastem Vitagra,)h company charge of two and one-half cents i r " pain: 'l the tvntcr aisle pleased a lare audience at Ath r head on sheep and 10 cents I l1 rostrum where the ceremony , 1. tic hall last night with its excep r head on cattle. He defends ! w performed. , tionally tine moving pictures, the plan by explaining a necessity! After receiving hearty cwgratu-, illustrated songs and specialitis. of the fee to raise revenue for the! lations from their many friends ; The views, which an strong and government to use for forestry pur-relatives the young couple clearv are the best which have poee and at the same time to give ! joined in listening to a program ' been seen here and the reeiption ! :. .:......... ....... l-.s.i .... .t ....-ii-. t . . . . ... . greater security to live stock men I UI rvl "am ns u mu sn i.n" . hccituim ine emcrtaiumem la.-t in nv .nss .'ivrtie rvoggm, .iiss , eveninc means another crowt. u Clara Lawrence. Mis-es Lor a and Ada Wood, Miss Kfiie Ca.-e, Dixon ruith, Linn Wilson, H. A.Scoggin, house tonight. The Rritt-NeUuii bout was unusually good which is the leait to ! said regarding the many other pleasing anil interest- utilizing: forest reserves for grazing. He expliins that a considerable sum would be raised from the fee and that the government would then give crazing permits up to r rant i.iover and uritnmer ooa. f-Ji -asti; rap-capacity of each re-j After the program the presents ji g features. An entire change of that those obtaining graz- tn, "rut :n groom weie program will oe given tonight, the the first year would ! distrinuusi. ; moving pictures to a Spanish bull light, the McGovcrn MARRIED. jt inns bout, and numerous other ! entertaining views and specialities, Miss Francis Reams was married i the standard of which is way above i to John Price at the home of the tl' average. The company i- rerve; ing permits have a preference right in future years, and that it would give them greater security in providing pasture for their Hocks and herds in the future than they have at present. The right of the Secretary of Agriculture to impose such a fee is doubtful. He made three efforts last Congress to pass legislation giving him authority to make a charge for pasturage on public domain but the amendments mak ing this provision were all struck out in conference. After Congress adjourned last March, the secre ' tary called on Attorney General Knox for an opinion as to his right to charge a fee under the existing law. The attorney general ren dered an opinion in which he held that the secretary had this right. Other able lawyers doubt the soundness of this opinion and when an attempt to enforce the system is made a rest suit will probably be brought. bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. here from a tour of California and L. Reams, near Paulina Wednes-1 we.-tern Oregon where it has rec day, December 20. Justice of the eived much favorable comment. Peace Meyer jierfornied the cere-; monv before a nu nU-r of invited I guests. The best man w a- Roy Notice of Meeting Crook County Cattle- C. . Klkins is oftertuii a x to every e;ih iinvliHHer e.iifil to on. sixth of ) lit piiivhiiK.., For further information see his birc dlxphi y mI. In another part of this paper. All eiisli eluvks on our premium oiier.inic.1 m.iii .iiuie cm, .m, iih.. N III b, Jhu. lt. !. If the .l.lrc rtliloiltit is not ivuchcd we will k'' a ert.lit for tile niiioiiiit ii'turne No cheeks Iioii.imI iifler this dale. .1. K. Stkwakt Co. : ; Kg Special Holiday Sale of Useful Presents ifVl Fur v'ulhiHti'H, CliiMrtMt'H Kiir Sots, hWiuatr.H, Now Ntn-kwonr, Kil'ttoiii in all "1 iSVZ sh.-i.los M ami IVrsian Dosiiin, Kil (Uovi, IMts, I lniilkfrchifH, Ktc. Wo Have a Flno Lino With every 10 cent cash pur. Ine at j Kiiliut ,V Foster's of, toys. Imoks or cigars, a vole is k'ivoii l''e doll con test. On January I. ti e little Kill having the hii(het mim'iei uf vote rtH'eive the elecanl V2 ' .loll in tin show w imlow ahsolutely free. In oriler to make room for my new SimmIs now on the way my holiday I stock of toys, eanilies ami unts imtst Hi at any priee. This is the la.t ws-k of holiday sales. You w ill timl my stock of tovs cotiiplele and attractive mi.l the candles and nuts, fresh and swivt. Come In ami buy a l.iir lot at low prices. I. Miciiki.. X Wit I "l I t 4 t t I 1). P. Adanisou A: (lo. I Oriental Vases Holiday Goods lrincvillc. Orciion i J'lvP DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS Notice to Stockmen. There will Ih' h meet ini; uf the Crmik 1 l.'llltV StlK kllirll'l. , to lllllun Ml tllK C. U'lJioiise In l'!iii' lll lreinlM-r ;t, it! hu ll tlliie r.itei.1 Siijhm vtr S. C, I m i.t I lit- w.iitheru .livii.t.iii Cus t'u le K'n t liiwrw will lie present and alien.! ti II. h alhitiutt of imiikis tor the CtuiiiUit M'Mi , unit nther itnpiii tu id himi. lie-.. Meet Hi; will 1h t.tllisl in the cth'uit colli ! r.H nu at - o'eloi k p. in. All liieiuls! ate r.iete. to In. pie-ent. siumsl lv T. II. I.ttui ren t , tlM IViiii!ent. Notice of Kamtntiniei F. in lit li tirade r Mill 1 1 Hill Ii mis w 111 Im held on I eliniiiry I and May 17 and Is; June li and d; Septi inlier '.'7 and Y I ' ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 fur i iiiint pitM-rs w ill lie held mi 'V lima r 1 1. I.'. and j J; Jt. JW Ji. jC Jk. X jC Jk JL'Xjk 'j r. ir. r. "wir -yr. irir.ji; ir( .ir t kJW Jh. JC JL Jk JkJk JW JkJi. JCJ k. j r k j r.i k j ri r u i r 1 r i ' k 4 M k' J , r i i k j lrl k J r "i 1 k j k J n Ik 4 ! r i k j in i k j r i i k j PI THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room. SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop.. J'or jCadics and Scnlemen 7cas and . iftakcry jdunch Board br lh week. $5.00; witk room, .0O. Meal Tltkete, (4.00 Price and Mrs. Price was brides maid. The guests present were: j Mr. and Mrs. Kd Rannells, Mr. I ond Mrs 'm Itil....- V r mil I i-w ! men's Association. Taken Up. Yearling; teer ; ear mink icider l it on left ear, lit in ri ht . loil with hahl lice. 1'iranile.i on left hii hut hard to distinguish. Owner enti have Mime hy falling at Carey Fiwter ram h and phviiiK ehnrtfes. d'is :(t For Sale. A fine h of li0 acres in i-ultiva Notiee is herehv uivea that the Crook County Cattlemen's nssoeia- tloli will hold a special mtH-rinir at Roy Price, Ed Wade, Tom Miller, frineville. Saturday lee. :t. All Kdwin Reams. Misses Maud and ! metiihers are retiueNteil to 1m here Cricket Reams anil Masters Archie '.without ''til as important Inisiuess , tion, enclosed with three wire tenet; tnd Din Reams : is to lie transacted. S. C. Hai truin. ; near railroad survey. Will raie fine ! ftnift siliervisor of ItoMflmrK. w Ml i crops xr.iin, hay and veuetahles with in' here to allot rane in the Cascitde mil irrigation. Also nice busiiie.ts pro Court Sessions. -reserve. Meet in callttl at 10 a. in. perty in o.xt hs-atioti and resilient r.e sharp. C. C. liiMt vm. Secy, i perty. Inquire at this tiltice. dS tf In resjKinse to re(Mi:sts for infor- j - - - - - .ofltinn re:,r.linT the o;.w ( ; f1r1Hl"",i"r""M"""' V.irvi r ir -ir ir v r -r r.iririrvr t - i:rt.ninatloiis f..r -late i.ais-i-s n ill T.if ir virvinrir vi r." .ir.irar;3na5354 ' In- held on eitrn irv I I. I.i. Il Mild 1 1 . I j Tea. heii. with puptlo w ho e.sft i . 1 111 ' ' " '" ' 11 'In lake exatiiinaf Ions In Feln-uarv i , rn, .. report. Persons who have,,''. ! pS!M2!l!j2M liece-.otr,V pfiperM lllnl iieel In teaeli , jjjj t Iiih ciiinhiu spriuu sln.illd ls siiii' to IHJ jcoilieiip for exatilltuilloli In l-'ehril-, fcl ary as no lieijliiner will Is- all.oved fnj. I speeinl e.xaiililiiitlotl evit-pt III case oi iiiinoiiiii' necesBiit nun oinent rr whose htiii it is ex pice will Hot Is-' nllowed I o take steehll eXillllltlii I loll fi il' renewal except la easea of alisn. lute necessity. Sis' iai' i iretsoil School Lit w . ' C. l. IUnw llilill , Coimty Siiih'I Intemleiil. i Are you using MADRAS FLOUR? Lost Information Wanted. "The Evening Telegram recently devoted two full pages of a regular edition to brief talks and por traits of salaried advertisement writers. Almost without excep tion these men who have made a profession of this business frankly -of civil cases, etc.: state that dinplay advertising in day of each month. newspapers is the most successful and economical means of adver tising. According to their ex perience it beats the bill boards, circulars, mimeographs or any other method in proportion to the cost. A small portion of the money used in buying goods if invested in newspaper advertising makes business move. It is not a matter of charity to the news paper, but an investment that will pay a big percentage of profits. k Jk r t LJ r.i k j r.i k j transaction of all county busine-s, ', auditing of bills, road matters and the Courts the Journal publishes the following stated conventions: ; Commissioners' Court. For the ' . Jk JC JU JL. 4W J kJkJkJk. Prineville merchants generally voice their satisfaction with the Christmas trade this year which has been heavier than was antici pated a few weeks ago. "The slump after the fair" failed to materialize, and the past season has been a disappointing one, too, in the grain production and hale of cattle. Home '.if the merchants in the ( it t:iti. th i t their Clui.-t-mas trade this year broke any previous record. Judging from the appearance of their exhausted stocks of holiday goods it is pro bable that they will experience, without the wish being expressed, a Happy New Year. exicnditures of county moneys: The first Wednesdays in the months of January. May, July, Septemlier and November. County Court. For the hearing Circuit Court. The first Monday in May and the third Monday in October. I Prineville, Oregon ! r i k J ' r.i : k j k j ; r.i . kJ ! r i i tJ ri : Li The first Mon-jrj Li r.i Li r.i Li ri Li r.i ki r.i 71 ki r 1 Li r.i k i ri ki r i NEW YEAR Ilitiiriiiittiiiit i. uiinliil I'uiii'eriiiiii; tin whrrialmiits ul one llunuon s. Kimlev. who I iilioilt 3."i years I I,,Vt feet in helidit i .'iKiii iiiHuii iio pouuiio. tuts ihirk hair, -iniiiv inil-itiiclir, -run 1 1 IvtiiikllliK cfi ilcp niiikcn in 1 1 i.i In nil . When hct m cii ' lie norea dl.iek oil lint, dark wool emit, oveiaits and heavy shoes. Hi' was iit-l Hi-en itrit nit; u lour hiirni- train from I he Pnlli, l irt tron, ilioid Novi'mluT 1,1, Hi- Ifitiu coni ted oi' one htty h.n-ic . uitii flitr in ti.relieail, t'lii- la Inure, rtttli -inuii st c pe in fnee, tm." hor i--, ttcihi ri lover 11? at pounds. The I hr- aere .i ki tlea.hitti ii itrey inarc,'le.l All con T- J f.inu. ctt n on rilit shoulil i unu 11 on left , p tl i tile nmi a sin.iii l,.u-k inui ht.ioil not 1 k i kinovii. Ills Wilson whs htiiilt'lmker milk.' r.i .t men eKi'iii, ksi Ik.' I. hui'oii Im ' i canviiM ttinl 1 1 f t 1 the futme. "lltiilillisoii .V Wilson whs Mii.lcluikcr make , Uij t, ttlth si.lclMMirdw, t'Mctlsliin ; fr-J ios, unci was covered willi ! ffll DANCE 1). 1. Adamson & Co, !; Gift Books Holiday Goods Eg?3LTrnraTEr ' r i The Athletic club will give another dance in Athlatii' hall New Year's evening. The .allies' Annex will tender u r-.-cepiion to the club the early part of the evening. Ruth King, who was brought home only a fw days from Port land where she had been teceiving medical treatment is again serious ly ill. Real Estate Transfers. I'l'estoii Thompson and Hattie Thompson to M. I). Powell, lots L 4. 7i and ii, hlk S, .Second Add. to Prineville; .l.Vi0. Drucie L. 1'rathcr and hiisliaud to Otto S. I-wis. NW yt See. ?,, Tp. L'O 5. It. 14 K, W acres; fffl). Ktta J. Florin! to Francis Fiurini, S4 SE and S S Wj4 Sec. 1, Tp. 20 S, j It 14 F; ?VK)U. j Koljcrt M. Wn'filit and Sarah Wriglit to Ethel 1'otter, lots '.) and 10, hlk K, Sicond Add. to Prineviilt ; $m. .In men M. Street and ICinma Streof to W. W. Hrown, SF. and : SWy Sih-. , Tp 21 S, It 24 E, 100 acres; also K SlVJj, HH')j SW and Sty SEH Sc.- s. Tp. 20 S. It 24 E, IGo acres: 24M1. lliratu Hei'iiiiin Curtis and wife lo Oelphla C. OoodpaKtinv. NWSec. 1(1, Tp. 11 S. 1! Ki E; 1011 acres; 2000. JjaV. .I. WV JV A I. rfv A W A J O'Neil Bakery J In the Miller Building I'lesh Bread, Pies unit Cakes nlway on hand. Pastry of all kinds tinule to order. 4 PRINEVILLE, - OREGON S ki r i ki r i k j ri ki r i ki r i ki n ki r t Li r 1 ki r i ii n k i L I Lik"i Auspices Prineville Amateur Athletic Club MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1st FLOOR MANAGERS: P. 6. Howard, Geo. Summers Dr. J. H. Rosenberg, f rank roster, Grover Young ki r i ki ri k i n i k j r.i ki r.i ki r.i L j r.i lj r.i ki r.i ki 3 r.i ki ri k j ri LJ ri k j ki r.i ki ri ki r i ki r.i ki r.i ki r..i ki if r.i u Athletic Hall I r.i ki r.i r.irirrir,iriririr,,im ik'JkikikJUJkk.ikik'ikJ k'ik JCikikUlkikkJL Jk-kukik J r.i ki r.i ki r.i ki r,i ki r i Li r.i ki r.i Li r. i LJ r i ki r.i IX i ri ki r.i k j r.i k J n LJ KI Li r.i fi r..i k i The Only Place in Prineville To Buy resents Is At A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. Holiday P r.i ki r.i Li r.i Li E3 ki r,3 IJ r.i .i k i r.i l!j r.i ki r i ki r.i ki r.i ki pi Li n ki r;i rA Jil i mm-hi , I iiinhriil,'ii. I. lull.;," : 1 1 1 1 ! on rJ the sitiehoanl. His wmkiiii was loaded LSl with Ixilsii a.l, chuirs, witsliiiiit niiichilic, I rp!J lieililiiie, iiieliires. i ai,ne,l fruit, our limn'. '. Itfil miii'lle, one wnuuiu's Haildlclwo lithle. .111, 1 ' jjjj otiier iiu'rchiiinli-e nmi a suiiill tin hcK or 3j safi in wiiii h hp Kepi nliiiilile tt 1 i-i . ! ILta lIVolie tiviIlK ililiirillillioll colicel liiliK I rii the w lierfaliollls ol thi-l lllllll or the lis i lion ol thi miiil Htiiiiial or iiroiieily will he lihcrallv rewiinieil. .V.liliess all iiiunicutiiiiis to lii'l I Iduiio. A-k your griK i-r for it ami insist usn gelling il. The iineiyutletl merits of Madnm Flour are its greatest reconinieinliitioiiH. House wies using it will not complain of oor loaves or baking failures. Madras Flour tnd failure in cooking are unknown to each other Madras Flour Costs $1.25 Sack other brands cost you us much or mora and a lot of (rouble beside. Order a sin k 'rom your grocer today. If he doesn't handle it now lie will. Mumfactartd k? Madras Milling & Mercantile Co. Madras, Oregon .Vliliess all fulll- ! clthltlll, Welser, i.'.pd. 8 FALL CLOTHING I 23 9,?s ti(,'i'Viii',-ftT-i -mi i A choice line of Candies and Nuts.ulsoa selected ' line of Clears, Tobaccos We ha vr an exceptionally tine line of clothing that is both ilreKHv ami durable. The reason why that our clothing is giving such gool satisfaction is that it is made right, shaped right, fitted right and the prices are RIGHT. Remember this when you are buying clothing and call in at our store and examine our line. (Kir line of clothing at di A tl O iw the best in the city plv alia pli for the money and are what you have been looking for Our Fall and Winter stock is arriving and includes the best quality in the latest patterns and styles for Ladies and Gents' Furnishings you to choose from at prices that are RKJIIT. Our Line of Shoes is ready for your inspection and is as complete as any in the city. We iesire to have you cull and we will convince you that we are RIfiUT in saying that our goods and prices are right. OWL CASH STORE Dunham & Adam Prineville, Oregon